tv Cross Talk RT June 1, 2021 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT
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i love why, why not? what i mean? i or she sirens blasted from armor to trucks recently she has a new method of keeping out migrant. you seeks to bolter it's external borders. concerns about over personal liberty, as employers in the us are told that they cannot, that they can actually require staff to get vaccinated against coven, u. k. as well as considering compulsory jobs for, from my medical worker and american mainstream media suddenly focuses on a theory that the cronum virus originated in a chinese lab with journalist for admitting that they had previously dismissed it just out of hand. because donald trump had backed him, some things may be true, even if donald trump said them,
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that doesn't mean that's our, your headlines that will come back again in about an hour's time with our international. ah, ah ah. hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things are considered. i'm peter labelle . what is the future of the republican party? is that future? something donald trump will decide? critics of the g o. p say is no longer a political party, rather, it is a call. a personality called focused on trunk. is this a winning strategy for the g o p? the cross talking trump is i'm joined by my guess, milly of dual and washington. he's
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a g o p strategist in new york. we have david fisher. he is the author of the new book, the executive order, as well as the ghost writer for donald trump. 2016 campaign book crippled america and in beirut, we cross the george john. he is a republican analyst and an international political strategist until the cross talk roles and effect. that means you can jump in anytime you want. and i always appreciate, let me go to david person, new york is the republican party in crisis. i am a conservative on the outside, i think looking in here trying to understand what's going on because we had paul ryan and donald trump really go out to do weekend from our largo did. i think trump called him a loser. 3 different times. is this a struggle with the base, the leadership and libertarian ideology? go ahead in new york. well, i mean, i think it's obvious that the republican party is engaged in a civil war of trying to figure out exactly what it is,
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what it stands for. on one side, you have people actually talking about issues, whether you agree or disagree with them, they're talking about issues. on the trump side, you simply have from saying things and everybody falling into line, whatever he says is that you hit the point and it's most important to me. it's policy here. well, he, let me go to you in washington here. i mean, you know, the people talk about trump ism and trumpets and all of that is this system ideology or just the preferences of one particular individual that is very popular among the bass. i mean, is there much substance to this? go ahead in washington. i think what we're seeing with donald trump is what we've seen a lot of popular politicians who really have whole personality surrounding them. morocco, rama is a very good example of that. and i would even at the one like the policy doesn't matter as much as personality. i don't think that the republican party,
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i think people over over over to state where the republican party is. because keep in mind, we're barely 6 months into republicans not being out of power. so of course we're going to be in a wilderness for bid trying to find our way. but i don't think that the publican party itself is in any real danger. and obviously, party will lean towards the titular head of the party, who has donald trump. a lot of people want to dismiss donald trump any rate, but you can't do that with the one who was the president of the actual party. well, it's our over united states, but head of the party. well, let's go to georgia in bay route. i mean the, the, the critics of, of the republican party and particularly of the former president. so, is it, this is a cult of personality. how would you react to that? it's very, very interesting characterization, because if you look at trump, like giving the nod to some kind of congressional race, even local races and state, say it today. he's is picking people,
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but we're cited with him irrespective of what their policies are. and i find that really quite disturbing as a conservative because it looks just petty. go ahead, george. well, if you're looking to be impressed with conservative ideals, i think you're going to be very, very depressed peter, because we really don't have any kind of ideology. guiding this, as, as david said, there's some people discussing issues. but this is really and has been for the past 5 or 6 years since trunk came on the scene. this is about, we're all power. i mean, the fact that you had previously very principled conservatives. libertarians, christian conservatives, social conservatives just completely jumping on the trump training, throwing all the principals to the wind because they were winning, and it felt good. and trump was good at that. and he's still very good at that. he's good at motivating people behind. behind his, under his banner, under his flag and making them feel like they're on a winning team in the portal. he's the 1st president in, in a generation who didn't win reelection, but he still has this culture of winner ship about him. and as you mentioned,
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the fact that he can go at it and, and go into the mode with, with more or less see genteel republicans like something like a poll. ryan has appealed for his base. yeah. but david, is that a winning strategy here? i mean, because the republican party has refused to have a post mortem looking back at the november election. i think that is a very big mistake. ok, when you lose, you have to analyze it and donald trump didn't lose by that much. ok. that's all the more reason to have an autopsy, but they refused to do it. why go ahead to new york? well, it is a winning strategy, but the democrats not the bubble. jones. i kind of stole my way and because that's exactly what i was going to say, keep going, my friend and david in the bottom line is even if you're going to see conservative republicans challenge from the right if,
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if they refuse to adhere to what we call the big lie and you're getting, you know, the marjorie greene's, the laura, barnsley, real wackos coming into the system because they're pledging allegiance to trump the getting elected. there are even, even if you have 10 percent me percent of traditional conservative saying i can't go along with that. look where they're doing that is enough to prevent the party from regaining power. there is, if you win with unity, you lose with this younger and right now the republican party is this united. ok, well, you know, i, i, you know, when you talking about marjorie green and people like that, the democrats have their own set of lunatics as well. ok, so it's franklin, let me bear. bear about about, about a week. let me go back to you and watch it. and how do you get unity here?
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i mean, i've been watching this very, very closely since the inauguration. okay. and since and i see no movement towards unity at all, all i see is staking ground. ok. and i find that really worrisome because you know, you can get 80 percent of the base but isn't enough to win it at this point in time . the math doesn't add up here. how do you get unity? because somebody is going to have to back down. go ahead. yeah, we'll base the base never. when in the election, it doesn't matter which follows, isn't it? if there is no us being the base winning an actual election, unique people of the 74000000 people who vote for donald trump in which of which i am one, all of us are not in line to support donald trump if he chooses. and i hope he does not to run for in 2024. there's this assumption that on the, even on the truck side that the 74000000 supported are 74000000 bait. it's
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74000000 bass support. on the democratic side, they tend to think that the 74000000 who voted for donald trump are all still in line behind donald trump's. and it's just not true. it's impossible. i don't think that donald trump's is when she's running 2024. and i think what donald trump needs to do is really focus on the upcoming 2022 election cycle. i prefer donald trump to be a king maker, sit back support. those can get some support in america for the agenda, but if we continue to fight, as we're doing now, which all parties do when they're not empowered. if we continue to buy and dismiss, because you can't dismiss the tropic and that's what some people like to do, you can't dismiss the drop base. you can't dismiss people like me who came to the party in 2016 when supporting donald trump. you can't dismiss all of us, but we need to have what we'd like to say a come to jesus meeting to talk about have, or what we, what that. what we're having right now is that both sides count cancel each other
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out, and it's to the advantage of the left, which i, i'm terrified considering what they're talking about. i'm terrified about, but i think it's going to happen here. george. well, you know, one of the things that, you know, i really like to hear, but i never, i don't see much traction. and when it comes to action is that the 202020 election told us that there is a new coalition coming in the republican party working class middle class people. i find that really ex, fighting, but i look at the leadership and they mouth the words and they don't do anything about it. i mean, it really irritates me because i think this is the real opportunity to transform the party. but i don't see the leadership doing it and i but, but you know, you and donald trump said it a lot of people like saying it, but i don't see the leadership of the republican party going in that direction. how do you feel about that and be real good, but of course that's lovely. i mean that, that's, you know, that's kind of a ronald reagan formula. the so called reagan democrats that lead to the
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republicans being so dominant the 1980s. sure, be great for the party to go back to that. now we're in a completely different generation completely different time and circumstances are, are much more challenging and you don't have a substantial, you don't have a person of any kind of substance articulating what that really means. reagan was able to do that. trump was able to do that and in the context of getting power. but what's, what is the idea? we've talked a couple times in this discussion already. but id, ology, where is the ideology america 1st? sure, that's great. but what's the details of that? how's that going to benefit middle class people as well as working class people, etc, etc? that's what's missing here and there's no one that's been able, articulate that for the party, and that's the danger going forward. david, the same, the same thing to you because it looks to me that, that, that is the part of the, the electorate that is up for grabs. right? now if the, if there's the right messaging here and my criticism of the republican party when it comes to these issues, is that there's too many libertarians and in positions of power. and it's not
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libertarianism, that motivated people to vote for donald trump. and if, and if, if you disagree with that, i would say prove me wrong. and i think that's the tension here. we have, we have leadership that is the libertarian or libertarian leading. and then we have the base that don't care about labels like that because they don't see how it works for them. one minute to, to david in new york before we go to the break. well, i mean, i think what you're sort of ignoring is that the, the grow, the growing part of the electorate is moving away from the republican party, the conservative party, the trump party. i mean, well, i, well, i, you know, but if you look at the number of minorities that voted for donald trump, it was extraordinary in november, extraordinary. and that's why i'm, that's why i'm on this one read here because i cannot fraternity go ahead, but look at the best increase in the number of 18 to 29 year olds who voted greatest number and history who voted. and they voted. overwhelmingly,
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democrats and they're moving democrats because the republican party and job isn't offering them anything. i mean, there's nothing there for them. and then all of these voting bills in the southern states, whether you agree with them or not. the perception is among african americans that they are anti african american boats. and the message that they hold that, that we got to go to a short break. and after that short break, we'll continue our discussion on trump ism stay with our team, the ah. survival guides. here's my goal is going to start federal research.
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so there you go back. oh, heck, no. say creation came well look at the rest, the 7 years there was a report i my love can, can obviously wanted them and johnny doug. yeah. get me up. not because i'm not going to the up in the kitchen table out tomorrow. i gotta get my, don't get a get. we'll put it on the shoulder
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and voted democrat. i think you could make an argument, a lot of them voted against donald trump, not necessarily why they liked the democratic message. ok. that, that can be debated. and i think it will be debated for a long time. but a different question to you. is there such a thing as trump ism? i think yes, i think that they are the best, the people who are attracted to most most that really attracted to his personality . i don't think that there is anything like a champion economic or anything like that. but today's earlier point, the fact is is that donald trump got the largest share of the black book that we've seen since don't 96. that is progress according to recent research by cattle, it republicans actually gave in every donald trump actually gave in every single group hispanics. women were donald trump, actually lost support is among black or white men. believe it or not, i was surprised to actually breed that. what the party needs to do is look at those
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numbers. forget the political commentators on television. analysts need to look at the numbers. the biggest criticism that i have of the r c is that while they were going around pushing the notion against male in vote, they were not actually getting people registered to vote. getting those early votes out there. it was a failure because they chose to dance around donald trump instead of doing their actual jobs. that's why i don't agree with that. that run mcdaniel is still the head of the r c. i think that should be out of there, particularly when you lose both the house and the senate. why she's still there. republicans need to learn the lessons of 2020 to 2020 and not just listen to the, to the apartments on television, talk about their, their real data that republicans can use in order to move forward. will we do that? i don't know. well, you know, i have to admit, i mean i look at the leadership in the are and see, and i see the l word losers. okay. and, and again,
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and being someone and being up there always hang on, hang on. okay, go ahead. i'm here what you have to say is more important that i can go ahead jennifer baker. know what that gets exactly the point that this this post more than that you're talking about that the post mortem is the primaries of 2022. will see this king maker trump, that's who he picks and who the mitch mcconnell of the world will pick you. and let's see if somebody like marjorie green can hold author, see, now this is what shocked me. because what, when, when that, when we came into the beginning of the, the buying term, there seemed to be a turning of the page with some of these black jobs. ok. kevin mccarthy kind of dismissed marjorie green saying, you know, she's stripped of her committee assignments. she's, she's out in my conclusion what she'll be toasted. busy her next primary and we won't hear from people like that, but now you know, they what they do with the lose chain. it seems like those guys have come back. and so we're going to see some interesting things happened in 2020. i want to come back 11 second, go to the think about trump ism what truck it's. it's very similar to what he did
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as real estate and mr. he is great. he's a genius at branding. yep. yeah, it's not very successful. the real estate investor, but he was brilliant when it came to branding his properties and he did the very same with his, his political movement. i think all of us would agree with that. he's an amazing messenger. i just did always understand the message and it's come. i'm coming decided what? well, i mean his, his choice in choosing people around him was appalling. john bolton and people are appalling for someone like me. ok. that's why i was very disappointed here. but let me go back to david. i mean, the interesting thing about donald from other than being an amazing messenger is that he does move everything around him in positive and negative wave gets him in the public. and on the, on the public sphere it's, you know, people react, going back to what you said earlier about who voted for home. is that, you know, when he throws his hat in literally, or metaphorically,
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he's going to stir up everything. is that a good thing for the republicans? i mean, it, it's great for cable tv and for people like me. but is that good for the republican party? is it good for the body politic, david? you know, for 4 years, every time i read a report or writing about some grand strategy, some donald trump strategy, i laughed to myself because there is no strategy and he's instinct. he says there's no filter and they are. he says exactly what is feeling at that moment. sometimes is consistent with the body politic other times it's just out of nowhere. and so as opposed to any kind of consistent message, which is what politics is all about, give a message, reinforce the message, reinforce the reinforcement. by the time you were dealing with, one of the things he said he had already said 2 or 3 other things. so there was,
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there was no way of building into what he said. so in terms, yeah, i mean that trump is, is simply whatever he says at the moment. i'm going to support. and there's, there's not i later. yeah, i think trump ism is a message. it's a messaging algorithm, i think that's really what they get down. get george. you want to jump in and be road. go ahead. yeah. it's not. it's not, it's not. you know, your, your question was, it's not. is it good or bad? it's, it's neither it's, it's only as good or bad as the critical thinking skills of the people who belong to the party, who actually vote in primaries who consider themselves republicans. the fact that principal people, whether they're elected officials or commentators ordinary people, completely back track and that one eighty's on previous positions that they add simply because trump was winning and right good to be around him. that doesn't bode well for the parties ability, strategic, strategically come up with a plan to win elections complete,
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but election here are there. okay. that's problematic. let me go back to washington . every one of the things i find really, really disturbing is that, you know, a lot of people on the, on the right conservatives that say, the democrats could never understood why donald trump was elected. and i think that's, i think it's important to understand why he was elected in 2016. but i think now the republicans are not looking back and understanding why he was elected in 2016. i mean they, there's no, there's, there's, you know, because what i worry about is backtracking, you know, all, you know, watch cable watch fox, you know, and you know, they're talking about reagan ism, and all of this and libertarianism. they don't understand why he was elected in the 1st place, and i see the republican party falling back and losing message tax cut the regulation, flap their hands. they're done. that's not a winning message for republicans, not winning messages for conservatives, and they are wrong and they're in the way they're going. they're looking backwards and looking forward. go ahead and washington. i'm not really sure, republicans,
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i don't think that it's fair to actually just a few members of the party, i guess what the party itself is actually doing. we know that double trumps up the oxygen out of any room that he's in. and obviously the party is trying to figure out how to operate with donald trump, not being in power, but really not often not to him, but his base as well. i'm fortunately, i'm happy that donald trump is not one of those are media. i think that that's actually a bit being not just for him, but the party as well. but there are a lot of things that the party is doing around infrastructure around police reform . there is a lot of things that republicans are actually doing substance of work that the, that the party is doing. but when you have to one like donald trump being able to issue appropriately. and he had the people at once are not even personally. you have to people out there to then send around emails from the desk of donald trump, you know, just ridiculous things like that. that is not a winning strategy for them. and i go back but, but,
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but that's all i go back to the r and c though because the art is c, that is the body that is responsible for messaging for getting out, you know, getting out the vote strategy. a lot of that fall on the art in c, which is a separate institution in and of itself from the republican party leadership who are in congress doing actually okay, but let's say, let me stay with washington here. i mean, it's trump just doing this for himself. is he doing it for himself? are they doing it for the republican party, if they doing it for the american people? what is motivating him right now? because when i look at, you know, from the desk of donald trump, it is, he goes after somebody, he's a loser, you know, he's a needy. i mean, i don't understand them. you know, he's good at messaging, it makes a lot of people chuckle ought to make people angry. but what are the substances he just doing it? because he wants to vindicate himself. i mean, i'm burying a mystified by his behaviors and they, so any issues, but it could,
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if he could easily grab all, you know, i was a low hanging fruit, but he doesn't go ahead, keep going in washington. now either. now i know they were not in the borrower world here, but he just asked me, what's the, what's try doing something for selfish reasons. donald trump, of all people know about the party about strategy. this is about donald trump. as most thing in donald trump, life has been about donald trump. this isn't. yeah, to answer your question about my right. let me, let me go to your, your job. that good is that good? george trump is synonymous with america. america is synonymous with trump. that's an interesting proposition. what do you think, george? it's an absolute disaster. come on with any more and empirical evidence of that. and then the question, you know, it gets back to what mike was saying, washington about that he sucks the oxygen out of the room. this again,
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this is the problem going back to 2015 is that there's no other republican, it's long, big enough to give them a fight. go back to the primary. they're calling people losers. the 5th, they're fighting and no one ever stood up to him. he stood there and he made mincemeat out of 15 opponents in the primers of 2016 till now mentioned economy gets, you know, the wedding, his parents every time they feel that trumps people are going to come after him until someone else can come out and say hey guys, here's a set of principles that can lead us into the primaries of 2022. no one seems to be able to do that and there's no, you know, there's no brain, there's no other kind of a person that's able to rally people behind him. as, as a, as a leader. now, i mean it take, you know, it's all about it. so hang on, and i, this is all about leadership, but nobody wants to be the leader here. very interesting to me. i go to david here, david's the odd man out, and you must be thoroughly enjoying what you're seeing on the political scene right now. go ahead david. he could finish out the program. well, you know, when, after that,
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one of the things you're asked about was to vote for donald trump in 2016. it was an election about hillary clinton to was, are you the asian of hillary clinton? it wasn't. they were voting for something so wonderful. so know donald trump, and when that happened, i thought to myself is actually is a good thing. because if hillary had one republicans would have continued to gain in the house, they would have continued to gain in the senate and eventually accrues, or rubio, or one of those people would have been elected president. and the election of donald trump entered that possibility forever. and so for right, that was actually a good. ok. ok, we're brought out of time gentlemen. i guess we all will agree donald is turned up the apple cart there and it's never going to be the same or many. thanks them, i guess in new york, washington and in bay route. and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at our to see you next time. and remember across
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the ah, well, the make no, certainly no borders and the number t's as emerge. we don't have authority, we go to the back seen the whole world needs to take action and be ready. people who judge governors crisis, we can do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing each in their own way. but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is paid for the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel
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very proud that we need together in the media a reflection of reality in a world transformed what will make you feel safe for the tycer lation community. are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere which direction? what is truth, what is faith in the world corrupted? you need to this end. ah, so join us in the.
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