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tv   News  RT  June 2, 2021 3:00am-3:31am EDT

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the technology international had done just wednesday morning. the latest you can make forum is back on the financial calendar to come into 1st large scale business events in the world. since the pandemic hit ortiz, hitler ground there. of course, we'll be covering the whole high profile gathering for you. the event's moto is short, but it makes it absolutely clear what the forms all about. together again, economy of the new reality. stigmatizing and fueling racism. a prominent muslim group in austria slams that countries, governments over the unveiling of an map that identifies the location of mosques and muslim associations in the country. 3 year le spotlight,
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the black lives matter movement fractures under a high profile resignation and criticism from the families of victims. ah, just in the morning. good morning from russia this wednesday, the 2nd to june, kevin, over here at r t this morning with our latest for you and you heard that russia's flagship business conference. the st. petersburg economic forum is kicking off of the countries northern capital today long and his pay to meeting is the largest event of its kind. here since the outbreak of the pandemic that is set to cover a wide range of topics as it usually does with thousands of participants, including some top level guests as well, such as lithium foods. and we'll be covering the whole forum. and it's a preview from really for drink. i am in russia in northern capital, which is hosting the world's biggest business gathering, as the organizers are saying, since colbert changed our world,
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russia has shown how much it has been came to be a pioneer and dealing with the pandemic and vaccine development. now it's time for a new challenge to organize a massive offline event for the movers and shakers in business and politics. and to make it safe. everyone gets tested for coven several times, of course. and the health condition of all the participants will be monitored carefully throughout the whole event. the air inside the venue is disinfected with a special ultra sound system and the airflow in the halls and pavilions is tightly controlled to minimize infection. the events moto is short, but it makes it absolutely clear what the forms all about together again, economy of the new reality so who is
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it that's coming together again in 2021 in st. petersburg? guess what the 2 biggest delegations are. well, 1st of all, special privileged guests of this years form could tar some 200 people ready to do business with russia. the guitar delegation literally brought a little bit of dough with them to st. petersburg, an amazing opportunity for us to end up in order to bring our company here and to get to expand our opportunities and try to meet the other. maybe investors or, or even people are interested in our product. so we're definitely very excited to be here and very excited to see run expanding and growing into the russian market and the europe market in the future. it opens a lot of doors and lots of percentage to everyone and it makes things goes easier and more. there and i feel like the relationship every, it is getting stronger between the 2 countries and other impress team, about 200 gets 1000 the geopolitical scene, but serious partners in business, the us delegation. i think the tough of the rhetoric and the steeper the sanctions,
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the more people will come. it's becoming regular. it is interesting to see how we cope. business is concerned, the politics may fracture relationships. because politics changes along with politicians. but business relations are built over the years. for president latimer, the st. petersburg international economic form will be the 1st major public event where he really interacts with other people since the start of a pandemic. for the main plenary session, the head of the russian government will be joined by the leaders of austria and could tar and video conference mode. though the most high profile, the piece of the business community will include the has a fall demon and walk away together with the politicians. they will be sorting out not only how to restart the walls, economic engine, but also how to achieve steady economic growth. that will be there to say that starts today runs through the weekend,
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will bring you all the headlines and talking points that emerge with that special coverage. we're talking about over the next full day me a prominent was improved in austria, plans to sue the country's government after the publication of controversial islam maps that identify mosques and muslim associations across the country. but the communities branded stigmatizing and racist. the publication of all names, functions, and addresses of muslim institutions and institutions that have been read as muslim, represents an unprecedented cross in the boundaries. this is, you know, phobic racist and anti lama policies poisoned social cohesion and participation. it is important for austria to stop target and immigrants and muslims by labeling them . and so dr. responsible policy, the australian integration, and this is susan rather than launched their website last thursday called the
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national map of islam with over 600 mosques and associations on it. we can see the map of michelle them having face a strong backlash, rubs to friends, interaction by saying the map wasn't aimed though in placing muslims in general and suspicion to cancel. the pollution is not always with the grade transparency, it should know decreasing back yard more. it's about drawing the line between islam as a religion and political islam. it's about revealing radical a deal, which is fine. the starting point. this is a dangerous will always say it's not enough to play leaps to the fact that we're against extras and do know it's wanted in our society. we have to take active action where an exchange of views on it from our guests in australia was not a good idea. because it violates in some way our laws about data protection. not only our laws, but about our principles because it's not only a map showing where they are, but they giving the full address and not to for differentiating between radical,
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potentially capitalistic gaining organizations. and just islamic mosques always make communities. didn't want to tack to the problem and by opening a discussion about the muslim organizations about the map starting and it will come to as it between the general public islamic organizations. i think they divert attention from the subjects from the miss handling of certain issues. it's very important to emphasize that in all 3 or 4 the case islam was an example, a motive for europe and for the world where is community are leaving. the former chapter of korea used to always, it is an export article. all of those, korea, and our answer for this thing is that exactly the opposite.
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exactly. this tale is to you would never find his organization and his people in such a list. that means a lot of ministry of integration is unique thing between the intelligence services and the social and religious services. and this make a big contribution, putting the community under pressure, and also under miss the cost of these of k t that we could be the heating terrorists are the he didn't extreme it with new strain to the covered virus appearing round the globe. well, health organization that has proposed renaming them using that as the greek alphabet instead of the countries where they were detected. the new names coming the order they were discovered. so instead of a few case, african brazilian an indian, for instance, that out called alpha beta, gamma delta,
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and so on. group of experts behind the ideas says the letters will be easy to use and will discourage discrimination against certain countries. no country should be stigmatized for detection and reports in variance. this coming out to indian government, our social media companies above the term indian varied some of the says even said it was defamatory, but john gaunt talk radio host and columnist, believe renaming the virus. variance is the worst thing the w h o could do right now. instead of worrying about the language, they should be helping, particularly the countries like india. and i'm from afraid july indian very and that's where it started, the kent variant here in the u. k. i don't understand how that stigmatizes countries or people from those countries. it's just easier for everybody to know over can will, must one from england. oh the south africa. that's the one from south africa. it does what it says on the can. all this out beater is just going to confuse people
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with a world need to come together to fight this dreadful, dreadful killer. pandemic less what we should be doing. changing the names of where it comes from will not make a blind bit of difference. next, more trouble for molly, as the african union suspends its membership and threatens sanction. unless the civilian government has restored out to the military, the rest of the president, a prime minister in a 2nd, coo and less than a year from switch stations. its troops in the countries, no threatening to withdraw them over the unrest, but he shall do better. looks into what all this may mean for the african nation. promised is one thing of the pressure on the african country of molly after a 2nd kuda in less than a year. the french foreign minister is demanding fresh elections, take place, branding them an absolute priority. sanctions have been threatened,
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as has the rule of french troops. president macklin says that he won't stay on the side of a country where there is no longer any democratic legitimacy or transition. he's also free for political chaos. will lead to an increase in radical islam. radical islam in molly, with our soldiers on the ground, never in a 1000000 years. but now there is this temptation in molly. but if it goes in that direction, i will withdraw from has more than $5000.00 soldiers posted in the south region, which includes the country of moly troops. there is part of operation volcano in a breed to stop the region from becoming a safe haven for islam. terror groups pulling the french military out of molly could cause chaos, allowing the terror group to gain ground. and for hundreds of thousands of people of fleas. many people in molly would think that the french putting up would be
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a sticking point for them. domestically, in the threats of the french putting out mean islamist, we think that this is a success for success because they have a long game they, they know they've got time. time is one thing that the french play don't have enough. and with the oppressed and threatening to pull out the stomach thing that's all they got to do is stand tool the long game. over time, the french can gain all the territory. i mean for which the french one time would have disappeared. money would be, would have an influence, which is what this molly isn't the only african state where fro is exerting political pressure right now. in chad, to where fro holds its main military base for operation volcano, there have been demands for election to take place within the next 17 month. so
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that followed the flip flopped by macro and who had initially supported the nice thick appointment of mahatma interest. debbie following the death of his father will never let anyone threaten nava today nor tomorrow. the stability and integrity mobile chad not call true being to interest debbie senior who is killed by rebels trying to pay him went even further than not. he describe the dead president is being a loyal friend of from what he completely got over though, is that interest debbie came to power in accrued attacking 1990 with the help of front. meanwhile, elections were regularly held under his ruling chad. there have been allocations that these were nigh the free nor fair font continued to support him. the price has its reasons, or that from that,
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about democratic legitimacy say so. the french influencing charter also is one that continues. i mean, the french are always looking for partners that they can work with, and we already know that's how close to the french i'm in this particular instance . it would surprise me if the french, i'm china and how it works well. being able to address some of the challenging issues which are facing them on the ground, the reality is my calling to find himself between a rock and a hard place for me is the main foreign power in the south region. it's trying to exert influence by demanding legitimate symbol for thief, while at the same time, having handed a blank check to previous leaders to do pretty much a waste. 8 can threaten that if these countries don't play ball french troops will
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be pulled out. but my also news that a pro leaves is the miss militancy is likely just drive not to produce even bigger problems for not just fro, but for the whole of europe. show let's even sky or see paris. 50 minutes policy hours out international wednesday morning. good morning. coming up the black lives matter movement faces is ation to profit things from victims suffering. as grieving families, lasha will tell him all the join me every thursday on the alex, silent show. and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politic sport business. i'm show business, i'll see you then. me.
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when i was the wrong. when i was just don't the room. yes to see out the thing because after an engagement equal betrayal, when so many find themselves will depart. we choose to look for common ground in what is the future of the republican party? is that future something donald trump will decide. critics of the g o p say it is no longer a political party. rather, it is called a personality called focused on trump. is this a winning strategy for the g o, p? ah,
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for year of meteoric rise, the black lives matter movement facing division from within with the mothers of some victims speaking out against the organization. even last one, founding member santana reports. it started as a hash tag in 2013. it became a global phenomenon in 2020. whether you want to bend the new knots, you can't deny black lives matter has sweat the wall. the the 2020 would be alarms year 19000000 dollars into nations. around 20000000 people in the u. s. alone took to the streets last summer. $550.00 places of protest
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a year on where all day. well, around 13 percent of them have put down that i can't breathe plank cards. that's how much supposed to be has dropped in a year according to a recent poll. and the truth seems to be that b l m itself might be to blame black communities who told a resolution on its way. but now, many of them feel like porn's in a politicized media, soccer, se they are benefiting from oblige of hollow, loved ones, and won't even talk to us. we don't want to need your parade in the streets. accumulate in the nations platforms move deals, etc. of the death fall loved ones, while the families and communities left clueless and broken and grieving, parents who thought come foot in the racial justice group. that promise to honor those who died at the hands of police realized that that was no comfort to be found
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. i could walk in a room full of people who claimed to be here for bread and family who don't even know who i am. i've watched he'll raise money on the have a bring on the family. talk about fraud. enough is enough. it's not just moral fraud by abusing the trust of vulnerable people. there are allegations of financial fraud to with local b, l m centers themselves, costing doubt on the source of donations and where the money goes. because they say it doesn't go to them. and while these questions are off, the b l m co founders course splurging on a $2700.00 square foot home for $1400000.00 to add to her collection of all the multi 1000000 dollar properties. a control to see that thought colors resign never to face up to those. she's not town. no, she doesn't have to show her accountability. she can just take the money and run,
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run it towards a multi year deal with the warner brothers to produce a number of tv projects, a hollywood life to match up l. a home she bought to dismiss. this is angry, spiteful, and he won't. criticism just isn't fire because these on a few lone voice has on the outside know, these are mostly critics from within and that growing louder and louder. i was an insider in black lives matter and i learned the ugly truth. the moratorium on charter schools does not support rebuilding the black family, but it does create barriers to a better education for black children. i resigned from black lives matter after a year and a half vietnam flag still hang a symbols of a fight for a better future. but more scandals come to light as more downs its cost on the organization, its bones, its priorities, its honesty. one can ask,
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how's the black lives matter failed to live up to its name? and is it that actually at the end of the day, money fame and power not to the most april chapman for right screw black said till this, there are ongoing concerns about with fundings allocated. don't believe the black lives matter. organization leaders wherever connected to the base. it was a trojan horse. they use the unfortunate situation such as michael brown or george ward and they use it as an opportunity to raise money. how do i know that? because we know that a huge portion of money was collected, but the family never received. any compensation for the agrees in the local chapters themselves did not receive any money. the people don't care about why they're simply using it as a brain more. it is an opportunity to generate well for themselves, but when you raise that amount of money and then there's no accountability and no
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$1.00 can see at a local level or national level where that money is going. people have a right to question, and i'm just surprised it didn't happen to me there. if you're on a smart phone, google probably knows your location whether or not you wanted to it's coding to new release documents in a court case against the tech child. a reasonable inference is that if these deny this app level permission to an app, that app will not be able to use these is location. but this is not true. google apps that are denied permission by the user can still obtain location information from google apps and products that have been granted permission. the documents alleged that google routinely tracks the whereabouts of its users even after they've turned off location tracking the fence also part of the pressured smart phone make is including l. g to hide the location settings, and it can obtain users where are bugs to via why fi and 3rd party apps not affiliated with google itself. so the documents are part of
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a lawsuit filed by the arizona attorney general's office, and based on evidence given by google employees, the company's publicly rejected. the claims arizona attorney general mark burne know that she's our competitors robbing the law. suits have gone out of the way to miss characterize our services. we have always build privacy features into our products and provide a robust controls for location data. we look forward to setting the record straight . we as technology expert bill, me why tech giant's cares, so much about where we are. google is able to target it's advertising from the location of the profile of all of the uses. so such that it is able to find june the ad books on the off of the advertisers, and that's how it makes it's money. it's not the only major advertiser out that i think facebook is orange and in much the same way. and increasingly,
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amazon as well, these organizations need to have really accurate profiles on who we are and where we are in order to target this advertising, which provides an enormous amount of their revenue. obviously, the laws are being introduced to try to protect so privacy, but it seems that some of the technology john, either failing to implement the technology correctly to protect all privacy or now deliberately flouting the regulation. facebook has slapped a number of restrictions on the website of our t roughly video agency. contents been removed and a warning had this to say about further action to your page is at risk of being unpublished and has reduced distribution and other restrictions due to continued community standards violations. this page isn't being suggested to people at this time. previously, facebook had removed
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a project page by roughly affiliate red face tv to which ship contain post dedicated to memorable dates. among them, the anniversary of the overthrow of the italian dictated most the lady and the liberation of fits. the social networks at the posts had violated the norms of the community in relation to dangerous people and organizations. but i should return a host of all going underground show, believes facebook's attempts to intimidate a set to fail every aspect of cultural life, whether it be news and current affairs, whether it be art, whether it be comedy, whether it be drama, there is a political context to it, the irony here is that there are lots of journalists work in facebook who have been involved in previous here is certainly at the senior management levels to know about the kinds of censorship saying the soviet union, the b, b. c, ad quoted here in london tried and attempted to try to go past all the levels of
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censorship imposed by the soviet union. they should realize that their attempts to intimidate organizations like r t and subsidiaries will fail. there will always be other avenues to get this information through to publics in western europe and in nature countries. regardless of this continued attempt to at moments stop a post going out to say, educate about the fact that the russians liberated ash with concentration camp or then they will try and say we will unblock you for a little while. but be careful because we're monitoring your posts. there will always be ways to get through to the public at large, how she returns he can she show, go on the ground on this channel, and we're talking about so much more today at r t dot com as well. check it out. have yourself any the stories that we're talking about then the comments section, but for now what time is it? 226. and how often is policy? what have you doing today? oh, it's a good, a profitable one for you and have a great wednesday. the
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one the make sure, you know board is under piece and you don't have a therapy. we go to the back seen the whole world leads to take action and be ready . people are judgment. come crisis. we can do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing each in their own way, but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is to response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes it feel very proud that we need together in
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the ah me. there is your media a reflection of reality in a world transformed what will make you feel safer. type
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relation, community. are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere? which direction? what is truth? what is faith in the world corrupted? you need to defend the join us in the depths will remain in the shallows ah, in the room, but the one business show you can't afford to mit. i've been one in washington coming up another major cyber attack has flo, the industry this time is one of the world's largest meet producers. we're going to tell you who was hips and where that shut down is taking place. me was one of the
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worst months ever in terms of the price of big coin. but does that even matter? where will the crypto currency market go from here, we're going to break it down. and germany now holding meetings with the u. s. over the north stream to pipeline, what are the chances that president biden will be able to stop the completion of that pipeline? we're going to take a look at the pac show. let's get started. and we begin with news of a new cyber attack on a major industry bridge. brazil j. b. s. the world's largest meet processing company is suffering shut downs in its australian and north american operations. the cyber attack caused the companies australian operations to shut down on monday . the company said it's working to resolve the incident. here's part of the statement they release saying quote, on sunday may 30th j. b. s. usa determined it was the target of an organized cybersecurity attack affecting some of the server supporting it's north american and australian. it systems resolution of the incident will take.


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