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tv   News  RT  June 4, 2021 1:00am-1:31am EDT

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because then that person is not going to buy it in the, with russia's top level, economic form and some petersburg in top gear. more high profile guests are on the horizon today, including the russian president, putin and leaders of katara and austria elsewhere. denmark triggers fundamental concerns in the e u and u. n. ostrich pals, the law allowing it to relocate asylum seekers to countries outside europe, whether applications approach sex. there's a button and ministration makes a u turn over the chinese lovely theory on the origins of corona virus, the mainstream media frantically as backpedaling to ah,
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life. marty's will, these h q, this friday, the 4th of june, kevin know, and he was an update for the next 30 minutes for good morning to 1st than rushes, high profile. economic form is in full motion in st. petersburg, where global business movers and shakers are under one roof. this week. we expect we'll probably get to take the floor later fridays. you hadn't headlines there. we'll probably have the russian president vladimir putin along with the leaders of catherine austria to be later. no surprise at the pandemic and how it's altered the business environment was the early focus of many of the event. and consensus is emerging that the health of the global economy depends on a swift returns normality through inoculation programs. meantime, the w h o will health organization out here repeated medicines agency wrapping up their review of russia's sputnik v vaccine, w i chose director for europe is that the forum and told us they could report their findings as early as this week. the region that is in charge of the w charles
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for europe in region. my always had been very, very clear that approver should not depend on the concrete of origin, particularly not objection, figuration which has a very rich history in vaccine production. so help be young politics. that's very but again, i also would like to think there's a date for the international solidarity because we need countries like russia to help please only sort of that. i think we are going to get out of that. what should not happen is that concrete, keep this axis until 70 percent, 80 percent of the population before sharing the smaller countries and received the spirit of the mutants that not continue to be safe until open to be safe. but of course, it's true that in most countries we saw that upon them, it very quickly got politicized. and i think that's one of the,
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this is also for the job that science is very important. but we have to translate the science to be helpful for the politicians because we saw scientists playing politicians. so petitions bring scientists, but everyone has the job and we need to come to get it, but not to interfere, but politics into health. because ultimately, the people who had suffered are the most vulnerable. and if it is one, listen that i learned from probably 90 it is that the vulnerable people, the migrant, the prison, this, the homeless, the 4 people got even affected disproportionately. and we should leave no one behind, definitely we need to double over effort. so we need to increase the production capacity. we need to increase the number of vaccines and very important increase seen hesitancy. we have to basically the hasn't been seen an increase in
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except another major talking point from the evangelist rushes announcement that is going to completely remove us dollar assets from its vast national wealth fund, breaking down the significance of that then a liquid drinker. while this does appear to be a major landmark and something that's called detail or zation, or giving up the dollar in national asset shares and international trade, because more than a 3rd of russia's national sovereign wealth fund is currently in the us dollars. so the national wealth fund, which is currently worth $185000000000.00 us dollars. so we're talking serious numbers here is designed to stabilize the volatile ruble from swing all prices. and also it could be used as a store of cash to be potentially spent on things like pensions and social welfare in difficult economic times. so it has been decided and announced by russians,
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minister of finance, that the dollar will be replaced by gold, the euro, and the chinese you on most important be at the st. petersburg, international economic form. we heard from russia's 1st deputy prime minister. he was frank when he was saying that the reason for this move is the threat of more potential us sanctions. it will only take about a month to make sure that this ship happens, which has already become the number one financial headline at the form here and st . petersburg in a little earlier in the afternoon, as the russian president spokesperson dmitri past golf also way did on the international context of the decision. i didn't see the diesel orientation process is constant. it has now become obvious. and this process of b dollarization is taking place north country, but also in many other countries in the world that study being concerned regarding
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the reliability of the main currency. it's not a surprise that russian law makers really welcomed the move and said that it's a very important step towards further strengthening rushes, national financial in economic sovereign. besides this, this decision will really strengthen the role of the chinese currency in russia out of time when beijing and moscow are really continuing to pursue stronger ties in almost every aspect. in the meantime, we have already heard voices of concern from across the atlantic, including from one commentator who used to be a us treasury official. he said that the situation in which the likes of russia ran and try to continue the seeing. the dollar is something that can really be a cause for concern in america. this trend towards diversification is a global and accordingly given the over reliance on the dollar before the hyper
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centralization of the international financial system on the dollar in the proceedings decades some the dollarization and reduction and the role of the dollar is to be expected. i think we're definitely seeing 1st of all, a higher demand internationally for more reserve currency, other reserve currencies the. this is something that the central banks want to have . the optionality, the ability to have a wider set of reserve current fees them accordingly. and there is demand, there is going to be supply, i think we'll see more reserve currencies further down the road. there are going to be more alternatives. i think the goals will continue to play a significant role and probably in the increasing role in the reserves that that countries will have in the coming years. among other crucial topics that alone
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make headlines to a course that nordstrom to gas pipeline project. so on the sidelines of us in petersburg for him rushes energy minister, hinted no, it was just some 100 kilometers. he said from the finish line, unexpressed hopes it would be completed by the end of the year. no stream to gas pipeline under the baltic sea that will deliver gas from russia directly to the e. u via germany and well, speculation around the project continues. we spoke with german n p. close ernst, who says a purely business enterprise and his views been dragged into politics. for now, i believe no extreme to assess the data. because in europe, we're in dire need of gas for the foreseeable future. we know that the existing gas pipeline no st. mom certainly doesn't have the same capacity is no extreme to and therefore i am very pleased this new pipeline is ready. i hope will soon be in operation. the u. s. is in the lead those against the gas pipeline, 50 years ago,
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they opposed gas supplies. mr. union because they thought we will become dependent on moscow, but in fact, they only care about selling the liquefied gas. this arguments about dependence on russia is just nonsense, because this dependence is not one sided and it's 2 sided. russia also depends on revenues from the gas supplies and exactly the same way as we depend on their gas. and by the way, you know, pins combined gas from other suppliers, only. it is more expensive and more harmful for the environment. like this very liquefied gas in the us, what the u. s. one is on the one hand to promote economic interests in an unfair way. and i think sanctions against other states. absolutely unacceptable. on the other hand, it's still trying to keep europe in germany, in particular from forming a reasonable relationship with russia. and this is an argument that i do not accept . we recently discussed this and upon the spikes economic committee and the
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majority spoke in favor of a partnership with russia. that's a cornerstone for a strong euro. so i am for creating conditions for cooperation with russia and continuing peaceful coexistence that will help build a solid foundation for this cooperation. after the upcoming general federal action compound may go to those who are more alienated towards russian interests than the interest of nations. and this is not the best ground for cooperation in this regard . i hope that the election will lead to pearl and being able to improve relations with moscow and develop mutual understanding. yes, so as we said, there's a lot more to come later friday at the comic form and some petersburg regiment potent set to take the stage laid for long with his austrian catallo re counterparts. we'll make sure you don't miss thing here and out into national the of the headlines tell you by this morning, the e u has proposed the idea of
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a digital identity system that would store date on every citizen across the blog. we want to offer to euro pins and new digital identity and ident, see that ensures trust and protect uses online. nobody should be forced to give more data away than is necessary for the purpose at hand. with our proposal, we're offering an alternative to the modals of big online platforms. we believe in a human centered digital transition. the digital wallet will store information on uses, such as driver's licenses and passports, as well as payment details and passwords. it will also offer online access to a range of public services. the idea was suggested as part of a post code 19 recovery package, but some calling out the pitfalls may be governments including that you have created a problem which is completely unnecessary. and now they've offering a solution which we don't need for a problem which is being completely fabricated. what they're saying is whether it's
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going to take your data out of the hands of the big tech companies. okay, that's fair enough, but he's going to put it into the hands of a central government system. and that's not necessarily more secure than any other system. and certainly if people don't want to have it or they don't have the facility to have, it meant that going to be disadvantage state people want something like this to, to store their identity digitally and use it. ok, fine. but he shouldn't be something that people have to use and that's what the id system came as they use corona virus. digital possible scheme officially went live u k. politician to have a cut and told us know what impact could have on privacy and freedom to is something that is being brought in by stealth. that people don't have any understanding of the implications of how this might affect people's privacy. and how this might affect people's freedom. when bod titian's say,
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this is going to be a temporary manager for a year. that will just fade into obscurity. and we find that what they said is temporary, will actually become permanent. different countries have different regulations and different rules, particularly within the e u, which is becoming a single entity, is going to be massive scope of confusion and kale. denmark has passed a controversial law. they're allowed to send asylum seekers to countries outside the european union, while their applications pending something with spa condemnation, from the blog. we share the concerns expressed by the un high commissioner for refugees. the person thing that we find rated under member questions about both the assets, procedures, and effective access to protection. it is not possible under existing e rules. so the new danish immigration bill is aimed at reducing the number of migrants in the countries now externalizing the asylum procedure to discourage
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newcomers forever sitting for the country. the move was voted through parliament by 70 to 24 in favor. a spokesman for the social democratic party in denmark said he wanted the move to send a message to his solemn c, because that they're not welcome there. mike winds coming from different places in africa, middle eastern countries in they will probably start seeking our buying class item and they know that they will be sent out of europe again. my new legislation comes from a rising pressure on copenhagen to after stripped a handful of syrian refugees of the residency on the grounds that the syrian capital, damascus and the surrounding region and considered safe to monks become indeed the 1st european country to take such a provocative step that contradicts the use attempts to try to fix the broken asylum rules. the decision immediately ignited outrage among refugee and human rights groups which lead to protest the country in may. a minority rights
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consultant we spoke to tell this he's not surprised with the law as the current government has never hidden its views about immigration. this storm came to power on empty minority. you'd have to re in the election, especially this is very much against people from italy specially with muslim background. you know, so they don't want them to come to suspend the syrians came now they want to kick them out. also, they are trying to, to make laws where they can send people back to see the problem is that this government, person, democratic government knows that it is impractical and not a fee. and they don't want to leave this sort of way. because if they did, they could you side by the far right parties coming up to 8, 16 in the morning. moscow time this friday. hey there, good morning. well ahead, if you can stick around, i'll tell you about this as the u. s. returns to the china lab league theory.
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corona virus origin. whole story reporting of the evidence raises questions itself will tell you the latest on the more after this break. becca, survival guide is going to start at a federal reserve shirt. so there are, you don't know what you took, refrigeration came to look at the rest, the 7 years report i read
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me ah ah, i use the hello again. this is our international. so is abida administration apparently acknowledges the so called lab league theory on the chinese origins of corona virus. us chief medical advisor anthony for she's calling on pages to release the medical records of lab work is by
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kitten. may president biden ordered the speedy investigation into the origins of cove at 19 and you to and of his previous days before the decision. the wall street journal had reported that 3 will hand lab research is already sick in november 2019 . so i think a named us intelligence report next this morning that as a senior correspondent explains, there's a question hanging over its credibility. a year ago, trump was blasted as crazy. and then same for all his talk about the coven lab league theory, that these pestilence sneaked out of a chinese bio lab. that it was perhaps an engineered bio weapon. but in america, it's only crazy if you don't like who said it a world health organization experts impossible to 10 tell when the hugh hon corona virus will peak. i think it's going to spec, it's going to come across to a lot of americans as backing of xenophobia housing community that has believed and
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continues to believe and have in their words, low confidence on the viruses. precise origin said a likely possibility. are you saying you think it's likely that the, that that's the way it happened that, that they've been covering it up? yes, this idea was loaded to the public and i mean, loaded through an article on board street journal. the others claim that i named officials told them that employees at the woo had institute of biology were among the 1st to show symptoms. it could be significant. this members of the same team working with current viruses, went to hospital with similar symptoms. shortly before the pandemic was 1st identified, which is coincidentally, nothing new. this was reported last year back red biden accuse trump of spreading xenophobia with is we hadn't flu and con flu comments? now biden has restarted it, investigation into the potential lab league theory, or have belong by this article, an article by a guy who helped to fabricate the deadliest lie of the 21st century. michael gordon
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was the central figure behind the lie of saddam's weapons of mass destruction. and the last 14 months iraq has sought to buy 5 thousands of specially designed aluminum tubes, which american officials believe were intended as components of centrifuges to enrich uranium. the claim turned out to be false, for which the new york times eventually apologized, lend, which they said was handed to them by the white house in 2002. but we have found a number of instances of coverage that was not as rigorous as it should have been on september, 8th, 2002. the lead article of the paper was headlines, u. s. s husein intensified quest for a bon parts that report concerned. they aluminum tubes that the administration advertised insistently as components for the manufacturer of nuclear weapons fuel. it should have been presented more cautiously. it wasn't just this one that he did
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this. michael gordon has a lot of these inside sources and anonymous friends. and other words, michael gordon has a reputation for laundering i, a and white house talking points and these information to the press and to the mattress spreading propaganda. as journalism, his work was arguably biblical and beginning the invasion of iraq and paving the way for the deaths of millions of people and didn't stop there. now, photographs and description some eastern ukraine endorsed by the obama administration on sunday suggests that many of the green men are indeed russian military and intelligence forces equipped in the same fashion as russian special operation troops involved in attic, seeing the crimea region in february, 4 days later and after the damage had been done, and people had been misled into believing that russian troops who invaded ukraine,
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the new york times again came out to refute the discredited images. more recently, some of those grainy photographs have been discredited. it all feels rather familiar. the ross publication of something exciting often based on an executive branch leak and then afterwards with a kind of morning after feeling here comes in more sober, less prominently displayed, follow up story, to deal with objections who are not clarifying much of anything. i don't know enough about cove it to guess it's origins neither do the innumerable experts and professors. we've talked to what i do know not to trust a guy who is referred to the laundromat. they're very close relations between the, the, the intelligence agencies and the media very close. the intelligence agencies use the media all the time to leak information to, to spread rumors to make certain officials they, they don't like,
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look bad. we saw this tremendously during the, the rush, it gave episode under trunk when, when there were vast numbers of leaks, there were all. busy intended make trump or his various officials look a bad look like they were colluding with russia. and these leaks came out of the intelligence agencies that is quite clear and the press lasted up the press lumper they couldn't get enough. they. ready were very eager, they were eager for more and they never questioned why the intelligence agencies will leaking in this information. or what kind of motive the agencies had mind while you know, ways to beef was almost on the lips of america for a cyber attack, waylaid the world's largest meet packet j. b. s. plans were fully operational again . first a, but not before the f. b, i blamed a russian speaking hacker pen swan says the ins then once again the illustrates the
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fake narrative that moscow is responsible for all cyber espionage. there definitely has to be some kind of clarity put here because the problem is, when you, whenever you have media talking about these issues and you have volunteered and talking about these issues, they love to conflate russia as, as a nation state with russian actors also with russians, speakers, i mean that's the most recent one. this is so incredible about the j be situation is that j b s originally said that they had confirmed these were russian hackers who had done this well. now if you look at the terminology that's being used, they're actually saying russian speaking, that could mean a whole lot of things and then but it conflicts, right? it comes back to this idea of, oh, is russia doing this? is random air pollutant pulling the strings he actually hacking g b s. or is it someone who is either russia nationality or even russian speaking? well, i mean there are ethnically chinese people who can speak absolutely. russian. i
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think a lot of people in ukraine who can speak russian as well. i think i know some are things that speak russia, so i'm just saying americans perhaps yes, maybe just perhaps. now a question was posed to the president in connection to the g. b, a ransomware attack about whether or not he believes that prudent himself was, was testing and testing president violent. what do you make of that theory? is there any, any there's, there's no grabbing to that. there's no reason to think that that's the case at all, but it fits perfectly into a media narrative, right? because the questions kind of thrown out at the end. do you think putin as testing? oh, is this a softball? you're saying? well, it's as he was walking out of the room, right. so he's walking out of the room in the report. yes, i do, you think testing you and, and president by turns back and kind of smirks and says like, he wouldn't test me. but the thing is, it's all this, it's all the show right, show of, of, i'm tough and he's trying to get to me when there's been no evidence whatsoever
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that the colonial pipeline attack, it was done by a group called the dark side. right. which is people who aren't even in russia, that we know what they're just in former soviet countries and a russian speaking j b. s. in that situation, it's not necessarily coming out of russians by this group that they call revolt, against, like evil, with an are reborn. and they're apparently also, russian speaking that we have, we don't even have a geography for where they're located. so it, but it fits into that media narrative brush bed, and it's always trying to harmless. right? well, what do we know about who actually is committing these crimes? i mean, i mean, where are they actually from? if it's not specifically russian, people are russian state actor, i mean, are they, are they in asia? do we have any idea? you have an idea. if you go back to 2017, there was a company that did a basic look at cybersecurity hacks and what countries are most responsible for these people within those countries, i should say not initially states,
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but people within those countries. where do they originate from china's number one mind by far? far above everyone else. second, boys, the united states, 17 percent come from the united states and then turkey, and then on brazil, and then russia. so wow, i can 2017, only about 4 percent of all of these attacks were originating in russia. far more originate in the united states in the vast majority. i wouldn't you never know that based on the mainstream media real quickly in light of these latest revelations about the danish f. e. working with the n. s a here to spy on the u. l. i don't the u. s. do you make any distinction between that kind of spying and cyber hacking? well, listen, that kind of spine which we referred to as espionage, right? is actually far more dangerous. so there is a case of the solar winds case in which us agencies fly. agency said that russian state actors had gotten into us software and were able to spy on us. okay, that's not ransomware, that's fine. that is much more destructive. the u. s. does this all over the world
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. we know they've done it in the e. we know that they've the, in a say is tap the phones of world leaders. right. it's much more or serious then some hacker getting into the ferry that takes you back and forth to martha's vineyard and saying i want them bitcoin to turn it back on. these are, those are much more serious instances. but there is a distinction between ransomware and cyber warfare. the u. s. again is heavily as a government in cyber warfare, not in ransomware. nothing's ever what seems bend swan and co that you can follow so much more about we're talking about today at r t t o. com, right of our social media. but for now reporting for most go double routes are and that means good morning. by the way and have a great friday. me join me every thursday on the alex summon, show,
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and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politic sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. me look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except when the short or conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. at the point obviously is too great truck rather than fear i would take on various jobs with artificial intelligence. real somebody with demon a robot must protect its own existence with existence. an entire village in alaska has had to move if another country threaten to wipe out
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in america, we do everything on our part a project in water, the escaping climate change poses the same threat. right now, alaska has seen some of the fastest coastal erosion in the world. we lost about 3535 feet of ground in just about 3 months while we were measuring it is bad and that means the river is $35.00 pounds. then learning was year before i think we're part of america, there's from or america for worse the case.


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