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tv   News  RT  June 4, 2021 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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hello, the me ah rushes high level economic forum in st. petersburg heads top here with president non seeing the country pushing ahead with infrastructure for vaccine tourism industry. when you do, we are just covering our only we can also provide foreign citizens with the child to come to russia and get vaccinated. here. i would like the government to analyze all aspects of this issue. by the end of the month, there is called the centers out. the event that widespread back to nation is the only way to get the world economy going to be with austria, the chancellor showing his support for the russian job as part of the global pushback. sort of came in, it doesn't matter where back scene comes from, from russia, from the u. s. from china, every bit of success in the fight against corona, barbara is a shed success of the entire world for the good of all people. and no economy with
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all the energy, the nor stream to gas pipeline project returns to the headlines as russia on to the key section is not complete. the entire project should be finished. i tried by the end of the year, ah, broadcasting line for moscow every hour of the day, this is our t great of your company. my name's neil. our top story rushes high profile economic forum in st. petersburg revved into gear on day 2, full to the rafters schedule was seen on friday, including a speech by a plumber prudent. that was a lot of topics as well for the russian president to get through our teeth lip. a trinket ticks us through the main talking points here and russians. northern capital during the st. petersburg, international economic form,
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the biggest offline business gathering since the peak of the pandemic. for the 1st time, we heard the russian president vladimir posey talk about what he expects of his upcoming summit with the u. s. president joe biden. the 1st one since joe biden came to power the machine. we planned to discuss the relations and we need to find ways to regulate them because they are a very low point at the moment we will be talking about strategic stability, regulating conflicts in the world. hotspots so moment the pandemic and the environment, preliminary agenda. it will soon be a year since russia's 1st vaccine. sputnik v was registered for use in this country . and the experience in the use of russian jab has allowed watermark to talk about rushes. great success in this aspect. according to mister poop, not
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a single loss of life has been recorded as a result of the use of the vaccine, specifically in the russia, as you know, makes his own contribution to the fight against corona foreign. we have, for vaccines develop domestically and the accomplishments of our scientists, of going wide recognition across the world. one a. v has already been registered in 66 countries. time it's more than 3w2cw people. and i would like to highlight that we haven't all unique technology, we're not just creating capability as a manufacturing vaccines in russia. rule for helping other countries develop their own production capacities. if you're not a citizen of russia, and for some reason, you don't have access to the jobs in your country soon, you will be able to come to this country, pay money, and get the job. this is something that's been announced by a lot of our pool as well, who pretty much gave the green line to seen tourism. so to say, when you're doing, we just covering our own need. if we can also provide foreign citizens with the
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child to come to russia and get, and i hear you, i know that given the efficiency of vaccines that high demand for that you moreover, that the widespread practice of people from other countries coming specifically to russia to get the job against corona virus, but in this regard, i would like to off the government to analyze aspects of this issue by the end of the month in compliance, of course, with safety measures and sanitary requirements to organize the conditions performance. it doesn't actually get a chance to have a vaccine, you know, on a commercial basis. another leader who has taken part in the discussion was the austrian chancellor, sebastian kurtz, during the recession. he thanked the russian president for russia's efforts in fighting the coven pandemic. and also for the proposals for the exports of the russian vaccine and production abroad. besides this, mister kurtz said that he regretted the fact that the european medical agencies
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being too slow in approving the use of sport think to be the best sort of canaan or the speed. it doesn't matter where it comes from, from russia, from the us or from china on your every bit of success in the 5 guys. corona barra is a shared success of the entire world for the good of those people for politics should not sign in the way of those developments. i'm very happy that sputnik be has been registered by more than 60 countries around the world i'm supplying. that means that the spec seem it will be available for all of us very soon. the nord stream to pipeline project intended for direct natural gas delivery from russia to germany and other european partners has a lot of enemies. the u. s. in particular, but as we heard from sebastian kurtz, austria is one, and actually the austrian government is highly in favor of the project. one of the big headlines that came out of this form was latimer announcement that the 1st
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string of the pipeline was actually fully completed. only several hours ago, new footage was too many green because favor of taking american liquefied gas if they're really green, they should know the 70 percent of the us gas. and that's why hydro fracturing does not for the environment. and the conclusions are as follows. your st. lawson guest is more environmentally friendly, lena, if she will, reliable hardness have made a choice to live stream. there was a president also gave a lot of attention to the issues of climate. mr. proven said that the claims that russia is not interested in addressing global climate problems is an absolute myth . and also invited international business and investors to take part in the green projects that are being or will be launched in this country or the pandemic.
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and how it's altered the business environment was the early focus of many of the forum consensus emerging about the health of the global economy depends on a swift return to normality through and elation programs. meanwhile, the review of russia. sputnik v vaccine by the world health organization on the european medicine agency is still in limbo, despite scores of countries worldwide. already having ortho rise, the job, the head of the russian direct investment fund, who's behind production of the short things the ball is not in the e m a's court. we just had a very professional review by m a technical team and the very top professionals and they have not really raised any be critical issues. and i think they are doing their work in the very professional, you know, positive manner. i think there are some bureaucrats in you who was saying, we don't need support nuclear vaccine. we don't need trash and like seen, and we believe it's fundamentally wrong to make since political well, on the point,
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the italian russian trade chamber said, regrettably, there's outside noise affecting the use covert response. it's a shame, the politics is limited, the distribution of your and it's not even a shame from russian business on the phone behind the java. it's a shame for us because we lost pace and leaving them behind. but the major thing is that you will have delay and accepting the russian vaccine has affected people's lives some dying because they didn't receive a job in time. i see that some states like hungry, for example, if you're able to make their own decisions in this regard. bypassing you policy, the boy, the host of our team worlds apart also spoke to brazil, former president luna, the silver he shed some light on washington's pressure on brazil, yet not to approve russian jobs. the full interview will be shown later on r t will tell you who it is. i'm greatly interested in vaccines from the whole
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world, from any country including sputnik v. many brazilian officials are fighting to get the vaccine and place the order for it. but there seems to be a problem with production and distribution and also with its acceptance here in brazil. but many people are suspicious that there was criticism from former president trump, and there is document that evidence of this that he recommended president both and not to purchase the russian vaccine in the same way that they heavily criticize the chinese vaccine. if the brazilian president was really committed to the people of his country, he would have talked to president putin. he would have set up a bilateral committee with russian, that brazilian expert. and we would have sold the inoculation problem a long time ago. however, the president does not take any measures and the truth is that they are under pressure. i cannot prove it, but it's largely visible, but there is a political impediment to purchase russian vaccines in brazil, this ignorant attitude has to be eliminated. so we can have all of our things in
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brazil, including sputnik which we have been hearing from experts, is a high quality cobra vaccine. brazilian people certainly won't. the russian vaccine, the national congress has already announced that if the russian vaccine is approved by other countries, it can be approved in brazil. the agency that supervisors health in brazil and visa is placing many demands and requirements on the russian vaccine. i defend that all russian friends submit the necessary documentation because people in brazil need vaccines. and we cannot give reason to those who oppose the russian vaccine. it seems to me that this is all about economic interest. it's an ideological war. and obviously the u. s. defends american companies and the u. k. u defends british companies, but brazil does not need to worry about defending the us. it needs to worry about the but 230000000 citizens, brazil, if possible should buy the american vaccine,
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the russian vaccine, as one of the chinese cubes, or any vaccines with scientifically proven quality. brazil simply has to have your right. among the other major issues touched onto a well, they know what stream to gas pipeline project on the sidelines of before rushes energy minister said it was just a 100 kilometers from the finish line and expressed hope it would be completed by the end of this year. despite constant us sanctions aimed at discovering the project which were only left at a fortnight ago by president biden, the pipeline goes under the baltic sea and will deliver gas from russia directly to the u via germany. we spoke with the chair of the german economic and energy committee. he says, a purely business enterprise has been drugged into geo politics. for now, i believe no extreme to is a necessity. because in europe, we're in dire need of gas for the foreseeable future. we know that the existing gas pipeline no stream certainly does not have the same capacity is no extreme to,
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and therefore i am very pleased this new pipeline is ready. i hope will soon be in operation. the u. s. is in the lead those against the gas pipelines 50 years ago. they opposed gas supplies in the soviet union because they thought we will become dependent on moscow. but in fact, they only care about selling the liquefied gas. this arguments about dependence on russia is just nonsense, because this dependence is not one sided and it's 2 sided. russia also depends on revenues from the gas supplies and exactly the same way as we depend on their gas. and by the way, pins combined gas from other suppliers only it is more expensive and more harmful for the environment like this very liquefied gas from the us. what the u. s. one is on the one hand to promote economic interests in an unfair way. and i think sanctions against other states absolutely unacceptable. on the other hand, i feel trying to keep europe in germany, in particular from forming
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a reasonable relationship with russia. and this is an argument that i do not accept . we recently discuss this and the fund, the spikes economic committee, and the majority spoke in favor of a partnership with russia. that's a cornerstone for a strong euro. so i am for creating conditions for cooperation with russia and continuing peaceful coexistence that will help build a solid foundation for this cooperation. after the upcoming general federal election compound may go to those who are more alienated towards russian interests than the interest of nations. and this is not the best ground for cooperation in this regard. i hope that the election will lead to pearl and being able to improve relations with moscow and develop mutual understanding just returning to the russian precedent speech. he also touched on double standards in the west, over the assessment of the treatment of bella. ruth protest let me are called nato statements on moscow's alleged involvement, enforcing done a ryan or
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a plane by minced dangerous. meanwhile, in a heightened move, you have no bound bell or russian carriers from its earth space and reports talking to r. t rushes, representative to the block question, the decision to move the middle via the, the official airline villers had nothing to do with that particular incidence. so why should it should it be banned? there is no logic in that. and closing the airspace of villa rose, not before any conclusions, have come from eco or the international asian organization. but even before the investigation really started, that is also void of logic. it reflects, oh, i would say a very, what is that end of it is says ation of the whole situation
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and who will suffer? it will be of course, citizens of bella rose, whose faith so dear to the western governments. and it will be ireland travellers from western europe who will have to fly on a different route. i long, longer root, and that will make the air taken of course, more expensive. yeah, a lot happening on the day. let's recap it. then as we reached the halfway stage of the form, vladimir putin spoke at the plenary session of the events on friday afternoon. he covered a wide range of topics from getting the global economy by contracting climate change on his upcoming meeting with joe biden. there's still a full weekend of debates deals and discussions ahead off north will make sure you don't miss a thing the
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oh, i use i me ah ah, i use
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have is crazy for taishan, let it be an arms race is on often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk the you won't come back to the program passengers returning to the u. k. are describing chaos surrounding the countries cova testing rules with some people even paying hundreds of pounds for tests that arrive late. don't come at all. arthur not done can tell such a tailor. he paid almost 400 pounds for tests when he returned to the u. k. from
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america, according to the regulations he needed to test on the 2nd on 8th day after arrival . however, while he was waiting for the results, the testing company was removed from the list of government approve providers and he was forced to repeat the whole process. his wife had started that campaign to attract attention to the growing problem. the government having yeah, actually you know, said anything about whether that dealing with this there's been nothing from grand shops on it. and i just think that something does need to be done to make sure that these private testing providers hold accounts actually do what the people are paying them to do it. small companies that have been able to set up as, as contractors, they don't have the capacity to deal with the amount of customers, the huge amount of influx that they had. they also don't have the capacity in terms of the laps getting the results back to the one time. obviously that is
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a big problem where people having massive issues with pci tests as more people are now traveling since may, the 17th is just getting worse and worse. there's a lot of radio silence on, on this whole issue. and it really does need to be brought to the governments tension more because that they're not really answering to why things have gone so roman and this has been ongoing. now, since while i've been dealing with this since the sort of may from the middle of may, the u. k. open borders for foreign travel, but impose tough restrictions on people's return, including a test before you fly, then to more on possible quarantine when you're back in the country, depending on where you fly in from, onto to the confusion, there are different rules in place for english wheels, northern ireland, scotland, the managing director of testing clinics. the system is under enormous pressure.
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travel is starting to take off more and more people are having tests to fly more more cases of people. not getting bad results back on time on getting that that gets delivered on time. people will sell swapping home using the postal services. there is a chance it will have major issues or cause major issues around again, around capacity in logistics processing. if both from the power tree and the private providers don't work together to make sure that promising it deliverable. i think one of the challenges here is the providers are coming out work to make money, which i, i get in business. but i don't think that necessarily the best thing for the consumer intended to building a suitable efficient tribe, except the testing infrastructure that can meet the needs of customer, particularly when it comes to travel. denmark has passed
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a law that would allow us to send migrants to countries outside the u. wilder applications. this they are pending. the moves got big support among citizens at home, but as far condemnation within the block we shall be confirmed by the un high commissioner for refugee the whole thing with finding rated fundamental questions about both the access to our procedures and effective access to protection. it is not possible under existing e rules. the new danish immigration bill is aimed up reducing the number of migrants in the country. it's not externalizing the asylum procedure. they say to discourage new commerce from attempting to gain entry in the 1st place. the law got overwhelming backing in a parliamentary votes on the spokesperson for the social democratic party which heads the government. so, despite the european union criticizing copenhagen for the move, something how to be done, migrants coming from different places in africa,
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middle eastern countries. they will probably stop seeking our buying class item, and they know that they will be sent out of europe again. well, the new legislation comes amid rising pressure on denmark after it's stripped a hum full of syrian refugees of their residency on the grounds of the syrian capital, the musket on the surrounding return now considered safe. denmark is the 1st european country to take such a step. the decision immediately ignited outrage among refugee and human rights groups which lead to protest that hit the country. last month, copenhagen defended the decision, seeing the areas in question i've been say for almost a year. you're small to an opponent, the new law, to say this government came to power on empty minority. that theory in the election, freshly this call is very much against people from the daily specially the machine
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background, you know? so they don't want them to come to the syrians came now they want to kick them out . also they are trying to, to make laws where they can send people back to see the problem is that this government should democratic government knows that it is impractical. and not received and they don't want to leave this away because if they did, they could just side by the far right parties. france has a 90 the suspension of joint military operations with molly in the wake of last week's military coup in the african nation. part will keep the measures in place until it receives guarantees about their return to civil real. while awaiting these guarantees, france has decided to suspend as a temporary measure, joined military operations with marley and forces, as well as national advice, remissions for their benefit. president micron has also threatened to withdraw
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troops entirely from the country. france sounds more than 5000 soldiers in the region as part of the terror operation launch back in 2013. but some expert, no fear, a french withdrawal could boost the influence of radical let's pro slow i know 2 or 3 and historian gerald horn for his take girls. good to see you. tell us, what would the consequences be if a french withdrawal and how likely is it i think that frances, when a quagmire, this temporary withdrawal, it seems to me, will be quite brief. because already the religious zealots control about 60 to 75 percent of the country. the french back regime only supports the remainder. sadly, and unfortunately, the french back regime and bama cope also is deeply and messed in religious
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fanaticism itself. president macross has not helped matters with regard to his maneuvers and neighboring shad. recall that when the leader eaters debbie was killed in a conflict with rebels just a few weeks ago, rather than follow the constitution. the military and shad decided to promote interest. debbie son to be head of state rather than objecting president from the chrome show up at the address debbie's funeral and sat next to this legitimate leader. so it seems to me that france is on the verge of losing control of its neo colonial empire. and what used to be call french west africa. even a lesson present in molly the wider cell region. those are going through by france does not automatically equate to a bigger influence for radical islamist there. afraid so we need to realize that these religious zealots are on the march then not only on the march with regard to
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the hell reason, not only on the marks with regard to molly and shad. but keep in mind that the french oil giant, too tall, has just withdrawn from a multi $1000000.00 energy search in northern mozambique because of religious zealots on the march of their we specialize in torture and beheading those who oppose their dick talk. so we also should say that part of this dilemma is frances own making. but i mean, is that decades ago, when the hell was surging to independence, friends operated to try to liquidate the left wing forces the socialists oriented forces. what have redistribution of the wealth, and the resulting vacuum has been filled by the religious zealots. and i'm afraid to say that france is not on the verge of losing to these religious zealots. you're
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seeing those outlets are spreading high, far. do they spread? do they get as far as europe? well, i'm afraid so sir, you saw what has been going on with regard to france itself. with regard to just recently, a teenage girl being the luge with the messages because of alleged offense that she committed towards islam. i'm sure you've heard of what's happened in france itself with regard to the stabbing and killing the police officers by religious zealot. so this is a problem, and i'm not sure if france has the right remedy to resolve this problem. certainly the assistance that's receiving from the so called africa command of the united states of america is not helping things. because washington only has one approach to confronting what is obviously a socio political problem. and that's barging in with all guns blazing. that's not
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going to work, it has not work and it will not work. can i put it from the other side? gerald? i imagine france has weighed off its potential polite and how it could weekend its grip on the, on the continent. right now, home fort and is the region to paris. oh, it's africa that gives friends the pretension of being able to pose as a major global power on. there is to say that without africa, france is a nother middle ranking member of the european union. and so that's why francis is working so desperately to hold onto it's neo colonial mill par, which is rapidly shrinking and also passing away from the immediate control. just finally, the african region. right now, how about is discouraged by radical islamists? is it more than you've seen done the years or is it is it's something that can be
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controlled. it is getting worse with every passing day. recall the part of the trigger with regard to friend, temporarily withdrawing cooperation with the military. and molly was the decision by the hunter, that it would seem to observe a form of serial law. that is to say that even those who frances cooperating with an assertive has surrender to the political reality of militant radical islamism. so this is a growing problem. i'm also afraid to say that france is not receiving any assistance from those. it is allied with speaking of the gulf, monarchies, saudi arabia, and the 1st instant. we all know that the gulf monarchies, either through the government or through gulf national or funnelling money to these religious zealots. and yet, france refuses to break ties with the government golf monarchies. instead,
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they continue to sell billions of dollars or weapons to be golf monarchies, and what these weapons will be use for. i'll leave to your audience to decide insightful analysis as always, gerald horn, ortho and historian life on our t. thank you. love is your lot for know from the newsroom, but if you'd like to dig deeper into any of this, our stories as well as our website, just click away and that's all is totally free without any need to subscribe. this is art interest me.


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