tv News RT June 6, 2021 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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when he, when he was the largest international congress on make it said he development or i see europe unleashes the latest technology of long range sound, catalan's to make borders impenetrable to migraines. as the blocks, the southern states demand, tougher action emit a spike in new coming. well, business leaders gathered in the russian city of st. petersburg this week for the 1st a face to face global financial event of the year. a key speak of including vladimir putin who announced plans, freight vaccine tourism industry. and israel's opposition and pleasures to give parliament an official statement on a new coalition government on monday which could end and benjamin netanyahu was 12 years. and as prime minister. c for this. 6 i came here because we have been betrayed. tony
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bennett and gideon saw, have betrayed, does. also concerns abound of a personal liberty. as employers in america are told they can require stuff to get vaccinated against coven. u. k. 2 is considering compulsory jobs for frontline medical workers ah, with the top stories of the day and over the weekend. welcome to the weekly here. when you international law rule research, you're moving to prevent yet another wave of illegal migration. on thursday, the french prime minister visited to nicea to stress the need for cooperation to control illegal crossings. that's as southern states demand, tougher action from the block to deal with immigrants. it's after a spanish enclave in north africa, so record thousands crock crossing daily from morocco and growing numbers of
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newcomers nowadays, just embarking on italy's lamb, producer island little going to italy will continue to play a role in terms of resources and training capacity. but i repeat, say, we need a rapid and concrete action from the european union. it is unacceptable for a government to say that they are a tech in the borders, in this case, springs borders that they are open in the board. and so that $10000.00 immigrants could enter in spanish cities such as c, u to in less than 48 hours because of disagreements, differences, and discrepancies in foreign policy. meanwhile, the border security is being given a high tech upgrade in greece, where gods will be using long range acoustic devices along the frontier with turkey . ortiz shot a dubin ski gauges reaction thing. you struggle to find a solution to illegal immigration is a bit of an understatement. it's page money to countries like turkey to take people back. it's school bold internally, but who is responsible with the much touted,
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doubling rules, meaning it was the 1st country that a migrant arrived in. even places like italy and greece to show the burden beefed up the buddha management agency in a big hole back the tight. but as each solution has failed, the book has gone back to the drawing board. now is travel, ease is up again following the covey pandemic your points to be clear, likely or not. welcome. the long range acoustic device in $13.00, or 5. the noise is just one of the techniques being used in greece. the idea is to make sure that any migrant trying to cross illegally from turkey, no, no,
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to you must be me. with systems like the sound cannon and ahmed vehicles. we can prevent illegal entry. defense has been constructed in the areas where we have the biggest problems and the automated surveillance system will now provide us with an additional weapon to deal with this threat. observation tao is being created with long range cameras, night vision and center for able to identify any suspicious activity. a lie detector is a virtual booted guardian to be brought. i've also been piloted, you attempt to find a solution. and if all else fails, anyone attempting to course the board that will face the huge do you friend? the idea of proving was to keep people out, isn't you going going from thing is the newton such plan between the us and mexico? the you raise concerns in europe, we have a history that has told us that every time that once invests in divisions and
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walls, you might end up being in a prison. if you build all worlds around you and we have history and the tradition and an identity based on the fact that we celebrate, when walls are broke down and bridges are built fast forward. if he is late and europe is playing coffee catch, hemming itself in human rights groups, say that these new developments all worrying when you put barriers, find another way. these ways normally are depending on smugglers. these ways are more dangerous and more in depth and more suffering. so you have many people who know very well this by trying to come with it being either made was their life. and when they don't have any other choice in life, they will make even that difficult steps to see people are going to lose their lives, people who are dying outside of the board of europe. but anyway, you know,
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can citizen sleep quite because history, but i'm not dying in our day doing that, just dying at the boilers. this is something that instrument, it's something that we need to stuff and it is something that we need to change. of those are suspicious that measures such as the ai powered lloyd detection are essentially being tested out before being rolls out elsewhere. we are seeing the borders and in treating for in national is generally is that it's often a testing field for technologies that are later than used on european as well. and that's why everybody should care in their own self interest. what is happening at the borders. you is under pressure to show that it's doing something, but that doesn't mean that it's getting it right. you migration policy failures
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recently highlighted by the un, which said that it was putting human rights sample. i at risk countries are increasing. he defending the food at all while approx $27.00 members, they still continue to argue amongst cells and an e. u gratian on this island, it's still active, reach geology, the sky, or t. paris. over the week, russia is northern capitals and petersburg has hosted one of the biggest global financial events of the year, the 1st face to face mass gathering of its kind. since the pandemic hit a guest toad from keynote speakers like let me put in who revealed his views on various domestic and global issues. oh, we planned to disco. so bilateral relations, and we need to find ways to regulate them because they are
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a very low point. at the moment we'll be talking about strategic stability, regulating conflicts in the world, hotspots disarmament, the pandemic, and the environment. new acumen is green. c, as in favor of taking american liquefied guess. but if they're really green, they should know that 70 percent of us gas is produced by hydraulic fracturing. motive not for the environment and the conclusions are as follows. st. musson gas is more environmentally friendly, cleaner, cheaper, more reliable partners have made a choice to the north stream to project measures and use it, as, you know, makes its own contribution to the fight against corona virus. we have, for vaccines develop domestically, and the accomplishments of our scientists have got wide recognition across the
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world. sputnik v has already been registered in 66 countries homes, more than 3200000000 people. i would like to highlight that we haven't just viewed our unique technologies, not just created capabilities from manufacturing vaccines in russia, rosa helping other countries to develop their own production capacity st. oh. when you do a really cool drink. nice. there's a widespread practice of people from other countries coming specifically to russia to get the job against corona virus. in this regard, i would like to off the government to analyze all aspects of this issue by the end of the month in compliance. of course, with those safety measure and sanitary requirements to organize the conditions for phone citizens to get a chance to have the vaccine on a commercial basis. then among the top level guests taking the stage of the forum was austria and chancellor, sebastian kurtz,
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who joined the conversation via video link. he regrets brussels failure to give russia sputnik v vaccine. the green life sort of came in, or it doesn't matter where the faxing comes from, from russia, from the us or from china. every bits of success in the fight against corona virus is the shed success of the entire world for the good of all people names. and therefore geo politics should not stand in the way of those developments. i'm very happy that sputnik vi has been registered by more than 60 countries around the world and supplied the which means that this vaccine will be available for all of us. and very soon, aside from the pandemic, the forum also touched on many other areas, including that of said he planning. so we call the thoughts upon top architect on the future of russian cities. russia is a great country and can, you can do anything rational if russia decides to do it, you know, so what we see now in moscow. yes, there is now a tendency for a highrises that is more than this, you know,
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for sustainable architecture. so i'm sure architecture supported with an architecture will find its place in moscow. we are fortunate to work with some of the greatest companies in russia, such as gas from spare band, their russian railways, we're doing for them. designs of some large headquarters or office buildings with these great companies. we're trying through these big projects to create a very high quality of public space and to get to the city. and it becomes a place which blows the boundary between corporate and people. shifting our attention now to israel, where on monday the opposition statement on forming a new government will be brought to parliament. it is set in motion. the process of a vote of confidence in a new coalition that could ultimately bring a benjamin netanyahu is 12 year rule to an end on at least correspondent as mall.
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well, this might just be the end of the 12 year reign of these lady prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he had had numerous opportunities to form a coalition government that had failed. they have been for election in the space of 2 years and all of them had ended and successfully for a ton yahoo! he has divided public support. at the same time, he is in the middle of a corruption trial which hasn't lent him any particular brownie points. and although there was a recent war between israel and gaza, that you might have thought would have led him to pause because nathan, yahoo, of course, always presenting himself as the strong man. it doesn't seem to have done that. now at exactly 35 minutes before the midnight deadline expired, the country's opposition leader hid informed president a week and that he was able to form the next government. at the same time,
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he is urging the parliament to hold a special station in which they will concern the incoming government. technically, this is not a done deal until that parliament station is held. you also have a coalition that crosses the entire spectrum from the political right to the political left, even if the new government goes forward. there are questions being asked about how successful and how long it will last. but to be the one thing that all these political parties have in common is a united front against natania. that's what natania, who as you mean that he is after some power, he will then become the leader of the opposition. he will not be able to introduce any kind of parliamentary immunity and at the same time it is expected that the new government is going to push for new legislation that will limit the number of terms of office that a prime minister conserve. and at the same time will prevent an official who has
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charges against him from holding office. so certainly a lot happening and potentially a lock could happen in the coming days on wednesday for his end, opponents open ukuleles and pull it onto the streets defense reaction. right wingers up the coalition of trails and others boys hope for an end to political dead was israel's had 4 elections in 2 years. and any failure of this new effort would risk yet another vote for this i think i know that a man has 6 parliament seats where the wrong thing. i think the government will stand because everybody from the right and of course from the central left knows it is impossible to work with. net on the actual and that he's doing so much to israel
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. i came here because we have been betrayed. not totally bennett and gideon saw have betrayed. does the next 5 to israeli army? i feel betrayed. there is no one to defend me from a left wing government, one middle east expert, we spoke to who told us desperation to avoid. another ballad holds this coalition together well, brought people together and ostensibly was, you know, they want to get rid of nathan, you know, who, you know. and his 12 year ruled, there are issues of corruption and being charged and so on and so forth. but the underlying issue would probably be that all these people, all these parties would not want to see a yet another round of elections. why? because what happened during the past month, the round of violence is that they were the different and he for resignation within these really side he had once you have that center parties and left parties and so
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on they wouldn't have a chance. so if they do not make a move now, then probably benjamin is in, you won't be able to form a government or chooses not to form a government in favor of next for an election where he would gain an even bigger majority. and so what really galvanized those people is not the will to succeed, but the will to fail or to avoid failure in any upcoming election or weekly returns in just a moment. i so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy plantation let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful,
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very critical time time to sit down and talk when i would show the same wrong. why don't just don't the room? yes to fill out the scene because the after an engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves well, the part we choose to look for common ground in the moon. ah, thank you for sharing your sunday with us here at r t. a companies in america cannot require staff to get inoculated against coven. i
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wonder the new guidelines? they cannot co us them. exceptions are made for those with disabilities. and with those having religious grounds before the ruling that more than 100 health care work has had already filed a lawsuit against a hospital network in texas, which posts and all a sudden june 7th deadline to get injected and medical stuff. argue that i want to be forced to take an experimental shot for fear of getting fired literally. for the 1st time in the history of the united states, an employer is forcing an employee to participate in an experimental vaccine trial . as a condition for continued employment method is hospitalized, forcing its employees to be human. guinea pigs. compulsory injections are also being debated in the u. k, where the country's vaccination minister says the government is considering making shots obligatory for old and a chest frontline staff. there is precedent for this. obviously surgeons get
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vaccinated for hepatitis b. so it's something that we are absolutely thinking about, and i call it a union o'neill, debated the issue with support has over the move and with critics to family, reject the comparison with the hippa titus vaccination. mr. reject this home in the, to the tech and with, with those i'm say they been properly tied and tested the target non she vaccines have yet to be fully license or gram happened until 202030. so you have the population. you all have maxine or passively being a guinea pigs. unfortunately the government has people in the care of how profession to have this year. i didn't say by wishes and of course with the general public as well because they haven't exercised the control of the media. we haven't the type of debate that is a political decision,
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and one that they will have to take and it's been one that's been coming down the track for them ever since the vaccines were, were released. but it's not a surprise. it's all. and i suspect just my suspicion they'll end up making it mandatory for all staff. really. if you're telling people they have to have something that a year ago they had that did not have to have it all. that's a very rapid change, isn't it? in somebody's health it is, but that's a decision from politicians to make. we haven't really though i didn't know what is a problem. what do we doubting without seeing the amounts of transmission that happened in hospitals about less than 6 months ago. it was enormous. i definitely do not think that's going to be welcomed by a large the drop off. i mean, still going to be intrusive in considering the disproportionate number of health care workers that were affected by cove. it may be very difficult to understand why
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we would be wanting to have mandatory vaccinations. so aspect of this is that lots of us lost our lives and were affected by igniting due to lack of p. p a. there was poor communication. we felt the bronze of most of us working on stress and p t s d . and that was the southern, the government if they conduct life they're supporting now inject and also the same back to nation. they need to address the issues, why the issues the safety of this back the you can just expect, you know, a lot of people will actually flee to health service if it becomes a mandatory as a buys new ministration acknowledges the so called lab leak theory on the chinese origins of corona virus, a chief medical advisor anthony file, she is calling on basing to release the medical records of hand. lab workers in bay president biden, all did a speedy investigation into the origins of covey officer. originally saying that no
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investigation was needed. in the days leading up to the decision, the wall street journal reported that 3 will have lab research as will already sick november 2019 citing and unnamed us intelligence report. and it's more, i guess vf explains still major questions remain a year ago. trump was blasted as crazy and then same for all his talk about the lab league theory that these pestilence sneaked out of a chinese bio lab. that it was perhaps an engineered bio weapon, but in america it's only crazy if you don't like who said it. a world health organization expert says is impossible to 10. how when the hugh hon corona virus will peak. i think it's going to back. it's going to come across to a lot of americans as backing of xena phobia housing community that has believed and continues to believe and have in there weren't low confidence on the viruses.
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precise origin said a likely possibility. are you saying you think it's likely that the, that that's the way it happened that, that they've been covering it up? yes, this idea was loaded to the public and i mean loaded through an article on board street journal. the authors claim that i named officials told them that employees at the woo had institute of biology were among the 1st to show symptoms. if could be significant. if members of the same team working with current viruses, went to hospital with similar symptoms, shortly before the pandemic was 1st identified, which is coincidentally, nothing new. and this was reported last year back red biden accuse trump of spreading then food via with is we hadn't flu and con flu comments? now biden has restarted an investigation into the potential lab league theory, or have belong by this article, an article by a guy who helped to fabricate the deadliest lie of the 21st century. michael gordon
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was the central figure behind the lie of saddam's weapons of mass destruction. and the last 14 months iraq is sold to buy 5 thousands of specially designed aluminum tubes, which american officials believe were intended as components of centrifuges to enrich uranium. the claim turned out to be false, for which the new york times eventually apologized, lend, which they said was handed to them by the white house in 2002. but we have found a number of instances of coverage that was not as rigorous as it should have been on september, 8th, 2002. the lead article of the paper was headlines. u. s. s hussain intensified quest for a bon parts that report concerned the aluminum tubes that the administration advertised insistently as components for the manufacturer of nuclear weapons fuel. it should have been presented more cautiously. it wasn't just this once that he did this. michael gordon has
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a lot of these inside sources and anonymous friends and other words, michael gordon has a reputation for laundering i a and white house talking points and this information to the press and to the mattress spreading propaganda. as journalism, his work was arguably biblical and beginning the invasion of iraq and paving the way for the deaths of millions of people. and i didn't stop there now, photographs and description some eastern ukraine endorsed by the obama administration on sunday. suggest that many of the green men are indeed russian military and intelligence forces equipped in the same fashion as russian special operation. troops involved in attic, seeing the crimea region in february, 4 days later, and after the damage had been done. and people had been misled into believing that russian troops were evasive ukraine. the new york times again came out to refute the discredited images. more recently,
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some of those grainy photographs have been discredited. it all feels rather familiar. the rush, publication of something exciting, often base and an executive branch leak. and then afterwards with a kind of morning after feeling here comes in more sober, less prominently displayed, follow up story to deal with objections who are not clarifying much of anything. i don't know enough about cove it to get its origins. neither do the innumerable experts and professors. we've talked to what i do know nice not to trust a guy who is referred to the laundromat. they're very close relations between the, the, the intelligence agencies and the media very close. the intelligence agencies use the media all the time to leak information to, to spread rumors to make certain officials they, they don't like, look bad. we saw this tremendously during the rush,
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it gave episode under trumps when when there were vast numbers of leaks, there were all. busy intended may god trump or his various officials look a bad look like they were colluding with russia. and these leaks came out of the intelligence agencies that is quite clear and the press lasted up the press lumper . they couldn't get enough. they. ready were very eager, they were eager for more and they never questioned why the intelligence agencies were leaking in this information. or what kind of motive. the agencies had mind. the early release of a sicilian master your boss behind more than a 100 killings. as spock public outrage, his jail time was cut short for cooperating with authorities and apologizing for his crimes. but locals are doubting his sincerity and want real criminal reforms.
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me a little you know stream and it really hurt even though it was not a surprise because there has been a lot of talk about it late. it is a blow. giovanni bruce car has been released because he collaborated. who's close at the moment and the family. so the victims of matthew, this criminal did horrible things. he killed so many people and we all want to ask ourselves the question, is he really regret what he did? did he say everything he knows about the massacres? that have bloodied cecily when he truth and justice. we asked to say to continue investigating and make this criminal pretty decent mix. there are other top stories of the week here on the international. thank you for joining us for the weekly.
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