tv News RT June 7, 2021 10:00am-10:31am EDT
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over the past decade, advance mega project most go been born 2021, the largest international congress on make it that he development to dollars top headlines on our team, put her prize fall over its recent blocking in nigeria, saying a free and open internet is an essential human, right? all of that, while the platform routinely sentences it's users in america, israel is a security service, warns of potential violent unrest at parliament prepared to vote on a new governing coalition seeking to replace prime minister netanyahu and gunning down white people. that's what a psychiatrist at yale university told her class was fantasy. the newly emerged audio of the lecture has bob outrage, something she has dismissed. as a typical white reaction, i began my talk by saying that if i start talking about race in this way,
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i'm going to be seen as the crazy one and white people just follow the textbook like ah moment after 5 pm on this monday. welcome to the program on on to the national. we have your latest worldwide news stories, western diplomatic missions of cold out nigeria on his latest decision to block twitter, the african nation by the social media network. after twitter removed a post by the nigerian president, which warned local separatists of consequences unless they relent. while the u. s. tech jain claims a free and open internet is an essential human right back in america, it appears to be operating on very different principles. here's all correspondent egos, donald, the free speech wing of the free speech boxing. this is how twitter executives love
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to define that platform. the self righteousness of this is only matched by how far the twitter executives are detached from reality. lately, the band, the syrian president over this tweet, many of those misbehaving too, too young to be aware of the destruction and loss of lives that occurred during the nigerian civil war. those of us in the fields for 13 months, who went through the war will treat them in the language that understand, taught or moderator may not be able to find nigeria on the math. but apparently, their interpretation of the country's history is more accurate than the presidents who obviously wasn't impressed. and he's government wasn't taking any of that. where people, one morning politicians are going to policemen a jury duty and us for today. it was about the right to protect what
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a similar to happened when the capital he became for action. when are going to be fooled by anybody where he wanted to room? how do for the rest of our ability twitter wasn't ready for that and it is hard to judge them for it. they had already successfully band one of the most powerful men in the world and got away with that consequence. free nigeria though, did something about it the or das city. we are deeply concerned by the blocking of twitter in nigeria. access to the free and open internet is an essential human right in modern society. just put everything down for a 2nd, appreciate the absolute, logical pandemonium here with me, twitter, which is very trigger happy over an arbitrary set of rules to deny people the right
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to speak out is trying to be the champion of free speech. you can make this up, but the ban caught the eye of some politicians who condemned it. diplomatic missions of canada, the european union, the republic of ireland, the united kingdom and the united states of america, convey our disappointment over the government of nigeria as announcement suspending twitter. funding systems of expression is not the answer. these measures inhibit access to information and commerce and some other politicians who in turn got ideas. twitter noncompliance with our rules will lead to unintentionally consequences, including twitter losing exemption from liability as an intermediary the information most time, even if it appears very attractive candidate, tend to foreign state how to live, how to interpret historical events, what movies to watch, or what music to listen to otherwise, instead of freedom of speech, it becomes
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a dictatorship of opinion for sole purpose. and perhaps more officials or should take a closer look at nigeria handling this. because if banning a president over an opinion somehow made it into twitter, his definition of free speech, we all need a send in how to deal with big tech care any twitter has no business deciding on what geo political failures have to say about anything because they're not they're not informed enough to do so. they're just are responding based on their own political prejudices. with very little knowledge about what the situation involve. especially in nigeria, twitter is pretending to be the government of the world along with other social media platforms. they are trying to institute their own sort of governmental power . the social media platform to combine, have more power than all the nations of the world. and in fact,
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to all the states in the world, in terms of political influence. so no, this is not surprising, and it's not warranted that these nations would be trying to her. twitter is political power lecture by a psychiatrist at the yale university has sparked outrage after she told the audience she would like to gun down white people talk to kill him. and he presented her ideas on the alleged problems of a white mind back in april. but the talk wasn't made public until john list uncovered and uploaded the audio. you're gonna want to have a look at this. here's artsy, saskia taylor. attempt to psychiatry usually means a comfy chair, a face space, a piece of new judgment to pace. you feel fully accepted? have you met doctor arona kennedy? i had fantasies of unloading the revolver into the head of any white person that the guys in my way brings our body and wiping my bloody hands as i walked away,
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relatively gills, less with bones and myself. like a do the world favor? yes, dr. caitlin, on he is a license psychiatry and i think we can all agree just from those few was that she's perfectly to fight to advise people and how to live that best lives. and she's all about hearing your story unless you're white because really all they are thought body kills. this is the cost of talking to white people at all because of your own life as the suck you dry. there are no good apples. how the white people make my blood boil. now these on the leak private notes talk to canada right from she's sitting opposite how white patients know these comments were made in front of hundreds of people. yale. busy university electra called this psychopath. problem of the white mind. that's our face space. i was talking about among the of the revelations, from the 52 minute long balance select from
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a top professional. the white people have 5 holes in the brain and medical opinion . they found demented in her medical opinion, and she's cut off or how white friends, because nothing says di bucks to like bring out a color chart when deciding if you want to hang out with someone. she's using her psychiatry and her profession to advocate for causes that the level of support the reality is that people like her are french. these are friends elements that believe and that promote these ridiculous and absurd ideologies and ideas. i don't think that while i do have a lot of problems with what the far left and then what the left put forth, i don't think that she is representative of the may jordy of people on the left. this is what i see. the danger coming, not so much that, that she represents love right now, but that these ideas could disseminate and be accepted by people on the left. now it's similar comments had been made against any other community. they'd probably be
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deemed respecting unhinged violence and fighting supremacy, toxic device of me and not see a cnn headline story. but no, this time, only the dean's office raised its concern. i imagine replacing the words white's mind with asian mind or gay mind as we work towards equity and inclusion and unity . i wonder what impact this presentation will have probably realized how demented it sounded. then remember, the universities only cancel and destroy korea by top pool to suck people dry, and then remembered gales to busy firing faculty members. very important issue of culturally insensitive helloween costumes. so they did decide not to post the video of doctor kit and on his speech, just an audio available only to yale students who are the small display mom, which i think we can agree was the one thing to do. i'm the violet one. i'm the
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crazy one and see that coming away i did, i began my talk by saying that if i start talking about race in this way, i'm going to be seen as a crazy psychotic one. and white people followed my textbook like i was 5 holes in that brains. what else could she expect? but it doesn't matter. dr. cannon on, you know, the truth, which is the only thing that counts nowadays just as how website says she loves and welcomes everyone, even if sometimes she does want to take an a k 47 and don them down. but you know, everyone has their own unique ways to unite and, and he'll and end racial divides. i just hope that no white people are standing in dr. kayla normie is way. i mean, i think it does kind of reflect what's going on in our country right. now, i mean there, there is a huge division along party lines in general, when you have people who engage in this type of rhetoric, there is always the,
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the risk that somebody might become radicalized, and that they might try to express this, express these ideas using violence i don't think, i mean, we already feel a lot of political political violence going on in the united states right now. i mean, we've seen an tivo. we've seen the writers at the u. s. capital. on january 6, we've seen the george boy protests, some of which were violent. so it's not a stretch to think that this, this type of rhetoric could possibly push some individuals to take violent action or improve those checkout. some of the headlines for you here on the program a to pass into trains, collided in pakistan, killing at least 40. we understand a number of people could still be trapped in the wreckage. authorities worry, the numbers of casualties will arise as we understand. one of the trains had already to rails before being impacted by the 2nd one. there were over a 1000 passengers in all good pages for you and lava flows from
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o volcano in the northwest of iceland have now reached a nearby valley. the russian did begin back in march and site c, as have all been going to take this selfies. this is the 1st volcanic eruption in that region in 700 years. and migrating how to 15 wild elephants is causing havoc in china. and they've been giving locals a bit of a fried by wandering into villages in search of food and water. in some cases, leaving a trail of damage behind. terabyte and chief medical advisor has called on beijing to release the health records of 9 people in china, giving new life back to the coven lab leak theory, which had been written off as a conspiracy by us. media among the documents are those that detail the cases of 6 miners who fell ill off to entering a bad cave in 2012. a scientist from the institute over ology, subsequently visited the cave to take samples. i would like to see the medical
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records of the 3 people who are reported to have got sick in 2019. did they really get sick? and if so, what did they get sick with the same with the miners who got years ago it is entirely conceivable. that the origin of course called to was in that cave and they, they started for the naturally or went through the lab. it's exactly the theory which was brown, that a conspiracy in 2020 back then of course, we had lots of headlines, blossoming with phrases like no evidence and almost certainly not true and exposed disagree, and so on and so forth. now, last week, only some media admitted they made a mistake, dismissing the lap league theory only because donald trump and other republicans had 1st been supporting it. but the mainstream seems to have changed this new credibility as they like to call. it was fueled by 2 factors in may. joe biden gave us intelligence services, 90 days to on to get answers that is on where the virus actually came from. and this is after originally saying that no investigation was actually needed. and also
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back in march, the world health organization sent a team of international scientists to hand to examine how the disease 1st spread to humans. the lab league theory was not ruled out of the un describe. the report has fall from conclusive at the former us president still supports the idea proud. she is perhaps never been more wrong than what he denied the virus and where it came from. the time has come for america and the world to demand reparations and accountability from the communist party of china when it comes to this issue, ortiz simon, right optics. can anyone really be trusted? dig around a virus past the humans because someone in a chinese market a bat sandwich was it accidentally leaked by careless boffins from a hand laboratory dinner. no one knows not even i 100 percent mind to the or i know i personally am having to we informing totally thought our
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opinion on this. i mean go more mission theory does prove one thing that we do know they can't drop anyone. some of the cost involved in this, marty, who done it, the spies of western intelligence agencies, the chinese government. and it was a worry, a diplomat. scientists and then questionable motivations and social media and the media. i mean, holy pandemic about man who saw you on a lot journey of the theory shows is pretty much everything is going wrong in the world today when it was 1st muted months ago. it was dismissed in the conspiracy theory. anyone suggesting china was by the list was called a racer. comes lou, the dominant strain of was actually shut down debate, social media, even sense of people from talking about it. then facebook, it's listing it's ban on parse that claim. carver dante was man made on
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manufactured the right to debate freely return when western government funded that maybe it wasn't a conspiracy. after all, experts in the by did ministration are now actively considering the possibility. once dismiss cove, it may have been accidentally leaked from a chinese lab any day taking the word that intelligent night. and then we heard that the u. s. intelligence agency couldn't even decide what they thought amongst himself. it says the intelligence community is split. so when the virus came from human contact with an infected animal or emerged in a look for a tree accident, and america's top immunology, stand to be found. she who publicly dismissed the theory last year, i mean e mails even show that someone from the lab thanked him publicly for his support is now back tracking. why did i start with fanny? why, why did you dismiss the lab league theory as, as credible me,
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i have always said that the high likelihood is that this is a natural occurrence. i didn't dismiss anything. i just said it's the high likelihood, the world health organization that she sent a team to woo hoo right report. thanks. it was extremely unlikely that this bar came from a lab, but since then, a director general of the w h o has come out and said that the report was not extensive enough. and high also sees remain on the table. china, which is the west coast bogeyman, gets angry when anyone ever suggests this could have come from them. shows that the us does not care about facts or truth and has 0 interest in a serious science by study of origins. but then there's those boys of the chinese sciences going down to the north, the bug, the few weeks before this happened. but then those to come from the american intelligence, them to the continent, their minds. anyway, britain's former top spy m, i 6, came out to play politics this week and he said,
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john is probably destroyed any evidence. there was anyway, stories that do ensure that beijing would never be a driven the probably will never know for sure and is going to come down that who do you trust? it's hard, isn't it? but in some ways, maybe it's best we don't find out because if china is to blame, the world will demand that something is done and they might find out there's nothing it can do. trunk once join us pay $10.00 trillion dollars in compensation. good luck with that. it's me to reveal that since president biden entered office in january, his justice department has been spying on john list and even use a gag order to try and see new york times report as e mails and unmasked as sources. are the president said he had no idea about any if the department has promised it won't happen again. his motor goes the f. it is an age old tradition, then the states to hon, camera to lord and to profess respect for journalists and golf camera to track to
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model to him to, to spot them bush, did it a bomb or did the same thing problem for now, why do the justice department relentlessly pursued the identity of sources for coverage that was clearly in the public interest in the final 15 days of the trump administration. and the burden and ministration continued to pursue it. as i said before, it profoundly undermines press freedom. the martin administration didn't just pursue it. the biden administration, gagged journalists forbidding them from, from telling people that they were being spied apart for their work by the government of the united states. that their calls and emails were being tracked. if you will believe what the white house is, excuse was, no one at the white house was aware of the gag order until friday night. while the white house does not intervene in criminal investigations. the shoeing of subpoenas for the record reporters indic investigations is not consistent with the
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president's policy direction to the department. no, no, no, no, no, no. the button team came to power in january. that's february. march april may june 5 months. and they're still trying to say that they had no idea of what was going on, especially given that the head of the department of justice, mary garland, was piqued by biden. and much should be seeing the boarders some measuring and emailed and would you prevent your justice from doing now? only you are yours for sure. absolutely. positively. it's wrong. if you don't like you're just they will say the same thing. it's wrong that shouldn't happen. that freedom of speech and journalism, hello. then they get busted. doing this for the success of presidents now have done the same thing. they're all oh, so sorry. when they get caught,
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the by the justice department voluntarily moved to withdraw the order before any records were produced. the department strongly values are free and independent press and as committed to upholding the 1st amendment. say they're sorry, which means that they can now confidently go back to lecturing. everyone else and the value of press freedom. that leaves until the next president read something that annoys him and all this is grudge to go have a look at the authors calls and emails, because the government has the capacity to true wholesale surveillance obtain all email and phone rep. any form of electronic communication is people within the system within the government have become very hesitant to speak about crimes allies or fraud or malfeasance. on the part of the government. with reporters, that's not new. that is why when edward snowden leaked his information,
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he left the country because he knew he could easily be traced. this is just one more step and affectively drying up any ability to monitor the internal workings of power. israel, that security service issued a red warning that incitement is growing in the country and could lead to violence . some see the message as pointing the finger at current prime minister benjamin netanyahu. we have recently identified a serious rise and radicalization and violence and insight in this course specifically on social media. this discourse may be interpreted, am uncertain groups or individuals as one that loves violence and the legal activity. and could even lead to harm to individuals or crossing lived out to the middle east, correspondent, paula clear and tell of a polar. is it clear what threat be israeli security chief was referring to? well, we're thinking that the recent comment by the director of these ration bit internal
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security says, appealing, israel was referencing a recent comment by the israeli prime minister benjamin from yahoo. in which he said the public representatives were going against the will of the people. as we heard over there, very unusual to hear a public statement from the head opposition base. and his comment, mandy echoed, what is a growing concern here in israel? is that with the hand over the transition of power from natania, who to a new government, there is a cause for concern that they might be fine and and ms. can him call us. we condemn all incitement in violence on all sides for a long time terrible calls have been made against us against me and also against views, including explicit calls to murder me. my family, my wife. silence. i want to promise that we my friends and i in the could faction will vehemently oppose the establishment of this government, a fraud and dangerous one. and if god forbid it is established,
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we will over for it was very quickly hold and he shall not be. nathan yelled with them. i heard netanyahu earlier today say to his supporters in this very language. do not be afraid to go strong on them. i call on you mister netanyahu to let go free the country to move on. people are allowed to vote for a government even if you are not in charge of the shallow. now they have been and now who valleys across the country most, but only into wisdom in front of the prime minister's residence in balfour street, but also in several highways and intersections across the country. basically, the main thing is that they want to know who to go. he has the potential of 15 years as the head of the country. 12 of which have been constituted is also going concerns over his corruption trials. many here were concerned that had he stayed on as a prime minister. he would have used that position to try and help him in the criminal trial that he's currently facing. and really the reason why we seeing this new
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unity government forming against him is a unification. around the idea that it is time clinician, yahoo to step down. hey, probably will do whatever you can just say show we have to be out here. we will go . hopefully that whole political culture, the toxic political culture created also be gone. we came now to truth and then to clean natalia and his family leave daily audience. read the ball. proceed now exactly a week from today. next week, monday is the deadline by which the country trisic economists need to vote as to whether or not it is the new unity coalition coming the next government to be the majority of $61.00, out of a 120. automate speak with the parliament is approach netanyahu quarter. and
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so he is pushing to try and keep that deadline as far away as possible. while you have the leaders of the potential new government trying to get it approved as quickly as possible. they want you to approve within the next 2 days. so there is that battle happening inside the country, parliament as we speak. i for the thank you the us army is trying to figure out a new way of attracting recruits. how are they going to do it this time? well, by appealing to a person's zodiac chart and identified which roles in the military are best suited to which star side. ah, [000:00:00;00]
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i choose with. ah, we will be casting sales on enemy troops. the army, one insurgent operating from offering btn tickets for anyone who finds up torturing prisoners of war. oh my god, for your season. i'm such a mess when mercury is in retrograde. oh god, it's worse than we imagine. the army is being run by facebook moms. ah, and i just about wraps up the news for this hour here. when are you into national there? plenty of your monday stories still to come way back in about half an hour's time. thank you for joining the
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summer solutions. that's where i would look at the problem to look at the solution . and today we've got the one on the marshall auerbach is the market analyst a levy institute researcher and tragic follower of the toronto police. but maybe this is they are they want to stanley cup as a korea professional sport is much tougher on some than others. she was a year old myer by everybody. so why would somebody believe me? i was just a little girl. the price paid to, to, to achieve really was was how to read in the paper this morning. usa swimming coach, arrested, allegedly had sex with a 12 year old girls. this happens almost every week. we get calls at the office. i get informed about one of my greatest fears is someone's going to start linking all this together. there's going to be
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a 60 minute documentary about youth coaches in sports like gymnastics swimming. is that documentary? see it on our t getting it wrong? still again, the growing acceptance of the china lab leak theory demonstrates to be utter incompetence of the ruling elise will be ever be held to account. also, the west often uses the issue of human rights is a political weapon. now, being against the west, i actually don't want any vague, but i'm happy to handle. yeah, of course. oh we're, we're not doing anything illegal. so there is, there would be a law against it, but there is no law against taking food from the trash in the stores
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are not giving the food away. the reason that there are stores is for people to make money. there's no announcement that's made 20 minutes before the store closes . attention customers. the food you're now looking at will very soon in 20 minutes . be on the curb. outside. don't bother buying it. doing you can get it free. so the reason that stores are uncomfortable are the management of stores. the people who work there might be uncomfortable about seeing people salvaging good food that they throw out is because it might be a threat to their business. ah, who are rescuing the food that they were not scabbing or were rescuing resources that are still good? i teach english as a 2nd language and a few different colleges in town warranty college verbal happened,
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