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tv   Documentary  RT  June 7, 2021 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT

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come from pierre's, so i'm afraid the narratives around they should become so basically confused and manipulated. sadly, the relatives are unlikely in the near future to find out what happened to their loved ones. exactly as the big issue and just think of what moscow is saying. russia has repeatedly stated that the investigations to noro. it's failed to consider versions of events including the possible role as you're going through the ukrainian military. you would say that's a for a point. i think it is a fair point, cuz the obvious point to make is that the roof, the stay separate is forces in the dorm bus did not have any book, but missiles, the basically fairly technical and they were, they were a scratch force. so they didn't have any the ukrainian military did and have several of them deployed. so therefore, it's more likely that if it was a missile,
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that's what would have done it. but as i say, there are witness accounts, which are on bbc, moscow saying the local saw, the plane shot down their craft. now alternately, the whole investigation has been poisoned by the fact that it's not been conducted in a genuine series of inquiry. the malaysians whose playing it was have been excluded from the initial investigation. they've complained about that. they're not happy with the investigation at all. and of course give is potentially a suspect. but of course not, not being recognized by the west. it's all. i mean, it's quite feasible that key for its own reasons, either accidentally or on purpose shortlist playing down on plenty of motive for them to do that because it let directly to sanctions on russia and military support from the west. so they could be doing that on their own, or they could be doing it in collusion with western intelligence services. and if
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we go back to the very beginning of the crisis, the shooting of the people in the modem square, the already has been a court case, think about, but clearly showed that the book, right, police were not guilty and that somebody else did it. the implication being the current regime in ukraine. martin as always, thank you so much for your time. your thoughts, martin summers independent journalists, writer and broadcast are speaking to us from the u. k. and kit. and that brings us right to the break more great programs, right ahead, stay with art interest me. i actually don't want any variables, but i'm happy to handle that one. yeah, of course we're, we're not doing anything illegal. so this, there would be a law against it, but there is no law against taking food from the trash in. the stores are not giving the food away. the reason that there are stores for people to make
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money. there's no announcement that's made 20 minutes before the store closes. attention customers. the food you're now looking at will very soon in 20 minutes. be on the curb. outside. don't bother buying it. you can get it for free. so the reason the stores are uncomfortable or the management of stores to people who work there might be uncomfortable about seeing people salvaging good food that they throw out is because it might be a threat to their business. ah, who are rescuing the food that they were not scabbing or were rescuing resources that are still good? i teach english as a 2nd language and a few different colleges in town warranty, college fair baton college and patient i can afford to shop. it's not like i'm
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starving, but the environmental issue is a big thing. i have a 12 year old son and i'm kind of feel bad out the world. we're leaving him. and i know that me taking the odd thing here, or there is not going to change anything. but if a lot more people did it, there'd be a lot less stuff going into the way stream. and i'm getting some eating the food that i get, a recycling packaging. and composting, what i don't eat. so i feel like, you know, it's a little bit, but it's just, you know, be had 7000000 people that little bit. it would make a math difference. food waste is a dagger in problem that i think many people don't conceive the scale almost a 5th of the farmland in the united states and 4 trillion gallons of water grow food that just doesn't get eaten because it can't turn a profit. profit seeking capitalist have decided it's not sellable, therefore it won't be edible. almost 8 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions
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are attributable to food waste. it's simply not sustainable. and at the center of the ethos of the freedom movement is to live more sustainable lives beyond the trappings of liberal capitalism. and it's, it's imperative the, the scale that this issue is that we do something about it, ah, there's a waste in every step of the food system from the farm where the food is pick the perfectionist standards that we have. where if you go to an american supermarket, a key we is always about the same size as a chicken egg, like perfect. and that's true of the size of a mango, the size of a papaya,
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the size of an apple, the size of a potato, which we all know, there's huge variation in these things. and so on the farm from right then everything gets wasted. and then the next step is when they package it and ship it, and some of it gets wasted in the packaging. and then at the supermarket, if it's produced, it gets a little bruised. if it has a little then to reducing it gets wasted. the whole idea of perfection seems like a nice idea. i mean that's what advertised is all about. to have the perfect house, have the perfect vacation? have the perfect vehicle, have perfect couch. perfect furniture has everything perfect. but what we pay for the perfection is a really quick destruction of our planet. and that's not perfect.
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all of these potatoes, holla, pianos, onions, all of these came from waste balance. horses. the, i speak openly about my freakiness with my family and friends. i don't hide it from anybody. i'm not ashamed of it. it strikes some people as, as odd. put some folks off, particularly. i'm thinking of my sister when i told her that, you know, i do food rescue. she's like, oh, what's that? well, food that's going to be thrown away. so dumpster diving, am i? well yeah, that's one way to do it. like so you're in a dumpster like yeah, there's food in there. so i don't know. i mean there's some steps in there. oh yeah . there might be something yeah, i like that good like greens and whatnot. i imagine that you can make a serial. you know, what are the 2 things? yeah. hey, just talking openly about it when we start being guarded,
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when we're ashamed of it. that reified as other people's impression that it is a shameful thing to do if you try to hide it like, oh yeah, well, you know, sometimes we're like in the dumpster, but it just says, no, we get food from the dumpster because good food is there. then prompting to ask why, why is good food in the dumpster? well, all tell you because of these wasteful system that we live in. and it's an opportunity to have a conversation if you're just been up front about it. stores in our country are abundantly stocked and they don't want to ever have to run out of any product so that people have this comfortable sense of having everything they could ever dream of. and this is the byproduct of that. we're also wasting all of this good food. this is not yet expired, but they got a new shipment in. this is best buy march 21st,
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which is in 2 days. so they probably got a whole lot more of this product. and so they got rid of the older one and there's one type of food that, that last 3 years after the buyer. and that can food and the theme in the cabinet here mostly can that. yeah. so if we have another foreign team, i'm going to talk to, i don't know why it gets thrown out. i drive mangled yesterday. ah, i opened, ah, can your final expression? and by that he said, do you think last forever? somebody's september 20th 2021. so i don't know why this even there are other 5 of my job isn't e s l teacher, i sense i have all my future immigrants so i get a new opportunity to kind of be like them bastards, american culture. so i will introduce them to things that maybe they wouldn't get
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from another teacher and you know, some people are kind of gross out by it or whatever, but other people like find it to and i've had students that like, oh, how do you do this work you do, you know where, where can i go and i go walk or any neighborhood? if you see a dumpster look inside, you never know what's going to be in there. in new york city, the garbage is put out differently than in most of the rest of the country because especially in manhattan's, there's no back parking lots. normally, there is no place where they keep a dumpster. normally, the supermarkets and bakeries and stores all put their garbage on bags on the curb at night. ah ah ah
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ah, ah, i think there are free guns who are finding lots more food than they themselves want. and it's just an instinct or propensity to not let the food get wasted, that you're going to take it just so it doesn't sit there in the trash. and then in 20 or 30 minutes, a truck comes by and it just gets shipped off and thrown out to a landfill. ah, darlene offered me some of the food that she put in her fridge and this was the picture she sent me. oh my god, what you'd like. yeah. and it's absolutely more. yeah, this is about people today. there's more blueberries. i didn't know if you want to
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green purple, grape both wash, beautiful apples jain norm is clean and can just construct beautiful. remember last night when we were on our walk home and i found that container structure. exactly. so i was thinking that's why i didn't mention i need those 2 because i felt greedy. now i have enough. but i'll take because you know, they're good and smooth. beautiful and i have a case of blueberries, if you would like more rain buried, i do encourage people to do it because if there is far more food and other things than i could possibly consume. wow, baby. yeah, and i don't usually take fresh stuff more than i need unless i know that my friend jared like will is i want to see or i might get a little extra but i don't want i don't want to take up home. they know something bad because i can leave so much. i'm really grateful that i found this freaking group because nice to have these good people in my life life,
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darlene and rich. you know, people who think the way i think people are attracted to us because we think differently than most of society that we're not always thinking about. i have to get that thing that i just saw advertise because the newest and the best really quite the opposite that we're thinking. i don't have to get something just because it's newer and better that they're more important things than having the best of everything and, and kind of having the best friendships and relationships and integrity and knowing good people that's really important me. ah, i got this place last may. i'm in the middle,
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the panoramic. everything was close. i know interesting. going to stores on top of that, i have run it by anything i was going to buy cheap junk. i spent what i put on the place. but i managed to 1st place beautifully just with things i got from for free . this on the side of the street. the other side of the street. it's thing weighs a 1000 pounds, a nice piece of furniture. i don't know who to put in it, but it's got nice shelves and doors and everything in here is stuff i've picked up there around from their various places we ever wore or anything, plenty of bandages and medical supplies, blood pressure monitor, this is this is this is like my, this is my, on my pharmacy to read. i can't hear things like tooth paste. i got enough for years and here i had finally for magnesium or cohen how and health pill probiotics . i've got them are i given the people they need them? it's just it's, it's amazing like i pick up a lot of random things and i try to give them away the stuff i don't use and do pretty good. pretty good job of getting rid of stuff and but you know,
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i know might, one of my goals is not to have too much, but i want to tell you that kind of was sad and funny of the things that i found to pacify 1000 staples, i realized i will never buy staples again as long as i live. i have to staples to rest my life. there are, there are a lot of resources on, on the web to find things on facebook. there. bunch of different pages called bite and combine nothing groups and they're very local. people have babies out here and they, babies grew up and they get rid of their stuff. they don't need to buy it again. there's a baby carrier for everything, but the baby winter hat, some people post. i think i wanna get rid of this other go for hey, do you have this? and it talks people up. this one is actually this person's looking for a breast pump. this person has one. so now they're going to meet, you know, say here somebody either by stolen from c as my, as a star by makeup, some spare chicken. and somebody else wants it. somebody is stopped by a few minutes ago and she got some lip balm and face mask and things like that that
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i had picked up. and now now it's somebody's using it. it wasn't thrown away with the news. ah, this is fine. someone. someone dropped in love yesterday. so welcome to our free store. we launched this right now. we're just over our one week anniversary. this used to be just this stuff right here. this plywood just this graffiti and it was full of trash all of that thing. always plastic that's blowing all over the city. the 2nd here, cigarette, but bottles, people were loitering, it was an eyesore. it was attracting 1st about stuff and we decided that's kind of
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a good use for the community. and i found a bunch of stuff in the trash like this beautiful black fine. that was ready to go in the garbage. the show. everything came from the trash from our street right here and help kitchen. this is given take over everything, not just all of these items, but given take a skills resources. there's a lot of turnover in this neighborhood that when people buy all their fancy things to furnish their apartments and then they leave town. so often it literally goes in the trash. someone took our shelf that was over here. real estate bought well, got more. this is what i'm talking about. this is amazing. that's exactly the type of stuff we need. so i love this. i've been enjoyed looking at the pictures on the group and looking at the 2000 in the turn over. been like phenomenal people are seeing someone saw like there's this, he ruler and they're like,
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oh i wonder if that's still there because you can see it. sometimes we post photos in our by nothing group that. yeah. okay. so right, we're off until i'm a great day and a half, you know, pilot for the community and for our elected officials and for, for building owners to see when the community comes together. yeah, it's going to stay neat. it's gonna stay tidy. let us in your spaces, give us more. 3 says there is such an abundance of stuff that people are getting rid of. there is such tremendous need. we don't need to buy anything more. we don't need to buy new. it all exist, whatever we need. and there can be so much more sharon, we just need the spaces to do it. what did you get to choose? oh my god. well that's great to see. you have a nice to choose where all the way to
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a 3 cycle event. first hills queens. so i was here with all my giveaways and random things that i've accumulated over the last, whatever years and months and days. so this is a new event, as far as i know that they're running a lot. so people can bring things to give away and people can come and take things for free. and this is great for me because i'm always looking for a way to give things away. this was in the trash of a store because christmas was over. so it's a completely good item that became garbage tax laws, you know, definitely do benefit the wealthier people in our society. so it makes sense for them to throw it out and write it off rather than give it to somebody who could use it. because then that person is not going to buy it,
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of the core of the philosophy is reducing waste, whatever would otherwise become waste, stopping it from becoming waste. and instead using it in a way that transcends traditional capitalist markets. there is no exchange of money . so we're just looking to use things that other people no longer have any use for or have decided not to have a use for i'm just showing mark a gift that i'm bringing. i found that st recently like this week. really, how that's a nice find. that's awesome. yeah. yeah. so yeah. besides the missing strings that has like this might need. oh yeah, that's the thing on the next. i forgot the not nothing. yeah. so the not needs a repair or placement. yeah. he's not even an issue that we should only be thinking of as happening in the global south or over in somewhere in the 3rd world. this is
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an issue right here in our backyard. when people think of issues of food and equities and hunger, they always think of something maybe they might see on tv asking to make a donation to the children in africa, or what have you. but people are starving right here in the united states in our own backyard, in our community. there are people hungry and dying on the streets right here. this isn't a problem over there. this is a problem with which we as americans are intimately linked to because it's happening around us in our own communities. and there are resources to do something about it here in our community. any local rocher is throwing away depends upon tends upon tens of pounds of food, perhaps even hundreds of pounds of food every week. and you could just go take that and you could use it to feed people in your community. we have the tools
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to build solutions to these problems at the local level, and it's imperative that we do well not everybody has to dumpster dive to get free food. and it's nice that i think, especially during the pandemic, there's been a lot of concern about all of the people who have lost their jobs and haven't been able to make rent, and haven't been able to keep up with the economy. but let it, let us grab freeman, let us grab it for you. let us grab it for you. so this is aaron mckenna's bakery. we pick up from here every sunday and they give us a bunch of really good treat. usually it's what they have left from the day before, i believe sometimes they throw in some fresh extra stuff for us. people in the park just absolutely go wild over these everything weekend gluten free. not free, i think as well. so pretty much anyone can eat them unless they're trying to cut
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down on sugar more or less at the end of the day, we don't throw anything. we like to donate stuff. we give it out to the neighborhood, our friends around here or not. i know the area more or less so i know where there's people that are like homeless. i'll go on next to them and i'll give them stuff the. you don't waste that all here and we try to make the best of everything we do here. wasting food is terrible in general, but i think especially in new york, just so many people you know and such as close proximity that need it. i think other bakeries during the way students that i'm donating it is kind of cool in a couple of dogs myself where they were like instead of donating. and they'd rather just throw it away because it was maybe losing money, but you lose money anyway, throwing it away. and so i think it be better if you just gave it to someone in rabbit funds that are right there. let me get you. my name is sam agnew. i'm the volunteer with the lower manhattan food,
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not bombs. and we are in tompkins square park right now, which is where we serve food every sunday at 4 30 pm. it's food that was otherwise going to be thrown away from a grocery store that we pick it up from. and we take the food of food. we cook it every sunday and we serve in the park for free. the people who are hungry as a way to mitigate food waste and feed hungry people and just build a sense of solidarity and resiliency in our community. the we just have, you know, just sort of, you know, being in groceries. cato pampers tomatoes and through banana, planting some of these bag i have read in them. now we got roll a cinnamon raisin bread. i just all contingent upon what we get on a weekly basis and our donation sometimes we'll get 10 boxes of food. sometimes we'll just get one or 2 and none of the food was ever in the trash. this is all
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donated to us by grocer stuff. they're not going to sell, but it never makes us in the trash. and then we just didn't want anybody want that me, i never, ever, ever needed food because of kelvin and my dog i became really scared. so we started going to pantry. it's just due to the what was just the purchase of a and it was they're giving out anything i don't use, i think around the neighborhood to other people and i'm retired and there's no work . so it's very scary time. and people here are very afraid, everybody in the city is very afraid because it's empty now and nobody knows what they're, they're planning and i wasn't my bring this thing. i would say the majority of people who come here are people who come to the park regularly. they live in the area of a big chunk of them are on fixed income,
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or are on disability or on unemployment, or on food stamps. and don't really have a huge budget for their groceries. there are a lot of other places to provide deals for people in the area. one of them, you know, is government based. another one is the church nearby, but the majority are, you need to prove your financial need. you need to somehow that you need the help when it comes to food, not bombs will serve absolutely anyone. you know, whether they're doing well or not. because it's about, you know, redirecting food ways it's about you know, these any, any amount of food that we serve them is a meal that they are not paying a grocery store for. or, you know, consuming in feeding into the market and creating more ways in the community fridge that we come to after. we finish serving whenever we have leftovers. we,
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we just put all of our, all of our leftovers in this refrigerator from if free food anyone can come in to get anyone can come in for food and there's a pretty high turnover rate for this one. i check it every few days and you know, if you look at, if you come here like you in the morning and see what's in there, you come there the next day. all of that will be gone. so this, this refrigerator feeds a lot of people in the neighborhood, and we always just put whatever we have left over in the fridge afterwards. basically during the pandemic, i think last summer in particular, there was a big move to set up, free fridge is all over the city. so it a lot of neighborhoods in new york city, there are these refrigerators that anyone can go to and get food. so yeah, really cool aspect of mutual aid in practice and just to piggyback on that, that it's a very, very nice thing that people do that they put food in
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a refrigerator because there are a lot of homeless people around here. and they, i guess they do appreciate, you know, what is being done in this neighborhood. i live right up the block. my name is robert. i bring stuff down also just so that people can have something to this real time. got a really, really picky. what's going on, as far as the pandemic is concerned, a lot of people don't have money shopping to have, you know, they have really parents or whatever the case may be. but you know, this is really, really a wonderful thing that people do bring. i mean, it's like a god then. i mean, you can't, you can't put in any other way. i wonder if i have another bagel bag for such purposes. yeah, i have a i have a clean bag for you here. but i read in the news recently. i didn't read the details of it, have a kind of busy at work, but that france has, has recently made it illegal for sources. throw away food. so they have to
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distribute the food. that's the other still edible reads like were here, things get near the ex expiration date. they throw it out like a great thing will be if i were to go look at his i'm certain there was nothing there that would be that would be awesome. that's the thing that's not going to happen. i'm not trying to get everyone to learn to dumpster dive. i'm trying to change the way that we're managing the economy and dealing with the food. there should not be all this waste. there should not be the ability to dumpster dive the the
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the twitter cries fall over its recent blocking in nigeria, saying a free and open internet sense show human rights all the while the platform routinely sensors, it's american users coming off. israel security service warns of potential violence on rest. parliament per person vote on a new governing coalition seeking to replace prime minister netanyahu going done white people. that's what i psychiatrist at yale university, told her class was her fantasy newly emerged already. all the lecture has sparked grades something she's dismissed, the typical white reaction i began my talk by saying that if i start talking about race in this way and be seen as a pre be psychotic one.


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