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tv   News  RT  June 7, 2021 7:00pm-7:31pm EDT

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the ah, american investigators recover millions of dollars in crypto currency paid to the hackers of the colonial pipeline last month, which some in the us have blamed on russia. twitter christ foul over its recent blocking in nigeria, saying a free and open internet is an essential human rights. all that, while the platform routinely sensors it's american users and gunning down white people. that's what a psychiatrist speaking at gail university, told a class was for fantasy newly emerged to audio. the lecture has sparked outrage, something she has dismissed as a typical white branch. and i began my talk by saying that if i start talking about race in this way, i'm going to be seen as the crazy one in white people just following the book like
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ah rochester, my direct from students who moscow. this is our team to national. i'm john thomas. certainly glad to have you with us. right now, united states investigators have recovered millions of dollars and ran some money paid to the hackers responsible for the attack on the colonial pipeline last month, which resulted in fuel shortages in several states with some once again pointing the finger at russia. department of justice has found and recaptured the majority of the ransom colonial paid to the dark side network. in the wake of last month, ransomware attack, we have joined other government partners to expose a cyber tool developed by the russian g r u. we have us law enforcement officials saying that they have now recovered $2300000.00 in the bit coin payments that were
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given to the criminal cyber hacking group that is responsible for the crippling ransomware attack that was carried out against colonial pipeline. now once again, fingers are being pointed at russia without evidence. now, it's important to note that the colonial pipeline hack which took place caused fuel shortages all throughout the south east united states at the time that it happened . joe biden came forward and said that there was not evidence of the russian government being involved and that there was simply no intelligence gathered to indicate that that was the case. now we also heard from russian officials who made clear that they were not responsible for what happened and these allegations being heard and us media were simply unsubstantiated. here's what we heard. yes, lisa, completely, mexican, been that. i heard about some meat factory being attacked. it's nonsense, just ridiculous about the pipeline as well. it's simply ridiculous to be in russia
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for this. i think the relevant us special services should find out who the extortionate is, but it's not russia $1018.00. now from what we understand the white house has indicated that these cyber attacks will certainly be a topic for discussion when president biden and present to meet on june 16th in geneva. now there have been some rather cheated words from various us officials in the lead. up to that meeting, we would prefer to have a more stable, predictable relationship with russia. we've made that clear, but we've made equally clear that if russia chooses to act aggressively or recklessly toward us or toward our allies and partners, will respond. you have to treat russia like virtually criminal enterprise. they harbor criminals. they don't pre said the rule of law or any kind of level of personal freedom. and i do think we have to push back. we know that the most recent attacks against colonial pipeline owing to criminal actors,
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criminal groups that are known to law enforcement that have tied to russia. we cannot give any quarter. and no countries should be harboring criminal actors of any type. we're not taking anything off the table as a think about possible repercussions, consequences or little ation. now the meeting that is coming up, the summit set for june 16th is certainly widely anticipated, and we're hearing quite a bit of intense words that are intended probably to set the atmosphere in lecture by a psychiatrist or you know, university has sparked outrage and discussed after she told the audience she would like to gun down white people. dr. arena key lonnie had been presenting her ideas on the alleged problems of a white mind in april. talk recently came to light through an investigative journalist or to foster taylor picks up the store. a trip to psychiatry usually means a comfy chair, a face space,
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a piece of new judgment and paints. you feel free accepted. have you met dr. arena? kennedy? i had friends as is so fun load and the revolver into the head of any white person that the guys in my way bearings are body and wiping my bloody hands as i walked away, relatively gills, less with bones in my step. like a did the world favor? yes, dr. caitlin, on he is a license i car trust. i think we can all agree just from those few was that she's perfectly qualified to advise people and how to live that best lives. and she's all about hearing your story on your white because really all they are thought bus kills. this is the cost of talking to white people at all because of your own life as they suck you dry. there are no good apples out there. white people make my blood boil. now these are the leaks private notes dr. canada right from. she's sitting opposite how white patients. none of these comments were made in front of
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hundreds of people. yale university. electra called this psychopath. problem of the white mind. that's our face space i was talking about among the of the revelations, from the 50 to minute long balance. select from a top professional. the white people have 5 holes in the brain and medical opinion, the sound demented in her medical opinion. and she's cut off or how white friends, because nothing says di, bus to like, bring out a color chart when deciding if you want to hang out with someone, she's using her psychiatry and her profession to advocate for causes that the level of support the reality is that people like her are french. these are friends elements that believe in that promote these ridiculous and absurd ideologies and ideas. i don't think that while i do have a lot of problems with what the fall and well with them, what the left put forth. i don't think that she is representative of the major
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already of people on the left. this is where i see the danger coming. not so much that that she represents love right now, but that these ideas could disseminate and be accepted by people on the left. now it's similar comments had be made against any other community. they'd probably be deemed respecting unhinged violence and fighting supremacy is toxic device of me and not see a cnn headline story. but no, this time, only the dean's office raised its concern. i imagine replacing the words why it's mind with asian mind or gay mind as we work towards equity and inclusion and unity . i wonder what impact this presentation will have. probably realized how demented it sounded. then remember the universities only cancel and destroy korea of bod pool to suck people dry, and then remembered the gales to busy firing faculty members over the very important issue of culture insensitive helloween costumes. so they did decide not
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to post the video of dr. kit and on his speech, just an audio available only to yale students who are the full disclaimer which i think we can agree was the white test thing to do. i'm the while at one. i'm the crazy one and see that coming away i did. i began my talk by saying that if i start talking about race in this way, i'm going to be seen as a crazy psychotic one. and white people followed my textbook like i was like holes in that brains. what else could she expect? but it doesn't matter. doctor, can nani knows her truth, which is the only thing that counts nowadays, just as how website says she knobs and welcomes every one, even if sometimes she doesn't want to take a case for 7 gun them down. but you know, everyone has their own unique ways to unite and, and he'll, and, and racial divides. i just hope that no white people are standing in dr. kellen on
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your way. i mean, i think it does kind of reflect what's going on in our country right. now, i mean there, there is a huge division along party lines in general, when you have people who engage in this type of rhetoric, there is always the, the risk that somebody might become radicalized, and that they might try to express this, express these ideas using violence i don't think, i mean, we already feel a lot of political political violence going on in the united states right now. i mean, we've seen antique, we've seen the writer that the u. s. capital on january 6, we've seen the george boy protest some of which were violent. so it's not a stretch to think that this, this type of rhetoric could possibly push some individuals to take violent action or sticking with the sensitive issue of race, a video of an american father daughter do speaking out against a critical race theory has gone viral on social media, it comes amid an ongoing debate in the us about the role of c,
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r t and education. and politics. doesn't matter if you're black or white or any doesn't matter if you're black and white. brown. yeah. right. black in how we treat people is based on who they are. and if they're nice to see this is, this is how choosing think right here. critical race theory wants to in. now we might, you are not going to have or the video has gotten an astonishing at 2000000 views on twitter. the theory itself was put forward 40 years ago and essentially suggests that racism is systemic. and not just demonstrated by individual people with prejudices. c r t has been widely criticized with conservatives calling for a ban on its teaching in schools. earlier, my colleague unit o'neill spoke to the man behind the video. corey, issue a i just think people are waking up to what's going on in the vision that's been going on. and i think people are tired, men there, teacher that are tar,
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that are writing me. people going up to school boards now? yeah, i think people want to stand up because they see that they're trying to brainwash our children into seeing each other for the color they are and not the character that they are. how would you describe corey, why critical race theory is proof so divisive? i would say when you tell any group of people that their whole pressures, because of the color of their skin and you tell the other group that they're all pressed because of the color and they're seeing, you're going to find push back. you are going to see people standing up. we know what martin luther king said, right just by the content of our care and the color of our scheme. and when we see people trying to implement that into our schools, on to our children, you're going to push back. you haven't heard back talking, but black lives matter either. you said the movement is for the destruction of america under families. can you just open up and why did you say that?
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well, the co founder said she was a marxist. so we know what marks the leads to and that's communism that socialism. so for me and for america, that's not what we're about. so that's why go hard against black lives matter or let's go back to our top story where the united states investigators have recovered millions of dollars in rent, some money paid to the hackers of the colonial pipeline last month, which some in washington have blamed on russia for me on this we can cross live to journalist and author, dave, linda, dave. it's always a pleasure to have you with us to kind of unravel some of these stories and having me now some in the us continue interested. there are times between the russian government and the hackers behind the attack, despite russian officials repeatedly deny these allegations. why is the finger still being pointed at russia with no concrete evidence?
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well, we've been seeing that with, you know, all the way back to russia gate. there's been a lot of circumstantial evidence that's used to blame russia without having any facts. in this particular case, that we're being told in the media that dark state is based in russia. we're not being told what the evidence of that is, because that's not what the f b i does. they don't tell you, you know, the basis for their, for their suspicions. so we're left really not knowing. and the other point is the money's been recovered in california. so, you know, i mean, it really raises in some about where this is all happening. indeed. and now it looks like these attacks are only going to become more common. at least they've become more common recently. to what extent have the highlighted vulnerabilities in the security of us infrastructure and how can they be prevented in the future?
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well, that's a big problem because you know that there are a lot of hacks going on of public and private enterprises. the ones have no incentive, really, to report them to the kinds of organizations like the cyber command or the f, b i or even the n s a who could try to trace them out because they don't want to publicize that there, that they've been hacked. we've, we've had a lot of hacks, you know, financial hacks, some of them incredibly huge, like of some of the credit rating firms, which they kept secret for months. because they were embarrassed, and they didn't want to have their, their brand ruined by saying that they revealed all kinds of, of people's private financial information from their files. so if you have a company, a country that's based on private capital,
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those companies don't have any obligation or, or willingness to share the information when they're hacked. you can see that it would be an embarrassing issue. indeed. now, nothing happens in a vacuum. us russian relations, not at their best right now. do you think that these accusations against russia are likely to become a stumbling block and talks between presidents put in and bite and they're supposed to meet later this month? yeah, they will be. i mean, it depends how, how both bruton and biden played this. i mean, if, if, in fact the u. s. as evidence that they can present to prove that this is a russian company that's doing this or a russian group that's doing this. then you know, the pressure would be unburdened to shut it down. if they can't prove it, then put, it can say, you know what, he blaming us for. you know, you guys have hackers all through the us,
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hacking your own companies. how do you know it's coming from russian? and in that we'll go nowhere fast. so, i mean, i don't see that going into a us between 2 global powers is helped by finger pointing on something as trivial as this act. so switching gears to those talks, do you think that they will do anything to improve relations between russia and the us? well, the point of talks would be to presumably achieve some kind of cooling of relation so that the 2 countries can get along. if the point of talks is to make threats to each other, they won't result in anything and it will be a completely pointless exercise that could make things worse than they are. now. i
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don't know why the us would have agreed to a to a summit. if they didn't want some kind of progress in relations, and i, i don't know why russia would agree to some it if they didn't think there was a way forward from those negotiations. so i'm, i'm optimistic that you know, i'm like tentatively optimistic that something will come of this that will move things in a positive direction. right. always interesting to hear thoughts, journalist and author, dave, linda or thanks for being with us here on our to international or you're watching our teacher national morning after short break. oh i i getting a new again, the growing acceptance of the china lab leak theory demonstrates the utter
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incompetence of the ruling elise will be ever be held to account. also, the west often uses the issue of human rights is a political weapon. now, being against the west, the is your media, a reflection of reality? the in a world transformed what will make you feel safer? tyson lation, whole community. you going the right way? where are you being that somewhere? which direction? what is truth? what is faith? in the world corrupted, you need to this end. ah, so join us in the depths will remain in the shallows. ah,
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ah, are welcome back. this is our 2 international regulators in france. have issued a landmark ruling against google accusing the u. s. tech giant of gaining an unfair advantage over its rivals in online advertising. the french competition authority has find google 220000000 euros for abusing its dominant position by favoring its own services. in the online advertising sector. differentiate case focuses on 2 departments of google, which sell and auction advertising space, ad manager and ad x are supposed to operate independently and allowing competition from other advertisers. but they were apparently exchanging data in a way that violated anti trust law. google has accepted the fine and agreed to make changes to its ad x platform. we are committed to working proactively with
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regulators everywhere to make improvements to our products. we have agreed on the set of commitments to make it easier for publishers to make use of data and use our tools with other technologists. the case comes a week after france along with germany, and another one's called for much tougher measures to rein indian influence of big check. the 3 countries said you rules as they stand are failing to prevent corporate giants can plead, completing, excuse me, anti competitive mergers. this includes the purchase of startups that could impose a challenge to the likes of amazon facebook and apple political analyst nicholas medical, which told us the fine against google is an important step towards reclaiming some power from tech giants. this is practically nothing for google, which by the way said they did, they didn't, they didn't do anything specific and they, they are accepting the defined apparently so far. so this is quite symbolic. i think it is nonetheless victory because many countries around the world want google
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to and many of these big tech companies coming out from the us to be fair. i think i've been with asian, all the countries across the world, not to tax, to make sure that the laws are respected, blogs have to be respected for everybody. and google and, and the other big tech american returns are not above not. and it's not because they're high to use that they can do whatever they wanted, extra important that the law is the same for everybody. so the find that google has to pay defense should be paid in any country where it's not restricting the law. i think it's good that it's getting public awareness unfortunately. busy i think they've got to be really tougher on the laws improperly imposed last european union has to go further. and the countries in your communion have to protect their national interest to make sure that their technology is not just sold out to the americans. because this is we all know that in the future of the economy. well. busy then we can be depending on a, on a couple of companies based in california. western diplomatic missions have called
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out nigeria on its decision to block twitter, a butcher demanded the social media network. after, excuse me, banned the social media network after it removed a post by the niger and president, which warned local separatists of consequences unless they relent. but while twitter claims a free and open internet is an essential human right back in america, it appears to operate according to different principles. the free speech wing of the free speech boxing. this is how twitter executives love to define that platform . the self righteousness of this is only matched by how far the twitter executives are detached from reality. lately, the band, the syrian president over this tweet, many of those misbehaving today, too young to be aware of the destruction and loss of lives that occurred during the nigerian civil war. those of us in the fields for 13 months,
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who went through the war will treat them in the language that understand twitter moderator may not be able to find nigeria on the map. but apparently, their interpretation of the country's history is more accurate than the president who obviously wasn't impressed. and he's government wasn't taking any of that. when people, why morning politicians are going to policemen a jury duty and us for today. it was about the right to protect what a similar to happened when the capital he became a selection when are going to be formed by anybody wherever he wanted to rule. how do for the rest of our ability. twitter wasn't ready for that, and it is hard to judge them for it. they had already successfully band one of the
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most powerful men in the world and got away with that consequence. free nigeria though, did something about it. the das it see, we are deeply concerned by the blocking of twitter in nigeria, access to the free and open internet isn't essential, human rights in modern society, just put everything down for a 2nd, appreciate the absolute, logical pandemonium. here with me, twitter, which is very trigger happy over an arbitrary set of rules to deny people the right to speak out is trying to be the champion of free speech. you can make this up, but the ban caught the eye of some politicians who condemned it. diplomatic missions of canada, the european union, the republic of ireland, the united kingdom and the united states of america, convey our disappointment over the government of nigeria as announcement suspending twitter. funding systems of expression is not the answer. these measures inhibit
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access to information and commerce and some other politicians who in turn got ideas. twitter noncompliance with our rules, will lead to unintentionally consequences, including twitter losing exemption from liability as an intermediary the information most time, even if it appears very attractive. keller, dictator, foreign state hall to live, how to interpret historical events, what movies to watch or what music to listen to. otherwise, instead of freedom of speech, it becomes a dictatorship of opinion for sole purpose. and perhaps more official should take a closer look at nigeria handling this. because if banning a president over an opinion somehow made it into twitter, his definition of free speech, we all need a lesson in how to deal with big tech care any twitter has no business deciding on what geo political figures have to say about anything because they're not they're not informed enough to do so. they just are responding based on their own
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political prejudices. with very little knowledge about what the situation involve. especially in nigeria, twitter is pretending to be the government of the world, along with other social media platforms. they are trying to institute their own sort of governmental power, the social media platform to combine, have more power than all the nations of the world. and in fact, to all the states in the world, in terms of political influence. so no, this is not surprising and it's not warranted that these nations would be trying to her. twitter is political power, nationalistic, and echoing a nazi rallying cry. so says rushes, foreign ministry about the football jersey ukraine will wear at the euro. 2020 championships starting later this week. and the front of the cat features
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a map of ukraine includes crimea even though the peninsula rejoined russia in 2014 and below the color. it displays the slogans: glory, to ukraine, and glory to heroes rally and cries widely associated with the country's pro nazi paramilitary group during world war 2. russia as foreign ministry spokeswoman murray is a heart of us. has such gestures have no place in sport. this is another hand by cave state propaganda to consolidate in the public consciousness slogan that many korean brought associate with the ukrainian insurgent army lead based upon bundy era and their crimes. during the 2nd world war, or crimea continues to be a thorny issue between moscow and t f. it is historically, russia and residents voted overwhelmingly for reunification with russia in a referendum. although ukraine still considers crimea to be part of its territory. european footballs governing body us inserts that ukraine,
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the euro 2020 kit meets the organizations rules. and despite saying in their charter that quote, provocative messages of a political, ideological, religious or offensive nature are banned. earlier my colleagues spoke to columnist island more. he thinks ukraine to created an unwelcome distraction for its own players. there's no point order and just trying to kind of get attention flat. and we took pretty bad before was because they're not going to be. so we're like short these euro. every country, every country was kind of who wanted to try and show themselves and kind of lacking teleconference will always push themselves forward to be go there. so you've got this, you know, i guess you could say like, this pretty election for showing off when another nation's or not for sure. or there are 2 nations. so that might be the case in the case with the ukraine right now. i think this is
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a really bad move from the ukraine because of this and also better. and i don't think the most right thinking and intelligent farms we backing ukrainian or that does it for me? no more news in about 31 minutes. this is our international, glad to have you with oh, the join me every thursday and the alex simon show. and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politic sport business and show business. i'll see you then. me as a korea professionals bought is much tougher on some than others year old. my by everybody. so why would somebody believe me, i was just a little girl. the price paid to, to, to achieve really was,
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was to read in the paper this morning, usa swimming coach, arrested, allegedly had sex with a 12 year old girl. this happens almost every week. we get calls at the office. i get informed about one of my greatest fears is someone's going to start linking all this together. there's going to be a 60 minute documentary about youth coaches in sports like gymnastics swimming. is that documentary? see it on our t. ah . i i hello and welcome to cross talk. we're all things considered. i'm peter.


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