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tv   News  RT  June 9, 2021 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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for him to, to and you are the largest international congress on make it said he development the or the prince. prince president getting slapped right in the face. he was trying to get up close and personal proud of supposed at supporters this taking place in the south, the from the us vice president bridget latin america to spread the word that migrant are not welcome the month of dividing the ministration, denying that any crisis at the border in this region were thinking about making that dangerous track do not come to protest. the jailed off the u. s. capital, ryan claims a god beat him up, while a lawyer representing the suspect says several other inmate's have been mistreated . ah,
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was turning into a busy wednesday for your worldwide headlines here on the international from all of us here. welcome to you and years. emanuel macro and got a rather nasty shock during your visit to the south of france, where he was trying to drum up support for his pre election campaign. he walked up to a barrier to greet load the local guests and well, this is what happened. the 2 men who being arrested following that assault on the president macaroni the 1st time that you've been physically assaulted since becoming president. that happens in the south of france near the city of valencia. and that's the store and that video present mike on exits hotel school where he's been taking a visit. he walks towards a crowd of people who are all behind the metal barrier. then present. michael puts
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his hand on a man's on the man and grabs back president michael and before administering that, all my feet slap, the security agency immediately intervened, and 2 individuals were taken into custody for willful violence against the person holding public authority. now that's an offense, it's taken pretty seriously hearing phones and could see somebody put in jail for up to 3 years as well as paying a fine, a 45000 years. but of course, that would be up for a judge to decide how lenient they may wish to be. and of course, for an individuals to be found guilty of the offense. and you might have caught just the end of that video. somebody shouting down with macro ism and there is a suggestion that the individuals behind this assault on the president or yellow vest involved and unauthorized process earlier in the day. but the reality is what this is shown is that there is still an under current to presenter and again
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president michael and his policies. those have been passed. the reforms as well as those he's attempted to pass to the front. and i bet housing is managed to do so or how to move them down slightly. there's been a huge reaction hearing from including coming from the government, the prime minister showing cas 6 saying that this was an attack on democracy. they because she was an attorney loose plus your said, saturday democracy is debate. dialogue is confrontation like the expression of legitimate disagreements, but it can in no way be violent, verbal, aggression, and even less physical aggression. we are all concerned. it is the foundations of baltimore christ. you're through the head of state. it is democracy that is targeted. you're also, we've heard from a political policy from across the political spectrum with all physician leaders pretty much on the same page. very rare hearing from all saying that this is simply
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unacceptable. while democratic debate can bitter, it can never tolerate physical violence. i strongly condemn the unacceptable physical aggression target in the president of the republic. this time, are you starting to understand that violent people are taking action? i stand in solidarity with the president. well, president, my call is currently or not toward a from says it's been cold. he's taking the temperature, testing it to see whether or not he should be running. and next is presidential election. he hasn't officially said he's going to, but the idea that he's making this visit is seen as many as a pre election tool. and it seems as we get closer and closer to the election, we like to see more of that resentment coming through. but for the moment in from present, my phone assaulted with 2 individuals in the south of france. now under arrest wound for violence against the person, the holding public authority. the slap episode has provoked an avalanche of jokes
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on mimi on line with twitter in particular seeing numerous political caricature as mocking macro. and we spoke to colonist alexis pooler. he said it's micron. who's actually been slapping the french people in the face? we quite believe this is where a manual microns power lies. in other words, it's the ultra personalized and centralized power of the presidents. obviously there are still people who are ready to break through rows of riot police to get the president. violence is unacceptable, and we see how representative the political communities unanimously condemn the flap in the face. but then a sense among macro himself represents violence because it's he who authorized the use of normally for weapons by law enforcement agencies. that is why many protests were injured last the eyesight during the yellow vest demonstrations. there is a huge gap between the manual microns outlandish promises and what he is doing, which is nothing more than a constant communications and marketing campaign. the more he once again intends to
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return to considering pension reforms. he always has some unpleasant remark in his arsenal. it is he who constantly slaps the french people during his public speeches, and now he gets a slap in the face himself, which of course deserves condemnation. since he is no authority figure, the slot made it through microns personal security guards. and this is a lesson for all of us, vice president, kamala harris has concluded her 1st trip to latin america. she visited guatemala and mexico, though not to the surprise of some the us mexico border. of course, this is currently in the grip of a huge micro crisis. it's something harris has been tasked with tackling, though, asked if she has any plans of going to the border. she became somewhat evasive. you have any plans to visit the board at some point we are going to the board or if you haven't been to the border and i haven't been to europe. harrison's visit was
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met with protests, both in mexico and guatemala. the us border with mexico soul, 178000 immigrants, stopped in april. that's the highest monthly total into decades. during her tour, the vice president made it clear that would be my grants are not welcome. however, she promised investment that would in some way improve their lives. ortiz garcia now looked at why not everyone is free to come to the land of the free. the white house doesn't like to use the word crisis when referring to what's happening at the us mexico border. i mean, it is the literally definition of a crisis. that's what the dictionary calls it. just not the white house, they prefer situation, but hey, they have a blad and that plan consists of telling the problem to go away. i want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous track to the united states. mexico border do not come do not come.
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the united states will continue to enforce dialogue and secure our border. if you come to our border, you will be turned back. or they would, if democrats hadn't got funding to those doing the whole turning back thing button has sent his vice president cameron harris to latin america to convince people to stay there. the stop trying to end the state. and what better way to start a p r blitz than by handing out cookies in her own likeness? no. kitty carmella ordered them personally handed out cookies of camera la the the i
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that i suppose is where the find the ended upon landing and what a mala, cabinet was greeted with protesters and banners reading cabinet go home and trump one or what but so it had the out cookies made in your own image, essentially capital has a very simple message, will give you millions of dollars to stop the immigrants. guatemalan president countered with a different shiba and perhaps more sensible alternative. we asked the united states government to send more of a clear message to prevent more people from leaving the message change to we're going to be united families. we're going to reunite children the very next day, the coyote. we're here organizing groups of children to take them to the united states. yes, we often forget the bible and tamela spent the entire reelection talking about how much they like human goods will give millions of illegal immigrants citizenship.
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they said, we'll get with a border security and was, will jazz up the detention centers. i'm approving an executive order to began the hard work of restoring our refugee admissions program helped meet the unprecedented global need. it's going to take time to rebuild what has been so badly damaged. can you blame ordinary desperate folk for trusting joe biden and cabinet harris, who essentially invited them to enjoy, lacks border security, the promise of a better life? because that is what the migrants heard. that is the reason why a $100000.00 migrants a trying to jump the fence into the us every month. that's more than in any month of trumps presidency. the irony, kamala harris, who, whose parents were immigrants from both jamaica in india for her to go to guatemala,
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super oppress country weaponized identity politics telling guatemalans over and over that they should not migrate in the us is going to collaborate in building hope at home. when it's exactly the opposite, any u. s. official or diplomat who arrives in central america should arrive 1st leading with apologies, in leading with talks of reparations for the enormous damage. the u. s. foreign policy in neil colonialism have done. this is it crisis thought, a situation, the why the house prefers to call it. that was entirely avoidable biden. and the democrats used my good, the g political tool to attack trump to win the election, but somehow lose city refugees got into their heads. the, i'll go biden and alan t harris actually give a damn about them an inmate in washington dc. jail.
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he was a defendant in the january capital riots. it's claiming he's been quote, viciously and savagely beaten by a god. the defendants have been in federal custody since their arrest in january on charges of assaulting a federal agent and obstructing official proceeding. we got a reaction from conservative lawyer john piss, who's represented some of the capital right suspects. he says that defendants have continuously been mistreated. the conditions that they're being held in cancer and it's not had a chance to see if i call it just has not been allowed to receive the medications. that is a call just prescribing. so you know that is great concerning facilities. i have heard some reports, public reports that you probably heard the same thing that are certainly some
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concern. i just watch the c o u, the national constitutional unit. it is essentially in response to this trend towards what i see is to tell terry and is basically marxist revolution in united states. c l u lease used to report to protect those sorts of constitutional rights. and they're just not doing that anymore. in my opinion, they've become a really, for the, for the radical that that's why i mentioned the american civil liberties union, which is currently split by an internal debate over whether to support progressive causes. john piss again says it's failing and it's core purpose. real ration of our constitutional rights. constitutional liberties, individual freedom. you know that that is something that many americans, myself for
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a long time really took for granted in united states. and i think that this has been a real wake up call. society has to be extremely vigilant, you know, all the time to protect these individual liberties, or they will be taken away right now. they are being taken away. united states, i spent most come here on the program. so during the whole pandemic with one country to continue to spend on imaginable sums of money on nuclear weapons. and you get to back in a moment the join me every thursday on the alex simon show. and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics, sport, business and show business. i'll see you then. me.
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this is your media a reflection of reality? the in the world transformed. what will make you feel safer? tyson lation, whole community. are you going the right way? where are you being somewhere? direct? what is truth? what is in a world corrupted. you need to defend the join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah ah.
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what a box down here in moscow and you report reveals that the us accounted for over half of old global spending on nuclear weapons. in 2020, it was published by an international organization pushing for disarmament. now, washington splashed out over $37000000000.00 on nukes last year. that's more than the combined expenditure of the entire 8 other nuclear powers. it also represents just 5 percent of americans. total military spending on average, washington spends about $71000.00 a minute on nuclear weapons. now, the corona virus pandemic has done nothing to reduce to global appetite for nukes last year. the world's 9 nuclear power, spend 1400000000 more on them than with they didn't 2019. so the co founder of the stop the war coalition, chris 9 him told us why to him. the hike is no surprise. is a reordering of the world's system right now. when moving from a system, a situation in which the u. s. was massively dominant. what was called
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a unit total world where us the u. s. has the unchallenged, please minute the world to one in which its power is being challenged, both but, but mainly by china bowl said via the emerging economies in, in important regions like russia, like and so on. so this is kind of reordering of the world system and any moment of the reordering is a very dangerous moment. it's a moment when particular local conflicts can suddenly take on an international significance. i think in those circumstances, you know, it's not surprising to me that we were seeing a kind of a re armaments or an accelerating armament of the nuclear powers. i didn't bring to mother world updates for, you know, there's been a brawl in the bolivian parliament. were flying on tuesday during a debate over the rest of several officials in the former interim government. one
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sy, things that sees power in a cou, a large fire has broken out in portland in barcelona, less than 100 meters from residential buildings, a strong wind causing it to spread rapidly with around 10 hector's currently affected a plains and helicopters dousing the areas hardest. hit the joint investigation team in the netherlands, which has been probing the mh 17 plane crash. now we're checked the testimony of 2 ukrainian witnesses who said they saw a missile launch from near the crash site. assess gear taylor reports. well, it's been over 7 years since that malaysian airlines flight and the 17 crashed over the eastern ukraine, killing all 298 people on board years on attempts to understand what exactly happened and who's responsible continue now to thought and all this week. judges in the netherlands have been hearing evident people have been reaching out the
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findings of the joint investigation team. now the g i t was the j i t right. there was a group that was established to carry out a criminal investigation into that 2014 tragedy. one very interesting moment in the proceeding was one. we learned that the j. j had actually rejected the evidence of 2 witnesses. let's hear what it was that the judge said about that. the das here refers to the testimonies of 2 witnesses in september 2014, which were transferred by russia to the joint investigation team. they were ukranian refugees who now live in russia. both gave the same testimony stating that they saw rocket launch from the direction of the amber steve co village where the cranial army was stationed. the investigation team rejected this testimony, primarily because the area is too far from the place where the plane disappeared from radar. considering beryl, apparently only 8 people who say that they either saw or heard that miss all that dealt the fatal blow to that pain. this does 20 some
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a quite significant emission and many would argue that it does indeed dissolve to be heard. even if there are questions surrounding it. another was of these, 2 witnesses would also like a query, the confusion of the j i t, which says that the russian made office to missile was launched by separatist i pro russian rebels. done yet, region and had ultimately been provided by moscow itself. now the fall out of that confusion has seen both the dutch on a straight in governments, lay the blame squarely on the credit and doorstep it out. also seen the launch of the mad to trial of for individuals 3, washington and one ukrainian. now, as for the russian reaction to all of this, while moscow has always consistent 8 of them and tonight, and accusations of responsibility has also been frustrated and disappointed. but rational for teeth have not been allowed to participate in the investigation. and they've also been denied access to fragments of the pain and material relating to
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the crash as that child continues to go on. we did also recently have some foreign minister again abroad, who expressed concern that such and critical materials including photograph of the investigation. where are you being with held one starts and parties. the u. s. still stubbornly, flatly refuses to provide satellite images that were taken in july 2014. when the malaysian boeing crash occurred a few days ago, a dutch court announced that there is no longer any hope that the u. s. will provide the pictures and that the question is closed for the court. these facts are of colossal importance. so clearly this ongoing trial which will ultimately determine whether those 4 individuals are guilty is a point of discussion. and the evidence that's coming forward or not of it would also seem is raising some questions. whether any of this read any clear conclusions about those tragic events in march 2014 remains to be seen. but one thing is absolutely for sure that this week will certainly be a very painful one for all the victims. families are now bringing bruno ski,
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a professor at the national institute of languages on eastern civilizations in france. thanks for joining us here on auto and to national today. if you may have just heard our correspondence, tusky taylor saying that there are only 8 people who actually claim to have seen or heard the missile from the grounds. so why would the investigation not want to hear the testimonies of these are so called key witnesses. you know, from the very beginning of the inquiry is unbalanced because 1st of all, as it was said, russia do not participate in the inquiry because even malaysia didn't agree with a lot of mean of mean using, used in, in did inquiry because the international ban obligation organization should have been, should have led the inquiry and it was given to the never into the dutch court. all of these, these elements brings us to the conclusion that the,
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all these inquiries, but it decides an unbalanced. so the fact you are, you are talking about the fact that only some weaknesses are taken and other are out to the from inquiry. just give more argument to the foggy. does all these inquiry on the affair is, is unbalanced from the very beginning and will be up to the very end if it doesn't sense. and that's the main point. we have to conclude. it means that most people will, will be divided on political line. if they are pro ukrainian or russian, they will have different opinions. but at the very end, nobody will be satisfied by the fact that it's not a and a real objective process. it's just a political agenda. i'd say that the politics got involved very, very quickly when,
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when the tragedy happened. hillary clinton at the time, before any investigators go out to the scene, she immediately went on national tv and america blaming russia. i mean, it was absolutely immediate, but you mentioned the politics getting involved in certain possible facts being squashed and not not seeing the light of day. how much more information could that be? that's being withheld. it, as you said, we know for a fact the us is withholding stuff like data and refuses to hand it over to the court. that gets the most important thing. and it, you know, the card just accept dot. i do fact not protesting. i mean, it, it's just kind of that's such, such an important element in every balance inquiry that should have been taken into account what are in accessible and it's coming from a country which is supposed to be ruled low country and, and,
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you know, every rationally thinking people will say if they don't give it that, like imagine it, it means the satellite images are showing things not fitting with the official us theory as you say. so some of these potential facts could, i guess, contradict the mainstream narrative that was initially launched by the united states immediately blaming russia for this. do you think that this all means the dutch court has already arrived at its conclusions? no matter what i would say. so, i mean, of course it's digital trends that such a country like netherland can be so one minded one truck, but on the other side, we know now that in a lot of western countries, courts are not so balance. there used to be and so called rule of flow. i've been
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very often misled in last period. so why not in the netherlands? and as i told you, normally to have been the international tv organization that should have been an gauge in the process and said, should i be it was done for earlier. if the case is like the korean play in that was a salt on the seat in the 80 and a lot of other dean such even it's such an accident way. where, where under the supervision of the e. e. c, a, o and of we don't understand why in this case we have the dodge guard that is supposed to be balance, but which is most obviously unbalanced. but taking into account also the fact that you know the native land are belonging to nato and we know that need to are
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a direct event in ukraine as you mentioned, your crime and doctor bruce drisco, i'm running very low on time. have please forgive me. last question for you though, you know the shooting down the chatty a tragedy, a code writer on the time of my dan, most people understand now the my dad revolution was a us orchestrated bout of regime change in ukraine. most people now finally understood the truth on that matter. it's been almost 7 years now since flight 17 was shut out of the skies. you think we're ever going to know the truth on this? i guess we will, but for historians in the next century for the moment i am not a mystic burner. the professor of the national institute of languages on ethan civilizations, thank you very much. we appreciate that. thank you. i thank you for joining us. you're an arty international, we are back soon with all the
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i i use me. unfortunately, we are witnessing a trend in media. they go from one news fiasco to another. the weapons of mass destruction story, the russia gate hoax. hunters, laptop, the back end bounty tale, and now the possible covert lab leak story. now, why does anyone in their right mind even tune in any more
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the, [000:00:00;00] the was i'm action or say we're going underground on living. the stories buried in the so called mainstream media coming up on the show. soft power promoting the ideology of new liberalism, or vital humanitarian aid for the global self. as you k p. m, boris johnson's attempt to flash for an aid comes on the scrutiny in westminster. what sort of world is a self styled g $71.00 to come out in south west england. this weekend is rich countries are accused of coven vaccines, apartheid,
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and 50 years up to the attic or uprising. just why is the usa with less than 5 percent of the world's population detaining 25 percent of the world prisoners. we investigate the arguable mythology. the turbine used to force to legislation responsible for the mass, disproportionate incarceration people of color women and the l. g, b, cooper, community, all this a more coming up in today's going underground. but 1st, u. k. p m birth johnson dodged. what could it be in its 1st defeat in parliament? and he tries to flash so called for an aide to 10000000000 pounds. but what is the true cost of international development as well? leaders gather in congress bay this week for the g. 7 is the cost of vaccine equality to political price of our johnson was yet to do a single dose from $1.00 of the wealthiest countries on earth. joining me now from london is the director of global justice. now, nick did the exact script coming back on the show, you know, i don't know what happened to you during co lockdown and when you turn into


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