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tv   News  RT  June 9, 2021 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT

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me and any more, ah, the european parliament gave a final approval for colbert digital certificate scheme to free of travel. but fears remain over widespread fraud after a french nor is accused of giving our fake vaccine certificate. us vice president visits latin america. this spread the word that migrant are welcome. after months of the bible administration denying, there's a crisis on the border to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous track. do not come. also in the program today the f. b, i hailed a global staying operation of the month of success with more than $800.00 suspected criminals arrested over the ease with which the agency top their communication raises a host of privacy concern. pretty much all communications apps can
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be used by law enforcement or by intelligent services, despite on average people ah, around the clock across the world. this is our teacher, national. hello and welcome to the program. my name's union. the european parliament has officially approved cove. it 19 digital certificate scheme, it will allow travelers to cross borders within the u with our quarantine and additional testing. the certificates will work for both use and this in some foreign nationals. that digital file can also be issued in paper form and indicates if a person has had a negative p, c r, test a vaccine or has recently recovered from a natural infection member states have until july,
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the 1st to implement the system with several countries helping all ready started? well, while the system is being rolled out, there are still major concerns about documents being forged. in the latest case, the nurse in france has been caught giving people fake certificates of official vaccination center are to charlotte dubin ski reports from paris. a worrying discovery which raises questions about how wide spread this practice may be a nurse who is working here. with this mc code with vaccination center has been suspended of the being accused of giving people full certificate, showing that they had the job. one member of staff who worked with her said that she had witnessed dozens of suspicious appointments. i observed for 2 or 3 weeks. she said to the 2 other nurses, some people will arrive and there for me. she led them to her cubicle. normally
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there are 2 nurses per cubic oh with a screen for privacy, but this time she asked her colleague to go out. this happened with at least 10 people a day, but in reality, she wasn't vaccination. these people, they left with the fraudulent q, r code, presumably to go abroad. that hunt, she was doing with colleague saying that there was no evidence that any of the basic steps to carry out an injection. had in fact, been carried out. usually people who get vaccinated have this skin disinfected with an orange product. the doctor wants to check whether these people had been vaccinated and there was no trace of the disinfectant. no di know, dressing the nurse had been working at this center since january. she has now being suspended with the hospital saying that her actions were quickly spotted . but it remains unclear just how many of these false coup it's certificates may have been issued. and whether or not the nurse received money for providing them.
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now the fake covey vaccine and test certificate market is huge, having grown exponentially during the health pandemic, they're all more than $1200.00 vendors in the world. vendors were supplying from all the countries in europe, spain, france, germany, switzerland, sweden, as well as mexico and destroyer after vaccinations. the next step was the certificates and negative tests. many of those aiming to bypass the system a said to be the racks is the vendors have mainly been identified on the dock web. so d, that a nurse working in a could read vaccination center could also be running. a racket is particularly concerning. take left, it's unacceptable which she did, do she certificates and put this risk rubbish booked and nurse shouldn't handout
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fake specific gates to put everyone in danger that we missed. she mentioned, well i think it's all about the money. i think it's an isolated case. first of all, we don't really know for sure whether it's true or not, it's not been confirmed to the fact yet this woman hasn't been taken to court or anything yet, but i don't really know. if it turns out to be true, it's shocking for short. they can vaccinations, endangered the life of other people she did, we've yes, you know, it's clear she shouldn't have done that. there is no doubt about that. i find it shocking because we're talking about healthcare walker's pressure. i'm so drill it, it won't solve the problem and such things happen. we need everyone to get to knock you later. i'm a to to and i was fighting to get the accent. this undermines the safety of all the people. yes, of course, those people should go to prison and you see, i think it's unacceptable for enough to do such a thing to act like not towards others towards those who pin vaccinated and those
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who have not. you just don't do that. even more worrying is that this was on the justice front is about to use restrictions even more as the controversial health pass kicks in. the only deer is that those who've been vaccinated will receive a certificate like this, which contains one of these queue all codes. those queue code to be essential for accessing large events. so even for showing that you've been in late for travel in return for perhaps a simpler journey and possibly new quarantine on arrival. so the idea of these queue all codes could be obtained. the false pretenses from a nurse working in a registered vaccine center could make a mockery of the whole system as how can you trust what's real and what fake show like even sky or t. paris. us vice president campbell,
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her as soon as concluded her 1st trip to latin america, she visited guatemala and mexico. though not to the surprise of some the us mexico border. the frontier is currently in the grip of a migrant crisis. something horace has been tasked with tackling asked if she has any plans of finally going the v p. p. came the face of do you have any plans to visit the board? at some point we are going to the board or if you haven't been to the border and i haven't been to europe. horace, his visit was met where protest both in mexico and guatemala, $178000.00 immigrants were stumped from crossing the us border with mexico in april, the highest monthly total in 2 decades. during her tour the vice president made it clear that would be my grants were not welcome, in mark contrast to promises majoring the last election cycle or senior correspondent morocco. the of takes up the story. why the house doesn't like to use
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the word crisis when referring to what's happening at the us mexico border? i mean that is the literally definition of a crisis. that's what the dictionary calls it. just not the white house, they prefer situation, but hey, they have a blad and that plan consists of telling the problem to go away. i want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous track to the united states. mexico border do not come do not come. the united states will continue to enforce dialogue and secure our border. if you come to our border, you will be turned back. or they would, if democrats hadn't got funding to those doing the whole turning back thing button has sent his vice president, cameron harris the,
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to latin american to convince people to stay there. the stop trying to enter the state. and what better way to start a p r blitz than by hanging out cookies in her own likeness? no. kitty tamela ordered them personally handed out cookies of camera la. ah. oh. that i suppose is where the fund ended upon landing and what a mala, cabinet was greeted with protesters and banners reading cabinet go home and trump one awkward, but so has had the out cookies made in your own image. essentially, cabinet has a very simple message,
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will give you millions of dollars to stop the immigrants. the guatemalan president countered with a different shiba and perhaps more sensible alternative. we asked the united states government to send more of a clear message to prevent more people from leaving the message change to we're going to re unite families. we're going to be united children the very next day. the coyotes were here organizing groups of children to take them to the united states. yes, we often forget the bottom and tamela spent the entire reelection talking about how much they like. immigrants will give millions of illegal immigrants citizenship. they said, we'll get with a border security and was, we'll jack up the detention centers. i'm approving an executive order to began the hard work of restoring our refugee admissions program helped meet the unprecedented global need. it's going to take time to rebuild what has been so badly damaged. can you blame ordinary desperate folk for trusting joe biden and
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cabinet harris, who essentially invited them to enjoy, lacks border security, the promise of a better life? because that is what the migrants heard. that is the reason why a $100000.00 migrants a trying to jump the fence into the us every month. that's more than in any month of trumps presidency. the irony, kamala harris, who, whose parents were immigrants from both jamaica in india for her to go to guatemala, super oppress country, weaponized, identity politics telling guatemalans over and over that they should not migrate. and then the u. s. is going to collaborate in building hope. it home when it's exactly the opposite, any u. s. official or diplomat who arrives in central america should arrive 1st leading
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with apologies, in leading with talks of reparations for the enormous damage. the u. s. foreign policy in neil colonialism have done. this is it crisis thought a situation, the white house prefers to call it. that was entirely avoidable. biden. and the democrats used my good, the g political tool to attack trump to win the election, but somehow lose city refugees got into their heads the go biden. and alan t harris actually give a damn about them to a big story of the week. austrian police say they've arrested 81 people as part of a global sting operation led by the us the f. b. i is claiming to have caught more than $800.00 criminals worldwide, including arms, drug dealers by tricking them into using an encrypted up. aside from australia, raids, taking place in more than a dozen countries, including australia, where
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a federal police worked alongside us intelligence, the app called a non was run by the f. b i. security forces apparently got senior figures in organized crime to use and promote it's on the law. the intelligence agency to monitor communications between gangs, the f b i legal latasha in austria, has hail the operation as a major success. this operation demonstrates how the f, b, i and our international law enforcement partners can come together to successfully combat trans national, organized crime and drug trafficking activity partnerships are the key to law enforcement. success has no one country or agency can tackle this problem alone. well, the thing almost broke down earlier this year on anonymous blogger posted an article calling on people to stop using the app over safety concerns his blog with leadership as well. meanwhile, australian officials have defended the legality of intercepting those private
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messages. the countries police commissioner rece kershawn said it is the 1st time a law passed in 2018 has been used to intercept telecommunications. whoever form a c i analyst john curry, aka told the program the way the authorities, the skies public apps has being secure, raises serious issues. i think we should all just assume that our communications, even our encrypted communications, are being monitored pretty much all communications apps can be used by law enforcement or by intelligent services, despite on average people in these organizations like an essay and g, c, h, q, and cia there they're working on things that we we can only imagine we can only fantasize about. we have no idea the scope of the technology that they have access to. and so i don't think it's ever safe for the average person. the reason that they say they do it is that it's to keep us safe. it's to
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allow law enforcement to collect information on possible terrorist attacks or criminal activities. but that's not the way the constitution works. all platforms are compromised and that's why we should always be so careful in our private communications. and moving the program all know an inmate in a washington dc jail who's a defendant in january capitol writes is claiming he's been viciously and savagely beaten by a guard. the defendant, something in federal custody since the arrest 6 months ago on charges of assaulting a federal agent and obstructing official. we got reaction from lord john piers, who's represented some of the capital lied. so since he sees the defendants have continually been mistreated, we do have some concerns about the conditions that are being held in our
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cancer and its not had a chance to see if colleges has been allowed to receive the medications that is call just as prescribed. so you know, that is great concerning facilities. i have heard some reports, public reports that you probably are at the same thing that are certainly i just watched the show you the national constitutional unit. it is essentially in response to this trend towards, i would say is to tell it there is basically marxist revolution in united states. you least use to report to protect those sorts of constitutional rights. and they're just not doing that anymore. in my opinion, they become a really for the, for the radical the american civil liberties union just mentioned is currently split by an internal debate over whether to support progressive causes john pierce again,
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phase its feeling and its core purpose. a real ration of breaking constitutional liberties, individual freedom. you know that, that is something that, you know, many americans myself for, for a long time, really sort of took for granted in the united states. and i think that this has been a real wake up. exciting has to be extremely vigilant, you know, all the time to protect these individual liberties or they will be taken away right now. they are being taken away. united states. okay, to some news just coming in on the program to us. an active shooter situation has been reported on earth force base in san antonio, texas. a compound, we believe, is being put on a lockdown and authorities at the base have ordered all personnel to tick
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cover and meaningfully. you're seeing a tweet here from the base and no additional details have been provided on that. of course, we'll keep you updated as and when more information comes in on this believe to be active shooter situation of the earth for space in texas. we can usually in 90 seconds on counting, stay with us. i join me every 1st day on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world. the politics sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then me this is your media reflection of reality.
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in the world transformed what will make you feel safe for tyson lation community? are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere? which direction? what is true? what is faith? in the world corrupted, you need to defend the join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah ah, just approaching 20 minutes into the program. welcome back. a new report has revealed about the u. s. accounted for over half of global spending on nuclear
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weapons. in 2020, it was published by an international organization pushing for disarmament. washington splash died. $37400000000.00 on nukes last year. that's more than the come, pined ex furniture of the h other nuclear powers. if we're doing months right and represents 5 percent of americans total military spend on average the u. s. he's spending almost $71000.00 every minute on nuclear weapons. well, they cronum virus pandemic, still nothing to reduce the global appetite for nukes last year. the world's 9 nuclear power spend $1400000000.00 more on them grew per with 2019 co founder of the stop the war coalition. chris 9 am told us why he believes the high comes as no surprise is a reordering of the world's system right now. when moving from a system, a situation in which the u. s. was massively dominant. what was called a unit power world, where us the u. s has the unchallenged, please,
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when the world to one in which its power is being challenged, both but, but mainly by china bowl said via the emerging economies in, in important regions like russia, like and so on. so this is kind of reordering of the world system and any moment of the reordering is a very dangerous moment. it's a moment when particular local conflicts can suddenly take on an international significance. i think in those circumstances, you know, it's not surprising to me that we were seeing a kind of a re armaments or an accelerating armament of the nuclear powers. tensions are simmering on the israeli palestinian border. on tuesday, there was a confrontation between soldiers and locals in the west bank time of beta rocks
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were slung, i'm thrown in under the israeli settlements. it was the 3rd consecutive day of classes with idea forces, who responded with tear gauss over the years. numerous hollis indians have been detained and similar confrontations with a charge short trial. among them a 17 year old boy suffering from a rare auto immune disease. paula slayer, her sister, around 350 palestinian prisoners, a county held in his really administrative detention. this means that they have not stood trials nor faced charges. many of them are children. among natalie is a 17 year old palestinian boy with a wasted in november 2025 and charged with throwing stones that he was released up to $22.00 days. he was been re wasted and taken from his house and the now is january. this year and has been held in administrative detention everson about john, he remained free for the 40 days, then he was arrested again while he was at home. he was arrested while he was
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sleeping at 2 or 3 am. the stone throwing charges are a big lie made up by those who are trying to free my child. if a mom has committed a crime, we have a right to know what it is. only his father would talk to his mother is too distraught. amal is critically ill and suffer from chronic or to immune neuro muscular illness. his treatment requires ongoing medical intervention and uninterrupted doses of medication. his family is concerned, he's getting neither amola, he had a luncheon that was removed, but then he experienced complications. he needs to continuously take his medication and sometimes he gets injections in hospital where he also constantly has appointments for specialists. but then the prison, they refused to let them attend and said they will provide him with their own medication. sometimes they give him his medicines on time, and sometimes they don't use them. so we'll blame these really occupies for any complications at the mall. might experience because he needs specialist a medical care. we are also trying with a lawyer to get
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a medical committee involved him in white school advocating for palestinian children are urging for his release. they stay administrative detention is abusive, especially when it comes to children who are mostly wasted patrolling stone. the little problem is with the way by which is, is used administrative detention against the ballasting and in general. and children and particulars is resort heavily on administrative dimension, despite the fact that it would be used just very limited and expect exceptional pieces, admin sort of detention actually is based on secret information. there is no clear if it dances submitted to the court. it's the general accusation of being threat to the security of the state of the air and the area just last month and miles administrative detention was extended by the way, the military court for another 4 months. it's well argues that give them time
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together evidence without her mouth or other palestinian children being held, being able to carry out a text in the interim. we have no choice but to restore law and order via determined use of force. there are nationalists elements here breaking the law in fact, disturbing the framework of the state of israel. so in the face of such a threat, it is possible to use administer detentions under the administrative detention order. it's all can imprison tennis finance for 6 months at a time, which can be extended indefinitely. but at the mouth, health situation worse than that could be a destination. policy or television. a group of lawmakers in the us are calling for a boycott of next years winter olympics in beijing. democratic representative tom mullins ski also submitted a resolution to congress accusing china of genocide against the weaker minority.
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the house of representatives urges the international olympic committee to consider the dell and pic chart, the principles of solidarity and non discrimination. hard to reconcile with holding the 2022 went against the country, the government to which stands credibly accused of perpetrating crimes against humanity and genocide against ethnic and religious minorities. mister melina, sky claims their campaign to boycott the 2022 games is a quote, coordinated effort by legislators and multiple democratic countries. although it's so far unclear which nations are involved in the effort. and in the resolution itself, he accuses china of multiple human rights violations. against weaker muslims, including mass incarceration of millions and concentration counts the forced sterilizations of women. well, the chinese government has not yet commented on the u. s. initiative, but it's repeatedly dismissed. any threats of a winter olympics boycott has always denied violating the rights of weaker muslims
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inch and jang province economics. professor benjamin show thinks the allocation is being made against china or not based in reality, us right now is choosing china of genocide and was she knows i do have you ever since you knew size of the population, which is still growing rapidly. the rest of me did not emphasize enough. the depletion of st. john, people actually rolling rapidly. how can we say to genocide? i was in seen gyre. i had know many people francine. joe, i know a lot of people in shanghai hoping syndrome. i know. i think that the width is what, what they were accusing china of about the weakest if a show of hypocrisy and was standard and the international olympic committee as a simple non governmental organization is supposed to be strictly politically neutral at all times. a boy called have been shown to negatively impact athletes,
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while not effectively addressing global issues. judging from history, similar practices in the past have never completed the selfish and narrow minded political goals. and the idea of politicizing sports is and welcoming for many countries to south america where there's been abroad in the bolivian parliament. fissions were flying on tuesday during a debate over the rest of several officials, including former interim president jeanine anew as she took power in 2019, in what the ruling socialist party now considers to have been illegal. a large fires broken out in parkland in barcelona, less than 100 meters from residential buildings. strong winds are causing it to spread rapidly with around 10 hectares currently affected plains and helicopters are being deployed to dose it with walker. ok, just a reminder for up to the minute developments to they do give or twitter page or
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phone never boring. moment their life from oscar, this is are to buy for me the me by the make. no certainly no borders under the blind number please. we don't have authority, we go to the back seat, the whole world needs to take action and be ready. people are judging. 2 commoners crisis we can do better, we should be better. ah, everyone is contributing each in their own way. but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is paid for the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are together
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in the air was our annual summer solution where we know not on the problem, but on the solution the the news i'm action or kind of say we're going undergo.


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