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tv   News  RT  June 10, 2021 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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to and he was the largest international congress on make. it said he development with our help headlines, a sing investigation reveals that a host of america's richardson, billy and as are avoiding tax in the us revenue service seems much more concerned with finding out who actually believe the information but tracks on its previous full approval of ukraine's controversial 2020 kit saying the slogan of glory to the heroes must now be removed from the play. at oxford university students remove an image of queen elizabeth the 2nd from their colleges, common roof and siding, its links to the colonial part. it's a move that's been condemned by the countries education minister. 3rd. so we put the issue up for debate. the queen is the figure head of our country. so i think it's a great, really, really great sharing has come to this. they haven't being disrespectful. recruiting
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that, they made their vote, they took the poultry down. i think that the just i i now just moment thought the fight here in moscow. this is our international, a very warm welcome to you. we got your top story. so it's been revealed that a host of billionaires on america's rich list have been avoiding taxes despite us and their wealth they expose. and it comes from a u. s. independent journalist openings ation, which received a leak from a whistle blower at the revenue service. this body has now launched the investigation, though perhaps not exactly the kind you might expect. eager to start off now explain. there is been generations of american politicians repeating one mantra about how they should tax the rich. we will demand that the wealthy and large cooperation thought paying their fair share of taxes if i am for or well
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in america, america's tax code is a total dysfunctional mess. it is riddled with loopholes that let some special interests, including myself in all fairness is going to cost me a fortune this they believe me, i think, is you able to become a billionaire and a millionaire, but pay your fair share, repeated over and over again. it's almost like every bit here was taken out of some secret tax spell book like any spell these failed to conjure a real world result. take ill and mosque between 20142018. his wealth balloon by almost $14000000000.00. guess how much he paid in taxes, a whooping 3.27 percent. and if you think that slow, no, that's actually pretty average. that's how much america is. 25. fattest cats gave
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up to the i r. s. and if you want low look no further than jeff basis and warren buffet, who's true tax rate bally hovered above 0, i continue to believe that the tax code should be changed substantially. huge dynastic wealth is not desirable for our society. yeah, that moment when your taxes are so low, even you can't help but feel like a bit of a crock. and all of this was lead to journalists at pro public, and the rest is investigating spoiler alert, not the billionaires. there is an investigation with respect to the allegations that the source of the information in the article came from the internal revenue service and remote this dude. he sounded so concerned about the upper crust of american society, not paying their fair share. well, that was before the league, he is what his office is concerned with. now. any unauthorized disclosure of
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confidential government information by a person has access is illegal. and we take this very seriously. and the i r. s. are referring the matter to the office of the inspector general, the treasury inspector general for tax administration, the f b. i and the us attorney's office for the district of columbia, all of whom have independent authority to investigate all the talk about is how the persecution machine is in full bounty hand mode off to whoever league the figures and completely ignoring the substance. i think there's a few reasons why authorities are focusing on the data relation, not the content. what explanation is that, you know, they're concerned about the possibility that they're complete. tax return is of politicians will be released next to many members of congress are very rich landers . i don't know the possibilities. they're not saying anything is because there's nothing to say. i mean, there's numerous tax advantages for the super wealthy. they're intentionally within the tax code. they're perfectly legal and yeah,
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some of them are known by and used by the political leads as well as successful business. and yes, most of those hundreds of billions in equity. it's not like jeff basis has a scrooge mcduck style dungeon with mountains of dollars. but with an average us household paying, sometimes 10 times more than they do in taxes, the system just doesn't look so good. european footballs governing body has back tracked on his previous a full approval of ukraine's controversial 2020 kit. and a statement to us here at all. he said, the slogan, glory to the heroes must now be removed from the play shots ortiz cosentino rush, cause explains why, 1st of all, this is quite unexpected. move from wayford to banned the use of this particular slogan on a newly unveiled kid of team ukraine. for year 2020, because at 1st they approved it and they changed their mind only after public
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outcry and rti sans request the wave. asking for clarification, why the main ruling body of european football let this happen and here's their response. you a for then carefully considered the recently added slogan on the inside of the color glory to our heroes. following further analysis, this specific combination of the 2 slogans is deemed to be clearly political in nature, having historic and militaristic significance. this specific slogan on the inside of the shirt must therefore be removed for use in you. a for competition matches. currently you craning football shirts have to captions on them glory to ukraine and glory to the heroes. the problem is that these phrases have dark history, dating back to world war 2, when it was used by ukrainian nazi collaborators, degrees each other. the slogan on the inside, the one that now has to be removed is glory to the heroes. because as they explain, the combination of that with the other phrase can be deemed to be politically
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loaded forward to ukraine, which is seen on the outside of the shirt. can state the whole story around the ukranian football uniform has kicked up some controversy with the russian football union along with the russian foreign ministry among those outraged by the design. this is another, it's hand by cave state propaganda to consolidate in the public consciousness. a slogan that many korean brought associate with the ukranian insurgent army lead based upon bundy era. and there are crimes during the 2nd world war. there is another thing about this. sure. it worth mentioning there is a map of ukraine on it would show its crimea as part of the country. ukraine in football authorities defended their decision, saying this will strengthen the players as they will, quote unquote, wide for the whole of ukraine. now the thing is that the but in solar became a part of russia back in 2014 after referendum, which saw over 95 percent of the population voting in favor of the reunion with russia. ukraine as well as western countries said that they don't recognize,
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developed, but given the context, putting an image of a contest to region on a football jersey can be also seen as to have some political message to it. that's according to several russian football officials and even russian president spokesman dmitri passed off, who insisted that sports must stay out of politics. by the way, for said that they have nothing against the map. the euro 2020 tournament will be kicking off in rome friday night. and as fans flocked to stadiums across europe, the world health organization is urging people to stay safe. is long time information campaign alongside reduce the risk of coven infection, and warning that despite tourism now, opening up, people still need to exercise caution. when traveling to avoid, quote, repeating the scenario of the summer of 2020, they're also highlighting the risks of reopening schools and universities. we can now speak with a robust the director of the w h o. regional office for europe is joining us live on the international good to see you today. so your organizations are warning
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countries against repeating the mistakes of last summer. could you, could you explain that for me a little bit? yeah, sure. good afternoon. the summer sun campaign is essentially all about people saying site, it's clear that we're all very excited. someone come, we want to be together. we want to celebrate. we want to celebrate around tournament gatherings, even festivals that are taking place. but it's important that we do so in a safe way. now, of course you've cornered right, he said last year we were in exactly the same place. and we saw a phenomenal resurgence company following the summer. so this time we want to really take less than that. there are only 400000000, i say only, but 400000000 practicing doses administered in the european region. that basically represents about 28 percent of the european population that a vaccination with one dose of faxing so far from safe. so we need to be cautious since we into summer, and that's what this campaigns about with
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w h o unicef staring it in your, in your information campaign, you urge people to avoid the 3 seas, meaning settings that are closed, confined or crowded. now of course, the euros are starting tomorrow with matches in 11 countries, so fans in a way, going to be exactly doing the opposite of what you're suggesting on day. well, they are, they aren't. they are in the sense that they're going to be convening in certain locations, geographical locations across the european region. but really, that's an enormous amount of coordinated event management taking place. i'm going to say event, we're not just talking about the stadiums, the pubs restaurants want to talk about the apples, the fans zones. transport local community is a phenomenal machinery behind this so that those local authorities mitigate the risks. i'm a very confident actually. they've given the costs that we all have to pay after
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last summer that those lessons have been learned. well, what about can we just cross the point for a moment here because sports in america are ultimately returning to normal. the nfl is expecting full capacity at all of its stadiums. this autumn. why? why can't europe follow the lead of america? because vaccination rates catching up, the u. k is actually ahead of the united states when it comes to vaccination, right? yeah, they're catching up, but they're not there. and you've, you've cherry picked a member states in the u. k. that has a particularly high coverage rate compared to other european states in our region as of say, a $53.00 countries in the, in the larger upon european region, only 28 percent or received a single dose. so we're nowhere near where the u. s. is in terms of protection from from vaccination. so in some respects this has to be a phased approach. it has the risk assessment has to take place at a local,
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regional level here in the european region. and we know that over the next couple of months we're going to see invariably, travel take place, people convene. so i think it's best that we were trying to basically. i mean if you put this together where in your a 2020 football tournament terms, we're going to see some of these football games extend into extra time. and those footballers are going to have to see through that extra time and continue to try me . when again, what we're asking people to do is just the same. we're not, we do not want to see covered when an extra time. we're an extra time right now. we need to by ourselves this summer and the fall. so to make sure that we don't see a resurgence as we saw last year. well, i hope i hope you don't think i've cherry pick. my next question is, forgive me if you think i'm being devil's advocate. if we look at the u. k for a moment, which will, of course, be hosting the euro final, at wembley, at the office for national statistics now sets it up to 82 percent of the
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population. now has cobit antibodies, either through vaccination, or parson infection if they can open up now? then when can days? well that's a good question. so as you cite u. k is opening up your not respect, but he's also doing some cautiously and with very much watching the variance that were saying, circulates at the moment. we don't know enough about the variance to make a long term decision. again, we've just got to be so sensitive to be able to change our restrictions and our responses in the course of the, of the academia. as we see this academia l g emerged and in the past i think it started to say many member states. i've been slow to respond to that early signals . now that much more sensitive it's, it's much more refined and eagle eyes that they have on the, on, on the, on the epidemiological data. mr. butler, as you, as you alluded to
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a few minutes ago, people have already sacrificed so much over the past year and more, you know, kids missing out on schooling, millions of jobs last. if the restrictions continue, do you think it's possible that could be some sort of fatigue like safety restrictions, fatigue being experienced by people or the younger people of today where they've just at the end of the day they've just had enough? yes, i'm completely understandable. i. i mean, i'm demick fatigue is well documented. now we know this has been extraordinary long time, sickly for the youth and the younger populations. it is so easy to lower god or to lower the god. also, of course, not adhere to public and social measures that have been promoted. we've understood a double check with our member states with the countries in europe. this is all about how best we understand people, engage them in the solutions that we're creating. allow them to live life, but reduce risk and also knowledge, the hardships because boy,
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that's been hardships. so in that respect, trying to fatigue is happening. it is natural. we can't do anything about it in the sense that it's going to happen in any prolonged situation. crisis situation such as we find ourselves at the moment with the youth, particularly, i mean they paid such a heavy price. and as a father, i appreciate that all the care, compassion, understanding, support, listening. i can give my children is important, but ultimately they have paid a price from this time demick and they deserve, in my opinion, all, all our kids deserve metals. as we emerge when we emerge from this pandemic. what we can do best for them at the moment really is a sure that as many adults and population adult population members vaccinated because the more adults re fax night, the better protected those you saw. and the more more easy it will be to make
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a decision to keep schools open, which they so desperately need for their mental health, psychological health, wellbeing, ro, butler, the director of the w. h. o regional office for europe joining us life or on our team to national we really appreciate your time today. thanks for the advice. thank you. thank you very much. okay. well, but you case education secretary has slammed the behavior of some oxford university students as simply absurd. a thought they took down a portrait of queen elizabeth the 2nd from their colleges, common room claiming they found it offensive since it represents the country's colonial past. the president of the college in question says, the pitcher was removed, author a vote, which itself was the initiative of the students. these days, british educational institutions typically don't display the queen's portrait. though some cambridge and oxford college is still due. the protest removal comes as
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the queen prepared to mock 7 decades on the throne next year. so we put this issue up for debate. the queen is the figurehead of our country. so i think it's a great, really, really great shames, come to this about the queen and also wherever the stuff that you speak to. now everybody feel that the queen, but for that it's something that they just don't believe in their colonialism. inherited well, systems lack of memory talked to see so if they don't want that they haven't being disrespectful to the queen. i think there's another of this kind of talk of disrespect and you've got to respect that. that's not a fair con, p for the comment. but what has caused a prince was not that they making to make them feel unwelcome. it is the fact that it was the slight upon the queen, the saying she represents a colonial pass and that's why they remove the portrait. there was no reason for
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them to causes fuss. they could just remove portrayed, but instead of going public and making this no pretty vile insult to up to the queen they made. they took the portrait down. i think that people need to just respect that. and if it hadn't been blown up a nice way it was, there wouldn't be the great thing about it. i don't believe so much. so any comments about a portrait, whereas the outrage being about the queen, who am please charles, you've looked over 1000 laws before that the past and been able to to change some of them. i think we're going talk about and mark received stuff. let's start with that. i didn't think that there's extreme culture extreme as in, in the, in the universities. but they should be freedom of speech and respect for different views. that's important. there shouldn't be in my, in my humble opinion. censorship, imposed by by stopping some speakers just because they don't like they're not liked
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with some of their views. as long as they're not extremist views that i would never encourage a us congressman has been sending different messages to different voters depending on the stones on the palestinian israeli conflict. and democrat brad schneider. describe hamas as terrorists, an email sent out to the pro israel cam, but he removed this description from those sent to palestine supporting recipients to them. he also wrote about his heartache for civilian lives, lost on both sides. whereas to israel supporters, he said he condemned house rocket attacks in the strongest possible times. now the 2 versions of his campaign emails came to light after the pro palestinian that it was sent to a pro israel correspondent. so we spoke with our often vote for a former libertarian party presidential candidate. he says, efforts to please both sides only undermine boat trust. it's fairly common for people in american politics, unfortunately,
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to try to pander to both sides of one issue. it's well known that the israel palestine conflict is a contentious issue. and officially, the american government is supporting israel by taking american tax money and using it to either just give israel direct aid, military aid weapon support. you name it the number of pro palestine and pro israel voters is much smaller than the number of people who just want to end for an aid entirely. when you play both sides offense, the way he did, you're going to basically seem like a pander, or you're going to seem like you don't have any moral principles, any moral conviction. not just a problem for one individual who's the problem for the entire party. because democratic representative and republican representative from the state, local and federal level have been doing this for a while. they've been trying to play both sides of the issue, realizing they want to leave alienate anybody. i just didn't brief now to some of the headlines from all around the world for you,
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the russian navy pictures right here, carrying out operational exercises way out in the pacific ocean, some 20 war ships, submarine support vessels as, as well as many aircraft. they're all taking part. the vessels have traveled up to 4000 kilometers from their home basis. the main purpose of these exercises is coordinating a diverse task force a considerable distance bastards in the peruvian capital 4 days after the presidential runoff, with a vote too close to call. it made allocations of valid rule. as it stands, the left wing canada petro castillo, is leading by less than a percent on rest. also, in the colombian capital, where thousands came out to voice their anger at the government. a people have a host of gripes, from new tax reforms, and poverty to police. brutality and dire health care. a 6 weeks of similar unrest to feed 21 people died. a new poll is found that the
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pandemic has a battered trust in the e. u. the survey was commissioned by that of the european council. it found that citizens are unhappy with blocks, early response to the pandemic, and with the use sluggish vaccination campaign. and a number of member states over half of those surveyed said they had low confidence in the union. and many respondents also said they were even more disappointed in that national politics. demetrius a constant couple as a former greek government adviser on east west relations. so there's a fundamental disconnect between the thinking in brussels and citizens all across the block. from there is john. this paul and the ship can do a divorce of a mighty edge without live without passion. here an impressive discrepancy between european shatter believing in words, the appreciate ideology and bone and she will remain european institutions.
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they do policies which are against the rule of the people system occupants. but unfortunately, we don't care project in our political projects for radical different european union because of this one is not, is not the union and it is not working. and it is not also corresponding to the word europeans would like to to have. meanwhile, as more trouble brewing for the block at a spot about the priority of a e, you over national law turns ugly with brussels threatening legal action against germany. now, last year, the country's constitutional court rubbed the you up the wrong way by rooting that his debt purchasing scheme might be illegal or later reversed that decision. i know it sounds rather complicated. just wait a moment. peter oliver clarifies the story. government fund buying or put it much simpler the buying of, of debt. here in europe, we're talking about trillions of euro worth of it to prop fiscally,
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we could countries at the expense of low, so you perform better economically. here in germany, they've never been a big fund of it. and now the european commission in brussels is issued a legal rap on the nose to berlin after germany. constitutional court dare to challenge the european central banks. money printing plans. after having conducted a detailed analysis and following an informal dialogue to german forties. the commission is therefore decided today to send a letter form a notice to germany for violation of fundamental principles of the law by federal constitutional court. to get to the bottom of this, we have to go way back to the e. c. be purchasing some 2.6 trillion euro worth of bonds, and all the securities between 20152018 with the intention of providing stimulus to the economies of the 19 e. u. member states that use the euro. this is where that conflicts arises because the european court of justice in luxembourg describe the bond buying program is
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legit and legal that was then questioned by a group of german conservatives in euro skeptics. they weren't sure about where and how german taxpayer money was being spent. eventually, the 16 judges of the federal constitutional court said the c b 's plans could go ahead. that's what has shocked some m. p. 's about the e u commission decision to push the matter further and publicly, while others see it is needed. i admit the case is very complicated, but it is fundamentally very, very simple. a central bank buys bonds with money printed by created by here ex needle. so they enlarge the monetary at space and ab i, they create great risk for inflation, prizes have been rising for real estate everywhere. the fact is very much reflected in the example of america, italy,
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italy can place its her bones and better conditions, and the entities is america. there must be something wrong. this is a distortion of competition, which does not pay tribute to the real risks of italian bonds and american bonds. i think that the main challenge of that ruling is that the european cation commission, which considers itself as the guardian of the treaty, cannot accept the national constitutional courts challenge of the european court of justice. for the you commission. the problem is, any court from any member state questioning, the primacy of a new law ought to be more accurate the precedent, the doing so would create this could threaten the integrity of union law and could open the way to europe a look at do you can union isn't remains a community based on law and the last word on the law is always spoken. in
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luxembourg, it does seem as though the german government side are willing to take then knocks on this one for the great good of team you. however, with you commission president ursula on the line set to hand a legal picking off to her form of both chancellor angle and miracle. there are some suggesting the commission president stepping out from under claim she may be still somehow beholden to berlin patrol of a r c and the german capital. there's a good something right there. thursday headlines here on our t international. thank you for sharing some of your time with us here at moscow. now. 527 on thursday, early evening, laid off in it with extra with more of yours the we're here in saint petersburg at the international economic form. and the topic of our program is the global economy always change since coven, for the winter,
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for the loses? what are the challenges, and what are the opportunities as a korea professionals bolt is much tougher on some than others. year old myers by everybody. so why would somebody believe me, i was just a little girl. the price paid to, to, to achieve really was, was how to read in the paper this morning. usa swimming coach, arrested, allegedly had sex with a 12 year old girl. this happens almost every week. we get calls at the office. i get informed about one of my greatest fears is someone's going to start linking all this together. there's going to be a 60 minute documentary about youth coaches in sports like gymnastics swimming. is that documentary?
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see it on our t the hi. welcome to the kaiser report, imax taiser with stacy herbert here with our annual summer solutions where we dell not no problems, but on the solutions they say, hey, right, well, i want to throw this question to tyson slocum. you know, joe biden has them as a slew of sort of renewable energy programs and infrastructure spend on renewable energy projects. i want to in particular, talk about in the last week or 2. he's announced an energy efficiency and clean electricity standard, mostly focused on utility companies. and the reason why the stood out to me is because you have been recently tweeting about paul singers,
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elliot management and his role in public utilities. and so, like does he does, elliot saying, or does elliot management that therefore stand to benefit from this? and what do you think of biden's overall plan so far? yes, i'll start with biden's plan. i think it's, it's necessarily ambitious. the challenges he's going to need the support of congress. and i think that's where the roadblocks going to be. we've already seen similar clean energy standard legislation be approved in the house of representatives. i think there's a strong support in the house for this, but getting it through the senate is going to be very difficult. even for democrats, senator joe mansion, democrat from west virginia. he's in the senate democratic leadership and more importantly he's the chairman.


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