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tv   News  RT  June 10, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT

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the ah, a sting investigation reveals not a host of america's richest 1000000000 ers are avoiding the taxes through the u. s . revenue service seems more concerned with finding out who leave the information also had on the program. you a fed back track soulmates, previous full approval of ukraine's controversial kit for the european football championship thing the slogan, glory to the heroes must be removed from the players. only even they delayed euro 2020 tournament the world health organization ward and the 11 host nations. this they vigilance prevents are repeatedly colbert absurd scene. last summer. ah,
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247. use live from the russian capital. this is the news, our and our team, my names you don't really, you're welcome to the program. it's been revealed about a host of 1000000000 or is on america's rich list fina avoiding texas. despite a surge in their wealth. during the pandemic, they expose a comes from a u. s. independent journalist organization which received a leak from a whistleblower of the revenue service. now that federal body has not launched our investigation, though, perhaps not the kind you might expect. there is been generations of american politicians repeating one mantra about how they should tax the rich. we will demand that the wealthy and large cooperation thought paying their fair share of taxes if high and for a well in america, america's tax code is a total dysfunctional mess. it is riddled with loopholes that let some special
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interests putting myself in all fairness is going to cost me a fortune this they believe me, i think is you able to become a millionaire and a millionaire. pay your fair share, repeated over and over again. it's almost like every bit here was taken out of some secret tax spell book and like any spell these failed to conjure a real world result. take heal and mosque between 20142018. his wealth balloon by almost $14000000000.00. guess how much he paid in taxes, a whooping 3.27 percent. and if you think that slow, no, that's actually pretty average. that's how much america's 25 fattest caps gave up to the i r. s. and if you want low look no further than jeff bases, and warren buffet, who's true tax rate barely hovered above 0. i continue to believe that the tax code
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should be changed substantially. huge dynastic wealth is not desirable for our society. yeah, that moment when your taxes are so low, even you can't help but feel like a bit of a crock. and all of this was lead to journalists at pro public up and the rest is investigating spoiler alert! not the billionaires. there is an investigation with respect to the allegations that the source of the information in the article came from the internal revenue service and remote this dude. he sounded so concerned about the upper crust of american society, not paying that fast share. well that was before the league, he is what his office is concerned with. now. any unauthorized disclosure of confidential government information by a person with access is illegal. and we take this very seriously. and the i r. s. are referring the matter to the office of inspector general,
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the treasury inspector general for tax administration, the f b. i and the us attorney's office for the district of columbia, all of whom have independent authority to investigate all the talk about is how the persecution machine is in full bounty hunter mode off to whoever leak the figures and completely ignoring the substance. i think there's a few reasons why authorities you're focusing on the data relation, not the content. what explanation is that, you know, they're concerned about the possibility that they're complete. tax return is of politicians will be released next to many members of congress are very rich landers . i don't know the possibilities. they're not saying anything is because there's nothing to say. i mean, there's numerous tax advantages for the super wealthy. they're intentionally within the tax code. they're perfectly legal and yeah, some of them are known by and used by the political leads as well as successful business. and yes, most of those hundreds of billions in equity. it's not like jeff basis as
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a scrooge mcduck style dungeon with mountains of dollars. but with an average us household paying, sometimes 10 times more than they do in taxes, the system just doesn't look so good. european footballs, governing body house back tracked on its previous full approval of ukraine's controversial kit for the euro. 2020 finals, and a statement to our, to you. a for said the slogan, glory to the heroes must be now removed from the player shirts. ortiz constantine rush. cough explains why, 1st of all, this is quite unexpected. move from wayford to banned the use of this particular slogan on a newly unveiled kid of team ukraine for year 2020. because at 1st they approved it and they changed their mind only after public outcry and rti sans request to waive the asking for clarification, why the main ruling body of european football let this happen and here their response you a for then carefully considered the recently added slogan on the inside of the
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color, glory to our heroes. following further analysis, this specific combination of the 2 slogans is deemed to be clearly political in nature, having historic and militaristic significance. this specific slogan on the inside of the shirt must therefore be removed for use in you. a for competition matches. currently, ukraine in football shirts have to captions on them glory to ukraine and glory to the heroes. the problem is that these phrases have dark history, dating back to world war 2, when it was used by ukrainian nazi collaborators, degrees each other. the slogan on the inside, the one that now has to be removed is glory to the heroes. because as they explain, the combination of that with the other phrase can be deemed to be politically loaded. gore it to ukraine, which is seen on the outside of the shirt, can stay the whole story around. the ukranian football uniform has kicked up some controversy with the russian football union along with the russian foreign ministry
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among those outraged by the design. this is another hand by cave state propaganda to consolidate in the public consciousness. a slogan that many korean brought associate with the ukrainian insurgent army lead based upon bundy era. and there are crimes during the 2nd world war. there is another thing about this. sure. it worth mentioning there is a map of ukraine on it would show its crimea as part of the country. ukraine in football authorities defended their decision, saying this will strengthen the players. they will quote unquote, fight for the whole of ukraine. now the thing is, the but in solar became a part of russia back in 2014 after referendum, which saw over 95 percent of the population voting in favor of the reunion with russia. ukraine as well as western countries said that they don't recognize, developed, but given the context, putting an image of a contest region on a football jersey can be also seen as to have some political message to it. that's according to several russian football officials and even russian president spokesman dmitri passed off, who insisted that sports must stay out of politics,
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but the wave has said that they have nothing against them. app will indeed be tournament euro 2020 kicks off in room tomorrow nights and as fun flocked to stadiums across europe, the world health organization is urging people to remain vigilant. it's launched on information campaign alongside unicef, highlighting ways to reduce the risk of covered 900 infection there, warning up despite the tourism sector. now slowly reopening, people still need to exercise caution when traveling to avoid confined or crowded spaces. my colleague research shapes bought with rob butler, director of the w. h o regional office for europe. he sais. europe needs to bear in mind the optic in cases last summer. last year, we were in exactly the same place. and we saw a phenomenal resurgence. cobit following the summer. so this time we want to really take that lesson. there are only 400000000, i say only, but 400000000 practicing dosage administered in the european region. that basically
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represent about 28 percent of the european population that are vaccinated with one dose of vaccines. so with bar from safe, we've just got to be so sensitive to be able to change our restrictions and responses in the course of the, of the epidemiology. as we see this academic g emerge and in the past, i think it's hard to say many member states have been slow to respond to that as early signals because some a sentence campaign is essentially all about people staying safe. it's clear that we're all very excited. someone come, we want to be together. we want to celebrate. we want to celebrate around certain tournaments, gatherings, even festivals, that it's taking place. but it's important that we do so in a safe way. people have already sacrificed so much over the past year and more. you know, kids missing out on schooling. millions of jobs lost. if the restrictions continue,
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do you think it's possible that could be some sort of fatigue, fatigue is happening. it is natural. we can't do anything about it in the sense that it's going to happen in any prolonged situation. crisis situation such as we find ourselves at the moment. we've understood a double check with our member states with the country save in europe. that this is all about how best we understand people engage them in the solutions that we're creating, allow them to live life, but reduced risk and also knowledge, the hardships because boy that's been hardships the u. k, the education secretary has slammed the behavior of some oxford university students as simply absurd. thus, after they took down a portrait of queen elizabeth the 2nd from their college is coming from fleming. they find it offensive since that quote represents the country's colonial past. the president of the colored sees the picture was removed after a vote,
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which itself was the initiative of the students. yeah. that it should be up to the student body to decide on such issues. however, one committee member who argued against the motion said effectively cancelling the queen sent out a dire message. the protest removal comes of the british head of state proposed to marque 7 decades on the through next year. we put the issue up for debate. the queen is the figurehead of our country. so i think it's a great, really, really great shames, come to this about the queen and also wherever the stuff that you know, everybody feels it the queen. but that's something that they just don't believe in their colonialism. inherited well system lack of memory talk. so if they don't want that they happen being disrespectful to the queen. i think there's a lot of this kind of talk of disrespect and you've got to respect that. that's not a fair con, p for the comment, that is what has caused
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a prince was not that they making to make them feel welcome. it is the fact that it was the slide to come the queen the saying that she represents the colonial past, and that's why they remove the portrait. there was no reason for them to causes fuss. they could just remove portrait, but instead of going public and making this new pretty vile insult to up to the queen they made, they took the, the portrait down. i think that people need to just respect that. and if it hadn't been blown up in the news, the way it was, there wouldn't be the great thing about it. i don't believe it's so much. so any comments about a portrait, whereas the outrage being about the queen, who am please charles, you've looked over 1000 laws that the past and been able to to change some of them . i think we're going talk about mark received stuff. let's start with that. i didn't think that, but there's extreme culture extremism in the,
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in the universities, but there should be freedom of speech and respect for different views. that's important. there shouldn't be in my, in my humble opinion sent to ship, imposed by, by stopping some speakers just because they don't like they're not liked with some of their views. as long as they're not extremist views, that never courage. a mon, inside the west france has been sentenced the 4 months in jail for slumping and manual ma chrome in the faith. it happened earlier this week when the president was trying to drum up support for his pre election campaign. the the scene given a formal sentence for hiring, for, for in fact, rhetorical sentence was for 1814, most of that will be suspended for the next few years. now this a friend, so a so committed against somebody in public authority could have seen him behind bars
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for 3 years. and finally, 45000 years. some people may think that this is potentially lenient. however, thought the sentence comes with the conditions. for the next 5 years, tara will not be allowed to hold any weapons here in france. he will be deprived of his civic right. so things such as voting for the next 3 years and he will be banned from exercising or being in the public office as well as that. the judge ordered that he had to undergo work over the next 2 years and also needed psychological care. now taro spoke at length to the court on tuesday answering many questions that the judge posed. he described himself as a patriot and he talked about what was going through his head at the time when he slapped president miko in the call when we were waiting. we planned to do something
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striking to challenge him on political matters to take a yellow vest or french flag, but we changed our minds. well, no point in the court hearing did he just said she had just sorted the president of the french republic even describe that assault as being a role the violent laugh. and she said that the point where you did it was filled with disgust that seeing president black. when i saw his sympathetic and lying gaze, which wanted to make a voter of me, i was filled with disgust. i think my reaction was a little bit impulsive. but my words had an impact on crohn and all the yellow vests and the patriots. he had quite a lot to say if our president michael saying that he represented the fall of the country. so he talked about people feeling injustices under president michael mandate. so what do we know about this 28 year old book, quite a lot from that court hearing today, much of what he said confirmed of what we've been hearing in the french press for
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the last few days, including the fact that pictures at his home were found as him dressed up as well. of course i asked him why that was. he said it was for showing his girlfriends, his friends, he described it as being a bad joke. he admitted to the court that he gave him a copy of his memoirs. mine kept to a friend as a gift. he talked about the fact that he accessed illegal world war 2 sites. these are the filter sites, which i didn't know i used the holocaust. and he said it wasn't because he was a revisionist history, but he didn't approve of censorship. and because they was sensitive, he wanted to go and see them. and she talked about his links with the yellow vessel . quite a myriad of information coming out in the court today. meanwhile, president michael has spoken for the 1st time about this assault. he said it was important to put this in perspective in a pinch of salt,
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but he did describe it as being violent and foolish. we must not pretend this incident was anything more than an isolated act. there are people in society to day who can be violent at one time or another. now there was a 2nd individual arrested pulling back assault on president mack are not to let you be assaulted president michael, but for allegedly filming the incidents and putting it on twitter off the see, he's not due to come to court until next year. and he faces other charges, mentoring following a range on his home, where there have been allegations he held illegal firearms. but for the moment, damian taro, who is the man who slacks present moscow and assaulted him while michael was on his to the front city this week will now be off to jail. to spend the 1st of the next month behind bought the european parliament has passed
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a resolution calling for further sanctions on bella rous over the recent diversion of a civilian aircraft from e u space. the document also calls for measures against russia for supporting minsk the european parliament reminds president putin of the consequences of further supporting the regime of alexander lucas shanker, highlights in this context, the importance of introducing further sanctions against the russian federation for its role in supporting the by the russian regime, the european parliament calls for an urgent investigation into this unprecedented act of state terrorism against some e. u. registered civilian aircraft. such an investigation should explore the possibility that russian nationals played a part in the terrorist acts perpetrated by the bell of our son regime. a recount of what happened on may 23rd, a ryan or a flight from greece to la few. india was forced to make an emergency landing in bella roost over a bomb threat that turned out to be
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a hoax. 2 people were then taken off the plane and arrested the editor of a bell or russian pro opposition telegram channel on his russian girlfriend. european countries responded by bombing flights to and from bella ruth and ordering plains to avoid the countries or a space. claims of a russian rule in the diversion of the aircraft have not so far being backed up by any evidence on the kremlin house denied any involvement. let's go live no to martin told her martin is a member of the hamburg parliament representing the left party. good to have you on the program. the resolution was passed by 626 votes to 16, so it has substantial support in the european parliament martin. do you think it's going to result in tougher measures against bella, luce? maybe you could respond what they could be. i don't know what is happening in the future, but if i try to classify what is going on, know that again, sanction,
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and measures against plans. i think it's not the way to solve the conflict of conflict. we have to go into a dialogue if you look and classify what was going on in the up the us bringing don't play no neurologist. that was taking that kind of accidently happening what was happening. it was not okay to do so maybe it was not okay. to bring down this, this app lane, i don't know what happened. exactly. but i think we shall go deeper into an analyze this when we see that the european union and the us try to do color revolution and ukraine and then georgia. and now and better rules sanctions are part of that and this is the contrary of the dialogue and as well the
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person who was put into prison from the airplane was someone who was working with the rest of the regiment, which is a regiment in the crime as you want the logo, so i think it's not the right way to bring down a plane to, to get to get access to a person like that. but there is something more behind. and if you really want to find out what is behind you don't start with things and you start with some kind of evaluation, maybe multilateral evaluation, or talk directly with the president or the government. and you don't start the sanction. starting with sanctions to something like escalating another way off, which i like in this case. why is russia being brought into this? you've got kremlin spokesman dmitri pest golf denying all allegations,
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calling them coach obsessive rissa phobia obsession with blaming russia for absolutely everything that was his quote is that what it is i think is when we look clearly at the moment in union, the us john government, as well, in pops and indifferent even if they escalate the situation. so against russia as well, there should be a dialogue about how international law can be present in the future. but since russia tumble became a global again, with the situation and to reach out in china, get stronger. we have some kind of new cold war again. and i looked really at the resolution of the european union to playing russia for something bad. so no
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evidence. this is a way you can go forward, but this will, this will not lead to a dialogue. all this will not lead to strengthen. one for you all shall claim to be sure thing to international law and resort thing to human rights. and we should be wrapped up in all measures if we look at the oppression of the way in france. if we look at the oppression of the opposition in turkey or the wall in syria and iraq, there are no sanctions. i don't believe. and sanctions, i believe in dialogue. well, i'm not sure if the screws are tightened on bella bruce, who's going to suffer like is alexander lucas shank was position. will it be weakened or will it just hurt ordinary citizens? everything up so ordinary citizens go home and buy sanctions anyway,
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but that different economically tied them to the union. so it will not out the civilian so much, but i think it was even stranger to look at and it will not lead to kind of regime change or just wanted the union maybe i don't like the regime and colonial because the press, the position of the left wing, but i don't try to stop the bell. i don't mean we left wing to all try, no rush. i don't got to make a coup in another country because they don't like the regime. i think this is the best way to lead international politics. if you like, look shank or or know that might be human rights violations values, right? why relations and there are some in other countries as well. so we have to find out how constrained the human right and how to strengthen the rights of the citizens. but with sanctions, you're always to the contrary,
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you escalate the conflict and you never answer citizens, but you help those who want something different in the country, but me as a german. i have a story goal. yes, it's already killed the responsibility to what's been i was because many citizens had been killed in the 2nd world war. so i have to be sensitive. my government has to be sensitive. european union has to be sensitive not to cost more conflict, but it has to bring fall at different things and sanctions. let's send a group to have a dialogue from the european parliament or the european commission with a government or dialogue with a president protein in russia, and the dialog dialog dialogue. well to talk or see where we measure with different mechanisms. we show every country with the same mechanisms and we shall
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bring forward any new pictures all the time. martin, thank you. as always for your time on your thoughts on indeed your idea there as well. martin told her member of the humber parliament representing the left party. all the mastery of the russian navy is carrying knowledge opperation all exercises in the pacific ocean. some 20 worships submarines, support vessels as well as a number of aircraft are taking part. they've traveled up to 4000 kilometers from their home basis. the main purpose of the exercise is, is to coordinate a diverse task force of considerable distance south america. there's being further clashes in the peruvian capital $94.00 days after the presidential run off with the vote to close to coal. it's made allegations of folic acid duncan left. when candidate pedro casteel is leading by less than one percent on wrestle through in
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the colombian capital, where thousands came out to voice their anger up. the government. people have a host of gripes from new tax reforms on poverty to police brutality and a dire health cur. sector 6 weeks of similar unrest come see 21 people and others where we lead the news runup for. but to go to for more great programs get going after the shortest breaks the as a korea professionals. bolt is much tougher on some than others. she was hero my by everybody. so why would somebody believe me? i was just a little girl. the price paid to, to, to achieve really was was how to read in the paper this morning. usa
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swimming coach, arrested, allegedly had sex with a 12 year old girl. this happens almost every week. we get calls at the office, i get informed about one of my greatest fears is someone's going are linking all this together. there's going to be a 60 minute documentary about youth coaches in sports like gymnastics swimming. is that documentary? see it on the, on the moon. oh i use
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well kind of for the alex, i mean sure where we look at the new economic initiatives of the rich countries club of the g 7 this weekend in the unlikely and idyllic setting of carpet spain court. both the g 7 leaders will ratify an agreement for minimum corporate tax rates, fin, packed on transnational companies as a welcome big through against the tit giant tax avoidance positioning or the car up fin. sure they're rich get richer, or perhaps it's a bit of an advantage to the summit. we talk to 2 political economists who know the answers for the member of parliament fees, louis and george kevin, and the u. k. tax season specialist professor richard murphy. the key interview coming up student, but 1st theme of messages and response i show last week featuring to shannon n, p, and lord, dr. wiggly john fisher says, good discussion. i'm of a mind to welcome any plan in it for
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a celtic blog among nations leaving the suki. it's not the same and it's not supposed to be more woman says, i've called that the best united kingdom for a very long time. fisma best says, give island back to the irish, let the do p argue their case and the united islands. while harvey says, we need an english independence party. and finally, billy holland says, the authorization of my nation ends with independence, tick tock, the empires on a cook. now, no, since the heat of hit tv see these rolls poll dog was busy with some excitement across its rugged coastline house taxation and cornwall gone so well together. because despite the claimed that the jewel of cornwall, saint ives was chosen as this weekend to 7 location because exemplifies clean and green issues, it says the marquis will of the filthy lucre which has dominated the stomach, run up a minimum, corporate tax of 15 percent with a not towards the low.


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