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tv   News  RT  June 11, 2021 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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the the top headlines this our here on our teeth, china and russia once again, high on the edge of the g 7 leaders, meat for the 1st time since the stock of the time my colleagues do say, and i sense deep sense of the child. we have your post office issued by age. i'm not sure how come up the ones you. k police chiefs raised the alarm over of lack of vaccinations for the for the committee fears the 5000 unvaccinated officers of the g 7 summit and could become coded to push private and the new york parents declare war on, in doctrine ation at the school. putting up billboards to mining that children retort instead to think for themselves about diversity
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ah, around the world around the clock. this is your source for your worldwide headlines author into national life from the 1st g 7 in post summit. since the start of the pandemic is getting underway in southwest england, a joe biden did marks his 1st overseas trip during his presidency ahead of the summit. biden met with a host u. k. prime minister boris johnson. they signed a new atlantic charter is based on 1941 agreement that outlined the 2 countries goals after world war 2. the priority. now, according to the document is cooperation. that's what the g 7, the main talking points will be. the pandemic trade climate change. oh, and then of course, china and russia, murat gas div examines why much of that agenda is a blast from the past. america is back. back for watson. when did it ever
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leave whatever it is that it's coming back to from. as unclear. at every point along the way, we're going to make it clear that united states is back and democracies of the world are standing together to tackle the toughest challenges and the issues that matter most to our future. well, that's good. suddenly again, i can't remember them ever leaving, but if you are coming back to things you never left, then why the heck not some things you've already signed. all reverts like atlantic charter building on the commitments and aspirations that are 80 years ago. the firms are ongoing commitment to sustaining our enduring values and defending them against new and old challenges. so they're defending democracy, defending nato, defending trade, which american britain have done admirably if a tad violently but that's the rule they will now chic to combat cyber threats.
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climate change and the pandemic. there's so much to do and what better way to start than with tv jukes. so the prime minister, we are both very i'm not sure i'm going to descend from that. i'm going to disagree already on the else. perhaps what may be construed as new is that button seems hell bent on returning us all to the glory days of the cold war. and his youth. i've been clear the united states will respond in a robust and meaningful way when the russian government engages in harmful activities. we've already demonstrated that, except we've heard the same thing in various forms for non century trump said the same things. so what did they mean? what is it that they say, if it isn't russia aids?
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yes, china, they called say it out loud. no one's ready yet, but it's there between the lines. we will focus on ensuring that market democracies not china or anyone else. right? the 21st century rules around trade and technology, and we will continue to pursue the goal of a europe whole free and at peace. biden wants to resurrect an old monster. the cold war with vos standing armies. with vase military spending a vase blog to crush the competition and the competition, and he's in russia. the competition is china, which america still doesn't have an answer for. a head of 37 summit, the chairman of the us joint chiefs of staff, singled out china and russia as the biggest global threats. but daniel mcadams, who's executive director at the ron and poll piece institute, says that just trying to invent another enemy. well, i wonder if i fallen asleep and waking up when woken up in 1978 or something,
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you know it's, it's, it's unbelievable that we need to find a new atlantic a life. what is the atlantic? we have no idea what the atlantic is. the atlantic has been certainly since the end of the cold war, european countries incapable of developing their own, independent foreign and domestic and economic policy, basically blindly following the united states into places like at canis dance and syria in libya and miss adventure after misadventure. china is the big enemy of the defense secretary austin said, we have to start acting like china is the and i mean, not just thinking like they're the enemy and this is how it works. this is how the u. s. military industrial complex works. you invented in me words, the global war on terrorism, or the global fight against co, good, or the global fight against china. you invent these bogeyman. and then you spend hundreds and hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars that go into the pockets of well connected companies. well connected, think tanks in the washington beltway and that's what keeps the machine going. but
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the machine is going to end because the american economy is about to collapse, its teetering on the edge of collapse. as a heavy security presence at the summit in cornwall and concerns have been raised over the high number of unvaccinated officers around 5000 of them policing the event. one police chief as warn they could become super spreaders. all these comments made their husband stop the u. k. prime minister from choosing this moment to praise the force for its work during the pandemic. i bet the policing restrictions in that way was not something you ever dreamt you will be doing. but you did it. because you knew it was how we are going to protect the n h. s. and save lives for something that speaking out the police federation, annual conference abilene names, policing on the pressure of those within the 4th. a claim that he and home secretary principal tell them on the front line during a pandemic, totally unprotected. the government,
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small words became lame actions on the result is up, my colleagues do feel a sense, a deep sense of the trial. just this week we have thousands of colleagues from all over the country, coming together to replace the g 7 summit to coble police officers from those very communities where the indian variance of the virus is thriving. we have young police officers who by age alone, will not have been vaccinated. how can not be ranked $6500.00 offices from every police force in the country? a part of the g 7 rings of steel, dealing with diplomat small over the world. meaning, the summit could become a hot bed of covey, with offices acting as potential super spread is certainly an issue that needs to be considered whether or not there's any risk of a super spread. talked event occurring around the g 7. so there are people from all over the world. they include people from countries where the rights of covey to a very different from allison, with various different versions of
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a virus causing the problems. last year that were 89 police officer, dec involving cove it highlighting why police representative are so eager for their members to get their jobs if they're going to continue to put themselves at risk front line officers on the cell. so things tend to be the younger end of the scale, certainly in large numbers, and therefore they will not yet have reached the point where they will be vaccinated with the g 7 operation. now on the way there are fears and some courses that the damage has already been done and it leaves government officials hoping that the summit doesn't result in a surgeon code the cases and particularly amongst those they've saw protecting some of the world's most powerful people. east author, u. k. london. the lack of police vaccinations isn't the only pandemic related criticism being laid at the british governments door. u. k. health secretary by hancock is being branded a liar trying to rewrite history of the he deny nationwide shortages of personal
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protective equipment. while speaking before a parliamentary inquiry into the cobra crisis, i don't deny it all the, with the challenges in individual areas. there was never a national shortage of pv because if the action that we took, that hancock was being scrutinized over the government's handling of the 1st stages of the pandemic. sounds accused of failing to ensure a sufficient stockpiles of p. p e at hospitals ultimately endangering the lives of n. h. s. some health workers. we even photographed making their own gowns out of bin bags. the government is also accused of chaotic. p. p. e procurements, that costs billions extra to the state budget. however, the authorities defend the copay policies, the chairperson of the you case doctor's association told us that now greater distrust of the n h s. i think it's very hard for us to have trust in my call,
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if in the same breath need also denies the fact that they will problems with getting p p to the front long. in other words, p p was adequate. that actually doesn't seem to have been responsible for many at the death and the fact that he also says that he values and i don't. and he recognizes that he made no in many cases, the ultimate sacrifice. but he's part of the government, which is recommended to one, not more than a one percent paid voice in in the u. k. governments. cobra policies have repeatedly drawn criticism from the opposition labor party. one of its members told us the health ministers just trying to mask failures during the pandemic. whether it's inaction or incompetent to the government policy throughout this and emmett because directly contributed to tens of thousands of deaths, one of the worst death tolls in the world. and in the face of all this might, hancock is, is all out there in front of that committee, acting like a schoolboy whose dog has eaten his homework and he's blaming scientific claiming
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the public. anything but take responsibility for, for, for this himself. he's saying of p p, he saying the say no evidence that the lack of p p 4 for an a chest off directly contribute to the death it was coming out with advice and information. it would saying that there was no evidence that the mock wherein prevented coded cases and you have to ask you, so why would they coming out saying things that were so patiently wrong at the time? it's because they didn't have the p p for the public. angry parents in new york have lashed out at elite schools in the city for allegedly indoctrinating that children with woke values instead of teaching them how to think of the correspondent caleb often takes a closer look. it looks like some parents are fed up with critical race theory being taught in school. mobile billboards have been set up outside of new york city, private schools, where parents are calling out the woke curriculum,
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taught on their money. the truck sign says, teach how to think. not what to think. woke school speak out and diversity not indoctrination. this campaign was organized by a group of parents who say they are concerned about what their children are being taught in recent years. and you orthodoxy has emerged to tell us cause dividing our communities based and immutable characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation. as a result of the core tennis of high quality education, unite in all children and families through love and appreciation for learning and community spirit have gone by the wayside. schools should unite us not divide us. many of these parents say they are not opposed to an anti racist or pro diversity curriculum, but they say critical race theory is going a bit too far and causing more problems than it solves. we have a group of concerned parents who believe there is a better way to promote diversity and includes a kid at lead and independent schools in new york city without sacrificing quality
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education for all students. to save our schools, administrators must ensure academic rigor and intellectual integrity requirements of any core curriculum. while respect and parents, as the primary moral educators of the children, parents aren't the only ones. there's an english teacher in new jersey at a private school who quit her job saying that critical race theory is racist. i'm resigning from a job that i love over the past few years. the school has embraced in ideology that is damaging to our students, intellectual and emotional growth and ideology that require students to see themselves not as individuals, but as representatives of either an oppressor or oppressed group and by professional opinion as an educator, the school is failing to encourage healthy, have of mind essential for growth, a growing number of parents and teachers objects to the teaching of critical race theory in school. this is yet another conflict and a time of already deep divisions in the united states of america. well,
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how will this all ultimately be resolved? well, it looks like it will be up to our children to settle this. i actually think that critical race theory would be allowed in our schools to teach or shared any teach him at home and that in the school cell is no need for that is what is doing is teaching kids how to have them fail. what control is out of place has no place in fact at all, and in order to change. but we got this when i was with teachers teach this particular correctly go back to the base keisha standards that we had before. and i was, we want to change the situation, we must fight hard and we must do it from our home, with our church to the way we think we need to do it at this particular point. we have got the points back and pushed back. our special police unit has been
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decided in the german sit here, frankfort. its members are suspected of having shared far right content in a group chat. peter oliver investigates this involves 17 actual front line and former and current front line members of the special task force or s k in front. for now, that's pretty much the equivalent of a swat team in the united states or the special firearms command in the united kingdom. it also involves 3 senior offices who apparently knew what was going on and didn't act what it's understood is that this group chart was sharing fall right extremist messaging as well as nazi symbols. now it's prompted the interior minister of the state of hair, sir, where frankfort lies to despond. the unit saying that it needed to be over hold completely the unacceptable misconduct of several employees, as well as the turning away of immediate superiors and the special task force of frankfort made its complete dissolution necessary. nothing that can remain as it
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was, even those who look the other way and thus fail to fulfil their direct superior ro must expect disciplinary consequences. this isn't the 1st time that we've seen fall right extremist activity in either the police or the military. here in germany, there's been a number of incidents over the last couple of years. i the i run to restructuring under way of special tactical police unit in has both they, when they all restructured,
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will be firmly under the microscope as well as will police forces and the military across germany. after these claims these allegations of fall right extremism in the ranks, we heard from benjamin gen dro who represents a police union in berlin. he said officers are being unfairly targeted and is putting huge pressure on them. nurses mission or just just feel police in some german states received reports right. when extremist ideas is something that's happening in society and when not isolated from it, there are $26000.00 employees in the berlin police and include supporters of right wing extremists ideas. it's like alcoholism or drug addiction police, a human beings just like everyone else is. the main thing is how we deal with it. how we recognize such people, what steps feel therapies are taking. i think it's obvious that there should be no extremist ideology, no matter what kind it has no place in the police force. all this, of course, is already effect and people just like these claims that we are all far right
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extremis. unfortunately, there is a tendency in the public to generalize. if one person is far right, then immediately all 26000 employees. all this of course, takes coal on police offices and my colleagues do a great job. they sometimes work for 60 or 70 hours a week. they encounter incredible stress, and yet they carry out their gcs professionally. and despite this, the next day, they criticize by politicians. it's an attitude on a political level that makes people in lauren forestman want to find other jobs. rushes and media and communications regulator has published a report detailing how social media giants are breaking the law. it follows a large scale inspection. earlier in the program, i got details from saskia taylor. we know that the internet is a pace. it's really hard to control, but fears are growing that it's become out of control recently lacking sufficient
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regulation. and because of the rushes media watchdog launch to review that looked into what started, especially social media platforms are or are not as it turns out, doing to make the internet a safer place. now of course, in the past we've seen how often harmful content lingers online on checks, pay just how the live stream of the christ church mass sa, kilometers on facebook for hours afterwards. but the statistics from this report really exposed, how well negligent these platforms have been. you know, we're talking about tow pornography pro drug pro suicide content terrace material and i'm talking thousands and thousands of incidence. there is so much, but just as an example for 6 years, twitter kept up $6000.00 posts of that kind, seemingly taking no regulatory steps and even when it did, it moved at a glacial pace. facebook, for example, on average to $105.00 days to remove these kinds of posts. in the meantime,
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you of course have under age vulnerable people exposed to all of this back in march, actually rushes media watchdog warn twitter of a total ban unless it got this illegal content under control. and as a warning step, but actually slowed the site traffic, which ultimately pushed it to remove a lot of the not all of the content after hundreds of post op simply it's imposed financial penalties, including for example, 23000000 rouble find for twitter, 43000000 facebook, so the conclusion here that's coming out is that only by punishing these platforms by threatening them with, with bonds and with financial loss is action taken, which is a terrifying fort. why on these platforms themselves incentivized to tackle illegal and harmful content. you know, the, the online johns may be violating the law by keeping certain content up. but as i understand, the russian authorities are also riled by what's been taken down. not a well exactly. so on the one hand, we've got twittering,
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co dragging their feet when it comes to st. child pornography. but the report claims that on the other hand, when it comes to sensory content of especially russian media and of course r t, they are quick and happy to press dot delete button 29 times. for example, by google and youtube. i can't count how many times i've talked about this, whether it's about youtube bonding and taking down our sister channel all t r before even my own material. 2 months ago i did a life stream dedicated to 60 years since the fast pass and fluid space. i spoke to cosmo about life on the international space station. it was fun, it was homeless and it will bond with no reason given. so the review really does lay by how problematic these platforms are. all they knowingly not protecting people are they simply overwhelmed by the extent of harmful content and why they turning a blind eye to often an eagle content that causes emotional and physical often fate
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to home. but then arbitrarily censoring content simply contributes to diversity of voices. and it's clear that russia feels that it can only see a change if it forces a change because these platforms at this stage crane you don't feel any sense of responsibility before by users. i also spoke with technology expert bill knew who thinks the social media giants are quite obviously disregarding local laws in many of the countries where they operate. to large extent, these large platforms failed there, above the law they have chosen to comply with various different privacy laws in various different jurisdictions. they've also kind of thumb the nose up a, some of the content restrictions. right. i think that the, the fines that are being given, they can just brush up the really thing that has actually brought to them the severity with which some different jurisdictions are actually growing. fed up with
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them. some of the bands that they faced in australia, there was a bomb and the, the sharing of news content. there's been a threat. so in facebook, it would be banned from sharing private data between europe and america. and now in russia, another country, more and more jurisdictions are standing up to them saying, i'm sorry, you're not buying a law, not doing what we require in terms of content moderation. i mean, barrier many areas such as some of the stuff that take down there, showing double standard euro 2020 football totem. and we'll be starting in just a few hours now. rushers along the host countries with 70 games being held in st. petersburg. and that's where our correspondent alexia shasky. now reports from euro 2020 is a football tournament, stretching across the 4 corners of the continent and rushes northern capital st. petersburg has an extended role to play, while other nations have struggled to get funds back into the grounds. due to cope with 19 russia host that 50 percent of stadiums for the majority of its domestic
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season and for the euro 2020 st. petersburg is ready to make some noise. there is a serious football vibe to the so called venice of the north. it is the home to venice, champions of russia for the last 3 seasons. what place could be better as one of the whole cities for the euros, even more fans will be impressed with what's available in the city. the opportunities in saint petersburg and the rich culture. it's a truly wonderful place with endless possibilities. especially in summer coach and entertainment. yes. especially in summer, very impressive. 2018 world cup and russia managed to sway officials so much that this stadium here in st. petersburg will also host the you way for champions league final next year, and there's other cities across the continent failed to meet the anti coby 19 criteria. this city stepped right up, only wembley in london will host more euro 2020 fixtures than this stadium here in
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st. petersburg. i know that you a phase doing everything possible to ensure that the european championship is a success particular attention has been paid to the media and accreditation. for journalists, it's extremely difficult to organize such a large scale international event given the situation in the world today, i can tell you that i have not come across such a constructive attitude from all involved parties for a long time. we cannot hide from the fact that life and sport i a very different world. now you are 2022 taking place in 20. 21 is the perfect reminder of how the pandemic has impacted on europe. but this tournament will be the litmus test for you, a fun to, and was been a listless yen. half for football, russia kept it stadiums open to a large percentage of fans throughout the season. and this was a rather unpopular decision at 1st, but gradually turned into pride because we talking about real fans here,
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not cardboard cutouts or pre recorded fake noise. now you a for granted st. petersburg stadium. a 50 percent capacity quarter for the 7 games of euro 2020. and we're talking about 30000 live fans at this very ground. an agreement is also in place to allow traveling fans from abroad without any of these requirements. if they have a ticket, a fan id and a negative p c r test. so russia is waiting for you with open restaurants, bars and arms. just remember to keep the strict anti coves measures, but that is the price. many fans are more than willing to pay. it's an amazing opportunity that we got and expectedly, because some european countries could not host matches and we always can. they can't, we can, are you happy with an organization? it's great when we were the world cup, things were slower here, everything is better. wish every one felt the same way though. denmark opened it
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stadiums to local fans, but not allowing any russian fans inside. and russia is to play denmark in copenhagen, and even before a ball has been kicked, politics is already making headlines. first ukraine teams kit stage with political message is then as thereby johnny officials blocking accreditation for our top common sites in russia because of his armenian roots. football just wants to pass around all this mess for rest assured when the tournament excel found one care here and in the other 10 host cities. this is the moment many have been waiting for, and hopefully a turning point for sports and politics like yourself to be reporting from st. petersburg. and while the primary focus was on, the euro's cutoff is getting ready to host a 2022 football world comp. these cars at, in rosco visited the country to see how it's all getting ready. you can watch the
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report in just a few minutes here on the channel for now though, is a quick preview for you. the one of the persian goes wealthiest country is, has spend billions of dollars on state of the art stadiums. well, look at this, the stadium is really taking shape. you can see the bowl and most of the stands now, when we were here a little bit over a year ago, at the same construction site, it was just the foundation in a few metal structures. so it seems that time why this idea to use shipping containers as building blocks has definitely paid off. i mean, they're easy to assemble and easy to dismantle, just like playing with lego. for the 1st time in a world cup hay street, the stadium will be billed from shipping containers and was more, it will be completely dismantled after the tournament.
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and there was to be a friday headlines or an anti international thanks for sharing your time with us here at moscow. nearly half past 6 in the evening. now we're back to with more of your news. the ah, with me ah ah,
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i use the big football in the middle east. ever since the tiny gold nation was the right to house, the people world cup it football national team been done as a dark for foreign capital if you will. one of the persian gulf wealthiest country is, has spent billions of dollars on state of the art stadiums. but is it really possible to play football when it's 30 degrees celsius outside? well, i mean i can feel it. yeah. the temperature temperature 19. why has guitar build the stadium out of shipping containers like a stadium kit? you can carry it around the world. yeah, whenever you finish. well,
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the visiting fans suffer from culture shock when they arrive and.


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