tv News RT June 11, 2021 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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this is a money machine is a huge cash register that has ran by people who don't care about people's lives being lost. the, the group of 7 leaders meet for the 1st time since the start of the pandemic with vaccines on climate change. how i own the agenda. there's also a focus on russia and china sense that the child we have young police officers from by age alone, will not have been back to me just how come up we want. you. k police chiefs raise the alarm over a lack of bucks. relations for the for summit fears the 5 voted on job officers of the g. 7 summit could become coded super spreaders. while in new york, parents declare a war and walk indoctrination of schools putting up billboards the monday. their
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children instead be taught to think for themselves by spelling versity ah wherever you're counting the program from today. welcome to moscow onto the news our in our to our top story. the 1st g 7 in person summit since the start of the pandemic is taking place in south west england. it also marks jo biden's 1st overseas trip during his presidency ahead of this summit. biden met with the host u. k prime minister boris johnson. they signed a new atlantic charter based on the 1941 agreement that outlined the 2 countries goals after world war 2. the priority. now, according to the document is cooperation. that's for the g 7 event itself. now the main talking points are many, but at top of those are the pandemic trades climate change plus china and russia.
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right guys? the examines why much show that agenda is at last from the past. america is back. back for watson. when did it ever leave? whatever it is that it's coming back to from as unclear. at every point along the way, we're going to make it clear that united states is back. and democracies of the world are standing together to tackle the toughest challenges and the issues that matter most to our future. well, that's good. suddenly, again, i can't remember them ever leaving, but if you are coming back to things you never left, then why the heck not some things you've already signed or reverse, like atlantic charter building on the commitments and aspirations settled 8 years ago. the firms are ongoing commitment to sustaining our enduring values and defending them against new and old challenges. so they're defending democracy,
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defending nato, defending trade, which american britain have done admirably if a tad violently but that's the rule. they will now seek to combat cyber threats. climate change and the pandemic. there's so much to do and what better way to start than with jeezy jukes. so the prime minister, we are both very i'm not sure i'm not going to descend from that. i'm going to disagree, or lead, or anything else. perhaps what may be construed as new is the burden seems hell bent on returning to school to the glory days of the cold war. and his youth. i've been clear the united states will respond in a robust and meaningful way the russian government engages and harmful activities. we've already demonstrated that except we've had the same thing in various forms for non century trump said the same things. so what did they mean?
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what is it that they say, if it isn't russia aids? yes, china, they can't say it out loud. no one, ready yet. but it's there between the lines. we will focus on ensuring the market democracies, not china or anyone else. right? the 21st century rules around trade and technology, and we will continue to pursue the sole of a europe, whole free and at peace. biden, once the resurrection, an old monster, the cold war with vos, standing armies with vase military spending, a vase blog to crush the competition, and the competition. and he's in russia. the competition is china, which america still doesn't have an answer for. the head of the g 7 summit, the chairman of the u. s. joint chiefs of staff single, the china and russia, the biggest global threats. but daniel mac albums,
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who's executive director at the ron poll piece institute, said they're just inventing another enemy. but i wonder if i fallen asleep and waking up when woken up in 1978 or something, you know it's, it's, it's unbelievable that we need to find a new atlantic lines. what is the atlantic? we have no idea what the atlantic is, the atlantic has been certainly since the end of the cold war, european countries incapable of developing their own independence, foreign and domestic and economic policy basically blindly following the united states into places like ghana, stan, and syria in libya, and miss adventure after misadventure. china is the big enemy of the defense secretary austin said we have to start acting like china is the and the mean not just thinking like they're the enemy. and this is how it works. this is how the u. s. military industrial complex works, you invented in me words, the global war on terrorism, or the global fight against co, good, or the global fight against china. you invent these bogey men,
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and then you spend hundreds and hundreds of billions and trillions of dollars that go into the pockets of well connected companies. well connected, think tanks in the washington beltway, and that's what keeps the machine going with the machine is going to end. because the american economy is about to collapse, its teetering on the edge of collapse. on de wall of the summit in cornwall leaders pledge to donate hundreds of millions of faxing doses to per countries. but then the host nation itself, lisa worn of a more immediate problem that 5000 of the officers of the event have not been in ocoee related, bo, house and stuff, the u. k. prime minister from praising the force for its work during the pandemic. i bet the policing restrictions in that way was not something you ever dreamt you will be doing. but you did it because you knew it was how we are going to protect the n h. s. and save lives for something that speaking out in the police federation, annual conference abilene named felice thing on the pressure of those within the
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4th. a claim that he and home secretary principal tells them onto the front line during a pandemic. totally unprotected. the government, small words became lame actions and the result is up. my colleagues do feel a sense, a deep sense of the trial. just this week we have thousands of colleagues from all over the country coming together to replace the g 7. so me to call more police officers from those very communities where the indian variance of the virus is thriving. we have young police officers who by age alone, will not have been vaccinated. how can not be ranked $6500.00 offices from every police force in the country? a part of the g 7 ring the steel dealing with diplomat small over the world. meaning the summit could become a hot bed of covey, with offices acting as potential super spreaders. personally, an issue that needs to be considered whether or not there's any risk of a super spread. talked event occurring around the g 7. so there are people from all
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over the world. they include people from countries where the rights of covey to very different from allison, with various different versions of a virus causing the problems. last year that were 89 police officer, dec involving cove it highlighting why police representative are so eager for their members to get their jobs if they're going to continue to put themselves at risk front line officers on the cell. so things tend to be at the young end of the scale, certainly enlarge numbers, and therefore they will not yet have reached the point where they will all be vaccinated with the g 7 operation. now the way there are fears in some quarters, the damage has already been done and it leaves government officials hoping that the summit doesn't result in a surgeon code the cases. and particularly among those they've saw protecting some of the world's most powerful people, east ali, off the u. k. london. the father and brother of julianna's own shop,
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travels from australia to the us for a month long tour there, calling on the white house to stop ponding, the wiki leaks co founder of san just currently in jail in the u. k. and is wanted stateside on espionage charges. his family and many supporters are urging that the entire case be dropped. so as 6 months now passed since since the refusal of bale. and we still don't know when there will be an appeal. so what, what we're thing is just, it's just another instance of this abuse of process that julian has been suffering under for you know, going on 12 years now. there is a, there is an opportunity now for, for the burden administration. and mary garland just just to discontinue and dropped this case, leak can stop was that is a closed in july and we can lakes and kristen hanson as her special. you
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know, they had the late that they continued risks of himself to attempt to give a name to the dan john shipped in julian's father speaking there. well, earlier this year, a british court rejected a u. s. extra function request for julian, a son due to concerns about his mental health, while at the same time entailing at washington as a solid case against them. america is still insisting he should be handed over for releasing phones of classified files. it's been almost a decade now since the phones was 1st arrested in london, the leader skip bail before spending a total of 7 years. hold up inside an embassy in the british capital. he's been in bel marsh prison for the past 2 years. if he sent to the us, he could face up to 175 years in prison allotted to welcome live onto the program. now roger waters rogers is the funding
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member principal composure and creative force behind the legendary rock on pink floor. you're very welcome to the program. roger. thank you. you are one of the speakers outside event in new york. can you tell us a little about this campaign headed by his father and brother and maybe firstly, how are they holding up? well let just yesterday they just arrived in the morning for most trailers so. so they were bit lagged, i suppose, but they seem to be holding out very well that obviously no julian story much better than any of the rest of this. do. gabriel, who is the brother and john shipped and who's his father and their embarking on a sort of whistle stop tour of the united states. they're going to 20 cities. and there will be meetings like one that we hired in new york city last night. or yesterday afternoon, all over the united states. and those meetings will be attended by many good people
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and true. who believe in the whole idea of well, the us constitution for a start, freedom of speech, the 1st amendment, and all those things that the government plainly does. it is interesting though, that this democratic president now is not or has not yet gone back to the bomber administration's contention that there was no case to answer. and that you cannot prosecute judy massage. because if you do, you then have to prosecute. every publisher who publishes any truth that you personally might find inconvenient, which obviously goes against everything that is written in the constitution. so this whole thing is complete, shot more power to, to john and gabriel ships in their travels and all the good folks porting them. yeah, they're not wasting a minutes. a nationwide tour of the us calling essentially the government to drop its legal pursuit of union sounds just from what you've been explaining there. roger, do you think this campaign will have an influence,
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at least on the administration, make them think about it. but you know, if i had a crystal ball, i would be much more use to people on programs like this because how is one supposed to look into the mind of somebody like blink? i know somebody like by i have no idea what goes inside their head because the question that they're being asked to make judgements about is as clear as day, julian is sargje has committed no crime at all except for one minor bail infringement in london. he certainly hasn't considered committed espionage or any crime that could be prosecuted in the united states. he is being held up as an example to people who might young people who might decide to make a career in journalism. and who might decide that the public has
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a right to know by the, by the good offices of the, for the state or the jet or the, you know, the newspapers who we absolutely desperately need to be free of the questions, autocratic government. to give us the information we need to be concerned citizen. so, but they don't, they, they pass the bay. does this include joe biden and blank, and why? certainly hope not because he absolutely should step out tomorrow and say wherever you are in the united states, john and gabriel shift and we here it is his, the piece of paper we are dropping all the charges against julian a search because we know for sure that he that he committed no crime. all he did was report the news. that's it. and if that should crime, and you should lock up there, the tauriel boards of the new york times and everybody else. particular,
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particularly the publish who publish the same stories that wiki leaks published, particularly the, you know, the rock rugs and, and dramatic most dramatically of all the classroom. motor video, you know, i should be locked up. i showed that video and every single performance of the war when i did a were to between the 201-2013. no, he is being held up as an example. keep your mouth shot or this will happen to you . we will kill you because that's what they're trying to do that trying to kill julian such because she spoke the truth and it's disgusting. obviously. one about the people do you have a sense of the response from the american public? how much support is the right there for julian assange? oh, hi again, i don't have my crystal ball with me, so wouldn't know. but i do know that the,
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but i do know that the general public in the united states for live. but getting on a number of issues to see what's going on more clearly than they did before than they have before. this is true of another police. the question that i'm interested in, which is israel palestine views about the palestinians, right? rights to human rights to simple basic human rights have changed dramatically over the last few years. it may be that people will start to scratch their heads and go, hold on a minute. this guy got a story. very interesting story, disgusting story. and he and he decided that he had an absolute duty in the public interest to publish that story. the government didn't want him to do it, and now they're trying to kill him. there is something wrong with this picture. he
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was, he, julian, a sorry, provided an enormously important public service to all americans and not, not just americans as well because he's provided information to the, to the public, to the peoples of many of the nation. so over the world, as we know, he was support, you know, he provides it and wiki leaks continue to provide an invaluable service to the, to the possibility that we might be able to learn to communicate well. i was listening to the previous item on the run. i couldn't see anything, but i could hear it or, you know, talking about g 7 an hour and, and reintroducing the cold war and making russia and china the enemies of the might well enough that people, the russians, and the chinese people like i am, like everybody is and we need to be brought together so we can co operate with one
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another. this is the point that your previous program was making, so i'm going over all ground. but yeah, obviously this is ridiculous. and the sooner the judy massage is our march, the better it should be, it should have been yesterday, should have been 2 years ago. it should have been 7 years ago. he all of this nonsense should have been dropped many, many years ago. it's. it's just really obvious, but we live in a just opium world where the reality of the truth of things, if it's not convenient, so whoever it is who's running everything, shuttled under the carpet and we don't get to live with that. we get to live with some alternate with some alternate truth. so yeah, i think it is worth reiterating that one way or another julian sounds has been in custody in jail or confined to a room for almost a decade in the you can yet, he's never been convicted of anything. and this is one story. roger,
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you've been on the frontline of for years, among others, you could easily, you could easily ticket, he's the afternoon, incredible career. why don't you what drives you to fight, even though i suggest you faced abuse and much more for ticking stances that go against the mainstream? i love this planet, and i love all my brothers and sisters that i share this planet with so on. so i'm doing my small bed to help encourage a world where we co operate with one another. because if we were to cooperate with one another, we might even make this planet habitable for our grandchildren, great grandchildren and all our brothers and sisters in russia, in china and africa, and india and south america. all of them for all of their grandchildren's future. because at the moment, they the powers that be the military industrial complex, the people who keep his patch of war. people who sellers this nonsense about the
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war on terrorism and the war on drugs and the war on this number on that they are destroying the planet and they're destroying it, hand over fist. this is not a drill. we're in the middle of it now. they are killing us all now, but to them it's possible to a mansion, and it's not, you know, it's not just the fossil fuel companies. there is. it's not as conspiracy, it's a, it's a mal organization of the way the world is run. that does not provide the way you may or brothers and sisters to act collectively to gather for the benefit of a soul with equal human rights for all of us. for instance, including judy in a song. well, how would that be? what about looking at this guy, and why does this guy in the human right? well, he stepped out of line, he told the truth about us killing people, and we didn't want him to,
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so we're going to kill him. now this is not the way to organize this fragile planet that we call home. well, we could be a starting point, give him his human rights and let's let human rights spread out to other people in the world. ok, we only wish i could look to the family there and everybody helping including yourself in the u. s. l. not sure, roger. thanks for your time. appreciate it. that's always roger waters, pink floyd funding member live in rti. ok, thanks broke. thank you. i repaired and said your cab lush died, so the elite schools in the city for allegedly indoctrinating their children with work values instead of teaching them how to think or to kill them open the story it looks like some parents are fed up with critical race theory being taught in school, mobile billboards have been set up outside of new york city. private schools,
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where parents are calling out the woke curriculum, taught on their money. the truck sign says teach how to think. not what to think. woke school speak out and diversity, not indoctrination. this campaign was organized by a group of parents who say they are concerned about what their children are being taught in recent years. and you orthodoxy has emerged to tell us cause dividing our communities based and immutable characteristics such as race, ethnicity, gender, and sexual orientation. as a result of the core tennis of high quality education, unite and all children and families through love and appreciation for learning and community spirit have gone by the wayside. schools should unite us not divide us. many of these parents say they are not opposed to an anti racist or pro diversity curriculum, but they say critical race theory is going a bit too far and causing more problems than it solves. we are group of concerned parents who believe there is a better way to promote diversity and includes
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a 2 at lead and independent schools in new york city, without sacrificing quality to cation for all students. to save our schools, administrators must ensure academic rigor and intellectual integrity requirements of any core cubicle him while respect and parents. as the primary moral educators of the children, parents aren't the only ones. there's an english teacher in new jersey at a private school who quit her job saying that critical race theory is racist. i'm resigning from a job that i love over the past few years. the school has embraced in ideology that is damaging to our students, intellectual and emotional growth and ideology that require students to see themselves not as individuals, but as representatives of either an oppressor or oppressed group and by professional opinion as an educator, the school is failing to encourage healthy habits of mind essential for growth, a growing number of parents and teachers objects to the teaching of critical race theory in school. this is yet another conflict and a time of already deep divisions in the united states of america. well,
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how will this all ultimately be resolved? well, it looks like it'll be up to our children to settle this. i actually think that critical race theory would be allowed in our schools to teach children you teach him at home and that in the school cell is no need for that is what is doing is teaching kids how to have them. what control is out of place has no place at all and in order to change, but we got about lynn. i was school. the teachers teach this particular correctly go back to the base keisha standards that we had before. and i was, we want to change the situation, we must fight hard and we must do it from our home. that was, our church is a way that we think we need to do it. so at this particular point, we have got to pull back and push back car the governor of texas
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has resurrected a promise from the trump era. greg said he's going to build a wall on the border with mexico due to the government's failure to tackle the migrant influx. the border crisis is no laughing matter. this is something that also is not a tourism site for members of congress to make an annual pilgrimage to see the border, then go back and do absolutely nothing at the federal government level to solve the cry. the governor went on to say that work on a board, a wall will start next week, non migrants who trespass and private property will be arrested or this month mr. albert issued a disaster declaration along the southern frontier. you accused the biden ministration of encouraging migrant sing. the routes was being used by human traffickers and gangs. that's after migration hit a 20 year high. in may alone,
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us border patrol caught more than 180000 people illegally crossing the border or less go live, know to texas and speak to justin. robert young, who is the host of the podcast, politics, politics, politics. good to have you in the program just in the text, the texas mexico border as you well know, it's long. we're talking some 2000 kilometers. do you think governor greg? but it is actually going to build a wall? there's no real indication of how you pay for it is or you know, i think you kind of hit on the key part in the 1st part of the question, which is when we say build a wall, how much wall are we really talking about at the end of the day, any kind of border wall is going to be more of a physical manifestation of a government's decision to put time money and resources to the border more than
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it's going to be any kind of actual physical barrier that's going to stop people from from coming in and part of it is because of what you pointed out, that's a lot of surface area to cover and not all of it is available for the government to put a wall on a lot of it is private property and you would have to get agreement from the, the landowners there. basically, this is abbott, saying, we're taking this seriously as the change over from trump to bite and has meant that there is a surge on the border as evidence by the fact that they to blood combine harris to go plead with people in central america to not come, why is she not coming to the border? common harris is not going to the border because there's not a whole lot for her to gain by being on the border. the bite administration does not want to put a lot of eyeballs on this. they do not want to make this any bigger of a, an issue then it's going to be made by the mostly conservative media at least as of
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now, it's broken through a little bit here and again in terms of mainstream. but the way that they know it will be a main stream story is if common harris goes there. so as long as they can not be pressed on this, they're not going to make it an issue if they don't have to. at we mentioned the 20 year record search of migrants into texas up it puts us squarely on the by did administration is not a for accusation that they've encouraged people to illegally enter the us. you know, i think it was debatable up until comma harris goes to guatemala and says, in, quote, do not come though, if gum la area is going down there. and she is telling people in guatemala to not leave their homes and not make this extraordinarily dangerous trek up to america. and oftentimes, dealing with very, very unsavory, unsavory people, coyotes gangs, drug traffickers to do it. then i do think that they feel the bite
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administration feels that their messaging outward from the united states to central america has not been what they want. because otherwise, why on earth would common errors go and say something as explicit is that verbiage that would be more likely to be heard during the trump administration. something that got a criticism from left where members of the democratic party like alexandra carzillo, cortez. why would you say that in less they didn't think that their messaging wasn't what they wanted to be, and it's contributing to the fact that there are a lot of people crossing the board right now, just in a word or 2. does this wall get built small, small wall? something that is legally determined it to be a wall? yes. maybe you're a bit of a fed stool, something like that. all right, we'll leave it. justin, thanks so much for your time. just robert young host of the podcast. politics,
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