tv News RT June 12, 2021 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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nations over the past decade, advance mega project most go for him to 21. the largest indian national congress on negates that he development. the look at the get used to the attacks from different directions. the attacks over various matter of seconds of various sorts and degrees of gravity. and i'm not just done by hold. let me put in speaks to america's m b. c. news ahead of its summit for joe biden. next week, we have the highlights of what the russian lead has been site. on a trip across the united states, julian found his family called on the government to drop the case against him. but with the country still desperate to expedite the whistle blower, his supporters believe washington's sending a warning to others he is being held up as an example. keep your mouth shut or this will hop putting you on. we talk to a scottish law student accused of discriminatory comments off the saying,
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when are the ones born with female jennifer thought she was clear after a 2 month inquiry. i think in the universe a please teach straight that. i think if you to long with the, the majority narrative, then you're on your bill a flight and there's a time when you're back with me, ah, wherever you're watching this weekend. good to have you along with us here on our international for moscow. one is called embrace the big story we're across, we this out. the russian president said that he's unfazed by the garage of a taxi faces that a my food in statement came in an interview to america's and b. c. news ahead of talks with joe biden in geneva next week. sean tom scott mo, from senior correspondent. what we have heard so far is julio caesar and she's of the full interview. but i must say, they managed to fit
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a lot into this t's of let me put and opened up by saying that relations between russia and the united states, worse than they have been in years. and i suppose that is the politically correct way of saying that they're absolutely terrible, which is probably why the summit is happening there is at this point, little alternative, both sides have much more to lose by ignoring each other than they have to gain by working out rudimentary rules which can be difficult to do when the guy you supposed to talk to cool you killer. and vladimir putin says that he's none too phased by that. over the years i've been an office, get used to the attacks from different directions. the attacks over various matters of various sorts and degrees of gravity. and i'm not stuck by all that. those politicians who we deal with argue in the world arena. we are not bride and groom, we don't swear our endless love and friendship. we are partners and compete with each other and some issues i would add. i heard dozens of such allegations,
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especially when we went through a hard time fighting against terrorism in the north. calkins, as yet, i'm always guided by the interests of the russian state and its people, the russian president also like in some of the allegations and accusations against him to, to verbal indigestion. he said ultimately that he believes jew barton is a career politician. someone who is devoted, most of his adult lives to politics, who knows how things work, that he isn't impulsive. he also said that he is the opposite. directly opposite of trump, who he described as a colorful and extraordinary individual who must have been talented because he became a president. should i still think that us the former president, trump, is remarkable, intelligent person. otherwise he wouldn't have become the us, the death. he's a bright person, he made appeal to people or may not, and certainly he isn't the product, the united states establishment prior to the presidency. he was never into big
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politics, whether you like it or not, but that's how it is. president biden is completely the opposite to president trump because he's a professional. he's been in politics for most of his life. it's a fact just look at how many years he was a senator and let's the political plan. we wouldn't also touched him this jesus on the international themes a report that made the rounds in american price that marcia was preparing to sell to a rod advance satellite technology, perhaps satellites themselves. and vladimir putin said that this is complete, this information fake news. he said he didn't know anything of the sort of, perhaps us journalists knew more about it than him. there's the politics side of it . what about the western media? what are they making of this upcoming summer with much of the world political world? counting down the days until biden and to, to meet face to face. there's been a lot of reaction,
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a lot of speculation in the media more and more the days. one down, some saying the american press the, you know, they should cool off the entire summer because there will be no greg through, you know, having, having commented on politics for many years now. i must say there are few breakthroughs in politics or break. susan in science, but politics isn't generally a gradual slow process, so i'm not exactly not entirely sure where they're coming from here. others are saying that biden should call off the summit on the grounds that. 3 he isn't going to make much progress in the lag me, and i will make him the fool that biden will embarrass himself. others is saying that the summit should happen. the summit should go long and that it should be as productive as possible because again, rush in the united states only have to gain come from a good and fruitful relationship. have to ask about the kremlin side. what is the kremlin saying about this upcoming meeting between button and putting ad for the
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official russian reaction? the president spokesperson has come out and said the relations of such that both sides, she simply need to add their concerns, their grievances towards each other because they have collapse those relations on almost every fraud. he cannot make military cooperation. the fight against the pandemic against climate change, against even terrorism, compensation and dialogue between the 2 sides has stopped there. still, he says, working out the, the technical aspects and the details of this summit, such as whether vladimir putin and joe barton will meet face to face, or whether they'll have the delegation, the numbers of people that will be present also where they'll be a joint press conference at the end, he said not to hope for one, but that the russian president is ready for either a joint press conference or to hold his own off to the summit before before the press. but the point, the mystery pensacola says this summits is to prevent the further deterioration of
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relations. the main reason for him to go is the poor state relations between the 2 countries. the critical level of this relationship requires a summit between the 2 countries to be held because this is the only way to prevent the further degradation of our dialogue. again, the world will be watching this meeting. there is a lot riding on it on the international stage, as well as the domestic stages of russia and the united states. there is not a lot of hope that the will be a major breakthrough, but the hope is that they will be able to lay a foundation foundation of of trust on which they will be able to build solid friendly relations that meeting between the russian and us heads of state is due to take place right after the current g 7 summit in england, a statement expected to announce a global plan on pandemic prevention. later this saturday, apart from cobit 9, seeing the main talking points of being trade and climate change, plus china and russia. but it's pretty boy to explain. the gathering might not be
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as relevant as it once was. if you haven't, we get a yahoo with some of the world's most powerful democracies and canada get together to make decisions for the rest of the world. this time around, the talking shop is blighting over the being held in the picturesque english county of cornwall. oh, my gosh, are where the police are bracing themselves full protests on the agenda this year. making corporations pay the fashion of tax the environment and getting as many people vaccinated as possible around the wall. wall, noble pursuits, don't get me wrong. but the whole thing just feels a little move without say, china or india, and come on china the country with the largest population in the world. and every country's favorite trade partner,
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whether they like it or no one be with the article, cited this as a reason for why china isn't in the club. china has never been a member despite its large economy and having the world's biggest population, it's relatively low level of wealth pass and means it's not seen as an advanced economy in the way that the g 7 members are. seriously. i'm betting that every single wild lead at the g 7 has a smartphone that was made in china. so the d 7 is a club or really important country without arguably the most important one involved. back in 991, the g involved back in 991. the g 7 was still a little bit relevant to the western economic summit. the big event, the summer, the palace reception brings together present and past the left wing and right home politicians and overseas states. 6 of the top 8 economies in the world. according
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to g, d, p were in the g 7 club, it was number one in the us to japan and 3 germany, 5 italy, 6 from an 8 the u. k. so it's sort of kind of did make sense back in 1991 today of the current g 7 club only 3 are legit members. again, if you're looking at g d p, that the us, japan and germany, wikipedia now defined the g 7 as an inform club of wealthy democracies. truly like the self appointed popular kids. i hope the best of my math . so to bolster the g 7, just as its members, dates are becoming completely irrelevant. the i am asked that the international monetary fund basically designated the g 7 with
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a special data in 2020 the i m f said the 7 largest economies in g d, p. times based on market exchange rate, where the us japan, germany from italy and the u. k. and canada. these countries are also known as major advance economy. all the group of 7, g 7 major advanced economies. a self appointed global. good guys with a guy. yeah. how together by a false premise of power, and some loose ideals about the idea of democracy and so called human rights, which allows the club to keep out the likes of china and india big weeks. d 7 summit has already unveiled a so called global tack deal, which will stamp out tax havens and fools large multinational to call bob at least 15 percent corporation tax loads of experts say that it's
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a really good idea. although some say that it doesn't go quite far enough when it will only get real traction once it's discussed at the g 20 because the g 20 is a much more representative group of countries as opposed to this motley crue of self appointed weld policeman, father and brother of julian songs, calling on the white house to stop handing the wiki leagues co founder. they've traveled from australia to the united states for a month long tour to raise awareness of his life. a sound he's currently in jail in the u. k. but just wanted stateside on espionage charges is family support is urging that the entire case be dropped. so 6 months now passed since since the refusal of bale. and we still don't know when there will be an appeal. so what, what we're saying is just, it's just another instance of this abuse of process that julian has been suffering
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under for you know, going on 12 years now. when league can still pause 2 leagues can bring justice british quarterly rejected us extradition request for julian, a sorry, over concerns about his mental health. one at the same time, maintaining the washington has a solid case against him. america and 5th should be handed over for releasing thousands of classified files. and it's been almost a decade since the phones was 1st arrested in london. he later skipped bail before spending a total of 7 years. hold up in ecuador, and embassy in the british capital. he'd been in belmont prison in london since 2019 have sent to the us and found guilty, he could face up to 175 years in what waters founding member of the roof and pink floyd and a long time of song supported, told us that his persecution sends a warning to others. he is being held up as an example to
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people who my young people who might decide to make a career in journalism and who might decide that the public has a right to know all he did was report the news that said and if that's a crime then you should lock up, they had a tauriel boards of the new york times and everybody else. but particular, i bet, particularly the publish who publish the same stories that wiki leaks published, particularly the, you know, the rock rogues and, and dramatic most dramatically of all the classroom murder video. no, he is being held up as an example. keep your mouth shut or this will happen to you . we will kill you because that's what they're trying to do. that trying to kill julian such because he spoke the truth and it's disgusting. it may be that people
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will start to scratch their heads and go, hold on a minute. this guy got a story. very interesting story, disgusting story. and he, and he decided that he had an absolute duty in the public interest to publish that story. the government didn't want him to do it and now they're trying to kill him. there is something wrong with this picture. office university law student who was probed for defining a woman as the one with female genitals has been cleared. have all litigations, inquiry was what was viewed as offensive and discriminatory comments took 2 months, but found no evidence of wrongdoing talking to i'll tell you the student described the pressure she faced. i was under tremendous stress and your name query, you know, i had my final exams. i had the dissertation to write. i'm still trying to be, you know, mother to my children and function everyday life and there is just panic. and like,
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i was really focused on the exams on the dissertation, but at the same time i had this mickland in my head. you know what? it's all for, nathan, i'm not sure why my whole minister actually needed. they were mainstream views. i am so why such a reaction? i don't know. i described a biological going into some of the form to the jane. i'm the only to read. and i say that on the physical scale, the average woman is weaker than the average man. i would say, you know, women always going to be a woman and the thing everybody should live their base life should be their sale. a free speech, ralph flared up at a seminar on law, gender and feminism. that's advertised university. while the students were discussing transgender issues, classmates reportedly for kiddos remarks to academic chiefs, who then launched a formal investigation. the case cousins of rise in conflict over transgender issues at british higher education facilities. with calls to turn back from old gender stereotypes and promote inclusivity. but miss k, i was convinced that everyone should have the right to add that views. i think in
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universe a free speech there do straight did i think if you do along with the the, the, the majority narrative, then you're, you're vilified and there's a target on your body like that was with me. i think people just have to open their minds and people like people to have an opinion. i'm truly weird. i don't agree with everybody's opinions and i think he's not going to agree with mine but and then to be disabled, i hope we're going forward evictions or even fail home and things and then you know, go back to why would consider normal. i was that my case will make other people feel brave enough to in their views. paris police broke up a mass poppy on friday night after hundreds met in violation of an 11 pm curfew. the people ignored social distancing rooms as they danced without faith. multiple 5 t a got to disperse, the crowds, however, just
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a few kilometers away. koby restrictions were waive that the last moment for tennis fans at the french open go without the international of the weekend. ahead, the racial studies debates in the us has reached the military whistleblowers race. the alarm over how the subjects being taught in the army. one of the stories that i had after the i joined me every 1st day on the alex summon, show when i was speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then me this is your media a reflection of reality in
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a world transformed what will make you feel safe for tyson lation, for community. are you going the right way or are you being somewhere direct? what is truth? is faith in the world corrupted. you need to defend the join us in the depths will remain in the shallows. ah, ah, hello again, developments and are part of the world this weekend. moscow is bringing back cobit restrictions after a record rise and infections. the rushing capital recorded more than 6500 new cases
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in the past 24 hours alone. the highest daily number this year. that's almost a 1000 more than on friday. corresponding egos, donna explains. the new rules come again. while people here being incentivized to stay home, moscow will see a more than a week long holiday and to prevent excessive pause. seeing such places as cafes, restaurants, bars, night clubs, well you name it, they will only be allowed to stay open until 11 o'clock in the evening. such places as food courts and children's playgrounds or play corners will have to shut down altogether. also, employers have been advised to have at least 30 percent of the stuff working remotely. moscow may answer gates, abandon explained earlier what the situation is like in the russian capital, russia, we expected that a spring wave of the pandemic would be in april and may like it did last year. but as receipt has shifted to june and july, and the peak is quite high despite around how the people in moscow having immunity,
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by either coming through the illness or being vaccinated. but we'll see how fast toby is coming. we can see to that the disease isn't becoming milder on the contrary, and it's getting worse. we have quite a lot of people who are now in ventilators. so you parted from the man, it is quite alarming, but still more school is trying to avoid the nuclear options of just putting the russian capital on a complete logged down. right now, the authorities here are trying to, will bring down the numbers via will, you know, pinpoint attacks, so to speak. right now, the raw and the russian capital special, anti coven raves as the government has begun to monitor businesses and see if they are seeing how they are exactly imposing the anti coven restrictions. and if they're allowing too many people perhaps to gather under one roof, this is but typically, well, particularly concerning today, given that russia national football team will be facing belgium later tonight. and
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well, this creates all the possibility and the possibility for lots of people being crammed up in one small room more and more hospital beds are being converted to only so that they only are available to those who are sick and down with the cova and of course, moscow is urging people to get a vaccine. the process here is very seamless, it has been streamlined, it's very easy to get a job here in the russian capital. more than 200 vaccination centers are open and open for the public. in fact, some of them are located in schools a some located in shopping malls. one is even open right on the red square in one of russia's most famous shopping centers. so the message from the government has just one, go get a vaccine, get the population immunity going until you american indoctrination is how one us senate has described racial studies and the military,
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citing hundreds of whistleblower complaints over the issue. kellum opens go more on that is woke culture see thing into the u. s. military. apparently it is in addition to their training, they're now being taught what to think about gender, race and diversity. and apparently, some personnel are quite serious about it. this is not about diversity in general though, this is about a very specific kind of anti american indoctrination that a seating into some parts of our military to republican lawmakers have gathered statements from military whistleblowers who say that woke politics is now taking over military classes. one marine told us that military, a military history training session was replaced with mandatory training on police brutality, white privilege and systemic racism. he reported several officers or now leaving his unit, citing that training. another service member told us that their unit was required to read white fragility by robin de angelo, which claims, and this is a quote, white people raise in western society are conditioned into
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a white supremacist worldview. when african american officer disparagingly said, and i quote, the navy thinks my only value is as a black woman and not the fact that she is a highly trained military specialist. the trend seems to be accelerating. the military in the united states, at least, is not a stand alone system. the united states does not exist for the military, the military exists because of the united states, meaning that it is reflective of american society. we live in a time where the united states, you know, has conflict in segments of society. some who are very conservative, somewhere very progressive. and right now the progressive wing as it has the majority in congress, which is very important because the military gets funded by congress to civilian leadership. has decided that a crisis in american democracy that has manifested itself in violence in the
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streets, is of such magnitude that we need to retrain the military to be appreciative of this. and that's the training we get. it may not make us a better fighting force, but it is reflective of the reality of civilian control of the military. not just about training, apparently. if you have the wrong attitude about critical race theory, you might lose your job. a lieutenant colonel in the space force got can after he denounced critical race theory. now diversity training might sound like a good idea on paper, but many say that the evidence shows that for the military, it's simply a distraction causing nothing but more confusion, taylor mop and archie, new york. the gloves are off in france, where campaigns for next year's presidential election has gone away. but summarizing concerns of the politicians are going to fall in literally demonizing their opponents shot to do better. he's been taking a closer look. the ideal of
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a painting, politicians is being in league with the devil, even being demonic themselves is as old as politics itself. but in a world of extreme divisions is more caution needed when it comes to inflammatory language and even symbols this week from have been full of it. first lecturing poetry about france reported a wrapper to the authorities for a video which simulated the moodle of a left wing voter. then officials were left reeling because of the 20. well, while the political clo banded together and denounced in active violence, some politicians have quickly forgotten the lesson. french interior minister dominance is one example on a trip to join a head of regional elections. he said base to a crowd, there is
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a will the national rally never wins region. we can clearly see the satanic mark that would represent a victory for the national rally. while on social networks, people poked fun that dominance comment, including suggestions from may need to cool in the system. the national rally though, thought it was pretty provocative language. how does this government not realized that was such violent statements against the opposition? it is participating in the climate of hatred, vitality, and violence. so do people really see that politicians have to eval gonna lead and it's pure speculation and for me to demonize them and say that their seats, and if it means nothing that just words i think calling them satan, is it too much even though not the support of the national rally at all, and i have no interest in them much for me. i think it's a bit crude to say that particularly on an intellectual and political level,
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i don't see where the connection is with satanism. we're not in a religious country wherein in democracy a secular democracy and technically i don't see what the term is supposed to me. i think on the whole there malicious but not all of them. i'm not completely ok with corn them. satan is, but i guess doug mon, i is referring to the right wing and the slap and incident of august. i'm not very up to date on the subject, but i don't support the national rally party. it's insides hate and for me they are the devil much guy ahead of elections. there was always political tension, but hearing from submits warnings from retired army generals and police to the civil war is brewing. things really feel like they're becoming a hot has how and while politicians on no waiting job, they are not necessarily siemens either though it could be always argued
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better. the devil you know charlotte's even sky aussie paris are always angelic. france correspondent that she news from moscow for now i'm calling bray. thanks for watching you next update for being the team here is about 31 minutes from now. leave me the sanction. rarely were rarely working except maybe a week, maybe a month. but the world always figures a way to get around the fact whether it's whatever it is that's was anxious, don't work. politicians get publicity and they say see, i am saving the world, saving themselves and them making friends which the
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the with i'm action returns, we're going underground on earth, the stories buried in the circle, mainstream media coming up on the show as the china and russia snubbing g 7 summit continues in cornwall and k. we speak the legendary or the historian, an activist. tar golly, about the meeting of the liberal leaders, and ask how hope can be grasped from the jaws of despair when it comes to palestine . and that makes protest. and the police all the more coming up in today's going underground is after repeated threats against china and russia. so cool g 7 leaders in england continue to talk about the future of human kind from the economy to cobra. to climate catastrophe. the summit, guarded by thousands of extra members of the.
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