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tv   News  RT  June 18, 2021 6:00am-6:30am EDT

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and consumers, needless to say, terrified why the sudden increase in prices. is this temporary, what can be done to tame this cruelest form of taxation on working people? ah, making use this our moscow a grim record as the daily number of cobra 19 cases, souls to an old time height. the cities mara's announced the raft of you, measures, unprofessional, ineffective, and dangerous. that's how the u. s. special replicates here on torture, as describes a new swiss anti terror law that allows the police this file in question. people is youngest and 12, even without a court order, although approved in a national referendum opinion in the country, states divide it. so it's really not very sure that i did the vote for the voltage in favor to protect our population voted
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against because of civil liberties restrictions, migrant crime rate, severe southern border, sor admitted influx of newcomers with a prison in texas even being cleared. so make room for the offenders. ah, either you are always welcome. thanks for joining us here on us. we'll start this how we breaking news because moscow has registered its highest ever daily cove. it infection right when mobile 9000 people catching the virus interest the past 24 hours. the cities man says a host of new restrictions are being brought in as fun while they are from ortiz, really, patricia, he's covering the story for us. what exactly is the problem situation right now, and what are the moscow authorities doing to rectify things?
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neal hi again. well, just for you to understand how serious the situation is. i can tell you that we got from plots just under 3000 new cases daily. this number comes from june, the 6th to more than 9000 new cases in a single day. in just less than 2 weeks. this number is 2 times higher than the rise in mexico, for example, and entire country. so this is a new record for the washing capital since the very beginning of the pandemic. so even though a week of days off that were introduced in moscow to help with the cobra situation, even though these days off are over, the other anti coated measures are there to stay like closed bars, restaurants and night clubs during the night. and also a 3rd of staff members being required to work from home. however,
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there are new restrictions as well that have been announced by the moscow mayor's office, like the ban on mass gatherings of more than 1000 people and also the closure of dance floors. and football fans, those we know that we're in the midst of the euro. 2020. i can tell you that the mayor once again said that the key to dealing with the cova pandemic is mass vaccination. that's the only way to go. and the mayor also explained that those who already got the job are now recommended to have a booster jap, to make sure that they're anti bodies. stay on a level that's enough to prevent new covered cases and moscow mayor's office are saying that the are actively working on that campaign. at this moment. it's
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vitally important to roll out to used to jabs. now, that's why we will work with the government to enable them to reach a decision on the timing and technology fast. the 1st components of the vaccine will be used for the booster shows. if you had both sputnik v components, you should get another 1st component. this is currently the only option. moscow is also said to become a pioneer in the new initiative that is cobit free restaurants. it will begin this weekend with about 20 locations there. all the staff members will be vaccinated and the people that get in they will be required to show you our code proving that they've either been vaccinated or that they have anti bodies. and in these restaurants, there will be no cobit restrictions, and they will be able to operate at night. now the kremlin spokesperson dmitri pass golf, was asked about what he thinks about this spike and about the latest measures. and
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to that, dmitri pasco said that he believes there are 3 reasons for what's going on right now. that is, the total negligence of people, the fact that they're not following the restrictions. also the slow pace of the vaccination, and also the sly nature of the virus. itself and again, all of this explains the latest actions that have been undertaken by the moscow city authorities. that's a place where the situation is the most difficult with the spike in new cases. only a few days ago, the mayor ordered all the employers in the service sector to have 60 percent of the staff vaccinated. and this does sound like mandatory vaccination, but actually it isn't. that's the word that we're getting from the russian authorities. and also from the kremlin,
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we heard that they see no issues with differentiating the population that has been vaccinated. and that has not taken the jap just yet, just joined. is moscow suffering from a records level of covey infections? and correspondingly, patricia could bring as the story that thank you an error of suspicion. what human rights activists say has begun in response to when use with anti terror law. it allows the police to keep tabs on people as young as just 12 and without a court decision yet it was approved and a national referendum. right? guess the it takes a look. the 3 are jews. the balance of the tax and stabbings in recent years have rattled society. one thing led to another in switzerland is now home to the most draconian count tara laws. in europe. it was the will of the people. that's the thing with suisse direct democracy, new middle met. i've,
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people want to give police state, uncheck powers, they can, and they did 57 percent voted in referendum for these. the question is, did people fully understand what they were voting for? thank if you notice, i think a lot of people are not aware how dangerous this law is, as it is cutting into the freedom of all activists in this country. and now you can be imprison, put under house arrest or put under suspicion of terrorism without a court order. and i think the people were not sufficiently aware before the referendum. police can now monitor those as young as 12 years old, limit their movements for them to take part in interviews, which means interrogate them for any reason that they deem good enough. i will be able to put suspect as young as 15, and that house arrest for months and months and rights groups have been ringing, alarm bells about this. let me sit said,
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i'm the senior national. this law is extremely problematic because winter and iraq generalized suspicion any person can be targeted by this definition of terrorist activity. a definition does not correspond to that providers and the criminal code and does not correspond to international standards, which always includes an element of violence. and that's the thing making all, all of us become prospects so wide and vague is the definition of terrorist activity. if you google something that someone might construe as dangerous view cracked, or a bad joke. if your friends fall in a law enforcement radar, you can become suspect. i'm the freedom loving us with. for me, i mean it's, it's a shame. it's an absolute shame that we have that we have to vote for such a law. and it's even the big shame is that the people accepted it. everyone that is, that don't agrees with the strategy from our federal county for example. but what
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is coming that the basic can lock away everyone. so i mean, it's even harder than the the password that i think it will be used most likely cancelling this climate activist. but i think the much bigger problem that i see because the place except that, that kind of accurate act is that a lot of other countries might take it over and say, you know, switzerland period as well. so we can do it also over here in saudi arabia, wherever this is, this is a terrible sign for the rest of the world. and so i'm very, very much shame to be with the crux of the matter is that these new laws, apart from the ethical complications of going off the 12 year olds, that preventative by design. and preventative is a very controversial thing. he ordinarily, if you commit to crime, for example, you get punished right? while preventative means you're stopped before you can commit the crop before him
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it's, it's a hobb before you do something you might regret. and the sweets is still very much divided over this. i voted against it. of course, what this may give authority is, is it gives them ground to take measures against citizens before a judge has ordered those measures a voltage in favor to protect our population. exactly. i think it's necessary unfortunately, because some people in class don't have exactly the same manner of thinking. respectfully, i'm so one. so carol, reason can be everywhere it's it's really the terrorists come from government. never, never terrors come from every but nobody. no, no, no. on the government id vote for that. i know i was not very sure, but i did the vote for voted against because of civil liberties restrictions which
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go pretty far under that low. oh, some people are planning to fight that, but chances are great at the end of the day. so with authorities and monsters lay care for their people. the question is, the future, how future rule is we'll, we'll this law and that's what worries people limits of a texas prisoner being relocated to make room of a de spiking crimes committed by illegal migrants. amassing the u. s. southern border. the texas governors justified the decision by saying that the state has to uphold the rule of law bind, so means and claiming the biden administration is ignoring the ongoing humanitarian crisis on the border. kellum open ripple's branches destroyed threats to resonance . lots of chaos, texas borders sheriffs say in the 30 years they've been guarding the border. they have not seen anything like it. crimes related to illegal border crossings by
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undocumented workers are now on the rise. i've never seen it quite like this. we have always had a fence got here fence got there because they're hauling dope or small kids or something. but we've never seen the intentional big 4 by 4 holes in the fans or now and 10 foot section just can't completely out. that's really starting to bother me . it's a mess. that's what it is. nobody seems to care about is down here. we're 6065 miles away from the border. and they say that everything's okay. no, it's not. ok. conservatives are voicing outrage that amid the situation. restrictions are being loosened and not tightened. trump era. 2 restrictions on asylum seekers intended to curb gangs and domestic violence have just been left in the numbers are big in may 180000 people were apprehended at the border. the biggest monthly total since april of 2000 border states are now pleading for help.
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florida is sending officers to arizona and texas to help out texas is now putting $250000000.00 of their own state budget into building a border wall. busy of their own, the texas governor blames joe biden for dropping the ball. texas is going to do with the by the ministration is refusing to do. we will be using every tool available to us under the law. and we will ensure that we build a wall, arrest people, and make texas safe. many border state residents feel like the white house just doesn't care. it's been over 85 days, but vice president comma le harris has still not visited the border. i write to invite you to the u. s. southern border to observe the ongoing humanitarian crisis and show the perspective of americans who live the i encourage you to join me and other members of congress. while we visits with the people on the ground who deal with these issues every day house democrats were able to block a bill, but forward by republicans that would have actually prevented comma le harris from
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taking any international trips until she visited the border. pri of border state residency is one of the outrage at government mismanagement. what i believe is that the democrats are playing a long game of obscure and confuse while they try to get as many illegal immigrants . i'm still going to call them back into the country as possible. well, the democrats haven't taken any action that will actually solve problems on the border. those are actions that trump took during the ministration that solved problems at the border. wonderfully well, the combination of the fence and the working with the mexican president to get the immigrants to stop before they get to the border. all that was taken care of and working very well during the trump, the right harris was put in charge of the border by joe biden, but she hasn't gone to visit because she doesn't want to tow a group of reporters around taking pictures and asking questions about the chaos she doesn't want to draw attention to it. she'd rather embarrass herself by talking in circles and flying off to europe and doing other things and saying that she must
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do those instead of going to the board. she doesn't want to go to the order because it will draw attention to how much of a failure it is in normal viewing term. now the biden white house has certainly offered up a change in rhetoric and policy is when it comes to the us mexico border. but so far things have not really gotten better. in fact, they've gotten quite a bit worse. many are wondering when the white house will step up and offer some real solutions. caleb martin, r t. new york. impartiality of the british police is endangered due to woke trends that according to the chief of manchester police, he says that the public's fed up with offices virtue signaling instead of fighting serious crime. i do not thing the things like taking the, the demonstrating that you have the commonality of the with the protest us that you are policing is compatible with the standards of service that people require that police. i think we're bus the high watermark, the public gets
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a little bit fed up of virtue signaling police offices when they really rather we just locked up burglars last summer or a wave of spill em protests across the country following the movements rise in the u. s. during the rally, speeches emerge of police officers taking the name solidarity with demonstrators. like in spring of this year, the country's independent police authority urged the force to think very carefully before making such gestures. while the case been hit by a spiking burglaries, in recent years, many cases have gone unsolved mind just as police g found to change the situation and investigate even minor crimes. the former police officer weeks been to as little confidence that will happen. you can police service does not have sufficient resources to do everything properly. it doesn't even have sufficient resources to do most things. reasonably. something is criticized to police service react to that by moving resources from elsewhere into it. it gets better for something else and
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starts to 5 and it's criticized. we will just go round and round and round in circles because nobody's actually diagnosing the fundamental problem. and doing anything to treat is essential that the police are seen to be biased. that is a concern about taking the ne, happened a couple of times with a few officers the particular place, i think the place service has been affected, like virtually everything, every other institution in this country. by changing attitudes, particularly deciding so and then towards the signaling sort of things and wellness and whatever. it's something that is happening and why does society in fact, across the world, we seem to be getting more and more of this, or i don't know why this is our international still to come. and new poll revealed the majority of american c, so called critical race theory, and then i'm favorable lights with numerous states moving to banners in schools. story info. and after the break
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i we're going to talk a lot about wild quino energy and also use all k knows as a metaphor to elucidate. so many of the big trends happening in geo politics and finance join me every thursday on the alex simon show. and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport. business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. me the
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ah, me ah, back and you poll and francis found almost half the countries young people don't trust the police. the significant number of them regard the force and to be racist on many french politicians, including the president, the police have taken to the social media take talk in a bit to redeem their image. shown david sky looks at the kind of content they've been posting. the latest on the bandwagon is from scenes national police force hoping to spread
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a positive message about the work that they do with the videos like face. the idea also seems to be to fully par the media. we want young people to discover world and share message, then we're used to seeing on social networks. this account will serve. as a reminder, follow moto to protect is the most beautiful of professions, which is often obscured by the image convey to the media, and they're all perhaps good refills to do. the recent polls have shown that there is significant mistrust over the police here in front, particularly amongst those in young age groups. nearly 50 percent of those age 18 to 30 said that they don't trust the police was 79 percent. believe police violence is a reality and 48 percent thought police were races with instances like based perhaps
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encouraging that perception the. c can quirky or funny videos change the way that young people view the foresees? while this is shawna preschool, differently though, i think it's heartbreaking if you need to use social networks to get an idea of the police and security in france. because by definition, police represent the state, they represent us. i think i'm not on tick tock as it doesn't interest me. but yes, it could chase the people's attitudes, but at the end of the day is the actions of the police that will change the way the scene. you put the court is that people feel not that home. so a night would be like a great, great idea. i think they're doing this to try and salvage their image to improve it
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because there's so much regression, especially against black people. i'm not sure it's a question of image, but in any case it could make people more aware. i'm not sure it's the place to make jokes, but in any case, maybe it's a good thing for. i think there are other ways to improve engagement with young people and adults to maybe increase their confidence. one reason for the national police may be looking to reach out to the next generation is because they to feel vulnerable to attacks early. the thousands came out to paris, calling for more to be done to protect them. officers say that they are paid to serve not to die, and that the job's routinely see them encounter hostile young people. the one of the ways that tick tock accounts to audiences is by the ability of you is defect challenges
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that could be put in your pain on a soul or a time raising the question of whether offices will end up wasting time on the platform rather than perhaps doing that job, and actually tackling crime shows even sky all the power the new investigation is revealed. missing u. s. military weapons have been used in violence, street crimes. according to the study, at least 1900 military farms were lost or stolen during the 2010, many others vanished without trace from the military supply chains. the main site, the reason for that security fail is so it's your soldiers sleeping on duty and surveillance system malfunction stolen military guns have in some cases, been sold to street gang members unused on america's streets. the missing guns often travelling quite a distance 1st, for example, it was k, so it is linked and all the pistol stolen from
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a base in carolina to full shootings in new york. we spoke to peace activist tied barry, who says there's a lack of accountability. there is no real basis for the united states to know how many weapons they has or where they're going. it's a weapon becomes lost or stolen. they are to report it sometimes months. most people, they lose their weapon, they get it still and they don't even take the time to report it to the authorities . people are selling guns across the street to their neighbor without registering. there is no culpability, no responsibility. there is no criminal time jail time find is for someone that loses a got we have the number one highest budget for our military in the, in the world. and it's growing every single day. and when there's no way to account for, for these guns, no way to account for military spending in general. there,
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the corruption level is very, very, very high. well, we need to have responsible military officials. we need to have laws on our books. but these, these we've been asking for these laws for decades now, and the congress is incapable of coming up with real serious nonsensical, impactful gun laws. and we're the same with the military and you surveys revealed almost 60 percent of americans view, so called critical race theory. and an unfavorable light, others of a more american stake, suppose teaching it in schools, branding it divisive. so for legislation to bind, the theory from classrooms has been tabled in over 20 states. 5 governors of already signed it into the parents and all make as opposed to c r t. say children should not be taught values that are based on skin color. critical race theory is
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teaching children the because of your skin color. you are inherently bad and racist, or you can't succeed a life. and i don't think we should tell children that they are inherently bad based on the color of their skin. a quick reminder, what critical race theory is, although it seems different, people have their own definition, but in essence it's a theory developed in the us that suggests that racism is systemic and pretty much everything is racist. white people are inherently privileged and oppressors, minorities are inherently oppressed, most interactions between people of different ethnic groups revolve around racism, and political and social structures, especially in the west, are all founded and operate on racism. basically, almost everything is about skin color. so proponents of critical race theory say that teaching it is informative, a critical study of history and systemic racism meant to prevent repeating past mistakes. the outcome is not to shame or have someone feel guilty or feel shame for
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our past and for our history. that's not even productive, but what we want to do is for people to understand it, so that going forward will be aware of it. we can make sure that we don't pass laws or educate or do housing. that leaves groups of people, black people or brown people behind, but for the tractors that's nothing like how it's actually being taught and applied . after years of critical race theory being drilled in schools, many have come to see it is indoctrination of kids. and so radical ideology aimed at getting them to despise their own country and putting people against each other, based on the color of their skin, teaching kids to hate their country and to have each other is not worth one red cent of taxpayer money. naturally, supporters of the theory are outraged over attempts to ban these teachings with something that this is a ration of the issue and that there are more important problems to solve. but with
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how society is already divided, it may be no surprise that the most vocal opponents of the theory, for example, the parents of kids being taught this. don't see how this actually help he'll social device. does racism exist? yes. our identity, politics and fading, almost everything and everyone is racist. a solution to the problem while the jury is out on that, i guess. but for a growing number of states, it sounds like a resounding no right now. critical race theory is a time where division is not needed right now in america because there's so many so many different styles of politics that are going on right now in america. that teaching past hurts has judgments, has failures in american history is not something i feel that at this day and time needs to be just pushed down people's throats as a way of learning in our educational systems here. now,
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people and there are different parties in america that are wanting to use it as a way to divide our country. i think that most people, bad practice this type of barian practice. these type of socialistic activities in america, they're only starting a backwards. they're not pushing us forward in other world news to my group so confirm to have died off the coast of the canary islands after an inflatable dingey carrying women and children capsized on thursday. the people were rescued by spanish authorities. meanwhile, grace is putting up a 5 me to to fence along a border with turkey. countries experiencing a low in migrant arrivals amid the pundum at 75000 entered in 2019 around 10000. currently live in 3 carling camps. the is our last as strikes on the gaza strip overnight for the 2nd time
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since last month's 11 day war television says it was responding to incendiary balloons. the iranians are going to the pulse today to vote for new president. hundreds of candidates including 14 women applied to run only 7 male candidates were approved. i mean, up to date, don't get checkout small on the website on me. the the if you look at this panel, you can see a lot of the old places crews that were done by your previous or.


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