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tv   News  RT  June 21, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is to response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes it feel very proud that we are together in the dozens of criminal cases are opened on hundreds of web pages remove. does russia tackles that trade in fake vaccines? certificate a reporter phone dollars, the risk of trying to obtain one so they put all the information that i gave them, the faith name, date of birth, or the faith that i would scam. and i've lost my money. public opinion, a split over to spell shoes of george floyd recently unveiled for june 15th a new federal holiday marketing the end of slavery. in the us,
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we've got the issue for debate. there are many african americans who are much more deserving this man with an basically a drug criminal. i'm actually george boy isn't being lifted up here on a reminder of the institutions in this country that are systemically racist. yeah, the the, the long done, protesters got full with police in london. those broad bent their fury over coven restrictions being expanded once again. ah . just a few moments into a brand new day here in the russian capital, tuesday, june. the 22nd. let's get to our top story. this is our most go, is grappling with
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a new wave of coven infection. 7000 cases have been registered in the past 24 hours . don't from a record high of 9000, just a few days ago, russia's presidency. the pandemic worse and then other parts of the country to there's really no. unfortunately the co with threat hasn't receded in the number of regents. it's actually got worse. but in the spring and summer of last year, when the situation was especially difficult when managed to soften the very 1st hardest blow buying time to mobilize the health care system. as well as for our scientist who developed a vaccine, was moscow recently made jobs monitoring for people working in certain sectors which could explain why the fake vaccination market is booming right now in the capital or correspondence. konstantin roach can find out the risks of trying to score one for himself. $35.00. that's how little a fe,
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coded vaccine certificate would cost you here in russia. not only are they cheap, but the market for them is huge. so i went on telegram and found land of anonymous groups that are offering you what at 1st glance might seem as real proof that you were inoculated. those certificates even have hospital stamp and doctorate and signature and bake once of course. but that's exactly what i was looking for. so i went with the taliban group that was the quickest to respond and i gave them and made up name, date of birth, etcetera. and they sent me back a picture of what the final certificate would look like. here it is. so they've already made it look. so they put all the information that i gave them, the faith name, date of birth, be address, and the certificate has stamps and have been dr. a signature, so i gotta give it to them. it really looks like a real one. i know,
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at least to me, they were polite and i didn't notice anything fish. hello. i would like to buy cobra $900.00 vaccination certificate. how can that be done? option $140.00 for certificate, not registered on government website. option $2180.00 for certificate. register on government website. how will the courier deliver it? how does it happen? a young korea will pass you the certificate in a yellow envelope. like a package from eli express, you know, from what i've seen, the business is booming. these people are even trying to learn new customers with discounts and special offers. they sent samples and even worn against scamarus, he'd take your money and disappear. and in fact, that's exactly what happened to me. so i transferred the money and we agreed to meet at a metro station, but they do me up the
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well, i think there is no point. me wait any longer because let's face it. i was scammed and i've lost my money. even if i had gotten the certificate, it wouldn't have helped me much. you've seen russia when you get a cobit jab, a record of years on a government website called gospel slugging. without this, any printed document about vaccination with all the stamps is just a scrap of paper. but if you're willing to pay more the same people promise they can hack the system and get you a real working q r code. that'll prove you've had the vaccine. even if you haven't d, hello, do you provide vaccination certificates? yes. which one do you need? the simple one or with registration on casa st. louis, i need the one with the registration on the site. what information do you need from me? your name, address, and date vaccination which you need on the certificate prepayment is 50 percent. and after putting your date on the government side,
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you pay the remaining 50 percent. so with that official, yes, of course, completely official. you will get a q r code for the government website as soon as we finish it. but how will you do it? we have our own ways, the sky works. that's why we suggest completing the payment after you get your q r code. so you will know for sure that we did our work while the cameras i talked to were very discreet about their methods. but we know there are confirmed cases of people get into vaccination certificate registered on the government website without actually taking the jap. that scheme is more sophisticated and it cost way more around $300.00 and it requires that corrupt health care worker who has to fill in patients data without seeing that person and then throw away an unused jap for the record which you know, among other things is a waste evolve, the vaccine is opened and poured out, just in case there is some southern inspection. it would be difficult to explain
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where these dozens of extra vials came from. because all the vaccines are numbered . russian authorities are trying to crack down on the fraudsters and we know of 24 felony cases opened up in the last few weeks over forged vaccine certificates. on top of that, russia is internet watch dog ross. com. that door is forcing scores of suspicious websites and telegram burbs to shut down, but the black market is expanding its reach, especially now that covert jobs are becoming mandatory for most workers in moscow service sector transferred in education, and russian officials claims they are out of options here the country now deals with the delta variant which scraps faster. and it's harder for scammers are sensing this and getting ready to line their pockets. but one should not forget. but if you opt for a fake certificate, instead of a real shot, you risk either losing your money the way i did or what's worse getting on the wrong side of the law. and then there is the matter of deadly virus that you are
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still not protected against loss. not just now sco, creating counterfeit certificates. it's a burgeoning business globally in the u. s. the f. b. i received several 1000 vaccine scam alerts since the start of the year. and in germany, a special police unit has been set up to counter the trade. we discussed the growing fraud with martin daughter, a member of germany's left party print for document for the nation. this is endangering people emphasis and accept in next festival. but i think this is just the result of politics which doesn't lead to equality and the possibility to be in germany for example, if you want to get back to not everybody wants to be seen can be. but sometimes you have to wait for like 3 weeks or 4 weeks or even longer. so i think this is 2 sides of the same metal. the state has to care for medical care for the possibility of
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a scene for everyone. and the people themselves. they have to can americans are divided over to new stuff, choose dedicated to george floyd. he died last year during the rest by a police officer in minneapolis. one bus was put up in new york for june t, a new u. s. holiday marking the end of slavery in america. george lloyd's brother who was out the unfeeling of the monument called his killing a sacrifice to the cause of ration just a couple of days earlier. another sent you of george floyd was presented to the public in new jersey. well, it's been 13 months since the death of george floyd in minnesota an event that spark months of civil unrest in the u. s. and beyond. a police officer was convicted of his murder and april and his to to be sentenced next week. the new start choose have been widely criticized online with some pointing floyd's. busy
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own extensive criminal record tearing down statutes of our nation's founding fathers and putting upset use of criminals. there are many worthy black people to put up statues of, but a violent criminal he was killed while being arrested. is definitely not one of them. some people really building fame, political careers and pocketing money off the name of george floyd. why do i need to know who his brother endorse from new york city? and why is there a statue of him in brooklyn, and jersey? this is all nasty to me. when earlier i talked to a social commentator and a political activists from the us who were divided on the issue of monuments being erected to george floyd. i think it's a big mistake on the part of people who are really just virtual virtue signaling to make this man into a hero. there are many african americans who are much more deserving,
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who are doing positive things in the community that you could make into a hero and a role model. this man was a drug, basically, a drug addicted criminal. i would hope that sister melanie is death is upset and more joined me and calling for the removal of the 4 white men who would have been convicted of committing war crimes who are currently on the most mount rushmore mountain on stolen indigenous territory. i would also hope that sister melanie would be upset with the fact that there were slave owners replaced of african women and genocidal maniacs. who currently are represented on us currency. i'd rather see a statue of conduct the rice, a clarence thomas, other other black people who have done positive thing in the black community. i don't, i don't the statue of george lloyd, somebody who did not do positive things in the black community. i don't, i don't see it as something positive. i'm actually george floyd isn't being lifted
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up as a hero. but a reminder of the fact that institutions in this country that are systemically races, including i'm a police force that was acted to assist with the factor of indigenous land. and the capture of black bodies who escaped bondage is why we are writing these statues. one of the main features of last year's protest we spoke about in, in this program was pulling dian statues that cause the vision. a lot of rage, a lot of hatred out there, wasn't there. why put up more of them? i don't think that we can complete a statue of george floyd to a statue of, of say, robert e lee or, and andrew jackson, george floyd, had nothing to do with the genocide of indigenous people. this act up and didn't plan and the enslavement of descendants of africans. i don't think that it actually does anything for black people to take the battery down. i think again it's just, it's just virtue, they're going and wiping out history. i don't think it's a,
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i don't think it's a great idea and i think it just, it, it stuff. symbolism. i don't think we should, the reductive of the trauma that it causes indigenous and black people to see statues and street names named after the people who killed in slaves and kept them our black people really that emotionally weak that it's, it's traumatic to see the batteries i've been to the black, the 3 museum and philadelphia that that period was not traumatic for me. it was as a no, but it's certainly was not for matter. frustration is building in the u. k over relentless lockdown extensions cobra restrictions were supposed to be eas. today, but last week the government pushed back the target date by 4 weeks until july 19th . a large rally in london started peacefully but ended up agitated. the
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world today was supposed to be freedom day here in the united kingdom, probably in the heart of central london. it seems to be anything but of course of the month after month, the prime minister, far as joseph was hailing june 21st as the day that old 19 restrictions would be lifted. but just last week he had no say 4 weeks delay to that freedom day, and many people here in central london not absolutely furious. so this poses a prison sentence will be extended even longer so much. so we've even witnessed some scuffle between the protestors here today. and the police are mostly price as a chanting freedom. and shame on you is they believe that the government is trying to control them. they said that by the time in marks that day, back tonight, the 1st $15000000.00 most that read,
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that would be break. and then the movie again until april and then if the 1000000 and then the 4 or, you know, we said that no matter what 21st to do would be free. and we're not great. these ridiculous restrictions which across the board or anything from dr. old say, entertainment not justified by the medical evidence to take the freedom of the individual. so now the new date for the diary is july, the 19th that's the day, the pers johnson, hopefulness. all of these are quite a bit of restrictions, but it also came with a warning from the prime minister that doing so any soon us could result in thousands more people dying. instead, there's a huge focus on, i'm thing up that vaccination program, things that all adults will be offered the vaccine by that date. needless to say, many people hear that all protesting throughout the day will probably decline,
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not invitation because they all do it. it's got a lot to do with population control. now as we know, the government has always said that the policy would be guided by the data and not the days, but this certainly makes messages coming from government, especially considering the chief fund civic advisors to the government has said that the u. k. would be living with private 19 forever. so many people have protesting today or worried whether or not there's lockdown will last forever run. sure. and pretty much doubtful. so the government can really stick to this new freedom day. so i had the french president's political parties, held a nightmare and regional elections week. crunch the numbers after the break the this is your media
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a reflection of reality. ah ah, in a world transformed what will make you feel safer. type relation, whole community. you going the right way? where are you being somewhere which direction? what is truth? what is in a world corrupted. you need to defend the join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah, in the world is paula sharpie. and they're looking for jumps like mark cuban and the he falls right into it. because as i've said on this show and other shows for over a year,
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now narcissism in big point don't make the 18 minutes into the program. welcome back. french president, manuel. micron has received get another slap in the face. this time a reputation when after a lack luster result in regional elections is party only garnered run 10 percent in the 1st run. devoting ortiz charlotte dubin ski reports seen as a dress rehearsal ahead of next presidential election from seas regional vote. as illustrating just how tough that bottle ahead is going to be both manual macaroni and marine la pens. policies failed to show that they with a heavy hitters, but my calls republic on the move coffee, the results were particularly bruising. even party inside is can't deny
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how bad they said. noon is not going to minimize what has happened. it's a slap in the face. this is a democratic slap in the face, and it's due to a very low election turn out. all t doesn't condone violence, but what happened to my policy has been particularly brutal in several regions. that party, it was eliminated from the 2nd round of voting offered fail to reach the 10 percent threshold needed the vote, even saw government ministers being knocked out. it's something of a surprise blue for my call and this is personal popularity. the theme, the surgeon recent month, it also shows that his tor, the problems which just took place, which was seen as him trying to sure up the vote to have the election didn't succeed. so why has his policy failed to connect with voters?
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it shows even he, it even look much more popular that it was supposed to because he's, results are, are, does week, it's a vote against him for last year, a lot of misconduct. and that was shown by the yellow as movement on by the fact that the government didn't react to do all the situation is going worst and worst. and the only way the government behave with our organ and you know, i mean people like our goods. so day it shows the government is complete and my goal is basically completely disconnected with the whole society who all record the tension levels off sending premises the political landscape more than 2 in 3 people didn't cost a ballot that shows b, b don't believe any more in,
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in political class, even in brittany, you had to striking workers who bird, collectively there and an extra cars. so now you have a lot of people showing they don't vote, they don't want to vote. they don't believe in any political party in any political liter. people don't vote, not because they are deeply decide, but because they don't believe in the existing institution. results were also disappointing for marine pen party had been hoping to show the thing you would you can handle while over rule the national ronnie took just on the face of the boat. if you took the polls in one region, these results look a significant drop in support from 2015. now, although she didn't stand herself policy president, pen, food,
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boot is to do that duty to suit you both the premier hope was all those who want to express their opposition to the actions of this government, which is leading the country into chaos. have a duty to react. if you on things to change, you must vote. if you did not both for your i dis, your voice does not count. the bank, when is from the 1st round of the voting word, the republican party, that is not good news for president mike corn who has increasingly shifted his politics to the right. and essentially has been basing a strategy for reelection. next you are moving up the very it is a revival of the republican party, throws that up in the air and shows that michael has failed to reach his policy in the french. so i key now, while the regional bugs are not regarded as indicators, when next day's elections, they do bring sharply into focus. but the outcome is not
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a foregone conclusion. while many may see this is being a contest next year between mccolan pen, there is always a chance and outside i could punch seriously above weights. one perhaps increased by the fact that the current president's policy just doesn't seem to cut it with voters. charlotte, even sky, all see paris, another story we're across today. europe is ramping up in sanctions on beller. russo with a diversion of a passenger playing a month ago on subsequent detaining of 2 passengers on board. after announcing a fit, freezes, travel buns as well. the e u is not promising to go a step further. targeting entire sectors of the bell of russian economy and russia, the government and these are going to hurt. we've heard the economy viet mission. we will no longer just sanction individuals. we will now
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also impose sectoral sanctions. we will now address the economic sectors of particular importance for the income of the regime. we want to ensure that the regime runs dry financially. the european union has already the 86 more individuals and entities on the new black list, which has also been approved by the u. s. u. k. and calendar. and the next step will be to target key export industries. with the goal of blocking the flow of funds to the lucas shank of government, if approve those sectors will include oil and fertilizer is both crucial sources of hard currency propellers. whereas follows a wave of indignation from european leaders over the reiner incident in late may. the plane was on its way from greece to lift you in the air when it was forced to london minsk over a hoax. bomb threat to passengers. the editor of a bell rushing opposition telegram channel and his russian girlfriend were removed from the aircraft, arrested russia unless martin mccauley thinks further. sanctions kind of
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a dire effect on ordinary citizens. which currently, jordan is taken from, from the european union in the west saying they want to actually collapse the economy because not refilled the average person. and they will civil and shortages are present in billers, of course, and prices origin when living centers have dropped. so that's why the situation will become even worse. i think there's some people in the west who believe that if they economy collapses and the country then more falls apart. this will that lead to president lucas chunk of disappearing and somebody else taking over with the risk is that you, in fact get a military dictatorship and somebody the military would come in and you would have a military leader. and he would be very hard lined. indeed, russia's participation in the euro 2020 football tournament is over following a,
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crushing forward the feet to denmark and copenhagen tonight, while competition favorites belgium, they stayed perfect, beating finland to know in saint petersburg. that was where authorities and a huge task on their hands to keep funds safe from coven ortiz, alexia chefs. you filed this report earlier in the build up to the much be so football is coming with a very bitter pill because over the last couple of days, the number of colby cases you covered cases is i have been escalating. and in fact, today it's past 1000 new cases, a mock which is of course, creating a lot of concerns for the local authorities. they are trying to do everything they can to make sure the virus doesn't spread farther. they are opening new mobile hospitals, but they're already been cases where the usual regular hospitals have run out of bed for the new cases. of course it infected the governor of st. petersburg on the
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letting rod region mister bag off introduce new measures. basically changing on the whole landscape of the years 2020 here for instance in the fans on which is right behind me. now. food is no longer served to prevent the spread of the virus on the soft drinks emitted inside all the restaurants. and bob have to close their doors at 3 am until 6 am in the morning, which is of course, changing the way the atmosphere has been happening here in st. petersburg. but all the, no, everyone is hoping that the academic will not completely hamper the ongoing tournament . although the rock, as i said, serious concerns among the authorities about how the situation has been unfolding and whether the 7th game in st. peter's back next week will take place at all. there are even rumors that this may be moved somewhere else if the situation doesn't get any better over the coming days. but of course we're here. monitoring the situation will be keeping you updated with all the latest info regarding both
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football and the spread of cove in 1900, in st speed of alex here, t reporting from st. peter's back. ok. time for some more great programs and moments right after look at what else is coming off you over the next week. see if anything takes your life or not. with the i
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joined me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport business. i'm show business, i'll see you then me the dom action returns. here we're going underground of the narratives, the so called mainstream media won't give you coming up in the show. on the eve of the anniversary of the dismantling of berlin's iconic checkpoint, charlie,
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why does joe biden spend more than the next 10 highest spending countries on the war when around 40000000 need food a? to eat in the usa, we analyze the new 2021, global piece of ex report, and what can historic atrocities teach us about war and peace today, we speak to the b. b c's form and julia correspondent bobby phillips, to investigate the been in bronze is artifacts neutral by the british of a, 100 years ago. they sit at the center of struggles against imperialism, colonialism, and racial violence. all the more coming up in today's going underground. but 1st, the annual global piece index is published it's finding to 2021. showing mobile peace has deteriorated for the one here in our own military spending is ramping up . joining me now for analysis of the report from sidney is the founder of the global piece index. steve kimberlia, thanks so much for coming on. you say the report covers 99.7 percent of the entire world we've. we've covered increasing violence on this program, palestine, yemen, iraq across latin america and africa.


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