tv News RT June 23, 2021 6:00am-6:31am EDT
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please, i me the the global stability cyber attacks regional conflicts and nate. so all of the table for an international security come today here. moscow, where they're covering the employee killer or victim. a french woman who says she lived in terra for decades is on trial for murdering or abusive husband campaign to say there is no protection for victims of domestic violence in france. suicide among us military veterans is 4 times higher than those who actually died in combat in the war on terror. a recent survey and report reveals we have for one former
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soldier about ah, good afternoon. just kinda wondering how familiar mosca this wednesday. the 23rd of june, thanks for taking the time to check in with us. this is our t and i'm kevin owen for so there's a top level international security conference on the way, as mentioned in moscow covering everything from cybersecurity to regional conflicts and nato. its manual thing that brings together defense ministers, heads of international organizations, and experts around the globe. we, $600.00 guests are expected this year today to discuss the most urgent security and stability problems we're facing. the russian president lead off by saying that there are still many global challenges, and one of them is that some countries are trying to change the world order that has been established since the end of the 2nd world war latimer food and also with stress that russia is going to keep strengthening its military potential and improve military capabilities, but he's going to do this carefully,
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not to disrupt the global strategic stability. so let's have a listener where we can deal with sure, but we will do everything to guarantee the peace and security of the russian people to improve our armed forces. and of course, by means of diplomacy to lead a meaningful dialogue with all interested partners. clearly, we are concerned by the continued build up of nato military potential and infrastructure near russia's borders. as well as the fact that the airlines declines to constructively consider our proposals to de escalate tensions and reduce the risk of unpredictable incidence. and we hope that common sense and the desire to develop a constructive relations with us will eventually prevail, that russian defense minister shaw good who is also one of the key participants of this conference, said that there is a great chance that of gannett stan will descend into civil war, once again after us troops pulled out and he lamented the fact that washington has
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shown no desire to work with russia to prevent this from happening. but he attributed much of that to the risk of phobia that unfortunately has prevailed among vast and military and political leads in the west. i guess he speaks volumes, that none of the native representatives have decided to come to moscow for these conference despite being invited. after 25 years of alleged abuse of french woman went on trial of monday for murdering her husband valerie book, who faced the possible life sentence. and, but she and says she did it to protect herself, out of 4 children of a half a 1000000 people who signed a petition in support of her child davinsky in paris picked up a story. it's a trial that his grip fraud with hundreds of 1000 signing a petition for her release. valerie, but cool, admit she shot dead, her husband and buried his body in the woods. in her defense,
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she claims that he was abusive and she feared for the safety of their children. in a book she wrote about her relationship with daniel to let. she described the mistreatment. i did what he said. i didn't have much choice. what he thought i was doing something i shouldn't do. he was violent at 1st was lapse. then he started kicking me and strangling me over time there came threats with a firearm. but valerie but cause he had been gone much earlier. paulette was originally in a relationship with her mother. he then started sexually abusing valerie becca when she was just 12, a crying he was late to sent to jail for on his release, you returned to the family home and the abuse resumed at 17. she was pregnant with paulette child. she alleges, but he later foster into prostitution watching a she had sex with client when the client asked the price,
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daniel told me to repeat, it said that he could hear better. and he told me to answer yes or no. on the same valerie but co shot her husband, she told the court the paulette had asked about the 14 year old daughter and how she was sexually when prob, she said that she had been afraid that he would also sell her body for sex. and valerie buck, who is trial, which is currently underway, lawyers will argue that she was a desperate woman, pushed to kill, to survive. these women who are victims of violence have no protection. the judiciary still too slow, not free active enough into lenient towards the perpetrators who could continue to exercise their violent power. the prosecution while a legit valerie buck who killed her husband in a pre meditated act which carries a maximum life sentence in france. this trial shines a light on domestic violence in
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a country with one of europe's highest weights of women who being killed by a current or a former partner, 55 losing their lives already this year that led to an our poor ring of anger, which campaign is demanding action. when did you was going to not to blame the police, prosecutors or child welfare services? this is a failure of the whole system. and acknowledging this helps to improve support for victims and to prevent domestic violence and fem asides, which are the most extreme form of violence. the last day the french government did respond with new legislation, including for the emergency measures to keep the violent abuses from approaching the victims. critic say though that the measures have been implemented too slowly. charlotte tv ski off paris. the u. s. s log
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36 rainy news websites, what it calls violating us sanctions. the office of foreign asset controls announcement explains the components of the government of iran to include these lumnick radio and television. you to in another like it disguised as news organizations and media outlets. talking to the united states with this information campaigns and in the line influence operations it. what's interesting to note is that while iran is the country that speaks the language of pharmacy, this statement is on the website in english and the arabic, but not far as the the iranian language. it's important to take the context into accounts. now we have joe biden and his administration that have been in office since earlier this year that had talked about reopening the iran nuclear deal at criticize the trump administration's handling of us relations with iran. but we've just had an election in iran itself in which we have a new president who is quite critical of his predecessor rodney and his
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negotiations with the united states. so we have a new administration sent to come into office in iran, we have a new administration united states and the contacts and the moment of this is quite interesting. now, one of the websites that was seized is run by the who's easy that is fighting against saudi arabia, and has long been accused by the united states of being iranian proxies. the other website that was seized is of iranian origin, and the other website press tv is that is that iran's official english language news outlet, the primary voice of iran to the english speaking world. yeah, well, as he was saying that one. yeah, many media outlets been banned as well. websites owned by who sees a she was movement in yemen. the u. s. has been accused of being proxies of toronto course as we had the moves been branded sense ship across the board. the been on our website reveals once again the falsehoods of the slogan, so freedom of expression and all the other headlines promoted by the united states
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of america, including its inability to confront the truth. i can tell you, requested come until this from several journalist writes organizations as when they get back with it, you know what they had to say, but to talk to us now for implicitly u. k. very pleased to say we got patrick headings in jupiter, gladly say that patrick thing she time. so the international community then has been pretty much silent on this along with freedom of speech organizations. why do you think that's a good question, kevin. you think that they would be very vocal about this because the fact that it's, that's a very dangerous precedent here. when i mean, look, when you dig down into the fine print on this, we see it. it's not long till we see the same tropes appearing the been just reuse over and over again. either with regards to the demon is ation of russia. a russian, this information in america. and here we have the they are calling it disguised as news organizations or media outlets targeting the us to subvert the u. s.
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democratic process. so now this is sort of vogue using a rainy in news outlets or sympathetic to iran or thing to iran. they're accusing them of subverting the u. s. democratic process. that's a new one. i haven't heard that yet, but yet this is the sort of stuff that we see later throughout this. yeah, i mean, you think it's going to talk about freedom of speech that should apply everywhere in the world, not just a selective country, selective sites, etc. selected people, the us is site to get this information here. the reason they took it down, is that the real reason? no, no, that's not. if it was the same information appears on a many other websites even associated with the islamic republic of iran lightly because it's the english language outlets. and so this is really a public relations war. this is a propaganda war. the u. s. is executing their propaganda war on a global scale. and so the u. s. intel community will
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create these accusations the other bit here saying that this has to do with the trafficking of nuclear or chemical biological and radiological weapons. and technology is that these are accusations. meanwhile, they're trying to hammer out the j. zachary, yes, exactly. the say iran's nuclear program talks by that's on the way the tit for tat was employed. how's that going to affect it? this is definitely a move by if there are, if you believe that there are more than 2 factions within washington, ones that want to try to re implement the j. c p o, a. if you believe this and other factions clearly and they're well known who they are, they want to basically submerge disagreement and never see, never let us see the light of day again. then there could be a battle going on there. certainly anything, any move against iran, which we saw, you know, the either the assassination of a nuclear scientist or anything like that coming right before any serious
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negotiations or any multilateral negotiations. visa b, the j, b. c, p. o. you have to read that as a provocation. to try to subvert any sort of negotiate when i say, yeah, and at the same time as you mentioned, just just now patrick with the seeing a new leader coming in and around there at the top. so the great stuff negotiations is it should we say it, it should be, it should be, but you know, it's funny how the u. s. characterizes a hard liner now in iran. now hardliner is any leader or anyone who wants to see the e. u and the u. s. abide by its own treaty commitments that's now a hard liner in the us. so what lives we see in the vitamins traces drifting further right on this towards the sort of pump, peo, trump administration position on the j. c p. away. so this is going to be a massive problem and you know what?
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the obama administration didn't fully implemented, j. c. p. o, either. so this isn't strictly a partisan trump versus democrat issue. the u. s. government full stop has never fully implemented the jeep reg, never intended to, which many people believe that you sit on the line from plymouth at my home city. indeed say hi to everyone there to play list have a good day and thanks for time. now next controversial brain chip technology. let's talk about. 3 that scary, i may say like science fiction, but it's gained increasing attention over the years with countries developing programs to try to explore implanting microchips into human brains and recent reports to that in the russian media here. but the technology that would allow humans to control, for instance, we can take it, it streams, nuclear power stations, maybe drive vehicles with a tech, as only added fuel to the room a male to meet re. pope picks up a story. it seems that whenever someone merely mentions micro chip implants,
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a lot of people freak out. everyone search rushing to doomsday prophecies and conspiracy theories suggesting that people will be forcibly implanted with micro chips by an overbearing government. while some russian media and now suspect that brain ship research might have existed or could even still exist in the russian government. and this all started when the education ministry unexpectedly released the statement saying that a brain ship research project was abandoned last year after being deemed impractical and everybody out because everyone was shocked and surprised to learn that such a thing existed in the 1st place. while r t reached out for comment to the ministry, and here's what they said. the ministry of education and science has no programs dedicated to brain chipping. there is no financing planned. the research group working under the ministry is currently studying matters related to life. $130.00 and the process of aging. additionally,
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they weren't even able to find any specialist who could have potentially said something like this to the media, let alone a person even knowing anything about such a project. although the ministry did say that a proposal for this kind of research was introduced to the government, but it received no support and no funds and nobody's working on it. but that comment also raised quite a few eyebrows because for proposal to be introduced to the government, it has to overcome quite a few hurdles. and that requires quite a bit of support. but nobody at this point knows who was behind the initial proposal. so no project, no funds, not a single person who has heard or knows anything about this research. so how did this issue come up in the 1st place? well, a popular theory is that this is merely or common taken out of context by the publication that initially started this rumor, a rumor that at this point has taken on
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a life of its own on the internet with people freaking out, creating means horror stories. and all this only further exacerbated by news like you on mosque developing is neural link technology, which is brain machine interface brain implants, and people constantly worrying about vaccines being used to secretly inject the population with micro chips all in all. it seems that as long as there's this much panic surrounding anything to do with brain ship research, this is an area in which science won't be making any progress anytime soon. or if it does, it'll probably have to be confined to some deep, dark, underground research facility. until the time when a bit more, people are more open to it. what we're talking about high tech advance is that in theory would told it was good for us, but going to worry these privacy watchdogs next. that of teamed up to call for a ban on the use of all facial technology for recognition or other automated
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methods of distinguishing human features in public. we're seeing so much more of take into account the extremely high risk supposed by remote biometric identification of individuals and public lakes festival spaces. the european data protection board and the european data protection supervisor, coal for general band and any use of a i for automated recognition of human features and public leg sensible spaces such as recognition of faces, gate fingerprints, dna voice keystrokes, and other biometric or behavioral signals in any context, they claim these technologies violate fundamental rights and freedoms. the statement joins growing the grassroots bids to block them, including of reclaiming face petition that's already received for the $55000.00 signatories. the case information commission is recently voice her own warning to and deeply concerned about the potential for life facial recognition technology to
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be used inappropriately, excessively, or even recklessly when sensitive personal data is collected on moscow without people's knowledge choice or control. the ebooks could be significant. eli mccully gantry farmer, discuss the pros and cons of facial recognition technologies of the internet law expert on a former senior military intelligence officer. caption all because there's been a shoplifter has run out of a shop that you could argue is disproportionate. if you're capturing old for a period of time, because the terrorist that's running on that saying he's got a bowman is going to blow it up and kill hundreds of people. then for that period of time it's, it could be proportionate for you to capture that information, run it through databases that you've got. i'm trying to identify the individual because you're, you're saving lives. so it's a very careful balance that has to be looked out. and you have to have flexibility in the way law enforcement uses it. the real concern of cause is whether right me or only above the, the used by private companies of the,
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of the way to probably to companies will be using because ology rather than governments. and then the possible abuse of those of the data gathered, sometimes in real time to do to trace people to track them down to their ops, embarrass them at one point in the lives so. so the proposals only fairly being introduced to protect us from government surveillance, but perhaps from, from, from having being intruded a by commercial organizations. but the definition of publicly accessible locations doesn't cover most private companies in the u. k. inside some of the big shopping center areas, it doesn't come to the publicly accessible space or inside shops amounts, where some of this enabled facial recognition technology is potentially being used . have artificial intelligence, assessing you all the time. you know,
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you will get with you because the machine says you will get a fake. the expression you look guilty is now starting to, to, to become real a because because it is going to go by what people look like, you know, what their facial expressions are alike rather than even even the behavior or the directions. i disagree with that completely because the machine never makes a decision that always points a human being to whether that be a security professional or please professional. there are areas where it is real value. for example, looking at behavioral analysis, where the computers just monitoring the movement of people around it's been able to identify and a lot of railway stations, individuals who from examining how people commit suicide in front of trends. it's a alarm to people to say you need to have a look at this individual because they're exhibiting those traits. i'm up saving lives. so it's, it's looking about necessity and proportionality the whole way through in every
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single use case. and the rules, unfortunately haven't caught up with what the technology can do. and therefore it's making sure that those that make the decisions are applying. the ensuring that they're looking after people's freedoms as they're making the decisions as to whether something should be used this wednesday for moscow almost 7 years now into an ongoing investigation to the 17 plane crash, at least ukraine. there's so much frustration about some of the findings of it. bring you up to speed the latest one. the other stories the day when black. ah i ah with
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ah. hello, this is alarming over 7000 us service members have died in combat to the americas post 911 was but 4 times more active duty personnel and veterans have died of suicide. according to a new study, this trend is deeply alarming. increasing rates of suicide. veterans and active duty personal or out pacing those of the general population marking a significant shift. more on the research states that some factors contribute to the rise in suicide. a true to war was including exposure to trauma, physical, a mental problem, stress and burn out. other issues include access to guns and difficulty reintegrating again when the return home you hear that time and time again. however, some aspects appear to be specific to the war that america launched on terror groups after the september 11th attacks in the united states. for instance, the wide use of improvised explosive devices against us troops caused an increase
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in traumatic brain injuries. then about a 3rd of wounded soldiers go for at least one more deployment after recovering, which contributes to their illness. to socially difference, the post $911.00 was, is also major factor with many saying the us didn't have a clear strategic objective enough. got this done. i. they're wondering why that, why they were there? what would good they made? we told to one veteran who should his thoughts about it. the american war on terror is a far, it's a scam. as suddenly butler, the marine corps, mitchell major general would have said it's a racket. and it shows now in the way that the american government failed american veterans and active duty proved in the area of mental health. i've known that this has been an ongoing tragedy since i was in a lock myself in 2004 and experience it firsthand. the main reason we are seeing up in 10 ewing, bettering suicide epidemic in the united states. denial,
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we can talk about the suicide itself and the trauma of water. but the fact is that america is joe. you dont squeamish about the issue and we need a fake. and when we do, we're going to see that the here are the back treatments where they are available all along and was just because we let government perpetuate this criminal on road to keep alternative therapies that we have open battle. but it working to make available for americans better and they kept them away from us. they told us that we are fighting for freedom and then we don't have it when we get home. and evelyn says, is dissatisfied with the results of non going investigation until you make 17 playing crush and 24 team say more external probes need to be done to establish why ukraine's a space is open. during a conflict in the country, you may find elements in this next report, disturbing. prevalent didn't trust me. i find it's resolved disappointing. what is
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particularly disappointing is that there was no prop investigation of the evidence which clearly indicated that sammy green in authorities had processed the information and realized that there was a threat of the plane crash on the yard is at the m. s a think it is good that the report is already there, but this is not enough. the investigation don't have an effect to establish whether the authorities of ukraine and the russian federation. you about the threat to civil aviation. so there is a question, what information can we extract from the support, the foreign minister of the netherlands, herself as acknowledged complaints about the report. but ultimately, she said, chances of a new investigation are slim. the issue that the dutch and not just the dutch have with this report is the they say it isn't very good. i, there is, superficial relied almost entirely, an open source reports. to perform this inquiry,
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the foundation analyzed information available primarily in online media where it was determined that certain articles or social media posts were duplicated or published by multiple outlets. efforts were made to access the article or post via the regional media in which they were published. information that was not available in english was translated using google translate. the conclusion that investigators arrived that the spice across regularly being shot down the issue, grades at the dawn is that no one saw it coming. neither moscow, no, as they say here, the key of this inquiry didn't find sufficient facts. the ukrainian stores is responsible for analyzing security risk levels in civil aviation airspace. and those established restriction of aerospace, inexpensive zone could have heard it broke awareness of the high altitude threat. they arrived at this conclusion by admittedly feeding google translate a lot of news articles and by cooling up ukranian authorities,
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asking them if they had any idea that an age 17 could be shot down. they said they didn't lend voila, official report done. grading inside is satisfied with the report, the families of the victims, not so much, is important for the general public, their buddies, 1 o'clock for my clients to be dependent on knowing what happened, what really happened to us and governments. they don't want to close to shut down their relationship to. they are crammed, they want to keep the door for any further development they be to take you created as a member of the you are included into the rest and system, whatever that is. and of course, giving this face, it would be of course not literally supporters if the rest and government would blame the cranial government that they had simply calling to declare that the
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government could have close the fis. it not knowing that there was a risk for international aviation and took the risk and this was a crime exempt, you know, as soon as they confess illegally, they have to pay the compensation. neither is russia particularly happy about this report. it says, what it represents is the white washing of ukraine's role and the downing of 17 ukraine. lack of responsibility, clearly convenient for the dutch government, and the matter the way the hague wanted it to. as it turns a blind eye to the wrong doings of its subordinates in key if instead of consistently studying ukraine's actions while considering i c a o standards,
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the experts limited themselves to a brief historic summary. and once again, analyzing political statements linked to social media. 3 days before the downing of m, a 17 ukrainian military and 20 transport aircraft, was shot down at 6500 meters. which is one more reason why dutch m p 's. find it strange reading that ukraine didn't know that there was a danger to civilian aircraft or gas the of a senior correspondent wrapping up the bulletin for now. here in moscow is kevin in the team. stunning often, a good day. ah . when our show seemed wrong. when all through just don't rule out.
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