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tv   News  RT  June 24, 2021 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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ah, the the headlines this thursday, russia warns of severe consequences if its territorial waters violated in response to it, incidents with the u. k. war ship in the black sea anti virus software pioneer john mcafee, is found dead in the spanish prison. seldom while the authorities say with suicide itself, mcafee had treated that he wouldn't take his own life. pandemic sees the number of super rich joining the millionaire club shoots up as a report finds the prophecy on next headline. just a warning of a disturbing image coming up. i
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hello, that headline. i'm calling bray. this is are well views from our see international welcome to the program. first for you then ask permission, rushes made clear how to enter its territory. after moscow's summit, britain's ambassador over a destroyer that encroached on russian waters in the black sea. by let's catch up again with our correspondent constantine raj, called who's across all this forth either what was being said. well, as for the latest, it's important to understand that russia sees this incident and the black sea is a deliberate provocation from the british navy. russian officials have taken a quite serious and for instance, the rap golf, russia, deputy foreign minister, diplomat, by the way, didn't men his words? what can we do? we can only appeal to common sense and demand respect for international law. if this does not work, we can bomb not only in the direction,
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but also and target. if our colleagues do not understand, i will in any one violating the state borders of the russian federation under the slogan of free navigation from such provocative steps. because the security of our country comes 1st just to bring everyone up to speed a u. k. worship the h m as defender, transit is 3. what russia says, or it's 3rd, tauriel waters. the vessel sailed within 12 nautical miles off the coast of crimea, close to a russian naval base and the black seats, the basketball. now this resulted in russia sending its own naval vessel along with aircraft to fire warning shots, marsh and diplomats also said that those trying to pass rushes limits are on a slippery slope. and according to the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman, by firing those warning shots moscow let everyone know that you need to ask russia permission before entering its territory. now, the british ambassador to russia has already arrived to the foreign ministries office in moscow and is expected to receive a tough warning. the russians,
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foreign ministry insist that if anything like this happens again, it will be london's fault. now. moscow maintains that crimea, and the c around peninsula is russia sovereign territory, while the u. k continues to recognize crimea as belonging to ukraine and therefore rejects moscow's claims of control over the area. the good poli, appropriate to use international waters and, and by the way, the important point is that we don't recognize the russian annexation of trying. this is part of a sovereign ukrainian territory. it was entirely right that we should be indicate the law and su, freedom of navigation in the way that we take the, the shortest route between 2 points. and that's what we did a lot and keep saying, i didn't mean to provoke russia in any way. and its intentions were harmless,
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but you know, that contradicts what he bdc responded. he was on board of this british report. he said h m as defender a deliberately to the course to send the message to moscow. he also said that this report, in his report that the korea heard the shots fired by the russian me line, i'll get by if you don't change the course. i'll divide trucking, right altitude, low interest singly, british official saying, says that worship wasn't fired at. and that it was just a coincidence that the russian navy were conducting war games in the area at the time that the british raffle entered the zone. now, russia's diplomat say that this is an outright lie. those warning shots were men for the h. m. as the fatter to scare it off. so clearly this is a hit, a topic that will likely affect various russian relations in the long run. it will
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come to that next for that though, konstantin roscoe. thank you. ok. joining us live now is former british ambassador, craig murray, who's also a human rights activists. mr. murray, welcome back to our see how much do you think this incident will dampen relations between russia and the u. k? well, it's play me designed to do that. it's an attempt by the u. k to russia and to worsen relations and to gotcha top, what kind of cold war atmosphere, but they seems to be aiming for most going to says, should the incident have for repeat, consequences will be the consequences will be on britain. they say it could lead to real conflict. is that really possible? presumably no one's called the appetite for that. how much could this escalate to think? well, you would hope nobody has, but if this keeps violating the territorial waters in this way,
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then russia has to respond then. and it's very easy for these things to escalate and get out of hand further than any body actually means. this is, this is grossly, is responsible to evocative behavior, but bitten has no business, having a war ship sailing this close to crime. mere territorial waters are not international c, testimonial waters, a pulse of paternity, all of the land. and this, this land is disputed as well. as johnson says, but claim me is at the very least the occupying power with effective control of the territory. in both circumstances, you do not invade the territorial sea controlled by an occupying power. it is a markedly provocative and in your experience, what do you think breton denied that the warning shots
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i imagine they're trying to play down the strength for the lesson reaction course. the whole point of warning shots is that they don't go too close to the person being warned off, or was it just becoming skinny, dangerous? and by denying warning, shots were fired. physical losses in itself could leveled more than shots being closer next time. and there's an example of the stupid, unintended consequences, this kind of belligerent war mongering which is taking pious 5 thousands of miles from a u. k. co split. well forget this can lead to, to all sorts of difficulties. so if we don't take what britain says at face value, that it into national waters, as you say, a disputed territory. what feels him a point of this publication as it were just drawing attention to unresolved crimea
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issue? well, yes, it's partly about it. puppy has to be seen in in the context of all the business government, which seeks to make truck began to value out of continual compensation with russia, which need an enemy in order to justify the massive defense spending guide on by this country. so it's part of a, of a general topic to pull on which point it's worth stating. the, you know, that they deliberately built a warship for journalists into these 10 toil water. and actually a top, a gander, aimed at the coastal state is specifically excluded in the un convention on the war of on the law of the see article 19 d of the learning convention of will all of us, he says it is not the innocent passage to to conduct
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a propaganda exercise in the waters of the coastal state. ok, well we'll keep watch on that has been simmering for just every day and i will see where it's heading. but i really appreciate you sharing your experience with us on this. craig murray, former british ambassador at human rights activists, our president booted of russia's defense minister of voice, concerns over nato, entering ever closer to russia's borders, describing it as an alliance who sole rates on debts for now is the containment of russia and china. the statements came at the 9th moscow global security conference, which wraps up at a few hours. among keno guests is the president of the international committee of the red cross of the head about humanitarian group told us that too many resources and going to war instead of those in need. if we look at the numbers, we are still in a world where 80 percent of all people displaced are displaced by violence. billions are invested into fueling violence,
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while only a percentage low percentages of face equation is here to relieve the suffering. if i look at the increasing gap between you many tarion and for fire, co need at large and the willingness and the, and the ability of the international community to pay for basic social services for humanitarian aid for developing societies, for maintaining critical infrastructure in difficult times this is by far not enough, and we will need to have more donors in the future. more countries stepping up to the plate. a lot of countries within a capacity to pay don't pay enough and don't do enough. and they don't necessarily to wait in a way which would ease tensions and sometimes rather accentuate
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attention. so there is a lot to say with regard to the necessity of the international community to step up to the plate, to contribute in a much more meaningful way to the stabilize ation of societies. and i'm sorry to say this is more, this will be more expensive than the couple of millions which or billions even which go into humanitarian development, climate adaptation and a couple of more important global issues. so more will have to be done. anti virus software pioneer john mcafee's been found dead in his barcelona prison sell hours off to spain. national court ruled in favor of extradited him to the united states by joining now corresponding or i guess the eval across this more add a colorful life to put it mildly and a few headline grabbing contrivances along the way when he was the highly eccentric person at the very polarizing figure as well as a lot of supporters, but
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a lot of critics, people who criticize his way of life, the way he conducted himself. nevertheless, he argued, as well as his law is that the charges he was facing in the united states were politically motivated, obviously by the courts considered. otherwise, they decided to expedite the it must be noted that he, that was still pending approval from the government. the government had to greenlighted, nevertheless, because of a tweet that he made before his. he's the terminal in the jail either over 2020. there have been many room with a lot of speculation. even conspiracies that he may have been killed. i'm content and here i have friends, the food is goods all as well know that if i hang myself, epstein, it will be no fault of mine. it must be noted that his death is presumed to be
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a suicide, that he hangs himself. nevertheless, people are talking now about his views, things he wasn't very good, let's say for the united states, he was calling full source of tax reform. he was saying down with a dollar hello coup to cause you. so he was a big proponent of doing away with traditional money with traditional banking and the money that people make in those establishment. he was full, you know, money that was available to everyone without hidden fees and, and commission. he was facing tax evasion, charges in the united states, millions of dollars that he is accused. they didn't, they didn't pay. he was, he was also previously suspected of murder. and now people are worried that he's suicide may not have been as clear as it is. although there is no indication to say so yet, but of course it does add to the number of high profile deaf either in prison or
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because that individual was facing a heavy burden of legal pressure. yes, yes, loud names aside from john, aside from john mcafee, there was also aaron schwartz in 2013 a pioneer into the prodigy. but in his twenties, he made the internet will affect a lot of a lot of the technical stuff in apps we use in the web. we browse today, he made the contribution to including read it. he was one of the people that helped get it off the ground. he was facing 30 years in jail, for as his lawyer once argued and support. this once argued that taking too many books out of a library, what he did essentially is access a database with academic journals and download too many of the same top. and apparently it was to get argued that the united states government wanted to make an excuse an example out of him. and he's 30 years behind. but he was threatened with and he was found hanged in his apartment in new york again under suspicious
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circumstances. but police and authorities had themself. later we learned that the secret service said people had got the president, the united states had 1400 pages of documents against him. so then there was also of course jeffrey absent who we will know somebody who could have potentially something dar establishment with all the, all the information and what he had on, on celebrities, he among his friends were presidents were seeing a super stars. people that knew, you know, couldn't, couldn't go down with the ab side. that is what people who do believe that he had himself say, nevertheless, he died also in jail, also facing investigation. and there is also another name, a name. we will know somebody who is facing persecution because of his views, his investigative work, his journalism, and his political views. europe should not extradite those
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accused of non violent crimes to a court system so unfair in prison system so cruel that native born defendants would rather die than become subject to it. julian sons could be next until the system is reformed. a moratorium should remain look where mike if he was for the farm, bob, but still us citizen, your son's isn't a us citizen and they still, they're still trying to get them. gordon is the presence of chasing him off the sexual assault allegations. now it's only about his work expos in walcross, exposing food at the highest levels of government, diplomatic fiascos and scandals. and that the point that has being made here above by many, including his supporters, is that the people trying to put junior aside in jail for as long as possible of the same people that would be for cry on the front row, cry crying loudest. if an activist such as junior jail somewhere out, for example,
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in china or russia, a son has been harass, tortured, and we have no idea what is happening to him right now. then the anglo saxons will issue immediate relief saying no longer could his free soul suffer. the vulgar world's slow infamy. and that's it. the rest can do this kind of thing. they've come there to sign it. it is borderline crazy talk thing with any of these people who killed by, by secret agents who, whoever else. but the point is that there is real terror. there is fear among people that are being chased off by the united states government fear among those people of ending up at the mercy of the american justice system. ok. or i'm going to get some thoughts on that out. for now, let me get to the, thanks very much for why let's talk now then to a former console of the ecuadorian embassy in the u. k. fidel no bias. welcome to
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the program. or it would snowden warnings that a song could die next. so they really justified totally justifying it, justifying. this is not much out of perception. this is a very, very, and expect doc knows, made by the highest, especially in this country in the u. k. that you suffer from depression, she has and that increases significantly, there is all suicide. even the conditions that he's killed. now, in a maximum security depletion in the u. k. known as the they just want to animal leg. i'm talking about our conditions in the united states,
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which is the reason why many people prefer to commit suicide rather than being extradited to the system. so there's no comments are totally right. but mcafee, and a saw very different personalities with very different cases can. they can really be compared me, one of the reasons why i missed my coffee was being chased by the united states are totally different than the case of julia. julia was. here is political, persecuted for exposing crimes or policy for journalist does not comparable adult. what is similar is that fear off being subject to a cruel and oppressive treatment in the u. s.
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prison system, which is again human writing does, does by human rights of any station. so what are what they did? so that's the similarity. although in terms of the americans trying to get their hands on these 2 men, mcafee was an american citizen, unlike a song. so does that mean different extradition rules? well, you know, the case of julian is i'm not worried because julian is being charged under the espionage i've seen means that people who will be jail under no, will be subject to what they call special administrative measures, which is complete incommunicado, complete isolation. 24 hours a day has no seeing any human counter
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delivering food, no windows in the cell, no record of h. and i'm not, not even proper health care to prevents recital. so that makes the the case of julia different, of course, with the potential for it is would say that he is being cared for, looked after a monitor. but in light of some of the claims that you've made about the conditions which others have said to, you expect any reaction or indeed reassurance from washington or london to russia's point, the sound isn't safe for the british jail. when i go, let's remember, the reason, the reason why she's actually showed case in the 1st instance is precisely because de conditions operating conditions that he will be subjective to and precisely because he's precarious held condition that's happened change at
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all and the dog she remains in in, in, in prison, waiting for the appeal from the united states. so i'm quite, except to go. i think what i'm trying to do with julian is to send a message to anybody who dares to repeat what she has done, which is exposed to go creamy. now, i'm published to full information about what i really appreciate you taking the time to talk to fidel device, former counselor, the ecuadorian embassy in the u. k. good to talk to you. thank you. now for many, the pandemic brought hardship and suffering, but for others it hasn't meant record profits. the number of global dollar dollar millionaires has jumped by 5000000 and just the past year and the united states just 50000000000 identities. now hold as much wealth as half the entire population
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. americas diagnostic families, both old and new, deploying a range of wealth preservation strategies to further concentrate wealth and power. power that is deployed to influence democratic institutions, the press, civic imagination, and regular rules. the further entrench and equality, or ego style of explains next, how companies thriving through the corona virus, or any rewards. some of their team for tens of millions of the pain pandemic could just as well stand for poverty, such as being the devastating effect. but for a select few, it stand out to mean prosperity, profits, profligacy. the locked down doesn't sound too bad when you get to self isolate on a 1000000 dollar your like this. altogether, the wealthy spend so much on these yours. it would have been enough to fully vaccinate a small nation, like newport, for instance, groups. the mansions have also been snapped off the market amid the raging health
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crisis, along with lumber guineas, rorys, and rolls royces. 5000000 more joined the 1000000 as club last year, mostly in the us and europe. the rise and wealth and the quality was likely not caused by the pandemic itself, nor is direct economic impacts, but it was instead a consequence affections undertaken to mitigate it's impact primarily lower interest rates. and here's a key reason why. low interest rates means you can borrow money on the very cheap investors use that to get funds, which the then throw into the stock market shares skyrocket. this is what's happening right now. and that translates directly into massive wealth boost for major shareholders. those who are already rich become richer, and that's not all they have going for them. the altar wealthy, especially diagnostically, wealthy families, have in fact created a to t,
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a tax system. one set of rules for themselves, another for everyone else. as a result, we end up with absurd situations where a senior government official is able to say that only more on the pay the estate tax openly acknowledging that the u. s. a state tax system is optional for the wealthiest. a recent league from the us revenue service has revealed that america's 1000000000, as i know, used to paying almost no income tax. and it hardly even bothers the tax man in washington. well, if we glanced on the bottom end of the wealth pyramid, almost $3000000000.00 worldwide report less than $10000.00 in their bank accounts. and more than a 100000000 have been plunged into extreme poverty by the pandemic. in a bid to keep up, the economy is vital signs. the u. s. federal reserve has pumped an additional $3.00 trillion dollars of liquidity in since february last year. that's an
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88 percent increase of the national balance sheet. while a lot of that went into the coffers of the rich. it also set off economists alarms, as it's a bubble. and sooner or later, such bubbles tend to bust the economy shipping to one in which a very small percentage of the population has an enormous proportion of the wealth . all that the leak from the internal revenue service did was to expose yet again, how bad the situation is, how successful the very richest people in america, the 650 billionaires, especially how successful they have been in writing the tax laws so that they can legally evade their fair share of the taxes and it produces more bitterness, more division. as i said, it's
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a society that is exploding itself and it doesn't seem to be able to recognize and change to stop this deterioration. a parisians are in range to the authorities, granted temporary permission for drug uses to meet near a park. what happened was a simple mid day war grand for one month and her 2 year old ended in misery when the child was assaulted plan addict, child to bend, ski, picks up the story. plague by a drug addict, many of them using crack cocaine, this talk empower is sort of a nightmare for residence once a place. the families could come to now they crash by, in fear or to risk factor residence and told us that this entire neighborhood is run. but yeah, yeah, yes, we've had enough. and this problem concerns,
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not only the garden reveal, but the entire area. there are drug addicts, migrants dealers, all at the same time that are really a lot of them here. we have a park, but it is absolutely impossible to go here. somebody will things just such a situation simply should not be happening in a children's park or any other such normal place. these are, we will drug addicts, they need medical and social help and they were just moved to the park in the hope that the problem will solve itself to you. is you never this problem exists in our entire district as well as in several other districts. moreover, this problem with crack smokers has existed for a long time. but now everything has become worse. we feel isolated, we feel abandoned will come here every wednesday for approaches. we post tweets, we do a lot of things. we have created an association to try and find a solution, but it feels like we're hitting a wal mart to the go all ready overflowing. here is a disturbing development,
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a child amongst these images. sure. the 2 year old battered and bruised, those horrific injuries sustained during an attack against the child by an attic, when locals, who have pleaded and go with the authorities, this is the law school. how can you feel secure after something like that happens on there? so little child? you know, it's extremely shocking. it's devastating. i'm shocked in the place that the so lucian they offered is just to put the $500.00 the drug it in a children's park. we needed to depart to be secured that day and night by human presence, as well as the whole neighbourhood, your police presence today. there are some policemen for the people here in the protest, but on a daily basis, you hardly see them. the drug i take to attack and child was late to apprehended by
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the police, but the prosecution pieces concluded that she was supposed to be fully pola in bed . she turned in the corner for the latter of the area issues of mental health drug feeding these of the gazes to the heaviest. once in a 2nd trip pathologist and crap consumption feed of each other which create the most problems for the residence. there is an urgent need to act. these people must be taken care of in specialized establishment. nothing is worse than leaving them on the streets. this protest why locals isn't the time to continue to focus on that severe issues hit on to take back. talk from drug addict such as they can, he knew that fairly.


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