tv News RT June 24, 2021 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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or dream? diamond fields rec, tomorrow. the judge in green is a vision. she, me ah, top stories and i think this, i, russia was a severe consequences if it's a territory was violated again, for k warship breaches it's black board is anti virus software. pioneer joe mcafee is found dead in a spanish prison. the authorities say with suicide. adequate, that didn't, wouldn't take his life. the pandemic see the number of things rich joining the millionaires. publishing tough, that's a report, finds that firms profiting through the crisis. spread the wealth to ordinary stuff . ah
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. hello, that was permission rushes, made clear how to enter. it's terry tree after moscow, some in britain's envoy over war ship that encroached on its waters in the black sea. foreign ministry spokeswoman merisa canada. i did see that there was a wider political motive behind the me. what is it for the stress on the lives created uneasy, and the political stage of western countries included in the ball. so brussels vote are alleged to intrinsic stability. both are alleged threat to this very western world to bring everyone up to speed a u. k. worship b h m, as the veteran transmitted through what russia says are, it's there to world water is the vessel sailed within 12 nautical miles off the coast of crimea close to a russian naval base in the black sea of, after all, this resulted in russia sending its own naval vessel along with aircraft of fire warning shots. russian diplomats also said that those trying to pass rushes limits
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are on a slippery slope. and according to the russian foreign ministry spokeswoman, by firing those warning shots, moscow will let everyone know that you need to ask rushes permission before entering its territory. the british ambassador to russia has already arrived to the foreign ministry in moscow and expected to receive a tough warning. so let's have a listen to what the russian diplomats insisted during this meeting. particular attention was drawn to the fact that should similar provocations be repeated. the british side will bear full responsibility for possible consequences. moscow maintains that crimea embassy around peninsula is russia's sovereign territory, while the u. k continues to recognize crimea as a belonging to ukraine and therefore reject moscow claims of control over the area is wholly appropriate to use international waters. and, and by the way, the important point is that we don't recognize the russian annexation of crime in
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this is part of a sovereign ukrainian territory. it was entirely right that we should vindicate the law and perceive freedom of navigation in the way that we would take the shortest route between 2 points. and that's what we did, lobby and keep saying. it didn't mean to provoke russia in any way and its intentions. were harmless, but that contradicts what a b, b. c correspondent, he was on board, the british ship reported he said h hm. as the veteran deliberately took the course to send a message to moscow. he also said in his report that our crew, the crew of this ship, heard the shots fired by the russians line. if you don't change the course, i'll divide trucking right altitude low. now interestingly, british officials insist that worship wasn't fired at and that it was just
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a coincidence that the russian navy were conducting a gunnery exercise in that area. at that time, at the time the british council entered the zone. now russia, diplomat say that this is an outright lie. those warning shots were men for the h m as defender, the scared off. so clearly this is the heated topic that will likely affect british russian relations in the long run. or the foreman british emvoy. craig murray does say that h m s defend you exactly what it was doing, easy for these things to escalate and get out of hand further than any body actually means that this is, this is ghostly, is responsible, provocative behavior. that bitten has no business having a war ship sailing this close to crime in this land is disputed as well, as johnson says. but claim me is at the very least the occupying power with affective control of a tentative it is a markedly provocative kinds of belligerent war mongering,
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which is taking pious 5 thousands of miles from the u. k. co split. well, forget this can lead to, to all sorts of difficulties in the context of the british government, which seeks to make tropical devalue out of continual compensation with russia, which needs an enemy in order to justify the massive defense spending guided by this country. so it's part of a, of the general topic to pull on which point it's worth stating that they deliberately built a warship for journalists into the senatorial water. and actually a top, a gander, aimed at the coastal state is specifically excluded in the un convention on the war of on the law of the c anti virus software pioneer joe mcafee, has been found dead in his boss alone, a prison. so just hours after spain's national court ruled in favor of extradited
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him to the united states, she's not against the f. discuss the case. we call him bright mark of his life was, you know, equally steeped in eccentricity. and unfortunately, scandals too. but in this case, he argued that he's prosecution was politically motivated. the charge is coming from the united states about, about tax evasion, to the tune of millions of dollars. and he appealed to spanish authorities to reject the expedition request. however, a court found his arguments are convincing, they decide to expedite him to the united states that was pending approval from the spanish government, which hadn't yet been given. but obviously he, he chose another route rather than be thrusted to the mercy of the us justice system. however, because of a tweet he made in october 2020, there is now a lot of speculation. a lot of room is some of them crazy, but nevertheless, the,
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perhaps he's death wasn't as seemingly obvious as it seems. i'm content and here i have friends, the food is goods all as well know that if i hang myself, epstein, it will be no fault of mine, and people have caught onto that now then spreading again. all sorts of, well sorts of rumors, especially given his activities during his life after he left technology. that was a lot of activism regard regarding crypto cards. he wanted crypto cards is which is fair to the people to replace traditional money as well as traditional banking systems. with all the fees and all the commissions and the millions brought for the bank is make there are however, already alarm bells ringing regarding the faith of another person who is being rather prosecuted, persecuted by the united states. europe should not extradite those accused of non
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violent crimes to a court system so unfair in prison system so cruel, that native born defendants withdraw the them become subject to julian sons could be next until the system is reformed. a moratorium should remain. maggie was born in the u. k. how that he was us citizen julian assange isn't gone in the presence of the prosecuting him because of the suspect, the sexual assault delegation. now they're, they, they've come out and they said it's because of his work investigative work. his journalism, exposing war crimes that killed many, many people as well as corruption and scandal that the highest levels of power, the things we've seen published and we can. so the fear is now the julian assign, under pressure for so long that he may choose a similar option. and of course, a few people are going to be joining adults here on the day that it adds to mcafee . that adds to higher number of people who died either imprison under duress
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because they're facing legal action. aaron was sworn aside from mike if he also a web pioneer and it's partly in his twenties. he may be in today hall of fame red . he was an early employee help get that off the ground. he was facing threatened with 30 years behind bought by united states prosecutors. so what he did is he downloaded many, many i, c demick journals. he believed that the internet should be free, access to knowledge should be free. later after he was found, hanged in his apartment. we found out the, the secret service presidential security there that they had $1400.00 pages of documents on him, a huge amount. the secret service was involved then for example, we have abstract jeffrey epstein, who could have brought down the system the establishment. i mean, he's friends included president celebrities, superstar cygnus. oh, all manner of people well known and many of them frequented movies parties,
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parties where there was the legend, the abuse of children, sexual abuse of that he was found also hanged in his, in his jail. so many people do by that soy. except, of course there's, there's no proof, there's no evidence that there was foul play. nevertheless, it is, it is studying because all these debts happen in areas in a country where the united states and europe, which are 1st in the front rows when they hear about human rights abuses or prosecution of activists in china. russia, for example, a son has been harass, tortured, and we have no idea what is happening to him right now. then the anglo saxons will issue immediate release saying no longer could his free soul suffer. the vulgar world's slow infamy. and that's it. the rest can do this kind of thing. they've card their t sonnets. the point is that there is now the least of high profile figures. things
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that have been given a lot of publicity or choosing to commit suicide rather than be handed over to the united states to adjust the system that is seen as unfair and cruel by many. well, i could always former console in the u. k, who helped arrange asylum for june. you saw in the mc also see similarities between the mcafee case and that of the whistleblower. this is not much of a perception, this is a very, very expect doc knows made why they hired, especially in this country in the u. k. that you suffer from depression. she has on that increase significantly. there is all suicide, eating shows that she is now in
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a maximum security prison in the u. k. known as the tunnel. and that's not even talking about the appropriate conditions in the united states, which is the reason why many people prefer to commit suicide rather than being extradited to that system. thinking kids have to hate each other. hi, one parent to describe the study of critical race theory in u. s. schools. the concept does look at society from the perspective of systemic racism, but many do question that approach you talk about critical race theory, which is pretty much going to be teaching kids how to hate each other. how did they look? it's pretty much all going down to, you know, deliberately, pcs. what do you right here? got it better. you because he, why you got hardly. so why did oh, the black people are all down and how do i have to medical to breathe?
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senior open. it was pretty much show people that anything that they want to achieve in america can be done. they just have to want to do it. someone has to actually encourage them and tell them that they can do it. but the current state right now that a lot of schools are wanting to implement into the education system is to simply have kids get discouraged that they can't do anything because their skin color won't allow them, especially when it comes to black american. they want to push this system in america to tell kids yes, the white people are better than the black people because they have white privilege and the blank people. the reason why you guys are not good is because you guys are still feeling the effects of what the why people did to the black people during slavery. but a recent polls suggest that most people now disapprove of critical race theory. tie smith again thinks the theories narrative is actually about winning the black folks . as a kid, i was in
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a 3rd grade and i noticed that the teacher would tell children about sack lunches from home. she would tell them to get in the line 1st and then she would say, and every want to have the lunch car. you guys, i'll go to the back as the days went by every day we had lunch, i started becoming very, very upset and sad and angry. so i began getting mad at my friends because i felt like they were better to me. i felt like that they thought that they were better to me. they couldn't figure out why i was mad at them. and as a 3rd grader, i couldn't articulate the words to say to them why i felt the way that i did. so my friends, they didn't look down on me, my friends, they didn't this like me, my friends, they didn't think they were better to me. so when you teach things to children, they pick it in as if it's truth. and if they believe that they will go out and actually start to implement these behaviors in society, the politicians that's pushing this narrative, they are the ones that actually are though they are creating it. they want this to
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happen. so they want the both, it all comes down to wanting the black boat from the democratic party. they want the black people vote for many band demik has brought hardship and suffering, but for others it's meant rec, or profits. the number of global dollar millionaires is jumped by 5000000 in just the past year and in the u. s. alone, just 50 super rich in this. these now hold as much wealth as half the entire population. americans, diagnostic families, both old and new, a deploying a range of wealth preservation strategies to further concentrate wealth and power. power that is deployed to influence democratic institutions, the press, civic imagination, and regular rules. the further entrench inequality is donna now explains how the pandemic has exacerbated the rich poor divide for tens of millions of the pain pandemic could just as well stand for poverty such as being the devastating effect
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. but for a select few, it stand out to mean prosperity, profits, profligacy. the locked down doesn't sound too bad when you get to self isolate on a $1000000.00 you are like this. altogether the wealthy spend so much on these yours. it would have been enough to fully vaccinate a small nation like new pool, for instance. ritzy mansions have also been snapped off the market and the raging health crisis. along with lamborghini is rory's and rolls royces. 5000000 more joining the 1000000 as club last year, mostly in the us and europe. the rise and wealth and the quote, he was likely not caused by the pandemic itself, nor is direct economic impacts. but it was instead a consequence affections undertaken to mitigate its impact primarily lower interest rates. and his a key reason why low interest rates means you can borrow money on the very cheap
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investors use that to get funds which the then throw into the stock market. shares skyrocket, this is what's happening right now and that translates directly into massive wealth boose for major shareholders. those who are already rich become richer, and that's not all they have going for them. the altar wealthy, especially diagnostically, wealthy families have in fact created the 2 t a tax system, one set of rules for themselves, another for everyone else. as a result, we end up with absurd situations where a senior government official is able to say that only more on the pay the estate tax openly acknowledging that the u. s. a state tax system is optional for the wealthiest. a recent league from the us revenue service has revealed that america's 1000000000 as no use to paying almost no income tax. and it hardly even bothers the tax man in washington. well, if we glanced on the bottom end of the wealth pyramid,
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almost $3000000000.00 worldwide report less than $10000.00 in their bank accounts. and more than a 100000000 have been plunged into extreme poverty by the pandemic. in a bid to keep up, the economy is vital signs. the u. s. federal reserve has pumped an additional $3.00 trillion dollars of liquidity in since february last year. that's and 88 percent increase of the national balance sheet. while a lot of that went into the coffers of the rich. it also set off economists alarms, as it's a bubble. and sooner or later, such bubbles tend to bust the economy shifting to one in which a very small percentage of the population has an enormous proportion of the wealth . all that the leak from the internal revenue service did was to expose yet
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again, how bad the situation is, how successful the very richest people in america, the 650 billionaires, especially how successful they have been in writing the tax laws so that they can legally evade their fair share of the taxes and it produces more bitterness, more division. as i said, it's a society that is exploding itself and it doesn't seem to be able to recognize and change to stop to this deterioration that i had to decide. european football is governing body refuses to lie to the state even with the rainbow colors of the b team movement during repaying championship game will explain the control vesee surrounding this. just off the brighten
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i i join me every thursday. i'm alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world. the politics sport. business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. me. this is your media reflection of reality. the in a world transformed what will make you feel safer? tyson lation community. are you going the right way or are you being somewhere which direction? what is true? what is in a world corrupted,
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you need to defend the join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. i the hello again. i prisons have been hitting back after authorities grown to temporary permission for drug users to meet at a local park. a simple mid day walk for one mom and her 2 year old ended the misery when the child was assaulted by an addict. charlotte davinsky has the story plagued by a drug addict, many of them using crack cocaine. they talk empower, is sort of a nightmare for residents once a place that families could come to now be cash by in fear or any to risk in fact, residence and told us that this entire neighborhood is run. but yeah,
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yeah, yes, we've had enough. and this problem concerns not only the garden, the veal, but the entire area. there are drug addicts, migrants dealers, all at the same time that are really a lot of them here. we have a park, but it is absolutely impossible to go here. suddenly wilson's gesture can such a situation simply should not be happening in a children's park or any other such normal place. these are, we will draw hadis, they mean medical and social help. and they were just moved to the park in the hope that the problem will solve itself to get you is you never this problem exists in our entire district as well as in several other districts. moreover, this problem with greg smokers has existed for a long time. but now everything has become worse. with you, isolate it will feel abandoned, will come here every wednesday for approaches. we post tweets, we do a lot of things. we have created an association to try and find a solution,
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but it feels like we're hitting a wall to the go already overflowing. here is a disturbing development. a child amongst these images show the 2 year old battered and bruised, career injury sustained during an attack against the child by an attic. when locals, who have pleaded and go with the authorities, this is the law school. can you feel secure after something like that happens on the little child? you know, it's extremely shocking. it's devastating. i'm shocked in the 1st place that the so lucian, they offered it just to put 500 the drug in a children's park. we needed the park to be secured that day and night by human presence, as well as the whole neighborhood, your police presence today. there are some policemen for the people here in the
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protest, but on the daily basis, you hardly see them. drugs take to attack the mother and child was late to apprehended by the police, but the prosecutor's office is concluded that she was supposed to be for. she's bipolar instead she turned on for the matter of the area issues of mental health, drug of the big each of these, of the gazes to the heaviest. once in a 2nd trip pathologists and crept conception feet of each other, which create the most problems for the residents. there is an urgent need to act. these people must be taken care of in specialized establishment. nothing is worse than leaving them on the streets. this price i call i locals isn't the time to continue to cool. focus on that severe issues hit on to take back this talk from drug addict, but as they continue fairly,
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the real sense of they have been abandoned by the authorities. charlotte deven, c o. c. i talk to you in paris. germany's fuming after european half european football governing body, you a for refuse to request to light up munich, stadium and l g b t colors ahead of a match the euro championships. some people have interpreted us as decision to turn down the city of munich request to eliminate the meaning stadium in rainbow colors for a year or 2020, much as political on the country. the request itself was political linked to the hungarian football teams presence in the stadium for this evening, much with germany. i find that shameful that forbids us from setting an example for diversity tolerance, respect, and solidarity. while other german cities railed against the ban, illuminating public spaces and rainbow colors, while football clubs printed their own multicolored logo's ting. rainbow flags were
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also distributed by the right group, amnesty international ahead of the germany hungry game and one campaign or even took an l. g. b t flag onto the pictures hungry johnson was being played not last week on gary lawmakers did find the promotion of homosexuality or agenda change to under eighteens. budapest says the law has nothing to do with discrimination and is aimed at protecting children, sportswriter and broadcaster elmore believes though, that you a 1st should have taken a much firmer stance a lot in order to ation because the whole matter clustered in. so then everything can come in afterwards and they said that very dangerous press the weights initially allowing the for lack of protests. so basically people can do what they want. they're not trying to protect money to protect it. they realize that by allowing dr. matter in that they created
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a monster, can't control yes, the l g b t sigma is we, we know that it is evident to shop and get re weighed. lou said us, but they don't really believe that and also they're now very, very cautious speaking with people to day. very hard, very, very start with these are symbols or posturing data to say no is the basis for mess. okay, well let's look at some other world news now. and a thick cloud of black smoke could be seen rising from the size of a cycle helicopter crashing western russia. the national guards confirmed 3 people died in the accident thought to have occurred during a routine training flight emergency services has been working at the see. one person is confirmed dead and 9 others injured after a beach front apartment block in miami, florida partially collapsed. it's still not known how many were in the building at
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the time, but scores of people are accounted for a search and rescue seeing, deploy to find those still trapped in the complex that rescued a child from the rebel. and the 1st crash in northern ryan has proposed to the left 2 dead and $21.00 injured on board. we're 25 or any in june. this heading from toronto report on the renovation of a provincial damn. when the bus overturned, there's no immediate information about what caused the crash. raining roads are considered to be among the most dangerous in the world, with some $17000.00 deaths a year. so that brings up to date is just coming up to half 11 in the evening here in moscow. good to have the company. we're back again at the top of the oh me ah,
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the responding pianist need budget you have to do your mother? i agree with you again, jack and john's island died. i might be okay to go to the deal, but the most the most difficult. the 1400 and is the bank of guns based water chemical lives and has are, this is going to develop new to men, their international market know that these industries polluting you simply ignore it in one days that mother and when we love the mother that means we love
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