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tv   Keiser Report  RT  June 24, 2021 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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me ah ah, the headlines this, our russia ones, severe consequences if it territorial waters are violated again, after you can watch, it reaches its black and deep waters. anti virus software pioneer john mcafee, is found dead in a spanish prison. so what authority say was a suicide, although he had tweeted that he would not take his own life. and the fan demik seen the number of super richard joining the millionaires club, shoot up as a report, find the firms profiting through the prices don't spread wealth to ordinary. those are headlines and other looking about in our time. this is our international
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ah, me sophie shepherd not saying this is so because visionary as well and the previous program, we have a unique athletes, extra, ordinary endurance to cold, brought about his nickname. the iceland will continue talking to extreme athletes. when half the school is the biggest good of ours, and we got it. always dressed, covered up no simulation. logically, it is directly connected to the vascular system, which is 100000 jonas in everybody of us. and it contains millions of little muscles. if you are forced to do all the little muscles, millions they are going to work. what happens?
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hot rate is going to go down because the blood flow is being helped. and then when the blood flow goes better through the system, it reaches this sounds much better, which gives me you much more energy. i assume that like all extreme conditions, cold sort of forces your brain to mobilize and activates the survival mode. do you know how these things work on a new or a biological level? we are able to activate the depth of the brain now will slowly, which is dealing with the stress of the i see water and off know breathing in. bree specific breathing exercises, that it's the survival mechanism. oh, let's talk a bit about your breathing math at once again. is there a danger of asphyxiation during this intense breathing sessions?
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no, that is not. if you go control your fall or the app, then you are very able to maintain control. know that is breathing exercise as showing itself in the university to bring down information which is disease. laboratory marcus, which causes inflammation, which is disease. it brings it down. it makes the immune system work better, bridge, the inflammation doubt and it, it can i activate the specific immune system. that means any juror will go directly to begin it instead of that, it goes into this system and the immune system is yet not really awake. then suddenly i love it, feel good day this and that it doesn't need to happen. we are able with the
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breathing techniques. if you do it in control, you will have the greatest office activity. these breathing techniques are out. so, and any case where powerful things you have to learn to deal with that. but they are all great, great benefits. can you show me like the simplest breathing exercise with which i can start? yes. go ahead. if you're, if you do breast like this, o, o, 3, your mouth. so 10 breath like that. can be through the nose through them out, doesn't matter. but re in letting go. you will be a just try to do it, direct me, and we will stay for 40 seconds with out air interlocks. let's
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do this, and then a whole set of things happen. i will explain later. ok, 10 breath already in. we're letting go. letting go. earlier. letting go. letting go. letting go. grandma. letting go. letting go tomorrow. early in. letting go.
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louis and letting go. it comes the last one fully letting go. and stop. after the acceleration, stop. close your mouth. no need for breathing. now. you're perfectly ok. what we did is blowing out the carbon dioxide. that's what makes the body a city. we made it very alkaline. now, that's why you are able to stay without breathing. and what happens is that in the primitive part of our brain, the brain, you're not breathing. so it's just the breathing digit digit,
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but there is no danger. but now the adrenal axis. ok, put in an o. squeeze a little bit, 3321. let it go. well that you did about 50 jacket. oh my, oh many things going on with me right now. first of all, like my long area is literally burning. yeah. and i feel like i've never taken now as the but this is probably like your own crazy. how many times a day should i do that if you do this for around. 7 in the morning, you're really truly outlier. what the rest of the day your blood is, glanced. i'm going to do this. yes,
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i'm going to. it's good for anybody. anybody can do this and when you feel anxiety or fear or the breath you do get, it's going to go away. oh, my god, that was crazy. but i have to say like a lot of people who try your reading method report mary psychedelic effects in i can, i can see why now that i've done this word you this come from scientifically speaking, it comes from the d m t through doing this breathing technique and then take a full inhale. oh and then squeezed a little bit this cerebral spinal fluid goes very alkaline to to brain stair. and in the brain stammer, there is the dream stage. stage which is this di mikhail trip tomorrow. d
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a t. it's like in a dream you see vision should see 3 dimensions. you feel completely different. it's what happens business very good to deal with trauma. all trauma for military people with p. p. s. d, for housewives weapon, gaiety for people with striking problems. who have a 3 year terms, so it goes to 0 or anything. you need to be empty and this is the way to get it without be i want to do it by itself. ok. so you climbed kilimanjaro, half naked, and forget about the cold. tell me how did you manage to do these breathing exercise which aims to enrich her about it with oxygen in places are people need to breathe from air tanks because not an oxygen. exactly. the last thing you now
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did this breathing technique was taken it in that what i did and what that i brought to squeezing to my hat. i brought the cerebral spinal fluid to get a b, alkaline into my hat. what happens when you go into the mountains to fat? there is left the concentration of oxygen and that makes our blood. it makes it acidic and that creates jamia, that creates panic. that creates a cute mountain sickness. and now we are able just by doing this 10 times, while you go and drive, you get a headache, you are able to change the bio chemistry in the brain, caused by the lack of oxygen outside. now you're able to bring back cerebral
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spinal fluid to fully alkali and then that the headache is gone to a queue. mountain sickness is gone and a, it's greg. you are able to go on when we're going to take a short break right now and where we're back, we'll continue talking to when have extreme athletes, one half of the iceman stay with it. ah, ah, the russia china relations are strong and getting deeper. we are told this is dangerous for the washington lead world. is it? why are moscow in beijing moving closer together? isn't miscalculations of the washington consensus? have anything to do with it?
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is that china, russia, a liar? made it america? i still think the cars right on police report all have in december 2020 a group of anti finishes. fill out a film crew access for 3 months. 3rd row like people, organization. it's an idea that must be opposed to the game ground. they make their faces, but they can say what they believe and we believe in helping our community. we believe that fascism is one of the major threats to the united states as gotten grooven. this is a chance to see who and teeth are really are in order for me. my 1st amendment right and say that my life matter. i have to be onto the teeth. we can't trust the police, we can't trust the government. we can't trust anyone except or so to protect ourselves . in awe. is your media
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a reflection of reality? the in a world transformed what will make you feel safe for tyson lation community? are you going the right way or are you being direct? what is true? what is faith in the world corrupted? you need to defend the so join us in the depths will remain in the shallows. ah, always be polite, never engage with an aggravated or confrontational office. don't
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get into any conversation to start answering questions. just ask for an attorney to survive and interrogation, you've gotta be ready to stand your ground. definitely don't want to be going to trial in the jump suit. one cups. you're more likely to walk free. if you're rich and guilty, you are. if you're poor and you got 2 eyes and 2 ears and one mouth. so you should be seeing and hear and a whole lot more than you're saying. if you don't take that advice, usually going to dig yourself a whole ah
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and will back with one half ac the iceman extreme athlete, talking about what cold does to your buddy. so brain whim for an experiment you once in, jesse yourself will e call. he talks in that usually makes people really sick and the carrier had no effect on you whatsoever. which obviously proves the effectiveness of your effort on the immune system. yes. now you're saying you can also be effective against call it have you thought about injecting yourself with a current virus deliberately to see if your job you are, you know, no i i know, but not february, but before the last year, february, i really good. i know it now because then i had this, but in one day it was gone. i just begin to do the breathing. now what, what,
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what is responsible for the damages factor off cool bit is into their key, which is a clamor, tory markets, not key number one, number 6, number 8, and number 7, g. that is responsible for go which damaging factor. and we showed in 2014 to bring those into real games down within 15 minutes through debris. this is all in the university study. and it's been published in the best of papers of the world. so this has always been there. now what happens with co with is if you wait too long, it's like when the fire stops, you are able to distinguish it. but if it goes on, if the house is gonna be here by what get us thing was dennis too late. but then
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they also did a study in new york with people who were trauma. know the sick of co bit going to die. they exposed their controls into hypothermia just to couple of degrees, and they recovered theoretically speaking, do you think there is a threshold in temperatures which a trained human like yourself cannot go below? i don't. yes, maybe yes. i will lose consciousness at certain moments, but it's much further than normal people. i got my limits, like anybody else. i don't know because if i stayed for 2 hours and i work at and i'm still get the limit up far away,
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far away the few years. why do we have a possible control over our mood and information? which is my message to the world which can be trained by going into the course and into the breathing, which is able to tackle all these problems we now face in our modern society. so that should be investigated. and i think this power, which with, which we can accumulate is far more than we now are able to understand within our buddies. and my message is to the people is of love, like health, happiness and strength is for everybody. now a choice, i showed it in science. and now i just simply bring it to the people. it is simple
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guy. all of you. you don't need to be depressed. you don't need to have diseases. we can tackler. mother nature gave it all to us. and where are the limits? you far away? where you said that the cold on your way of dealing with it helped you cope with the loss of your life. how is building up cold resistance? beneficial to one's mental state? emotionally? i was a rash. emotionally. i was deeper darkness possible. really. i lost my wife . we jumped from a story down. the whole tech guy tree said a jack that gave up bill said this is only when dad no control. they had no control. and the terror act was just too much. just before jumping down, she gave the kid did the children get this?
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and then she decided because this was like a disease in the brain. and so there i was. and it's like you lose the love of your life, the mother of your children, and your i believe money like i had very little money and flow job. so the only way i could stop the emotional agony which goes on all day long is inside. and the world doesn't give you just have to go on live will, doesn't know. so you gotta deal with that was by go into, i see cold water because then you just survive as survive. and that gave me just that opening to not be in that emotional agony. and that may be able to learn to control my emotions. and that they'd be able to get a hold of myself, which was very needed to bring up kids. hello to the tap
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a little deeper into the subject. is it really the actual cold exercises that help you grief or just having somebody to do having a victory to change that obstacle to overcome? that can take your mind off the tragedy. you know what i mean? yeah, so cool. and then that is also part of it because you are the one who's going to do it. so you got it all the com, whatever state you are in, and you've got to go into the water and be in the moment, make yourself straw instead of being in a motional rack. yes, i did. and anything that is able to do that is o k, because your mental attitude changes, you become stronger. instead of being tied to the emotions, you go for something else. your mind is going not investing into emotional
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pain, which is big. big guy gets on go know you stop at the moment, you go for something else and the cold water. i have to say it to me. proved to be the best your method actually may offer a very good contribution tolan to longevity. but if we talk about cheating, death completely. have you ever heard about chronics? i mean, the body of that person is preserved in liquid nitrogen until the technologies in place, sometime in the future, distant future to bring this person back to life. since freezing temperatures is not something you would be afraid of, would you go for something like that? oh no. i don't need to. you know what i want. i want to, i want to live eternally. i want this so i want to know why i am here. bring
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love to the world. really happiness to the world, bring happiness to my kids. it changed the world, you know, you know what? so fee, which is by the way, lot or knowing be sophia, it's law for knowledge is good. yeah, it is wisdom. exactly. well, what, what i want to bring into the world is this. so and now i reach more than 100000000 people, but i in 2 years now and i'm a very targeted man. i will reach billions of people. and then that way i bring people back to their funding within them to become happy and strong and healthy. and then that way, i will change the world, not be as ego, but as we go get back to the modern egypt, the power of love,
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which is happiness strengthened out if we can guarantee those things to our children and ourselves. we are no longer the slaves from being out there. it's all in again, that is my message and we are going to see, especially with the help of people like yourself there when i just want to say that i wish you all the best and that endeavor because i'm 101 to 1000000 person that is in your team from now on your lot brothers been great. thank you. thank you all by you absolutely waiting for me right now. on
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the responding will be necessarily need budget. he didn't come at the target, but again, jack in john's island died. i might have to go but the most difficult to find the bug there are 410 days right on the bank of the work under water chemical life. and this is going to develop a new to mon, their international market that these industries that polluting your debt simply ignore in one days that mother and when we loved them other than the
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means we lost the in the, the i i use in the so to to go to college 3 for
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good. can i just knew who better than me and russell, but i hope so. but over the over the years they sort of lenient the emotional learning of stories going on in the course of your business function. mister bob rhodes. i position me. we think he might be a soldier because off the boot, she's wearing your twitch pulled up. took all the stuff when you was with the new one on this. you're still summarizing, please. i
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me the me a grandmother doing life for murder was released from prison yesterday after 17 years, when a judge said she did not doing. susan, no one recently filed a lawsuit against the detective who arrested her for hiding evidence. that detective is the same one who arrested reggie call with which we, you know, as a society we see the bad guy in the good guy. well,
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that cops and robbers, but when the car becomes the robber, the game is over. the game is over f corruption. it was her rhetoric twist a faint lead to reggie's release. bruce was more fortunate. his father's death led to an expected turn. providence was his big thing and he had a great life insurance and it was 184000 that my dad left me and i was able to partner that up to about 236 stock market. and then it was just a 100 percent of my time dedicated to my case, a lot enabled boost to hire a private investigator. we had essentially a growing war, chest of evidence that hadn't committed the crime. or at least that all the evidence that was presented was, was false evidence. i had received a complaint from merciless girl. i flew up to the state prison where bruce lisco was, i spoke to him when somebody is accused of murder or you're arrested for murder.
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it's tape recording, everything is tape recording. i couldn't find his tape. ready it had been taken out of evidence by detective mon too, and it was never put back in evidence active minds with the footprints outside the house matched the footprints on the inside. lieutenant gavin found the footprints weren't actually looked at by scientist or any qualified expert. so we took matters into his own hands, so i contacted our people and we're scientific investigative division. so he takes out this big magnifying glass, looks at it looks at the other one he goes, these 2 don't match, say, this is a great embarrassment for any large organization that you've convicted somebody for murder, and then 51020 years later. if it turns out that the person is actually innocent, and this is what my lieutenant said that does not get out of prison. do you understand me, sergeant cabin, they will do everything they can to stop. you prevent you from coming forward with the information you.


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