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tv   News  RT  June 25, 2021 10:00am-10:30am EDT

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the me, the top stories right now, top a you figures in states resist calls from european power houses, france and germany, to rebuild dialogue with russia. but it is more important to maintain this agenda on russia, ties and preserve unity as division, makes us weak. so he states a split on whether to force british taurus, to quarantine with popular destinations in southern europe, pushing to avoid restrictions and defiance of france and germany. the 2 people are arrested in bella roost after the controversial diversion of a ryan f flight last month. moved from a detention facility to house arrest ah,
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alive, worldwide, this is r t for moscow. my name is colleen bray with well stories of this are plenty to take you through as well. first off, the youth failed to come out of talks with a united positional kick starting relations with russia. as despite its 2 leading members, france and germany being open to reset, right across all this forest is all correspondent in paris, charlotte to ben c high again. so charlotte, on russia, the union doesn't appear to be that united. yes, that's right. although we have just had this news coming out from the you council, president shaw michelle. but there will be a prolongation of sanctions against russia that have been a decision that's been taken in the last few hours at that 14 following the referendum in crimea will continue. those sanctions, heating areas a,
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the russian economy such as or trade, such as washing energy, the finance sector, and the alms sector, as well as well as those post will sanctions on some individual russians. so that information coming out from the press conference of the e. you council president shaw michelle, who said that that will now continue. as for the rest of the summit, we know that there was a joint communique signed by the leaders in the very early hours of friday morning . that was about how they would look at dealing with many issues, including relations with russia in the near future. and now, despite the fact that they will agree to not it does appear that there are cracks already coming forth. that's because, you know, this joint statement talks about the idea of also looking at even more sanctions on russia. but it came off the country such as france and germany had gone into this summit, talking about the idea of starting new relations with russia. opening
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a summit between the you and russia, something again that hasn't taken place since around 2014, both france and germany saying that dialogue was the only way forward even also the song that the so i don't see these talks as an idea of giving the russian president, any kind of reward. i would like to remind all of us that even during the cold war there was always dialect and channels of communication are open and it's better if the commission and the council president have a channel of communication open with russia instead of individual countries going it alone because after all, we would like to have a coordinated and concerted view that is express towards russia. i believe there is no drummer in the fact that there is no consensus on arranging the summit soon. it is more important to maintain this agenda on russia, tide,
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and preserve unity as division, makes us weaker. so both those leaders still thinking that dialogue is the way forward, despite the fact that the idea was outright rejected by a number of european countries including poland, who said that this was not the right course of action. and that's why in that joint declaration, there isn't a mention of a summit with russia in the near future. now despite what we heard that from merkel and from mike on is lavonne delaying the commission president is still suggesting that the e u is presenting a united front. we are right now in a negative spiral, and we need to brace for further downturn. so we agreed to push back when russia targets the european union on what we stands for when it violates human rights. to constrain russia, when it attempts to undermine our interests. and we will engage russia when it is
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in our interest to do so to achieve our goals. for example, if we talk about climate change, or if we talk about public health. well, russia had said it would be open to the idea of having a summit. we'd be suggesting that it believes also that dialogue is needed and russia has said it is committed to improving relations between the block and itself . however, the idea of removing a summit from the table wasn't very helpful. according to the spokesperson for the russian foreign ministry. the russian federation regret that you are a structural evade professional dialect with moscow on the topics that caused them . concern well, relations between the block in russia have been frosty for some time. now we know that diplomats have been expelled from both sides and already those sanctions, as we heard, are going to be prolonged again, usually they're reviewed off the 6 months. so that would mean going into possibly 2022 before perhaps
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a new decision could be taken on that. but we also know that the commission has been asked to look at new sanctions in that joint communique lead to signing that this morning. it looked like they were all on the same page, but as we've heard from chancellor anglo merkel on friday, the reality is that germany still believes that dialogue is a way forward. and without a summit, there are other options and formats that can be explored to keep that relationship . and that dialogue open with russia could be solved overnight. but it seems that right now it blows hot and cold depending on who you speak to in brussels or i. thanks for keeping across that summer for a shelter to bend ski. for, let's get some thoughts on this next life to brussels and political analysts. professors your break more welcome back to r t. why do you think some of you members are so sat against improving russia? ties with the e. u. well, you know very well that the boat exceeds end of and food and never, you know, of a and then we stay and we push. and what do you see?
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nicholas is that big cities and fans and germany and italy and allow them to allow themselves to be prevented from having relations with pleasure because of those states if they don't want to let them do it. but why should they prevent b. c, that's a whole absurdity of the union that you see. for example, if you take a counselor trans, there's never will be a disagreement between the not and the south of east of the west, of hands as to whether it should be. in addition, we treasure that to be a national beside the national level. and there may be additional regional differences for them, but not all of that. and you have because you obviously are not the official construction. they cannot or anybody see. so they don't have a good chance or in, but if you don't have intelligence, the c plus plus the most age would not be so important. if you are not that does need to, because being battles nato being and, you know,
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the government of the united states and those states of course, are defended by doing a 2 states now the total host of the state in helping union. and so they can about as what the of the french and the german want to have to get there delusion. we should also look at what the bose are saying. we are not going to elevation unless they give up on me or they give backing out to thing, which means that they want to have good relation to this guy coming. he's, he's the guy, i mean, just never happened. so pretty good. his be on the lead, you sort of to the lack of diplomacy, of good writing bull and have been very dramatic before the war. and the beginning of the goal will be 0 will of to beginning a little early. so they don't the way the, and the german should be hostess to the captains as you're indicating that these
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kind of summit, it's a very diverse set of personalities, a very diverse set of national interest. and as far as we understand this particular discussion that we're accusations flying back and forth, what do you think the subject of russia ignite such passionate e u summit? as i say, davidson, who found hatred of the bulls against russians which grew back, you know, the gauges long center and also for the boat is not good as being the whole soviet, the semi occupation of those counties which as list but memories. but i think those 2 existing before, whoa to these, did i mean both of us, both of those empire level post 60 in length, but they don't think i don't know. i think it's really a nurse a good. i don't think there is in the economic passion behind because you'd be much better for them to a good question, but is the same thing. we do train them and the trends in germany don't have those problems. i mean, let everybody do what they want to insert. my you see my course is more important
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to maintain the feel feel, but nevertheless i'm going to have relationship recruiting if i want to. so in fact, it just means that you have these making tells you all of them. that's what it means. i see the need, which is basically hollow. and because of the bose and the body ok would agree with, you know, we want to have to have them on the home. and how do you think those to you later would have taken the put him bite in summit last week where i think it's just, those are ridiculous because we are under the gay done something id. now putting bag of clothes looks nice and like toby looks friendly and then losing all this, you know, to the united states who have come and that is at that time. maybe we don't have an interest. and we don't have any reason to go along in there, try to get closer in china, but we picked up the other ways and then we didn't. they didn't have that meeting we put in and we got that's really the most ridiculous thing anyway. why do we
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really see showing who is the master of the master? it's not the hoping it stays because they can handle a day discussion during the week or so because of the of the of the united states is amazing. and just quickly, what do you think driving france and germany here? is there an underlying fear that they might lose russia as a long term partner as russia starts to move and look more towards beijing? yes, good. any, anybody with half a brain? we know that this policy is to say this on the thing of you, steve. i mean there is no way to prevent her, jane and i and from the loving and the girl that was on that list. using the police during the glory wanted to separate that he wanted to a good with asian, with jane isolated the soviet union. and now you could want to do the opposite. but you said you don't want to do it. but you see that when jane russia together and
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that's what they do. i mean they are blurring. mean a jersey makes people learn. ok. it's always good to hear. what do you think about all these moving and in brussels? in strasburg, professor sho, brittle in brussels. thanks for joining us again on our team. thank you very much. next pretty holiday. make his face growing threat of spending their summer at home . you're with germany at the forefront, mulling a to we quarantine for tourists from the country. and it appears that the delta variant is spreading faster, but some in the u. on happy about all this, let's bring in our to you case. shoddy, edwards dashti high that britain seems to be dividing your yet again. what's the stumbling block with time? well, holidays for brits abroad may be in doubt this summer despite the u. k. jesse yesterday, announcing more countries added to the case, greenland stops now as the power lies totally with europe. they're quite fearful that the whole continent is almost treading on thin ice with the rise of the delta
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veteran. and they're blaming the brits for it as a result that questioning, contemplating and considering and forcing this mandatory quarantining for any british taurus, movement them and ling off in our country. if you come from great britain, you have to go into corn team. that's not the case. in every european country, and that's what i would like to see. now why we must be vigilant because the much talked about delta variance is coming, which spreads much more rapidly than the other variance and affects people who are not the vaccinate did for who only have had one dose. for me, one of the issues of discussion is to be really taking coordinated decisions in terms of opening borders to 3rd countries. so france and germany are leading that person to try and punish britain for the spread of the dell to variance. and that also urging all the e u member states to follow suit as well, but it is raising eyebrows because yes, the indian delta baron is much more prevalent here in the united kingdom,
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but it's still not like it doesn't exist in those countries as well. in fact, the indian varian accounts for around 70 percent of cases in some parts of the region in france and many hotspots, like greece, spain and portugal. they still have issues themselves with the delta v r, and yet they are still welcoming brits into the country. now portugal vo says it will do anything that the e u decides walls. countries like spain, hints, it's even prepared for a bus stop with the block. if it tries to deny brits entry, hopefully we can begin to receive british torrison. we don't have any restrictions and tories from the u. k. the moment they are the ones who are placing restrictions on people when they return. so at a fast balance, it may seem like it makes sense to try and impose this quarantine for british tourists. however, when we cross checks, things like that, testing regime here in the u. k. with all the countries,
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it's totally in comparable. apparently the youth has testing around 10 times more people than that in germany. therefore, inevitably, more people will be recorded as infected much less so than in other countries that are not testing as much. now these would be the you k testing program is of course the vaccination rollout as well, which is doing incredibly well at this point. around 43000000 people have received the 1st dose of the vaccination with the government. still maintaining the vaccine rollout program is the ticket out of the pandemic. currently, it is down to individual e u. member states to decide on the rules governing the boarders. we are moving it speed throw vaccination program to help us cub this latest fair. and we will continue to have discussions with our european partners on the reopening of international travel. but we're very confident that our vaccination program is providing a good way forward. so pressure on europe to kickstart their economy once again and
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of course tourism is very much the heart of it. but there's also a pressure on the european union to have a united front. and that could see the brits are going to have this on the council again. yeah. trouble rules like playing walk of all of the moment. i don't know. it's been called a so be some so far away. you also can see why tourists are keen to get out of the traps for now and westminster. shoddy edwards dash the thank you next, taking out jobs to his nearest and dearest. frequently, god, donald trump, in hot water during his presidency, despite the white house now claiming the biden administration is the most ethical in history. there's reason to suspect it might not be quite as it seems, an impetus. that's true. why i liked nepotism. i wasn't a fan of the guy, but at least donald trump was on the knows about it. seriously, remember all of these new stories? the president was turning to his family to fill out his presidential staff ministration, announcing market trump will have a new role as
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a presidential advisor, president's son in law, jared cushion, or was given access to some of the countries most sensitive secrets. donald trump's gulf caddy is the white house director of social media. now his long time body guard is the director of oval office operation areas with the pope. when it turns out, things aren't much different in the bite and administration just like the previous administration. current whitehouse stoffers seem to have few scruples about hiring their own progeny. take, for example, this guy, steve rich chassis, he's a former obama advisor and an ex lobbyist who is now the counselor to the president . a pretty big job in vitamins administration. presumably that's why the prolific or chassis has secured government jobs but not one, not 2, but 3 of his kids, k re chassis who graduated from college last year in 2020, had been hired as a special assistant in the office of legislative affairs in january shannon re
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chessy that the rejected his daughter became the debt p t associate director of the office of the social secretary at the white house. that's one hell of a title on daniel chaffey that steve or jesse's oldest son, he's a senior advisor in the office of the under secretary of state for arms control and international security. and if that isn't enough, steve or tech, they have the problem that she had. i won't just hasn't been hired by the boy in administration. he is an uber successful washington lobbyist. wonder why i'm jeff, just secured, i'm a client of critics say, the super rich, etc. brothers pose a threat to biden's, suppose it ethical image, but the chest is just the most glaring and the most ridiculous example of nepotism in the white house, cathy russell, the director of presidential personnel has gone unset
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a great example by at the very least not stopping the hiring of her own daughter, sarah, don't alone on the white house national security council don't. and on graduated from college in 2019. so that's another lum jr. role that's gone to a staff as kids and get this sarah, don't want uncle and mom cathy. russell's brother in law mike don't alone. also happens to be a senior. ready advisor to joe biden, and this isn't the only saw key operating in the white house who's saying jen has a sista gold. stephanie who's been a senior advisor at the health and human services department since march. wait, wait, this is good. according to the washington post, a white house official reportedly said that all those hired had adequate experience and were well qualified presumably. so a lot of other recent college graduates who's mommies and daddies don't work for
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joe biden. the well qualified spiel is such b. s that is even the man that was in charge of ethics on the barrack obama walter sha tweeted, i'm sorry. i know some folks don't like hearing any criticism of him, but this really sucks. i'm disgusted. a lot of us work hard to t. m off to restore ethics to government and believe the promises. this is a real issue to us and government fx. and all this, despite the fact that joe biden used his 1st post election interview to declare that no one in our family and our extended family will be involved in any government undertaking, or any foreign policy say untrue to his wide, joe biden is actually the best behaved in his administration, he hasn't actually hired his own kids, but that probably was because hundreds of by 10 crack brought me to a place that i've never had been to before. i see
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people who wouldn't believe. okay, marana headline stories now in a development this friday on that ryan flight that was diverted to been a ruth softer a hoax bomb threat last month on board. a quarter been a russian opposition journalist and his russian girlfriend who were arrested when the plane landed. well, they've now been moved to house arrest from a detention facility in minsk, correspondent alia patricia reports. so it has been confirmed by the lawyers and the relatives house arrest. it is for the time being for a bell, russian citizen, roman protest savage and his partner, russia, citizen, sophia. so peg out for a month though, they were in detention in men's. however, now we have already seen them walking in the streets of the bar, russian capital. we have also heard from sophia, so big his step father who's saying that he has already had
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a chance to meet her. no girl. i was given the opportunity to meet her without police supervision. any formal setting. she looks good thing. god, health is fine. sophia has been transferred to health arrest, but she's due in minsk. the only thing i know is that there is no trek and bracelet on her. i'm also bound by a non disclosure agreement, so i cannot give many details. now a little bit of background into this story in may, the couple was on board, a ryan airplane traveling from athens to vilnius, which is the lithuanian capital when it was grounded by bell russian authorities because of a false bomb threat. now, when the aircraft landed in minsk airport, the couple was immediately taken by bell russian police roman protest. savage was the founder of the next telegram candle, labeled as extremist by minsk, after a pretty much became the number one source of information for the for testers,
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against president alexander lucas sango. last year. so roman and his partner are facing charges of inciting, illegal unrest. and roman could end up being jailed for as many as 15 years. the incident where the ryan airplane and the prosecution of the activists has caused a real international uproar mainly in the west, which led to sanctions against the government. so now though we've got this surprise development with the house arrest us sophie. so the biggest lawyer is saying that they are now expecting immediate context with the russian diplomats, which could lead to a positive outcome. this is how the lawyer puts it, which could mean that she could be allowed to go back to russia. however, when it comes to rome and protest savage, there is still a big question mark when it comes to his faith. who gay community
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organizes have apologized for complaining to the authorities in the us state. city of seattle about a black pride event, charging white participants up to $50.00 to take part. the seattle human rights commission, which advises the city council, told philip lipson and charlotte, miss adler, that the taking black pride event does not violate their rights and issued a rebuke to the pad behind a paradise l g b t. event. we would like to recommend, if possible, that you educate yourself on the hum, it may cause seattle's black, indigenous and people of color in your pursuit of a free ticket to an event that is not expressly meant for you and your entertainment. the taking black pride event has stood by a decision to charge white participants anywhere from $10.00 to $50.00 saying that it'll help keep it free of charge for black and brown trends and queer people. but journalist and commentator chadwick moore said it's a prime example of reverse racism in today's america sort of thing. they're kind of
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a flagrant civil rights violation record the civil rights act and everything that came after doesn't really apply anymore when you're discriminating against white people, basically, which is very funny because a lot of groups through the birth of say they live in this country that white supremacy and minorities are, is treated, which obviously not the case at all. that's if you're in any kind of systemic level . so now we see that outright discrimination. it's hateful, it ugly is, it's bizarre. and one group did try to call them out and say that this is just racism. you get charged people money based on the color skin. and now they've been forced to apologize and they've been bullied into the mission by this will, racist organization. so on americans, but of course the better the matter to these people, they hate america. they want to see the country destroyed and burned to the ground and remade and what image we don't know of it for the moscow news room for their
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salary. the latest cross talk is out for the break taking on russia and china's ever increasing body in up in a number of areas. and whether it really means the washington to drop the ball in the britain and ship game life for moscow. this is our t and to national oh, i use the spine, eagle, peanuts need budge. it didn't matter. i've had the packer, but i again gag in john's island is died. i might have to go to the deal, but the most the most difficult to find the but
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there are 410 days right on the bank of canada based water chemical lights. and this is going to develop a new to mon, their international market. all these industries polluting, you're simply ignored in one days, the mother of them and when we loved them other than that means we lost the in the the the the in the me with the
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hello and welcome to cross off. were all things considered? i'm peter lavelle. russia, china relations are strong and getting deeper. we are told this is dangerous for the washington lead world. is it? why are moscow in beijing moving closer together? did the miscalculations of the washington consensus? have anything to do with it? is that china russia alliance made in america? ah, ah, cross talking russia china relations. i'm joined by my guess lynch and she yang in geneva. he is a professor of international history and politics at the graduate institute of international and development studies engineer. but in israel we have john gong, he is a professor at the university of international business in economics. and here in moscow were joined by alexander luke. and he is head of the department of
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international relations at the higher school of economics. or tell me in cross talk roles and in fact that means it can jump in anytime you want. and i always appreciated when she and jenny, but let me go to you 1st year. i've been observing it for many, many years, the growing relationship closer, relationship that russia and china had. and it was, you know, a few years ago it was murmurings people met and mentioned in western media. and now all of a sudden they're in panic. mode is if this suddenly happened, well, this hasn't suddenly happened. it's been happening for a very long time. and 80 this. russia gave hope that the u. s. has gone through and much of the western world. they have just been oblivious to how the international stage is changing and the rapid miss of that change. and suddenly they wake up and say, oh my goodness, are you surprised by this? go ahead in geneva. oh, i'm not surprised at all. god has lot to do with the american mentality
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towards russia, in particular, since the end of the cold war, basically united states thought, well, unipolar world is coming there. you know, russia is defeated. also the unit was defeated during the cold war. so the united states really did not take russia seriously, and the even, belittle russia's contribution to the decisive end of the cold war. so i think this is a mentality american registration, the past, quite many of them attend, including obama himself. so in that sense, what obama is used to say, this is a 2nd rate country, we don't be taken to seriously. so what's interesting now is that at least i believe biden administration began to take.


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