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tv   News  RT  June 25, 2021 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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you got 2 eyes and 2 ears and one mouth. so you should be seen in here and a whole lot more than you're saying if you don't take that advice. usually going to date yourself a whole disturbing images from the german city of verse, verse where a knife wielding attack or killed 3 people and leave another 6 injured before being detained by police. stop you figures and resist called to car houses, france and germany for a political stomach with russia. and it is more important to maintain this agenda on russia, ties and preserve unity as division. that makes us, we go and you is also split on whether to force the british tourists to quarantine with france and germany leading calls for the restrictions and piling pressure on tourist hotspots in southern europe. do the same
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ah, broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow. this is art international. i'm sean thomas. certainly glad to have with us. now 3 people have been killed and 6 injured in a stabbing rampage in the german city hertzberg. police say they have detained the attacker. 24 year old immigrant from somalia. the state interior minister said the man has a history of mental health issues, and terrorism is not a motive. now for more, here's our europe corresponded peter all in berlin. well, before we come to images that we can show you from the scene, i must warn you that there are disturbing images coming out from the city of void, spoke in the wake of this. well, this attack that has taken place that claimed a number of lives. the main and only suspect police are telling us in what seems to have been a incident that taken place on friday afternoon. he was shot in the leg and is now
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in custody. that's what we know about him. what he's left in his way is at least 3 people dead. according to media on the scene. 6, have been reported, has been injured after what is being called a knife rampage and a pedestrian area of the city of bullets book those. those images, particularly, particularly shocking. you seen the, the, the main suspect coming face to face with a member of the public brandishing is fists trying to push back the man who has a, who clearly has a knife in not 14. what we can tell you from the police in the very latest is that they considered this incident to prove no further risk in no way they looking for anybody else involved in what has happened on the streets avoid bob. but what does seem to have happened is a number of people being reported if 3 people have been killed on friday afternoon
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into friday evening. a number more than 6 people were hearing, have been injured in a knife attack in the street. so the southern german city, a vote book the e u has failed to come out of talks with a united position on kick, starting direct relations with russia. this is despite its 2 leading members, france and germany open to reset and wanting a summit. sanctions against moscow were also discussed with details. here's our t, charlotte davinsky confirmation that that sanctions against russia by the you will not be prolonged. sanctions have been in place since around 2014 following the referendum in crimea. they normally action in last for about 6 months. those sanctions will continue. according to the council president, show michelle on areas such as energy, the financial and industries, as well as personal sanctions against a number of russian individuals. well,
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the announcement just came out was off the lead is signed a joint declaration on a number of issues including looking at relations with russia in which they suggested to the e u commission that they wanted the commission to look at the possibility of further sanctions against russia, now it did seem as if the e u was putting on the united front, but already cracks are appearing. we know that some countries like france and germany, had gone into this summit saying what they really wanted was a summit with russia to open dialogue. but that was shut down by other countries, including poland. 2 said that they didn't want that to take place as such. there isn't any mention of a summit in that communique, just the idea of looking at relations with russia in the future. and la merkel, german chancellor still thinks that dialogue is the way forward to the song that
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the so i don't see these talks as an idea of giving the russian president any kind of reward. i would like to remind all of us that even during the cold war there was always dialect and channels of communication are open and it's better if the commission and the council president have a channel of communication open with russia instead of individual countries going it alone because after all, we would like to have a coordinated and concerted view that is express towards russia. i believe there is no drummer in the fact that there is no consensus on arranging the summit soon. it is more important to maintain this agenda on russia, tide, and preserve unity as division, makes us wico despite those comments, the commission precedent. ursula vaughan delane is still suggesting that europe is putting on a united front. we are right now in a negative spiral, and we need to brace for further downturn. so we agreed to push back. when russia
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targets the european union on what we stands for when it violates human rights. to constrain russia, when it attempts to undermine our interests. and we will engage russia when it is in our interest to do so to achieve our goals. for example, if we talk about climate change, or if we talk about public health, we'll russia for its part had said it was open to the idea of a summit and it also believes that dialogue is the way forward. russia also saying that he's committed to improving relations with the european block. however, the idea of moving that summit off the table as a possible way food was described as not being particularly helpful, mind the spokes person for the russian foreign ministry, the russian federation. regrets that you are a structural evade professional dialect with moscow on the topics that caused them . concern for relations between russia and the you have been frosty for some time.
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diplomats on both sides have been expelled from various countries. and of course, those sanctions have been in place for a long time as well as now that being the cool for potential new sanctions against russia. all leaders may have signed that declaration saying that they know essentially looking for summit with russia in the near future. but it is clear that some countries may decide now to go alone and do their own thing. particularly with chancellor anglo merkel saying that for her dialogue was important. and even without summit, they were of the format that could be pursued and explored. brussels based and political analyst, professor john bruce montes says, conflict with russia also ends up hurting the. you should also look at what the bose are saying. we are not going to elevation we unless they give up on me, they give back to me, i do thing,
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which means that they want to have good relation to this guy coming. he's, he's the guy and i just never up and so pretty good. his be on believe just sort us through the lack of diplomacy and also on the boat in the music. i don't think there's any economic passion behind that because it will be much better for them to a good question. i'm sorry, my call. you see my cost is more important to maintain the unity of your but nevertheless i'm going to have a relationship between if i wanted to, in fact, it just means that you have these making tells you that's what the british holiday makers have face a growing threat of spending their summer at home, europe with germany at the forefront of considering a 2 week quarantine for tourists from the country and had fears the delta variant. there is spreading fast, but some in the you are not happy as are to shut. edwards dusty explains well, jose, for brits abroad, may be in doubt this summer despite the u. k. josi, yesterday announcing more countries added to the case green list. that's now as the
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power lies totally with europe and quite fearful that the whole continent is almost treading on thin ice with the rise of the delta variant. and they're blaming the bread for it. as a result, that questioning, contemplating and considering and forcing this mandatory, quarantined for any british taurus. movement them off in our country is who come from great britain. you have to go into quarantine. that's not the case in every european country. and that's what i would like to see. we must be vigilant because the much talked about delta variance is coming, which spreads much more rapidly than the other variance and affects people who are not the vaccinate did or who only have had one dose. for me, one of the issues of discussion is to be really taken coordinate to decisions in terms of opening borders to 3rd countries. so france and germany are leading that person to try and punish britain for the spread of the dell to variant. and that
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also doing all the e u member states to follow suit as well, but it is raising eyebrows because yes, the indian delta baron is much more prevalent here in the united kingdom, but it's still not like it doesn't exist in those countries as well. in fact, the indian varian accounts around 70 percent of cases in some parts of the region in france and many hotspots, like greece, spain and portugal. they still have issues themselves with delta, very, and yet they are still welcoming brits into the country. now portugal vo says it will do anything that the e u decides wild countries like spain. hence it's even prepared for a bus stop with the block. if it tries to deny brits entry, hopefully we can begin to receive british tourists and we don't have any restrictions and tories from the u. k. the moment they're the ones who are placing restrictions on when they return. so at a fast balance, it may seem like it makes sense to try and impose this quarantine for british
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tourists. however, when we cross checks, things like the testing regime here in the u. k. with all the countries, it's totally in comparable. apparently the youth has testing around 10 times more people than in germany. therefore, inevitably, more people will be recorded as infected much lesser than in other countries, but not testing as much. now, these would be the u. k. testing program is of course the vaccination rollout as well, which is doing incredibly well at this point. around 43000000 people have received best fast dose of the vaccination with the government. still maintaining the vaccine roll out program is the ticket out of the pandemic. currently, it is down to individual e u member states to decide on the rules governing that borders. we are moving at speed through vaccination program to help us cub this latest fair. and we will continue to have discussions with our european partners on the reopening of international travel. but we're very confident the tar vaccination program is
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providing a good way forward. so pressure on europe to kick start their. 2 economy once again and of course tourism is very much the heart of it, but there's also a pressure on the european union to have a united front. and that could see that the brits are going to have some, a counseled again now the chair of the institute of travel and tourism told us he expects britain to fight for its citizens. right to holiday abroad is very disappointing. germany, poland, and italy have unilaterally imposed currency and restrictions on that. it is disappointing in the life of the, the e u announcement of a new digital cobit passport. which is going to start on the 1st of july, which will enable any of the $27.00 countries of any of the $27.00 countries to travel with complete freedom and impunity from one country to another. now clearly when a part of the e u, but i would very much hope that our government would be given the fact that we've,
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we've got the best vaccination role that our government would be pressing to you to say ok for our citizens that are, that are double jams, please, please, please can we have the same? same recognition in facilities of travel? now the u. s. media has become the world's least trusted and has seen sharp falls in viewers and readers. this, according to a study by britons oxford university. the poll of almost $100000.00 people around the globe found that finland has left to the top spot with $2.00 and $3.00 there, believing their media. by contrast, research has said that coverage of the pandemic by us outlets contributed to less than 30 percent. now trusting them. and that collapse marks a massive drop in just a few years. just 4 years ago, almost 4 and 10 americans still had trust in their news organizations. journalist and r t host chris hedges says that us media now puts pleasing is audience above
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telling the truth. the commercial model of the us media is to cater to a specific demographic with the rise of the internet in all turn, it is source it. these traditional news outlets could no longer reach abroad audience because they didn't have a monopoly. and therefore, they decided to go after a particular demographic. and now what you've done is pit demographic against demographic, whether it's m s, nbc fox news, cnn. they become partisan catering to their particular demographic and what it wants to hear, but often at the expense of the truth, the oxford university report confirms that americans are deeply divided on each media outlet almost as many distrust cnn as trust the left leaning network. the figures are well side dental for its rival,
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m. s. nbc and fox news suffers one of the worst trust ratings of all because hedges again says that their policies are only making matters worse. it's going to get worse because the commercial model. and these are commercial enterprises depends on, not only catering to that a particular demographics, but also demonizing, the other demographic. while these media outlets are designed to polarize the public, because commercially, they're designed to loop back to feedback to their viewers, or listeners or readers what it is they want to hear their own proclivities, their own prejudices. and that's the commercial model it's been created. it's kind of, you know, hate versus hate. whether that's sean hannity, one side, or rachel, matto and the other. they all do the same thing. but it's not journalism. it's just, you know, burlesque or vaudeville masquerading, his journalism and the program ceiling in seattle. there is anger at to get
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activists for questioning a black pride groups of controversial move to charge white visitors a fee to join in that is among our stories after short break. this is our international ah the right. certainly the british empire perfected logistics. the sun never set on the british empire, either the dominant domination of the c d like right. and so the u. s. what china is saying is that they have especially with one bed, one road initiative. there's going to kind of connect similar empire that recruit brick, but it's going to be land based. their ideas are going to create a land based empire where it's off. and so therefore to do. and anyone who partners with them is also exposing themselves to the risk of bitcoin. absolutely. replacing
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all the money. because we're seeing in el salvador who's joined me every thursday on the alex salmon show. and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics, small business. i'm show business. i'll see you then in the in the moon. ah, welcome back. this is our international. as the last us troops pack up and prepared to leave afghanistan after 20 years of war, joe biden has hosted the country's president and his former f. o. f stands forces are struggling to repel taliban advances as its partnership with the us interest
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a new face. and, you know, our troops may be leaving for support. craft can stand is not in need of support and maintenance of their helping maintain their military as well as economic and political support. the gradual pullout has already seen the taliban advance in multiple directions, seizing more swaths of land. the militants now control a 3rd of the country, including areas surrounding the capitol and a border crossing in the north. the group has reportedly also captured ammunition and weapons left by retreating forces and authorities have resorted to utilizing volunteers to form anti taliban malicious. un special representative for afghanistan has warned america's rapid pace of withdrawal risks upsetting the country's political balance. the mid april announcement, the ball international troops will be withdrawn in the coming months, sent a seismic tremor through the afghan political system and society at large. the
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withdrawal decision was expected, but its speed with the majority of troops now already withdrawn, was not more than 50 of afghanistan's $370.00 districts have fallen since the beginning of may. most jest tricks have been that have been taken. surround provincial capitals suggesting that the taliban are positioning themselves to try and take these capitals. one foreign forces are fully withdrawn. back when donald trump was still, the us commander in chief washington, said the 1st of may 2021 as the deadline to bring the troops home. that statement came against the backdrop of talks between the afghan government and the taliban. in doha, when joe biden took over, he postponed the complete pull out, eventually, resetting it to september, the 11th this year. but pentagon now says that timeframe may be flexible as the us
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defense. secretary continues to monitor the situation. as we said from the very beginning, while there is a schedule, we're mindful that that schedule could fluctuate and changes as conditions change too. so i can't speak to any specific recommendations he's making about the taliban advances. but i can tell you that, that he's looking at the situation every day with a fresh set of eyes to see if we know that the pace that we're setting is the appropriate pace for the kinds of capabilities that we think we need to. again conduct a safe and orderly retrograde independent consultant on us and foreign policy, robert name and says the withdrawal of the troops is inevitable. the american people were done with this war a long time ago. there is no question that the us is going to withdraw. in the long run, what difference is made if they withdraw the us troops now or next month,
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or the month after that if postponing the inevitable to tell them have ambitions outside of afghanistan, or which they've never indicated. or if they're hyper al qaeda or similar groups that have ambitions outside of afghanistan, which they did before, 2001. now they agreed in the agreement, the trump administration, that they wouldn't harbor we'll see if they fall through it now. but even if they don't, or even if they've fall through it, partially, the assumption should not be that keeping us troops in afghanistan must be the default unless there's 0 threat from afghanistan. the right question is, what's the correct policy to minimize risk?
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we can't keep us troops everywhere where there might be a potential threat the united states some day. and it's not necessarily the most effective strategy. giving jobs to his nearest and dearest god, donald trump, into hot water. during his presidency. however, it seems, the binding ministration may not be much better despite claims to the contrary by the white house. archie is probably gonna take a look an impetus. that's true. why? i like nepotism. i wasn't a fan of the guy, but at least donald trump was on the knows about it. seriously, remember all of these new stories? the president was turning to his family to fill out his presidential staff administration, announcing talking, trump will have a new role as a presidential advisor, president's son in law, jared cushion, or was given access to some of the countries most sensitive secrets. donald trump's golf caddy is the white house director of social media. now his long time body guard is the director of oval office operation. there is with the folks when it
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turns out things aren't much different in the bite and administration just like the previous administration. current whitehouse office seemed to have few scruples about hiring their own progeny. take, for example, this guy, steve rich chassis, he's a former obama advisor and an ex lobbyist who is now the counselor to the president . a pretty big job invited administration. presumably that's why the prolific were chessy has secured a government job but not one, not 2, but 3 of his kids, j. j rich se, who graduated from college last year in 2020 has been hired as a special assistant in the office of legislative affairs in january shannon re chassis that the reject his daughter became the deputy associate director of the office of the social secretary at the white house, that's one hell of
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a title on don. your chassis that steve or jesse's oldest son, he's a senior advisor in the office of the under secretary of state for arms control and international security. i'm if that isn't enough, steve or kathy has a problem that she had. i won't just hasn't been hired by the, by an administration. he is an uber successful washington lobbyist. wonder why jeff, just secured, i'm of the client and critics say, the super rich etc. brothers pose a threat to biden, suppose it ethical image, but the chest is just the most glaring and the most ridiculous example of nepotism in the white house. kathy russell, the director of presidential personnel has gone unset a great example by at the very least of not stopping the hiring of her own daughter . sarah, don't alone on the white house national security council don't on graduated from
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college in 2019. so that's another lum jr role, that's gone to a staff as kids and get this sarah, don't alons, uncle and mom cathy. russell's brother in law, mike don't alone. also happens to be a senior. ready advisor to joe biden. and this isn't nearly saki operating in the white house who's saying jen has a sista, gold. 70, who's been a senior advisor at the health and human services department since march. wait, wait. this is good. according to the washington post, a white house official reportedly said the rulers hired had adequate experience and were well qualified presumably. so a lot of other recent college graduates whose mommies and daddies don't work for joe biden. the well qualified spiel is such b s that is even the man that was in charge of ethics on the fire rock. obama walters job tweeted,
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i'm sorry. i know some folks don't like hearing any criticism of him, but this really sucks. i'm disgusted. a lot of us work hard to t. m off to restore ethics to government, and believe the promises. this is a real to to us and government fx. and all this, despite the fact that joe biden used his 1st post election interview to declare that no one in our family and our extended family will be involved in any government undertaking or any foreign policy. i'm trying to get his wide. joe biden is actually the best behaved in his administration. he hasn't actually hired his own kids. but that probably was because by didn't crack brought me to a place that i've never had been to before. i've seen, seen, people wouldn't believe to gay community organizers have apologized
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for complaining to authorities in the u. s. city of seattle, about a black pride events charging white people up to $50.00 to take part the seattle human rights commission, which advises the city council, told philip lieutenant charlotte le fever that the event does not violate their rights and issue to rebuke to the pair who organized a parallel l g b t event. we would like to recommend, if possible, that you educate yourself on the harm. it may cause seattle's black, indigenous and people of color in your pursuit of a free ticket to an event that is not expressly meant for you and your entertainment. the taking black private event has stood by its decision to charge why participants anywhere from $10.00 to $50.00 and says the fee will help keep it free of charge for black and brown trends and gay people. but journalist in commentator chad wick, moore says it is a prime example of reverse racism in today's america sort of thing. they're kind of flagrant, civil rights violation. but of course,
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the civil rights act and everything that came after doesn't really apply anymore when you're discriminating again, white people basically, which is very funny because a lot of students with the birth to say they live in a racist country, that white supremacy and minorities are treated, which obviously is not the case at all. that's if you have any kind of systemic level. so now we see that outright discrimination. it's hateful it ugly it, it's bizarre. and one group did try to call them out and say that this is just racism. you get charged people money based on the color of their skin. and now they've been forced to apologize and they've been bullied into the mission by the hateful racist organization. so on americans, but of course, that doesn't matter to these people. they hate america. they want to see the country destroyed and burned to the ground and remade and what image. we don't know that doesn't for me this our i will be back in about 31 minutes with another full
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and fresh look at your news. this is our international and we are glad to happy with the, with the responding will be necessarily need but yet the world in the past. but i again, jack and jones, i died to the deal, but the most the most difficult to find the book there are 410 days right on the bank of the work under water chemical lives and has are,
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this is going to develop a new to mon, their international market, know that these industries falutin, you're simply ignoring one days that mother and when we loved them, other than that means we love the the, the the the the boom. but the one business show you can't afford to bridge a bore in washington coming up inflator gauges, continue to rise as the global.


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