tv Redacted Tonight RT June 26, 2021 4:30pm-5:01pm EDT
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i welcome, jo. redacted deny that the show where americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents. the bind administration, the mainstream media, and pretty much all the politicians in our country continue to throw fuel on the scene of phobia. fire initially stoked by donald trump. b t doug turned out the scene, a phobia means anti china hatred, not anti cinema, a grid as i thought. so i would like to apologize to all the people who posted a movie review for fast and furious number 27, and i commented in all caps under the circumstances that was an odd thing, the l. right. that during the trump administration, the woo hon lab league theory was called a ridiculous conspiracy that blossomed out of crumbs, racist brain,
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which it did, it totally did actually, it did. and he should get some credit for that because anyone can be racist. but trump is like arranged is inventor. he comes up with new and exciting ways to be raised in. so he deserves some credit, some credit there. anyway, his racist lab league theory was thrown out as little crazy. but now that the crack pot conspiracy could be useful, the biden's anti china rhetoric, all of a sudden the establishment and the media. i think it's a great, there is a c n n yell last week. what the lab league theory new credibility means? cnbc screamed by orders closer review of coven origins as us intel ways was lab league theory. while just a few days ago yahoo news quietly reminded us. there's still no evidence of a chinese lab league. but mainly you have to go to independent news sources to get
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o reality. here's danny. hi fong and black agenda report, similar to russia, gave us intelligence, has run within an entirely unsourced narrative that conveniently pins blame on another country for domestic hills and labels that country on national security threat. the lively conspiracy is ineffective, sy, up because it is difficult to imagine evidence that could disprove or prove the claim. those are the best kind of races stories, the ones that can be just proven. i see what you did there. u. s. government. i see what you did well played well, plates are, but one thing you'll never hear from the mainstream media is that all of this is act on top of a mostly forgotten history of the american people, probably being used as lab rats by our own government. because every once in
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a while, our military industrial complex looks at their weapons and goes, i wonder what they will do to large numbers of on just back to human beings. if only we had large numbers of human beings to tested on. and then they go, oh my god, we have low demands in banking. humans right here at home. this is someone citing, it's our lucky day. so let's begin. on september 20th 1950. a u. s. navy ship just off the coast of san francisco, used a giant hose to spray a cloud of microbes into the air and into the city fog. the military was testing our biological weapon attack would affect the $800000.00 residents of the city. so they perpetrated a biological attack on american citizens to find out what would happen in
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a biological attack. great idea, really and why i dropped the nuclear bomb on eagle by south dakota to see what the fall out of be that they're telling me that it's eagle butte. but we all know one man's blood is another man's beauty. and if you don't believe that and kiss my beaut, but no, i'm not making this up in one of the larger human experiments in history or military cover the people of san francisco with 2 kinds of bacteria. so racial, martha sense and back fill of global g. pretty sure i know that the gas attack thick and many and was known to kill at least one man according to rebecca crested at discover magazine. this event was one of the largest offences of the nuremberg code since its inception, because the cold requires voluntary informed consent to, you know,
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hit people with bio weapons. unless you're trying to kill them. in which case i think the informed consent is off the table. you gotta wonder who don't sign off on these projects, sir, we'd like do gas, the people of san francisco. you may know got them. we are a 1st time how my little guy probably just view only a couple. oh, to bad. go ahead and do it anyway. we'll find a way to up those numbers later down the road. but that experiment was not the end of such things. it was just the beginning. over the next 20 years. the military would conduct $239.00 germ warfare tests. overpopulated areas, according to news reports from the 1970, after the secret tests have been revealed in the new york times, the washington post associated breast and other publications and also detailed in
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congressional testimony from the 1970s. after it came out, the government explained that the goal was to deter the use biological weapons and be prepared for them. yes, of course we want to deter biological weapons attacks on americans by dropping biological weapons on americans. first, our enemies will never see a carbon plus, why would they attack us with germ warfare? if we do it to ourselves, we're crazy. you can threatened to kill a man if he wants to die. we're a country, a 1000000. why? gold? who don't what we're going to do. brilliant, brilliant. of the 239 biological and chemical warfare test by our military. some were done across the midwest to see how the pathogen would spread throughout the country. and what asked why military planes were dispersing unknown clouds of
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over cities. they claimed they were testing a way to mask the cities from enemy bombers. yeah, yeah. we're just, we're just covering the shady ob, from, from the bad guys. she's covered with a warm blanket of bacteria. there's a go protective germ, blank it all cozy and say for from the, for the bad guy who are not on their bread, the bad guys and other people who are not currently hitting you with bio weapons that i taught. not, not them later. them now or later them later them just later we're just doing our part serve in our country. a platter of germs. in another study of how vulnerable new york city subway passengers were to covert biological agents. for 6 days the us military broke light bulbs full of bacteria. but phyllis, some kill us,
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and f marcia sens, inside subway stations and watched and spread throughout the city. quote, clouds would in golf, people as train pulled away, but documents say that the people brushed their clothing and walked on. no one was concerned. that's new york for a cat damn bio attack. i don't, i don't have time for the walk. if you think a little bio weapon can for me now i was rotor train from mom. got to go get with a guy taking a dump across from me. can i act bio weapons enough the you'll see my uncle's gas attack at the fed. gd alfredo, pray to you. but it wasn't just germ warfare. other experiments involved testing mind altering drugs on unsuspecting citizens. that program was called m k ultra, which everyone knows is also a great name for a metal band or
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a whole made cocktail containing absent m k alter, went for 20 years during which the ca tried to achieve mine control by using torture. l. s. d. hypnosis and electro shock therapy sometimes on on wedding suspects. and even if they were wedding afterwards. not so much. among other things, this program murder, the scientist named frank austin in 1953 and accidentally created the euro bomber. so who is said to c, i a doesn't get results. i don't know, god is killing people here like doing people there people the life of love. yeah, that's a hell of a work right now. there is the well. 1 known to stevie experiments in which government researchers study the effects of simple as on black americans without informing the men they had the disease. they were instead told they had bad blood.
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not to worry young man, you just have bad blood. it's going to be fine. but you will also die soon, but you ever heard a bad to the bone, it's like that. but with more death, the researchers withheld treatment from the study participants. so they could continue to study the illness, which the men weren't told they had. point is. these mother, the military intelligence, industrial complex, are serial murderers of our own citizens. they did hundreds of experiments on unsuspecting americans and yet these organizations still exist north river that ever funded through the june of a trillion dollars a year. no one went to printed for these heinous acts, because when your i do it, it's a horrible crime. someone's go to jail for that. but when the ruling lead do it,
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it's called research. someone should write a book about that. come to you from wash in day the belly. the bass is a redacted night i well grown, i'm late, can take the news. remind the u. s. government just celebrated i year of kidnapping and imprisoning alex venezuela. special envoy, ambassador to the african union. and you should have seen the celebration balloons, party barbers can fad a strippers of at least 3 different genders. kidnappings do not normally go there as well. so you can see why festive occasion. i'm enjoying a songy kidnapping. and imprisonment has been like such
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a to do people on that and talking about it and start over with alex sob. it hardly even gets a mention in the us, which is much easier on every walking. i mean and was you want that because the ca doesn't need more problems. the see, i guys think about it just like you and me. all right there bill. the pay there are tell, sprung a leak. and now the war on the daggers, again, all warped and rose, they've got to deal with that. and one of their kids is failing at an ard class or some and their wife is annoyed with them for spending too much time work. so they end up in that same fight, we've all had realized i can take a weekend on toward during table. we think we're going to torture themselves. we've all been there. right. and so it's nice that at least one thing in that guy's life, kidnapping, the venezuelan diplomat is just going to just is a year ago,
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a job was flight was refueling in the african country of cobbled their day when he was on a humanitarian mission flying from caracas to iran to procure food and gasoline for the venezuelan, clap, food assistance program. clap is venezuelans very successful program to make sure every one of their citizens is fed. here in the united states, we take a little bit different tact. you know, we arrest people for feeding the hungry and then put them in prison where tax dollars pay to feed the newly arrested people. so it's kind of cyclical, kind of kind of like a snake getting its own tail or a guy blowing his own trumpet. but in venezuela feeding the hungry is actually encouraged. i don't know, i don't, i don't get it either. if you're one of those calls are all things right. like, like al, driving on the others out of the road is normal in britain or how in spain is
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actually considered 2nd base. i heard that the hard way cultures are just we're right there. just weird. so why has the u. s. government said they needed to kidnap a venezuelan diplomat, jobs crime according to the u. s. government was money laundering. that is job conducted perfectly legal, international trade, but this, but he's circumventing the us sanctions, which are designed to prevent relief for the venezuelan is considered by washington to be money laundering. i mean, that makes sense. if feeding on green people in our own country is a criminal act, then a dirty venezuelan trying to secure dirty money for dirty food to give to all their dirty, your venezuelan, that's more criminal than like murdering a child. and burying the body inside the pope would you would obviously
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out in the woods after being pressured by the us. the swiss government looked into these allegations of money laundering and after a 2 year investigation found none. so alex job has been held in an african jail for a year, a sensually being tortured so that the us can try to crush a country that it does lie. a swell is socialist. that wraps. and they give that oil province to the people instead of a tiny handful of residues badge. and that's a double grow growth dose. and yes, i get that some people have a problem with us capturing this guy in another country as if it's our own. but every one of these realize that we own though we're old, is that so mega, maniacal, is that so you go to the goal. ok, the definition of both those words, but still if we can declare we own the world, we can declare we on the dictionary and i as an american here by announced that
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saying i own the world is not mego. maniacally. god testicles, so that by the way, i'll be selling t shirts since a world's greatest mego maniacally. you go to school, dude out of my house, back in the parking lot after the show. you should just totally grab a few. hopefully, later you won't run into another guy wearing that shirt at the same time because that would be awkward. gotta like when 2 guys are the world's greatest dad shirts. stumble across each other, you know then that they have to fight to the death to satellite. and it's just like so. awkward, you know, during sunday brunch trying to staunch the fountains of blood with tater tots. then having to break the news to the 6 year old that his dad is no longer the world's greatest dad. and also no longer a dad or, or living really, that is off the court. that long point, be it been innocent man who was trying to secure food for the hungry has been
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kidnapped and imprisoned for a year. i know, i don't know about it when exactly what the mainstream media like to discuss yet another crime by our government. you let me know, you might, you know what you let me know. you let me know when it's a good time and i'll put it on my calendar. you don't, i don't wanna inconvenience you. important mainstream media people, you know, you're busy. i know you're busy, you've got to greece, your yacht and go to your anal bleaching appointment, but any time that's good for you to try doing your job here, just let me know. let me know and i'm here to support. i'm here. we've got a good break, but help us fight online depression by joining our free email list text. we're redacted 233777, completely free. i'll be right back a lot more. the 32 police 30 from could can each other than the human russell, but i hope so. but over the over the book or just
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sort of the motion learning in the senior course which measures to mrs. for ortho. gotcha. ah, in a position we think he might be a soldier because of the boot. she's wearing a huge switch. up to the apartment was the, the new one on the new priest i ah, the 1st night there was no improvement in the virus. it jumped out fully made. now that is a real sign of what's called, again,
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a function work. i think in a function where you take a virus, you want to make it more lethal, so exposed to human eyes mice, it makes many, many, many, many, many cycles. and in just a few months, you can get something that appears to be evolved over years. and the fact that this, when this came out, was all ready adapted for human transmission. it's again an unprecedented ah, welcome back. i'm still a camp and now for all the news we didn't have time for, but now we do have anders, we're a, that's me. thank you, then to enter layer, you said it's making my job easier. okay, well, got well front of the network unfortunately has passed away. john mcafee, a known cybersecurity guru, was found, deceased in spain. he was going to be expedited to the united states for tax
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evasion. some people are very curious about this scenario. you factored a lot of you from them here, right? what was discovered to see i didn't want to hurt to have moved on to another play might have family watching. i don't want to traumatize them, but yes he was dead and commute appears to have committed suicide. he has been warning though for weeks that people are after him and if he commit suicide is found to have committed suicide, it will be ill. the have been epstein, he is, he was warning that there is a conspiracy out to get him. he was a warning that that, that, that could happen to him. he was, yeah, it's at the same time though, he is a very wacky guy, and i could definitely see him going out this way by making people shrouding it and mystery and making people think there's something up when really? yeah, i mean that's a thing and you know, who knows what will ultimately find out, but there's a lot of strange questions with this guy. multi multi millionaire has jumped from
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country to country because some countries have had warrens out for his arrest. he went to the dominican republic and carried arms there and they were like, you can't do had he was a suspect in a murder inquiry. and one of these countries. so yeah, there's a lot going on there. but at the same time, you're also like what, what is the deal with, you know, suspicious, multi millionaires who created a lot of enemies, somehow able to kill themselves in prison in a jail where they're supposed to be monitored, right? it is very weird, it's very odd. the spanish authorities say it was definitely a suicide, but you know, that's also what the b a would say. who knows? we don't, we don't know. but now there's celebrity news. we're the next access hollywood here today. brittany spears. well, i think we're talking about these issues because they're deeper issue, right? this is an important, this is an important issue that actually affects over
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a 1000000 people in the united states. brittany spears for another front of the show has spoken out against her conservatorship in court, and that's been a hot button topic for a long time now in 3 seconds left to explain what the conservatorship is when all of your assets, all your financial assets, and really your personal life is controlled by other people. so legally her dad and brother and a trust have a can have control over how our money is spent. what she does with their career, how she or her birth control. they force her to have an u. d. no way yeah. this is like back to the, you know, early 20th century with sterilization and stuff. it's a very i will raise your situation. well, the thing i find crazy is about a 1000000 people in america. that's crazy. yeah. but the thing maybe that's crazy. crazy, yes about it is, this is a clearly a competent woman who's able to have a very successful stage show, right? even even if you are assume that her mental health, mental health issues,
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if she has any, were to have happened after, you know, the, her main fame period. still, she's had a very successful show and vegas and everything else. like you can claim that she somehow capable of doing that and also can't decide for herself about her birth control. right. it's the speaker, really the able isn't within our criminal justice system and our legal system enlarged because you know, the things that she got her actions taken away for it were shaving her head and hitting a car with an umbrella. and if that's what male starr had done, that it would have been here, right? i would have been should nice card with a bad. yeah. so i was like 1000000 people. maybe there are some people who are in comas or whatever, but there are a lot who are in her situ can where they do something that's construed as are they, the lawyer on the opposite side says they can't control themselves and they get all their assets taken away in this case, she doesn't even have a lawyer who she's selected, the lawyers court appointed, she can't pick
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a different lawyer. so it's a very difficult situation. and one that you know more people should be up in arms about that and saying ok in other knows buffalo, new york, borrowing some miracle and november has elected a socialist mer. india. walton. let me go. she ran on a platform of wing for everyone. yeah. right. right, buffalo has to win the super bowl from now on. they're going to redo all the super bowls from the ninety's. make that mandated lottery do right. many, many. but she ran against a for term compet, byron brown, in the democratic primary, who just pretended she didn't exist. he was like, i'm not going to debate or not even going to mention her. and lo and behold, she want, well, it's amazing and they, i think they thought they learned their lesson from whatever the cost of cortez was, was day. her campaign parent pastored him into finally debating her. and basically
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that's how she ended up when and so this guy was like, never debating, never going to be seen with her children work. right. i mean, in all fairness, maybe if he had debated her, it would have been even worse. he would provide even more. but she's running on things like community land trust, the funding, the buffalo, p d, reinvesting that money and social services. and it's really showing the political establishment that it's not just new york city where socialists can, when does, that's been the knock for, for this whole time. is like, ok, you went in these, you know, f as a urban areas, but a buffalo upstate, you're never gonna win there and cheaper of the bronx. what else you got? so in labor news, the teamsters are launching a pressure campaign to unionize amazon. now in the past, we've seen how in bessemer they've tried for an election that you know, would be certified by the national right. labor relations board. and it didn't work . unfortunately, it's very sad that that effort failed. but the teamsters returning a different approach and this is going back to how they formed over
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a 100 years ago, when they did not have legal rights to unionize. so what they did is they got horse drivers, grave haulers, beer wagon drivers, and they got them to do illegal strikes, citywide strikes, and they did other mass collective action. if we could just get the horse drivers if time or things would change, right? all 10 of the really just your college, but i mean, i mean just the concept of an illegal, right? yeah, no, we're not working. mother. there is no, it doesn't. there's no, it's not a crime. right. just decided not to work. right. it can only be, yeah it's, it's legal only after the fact they always will find a way to, you know, mess with the legality of any kind of strike. so this is really an effort, it's a long term effort. they've been planning this for a while, and they want to get as many people as possible to engage in direct action until amazon recognizes the unit for the bureaucratic. so it seems like this whole movement to make amazon actually, you know, may be legit company with the actual unions and is, is gaining momentum, tad tab,
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these workers actually have a union and actually have some power. yeah. here's hoping because you know, the launch it on prime day, which has been just order, you know, toil for amazon workers. it's a miserable, miserable time for anyone who works at amazon. so that makes something like this a lot more appealing say i was hoping to get through this entire year without ever thinking or saying the words prime day. but now you really for manners where there are sponsored. yeah. all right, thanks a lot. thank you. i hear all your headlines from the future. this coming monday you'll read. having lots bid for why fi mayor and re young, excited to spend more time helping israel arrest palestinian children, go to the hobby, and in september there will be breaking news. joe biden accidentally admits us
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imprisoning venezuela diplomat and combo very de, because tony blanket wanted to visit cobb where day. good reason and a few weeks from now. to celebrate 60th anniversary of using bio weapons in san francisco, pentagon, you did antic bio weapons on san francisco. sounds like quite the festival. that's his job. but don't miss my interview with noam chomsky on redacted tonight v i p. you can get that at portable dot tv, or you can get the podcast version, which is called moment of clarity. grab it for free, and i can state your and spotify till next time. good night. again fighting. ah, the
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ah, me look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings except when such orders that conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. the point obviously is to great track, rather than fear i would take on various jobs with artificial intelligence, we have so many with demon
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a robot must protect its own existence. with the headlines, the scandal and british hel tech and for finally quit off and surviving month criticism football team. the panoramic reforms, court kissing and in violation of his social guide also become the un is pressed investigate crimes against canada that after another $751.00 and mark found at a former residential school, the chief of a local 1st nations group told us indigenous people have faced genocide generation, we did not ask for all of this to happen for 5 generation. it was policies in the 1800 early 1900.
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