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tv   News  RT  June 26, 2021 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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and say that my life matter, i have to be on to the pieces that we can't trust the police. we can't trust the government. we can't trust anyone except or so to protect ourselves in a scandal prone british hel, secretary, finally quit off the surviving most of criticism for boxing. the pandemic response . his court kissing an aide in violation of his home social distancing guidelines. un, it's pressed to investigate crimes against envision as people and canada. off the over 700 all mark graves. i found that a full residential school, the chief of a local 1st nations group solace indigenous people of faith, genocide, for generation. we did not ask for all of this to happen for 5 generation. it was policies in the 1800 early 1900. this is genocide,
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kamala harris failed to locate critics by finally been using the mexican border 3 months into a vice presidency. she picks us for almost a 1000 kilometers from the epicenter of the migrant crisis. ah, lived from oscar. thanks for joining our national ontario who can with you to sunrise. welcome to the program. the british health secretary hancock has resigned for breaching his own social listening guidelines by kissing an aide. he was having an affair with the ministers been on the growing fresher off of the sun newspaper published footage of her little passionate embrace. with his closes associate, both married with children and his resignation. letter hancock gave the following apology. i'm writing to resign. a secretary states to health and social camp. we've
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worked so hard as the country to fight the pandemic. the last thing i would want is for my private life to distract attention from the single minded focus that is leading us out of this crisis. i want to reiterate my apology for breaking the guidance and apologize to my family and loved ones for putting them through this while we for it coming. but now it's official. be brittle health section mot hancock has resigned. he will be replaced by former chancellor of the exchequer. that's succeed, jobs it. now, hancock's reference in his resignation letter to his private life, a bit to the submit them. it is the scandal that has engulfed the british press over the past 2 days. we are talking about that lead cctv footage obtained exclusively by british paper the sun which showed the 42 year old m p kissing and 8 in his office. nope, up surprising me. the issue here is not a moral one. they are both married, not to each other. they have the own families,
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but rather about social distance thing. so barry 2021 because those images were taken a week before the rules about closed contact indoors between separate households which they why, what ease so called the irony of the official government faith of social distance and guidelines being caught in this kind of situation was not lost on many and such needs. social media, how to field a in fairness to met hancock, the guidelines clearly sat, people should observe to meet her social distance. and where is it possible clear? it's not possible to kiss a mistress at work when both people are to meet or was apart. quick thinking suffolk and p saves a life with mouth to mouth resuscitation. someone said med hankle cases like the seems and now i can't see it. but you know, on a more serious note, the health secretary who has been leading the charge for people to stay at home has told them they can go and hug that grandparents visit that parents go to the
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hospital to see the own children be born, go to weddings attend funerals being caught so flagrantly disobeying the rules that he said. it's not a good look. it has to be said. he mentioned that we got some reaction from the british public on social media, but overall, what's been, so the reaction, what is the public mood in the u. k. over the scandal, while one of footage foss office prime minister bars johnson, he stood by his health chief. he said, look, he's apologize for me. it's case closed. but then the cool for hancock's resignation from the people from the political opposition even from some within his own party, were louder and louder. so it became pretty clear that this was not a tool case closed. in my view, people in high public office and great positions of responsibility should act with the appropriate morals and ethics that come with that role. mat hancock on a number of measures has fallen short of that. i think that his position is
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untenable. for that reason, the sooner he does the honorable thing and announces his resignation, the better, because otherwise it is not going to go away. this is going to run and run. he said the roof, he admits he broke them. he has to go. if you want to resign, the prime minister should sack him. so here we are a resignation letter in hand. the prime minister has now accepted it, but really looking at the broader picture here might hancock breaking the very rules that he himself said? it's part of why the pattern that we've seen time and time again among politicians, burton u. k. and state side, you know, in the morning they go out and they say to people where mall stay at home, don't touch anyone else. and then in the evening that snapped dining out mos class with their friends. and then of course they put up their hands and the thing i'm so sorry i should've known better of course until now we'd never seen actually from a health secretary pass. you really should be leading by example. now we have so
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a tough yes, ma hancock. no doubt professional course. he's been under huge pressure if he's tries to guide britain to this once in a lifetime health crisis cove in 1000 has taken almost 130000 lives in the u. k. and now this indiscretion, which not only cost him his job, but we'll likely spoke with a tough time on his personal front too. we spoke, got it right on broadcast john gould's, political commentator, anthony, well, he said the case is not about morals is rather to do with ethics and responsibility . the fundamental fact. so, a week before the guidelines were relaxed, he was still telling because if you saw you granny, you might killer, he was basically saying to young people, if you go out without a mouse and come by your grandma, my di, we've not been able to go to a funeral, my father in law, we've not had a funeral for him and over a year because of the restrictions because we didn't want to have it with only 5 or 6 people loads of people have been affected. people not been going to the doctor
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for that cancer appointments. now we have a situation where the very man, my uncle in charge of health. he was actually having an affair with another woman. it's not about mar roses, but ethics and about responsibility. this is definitely a case of we, the people being told what to do by them. and they don't want us to be as free as they are. because clearly he was just doing what he wants to. this is just disgraceful. i mean, no wonder that people think you can't trust any politician. i think he was very debatable to to be right for the job. in the past brace, i picked up as a parent right from the beginning of this kind of did crisis. we've had many, many problems. we've had the p p issue. we've had the foss with the tracking trace. we've had so many things go wrong. and the coded
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policies of this government has cost upwards of $700000000000.00 pounds, which is and it's all been said, an amount of money. so it's ironic that these beings act for breaking the rules and they should be testable kind of a misbehavior. when in reality, he's done a huge amount of damage to the national house service and to the credibility of the government. a coalition of countries led by russia and china recording for the un to investigate crimes against indigenous people in canada. they say the government should move toward the forward, instead of upholding shallow justice and making verbal apology. this comes off the over $750.00 unmarked graves would cover the former catholic school. the chief of a local 1st nations group says they appear to be graves of children. it's
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overwhelming by the amount of great faith found. and it's very emotional and mentally 3 eating on the fact that these are one meter by one meter found on mark grape sites indicating that they weren't full adults yet. we have always knew these grades. this great site existed this on my grave. it was policies in the 1800s, early 19 hundreds of this, this, this country all the gruesome fine comes weeks off. the remains of over $200.00 children were found at another residential school in british columbia river mind of the gears of discrimination and abuse, which indigenous communities suffered in canada. back then to just or 3rd, he's took those children from the families to those institutions with the aim of integrating them into the authority. 2 8 8 8 the. 8 8 8
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do you mean and fear did you have was that it wasn't you today? it was going to be the target, the victim. you know, you weren't going to have to suffer any form of humiliation. you learn not to cry anymore. you just get harder. and yet you learn to shut down. ah, i couldn't talk a word of english. i tucked cree and i was abused for that hit and made to try to talk english. i lost my language. they threatened us with a strapping you spoke it. and within a year i lost all of it. 8 so i used to him, i ill drunk crying at night. i asked the principal to take him to the hospital. he didn't after about 2 weeks, my brother was in so much pain, he was going out of his mind. i pleaded with the principal for days to take him to the doctor. ah,
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they started to sexually take advantage of me and abused me. not one, not too many, many people for a very long time until i was 16. i held everything in and didn't tell anybody for 20 years. the canadian prime minister called the discovery is a shameful reminder of a systemic racism. encourage the country to learn from past mistakes. the 1st station chief, again says residential schools wanted to wipe out envision of culture and heritage . this is genocide. my my ancestors had a beautiful way of life here. we accepted and agreed to a treaty relationship with the crown. we did not ask for all of this to happen for 5 generation residential school had one goal and now was to brainwash my people to stop in our life of how we had it for many generations to accept
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a life that we didn't know based on the canadian way at one time. and so now today as a leader where the colonizing and we're strengthening our self, and genocide is where you try to eliminate and mentally we were, they tried to eliminate us. and today we are still resilient. we're still here, and we are getting stronger one day at a time. 3 months into a vice presidency. kamala harris has finally visited the us mexican border. however, it's a trip. critic said, was long overdue, and failed to visit the scene despite record numbers of margaret's and the publicity disaster. almost the sooner administration came to office. when she arrived, she faced plenty of uncomfortable questions. i got right now was the right time to make your 1st board was not my 1st time back in march. i was going to come to the
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board for this is not a new plan. lawmakers also criticize terrace for where she chose to go with the thing, el paso, instead of the rio grande valley, which is considered the real heart of the market crisis. that whose fault for almost a 1000 kilometers upon last month alone, more than a $180000.00 people tried to illegally cross that part of the border. the vice president has long faced questions about why she was refusing to travel to the sea of the crisis. you have any plans to visit the board at some point, you know, we are going to the border if you haven't been to the border and i haven't been to europe physical podcast. i was just enroll at young, says harris knows the situation is one she couldn't win. if you are calm, le harris and you have your entire career ahead of you. you are, you are in a tremendously advantageous position, being the vice president of the united states. but obviously you have the
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presidency in your site. the last thing you want to do is put major damages on your record. why didn't she go down before? because she doesn't want to be dyed to this issue any more than she has to be. why did you go down this week? because at a certain point, she felt that it was worth di banging her critics for saying that she never went to the border. so she did the bare minimum in doing it. they hope that that take some of the air out of the criticism, which obviously they feel is resonating because if they thought it was just a republican talking point, she wouldn't have gone. common harris specifically would love to happen is for people to be talking about literally anything else other than the border because she does not want to get caught, you know, being any more of the cover girl of an unwinnable issue than she has to be going to brush his latest, mig,
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this at the jets have been deployed to syria as part of the ongoing security and a package russian navy. and therefore, who have been holding exercises in the eastern. but it's raining among a host of other warplanes that the growth to make. 30 ones are equipped to carry rushes phase of the art hypersonic, ballistic missiles, travel 10 times the speed of sound. the range of almost 2000 kilometers. syria of course remains in a few minutes her in crisis. it's still fighting terrorists and it's north west. and lou problems are also disagreements. so a surprise, the un and some western countries maintain the above all. how across from turkey is the best way to get 8 more than a 1000000 syrians living in the northwest? moscow notes there are tentative routes including through the capital damascus. these issues are expected to be addressed at a peace conference in catholic stone. next month. we spoke to serious foreign minister at length earlier. you says the crisis could be resolved if western
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sanction lifted and syrians not foreign policy decide their future. i think this is a fury for chrissy. this is another attempt to help terrorist groups and to provide them with all necessary materials to prolong the terrorists war against syria. we believe that the, the, these cross border activities are direct violation of the sovereignty of our country. an attempt to send with the so called monetary assistance arms and all supplies to the pillars, to groups and you know, and live. there is just a designated organization on the list of killers, the groups by the united nations security council. we are opposed to such a thing and we have told all these countries directly or indirectly,
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that syria will allow him to get an assistance to go to the people who need. he want to do it and assistance, but not to the people who are described as tutors. if the wisdom counselors are really careful about city and citizens, they should lift their sanctions because these sanctions and what we call unilateral course of measures adopted by wisdom, countries and by the united states are killing the sodium people. they are not allowing us even to import medical instruments, not to mention foods and other necessary materials for the protection of the laws of the lives of innocent citizens. the only solution is to withdraw turkish troops from lip and to combat tutors to groups and to allow the city and also that is to control to
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provide the people there with the provisions they deserve, with food, with other materials to make their life more humane. so i think what the united states is campaigning for the last 5 months, at least, to allow this cross border point to remain open is to violate the sovereignty of syria to prolong the war, the terrors war against syria. and to stop any movement towards achieving the unity and territorial integrity of the country. filter gum us readers and viewers have less trust in media than the account of all in any other country in the world. thus, according to a study of versity, going to fall off the break.
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ah, join me every thursday on the alex simon show. and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politic sport business and show business. i'll see you then. me the 1st 9 months. there was no improvement in the virus. it jumped out fully made. now that is a real sign of what's called again, a function worked with and gain a function where you take a virus, you want to make it more lethal. so you're exposed to you and i, mice makes many, many, many, many, many cycles. and in just a few months, you can get something that appears to have evolved over years. and the fact that this, when this came out, was all ready adapted for human transmission is again an unprecedented
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ah, the, the ah ah, welcome back to the program, rushes and talks with an american republic to distribute the sputnik v cobra job to the caribbean nation. with a date of the 1st delivery, one final, if you're still on the discussion, the government won't sit as a 3rd top boost shot by a different manufacturer. the 1st 2 officials explain the move is necessary to come at the latest. more contagious strains was putting these already been approved by over 60 countries around the world covering more than 3000000000 people. listen
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clues to you, nations hungry and slovakia. european medicines agency approval though is required for other member states is still pending. rushes also find deals more than 10 countries to produce the vaccine or colleagues call embrace spoke to the republics deputy foreign minister. he says, a return to normal life is vital formation. so reliance on tourism. my boss for a hearing brush at are making a lot of discussion with the institution which are handling the president about the backseat. and now the problem is about the day that they will send the day expected to send to to dominican republic. bank jeans will be and we are trying to made an agreement in order to make the registration. for visa, we are open to, to have a discussion table about the russian or that will be can use the can use dominican republic as of jalisa logistics pub in order to made the democratic distribution in
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all of the re, you're not only in the caribbean. remember mainly in latin america because we need these quantity of boxes because only like 10 percent of the lesson american population are again the backseat. and we need to work as a collective ideas. you know, there are some that accused the likes of russia and china who are producing several vaccines of using it to further themselves on the international stage. and they've got a political move under the guise of helping people with a vaccine. how do you see it? well, we are not focusing in these job political plays and what we understand that the countries are in these, through a new kind of gains in the job political issues about the we respect the decision of the governments. what we are focusing on and get that the number of back to the we needed. now you've got a very wide ranging economy, but as you pointed out, tourism is one of the major areas. and also russians were known to flock to the
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dominican republic. they really like to holiday there. how long do you think it'll be before the numbers can get back to pre kobe level? we are to milam population in the major and probably on we are receiving $7000000.00 per year, truth stories. and now what is the, what is the main things that the person is doing? try to offer a fav estimation in order to, to be in the same way that, that, like promote a safe destination. the coby crisis. we have a very good outcomes in the national vaccination process. for example, 100 percent of the people who are working in the prison said, have already the dope both. does it over the back seeing if you want to be bar of the tourism center, you need to have both the vaccine but that 70 percent of the people in american revolt have won those over the backseat and 35 percent of the people have the both vaccine we are trying to suppress these are the federal commission in order that
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they can eval way these issues. and they can leave or emily to leave the restriction that they have for them to go and buy them for her to be of the personality another. we want to receive and increase the number of raising the truth from russia that can go to the military, bobby, and enjoy your enjoy your, our beaches or joy or restaurant bars. enjoy the most important thing that has got the new jersey and i'm going to republic is the wire behavior of the people who are war games in tourism sector. now, when it comes to trust in the media, it seems the united states is falling way behind. there's also going to shop full a number of views and readers that's according to a study of regions. oxford university, daniel poll of almost 100000 people, covers new consumption in 46 markets around the globe. it also now will close india in the news. you know g area and colombia for the very 1st time in the united states that has the lowest levels of trust of any country surveyed,
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starting at around 29 percent. it appears to have happened within the last few years. now to 4 years ago, almost 4 and 10 americans still had trust in their news organizations. research say that the decline is partly related to coverage of the pandemic hearing donald trump's presidency. when outlets were divided over government actions, journalist r t host chris has use as the us media puts pleasing the audience above telling the truth. the commercial model of the us media is to cater to a specific demographic with the rise of the internet and all turn. it is sources. these traditional news outlets could no longer reach abroad audience because they didn't have a monopoly. and therefore, they decided to go after a particular demographic. and now what you've done is pit demographic against
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demographic. whether it's m s, nbc fox news, cnn. they become partisan catering to their particular demographic and what it wants to hear, but often at the expense of the truth, we walk through to our city findings, confirm that americans are deeply divided about each media outlets, for instance, almost as many distrust see it in as much as trust the left leading network, the figures are almost identical for its rival, m s m, b, c. fox news stuff is one of the worst trust ratings of them all. researches again says the profits come at the expense of journalism. it's going to get worse because the commercial model, and these are commercial enterprises depends on not only catering to that a particular demographic, but also demonizing, the other demographic. while these media outlets are designed to polarize the public, because commercially, they're designed to loop back to feed back to their viewers,
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or listeners or readers what it is they want to hear their own proclivities, their own prejudices. and that's the commercial model it's been created. it's kind of, you know, hate versus he, whether that's sean hannity, one side, or rachel, matto and the other. they all do the same thing. but it's not journalism. it's just, you know, per last for vaudeville masquerading, his journalism up next choir river on our commentary shuttle examines the lack of water sanitization across the developing world. for us us, it's on context for those of you, what's the u. k? it's the silent show that's when i was starting off when i, with the latest join us again. i look forward to talking to you all that technology should work for people. a
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robot must obey the orders given it by human beings, except when the shorter the conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. at the point obviously is too great truck rather than fear i would take on various jobs with artificial intelligence, we have so many with demon a robot must protect its own existence with the news
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prepared to like, i don't, i guess i got a master bed finally got a place to get a cut run that or yes you are and i'm real. we're not pretend allen around the come in this is bob fluid is not all it we for the water in this and the luxury is going may be was long this by blaine the and this is going to in that he was.


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