tv News RT June 27, 2021 5:00am-5:31am EDT
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a few months, something that appears to have evolved over the years. and the fact that this, when this came out, was all ready adapted for human transmission. it's again, an unprecedented. ah, the warning shots, russia says the u. k. will face severe consequences if it's stage is another provocation, after a british rule ship breached russia waters in the black sea on wednesday tech world rails, the death of anti virus software. pioneer jones mcafee, who was found dead in the spanish prison cell in what authority say was suicide. though the previously tweeted, he'd never take his own life and dozens of criminal cases,
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a rope and hundreds of web pages are removed as russia baffled at blooming faked vaccine certificate markets, all correspondent found on the risks of trying to obtain one for himself. so they put all the information that i gave them, the faith name, date of birth. well, let's face it, i would scan and i've lost my money. ah hi, good morning. thanks so much for joining us. this is the weekly what we round up all of the week's top stories here on our t versus our russia has reacted furiously after a u. k. warship breach these waters in the black sea on wednesday, moscow's branded a provocation who won't have severe consequences in case of a repeat, under no defend its actions, say the vessel was on an internationally recognized route. the russian federal
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security service released this video of the incident those were the only ones i have when headlines broke, that the russians had fired warning shots at british warship, semester funder. the royal navy went to be denied, deny, deny policy. what sorts, what bonds, no guns here. i know would have been plain sailing for that flush of events if it hadn't been for one john less who apparently didn't get the memo line. i'll goodbye. if you don't change the course, i'll divide trucking right
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altitude low. this was a deliberately, by the rule, navy was your major miss event continued through the car calling is in her. julie walters was within 12 miles. we could see the case. i'm not sure i called fucking the reported dramatic account of bullets flying overhead. well, the bit eakwood for the royal navy who found itself caught in a lie. but luckily, borne johnson was that clear it all up. the russians have said this rejection, though they thought warning shots up beth faced lives. well, that the bat that there is no, that's not my me, that that's not my information. what he meant was that the h m. s. defend acted appropriately because the u. k. doesn't recognize these waters as russian, but as ukrainian just like crimea. so russia had no right to warm it's gone. moscow
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was not impressed. name a country who wouldn't scramble off to catching sight of a 152 meter long foreign warship, 12 miles from a piece of land. it uncompromised, and he considers it so whose people for 7 years have flown the russian flag from back, cause that balconies that boats. crimea is rushes red line. so moscow summoned the british ambassador and spoke in no uncertain tom's put can we do. we can only appeal to common sense and demand respect for international law. if this does not work, we can bomb not only in the direction, but also in target. if our colleagues do not understand these words, show how serious such wargames can be. even if forest cracking a bad joke, and the royal navy telling its truth rather than the truth strike you of comical for russia, does nothing funny in an expanding nato, massive wardrobe's, and for
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a minute she bases near its porters. and now a warship knocking at its store. this has all made moscow wary and distrustful of nature's claims. it's a little defensive, but would someone acting defensively reject offers to deescalate as the criminal claims? given all of this, surely the brits knew how russia would react. the question that is, what exactly what they hoping to achieve? what is it for to strengthen the mis created and media and the political stage of western countries, including in the bowels of brussels, about our alleged unpredictability, about our alleged threat to this very western world. but ultimately, the brits ended up making waves for all the wrong reasons, floundering and ally wald watched on. i think we can all agree not the most majestic of moments for the royal navy. very easy for these things to
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escalate and get out of hand further than any body actually means that this is ghostly is responsible to evocative behavior bitten has no business having a war ship sailing this close to climate. this can lead to, to difficulty in the context of this government, which seeks to make propaganda value as we continue compensation with joshua, which needs an enemy in order to justify the massive defense spending guide on by this country. so it's part of a, of a general topic to pull on which point it's worth stating that they deliberately built a warship for journalists into these tenant toys, water. and actually a top, a gander, aimed at the coastal state is specifically excluded in the un convention on the war of on the law of the c attack world is
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reeling. the death of anti virus software pioneer joe mcafee, who's found dead and his boss loan a prison cell on wednesday. just hours after spain's national court ruled in favor of extradited him to the united states. it was no, no over the years for his extravagant and outspoken antics and regular challenges to the status quo in america ortiz to meet your parent takes a look back at his life. john mac, a. he was a caller full personality to say the least. a rabble with a biography that reads like a hollywood script. eccentric millionaire computers, viruses, anti virus software, crypto currencies, drugs, boe chases, paragliding promoter of numerous conspiracy theories. us presidential candidate, officially accused of arms smuggling and even murder. these were all parts of his life, which ended in a no less unusual fashion in
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a jail cell in barcelona. mere hours after court agreed to extradite him to the west to face tax evasion charges. now the theories are pouring in. was it a suicide to draw negative attention to the government? was it even a suicide at all? which is the official cause of death given by spain? getting subtle messages from us officials saying in effect, we're coming for you, mcafee. we're going to kill yourself. i got a tough through today just in case if i suicide myself, i didn't, i was walked, check my rights, all. i am content and here i have friends, the food is good, all as well. know that if i hang myself, i'll epstein it will be no fault of mine. thumb social media users point out, washington certainly considered him something of a nuisance. he was actively anti establishment. tried to get elected president of the us several times representing the libertarian party campaign against corruption in the us tax service. the rest opposed government financial policy and was
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a big advocate for crypto currency. after he was arrested in spain, he claimed all the charges against him were politically motivated. and like 2018, i announced i would run again. i also announced i would target the i r s and it's corruption. and 2 months later, the iris filed charges against me. i believe the charges are politically motivated, although he did actually skip paying his taxes. but he had his reasons. i have not file a tax return for a years why one taxation is illegal to pay tens of millions already and receive jeff services. 3, i'm done making money. i live off cash from mike as a yank. my net income is negative, but i am a prime target the i r s. here i. he even went as far as to compare the i r s t, a government enforcement agency. i can. so the german s. s, the one with the enormous power of the i. r. s. a madge isn't s s like intimidation on the government during prohibition. when drinking alcohol was
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a crime unable to by legitimate alcohol, the public relied on family stills from destroying stills. it now destroys us, while it's questionable whether these opinions were the primary reason behind his arrest. he certainly did turn heads with his assault against the establishment he so despised. among those assaults were accusations that the government was conducting mass, electronic espionage. our government is crazy and paranoid to department of homeland security, an agency which was created to protect us mixed, and the enemies as directed activities within the country. now it demands that i, under the us citizens, fully undress before them and let them rummage for the most intimate corners of our private lives for the sake of protecting us. and he heavily criticized u. s. foreign policy. we run into the terrorism problem because america has meddled in other countries affairs, acted like the world's placement for too long while he was a hero to thumb, others saw him as a man with a wild imagination. and yeah,
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not everything he said and did was exactly true or generally considered decent. he did make up a story about being arrested for wearing a thong instead of a face mask faked several heart attacks, while in a guatemalan jail, had his own private comp out in harem while living in the caribbean. but like him or not, the news of his unexpected death has certainly caught the attention of many, including us surveillance whistleblower edward snowden. europe should not extradited those accused of non violent crimes to a court system. so unfair and prison system so cruel that native born defendants would rather die than become subject to its julian assange could be next until the system is reformed. a moratorium should remain while mcafee has lost his life. his story is not over. did he actually kill himself if he did, then why or was he actually a threat worth removing? the theme, as these questions will boggle the minds of quite a few people and be the topic of debate for quite some time. mcafee isn't the only
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high profile person of late to have died while awaiting trial by the united states with disgrace find dancing. jeffrey epstein also committing suicide and custody phase of longer the 1st 2 of the mental health of long time detainee julian assange ortiz magazine discuss the whistleblower case with my colleague, collin bray. mcafee was bought in the u. k. how that he was us citizen julian sanchez, isn't gone in the presence of the prosecuting him because of the suspected sexual assault delegation. now they're, they, they've come out. and they said it's because of his work investigative work, his journalism, exposing war crimes that killed many, many people as well as corruption and scandal that the highest levels of power, the things we've seen published. and we can see the fear is now the julian assad. under pressure for so long that he may choose a similar option. and of course,
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a few people are going to be joining adults here on say that it adds to mcafee's, that adds to higher number of people who died either in prison on the jurist because they're facing legal action. aaron was sworn aside from mike if he also a web pioneer and it's part of the in his twenties, he may be in today hall of fame residence. he was an early employee help get that off the ground. she was threatening with 30 years behind bars by united states, prosecutors. so what he did is he downloaded many, many academic journals. he believed that the internet should be free, access to knowledge should be free. later after he was found, hanged in his apartment, we found out that the, the secret service that they had documents on him, a huge amount. the secret service was involved. then, for example, we have abstract jeffrey epstein, who could have brought down the system, the establishment. i mean, he's friends included president celebrities,
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superstar sickness oh, all manner of people, well known and many of them frequented movies parties, parties where there was a legend, the abuse of children, sexual abuse of children. he was found also hadn't in his, in his jail. so many people do by that, so except cool says there's no proof. there's no evidence that there was foul play . nevertheless, it is, it is starting because all these that's happened in areas in the country where the united states and europe, which are 1st in the front room when they hear about human rights abuses or prosecution of activists in china. russia, for example, a song has been harass, tortured, and we have no idea what is happening to him right now. then the anglo saxons will issue immediate release saying no longer could he's free, sol suffer the vulgar world, slow infamy. and that's it. the rest can do this kind of thing,
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this card there to sonnets. the point is that there is now the least of high profile figures, figures that have been given a lot of publicity all choosing to commit suicide rather than be had to do over to the united states to adjust the system that is seen as unfair and cruel by many we talked to, i could also form a consul in the u. k. to arrange a silent for julian a sounds and with other co cash us presidential candidate for the libertarian party in the last election, where john marcus was running late. and they pointed to the severe and oppressive conditions mcafee, and the songs faced drilling songs happens to be high profile, and that he represents a unique risk. and i hope the world turns their attention to him and make sure that he is released from custody. that everybody in any prison in any jail, anywhere in the world who is there for victimless crimes. that is to say political crimes. crimes that are crimes only because the government say so because they
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challenge their illegitimate hour and prevent their ability to continue their rackets of injustice, they should all be freed. and we should make sure that governments do not have the power to commit these crimes any longer. this is another one of protection. this is a very, very and expect doc knows made why they hired, especially in this country in the u. k. that you suffer from depression. he has on that increase significantly. there is all suicide, even on the shows that he's killed now, in a maximum security depletion in the u. k. known as the animal. and we've been talking about the 6 forces in the
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united states, which is the reason why many people prefer to commit suicide. rather than being extradited to the system, moscow reported more than 6000 new cove infections on sunday. the rest and capital broke its all time record for 2 days straight last week, while the $9000.00 cases each time. the surgeon infections prompted the moscow authorities to make gems mandatory for certain sectors which could explain why's fake vaccination market is moving right now. corresponding constantino's calls found out the risks of trying to school one for himself, $35.00. that's how little a fe, coded vaccine certificate would cost you here in russia. now, not only are they cheap, but the market for them is huge. so i went on pallet graham and found plenty of anonymous groups that are offering you what at 1st glance might seem as real proof
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that you were inoculated. those certificates even have hospital stamps and doctor it's a signature. it's fake one of course. but that's exactly what i was looking for. so i went with the taliban group that was the quickest to respond and i gave them a made up name, date of birth, etc. and they sent me back a picture of what the final certificate would look like. here it is. so they've already made it look. so they put all the information that i gave them, the faith name, date of birth, be address, and the certificate has stamps and even dr. a signature, so i gotta give it to them. it really looks like a real one. i know, at least to me, they were polite and i didn't notice anything fish. hello. i would like to buy cobra $900.00 vaccination certificate. how can that be done? option $140.00 for certificate, not registered on government website. option $2108.00 for certificate registered on
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government website. how will the courier deliver it? how does it happen? a young korea will pass you the certificate in a yellow envelope. like a package from eli express, you know, from what i've seen, the business is booming. these people are even trying to learn new customers with discounts and special offers. they sent samples and even worn against scamarus, he'd take your money and disappear. and in fact, that's exactly what happened to me. so i transferred the money and we agreed to meet at a metro station, but they do me up the, the while. i think there is no point. me wait any longer because let's face it. i was scammed and i've lost my money. even if i had gotten the certificate, it wouldn't have helped me much. you've seen russia when you get a covert jab,
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a record of years on the government website called go slugging without this. any printed document about vaccination with all the stamps is just a scrap of paper. but if you're willing to pay more the same people promise they can hack the system and get you a real working q r code that will prove you've had the vaccine. even if you haven't been hello, do you provide vaccination certificates? yes. which one do you need the simple one or with the registration on cost louis, i need the $1.00 with the registration on the site. what information do you need from me? your name, address, and date vaccination which you need on the certificate prepayment is 50 percent. and after putting your date on the government side, you pay the remaining 50 percent. so is it official? yes, of course, completely official. you will get a q r code for the government website as soon as we finish it. but how will you do it? we have our own ways, the key works. that's why we suggest completing the payment after you get your q
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r code. so you will know for sure that we did our work while the cameras i talked to were very discrete about their methods. but we know there are confirmed cases of people get into vaccination certificate registered on the government website without actually taking the jap. that scheme is more sophisticated and it cost way more around $300.00 us dollars and a requires that corrupt health care worker who has to fill in patients data without seeing that person. and then throw away an unused jap for the record, which, you know, among other things is a waste evolve. the vaccine is over and poured out just in case there was some sudden inspection. it would be difficult to explain where these dozens of extra vials came from. because all the vaccines are numbered, rushing authorities are trying to crack down on the fraudsters and we know of 24 felony cases opened up in the last few weeks over forest vaccine certificates. on
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top of that, russia is internet watchdog was calm that dories for seeing scores of suspicious websites and telegraph verbs to shut down. but the black market is expanding its reach, especially now that covert jobs are becoming mandatory for most workers in moscow service sector transferred in education. and russian officials claim they are out of options here. the country now deals with the delta variance which scraps faster and have harder for scammers are sensing this and getting ready to line their pockets. but one should not forget, but if you opt for a fake certificate, instead of a real shot, you risk either losing your money the way i did or what's worse, getting on the wrong side of the law. and then there was the matter of deadly virus that you are still not protected against the 2nd round of regional elections kicks off in france to day the 1st round. it was
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a disaster for french president ammonia macro and his father only garnering around 10 percent of the vote. something that's been described. he has another slap in the face. so i'll do the sky has more being addressed for her. so ahead of next presidential election from seas regional voters illustrating just how tough that bottle ahead is going to be both manual macaroni and marine la pens. parties failed to show that they were the heavy hitters for my calls. republic on the move coffee, the results were particularly bruising. even party inside is can't deny how bad they sees. noon is not going to minimize what has happened. it's a slap in the face. this is a democratic slap in the face, and it's due to a very low election turn out. all t doesn't condone violence,
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but what happened to my policy has been particularly brutal in several regions. that party, it was eliminated from the 2nd round of voting offered fail to reach the 10 percent threshold needed. the boat even saw government ministers being knocked out. it's something of a surprise blue for my call and his personal popularity, the theme, the surgeon recent month. it also shows that his tooth bronze, which just took place, which was seen as him trying to sure up the boat to have the election. didn't succeed. so roy has his policy failed to connect with vs. it shows even he is even not much more unpopular that it was supposed to because he's, results are, are, does strategic. it's a vote against him for last year and a lot of misconduct and question by the yellow movement on,
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by the fact that the government didn't react to do all the situation is going worst and worst. and the only way to government behave with our organ. and you know, i mean people don't like our goods. so day it shows the government is complete and macro and basically completely disconnected with the whole society who all rec, or the bench and levels off sending premises the political landscape more than 2 in 3 people. did it cost a balance that shows b, b don't believe any more in political class. you have to striking workers who birds collectively there and an extra cars. so now you have a lot of people showing they don't vote, they don't want to vote. they don't believe in any political party in any political
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liter. people don't vote, not because they are de politicized, but because they don't believe in the existing institution. we're also disappointing for marine le pen. the policy has been hoping to show the thing you would be you risk and tended. while over all the national riley took just on the face of the boat. if need talk, the polls in one region and these results loc as significant drop in support from 2015. the big win is from this 1st round of voting. would the republican party that is not good news for president mccall, who has increasingly shifted his politics to the right and essentially has been basing his strategy for reelection next year or more thing up. the very it is a revival of the republican party throws that up in the air and shows that michael has failed to read his policy in the french. so i key while many may see this is
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being a contest next year between mccolan or pen, there is always a chance and outside i could punch seriously above weight one perhaps increased by the fact that the current president's policy just doesn't seem to cottage with voters charlotte, even sky, all see paris, police it as 6 in the k, a ditching emoji is not out of fear of looking like bu miss one using them. but because of sexual harassment concerns need the the the
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ah, the total nonsense, you're texting a friend or a pal and put it a little kiss or heart and all of a sudden that's an appropriate and it's being policed by bosses if the belief needs to be given special protection from themselves, then they probably aren't in the most appropriate job when needed to stand up the criminals. and those who really do intend hom yes. again, the police seem to get their primary job is to protect the public, not themselves from each other. okay, that brings him today to join me for more and on top stories in half an the what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy foundation.
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