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tv   News  RT  June 28, 2021 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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we can't trust the police. we can't trust the government. we can't trust anyone except ourselves to protect ourselves in ah, cannot headline stories a potential death blow to the u. s. case against julian a sorry, says washington. 9. witness admits, in an interview with ice landing media, he gave false testimony in russia. hackers, when the british and bus stops, that's the question. moscow's asking. trove of u. k. state secrets, was it? i, julie founded a bus stop and handed to the b, b. c. the fall suggest the british warship deliberately entered russian waters recently as a provocation. news 9 deaths have been confirmed more than a 100 people are still missing in miami, after the collapse of a residential building. and it's a nice engineers raise the alarm over this complex 3 years ago. the major repair
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was, they recommended that you get to the song ah, by the go to your team to national great. have you with the main witness in the u. s. case against julian, his sons has admitted he gave false testimony. speaking to an icelandic newspaper, he said, the wicked leaks found never asked him say hack any computers or phones to blow for washington. with some seeing, the admission is fatal to his case against the songs among them. fellow whistleblower edward snowden. this is the end of the case against julian massage. if biden continues to seek the extradition of a publisher under an indictment poison top to bottom, with false testimony, admitted by its own star, witness the damage to the united states, reputation and press freedom would last for a generation. it's unavoidable for the better part of
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a decade. the united states and its allies wanted at sunjay. they came up with allegations and grand juries and smear campaigns to get to him. we knew that what we didn't know is how many of america's charges against the sods charges that could lambda sans in jail for a 175 years. a reportedly made up the main witness and then the charges against the san to the extradition request for the u. k. gave an interview to stand it and i standing publication. his name is siegel do you for this? and he apparently has a piece of work charges, were piling up against alderson with the sun. nicole authorities for massey fraud forgeries and theft on the one hand and for sexual violations against under age boys he had tricked or forced into sexual acts on the other during his time as a volunteer wiki leagues way lied and claim to be almost none, but 2 after a sons,
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he said to rob them of $50000.00 and donated funds and so hard drives packed with documents. when we really started asking questions, guess who he cooled? thought and saw a way out on august the 23rd. he sent an email to the u. s. embassy in iceland offering information. the prosecutors and f. b. i were quick in responding and within 48 hours, a private jets, london in reykjavik, with around 8th agents who quickly sets up meetings with thordis and thought that was willing to say anything. he lied to them, he now says about at sod asking him to break into government systems. he admits the lying about that, but that is all ready in the charges against the savage. right now this activity was since include attends to hut into the computers of members of parliament and record their conversations. in fact, thought us and now mister stunt did that. the sons never asked him to hack or access phone recordings of m p 's. moreover,
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the british judge reviewing the extradition request agreed with the charges charges, many of which are now said to be live, such as when thought different claim that he accessed a police vehicle database legitimately while working as a volunteer for rescue services and blamed it on assad's more deceptive language emerges in the upper mentioned judgments where it states the songs use the unauthorized access given him by a source to access the government. websites of iceland used to track police vehicles. there was more much more about stolen band fall than hacking, all of which was twisted by thought isn't. and the f b i who must have known how unreliable he was. but what one wouldn't do for immunity? yes, the f b i offered for the son, immunity from prosecution for all the things that they knew he did. furthermore, the f b, i told him it wouldn't share anything with the police. you think he learned his
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lesson? if this, the offer of immunity had encouraged thoughts and to take boldest steps in crime, he started to fleece individuals and coldness on a grander scale than ever before. during bo, kraft vice shell companies and much, much more. this is the main weakness than the prosecution. and persecution of julian assad. this is the best that they could do if verified these interview will be a serious blow, if not the dennis of the case against the sarge. the case that has riled rights and press activists for years, in case that may well criminalize journalism, as we know it, and the case that will ma america for years to come like what are they most good luck with? we remember that the judge prohibited the sundays extradition only because of his own carrier health situation. it's danger, might commit suicide in the us prison. at the same time, she essentially agreed with the argon and fabricated by the us. and based on the
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testimonies of a person who, as we know said himself that he's testimony was fictional, false. and of course, this must have consequences for the extradition presentation for fuel. but i think the finding the ministration must once and for all right, this case was a criminalization of journalism and united states doesn't look for justice and the julian a sorry look for revenge and guns, revenge against the journalist who help us to reveal its all crimes and that's why they will use any means possible to punish julian aside and make an example of india that no one else will dare think. if they can sit with us, the us justice department to come until night caisson will update you when they get back to us. in the meantime, legal unless jennifer device to told us the bank track on the testimony, if genuine changes everything in the case. if this is true, if this is proven to be true. 5 not only would any legitimate federal judge in the united states road this case out because most of the allegation based on this story
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were either fabricated, potentially lead to a. what i would consider would be counter claim to counter counter action from mr. bonds against the united states, against united states in general, for fabricating such evidence. i'm also going to put many cases into question, where did they do this? did they, did they set up people to entrap? they have absolutely no evidence on wanting to get him that they literally found anybody that they could think of that had almost minimal to know. tied with julie, decided to fly from a foreign country to commit these acts basically, to entrap him, to set it up the fabricate of it. and while you being a foreign country and we need to see what's going to happen, how far this goes, but in terms of the case, it changes everything. british state secrets were apparently did to the bus stop in kent, at least if the v
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b seems to be believed. it says it was handed the files by someone who wants to remain anonymous. the documents relate to the recent journey of the rule. navies, a defender, russia claims to destroy a breached its waters in the black sea last week. and moscow was left less than impressed by the bbc's bus stop scoop. in fact, london has demonstrated another provocation and around of life to cover it, the double. 07 agents are not the same as they once were. and now a quick riddle for the british parliament. why do you need russian hair kiss when there are british bus stops? wednesday, a russian patrol ship fired warnings shot said h m. s defender is itself within 20 kilometers of the crime in the region regarded by russia as its own territory. the u. k. that insist that it was an international war. according to the bus stop trove, the destroyers route had been deliberately chosen to irritate the russian. an alternative route was considered, which would have kept
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h m. s. defend well away from contested waters. this would have avoided confrontation of the presentation noted, but ran the risk of being portrayed by russia as evidence of the u. k. being scared, running away. early the u. k. ministry of defense rejected. there were any shops directed at the war ship, adding that it was making an innocent passage. that won't be the c journalist who happened to be on board at the time of that incident said he did hear the shells and saw russia warplanes from pentagon official micro maloof says you can you what it was doing and swipe me. they were on board the ship. it's not unheard of for press people to be on board. sure. certainly it was an attempt by the u. k. to see how far they could push, push matters. and i think that the russian response was appropriate, considering that it was in the russian territory waters, even though those particular russian territorial waters is not recognized by the international community as such. because of the nature of the dispute following the,
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the coo and the ukraine. but it's, but nonetheless, the crimea is part of russia now, the de facto. and that's just the way it is and, and it constitutes russian territorial waters as consequence. and as a result, to have press people on board, reportedly. and that's, that's, that was to show the extent to which they could push moscow without some kind of reaction. while they got a reaction for more bodies have been recovered from the rubble of the chem plain towers. south complex in miami, bringing the desk told to 9 well, 950 people remaining missing after the residential building collapsed on thursday. refurbishment of the apartment block was due to be carried out this year. a report
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made public consensus. he shows engineers that actually raised the alarm 3 years ago. at that time they noted sous structural damage and had recommended major repair work. abundant cracking and spoiling of varying degrees was observed in the concrete columns, beams, and wolves in the parking carriage. the failed at waterproofing is causing major structural damage to the concrete structural slab. failure to replace the waterproofing in the near future will cause the extent to the concrete deterioration to expand exponentially. i'm under the impression that it is something that nobody had seen until yesterday. when we started looking back into the records to try to understand if there was anything in the record that would indicate why this building fell down. such rescue operation is still under way. it was hampered on saturday after a fire broke out beneath the rubble, a full investigation into the tragedy set to be launched when rescue a cat. the site has been concluded. with more details, his local journalists,
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paula center. we are here are the closest point up vailable to the ground. 0 building you see over there is that there was our champ, lou gate tower that was evacuated wall the year was you ring. now the communities have come to this lead, to pay tribute to the victim send to families. they are leaving flowers, roses and features of all the victims. their relatives there, they have full. that's the thing. my grandmother, she's lived here since 2001. and the last time i spoke with her was the day before the collapse on the phone. i'm praying for the miracle of the millennium where my grandmother is alive and well underneath the rubble against the odds. i'm concerned about my mom. i wonder if she was leasing. i wonder if you couldn't call any of our phones on the voicemail. terrible, tragic, terrible try to do. i mean,
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i came out here basically to lend moral support, spiritual support, but it's crazy. last information we got from the authorities is 9 people, 9 bodies have a be a recall over there is still more than 100 and the virgins still missing. this is just a process and they are asking the people to have patience while the rescue. the rescue operation is still happening with this is the situation with christie, man, sarah, who lives in miami and thinks that this trends that you will have huge legal repercussions for the city. well, i think that the building association was aware what was going on. and the people in charge of hiring the services of these building administrators who were the ones who had the responsibility of making sure that these repairs will be properly
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applied. these walls and structures and pillars. they were not done. and we also have to remember that the you engineer board about 30 years ago had already worn that the pillars in the building would be thinking at a rate of almost like 2 millimeters per year. due to the sub terrain which was before the building was built, a actual leak. and i think that what we're going to see in the future days and months is a bunch of lawsuits not only against a building association or whoever is responsible for not taking care of these repairs in time and also against the city and the county of miami. dade, and i'm sure that whoever is the building or the company that, that administers this condominium will have to answer some like you know, precise questions. if you knew there were issues with the building,
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why didn't you have a plan and store? and if you have a plan store, how much money that you have, where was the money invested, who was hired to take care of the job. and you had about 30 years to take care of this problem. i melting was still a had a beauty pageant participant rails, against what she's branded orwellian censorship on campus. we'll hear from the miss new jersey contest and herself after the break. ah, what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. foundation let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. developments only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical of time. time to sit down and talk
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rather driven by dreamers shaped by some person. those in me dares think we dare to ask me. ah ah, we'll come back us as drinks targeting iranian bank militia of killed
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a child and injured several civilians. according to syrian media, the pentagon released this video showing the bombing of a number of weapons facilities in the iraq syria border region. us state department justified the strike by citing the right to self defense, adding it was a response to an ongoing series of attacks by a rum bank groups. the united states took necessary appropriate and deliberate action designed to limit the risk of escalation, but also to send a clear and unambiguous deterrents message as a matter of international law, the united states and person to each right of self defense. the strikes are both necessary to address the threats and appropriately limited in scope. like a february, the u. s. carried out a similar attack in eastern serious some in congress at the time, questioned its legality. like santa ran said, the attack actually talks to those who are fighting terrorists and only strengthened isolate activity along the border mask,
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esteems the american presence in syria to be illegal and demands the troops. leave, middle east affairs, expert alley risk, told us the us doesn't want to withdraw from the region faring other powers will take over. even the killing of a child we've been accustomed to the united states using the language or the term collateral damage record. on one occasion, years ago, the americans bomb the hospital. you know, of course this was within or within the framework of the war on terra and time and time again, with deliberately or non deliberately, many, many civilians had been killed off the arnie's. you can also iraqis, you can ask others as well. this is our general american policy, and i think there are other states doesn't want to withdraw from these regions because it is that it would, with its influence, would be replaced by chinese and russian influence, along with the reigning influence lorice johnson's under attack for
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failing to fire his disgrace, health secretary, whose court flouncing covey rules, while cheating on his wife hancock has since fallen on his own sword. massive failure of leadership by boris johnson hancock should have been sacked of fish rods from his head. so does this u. k. government. this tend to mac has proved to be infuriating for many and you might wonder just how much more people can take. many are already frustrated that the lockdown has been extended again. and these frustrations are starting to boil over. just take a look at the mass protests that took place over the weekend. the
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any white, at the end of the tunnel of this prolonged pandemic just keeps getting further away . and the man whose responsibility was to see the u. k. out of this crisis, mat hancock has resigned after he broke the very rules he himself opposed on the country with this inappropriate make out fashion caught on camera. that's not his wife. by the way, i'm writing to resign a 6 to re states to health and social camp. we've worked so hard as the country to fight the pandemic. the last thing i would want is my private life to distract attention from the single minded focus that is leading us out of this crisis. i want to reiterate my apology for breaking the guidance and apologize to my family and loved ones for putting them through this. for sound though, this turn of events isn't exactly a surprise. dominant cummings, boris johnson's former chief aid has been telling just about anyone who listen how
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incompetent the government's been during this pandemic. in february, the prime minister regarded this was just a sketch story he regards and he describes it as the news wind said. the families of all, tens of thousands of p who died who didn't need to die. now though picking up the reins or perhaps pieces is former chancellor says huge of it, but the question is, is he fit for the job? many aren't so sure. and he's brief stints is chancellor job. it failed to reverse the tory cuts, that health care services had suffered with a waiting list sky, high cancer treatment delayed, and young people struggling to access mental health care. he chose to be to fix social care, which has repeatedly of a deep and devastating cuts in the end. hancock may have been responsible for quite a few disastrous decisions, but many point now that he at least had the chance to gain vital experience during the pandemic. seeing as how he was there from the start, chatted on,
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the other hand is coming in blind and we'll need to hit the ground running. and the leaf many can hope for is that he doesn't fall flat on his face at the 1st sign of trouble. one thing that he going to person is just absolutely unbelievable. this is unbelievable. this is going to be like, you know, what qualifies him to take this row is just terrible, like people are just fed up with the fed up because you know this poorly to ship. how do we, how do we co, how do we manage when the people who are supposed to be lead enough don't seem to be they don't have a clue what, you know, what, what is this going to end? you know, we've got the issues with the bad thing, should we have, should we not have the side effect this side effect? there's no side effects, you know, locked down, it's been broken down to reinstall it again. and now this new revelation where by then actually following these rules that this the in for the general property, it's very embarrassing and i think it thinks to be taken very seriously. i think
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for me to address the public when we need reassurance. a participant in the miss new jersey contest is taking a stand against what she's branded orwellian censorship on campus during the budget . justin mary delivered a far a speech on stage while answering a question about the biggest problems facing young people. our generation is experiencing an epidemic of censorship and entitlement. we're watching free speech get hammered to the ground by the very institutions that are supposed to promote diversity of thought. i think experience on my own college. and i know people who have the same experience on their college campuses where they've experienced censorship to the point where it becomes the borderline violence. i couldn't return to campus my senior year because i received death threats for my views and for my jewish views, enter my political views. they were deemed unholy. they were deemed on world and i
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was attacked on line by my own professors targeting online and harassment person to the point where one time professor even came up to me in the star. she didn't know who i was, but she grabbed my shoulder and there and i better watch out. she was like a secret please. this is straight out of order. well, murray speech came in the same week. the florida is governor, signed the bill for tackle alleged indoctrination in schools. it requires more than 30 public colleges and universities to conduct the yearly surveys on the beliefs of students and faculty members in order to determine levels of intellectual freedom and viewpoint diversity. just the murray again, relates more of the difficulty she experienced on campus. things gotten worse and they were already bad enough when i started my university career. even during my freshman year, i was banned from a dormitory floor in my, in my home called the multicultural living and learning community for dressing up
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as our for former 1st lady, milan and trump for how me share. so many politicians right now who claim that there for free speech, but only one, it supports their own ideology, so they get annoyed when people criticize them for their speech can brings you up today. if it's what you're after though, you can check out lots more new stories that we've got covered for you on a website. go 20 dot com the you know thing that comes right on police report. in december 2020 a group of and she finishes fill out a film crew access for 3 months people,
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organization. it's an idea that must be opposed that channel out the gate route. they may cover their faces, but they can say what they believe in. we believe and help our community. we believe that fascism is one of the major threats to the united states has gotten driven. this is a chance to see who and teeth are really are in order for me. my 1st amendment right and say that my life matter, i have to be onto the teachers that that's how we can trust the police. we can't trust the government. we can't trust anyone except or so to protect ourselves in join me every thursday on the alex, silent show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport, business. i'm show business. i'll see you then in provision my background is under state. i like, obviously lucky you lucky,
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last year so you'll have to, i lost his bus because i just got the new program. he just got to be on monday. my thought my daughter was up as well. so i said, you know, but it was the same. i pulled up, i got, you know, just, i mean my, almost what i'm already, whatever spits up i read me, just go to me. i mean, we're not, we're going to go, we went up really here. so i just don't get on to the oh that it's faded to santo that i'm one of this, but i'm like obviously this is what it is. i'm looking for my family to go to kind of all my just part of yes. at west village and he thought of the thing i was calling with you and your team, samantha katie. yeah, my thought a lot problem. you're quite
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welcome to mack kaiser's financial survival guide. looking forward to your best this is what happened is the benches in britain delicate apple watch. kaiser report ah ah hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things considered 9? peter labelle. well, it didn't take long days after the shooting by summit the u. k. committed some very under pro magic acts in the block, c will tell you why. also after heated debate, the e. u is proven unable to find the unified voice to engage russia. whose fault is that?
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i discuss these issues and more. i'm joined by my guess, marcus, about the ductless of london. he's a historian analyst, an author of the new book, arrived, rossi, and the return of russia to world politics. and in budapest we cross the jordan, samuel, we is a podcast, or in the gaggle which can be found on youtube rumble and locals are and gentlemen, that means you can jump in anytime you want. and i always appreciate it. how it's going to london 1st market. can you explain to me what the u. k. is doing him, the black, the, and all of their gobbledygook, explanations for their intrusion in territory waters of russia that russia claims that i know that they the u. k. does not recognize crimea as part of ukraine, but they are russia and, but, you know,
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they have to of 2 different explanations that ukrainian waters, it's international water is what is that, what are they doing? and it's very and diplomatic. are they looking for a provocation? go ahead, marcus. well, the infamous incident in russian maritime alters adjacent to be crime in and in schiller was evidently a stage publication by both britson and america. and i say america as well, because london and washington act in unison on the international stage. and that is especially the case when it comes to russia. and this stage provocation was both foolhardy and exceedingly dangerous. now, the question is, why did last london washington orchestrates this publication of russia? well, i cannot believe that the americans and the british seriously wished to.


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