tv Cross Talk RT June 29, 2021 12:00am-12:31am EDT
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look past the death that happened every single day. this is a modern history of the usa america on our t ah, the feminine dismisses a new un security council report obtained by the new york times alleging that russian army instructors and the central african republic carried out for a potential death flow to the u. s. case again, shoot in a song jazz, washington. the main witness. wouldn't me that an interview that gave me 10 debts are confirmed in miami, off the collapse when a palm, a block on thursday schools. people remain missing from us, that engineers raise the alarm over the ability of the complex 3 you got next. if you're watching us in the u. k, it's ready getting a new hobby on route to bring you the morning headlines and i was time join us again. ah,
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ah ah ah, ah hello and welcome to cross stock. were all things considered 9? peter labelle. well, it didn't take long days after the shooting biking summit. the u. k. committed some very under pro magic acts in the black sea will tell you why. also after heated debate, b e u is proven unable to find a unified voice to engage russia. whose fault is that. i can discuss these issues and more, i'm joined by my guess mark is about the ductless london. he's a historian analyst,
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and the author of the new book arrives rusty and the return of russia to world politics. and in budapest we cross the jordan, samuel we is upon capturing the goggle, which can be found on youtube rumble, and the locals are in gentling cross. that means you can jump in anytime you want. and i always appreciate it. i was going to london 1st mark as can you explain to me what the u. k. is doing him, the black, the, and all of their are gobbledygook. explanations for their intrusion in territory waters of russia that russia claims. but i know that they the u. k. does not recognize crimea as part of ukraine, but they are russia and, but you know, they have to of 2 different explanations that ukrainian waters, it's international waters. what is it, what are they doing? and it's very and diplomatic. are they looking for a provocation? go ahead, marcus. well, the infamous incident in russian maritime alters adjacent to be crime in an inch.
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was evidently a sage, the publication by both britain and america. and i say america as well, because london and washington acts in unison on the international stage. and that is especially the case when it comes to russia. and this stage convocation was both for holiday and exceedingly dangerous. now, the question is, why did last london washington orchestrates this publication of russia? well, i cannot believe that the americans and the british seriously wish to go to russia into a military confrontation with the west because the americans, in the british know, as we know, that a military conflict with russia, with rapid growth rapidly escalates into a new killer exchange so it is my,
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the reason why the british and the americans stage this publication was to portray russia as an aggressive and dangerous full force, which warrants the increase in nato's presence on the russian border in terms of soldiery and weaponry. and also, it warrants the case for ukraine to be admitted into the ranks of nato. the british government official line, but they do not recognize the crimea as part of russia and therefore h m. s. defend. the rule may be shipping both and the incident was in ukrainian. alters is, is an logical and quite simply untenable argument to make. because if the, if that argument was applied across the world, then other countries in the world could no longer recognize the british jurisdiction over the new or newfound island, or british jurisdiction over the mouth, venus, or the folks on the island,
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or in days british jurisdiction over the change those islands, so the real reason the boss to go russia to portray russia in a very negative, dangerous way to justify nato is increasing dangerous prisons on the russian. and also to increase the case for ukraine to be admitted into georgia. we all know that the lee and the, i guess the daniel seabreeze exercises are bland, but this week here was a trial balloon to see what we actually going to be. also, we have with a british him are getting so close to a russian sovereign border on the crimea in the black sea is that it was a reconnaissance mission as well, seeing what kinds of defences are there. and so, i mean that there's provocation written all over the go ahead. yes, there was
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a bro occasion and without question, it is about trying to humiliate roster and to mobilize nato into more, more expenditure, more reasons for existence, more expansion. and, but i think there is a domestic aspect to it, which is the, i mean, the bar is johnson. government is in the hopeless task that we have is minutes. the map and costco resigning this weekend over a situation where he was violating his own cobit restrictions. we know we have johnson counting his supposedly global britain, whereby britain now has a major world power and has a role to play in the world. when of course, it is complete nonsense because the britain is not
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a serious player on the world stage. and one of britain did in the, in promoting russia was clearly absolutely ludicrous just on his face because of the, the rationale that it has come up with, such as a well, this was innocent passage which even when you look at it, just in terms of what the un convention of all the see says in the passage does not apply to a war ship that costing through territorial waters locked and loaded. and those in gauging the propaganda exercised. johnson openly said, this is the propaganda that has to show that these waters don't belong to russia, but belong to ukraine propaganda exercise. and moreover, russia had already explicitly stated in april of this year that there is to be no
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innocent passage in crime in that way to save it in april. so this was months before johnson comes along with this month, and the oldest was innocent passage just going from a to b. so i go back to your original question. as you know, i think brittany is trying to throw his weight around in the world, but is making itself into an absolute laughing stock. and unfortunately, because britain doesn't have a proper opposition, where is the labor party? there's no one really holding johnson's feet to the fire as to why exactly, is it getting breton involved, potentially, into very serious military conflict with nuclear power in marcus it at the end of the day, i mean, it was an attempt to humiliate russia, but it was the u. k, that was humiliated. i mean, this was the self inflicted wounds. i mean, they ran late and they, they turned around and ran away. okay. and they, and of course, in the media coverage of it, you know, russia, there was a, a warning shop there were claims involved in the a far as i understand,
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the u. k. government denied all of it, but none of that is true. it actually all happened. go ahead, marcus, page. so 1st of all, i must say this. i proceed to april, soon, not dismiss britain in the world who is at the heart, along with the americans of the bank cancelled the global banking system and the global financial system. britain in particular, specifically the city of london, britson is an exceptionally powerful global player in about doing the same thing. i think that if i could interpret george's words and he can jump in obviously to me and the u. k. is making itself relevant diplomatically, militarily on the coattails, have been a change, which i want to talk about a little bit later here. i think that's the context you're right. i mean, i'm a knowing dismissing of the city of london. ok. but i mean, of course, do use your own words. they never would have done this with the americans and agreed. yeah,
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absolutely. the american military in georgia. yeah, i mean, the americans provide the military muscle, but of course, traditionally brinton is at the heart of the global financial banking system. now, as regards to nato, well, i believe that nature expansion into eastern europe has come to a halt perhaps made. so we'll expand into se in europe, specifically, serbia, and both in the regard to eastern europe, it has come to an end. why do i say that? because the kremlin, who use all means at its disposal, i mean all means that its disposal to ensure that ukraine is never admitted into the ranks of nato. but i believe h missed the been deployed in sebastian maritime borders. does show that the british and the americans feel emboldened because britson never recognized. states
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only left the uranium of the soviet union, yet nonetheless in london, never violated soviet maritime walters adjacent to the baltic states. i let me add this one of appoint pizza. the british roll in a late in set up the hole in the royal navy to the black sea to go and russia should actually deploy the royal navy in full strength to the english channel to defend england from illegal immigrants crossing on a daily basis from kelly about the british people where they would close the goal navy to well, long on this program, as nato really does have an important mission, only one single one, defend your preventive immigration is one of them and that there isn't another. but those are way down on the list. apparently. george, you want to jump in, go ahead. yes or no i, i don't disagree with margaret about the key role of british finance
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in the way the world. but as a military power, britain is insignificant. i mean, we've seen how feebly britain has fought in recent years. i mean it's, it's military performance and iraq was a joke. so any attempt by britain in ukraine or in the black sea to get itself into some sort of a military conflict with russia would end in a complete debacle for britain. i mean, this is, and that's very different from the united states or the united states is a serious military board of great britain is not as there is military force. and that's why i think johnson's idea that the great britain is the global britain is some sort of a major power in the world is completely misconceived. rapidly was part of what to ask you both. the same question for the markets here in, you know, you can interpret the recent biden's summit in many different ways. george and i
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have them different venue, are gaggle. but i mean, is this undermining any possibility of kind of lowering tension because i want interpretation. you can take from the summit, marcus 1st, and i'm going to real quick. no, i don't believe that. i mean, is to be an improvement in relations between the russia and the west. then the also to speak is the court of the west. but when natal needs to withdrew its presence from the russian border, the americans need to pledge invited ukraine and georgia will not be admitted into the rights of nato. and also the americans need to dismantle that a missile defense system in poland and romania. unless that happens, there will be no improvement in relations between western russia. your answer george, go ahead. yeah, no, i think that's right, but i don't think there's any real prospect of improvement relations with russia and nato makes the significant changes. nato will not make can changes. but i
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think there are countries such as great britain that thrive on tension with russia in elevate significance, and suddenly you can play around being the sort of the big player in the, on the world stage. so johnson said that does not want any kind of a day tone, because then, you know, his role in the world is much the minutes a day. it's not a money maker isn't dental than not. all right, i'm going to jump in here. we're going to go to a short break enough about your community where the discussion and some important news. the news . ah news.
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when so many find themselves will depart, we choose to look for common ground in the welcome x across that are all things are considered. i'm here, lavelle. this is the home edition remind you were discussing some real news. i okay, gentlemen, let's change gears is going to go back to georgia in budapest. well, you know, be there is a strobe out there that the russians are always trying to divide. members, dates of the e u conquering divide and all that back when the e u to get together on the back of a strong congestion from the german chancellor and the french president to start
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a dialog on any specific issues with russia. they pointed to the boat and you know, what happened? no consensus here. the russians are left. what do we talk to? you want to talk? who do we talk to? and that's the, the, that, that's where we stand right now. do you see that george? because it looks like, you know, the, the germans and the french want to move forward. but of course, it's the, the poles in the baltic states that do not want to is what i actually want more thing. sions, i mean, this is just turning the use policy towards rush into a pretzel. go ahead george. yes. well, it's of the bowling bold estate, but it's also use that burrell the you foreign minister, so to speak. i remember he was by the you council to come up with a working paper as to future your relations with russia. precisely because from germany, you know, probably it's really once a working relationship with russia and then borrow comes up with this ridiculous
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paper about a week 10 days ago when she talks about constrained and pushed back and engage with russia engage only issue the matter with the you know one anything that my mother, roger, so thats laurel who seems to be completely stuck in the mindset of rushing the malevolent was. so you got what is really going on in the you, the serious bows in the just bronze german and say we have to rich what, what was the state was go and it was 2014 working partnership with russia. and then you got the, you bureaucracy, the name of morales and the new development, the baltics. and poland will just learn more sanction. and the, the end result is out. we're going to have more sanctions that means position. now
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in, we're going to be working towards developing more sanctions. no one knows what about what, but rest assured, most sanctions needed in marcus, i'm glad you're driving a few 1014 because because that's of course on the back of the illegal force regime change in ukraine, which for some reason is blamed on russia. and so we have this, you know, we have going on 7 years now, why should the russians really particularly care? i mean, if you don't want to, don't want to, why should they keep waiting around? i mean, this has been my position for a long time. if you don't want to parlay, then get along, get on with your life. well, getting on, get on with ours. we live in the same neighborhood, but if you don't want to be good neighborly, then what's the point, what, why should russia have to reach out the ball is in europe court. okay. and they need that relationship with russia. russian, the need to relationship with europe less and less with every passing day. that's my contention. at least go ahead, mark. trying to you expansion into the politic states,
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into eastern europe and into south eastern europe. the true me was a folks to be reckoned with. it was an exceptionally affluent elite club whose members, with the exception of greece and portugal, made an immense amount of money. however, the use leadership, overstretched themselves, when they admitted the baltic states, eastern europe, and se you're into the rights of the you. they never consider the consequences. potential consequences could have been countries such as poland and the politics states inside of the us. and now today we see a fossil situation in which a minority of members of the you holding. so ransom the rest of the you visa 3, russia, b, a,
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you and i mean specifically the major countries from germany, but also italy and spain, and then others such as hungry and greece want to have relations with russia. in fact, they want to go back to how relations were prior to the crew in kit, in february, 2014. but the european union is handicapped. it is handicapped because of the behavior of poland and the baltic states. and i don't see how parents can actually get around back now because yes, the french and the germans have very strong financial relations with russia. a so also to spain and italy, in particular, the agricultural sectors in spain, them actually i'm no longer to i'm no longer able to export their projects to the russian federation as they once were trying to be function on russia. so be you
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or the leadership of the you only have itself to blame. i haven't expanded into part so your, which we're always going to be problematic. i did not strategically plan for countries such as poland and artic state. and as i said, moments ago, be you in regard to the relationship of russia account and the cast because poland and the politics do not wish to be any improvements between the you and why? because they are constantly portraying russia as a friend. so the whole of your and thereby they are receiving even more financial assistance from america and also even more soldiery and weaponry or so on their respective territories. george so so obviously b, u isn't making any headway here. what are the benefits, the country like colon and the baltic republics gardener from this position? simply because the, any kind of spite. and they want to spike for historical cultural window,
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ideological reason, the entire block suffers. and as i say, every time i do cross up, the world is moving on europe. if you want to tread water, go right ahead because everybody else is moving forward. i mean, this is just the most ridiculous situation have. it's like dealing with children in the cafeteria. go ahead and back calculation as well. will. we will have washington in our will be there for as we know about the united states, united states shell out money or something really big in it or the live state. and i mean, when trump said ok, well we're going to move troops out of germany. i move them into poland and then as oh, great, you know, we'll call it for trump and everything within that will materialize as always happens with these american promises. they never really materialized and it's
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a mocker sandwiches that there was a moment in history when the e u was and it was serious balls. you know, you had the hawkish, very russell oh, big united state. and then you had the you which had good relations with america, but also sold a partnership with russia and much it was one of the energy in the u. k. came from i which political big as as a oh my god, you the win. members. all it's going to become the american and he's going to become neutral, isn't going to be pro russian. we can't be a part of this because we have to say this trans atlantic a ryan, it hasn't happened. and then the e. u now is ludicrous division is like even more hawkish if anything of the united states. yeah,
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and it's very interesting with the since break that here we have obviously the u. k . out. and now they've gone in the most kind of like the u. k is kind of the camp on them, right? for american health, around the world we discussed in the 1st part of the program going into the black, the maybe doing it for the showing their value. ok. because their influence obviously over the lease diplomatically as non existent anymore. so, i mean, and now we have a small number of countries within the u, dictating the direction of it. and, and i would say that the in the u. k. is role is it's more symbolic. than anything else, i mean, the symbolism is really humiliating. every step of the way here and then you have paralysis in europe. so again, i repeat my position, why should the russians particularly care if they are good, they need to do with counter nato. the rest of it is internal injury and european problem go ahead markers. what is lamentable pizza is when britain
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finally withdrew from the european union. there was, i'm perhaps this is a minuscule window of opportunity for an improvement between the european union. russia because britain was in the country such as france and germany would come under more and more pressure in directly from america via britain. however, we have seen no improvements in relations between the you and russia. indeed, i regard response to say relation has deteriorated even further, so far in 2021. and we have to ask the question, why? well, i think to a very large extent it comes down to the immense influence that washington exerts inside of the european union. not just economy but also militarily, why?
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because most of the european union member states are also. ready crucially, members of nato, and if mac countries are members of nato, ben back provides america with a tremendous amount of influence over the decision making process in those respective countries, but also in a blog. and i'm talking about the european union as a whole. so i believe that was paris, i'm sincerely want to have dialogue with russia sincerely wants to be able to trade properly with russia. again, they are hamstrung by the very fact that they are both members of nato and because they are not able to eliminate american influence european union. i mean it remember during disregarding of disrespecting allies,
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but actually what we haven't replied, which is continuation of other administrations, the more may leis inside the european union, the better. okay. i mean one way to treat your allies. ok when they're in, they have all the paralysis, they can't even make their own policy. and of course i with mark is that it works the washington advantage. you're great. now i are in paralysis. whenever. whenever bizarre way of looking at the world finish up or it's. yeah, that's right. remember trump line was, oh my god, we're doing all this. we europe's, and the such ungrateful people, you know, they don't, you know, they don't realize all the wonderful things that we're doing for them. and so in the stabbing is in the back. and then when my grow suggested, well maybe there should be your be in security and identity. why are you, i don't know mind, no one forward particularly in depends nato and this is always been the american thing. i have to jump in here, run out of the thing, gets in london, and that's what they are watching. the remember
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in a world transformed what will make you feel safe for the tycer lation whole community. are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere which direction? what is truth? what is in a world corrupted? you need to defend the so join us in the depths or remain in the shallows. ah ah, today industry prefers millions of euros in the regulations. i will be thinking about making money. i think it's about big corporation, international markets. import export, do you imagine the number of per the diseases.
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