tv News RT June 29, 2021 1:00pm-1:31pm EDT
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[000:00:00;00] the, who's the highest court to in texas rules facebook is liable for a quote knowingly benefiting from 6 traffickers. it comes several victims to the company for failing to protect them from abusers, naming. they were forced into prostitution via the network. the us state department issues or warning, telling americans not to travel to russia, placing the country on the same risk list of off chemist on syria and uganda for reasons including the terrorism and a group of perdition piece under cross party letter to belmore, the prison in which they did the right to visit wiki lakes, co funder,
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julianna's. we hear from the former leader of the opposition, who is among those taking part. i've often spoken about the thing in egypt and mexico and indonesia, in many other places. but suddenly different la junior college, as i live from moscow to the world. this is been use our own r t. i'm, you know, new and you're welcome to the program. in a groundbreaking decision, the highest court in texas has ruled on facebook can be held liable for knowingly benefiting from sex traffickers. it means the world's biggest social network will find it harder to take refuge under a law. a new one. the same platforms are not responsible for content posted by
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users. dancer. several victims recently sued facebook for feeling to protect them from abusers who use the site to force them into prostitution of teenagers, or senior correspondent morocco. the reports. one of the girls suing facebook was 14, when a man of about 30 message to julie methodically, he groomed her psychologically conditioned her for 2 years later, she would find herself in a motel room being grave by strangers or another girls or 214, the predator, groomed her advertised on instagram traffic is used instagram to arrange dates. as a result, plaintiff was raped numerous times for in plaintive rescue from the trafficking scheme, traffic is continued to use her profile to attempt the entrap of the miners in the same manner. painted some of the reports of these activities, facebook, which never responded. the trio now suing facebook are an anomaly. many boys and
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girls. they never speak out because that fear, because of aberice meant and shame. they could be your kids, my kids defenseless, against a veteran predator who prays on psychologically vulnerable kids news, their weaknesses, the amount of sex traffic on facebook and instagram, which it owns these booth astonishing and revolting. the internet is a major platform for traffickers to recruit, sex traffic and victims, and solicit buyers of commercial sex in 202059 percent of online victim recruitment . in active sex traffic and cases occurs and facebook. facebook's lawyers shout about section $230.00. so section $230.00 is a law which states that online platforms cannot be held responsible for the words or actions of their users. which makes sense, if you shut down every website where someone says something offensive, there wouldn't be an into that left. except of course,
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facebook may have been complicit, holding into platforms accountable for the words or actions that they use is one thing. and the federal president uniform it, it states that section $230.00 does not allow it's holding internet puff accountable for their own misdeeds. is quite another thing. this is particularly the case for human trafficking. what do you have to do with a trafficker messages? someone through direct messages have moderators read every single private message that uses exchange. and facebook says that it's doing what it can. sex trafficking is horns and not allowed on facebook, where continue to fight against the spread of this content, and the predators who engage in it. except facebook really isn't putting up much of a fight. and the traffic isn't the p. the fall of using facebook much more brazen than you would think. plaintiff with 15 years old in 2012, when she was friend it by end of the facebook user, with whom she shared several mutual friends. the user profile featured photographs
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of scantily clad young women in sexual positions with money stuffed in their mouths, as well as other deeply troubling content. according to reports, these pimps and traffickers even by up advertisement on facebook's platforms, which facebook ads and does approve and makes money on the go, the argument that facebook is complicit in under age sex trafficking. se lewis representing the victims and the courts agree. we do not understand section $230.00 to create a lawless, no man's land on the internet. in which states a powerless impose liability on websites that knowingly or intentionally participate in the evil of online human trafficking. if the case succeed, facebook and other online johns will have a much tougher tab of hiding behind pieces of paper with section $230.00 stamped them claiming defied sex trafficking, even as they profit from hosting p. the fall pages and running,
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grooming ads. know if this case succeeds, facebook will actually have to start fighting the sex trafficking industry that has made its platforms a home. and the thing is that facebook comes under so much hurt me because they have this powerful censorship apparatus is our cooperate to monitor every little thing happening on their site. and they choose to ignore the really green stuff and over the political things to they're too busy removing, i mean jokes and any sort of speech that sensitive delicate, like when people might find offensive when. meanwhile, there's actual crimes apparently occurring on their side. it's really bad piano for facebook and it's good reasons are parents see the store? is they're going to want their kids on instagram. facebook, rightly so it's scary. spatial doesn't like press like this at all. they're, they're very scared of it. and especially where young people are concerned, they obviously want to young people and parents because they want to rope and young people. they want to get them hooked on these platforms and keep them to the
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lifelong users. so facebook is going to want to clean it up simply for p r. i would imagine the u. s. state department of issued a special trouble alerts warning its citizens not to had to russia under any circumstances. it sites a whole host of reasons for its decision do not travel to russia due to terrorism, harassment, by russian government, security officials. the emphasis limited ability to assist us citizens in russia and the arbitrary enforcement of local law. your citizens may become victims of harassment, mis treatment, and extortion. all u. s. government personnel should carefully consider their need to travel to russia with joining the live on this to do is ortiz to me, tree power. dmitri, pretty direct language there. what's the lead to this decision to blacklist russia? well, at this point, we don't really know what led to it. it kind of came out of the blue, basically what the state department has done. it's declared russia level for threat, basically,
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meaning code read the highest threat level. do not travel to this country. to be fair though. several countries have recently received this bump up to threat level for including many in europe. but many of most of those countries received that level due to cover 1900 concerns. russia on the other hand, received the threat level due to believe it or not terrorism and potential abuse by government officials. and apparently, according to the state department, terrorists are literally right around every corner here in russia. terrorist groups trans national and local terrorist organizations and individuals inspired by extremist ideology containing plotting possible attacks in russia. terrorists may attack with little or no warning targeting tories locations, transportation, hobbs, markets and shopping malls, local government, facilities, hotels, clubs,
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restaurants, places of worship, parks, major sporting and cultural events, educational institutions, airports and other public areas. now, these statements, for many people who have been to rush or especially live in russia, these statements are just ridiculous and absurd, nothing to do with reality in everyday life, in russia, although the state department does specify the caucus region and places like chechnya and i guess is more inclined to terrorism and kidnappings. but the way the statement has been worded and kind of applies to the country as a whole. and just for context, this kind of implies that the state department sees traveling to russia as dangerous as travelling to countries like gas stan syrian, libya literal, war zone. i think if i read this before coming here, i might not stay for 15 years. dmitri, to be honest, it's, it's scary stuff and terror, the terror threat. russia is not exactly the only country effected by that. is it
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obviously not, of course terrorism does happen in russia, but kind of rarely, i mean, yes, we saw the situation because over a month ago. but more often than not these stories about the headings, knife, attack, stabbings, killings. they're not coming most of the time from russia. they're coming from countries like the us, the u. k. in germany, france. yet somehow, none of these countries have been designated as level for threats. apparently, according to the state department of the mythical thread of terrorists and russia is far greater than everything that's been happening in europe over the past few years. here's just a few examples of opened a terrorism investigation after a police employee was stamped to death at a police station near paris. a terror attack in vienna. austria leave 2 people dead, including one of the gunmen 15 others are wounded. 7. seriously. this is the 3rd terror attack and just over a month in france, becky and the 1st 2 were connected to the republication and friends of cartoons
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news tonight about the deadly terror attack outside of paris. not so long ago, we're talking about the, by the administration making out state statement that they want stable, predictable relations with russia. how does that fit with what we've just been talking about? well, basically it just flies in the face of everything. the bite administration has been saying the stuff we heard at the summit between fruits and, and bite and, but it's not really surprisingly much. sure. there was a lot of talk about building friendly relations, having a fair relationship between the countries. but what gestures like these, it seems that kind of double standards and flip flopping are kind of the name of the game when it comes to relations with the us. first we are friends, then rushes enemy number one, and now a threat, travel threat. and all this time, politicians are saying stuff like this. we see a predictable, stable relationship with russia. we want a stable,
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predictable relationship. we're not looking to de escalate. we would prefer to have a more stable, more predictable relationship. president food and i had a share unique responsibility to manage the relationship between 2 powerful and proud countries. relationship that has to be stable and predictable. now all of that sounds lovely and there's definitely a lot of people that want to see russia and the us get along. but with gestures like this threat level thing. it seems there's still a lot of people in washington who are sort of hell bends on seeing russia as the enemy. and these relationships are on kind of a one step forward to step back trend. and as long as that is a thing, the relationships between the 2 countries probably won't get very far, especially with officials, just making up reasons apparently, to describe russia as the bad guy. dmitri, thanks for take us through the to
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r t symmetry oak. moving a program all know britton's maximum security bell mars prison. so quite the crow today, a number of m. p. 's join supporters of julian, a songs for a protest outside the facility where the wiki lexical funder is currently being held. the politicians handed in a cross party letter to the prison in which they called it fell marcy's refusal to allow a meeting with us on protest comes after the main witness in the u. s. case against the san reportedly admitted giving false testimony in exchange for immunity. from prosecution we heard from the former leader of the u. k. position term, corbin, who was among those protest. i visited many prisons and many prisoners over all the years. i've been a member of parliament and is perfectly normal. the members of parliament granted with due process of facility. we now want a group of us to be able to talk to julian, probably by video link in order we can discuss his case and help to form our own
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opinions and encourage other members of parliament understand their role in what i hope will be a very strong campaign to prevent his extradition away from this country. julian spent years in ecuador, and embassy was then taken out the door. embassy is now in a maximum security prison. the case went to court. the court refused the request for extradition. therefore, at that point, the case of any will should have done, but instead, the united states is give notice that he intends to appeal against this extradition . i'm seek to take it back to the court of appeal and eventually presumed to supreme court, which would mean that he could be extra to the usa, where he would trace a minimum prison sentence of a 175 years. we have appealed to preston biden. to not go ahead with this appeal to drop the case so that julian can be free and what was done today here at this maximum here is he prison in london,
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bell marsh is to ask 2 questions. one is the government. we consider her decision to refuse a private nature of members apartments on a legal basis for julian massage, and also to make the point that judy and somebody that stood up for the truth around the world has helped us to understand what happening in panama bay and in so many other places around the world where the us military on such terrible things and we think he is a journalist of distinction. i've often spoken about jonathan. 2 in egypt and mexico and indonesia, in many other places. but suddenly it'll lead julian, as far as i don't know if he has spoken the truth about what has happened around the world. the biggest, ever a court case against pharmaceutical giants is underway in the us drug makers found
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accused of aggravating the country's opioid crisis. our plan is to lay out all of the bad conduct that led to the democrats that's, that's number one. certainly, we want to establish, we want the jury to hear it. we want the jury to answer the question. this was a public nuisance. they caused riffing terrific damages to our community. that's what you want from this, from this trial. one form a giant won't be at the trial though. johnson and johnson has agreed a $230000000.00 out of court settlement with new york. as part of the deal, it will settle related to claims over the next 9 years and stop selling opioids in america. the company insist though it isn't our admission of wrong doing us. it hasn't sold opioids since 2015. now the o. p. i crisis that's been blamed on johnson johnson on the other drug makers who
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will some trial has caused huge suffering in the country now. it's killed almost half a 1000000 people. jane jay is accused of over prescribing drugs and causing addiction . some thing the company denied it's it distributed only the required amounts to people with medical issues. look, j nestor heads, an organization that helps drug addicts recover. he sees compensation for victims should be much higher. this should be a much bigger compensation. a half a 1000000 americans that perished from this and many more families that have been destroyed by this addiction, which is at an epidemic level and continues to increase both in, not only and over those deaths, but in the spread of the contagion throughout the society. so is $230000000.00. adequate? absolutely not. indonesia is on the verge of
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a coven catastrophe. that is, according to the red cross. infection rates are skyrocketing with more than 60000 new cases reported in the past 3 days. the local health system is said to be a breaking point. ah, the because we are all tired, but there's nothing we can do about it. this is our duty and we have to do our job . but my mother got sick about 2 days ago. they brought her to a hospital after her condition got worse. last night condition worse and, and she passed away.
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the turkeys president has launched the construction of a controversial and you can now in a stumble, it will run west of the city on is expected to be completed within half a dozen years president or the one that said the cannot, will be a source of pride for the turkish people, but the projects raising concerns over its environmental and economic cost. let's get onto the price tag. it's estimated at $15000000000.00, now it will link the black see the see of at marbra 6 bridges and we'll spend the 45 kilometer long with the projects designed to ease traffic and reduce the risk of accidents in the boss, restrain one of the world's busiest shipping lanes, but critics have questioned whether turkey will apply them on true convention to the canal,
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which is an international agreement regulating vessel transit through the phosphorus . darden knows straight so signed in 1936. it guarantees free passage for civilian vessels and restricts naval ships. not belonging to block c states are gone. he said he's not planning to quit the treaty, but won't hesitate to review any agreements to get a better deal for turkey in the future. middle east, unless to morrow calf is already concerned by turkey's current lack of cooperation with its key partners in the region. the worrying thing is that the obvious thing, so to speak, is that turkey is not doing this in full cooperation with the main stakeholder in. and in the whole operation which is fresher, and this is the worrying thing, could be the case that turkey is doing this in order to put pressure its own
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pressure on russia in order to gain some leverage. but if this indeed proves to be, you know, and me to oriented operation whereby a sudden the need to ship say were we not bound by the mantra agreement anymore. and we can go into the black sea as much as we can. and we don't have to leave up to 21 days. then, you know, would that may crush, i behave different tree in a more and sort of serial or defensive way towards turkey, which could lead to some confrontation here. or there. the european environment bureau has branded the use new green law a force. the legislation obliges the block to become a net 0 emissions economy by 2015. barbara mariani from the bureau. explain why the target she believes will not be meant to 5. because the real mission relaxer is only 52.8, because members says, can you said they don't want to have
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a common neutrality target finding kind of trying to august. they also resist the and, and you sort of provision setting a deadline for subsidies when the last several elements, if one really knew where we started to go, what you meant for being hailed as land law, climate change rule. the 27 nations in the book must collectively flash greenhouse gas emission by 55 percent by 2030 compared to the levels in the 1990s. i'm quite 2050 to become a net 0 emissions economy. now the deal was approved by all expect, guerria, which abstain saying the final compromise did not reflect the national position. but while everyone else is totally on board,
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that doesn't mean that they are all happy about it. the common dog is not buying a national level is a big is a big obstacle and we are hearing some of our members seen this in check republic. people say that. com and you're trying to get for you is not for us. so we don't have to bother. so you know, this is exactly the kind of dynamics which will not take us to climate neutrality because there is a sort of, you know, to say within the response. and we've, you know, there is sure nurse without really looking into how to be club when i've, when all the songs that are available today. also putting a big black on the blocks green credentials is the recent approval of the new common agriculture policy. until 2027. the critics say that that puts 2
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environmentally unfriendly fingers up the efforts to find the climate course. if they say 3 quarters of the budget will go to intensive farming practices which account for around 15 percent of all europe's emissions. this agreement full short of the green deal ambition and the transformation and we are in taishan of e u. agriculture policy. that farmers bout diversity and the climate so badly need the c a p was supposed to be the big building block of the green deal. what remains a series of empty slogans with big agribusiness as usual, or in many cases, a deterioration of the status quo. there's also a sense of things y'all were back in 2015. the parish agreement was seen as a breakthrough on global climate action. but since then, the promise is laid out to not treaty have fallen by the wayside. the host nation about summit from, from guilty by cool to failing to meet its commitment to curb the greenhouse gas
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emissions. leading many to question whether this new, you know, will actually be worth anything more than the paper. it's been written on charlotte, even sky r t. paris last spring you to south america, where protesters on the streets of the colombian capital have once again clashed with police. it is the latest skirmish during a national strike. that's drug. don't know if for some 2 months, demonstrators have been demanding an end to police repression on a route and branch reform of social policies. the, who's lynn goldsmith? jealous, i do. it's tim on students to start of a wave of social protests that have swept across colombia. hundreds of people took to the streets with a long list of demands from the country's government cooling for
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a better life for everyone that much has been achieved. controversial health care reforms was crept at government minister, the head of the foreign ministry, as well as the chief of police all resigned. so why today 2 months later, people are still in the streets, which i think that it's necessary to continue resistance. despite the fact that the strike committee held negotiations with the government, the government has refused to speak with the people on the street. i know that there is a game of the keeper care we're here because in addition to that, but you need to express our protests for most of these actions, allow us to help people who live on the street and returns and are not able to get an indication, maria was in with us, we will stay on the streets because we do not have a good enough livelihood, love and do not have enough help from the government. or we want to allow ourselves to continue to be robbed in such a shameless way. indiscreetly, we continue to fight because our country needs it. all society in the community
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also needs stability in order to achieve tolerance for quality and make our country a better place. more protests in columbia begin early this morning in the city of medicine a few hours ago. there was reported the forceful intervention by law enforcement agency to this past protest. there was also information about several mass demonstrations in some areas of the city, like you can see here in the north of the capital. just a few days ago, it was here that hundreds of people took to the street and protest. you know, the situation has changed, in particular, due to the restrictions and post in the city, in order to protect the population and gets around a virus be on the phone. on the 20th of july, columbus independence day, congress will behave. and another day of nationwide protest is expected to install it. by now i meant the clump down on crypto currency exchanges.
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. so you'll have to, i lost his boss because i just got to the bottom. you just gotta, you gotta be, i'm on my cell, my those up as well. so you know what it was, you know? so my pull up, i got my almost what i'm already whatever spits up i really just gotta go. i remember the last thing we went up and i might really here is i just don't get it onto the video to santo that i'm one of this, but i was like, how is this sort of last month? i didn't actually go to kind of all my, you're just part of that. yes, i think i was calling with you and your team, samantha katie. yeah. my thought allow me just go out to
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the the the misery them. but when business show you can't afford to miss, i'm rachel robins in washington, coming up the world's largest crypto currency exchange is banned from operating in the u. k. so why a regulator saying it was a long time coming, and how will this impact the world of crypto? we'll discuss. plot, johnson and johnson person and she was overjoyed, business agreeing to a 230000000 dollar settlement with the state of new york. then richard branson could be the 1st billionaire in face feeding both jeff phases and you on last as he
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