tv Keiser Report RT June 29, 2021 3:30pm-4:01pm EDT
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tegan was in a crazy one with us. we will stay on the street is because we do not have a good enough livelihood left and do not have enough help from the government. or we want to allow ourselves to continue to be robbed in such a shameless way discreetly. we continue to fight because our country needs a site in the community. it also needs realty, in order to achieve tolerance, calling to make our country a better place. more protests in columbia begin early this morning. in the city of medicine, a few hours ago, there was reported the forceful intervention by law enforcement to this past protest. there was also information about several mass demonstrations in some areas of the city, like you can see here in the north, the capital a few days ago was here that hundreds of people took to the streets. no, the situation has changed. in particular, due to the restrictions in person and in order to protect the population and get on the, on the, on the 20th of july, bits independence day,
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the hi. i'm ash cash or this is the kaiser report as we do at the end of almost every quarter. you've got to like, look back, look forward. where are we in all this crazy world we live in say, hey maxwell, remember who? 1011 years ago when we 1st started kaiser report, there was the beginning of the introduction of the temporary measure of quantitative easing. q one was then launched around that same time that we launch the kaiser report. then there was q e 2, then there was q a 3. then there were all sorts of other measures that they named all sorts of weird things. well. 7 look at some of the consequences that we are now having and these met these consequences. they're saying are transitory temporary measures.
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so in an interview this morning on m p r. bostic, who is the president of atlanta, fed said quote, temporary inflation is going to be a little longer than we expected initially. rather than it being 2 or 3 months, maybe 6 to 9 months, which will become 9 to 12 months. and then 12 to 18 months, and then 18 to 24 months. and that's how quantitative easing was enrolled and unveiled to the population. right. weight, you know, we predicted that inflation that would show up in the c p. i wouldn't show up and prices for stuff actually pay think housing was up 25 percent in the last 12 months for example. yeah, we said hey, that's going to be the outcome of all this money printing and wants to get through the labor. think of having chinese labor and all of our manufacturing jobs shipped to china, but now you've got wage parity between china us and around the world. so you don't have that sync that is hiding the money printing anymore. so now it's just,
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the money printing is like a, a washing into the economy in the form of these higher prices. and once you get the inflation, there's that concept of the inflation genie being out of the bottle. right is it's hard to stop it because expectations begin to play apart. people start not buying things because they fear the price is going to go up. and when bostic who's over there at the, the atlanta branch of the, of the fed right. he is openly prevaricating. how do you like that for an ivy league word? well, if i didn't say he was lying, did i? it was prevaricating. yeah, that's called fed speak. right. so you mention expectations, and this is something that we've also been covering is that the mindset once the mindset changes, it's hard to put it back where they believe it belongs. right?
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so part of the reason why, you know, the fed and their academics and their ivory towers thought the inflation would be transitory, is that the higher prices would pull and more supply a manufacturers or start manufacturing more stuff. suppliers would start supplying more stuff, but that hasn't happened. and part of it is to do with at the same time as bostic at the atlanta fed is saying that temporary inflation looks like it's going to be a little bit more permanent. that we thought, well, the feds, powell said, enhanced unemployment benefits may be a factor and limiting job growth. not only did workers get all these enhanced unemployment benefits on the, for the 1st time for a lot of people, you know, they had huge income increase, a pay rise. whereas like the p p. p. course, even billions more given to all sorts of l, l. c. corporations, they got a lot of money and bail out, so again,
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they also don't need to get out of bed to work. so we have a situation where the supply is not coming on board at the moment. and so that the inflation. yeah. it's setting into the expectations of mindset, right? it's scary when you hear professional economists say things that are patently false and are not based on any economics that anyone's ever learned in school ever had. because the price tag all that is being referred to there, that is evident in the business cycle, that you would see higher prices would bring in more supply. that's true if there is an economy with an underlying fundamental evaluation on the money itself, like a gold standard, then you have something called the business cycle. but when you remove the signal of gold and you put in only the signal of central planners, then you can have the expectations that you would ordinarily have. and you have now, runaway was going to become runaway inflation. prices are not going to come down.
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you know, there's a ramp of me on youtube begging for the central bank to raise rates. when i was in rotterdam a few years ago, and i'm screaming, actually, i'm saying, you know, you've got a raise rates. right at home is the opposite of the gym. kramer rant from the 2008 crisis when he was begging the fed to lower rates. i was begging the fed to raise rates as a way to stem the tide was becoming a price signal nightmare. and this runaway inflation that's now taking off, and so having been the only one to predict this, having been the only one to identify the cure, let me be the only one now in any mainstream outlet to accurately predict what will be the story a year. 2 years, 3 years from now, and that is inflation will continue to ramp higher and the money currencies, particularly the dollar, will continue to be challenged. i see russia has now hit the eject button. they're
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not in the dollar system at all. okay, so we got a lot more countries hitting that button. el salvador hit the us dollar reject button. basically by going big coin is legal, tender. the americans are going to be really in the most dire circumstances, while slightly disagree with that because the data from the fed will show that there has been a group of people. and that's the top one percent who do very, very, very well with inflation or even hyperinflation. those are all the assets holders as of the people. you, as you mentioned, house prices 125 percent year on year and may. and who owns all the property. but big private equity firms like blackstone or very wealthy people who own many homes and things like that. so there are some people do very, very well from inflation and they like it. you will see on the cable news though, you will see, especially on the and the financial cable is they will argue that inflation is good
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for the ordinary person. and the fed data will show you that we're going to get you in a 2nd half. it will show you that in fact, it has not been good for the, the ordinary person. the fed inflation has not been maybe the stimulus from directly from the government might have helped them, you know, extend and pretend a little bit. but the inflation is worse for the bottom, the people who have to spend the most on food and shelter, the percentage of their income is worse for them. now in terms of the housing, of course, as you mentioned, the business cycle was hasn't been allowed. we keep extending and pretending that temporary measures of the moratorium on rent and, and mortgage payments. so this is part of the problem with why supply, despite how our higher house prices, why supply is not coming on why people are selling their houses. despite the fact that they could get more money, well, because they haven't paid their mortgage for the last year and something. and so they want to more atoria and keep getting extended. so maybe if you get to live for
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free for another 6 months or 12 months, like why would you want to sell your house and try to move somewhere else? plus the bank theoretically owns it because you haven't failed to pay your mortgage . so because of the clamped down a moratorium on evictions, you're not seeing supply come on, nevertheless, like that tight supply of houses on the market. again, we're talking about the fed and their temporary measures that began in 2008 and continue to this day just to put things on perspective. u. s. existing home prices have hit fresh all time highs in tandem with fed balance sheet. so this goes back to 2005, and the yellow price. the yellow line is the fed balance sheet and the white line, there is the housing prices. as you see, they are going up in lock step, especially over the past year as has gone parabolic. so both have gone parabolic at
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the same pace in the same rate. and the fed says they don't cause us, they don't, they say the fed address, our concerns recently of the count on fact. and they claim and they insist that their policies do not cause wealth. and income gap is certainly a wealth gap. and that shows you, however, the home price is going up lock step with the feds balance sheet. they're buying the mortgage backed securities, which enables more money, more leverage, more funds to go into the limited supply of housing. so, you know, just look at the data and you to believe a fatty can believe your own eyes. yeah. you know, kind of reminds me of the phenomenon we saw in the u. k. when fat, you're opened up the public housing stock to privatization and you had everyone was able to buy their home at below market rates. within a few years, it became part of bank lead housing, ponzi scheme,
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which we have been witnessed and seen grow for 20 years. and it took housing out of reach from the average a british person, you know, they went from needing a one or 2 or 3 times annual salary to buy a house and eating 10 to 15 times annual salary to buy a house. so therefore was not affordable. and then the government doubled and tripled down with more schemes. by the help, for example, helped by started with. right? to buy that was margaret faster, same. and it's, it's all about time, right? because it becomes intergenerational. so what debt is all about is valuing time and interest rates are valuing time and time value. so the generation in charge always gets to say, well, let's roll it over. we'll come up with a plan and the next 2030 years for sure will grow. 1 our economy so much that the children are unborn grandchildren at the moment. like, we'll figure a way out by the time the debt rolls over onto them. and we never again,
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that's the plan like the these temporary measures are supposed to have a permanent solution. and the permanent solution never comes because mathematics, right? it's just the mathematics as, as einstein pointed out of compounding, debt like a compounding interest rates. this is the inevitable. right? and in the u. k, you have these property barren merger. they are hundreds of properties. and then during the 2008 crisis, of course they all and boss, they needed a bail out, and then the taxpayer ponies of the cash for that, you know, here in the u. s. black rock and these other like warren buffet, are berkshire hathaway. they're become the new property bowers, the, the biggest owner of houses in america right now is a private company called black rock blackstone, blackstone, fusing all the time. so here you have, i, are they transition from home on our ship as part of the american experience or dream s i'm calling to being outsourced to barons who are now going to engage in price gouging. so you see the price of property houses up 45 percent here,
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that's fine because the market is reflecting g d p growth or wage growth. now is reflecting price, gouging by slumlord, in this case the, the black stone. yeah. right. and i want to say in the last moments of this 1st path, i just do want to point out that there is on paper, at least some benefit toward more less of a home ownership and more renting. because you're obviously more agile. you can move around, go to where the jobs are. however, that is an economy with jobs. like china say, we don't have jobs in america. all we have is money printing. so you need the assets. if you're in an economy solely about money printing, if it's only can tell the nurse is your only way to, well, is by a can tell you in effect, you've got to have an asset that the fed is going to pump. so yeah, all these people, younger generation being forced off the probably the ladder and into renting it's
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. mm. the welcome back to the guys report, i'm at kaiser time now it's returned to our quarterly review of where we've been, where we're going, stacy? right, so we're talking about the temporary quantitative easing and fed intervention measures, the central bank intervention measures that began in 2000 a 2009 during the financial crisis. they continue to this day all these more than a decade later. and they're started to cause what they call transitory inflation, which is now they're starting to begin to doll those expectations that it's just going to be transitory. they're saying, as we discuss in the 1st half, that
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a bunch of fed president says in fact, it might not just be 2 or 3 months. it's going to be 6 to 9 months and they're going to keep on extending that. so we mentioned those moratoriums on evictions for rent failure to pay rent or mortgage. well, there was another story out this week, you know, just the large as of this money printing and the panic issuing of debt last year. trillions that the u. s. federal government borrowed, so real, real money. right. it's, it's not just fed credit and we saw that as we covered that the in california gavin newsom is now going to eat. they got paid so much money from the federal government that they couldn't spend at all. and so what they're doing in california is that newsome is going to use these federal tax funds and pay off all the rent that has not been paid for over the past year. they're also
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extending the moratorium on rent to into september. the article about this, when you read these articles, there are people with over a $100000.00 in the background that are federal taxes is going to shift to california, which is the biggest economy in the united states. one of the biggest economies in the world. and yet people from alabama to north carolina to maine and idaho. 5 are having to pay for the property barons in california because the fact is that the rent it pitched as just like the feds temporary measures or pitch that help these people. the tenants who, who are renters, who can afford their rent, we're going to pay their rent. i, to the landlord, the landlords get to capture the 25 percent house gains and they don't have to share it with the federal tax payers. they get to keep all their gains, but we pay their, you know, the least to them, their, their toll for the best mancha economy. right. so it's another bail out,
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just like 2008. remember all the, the sub prime lenders were made whole. yeah, they were bailed out, and then their credit lines ricks expanded. yes. then they got into, from all the people who had to throw their keys back to their lender, who got bail down, particularly in the communities of color, by the way of disenfranchised the biggest disenfranchisement of black american sense slavery days. okay, that's what happened. thanks, warren buffett. and so this happened again, this year. government decided to bail out, warren buffett again, blacks down and wall street. those are the landlords. and they're using it was the federal tax money. so max and stacy max of stacy, not only did we have to pay for obamacare, which is a transference of liability from the government to taxpayers like maxim stacy now are paying blackstone and warm buffets, extended more over leveraging themselves and the real estate market. again,
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that's 9 capitalism. capitalism, you take a risk to make a reward. if you take a risk and you get paid off by the state. that's called that's called the club talker. see? yes. right. so, i mean, the headline on that reads newsome says, california will pay off all unpaid rent accrued during coven pandemic using $5200000000.00 pot and rent forgiveness on a scale never before seen in the united states. again, that's, it's transferring from the rest of the 49 states, the taxpayers of those states to california, which is the richest of all the u. s. states. and yet, you know, none of the other tax fairs get a cut of that. you know, they don't get paid back because especially cuz it's a california state, right. it's not the federal government. you're not going to get some tax cut out of it. just the taxpayer is a how home owners, the landlords of california benefits. right. and by the way, so the homeowners,
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they still don't get any kind of relief on wages that are still kept artificially low. the house prices, as we mentioned, are skyrocketing, so they won't be able to afford a house that less affordable than it was last year. that the increase in the house price will be used to just buy higher rents by these landlords. yeah. so you know, you end up with the casino, go leg as i've been talking about for years now. it's like blacks down as a good leg called the american housing market, and i'm sure, and i made this predicts the few years ago that black blackstone will sell off their property of huge american homes to a chinese bank. i'm absolutely sure that's going to be the case. it doesn't at the end of the day, it doesn't matter. the fact is that whoever is benefiting from 0 percent interest rates, the top one percent, they're the ones that benefit according to the q one data that the fed just released. whoever has access to the feds discount window, the fed funds,
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you know, that they get to borrow at 0 percent. this is the one percent. this is the data just released last week from the u. s. federal reserve. and it shows there the wealth of households in the united states. this is the data, the top green line is the top one percent. as you say, this is the next 9 percent. this is the next 40 percent. so these are the top 50 percent. all of the games went to the top one percent. that is around a class that is, that can tell you in our class, whoever has that sort of rate of borrowing, whether it's in the united states, china, europe matter, alvi, i'm h has got to buy tiffany at the same sort of a discount rate, whoever that's the global class that gets the free money from the central bank wherever they are and doesn't matter nationality. the fact is, this is the system of temporary management that creates this oligarchy class. and it's, it's in the fed zone data. this is, their data is not mine. it's financial apartheid. yeah. right. so what we don't get
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access to 0 percent money. so we're being victimized by apartheid in america perpetrated by our own government against us. all the central banks. yeah. ok. well that's true. most of them. okay. around the world, you have the part time model is being adopted by central banks using interest rates to create bantustans of ghettos. these people are paying. now we're paying of blackstone tap here. that's because we're living in the ghetto. we're in the ghetto . we're in the frickin slump, we're on wall street slump. if you're, unless you're getting 0 percent interest rate, you can buy companies for nothing down and all the earnings that creek to the bottom line instantaneously. you live in, in the heard my friend were all on the hood. right. so let's look at that data that the fed released in terms of the household wealth which showed how much money, especially the mass of dramatic interventions by both the fed and the us treasury
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last year to intervene on behalf of like the pandemic, and the global locked downs what they, how much money they printed and where it all went. because on the surface in the media it was all about helping the ordinary person. but look at how much they helped the top one percent according to the feds own data. we all know jeff bezos, the richest man, a world made 88000000000 and wealth last year as well increased by 88000000000. well, the one percent of 126000000 us household the core to wall street dot com. so that is 1260000 households in america are the prime beneficiaries of the feds actions at the end of q, one. their combined wealth was $41.00 trillion dollars for an average of $32900000.00 per household. over the past 12 months, their wealth increased by $7900000.00 per household. i guess if you do the numbers
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on that, they're wealth increased by 20 percent last year, the top one percent, their household wealth increased by 20 percent. now cut to the bottom, 50 percent. okay. who have almost no household wealth and of their household wealth, about 80 percent of it is just durable goods. i you're washing machine a refrigerator. it's not even any equity in the house, so they're not gaining from that 25 percent increase and property prices. while the chart below shows the wealth of the bottom, 50 percent red line on the scale of the next 40 percent, which is the green line. this wealth of the bottom 50 percent, has grown by only $14000.00 in 20 years. so not adjusted for inflation of which 10600 occurred just over the past 12 months. thanks to the stimulus checks. so that's the chart. that's the bottom. 50 percent less as the next 40 percent above them. so only $14000.00. in the bottom,
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50 percent, and 20 years. $10600.00 came last year. again to put it into perspective. jeff bezos, his wealth, increased by 88000000000 last year, which is the equivalent of about 9 to 10000000 households. and this bottom, 50 percent of the, of the u. s. economy, how much they made, he made from the money printing from the feds policies, gaming, gaming systems. now there's 2 things to keep in mind. here. to get to disabuse people, the horatio alger math. while these people work hard and they make a lot of money, that's not true. there's 2 things operating here. number one is, as we've been talking about in great detail and you're free to review the data. if you'd like to staffed baptist, it's the, it's just, there's a, it's a coordinated corporate government theft. and the people who are being stolen from
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are increasingly being called deplorable as yes or they're being essentially escape go. so we saw this in thirty's, in germany. people are escape go to their walters confiscated and the people to do the confiscation think they're closer to god. this is america today. the 2nd thing is, if you want to compete with those people, you must strip yourself of all morals and ethics. and that's really hard for most people to do. i worked on wall street for many years. i could still be on wall street making money on wall street, but at some point come, you have to ask yourself, am i willing to be a wall street fee like a jamie diamond, for example. and i've said that many, many times. he's never disputed it because he can't, it's, it's, it's, it's however you know how that co located in your server next to that is a wall street. the actual wall street, you know, trading desk to siphon off wealth from the rest. well that's the same. you have the, the closer you can get the new york fed, the closer you can live to the closer you can find off the wealth of the money printing. again,
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just in the last moment say i want to show you the data. that's the top one percent . this is the fed data. this is the fed data that they provide, showing you what the, what the wealth gap between the top one percent on the rest of the americans. you know, when the, the deplorable, say they want to make america great. again, they're, they're basically talking about when the wealth gap wasn't so huge. now they're loaded over and mocked and called deplorable because look, look at how much since the financial crisis, especially, and in the last year, look at that parabolic moving the top one percent, how much their wealth increased on nobody else's did. so the majority of all the, the help, the temporary to help the poor people ash age that help the wealthiest. so it's, it's a rig system and you have to take down the system in order to even help anybody else . because yeah, it's all, it's all funnels to them no matter what. all right, well that does it for the quarterly review, look back and look forward to what we can expect the sounds like more of the same. well, it's all next time. i, you know, the,
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me when i would show the wrong one, i'll just don't rule out the thing because the after an engagement will trail, when so many find themselves will depart, we choose to look for common ground. what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have is crazy fantasia, and let it be an arms race is often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful,
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a very critical time. time to sit down and talk the this hours headline stories, the highest court in tech says rules. facebook is liable for a quote knowingly benefiting from sex traffickers. it comes with several victims to the company for feeling to protect them from abusers, naming. they were forced into prostitution via the network. the us state department issues are warning, telling americans not to travel to russia, placing the country on the same risk list as syria, uganda, and gala stem for reasons including suppose it terrorism and a group of british m. p 's hand or cross party letter to belmore, the prison in which they demand the right to visit. wiki leaks, co founder julian assassins. we.
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