tv Dennis Miller One RT July 2, 2021 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT
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i lose me while the make no, certainly no borders and the blind to emerge . we don't have authority. we go to the whole world leads to take action and be ready. people are judge. 2 governors crisis we can do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing each in our own way, but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is paid for the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes it feel
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very proud that we are together in the hey folks next up on dennis miller plus one reza barrow hahn. i know what you're saying. again. i don't even know the guy. we chatted a little bit before and he seems like the nicest man, what can i tell you about him or rainy in jewish father, muslim mother, homosexual realtor. ok, so we tread over familiar ground right up to this. this is really plus one.
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know welcome to dennis miller plus one. and i already love this katie. so nice to me off the air reservoir hahn is on the show. today. he is in a rainy in real estate agent. well, you know, from the shaws, sunset, tv personality, 1st known, as i said, for storing on the reality series on bravo, 9 seasons, this has been on folks that is double life. that's a buddhist double lifetime. in reality television, please welcome reservoir. hi. how are you? my friend i'm doing well dennis, thank you so much for having me or brother. you are so nice about me and my wife. we've been together so long and you're in love right? how long you've been, how long you've been with your husband. about 10 years. so i have so much respect, my parents are divorced,
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so to interact with people who are still with their respective partner and making it work. i just, i have a lot of respect for it. yeah. but it's the thing of, it's the stuff of life working together. i love that part of it. you know, it's, you know, i, when i 1st met my wife, i'm sure you know, you meet your husband, you think, you know, initially there's a whoa. and then i love the fact that it has a great even more important. second act where you work together, your age, kids to stay, you stay in love, you work through problems. it's just to me, it's the stuff of life. absolutely. a man. let me ask you about the show. i watch the show sometimes, and i always think and you seem grounded, but man, you must have to get a mind shift since you're doing this show and click it down a little when you're in your real real life. because the shows can be they could be
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upsetting to your mental health at some point, i think you know, they are and you're 100 percent. right. i was blessed with a mother who from jump would tell me and check me and make sure she always put me in my place. and let me know that the blessed life that i had growing up in beverly hills with affluent parents. that it was not like that for everyone. so i had, i came in during the r ago. if you saw the movie, you know, i got here during our ago, we were not, you know, the boast liked people. so all of those things just help me get a real like footing being gay, half jewish, half muslim, trying to survive, you know, post islamic revolution. you know, i was just trying to figure it out. yeah. you stories look around and think, well, the shaw, although
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a weird guy wanted to get laid on this part of his life. and then the ayatollah had to get to the next life to get laid. and i always thought there was a big difference between the country before, after as dead, if, even if you want to dissect it, even one layer, even one layer. but below that, if you don't know anything about that, just looking at them a statically, usually the one that i'm going to follow as a youth. thank you. he's going to make things better for me, is not the old guy. you know where and the serpent is usually probably the more progressive western one. but, you know, well let's and country. i am a quintessential westerner. i don't know that much about iran. i always think of a woman's place is probably shut through the very moody movie that i know it can be all like that. i love thinking about your mom, the playing such your moms, the muslim and your dads,
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the jewish parent. yeah. and which makes it and are see more on because neither side believe you're really the one because in islam you need the dad and in duty isn't you need the mom. so i was getting side from both sides. now, how does the guy that is such a bloody, his insight into the, the awkward playing that you're kind of straddling there, but where are they both very loving. i mean, were they both loving to you that both were loving but you know, it was back in the day. i'm 47, so people weren't as woke and you heard little snide comments and it always just kind of made me perfect for reality tv because i always was hearing the little snide comments plus i would get. i was always worried that if they either side found down, i was never like fully represented on either side anywhere that i was worried that
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if they found out that i would be wrap. so i was just trying to like, hold you know, what i, i look at the times, we live in and off times. i shake my head and thank god, it's a madhouse up there. there are other times where i think, no, no, this is about the same as i've ever seen it. when i think about young kids, gay kids who know that something's different in them than the rest of their classmates. know that they, i know they still have to live in some fear or if they choose not to tell their parents, but i must admit, it must be much more welcoming that it did. you said you're 47. think back. i don't know when you 1st find out, i assume you know, pretty early on. think back 35 years. it's easier now to be a young person isn't dennis everyone. this is reality television. the one thing that this show is enabled me to do is be there for people who decided, you know what, i'm going to use this guy as maybe just
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a crutch for the years that i'm in high school. i actually have kids that went to my high school that hit me up on facebook pre instagram, and contacted me all throughout their academic life during high school one day thought it wouldn't get better. and i didn't have that. but i believed somehow i believed that my parents coming here that that was the meaning for ad. so somehow i believed. and i just thank you for allowing me to do shows like this and talking about the actual benefits of being all reality tv as opposed to like yes, i love golden marble in. yes, i'm please say in a lot of ways when it comes to person and knowing that you own real estate in california, you probably had a rich person neighbor in the vicinity. so you know, a little bit about pros in but the fact that i've been able to help us,
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you all means so much to me, rosa. think about that. that blows my mind because you really cannot judge a book by its dust jacket any more reality tv granted it some boys it's. it's like a, a narrow portal like a star gate, but think it dense kids who might not be in the high ard. they see another man who's gone through this and a young boy, you must say, oh god, what do i do? and oh, look presently she's on the other side of it. he's got a good life, he's in love and married what a gift that is for you. thank you so much. it has been it really some of the mistakes that i make your life. i get to the big. oh, well actually i've got a couple bonus points this call love, so you know, maybe not so hard on myself all the time for i love the bracelet. so let me see that for a 2nd on the right arm. the other looking good. ha, you know, holy never can. my brother it's, it's sort of to market. now listen,
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just let's talk was split. let's take it from. we talk about media stuff. let's talk about the marketplace right now. as a realtor, have you ever could you ever imagine it would be this hot browser? i mean, i know there is a house i lived in a suburb called to local leg, and there's a free way, the 134 and there's this beautiful house. it was 2 away from the freeway listed at $999.00, and i said no one's going to buy it. it's sold for a 1000000 and change the guy that bought it for a 1000000 and change decided 37 days later to put it back on for 12, and change. and i thought, surely no one will buy this house again and surely came along and said, i don't know what you're talking about. my name is shirley and i'm buying this house in the house is selling those houses in my neighborhood that have
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a notice of demolition on the house. the developer is willing to sell you the house at the inflated price, including the profit he'll make when he flips it, or if you want to cash him out. project yourself. well, you'll go and feed this house that you're going to pay an inflated price with a notice of demolition on it. wow. that's how gangster it is out here. now, brother, you could build a house in the media step on the 134 and you could probably get a 1000000 for right now. it is. yeah. listen, i saw a story near me, adam levine. the kid is saying, i'm not that hit the maroon 5, but i know he's a judge. he buys a place in april for 20 to 8. and just last month, 4 months later returns for 28000000. i mean it is unbelievable. one. now listen, i can understand that in big major urban centers, some people are starting to feel that it's breaking down that it's spraying around
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the edges and they're getting out. what's the thought, the why is the market exploding inside the environs of l. a or people getting into more exclusive areas or what's happening. i don't understand the l. a market as much. so the l a market is insane. inside the city is insane. truesdale from the time i moved here, truesdale was like, oh, who wanted to live in truesdale and then the mid century boom happen. houses in truesdale were like a 1000000 bucks on one of their 10000000. now, in the flat, in the $500.00 block, you could buy a house for a $1000000.00. if you're the 1st house, north of santa monica in the beverly hills flat, just on dirt, you're looking at 6000000. it doesn't matter any more. like money, it's so cheap. no, there's nothing for sale. rolex is or like literally people buy jewelry should be up. if i give you an idea of your old rolex, if they're triple in value,
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anything my all mercedes debt is i'm not kidding you. i tried to trade it in before the pandemic. i got a pores, this old mercedes, i was giving the side i because i didn't like it any more to the pandemic. it went up 30 percent. i think they came and picked it up, and i was way me by, by the mercedes that i was dying during the pandemic. while brother, we are in a new gilded age. let's hope somebody in the crow's nest is keeping an eye out for the iceberg. because my 12 foot again, if we're not watching our regular nomics, listen, i want to talk board a reza about how he's playing this real estate thing. what's the i want to know? listen, when you've got buyers out there, that are rabbit. how do you play it? do you play a cool deal? let the game come to you. we'll talk a little real estate shop with our guest. reza far ahead and he is from the reality series shaws of sunset in its 9th season on bravo. more with reza right after this
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. dennis miller plus one ah, ah ah, the pairing and found introducing and found to to a family when a new mother is going through that process, yet there's certainly tremendous cause for great joy, but because it's an event that causes so many different changes. it's stressful at many levels. i don't think that comes right on police report. in december 2020 a group of and she finishes fill out a film crew access for 3 months. 3rd row like people,
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organization. it's an i that must be opposed that channel out the gate ground. they may cover their faces, but they can say what they believe and we believe in helping our community. we believe that fascism is one of the major threats to the united states as gotten driven. this is a chance to see who and teeth are really are. in order for me. my 1st amendment right and say that my life matter, i have to be onto the teeth of that. that's all america. we can't trust the police . we can't trust the government. we can't trust anyone except ourselves to protect ourselves in pay folks, welcome back to dennis miller plus one and our plus one that i very genial bloke i did this guy which as you do on the shows, but i like his professions reza far as a real estate agent, tv, personality, you know, best for me, obviously reality series shaws of sunset and season number 9,
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currently airing on bravo. and i just wanted to ask you a little tactical stuff. when it's, when it's a market that dried up rez, i guess you have to be a little more supplicating. is there an insouciance you have to convey now that it's a very hot market? you have to play a little harder to get or how you plan it. very realistic. the conversations i have are very blind and realistic. i've been doing it since 2001. and if you're not within the realm of reality, because i like leading with facts, so i'll send them a little grid, either a radius or in the neighborhood, or show them based off of listing price. and what things have actually closed that, what they can expect if they want to get this property. and i, i lead with facts and knowledge. so if the person is thinking, you know, they're super ambitious or they're going to get some sort of deal. it's completely
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unrealistic and i let them know and i pass them along. rather i dig that approach man, because whenever, whenever i'm in a place, let's just say this in l. a. now you can't build a wood burning fireplace, but you could still have a realtor blow smoke up here and it's off putting when you know you live in a pretty sink set of parameters. as far as procuring a property, it is what it is, a fax or fax, then it doesn't matter when it comes to real estates. it doesn't matter what i'm doing. i like to get him formed. you know, i do a little due diligence. i'm into astrology. i know you're a scorpio, so like it just let me know some stuff about a person and i love that and stuff now and don't worry about it. let me ask you this. i can tell you just smart guy. and whenever i meet people who believe in astrology, i don't diminish it, but what effect can the placement of this doors in the night sky have on
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distinctive personalities? i'm not, i'm not being disparaging. i'm asking how do you not need that play? love, thank you for asking the question and i'm going to share 2 stories with you. i have a love and passion for astrology because of the study of kabbalah. i had the chance to study kabbalah for awhile and i was very fascinated about what the teacher was saying about how i lead in my life, because of who i am astro logically. and so it was very fascinating and i found it to be true about me. and so i literally my whole life before i met this cabala teacher, i had this nightmare dentist that i would wake up. i was in iran and this was post gidgit betty moody going, and i wake up in iran. i'm dying of aids. i don't know how i got to iran, and they tell me that when i left america, they made
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a mistake transcribing my birth certificate. and technically, i'm not a leo. i'm a virgo, i'm wandering around the street to be ron dying, a full blown aids because i grew up during the pedroza more era of mtv. when you got it and then cut to 2 years later, if you were lucky you died. some people died quicker, so i had a lot of anxiety. and in this dream i was walking around iran dying of full blown aids. but the only thing i was upset about is my whole life. i thought i was a leo and it was such a part of my identity and that was my like, that is such a part of who i am. and so i asked him to pass in florida, and so it's interesting to me and i find, but i lead in certain ways in life. and if i may be so bold and present us, i'm going to ask you a question. do you find yourself when someone is dishonest with you,
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specifically you as a human being it triggers certain things about my score, your friends or relatives. whereas i can be a little more forgiving. yes. when you train, you lie to a scorpio. that is one of the things that a lot of my scorpio in the world feel is very important. it's hard for them to overcome. bell always be like me. oh brother. you just nailed me right there. i mean i listen, i honest to god. if somebody said to me what, what things are go along with a scorpio, i wouldn't know that, but you've just nailed me. i have a, my wife always says you're so black and white on things and i go, you know, honey, i didn't ask for that. it's just when i, when i know somebody has, i don't dislike them. it's just there in my head in that way. now i can't stress mine. absolutely. and i and i how so much respect for people because i know that
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about them. and it helps me a, i'm an honest guy so i can mess with scorpio very easily. but i know that about i am fascinated that you, carl young would say i'm going to need a day to figure that out. that you had a dream where you buried the lead of being back in post solar with full blown aids . and the thing that you were upset about was your true mind. you not thought it would be a bad thing to have h i v or aids. but i don't have either one, but i grew up with the fear of it so like, you know, eighty's re do it. and so it was just my fears. it's one of the things that resonates with me and i'm not my scientology is that i've read some of it because i'm curious about most things i hear, but i, a lot of it seems so crazy. but the one thing that always resonated with me is you're talking about that fear that stays with you when they talk about the n.
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graham e n g r a m. and then they audited audi. i don't quite understand, but they talk about a, an emotional memory that is there in your hard drive for the rest of your life. and if you don't recognize it and you know denuded of some of the strength that always affects you, that's it. and grabbed that, the something that sticks with you like that i'm fascinated by that. well look at you all interest. spect i come on thing get. i don't know this cat shows that well shaws of sunset yearly. this is going to be supposed to be you going to tell me about some new career or marble? i don't know about the buyout. if you're trying to yield some thing or like gold leave them. i often think you see trumps bad trump tower of the thing. he must have a little persian and a because when it goes into that bad bad every i'm shelly has the best friend or a deck someone in his life is purging. we're having
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a great time with my new best friend reservoir and you know, i'm from the reality series. shaws of sunset and brother, you've got to come up with this memoir. now ours is still in is memoirs of a gauge? shaw is it? is it in the pipeline or is it out only it's, it's totally in the pipeline, although i'm super ambitious and i think i can do everything. i did get a ghostwriter, so i wouldn't be like one long run on sentence. and we had many sessions. i gave her all of my proposals and everything, but i jotted down interviews with my mom and stuff and she's, you know, trying to compile it into like a cohesive story. and it's just about, you know, the funny stuff, dennis of coming up in post, you know, revolutionary iran living in beverly hills going to school with funny smelling food and like, you know, little mary, you know, with the blonde here in the blue eyes,
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given me in the side i and me crying and somehow although there are people that i came up with who didn't survive and they did take their own lives and they were gay . i literally was like, oh my god and i thought that would be the end game for me, but somehow i was able to work through it. and i just want to share those stories in the hopes that someone will find them funny and interesting and find their road . rosa, i'm hard and you're out there. honest to god you seem like such a you seem like such an empathetic cat. if anybody out there watching is those a young person who is dealing with some sense of estrangement or something. this is a man, i could just tell that enjoys life, but also as seen, the hard side of it. and i think that should be great. if you answer people who write, you can certainly see where you'd be a great source for a young person who is a little in between worlds. as we say. and brother,
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you must be feeling good about yourself right now, because i think you've dumped the whole of what the quality weight off your your, your frame over the last year or 2, right. what do you down? i am at 189. dennis, i'm my 26 year old marathon wait. and while high, did you go up? where were you when you were at your i would. my waste was creeping up to a 40 inch. i'm a 32 now and i was getting close to 300 points . what in gods name was the food that you were eating that had you up near a tray? what was your head and the light? i mean, i think that sweets are alternately like, you know, not realizing that if you eat like
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a slice of cheesecake from the cheesecake factory, and you actually have both dollops of the web cream that they put at the base and at the top. and then you eat the factory nachos and then you actually have a meal and you know all of it. and then you look at the calories that they conveniently put in the menu for you. you realize, oh my god, i ate a pound and literally calorie wise. i just killed a pound. and i believe i had. yeah. was that i it's so funny reza, because i recently hurt my wrist. i took up golf and my wrist started. heard. so i was trying to do some weightlifting thing. somebody told me get a little 5 pound weight and just do this. and it was funny to be, you always talk about why should lose this last 5 or 10. and then you actually pick up a 5 ton where heat and you think like, i can't believe, i'm no wonder people get tired carrying around the next or 20 it is. so i know it's
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not heavy for a weight lifting. but when you think about that in you to lose 60 pounds, brother good for you. and if i was on my way to get a copy this morning and i saw someone who was running and they were big and internally i was like because i ran this morning, i was thinking it's so hot and you're big. and i'm so proud of you, but i didn't want like, obviously i can't be like i like good job because you're like to know the effort it take. now when you have because i did it, i have so much respect. when i see people that are bigger, who push themselves, because like you said, holding that one little 5 pound weight, my trainer will have me hold forties and do lunches up my block. and i think to myself, oh my god, i was almost this much. i was walking around with this. no wonder like i was always greasy and sweaty now rest, i'm always blown away when people decide to save their life. let's face facts that
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60 could have been on top of where you were or under where you were. and if it's on top of where you are, guess what, you know, i'm making it to 60 probably, you know, forget the pounds, you're not going to get 60 years. so i always think it's the ultimate brave thing that somebody can do is to reach that junction point when they're life, where they're being challenged to save their life or to let their life slowly dissipate. and they choose to take a sand, their, their feet in and save their own life. good for your brother. thank you. am i chain or did i mean a friend shamed me and gasped and said, when did you give up on life? and i came home and looked at pictures from back in the day. and i realized he saw something that i needed to wake up to. and boom, it was a rap. you're a good character as a i'm so glad to meet you today. sometime i really appreciate you having me on, well, sometimes these things are about selling products sometime there by the project,
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and obviously their shaws the sunset. and then sometimes i just think, you know, dennis, you are blessed today to meet a good human who you i hope i know you for life. good to meet you. i appreciate it . dennis, thanks for having me on. all right, brother rosa. far. and this is dennis miller plus one. the everything we associate with modern life has been digitalized. in fact, we live within ecosystems created by big tech. they decide what we can see, what we can buy, and even what we can say. these systems no longer serve us, they actually control us. is there a way out from this growing dystopian? the
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the twenty's and she's to whose canadian spend their anger after the remains of more than the 1000 children. i discovered a former indigenous residential schools run by the catholic church and also the sound and again, so called woke coach person micro warns that progressive american idea is racialized from microsoft has made us slow enforcement to the secret, requesting the data for his customers up to 10 times a day i good evening, welcome. you're watching our internet.
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