tv Going Underground RT July 3, 2021 5:30pm-6:01pm EDT
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denying that i was not an agent. i know that that's particularly helpful. torturers, agent, etc. so it, it's expected without publications. russia has been bought up by hillary clinton most recently just a few days ago on fox. so i think it is necessary to address what wiki league feels, its perception of its own publication to the audience. everyone accepts the emails that we have published the 20000 dnc reach. emails are completely accurate. so no one is saying, no, i didn't tell you that in this email, it's a fabrication, etc. that's accepted, isn't surprising that it's accepted because we have, it has a 10 year publishing record where we have never got it wrong about the present business. it's also why we take a while to publish what we have because we want to keep that perfect record. now,
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given, given that the real source is known, in this case it is the d n c is that he was in short, that is louis miranda, the head of communications. we know they are they original source. so there's a, quite a difficulty in the clinton campaign to try and out maneuver the publication. so the content itself is on the questionable so instead you have to bring in some other act up. so the actor that they've tried to bring in is the russian intelligence, because it just said we know russian intelligence agencies hacked into the dnc. we know the arranged of arranged for e mails to be relieved. yes. so on actually she has a site slight variant on the we know he says emails. i think she says some documents because the difference here is that do state actors
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hack? are the political organizations of different countries? does the united states government do it? absolutely. of course, it acts that political parties of many different countries. does french intelligence drive intelligence, rushing intelligence, hack political parties in order to collect intelligence? yes, did they heck the dnc has at least one state act act that he and see if you read very carefully they say it's been hacked many times over the last 2 years. and also say that the dmc security is like swiss cheese, the d n. i the directive national tyson i states several months ago said that both are in to either republicans and dmc were being attacked by a range of actors from philosophical opponents to states
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engage in espionage. now the head of the d and i, james, who's responsible for all us intelligence agencies. he's the boss of the boss of the see if anyone knows what us intelligence agencies knows, know, think he knows. and on friday, he had to come out and say that there's a lot of media hype of innovation that they have no idea as to what motivation is, even if they didn't know who it was. so that's the head of the d, n i damping down ideas that they know who we use. now this is a separate question to the release of our email. so in the us media there's been a deliberate completion between d. n. c leaks, which is what we've been publishing and dnc hacks of the us democratic party,
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which have occurred over the last 2 years by their own admission. a number of times, i think this statement by hillary clinton on fox really does need to be tackled because it concerns us directly in applications. and what she is attempting to do is to conflate our publication of present miles know in the democratic party, argues that even a single email is not completely valid, hasn't been done. and the head of the dnc, debbie watson, sholtes as well as a result. and, and whatever hacking has occurred, of the d n. c o other political organizations in the united states by range of active. and now in the middle, we have something which is the publication by other media organizations of information purportedly from dmc. and it seems to be the case.
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i said that's a series of word document and pdf published by the heel of i go by this motion again. this is a completely separate batch of documents i compared to the 20000 christine emails that we had really we in this batch of documents released by these other major organizations. there are claims that in the metadata is someone's done. i don't mean to pdf conversion and that the, in some cases, the documents, the language of the computer that was used for that conversion. i was, i, russian. okay. so that's the circumstantial evidence that some russian was involved or someone who wanted to make it look like
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a russian was involved with these other organizations. that's not the case for the material that we released any rational connections between hillary clinton and russia. any rational connections that hillary clinton has done quite well strategically to try and draw a connection between compet russia because she has so many connections with her right? now, my analysis of trump and russia is that there is no substantial cation. why do i say that will because trump was trying to invest in russia before it in 1998 after picked and in fact, nearly all the way up to the present moment and he had no success. he did not manage to be able to tell them on russia, so that shows how in substantial his contacts are. there's an extremely well documented pattern of when hillary clinton
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was secretary of state, those people companies governance who wanted a decision by the secretary of state in their favor. making lodge donations to the clinton foundation or in some other cases. business deals with the people around hillary clinton. now, one particular instance is the approval by secretary clinton of selling 20 percent of the us uranium reprocessing rights to the russian company to be exported to russia. so at that time, a large donation was made by those rush of interest to the green to information. in addition, clinton can pain manager protests that was on the board of a company called you unlimited. and jewel unlimited. held some of these rights and received a $35000000.00 investment from russia. that's the russian government company.
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and also the russians were on her board also with protest. and so the kind of email revelations are leaking leakage reveal that henry clinton is a gremlins do, i wouldn't say criminal stage, but there is a much deeper connection on record with hillary clinton and russia than we are presently aware of with donald trump. well some janice argue that it's, it's actually the subject of the revelations is more interesting to the american voter about the election while the media was fascinated about with, well, the remnant is working with the work for the grammar that basic not but it's very, i think it's a general question. you should ask the sources of information the least. however, in the case of what he likes, publication, why do i say that?
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well, the principal reason why he wants to sources on statement is done the same way. that's true or not even a big issue. in the case of other me, your organizations who are simply making claims and not publishing original documents. i give you an example and very various things. i've done some research on the turkish now within its not spoken about in the west, but within turkey. the turkish newspapers publishing l elements, theory that the united states was directly involved in the us intelligence backed into space and pennsylvania as the head of fuel and cold that has been guided in the, in the good. in fact, according to turkey, is the leading actor in the he's one to buy president one. yes, and i put out expedition request. but one
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of the key independent independent points of evidence not coming from interrogation in turkey, where people might have placed on the dress is that in the middle of the coup, nbc published that early again, was on his way to germany, to seek asylum. and they say this was told to them by the us military source. so what the, what the hell is going on that? because that went all the way around the world and was used. and i used to throw the chances of success within tech. because if the president is whit, then he's often felt nbc, a close supporter. so trump, supposedly, of, of hillary clinton. so would it would, a hillary clinton presidency endangered, the nato lines, and the ability to store american nuclear weapons and engine base and uses base to
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bomb iraq and syria. and the reason why i think either government is potentially a problem because, i mean that's, that was in turkey, very serious business. hundreds of people have died that a 100000 people have been fight arrested in the post page in it opportunistically, in some cases of political enemy to vote again, in other cases, trying to purge the society of the newly moving because depending foundations, major donors include members over the movement of the ones as were responsible for the attempted data. right? so i mean that again, going to look at that and treat clinton and suspiciously. but i mean, you know, regardless of who becomes president, deny, if you have an extremely large bureaucracy intelligence proxy that has it in mind anything. so he's going to look and list as a unless comp is elected and engaged in
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a significant purge of the ca, for example, i think the guy will continue to be very suspiciously as, especially as long as as long as we got to do and being protected in pennsylvania, eunice and thanks will have more from julian just after this break. ah, ah, and now we're in an area where we're trying to save the plan. we want to be able to use energy and have special life, but also to live on a healthy planet. and the challenge is energy. it's the emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases that we're trying to manage. and there's many different ways of doing that. the transition has begun in transition and it's proceeding along many different ways. and half way
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with people is something that comes right on police report. in december 2020 a group of anti finishes. fill out a film crew access for 3 months people, organization. it's an idea that must be opposed that channel out the gate route. they make their faces, but they can say what they believe, then we will even help our community. we believe that fascism is one of the major threats to the united states has gotten driven. this is a chance to see who and teeth are really in order for me, my 1st amendment right and say that my life matter. i have to be onto the teachers that that's how we can trust the police. we can trust the government, we can't trust anyone except ourselves to protect ourselves in
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basically the 1st batch you released showed, and obviously we did have a lead you a good. i had my i was to angel resigning very quickly after your emails early after the were helix publication. there's a dirty tricks campaign against plenty saunders of democratic primary voters didn't really understand the what was going on during that presence to go back. hillary loses the election, loses the primary process again, it's about at that point, kim k was the head of the d. n. c, the democratic national committee, debbie wasserman schultz was hillary clinton's campaign. and so then some kind of deal is whereby debbie wasserman schultz becomes the head of the d n. c. and tim came steps down. now
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if your hillary and you're thinking strategically that you're going to run again for years, i guess have your campaign med as have the dnc controller of the if you'd like, the regulator who's regulating and the nomination competition is a huge strategic advantage. ok. so that now that's why ford and the $20000.00 dnc lake, the mouse that we released. okay, so they're from debbie was and schultz have d, n a and 6 our prominent people finance communications. and so what they show is that within the dnc, there was a u, a unity of the most senior people, including there wasn't shows to act against bernie sanders, elimination versus and for every kind now what,
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what particular actions were performed? well, there's a lot of discussions, it's a discussions about we can use a captive report and push out the fact that bernie sanders might be an atheist and doing some caulking in the south. and where the m as in b. c. on the most influential morning program morning, joe was defending bernie sanders and then debbie watson and schultz called up the president of a mississippi making the this is not reported in the us this report in the us maybe of a cold up chuck todd i. here's the host of meet the press for me much more here is no reported that there was a short herself personally called up the president of m x nbc to apply pressure in
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relation to positive coverage about things and this morning, george big wanting to be then then to, to my mind what is the most serious from entry point of view, it is the communications director lewis miranda making instruction to his staff to pump out a black propaganda story against bernie sanders saying that his support is violent . and to put this out in a quote on attributable court matter, what i say that is the most serious because it isn't instruction given through the chain of command to stop. it's not a discussion, it's not any one person calling up to another person. and it is to depict bernice and support is, is violent. so that is not just
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a critique that it, that is not just to give sign a break here will make things a little bit harder for him. there it is to demonize a democrat in the eyes of the public democratic party, demonizing it, and in the eyes of the public, that means, well, there is no way presumably energetic and when, if there is a link between entering into an isis dash. now i know your helix is reviewing all these different emails. you have so many of them, and you need to look at them and who they can damage or they got also the things we're getting does before releasing them. president obama's now bombing iso tash positions in libya, so it's reported deed hillary clinton hughes libya as a conduit to fellow strife dash and syria the u. s. government at the time that
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hillary clinton was in charge of foreign policy. did use livia as a conduit to get armed to job as in syria. that's well established not just by a range of our materials, but by investigative workers, sy, hersh and a variety of other investigators. what is the state some of that some of those even publishing york times and any of the emails. i mean, you have mentioned that libya comes up in so many of emails that you've been reading it as regard audrey in the, in the batch of, of 32000 miles. we released a few months back there a 1700 in relation to the b. s. so it,
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including, i suppose that the most useful one is which is closely referred to as hillary clinton's libya bragg sheet. so she was documenting all the ways in which she led the invasion to be in a put in a political and to a degree, an organizational sense. so putting it within the u. s. government, bringing in the european partners, etc, etc. even going, going the herself person anything to add to reports that according to the french papers, the big french industrial conglomerate, la fudge, which has been donating money to the current and foundation and has got there was a report in the french press where it was sending it was relating funds with isis dash any, any information, any emails that connect up hillary clinton,
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devices dash through lunch for most of this work was done by the mont for the new york times equivalent of france. and so what they show is that the farm which is a giant amongst other things, a giant concrete company, translational company company was involved in syria as interesting, more than 355 related mouth in syria, emails release. that's 2000000 a mouse that we published about syria, including the personal email to the president. and so the investigation by lamond reveals that they paid isis diane money taxes, if you will, for the operations in its own areas. yeah,
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bank i engage in a variety of business business. the business. nicholas has advantages where we are and hillary clinton's involvement is that money from lavarez in 201-520-1620 hillary clinton foundation. so that's recent. now you asked why go to a pin, it should actually there's a long term relationship between us and hillary clinton. she was a member of the board. for example, you expect that i know you can comment directly about the pending email releases from wiki links. would you expect more about linda vantage? yes. i am jealous. i had to yemen because saudi arabia does go up in the some of the emails you've already. li, released 20000000 people now facing utilitarian disaster. clinton foundation mentioned to there were, there was no mention of the gland validation of the dnc conference. notice simply at all about the good work that does. do you think part of it is that connection to
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saudi arabia let alone the 28 pages connection of 911. what is the connection with henry clinton saudi arabia, that certainly got israel and good. it's expensive. i mean, the relationships hillary clinton and saudi right between the clinton carnation and saudi arabia. saudi arabia is probably the largest single donor to the clinton congregation. and you can see clinton's arms export policies. why she was the secretary of state, favoring extensively saudi arabia, william bennett, the whistle blowers being on our show says that the say can easily get access to his email. so if there is the legality in the pending emails of your release or malfeasance in the ones you've already released, president obama can presumably act on it and get hillary clinton charged. regard as
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a, whether you're about to lease an e mail, which would mean that james comi or the f b, i would have no alternative but to arrest hillary clinton out. our view, which we have already stated, is that the evidence that the f b i has is enough for grand jury to indict already and that's not hard. it's actually saying that a grand jury who died hands ham sandwich. if instructed to do, said chime have having because i have a grand jury myself, a federal ranch in washington, dc. i'm, i'm well aware what they like but the prosecutor has to ask the grand jury to invite and prosecute of an off the grand
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jury. why died? so that's the basic problem. you believe she can win, given the emails you've so far, not sure when the election but city. interesting question. i wouldn't be willing to say so far. and just one last question away from us presidential elections. it's 5 years since mark doug was shot to death by british police. of course black lives matter in the united states has come to the for why because of evidence of gained via technology. well, phone footage, what message would you have a black lives matter both in the united states and even britain was transparent transparency relation to the n c a which took the head of that author and shields headed by that came from us, presenting to the public pristine original
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documentation of what people were doing. ah, and the black lives matter movement has come up. yes. by what practice. but the, the core of what is driving it is the footage that is undeniable that you want it's not a matter of the, you know, do you believe the police, do you believe friends, the person who was shot witnesses, undeniable footage of exactly what has occurred and that is not any stimulating parts of the black community. i think back communities on this understood this all too long actually. but it's stimulating enormous acceptance and seem to be outside by community because the argument is proven julia sanchez. thank you. you're welcome. the,
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we contacted the pentagon about the allegation made by jean this orange, but they did not issue a statement as far as they did not get back to us in time for broadcast well, that's it for this special edition of going underground will bring you the latest emails published by wiki lakes as when they come on monday. the news ah. the join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world,
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the politics sport, business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. me imagine picking up a future textbook on the early years of the 21st century water, the chapters called gun violence, school shootings, homelessness 1st with my job, then it was my name was my savings. i have nothing. i have nothing and it's not like i don't try. i live for resources, i look for jobs, i look for everything i can to make this past. and all i end up doing is passing the road to the american dream. paved with dead refugees at this very idealized image of the older america, native americans look past the death that happen every single day. this is a modern history of the usa. america on r t the
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a police officers shot dead and sweden becomes the 1st killed in the line that changed. and since 2007, i made a search of violence, your position blames on migrant or service. and i again, so called float culture, president, my home room, the progressive american idea is the race to live thing from we get from in essentially trying to use an american group for friendship. feisty, which is really very different from america, i think step backwards than they and they start to break the society part. i'm being vaccinated. he doesn't always mean unrestricted travel. european medicine agency has yet to prove an indian version of the astrazeneca job that many in britain have already received. ah.
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