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tv   News  RT  July 4, 2021 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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ah ah, the headlines for the week just gone. the mass rallies and statues toppled canadians, but their anger at the discovery of the remains of more than the 1000 children at 4 were indigenous residential schools from by the catholic church. julia sons' marks his 50th birthday this weekend behind gauze, as the key witness to the case against admit, lying some saying that could be fatal to another cause. legal action against the wiki leaks found the highly infectious delta straight into the corona virus plunges rusher into a new wave of the panoramic. moscow making covert status policies mandatory be able
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to get his restaurants and cafes. none of the capital put that system to the test line of fish inside a free and i get get rid of the mask. ah, hello low from russia, watching out international with me, kevin. oh it is sunday. therefore, we clean our recap of some of the biggest stories of the last 7 days that we brought you in a grim story. make a lot of headlines from us in the last 7 days from canada. country sing angus spelling on the streets with mass rallies of the discoveries of the rate remains of more than a 1000 children at former indigenous residential schools. cities cancelled national se day celebrations, while when he paid the statues of queen victoria and queen elizabeth the 2nd would toppled and defaced in some cases outside the provincial assembly. building.
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the reason those royal's ret present to many kind of colonial past red paint, was dogged over the fallen, such queen victoria, the british prime minister spokesperson, condemning any de facing of statues of the queen alex my college look back in the week is what led to all this anger, discovery after discovery, the latest one was on one's day 182 bodies found in cranbrook, british columbia. this is close to a residential school. they use basically a radar that looks underground. and that's where they found these people in unmarked graves. that adds to the initial funding which happened on may 27th, and we can loops british columbia at another residential school of 215 people as young as 3 years old in mon, mark grace. and then of course the scotch one, which was the biggest find so far,
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$751.00 people. so you add all these numbers up over a 1000 people found but we have over 130 schools like this across canada. ah, you learn not trying, you just get harder. and yeah, you learn to shut down every day was you were in constant fear that your hope was that it wasn't you today that was going to be the target, the victim. the program started in the late 18 hundreds and laughed at all the way up to 1996. when the last school was close, that 150000 native children ripped out of their families, arms and put into the schools. they were forced to go to the schools, the royal canadian mounted police were complicit in that they were the ones that would take the children from their families to the schools that were run primarily by the catholic church at about 60 percent, but also anglican and protestant other smaller churches across the country,
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the levels of the abuse that we found at these schools was absolutely mind blowing . i just have to read something for you quickly. this is at 19 o. 7 report for the department of indian affairs is called the bryce report, documented 40 to 60 percent mortality rate in the schools mostly of tuberculosis and then a 90 to 100 percent of these children. this is unbelievable suffered either from physical, emotional, or sexual abuse. we will have rates of 80 percent abuse on these 1st nations because of this legacy left behind by these churches at the canadian government, which funded all of these programs. so canadians are demanding that the government do something about this. we did have a back in 2015 a commission that said that this was a cultural genocide. they did very little about it up to now. now people are demanding of the prime minister. do something about it and the prime minister, as well as indigenous communities, are demanding an apology from the catholic church. i really hope that this time it
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will lead towards its hope coming onto the canadian soil and apologizing apologizing directly for the responsibility that the catholic church shares in this part of our history now. and what is believed to be a reaction to what has happened in the past month or so is the churches are being burg, down on native communities and close to residential schools. we've heard of 5 in british columbia to and berta at one all the way at the other side of the country in nova scotia. ah. ah. the prime minister has said that destroying places of worship is not the way to go, obviously. but at the same time, canadians are looking at the situation in a much broader perspective. hopefully candidate will do more. and that's exactly
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what canadians are demanding at this point. well, please say those church 5 meantime could be arson, and could be related to the discovery of those graves kind of as prime minister, calling the alleged attacks on acceptable and wrong. we heard 2 in the week from the indigenous community about the gruesome discoveries. it was a genocide and you look at the whole point of the residential school was to take in the and out of the indian to get rid of our language hit rate of our culture and children died. every 1st nation person is feeling the impact of the residential schools. my grandmother attended my grandfather attended thankfully, my mother didn't have to attend, but she still feels the impacts on it on a daily basis. it is a developed country. it is a one you know, a g 7 time treat, but internally,
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canada, it's, we're at a point where we're reflecting internally, the green sites are the conversation, but the impact of colonization, of ripping apart families. and today we are seeing the aftermath of that. it brings out anger in some it brings out frustration moving forward. what we have to do is truth and reconciliation calls to campus to action. we implement those, we will be a way more developed country with one generation. there are some tough days ahead of us, but the end goal is to co exist as, as we should have at the beginning. it should have been a big weekend for during the songs, hundreds of his support, his gathering in london, new york on saturday to celebrate his 50th birthday. but it's the 3rd birthday, the wiki league sandra spent in prison in the u. k. washington, still thinking he's extradition to the us, where if he's found guilty,
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could be jo for $275.00. he is. meantime, the main witness in the u. s. case against him has reportedly admitted to giving false testimony. speaking to an icelandic newspaper, he said the wick helix found that never asked him to hug any computers or foes is potentially than a major blow for washington. with some seeing the admission is fatal, may be even to americans case against the sons. among them, the fellow with the blow, edward snowden sang that this is the end of the case against julian assad. if biden continues to seek the extradition of a publisher under an indictment poison top to bottom, with false testimony, admitted by its own star, witness the damage to the united states, reputation and press freedom would last for a generation. it's unavoidable for the better part of a decade. the united states and its allies wanted sonjee. they came up with allegations and grand juries and smear campaigns to get to him. we knew that what
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we didn't know is how many of america's charges against the sods charges that could lambda signs in jail for a 175 years. a reportedly made up the main witness and the charges against assigned to the extradition request for the u. k gave an interview to stand it and i standing publication. his name is siegel. do you for this? and he apparently has a piece of work charges, were piling up against alderson with the i from the call, thirties for massey fraud forgeries and theft on the one hand and for sexual violations against under age boys he had tricks or forced into sexual act from the other, during his time as a volunteer wikileaks way, lied and claim to be almost none, but 2 after a sons. he said to rob them of $50000.00 in donated funds and stole hard drives, packed with documents. when we really started asking questions, guess who he cooled?
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thought us and saw a way out on august the 23rd. he sent an email to the u. s. embassy in iceland offering information. the prosecutors and f. b. i were quick in responding within 48 hours, a private jets, london in reykjavik, with around 8th agents who quickly set up meetings with thordis and thought that was willing to say anything. he lied to them, he now says about assigned to asking him to break into government systems. he admits the lying about that, but that is all ready in the charges against the savage. right now this activity was said include attempts to hook into the computers of members of parliament and record their conversations. in fact, thought us and now mr. stone did that the songs never asked him to hack or access phone recordings of m p. 's. moreover, the british judge reviewing the tradition request agreed with the charges charges, many of which are now said to be live, such as when thordis and claim that he accessed a police vehicle database legitimately while working as
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a volunteer for rescue services and blamed it on a sarge more deceptive language emerges in the afa mentioned judgment wait states, a song use the unauthorized access givens him by a source. so access government websites of iceland used to track police vehicles. there was more much more about stolen band fall than hacking, all of which was twisted by thought this and, and the f b i who must have known how unreliable he was. but what, what would you do for immunity? i yes, the f b i offered for the son, immunity from prosecution for all the things that they knew he did. furthermore, the f b, i told him it wouldn't share anything with the police. you think he learned his lesson? is this the offer of immunity, had encouraged thoughts and to take boldest steps and crime, he started to fleece individuals and companies on a grander scale than ever forgery. bo kraft, vice shell companies, and much,
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much more. this is the main weakness than the prosecution and persecution of julian assad. this is the best that they could do. i verified these interview will be a serious blow, if not the dennis of the case against the sarge. and the case that has riled rights and press activists for years, in case that may well criminalize journalism, as we know it. and the case that will ma america for years to come. right. von smith, the british journalist and friend julia saw she's on the line from london. let's talk to him though. she had time. okay, so it's a big birthday, not the most pleasant surroundings. how is your son as far as you know, he's got some serious health issues which have been getting worse and worse and worse psychologically. he's under extraordinary stress, as you can well imagine. he's had one of the most horrible lot downs that i think
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anybody we could possibly think of. you know, mostly in solitary confinement, up to 23. out of the day. he's got very poor communication. they went lesson property, communicate outside world. it's very hard for him to defend him, so he's had a time that many could justify the call torture, talking about his health, going into the details of his private business. but is this, these issues you're talking about the serious issues? have they got worse of late? they've been existing things, other things exacerbated by the conditions, he's in the ways being held or where he is being held. and yes, no question about that. and that's extremely well reported by neils milk, who's a u. n. special wrapper to torture and an organization called doctors for psalms. they've been very clear and they were clear about this before last. i haven't been able to speak to him a long time on occasion wrong. maybe he hasn't been able to bring me over
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a year now he's, he's only recently been able to see is, is the on say who he's had 2 children with his family have struggles, struggle to get access to him. and of course, you know, with told, but this is all to do with the difficulty is the president has with the cova academic. and i don't doubt that because that a debit gives a president a great challenges. but we have to remember that he's, he's being held in belmont prison, a prison for violence. oh. and he's been hell, best simply on romance. and you and your report was talking about his 50th birthday yesterday. i enjoyed spending along with some other people a little party when he was staying with me, stayed with me in norfolk and when during his fortune birthday, i'm just horrified to can to thing but he has been incarcerated by some means or rather lacked his freedom. since then,
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that's 10 years ago. let's go to his case and the reason why is being held we're hearing is in the report from senior correspondent, the main witness in the us cases proposal admitted giving false testimony. you surprised to hear that one of the ramifications are going to be i'm not surprised here. i'm afraid because there's been some talk among the community people who do that best to support a julian about a mr. phil adoption. he was known to have stolen some things when he was a he stayed in my house all that time ago. 10 years ago. well, he was one of the people there. and so we knew that he had he was, he had behavioral issues and i think he still some my things i was told that i didn't know what it was cuz i got a missing things allegedly yeah. i think it's allegedly yes, but you think it's absolutely devastating for the case again
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i, you know, it also completely undermines america's case, but one has to observe this was brought up under the previous administration. must be the current administration on the biden. bearing in mind the previous administration on the ball, so not to follow this procedure against junior sounds because they were aware of the impact it was going to have on journalism. this, these charges criminalized basic journalistic practices. which is why it's so surprising that the british american media doesn't change. we're making much of what's happened with philadelphia and these are devastating. he is basically said that as you're actually also says, basically he's, he's explaining how he like to frame julian to try and fade his. he then scale was like, well, holding the americans going on with what ramifications like not to be for him. now if, if he has been lying under oath there they just let this go all. oh no,
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i mean it's a fold often have significant problems in iceland at the moment. this how you observe this isn't a student wilmont nice. i find the bi weekly and it also does be the slant state as being taken various actions against the f b i who visited the holes pretenses of iceland to try to gather information related to this case. the whole thing is clearly a state shop and the best route for, for everybody is to drop the case and move on a song julian needs to be let out. i mean, he's clearly suffering. and this case is obviously still is being pretty obviously a stick up to people in the know who can to bobby and the amount of smith that's being leveled against student is quite extraordinary to the psychological torture. and now we can't continue that we all the leads but sorry, so i just like finish just one point. we all believe those people that justice need
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speak with her over it. so clearly, not for judy, but the thought is that anyway, even despite the fact the edward snowden fellow whistleblowers saying, well, you know, father, this other guy, you know, the may witnesses said that he lied under oath and that it's blowing the case of pot is going to still continue anyway, that's the thought. yes, i mean that's the fear. but i will have to wait and see. i mean, there's a court case upcoming to be an american appeals. the american ministrations appealed to bends. last ruling, which basically said that julian was at risk, is health with the rest of the risk of suicide and all the same. so essentially we have to wait and see how the americans can, can stand up a cage when their main witness is lied to them. so i just feel that one would hope that this can be withdrawn. it would be best for everybody, not least, the reputation of both u. k and american law,
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which has got to be incredibly important to us. and likewise, the importance of journalism, we know, we need to put this behind up. and you mentioned just now the, the thoughts under the bomber administration, what are the current thoughts on the pipe administration then any different it seems, i mean clear. and i think we have to assume that that's still considering that position on this. i mean, that you know, that they haven't been running the united states, but quite said no one hopes, one deep the hopes that they will take a similar view to the previous administration. and of course, biden was, what was what deputize to a bama. and one hopes that he feels the same about it, but we really can't see the american and british, you know, so obviously bullying from the piano attractive stuff down the attractive. the other thing that i think is very attractive is the way, but a mainstream media who spent
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a lot of time writing negatively about you haven't really picked up on this full dawson story. and you know, that's why i'm speaking to you because, you know, on shots about, i feel that it's there. obliged to talk about these things is absolutely central to so that their own ability to report, you know, we've, we've got all sorts of people like, i guess i mentioned those melt as the un special reports. you know, we should be listening to him a lot more. we should be listening to various other people. you had an excellent article and box level is it? i think it was yesterday where he really makes a very good point about how the west is campaigning. for example, when, when, when the west pulls down, you know, the bolivian precedence in airplane thinking. but a whistleblower is on the snow and the lines in austria and then and then we have a similar situation in bella roost. very recent. and you know, surely we can't,
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you know, which was the roman process of the double. julie can't be quite hypocritical. sometimes i agree, well, i'm afraid they are and i'm, if you know, i'm sorry them but, but that she's more important than that, isn't it? it's it, you know, these things are transparent if you can see them and we can, we have an opportunity to resolve this, but we need to let the sounds good to do it. alright, well speaking is this friend von smith? pretty sure unless and indeed you don't him for very many number years. thank you. have an answer the he would but he's a good friend. yeah. will follow these to a good friend and thank you for thank you or i have a good day. thank you very much. thank you. on smith. thank you for having me. okay, know some news, developing story this. we can all is the weekly. we're looking back of the last 7 days. this one came in earlier on today at least 29 people have been reported, said 17 missing after military transport play with 1900 to
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a board. crushed in the philippines. pictures coming in in the last couple of hours and these are disturbing. we filled them through 50 of those on board. the good news is been killed, a been reported is injured. we don't know. the severity called a few have been rescued, but there are a number of fatalities there. aircraft, hercules see 130 crushed about our pasta live in the morning local time. these are the 1st pictures coming through still with me. so the moving ones. this plane that went down probably is one of 2 former u. s. military aircraft given to the philippines this year, the country currently battling against miss militants near the site of the tragedy . the playing came to transporting troops between islands. i was reading in the report is going to be a military vehicles of some kind on it as well. initial assessment is, will obviously something went badly wrong. i missed the wrong way before crushing. near the village, you saw their emergency spokesperson going on to say, as well, the incident they thought is not connected to a terrorist attack,
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but as we get more we'll bringing up to speed new submit. in the week, moscow re launched a major re vaccination campaign in the week with the highly contagious delta strain and co dominating infections. boost jobs were initially supposed to be only yearly, but given the current intensity, the pandemic doctor's and advising a fresh shot every 6 months. moscow smith says both splitting it and it's like varied are suitable for the job. well, the capital's boosted job drive comes as delta strain infections have been surging nationwide. you see the stop. so been shoulder the countries caseload more than doubling over the course of june, taking at $25000.00 daily infections. but today's about this morning of those moscow registered more than 7 and a half 1000 new cases. the search is prompted to the city to introduce a mandatory covey status pass that grant access to certain places. just tell you how that works and more detail is really simple. the 3 main parts,
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so you've got to be vaccinated, you could have anti bodies or negative p c r test. there's no more than 3 days old axis consumers kind of put his brand new shiny, cure code to the test for us in the week mix success, but generally no bad. this is my q r code, something party goers now can't live without moscow since this has become one of the only way to get into a restaurant or bar here. so i decided to investigate how the system works and whether it actually does it all. so let's now go to a couple of places here together. we'll start off with one of the most popular place in my neighborhood, and usually have lots of customers all day long. i also brought my son along. he hasn't been vaccinated and he hasn't had cobra. so he doesn't have a q r code. so we're going to see if this is going to be a problem. there was a line outside. find out what's going on. so i think i
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got a new york. what hold on the last name. nobody knew that well, it turned out my local fast food restaurant was serving takeaway orders only, no indoor dining, was allowed regardless of vaccination status. when you go, when you have some input for them, and you said it apparently not every restaurant in moscow was able to organize q r code scanning in time. anyway, there was another place across the street. we decided to check out. i was more than a minor for them. this time this staff did have the necessary equipment, which is just a regular smartphone by the way. but there's something weird happened. mike, you are code didn't work. the i had to go to
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a government website, download the q r code again, and it finally worked. but then something else came up. in moscow, you need to show your vaccination certificate along with an id. i had a password on me, but my wife had only a drivers license. even though have a password. it is not a rule. we were denied indoors service. they only let us sit outside on a terrace. bottom line is that we were denied to dining at the 2nd place this morning. so i'm going to keep looking for the right spot. and finally, we managed to get through at this turkish restaurant. everything went on without a hitch. they also let our 8 year old unvaccinated kid in, as we were told. young children are allowed inside. if their parents have valid q
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r code inside a free i can get rid of the mask. yes. once you're inside your back to the free coven era, no masks or social distance are required. as you can see, re did there, did i think that we are the only customers at the moment? i don't, there are 2 more people out there. but otherwise, it's pretty empty for vaccinated customers. the immediate benefits are quite obvious. now, there are always plenty of tables available and you can enjoy winters this undivided attention for reference owners. though things might not look as guilty to the fact that this system has been introduced across moscow. so people accept it, they come prepared and even say that they have a cure code trade away. but at the same time, it's summer now and they still prefer to relax on the veranda. the fact that we have some are verandas helps. of course, guest without cure codes,
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concede there. but it's too early to talk about how many customers we've lost because of this policy. we have to wait and see what it shows on the. so this is apparently something both citizens and restaurants will have to become used to at least cove. it is still raging, and even though a couple of months ago, people were extremely skeptical about getting the job. in the past couple of weeks, moscow authorities received more than 80000 vaccination requests a day fuel. the hopes that one day moscow will eventually escape from cove its loss . custody raska r t from moscow codes clause con kevin said enough, that's gone. that's the way the headlines took a turn over the last 7 days. you can find so much more a coast right now at r t dot com reporting from oscar this sunday. thank you for watching this program for me, kevin. and the rest of the team down the seems. enjoy the rest, the weekend. me
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the ah, the ah, ah, the the in the
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me a ton of wealth into all the parts. much of the 20th century, access to oil and gas was one of the chief drivers of geo politics, healing conflicts and charging alliances. is they fight against climate change with more countries to trade, carbon from alex trunk? what will be shifting energy balance due to the balance of power? well, to discuss that and now joined by angela wilkinson, secretary general and sealed on the world energy council. dr. wilkinson. it's great to talk to you. thank you very much for finding the time. it's a pleasure, it's lovely to be here in saint petersburg and that now every now and then the international community. it comes up with certain boss words that per political speeches. and right now it's an energy transition, the replacement of fossil fuels with renewables for a trip to generate.


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