tv Going Underground RT July 7, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT
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pioneering drugs are david not fired for his evidence based, pharmacological research. why british they would go and hundreds of thousands displaced, thousands detained, hundreds killed. according to the us, we speak to the lawyer representing young thanks. who chief, a daughter of assassinating burmese communist revolutionary young sand about her freedom and nato nations fight for supremacy in the strength of my lacker as global power moves from washington to be jing nato troops, 3 from f kenneth, down to iraq. all the more coming up in today's going underground, but 1st, this week marks the 73rd anniversary of the british, increasingly privatized, universal, and h s. health care system. the celebrations came with warning from scientists against plans by p. m, or johnson, to loosen corona virus protection. in the face of exponentially raising cases and the new lambda variance, but as euro 2020 b is rain down from above. when england face denmark tonight, at wembley, we are all at risk of a drug. the politicians have arguably long encouraged alcohol. joining me now from boss is the u. k. 12 drugs are his autobiography, not on cut shots,
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a scandalous history of u. k. drug policy as a virtual class war professor. david. david, thanks so much for coming back on even before i get to the amazing book with so many insights a say your take, i know it's not your direct field a given the you will feel the pharmacology on, on the british government's response to the current of spending, it seems to me, it's almost just chaotic, is their response to drugs and it fails or has partially felt for the same reasons . they don't have a systematic structure for making decisions. and then of course, why has the health service become overrun? whereas in most other countries in europe, it wasn't overrun because we basically been undermining our health service for decades. and of course breakfast also encouraged about 200000 health workers to leave. i did give her medical aid, see, as they keep saying,
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the vaccines agency that allowed us to vaccinate more than you are being true. yes . yeah. there's that. you raise a really interesting question. let's look, we can't do it today, but let's look and see what, what was better, how we actually save more lives we back to nation than we've lost because we haven't heard of health services, etc function. so that's the 1st thing i would say. the 2nd thing i would say this is very relevant because i last march and what's not 15 months ago, i wrote an article, which i thought this, i think the consequences of coded in a year's time will not be anything to do with test infections or, or problems with breathing, it'll be jude with a psychological consequences. and these are going to be to fall. these are the consequences are actually long coding. we know the virus is getting the brain and we know this virus gets in the brand new. the last, every we saying that people who have to deal to health service was over stress and i had to deal with with that being properly resource. and i'm particularly property
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protected. half of all people working in intensive care, you have got p t. do we have a shade to deal with the psychological consequences? oh no, we do not. we still, we don't have any roadmap for the brain until i find that really reprehensible because this, the consequences are not just economic, but they're also psychological. and we should be working on that we should have started working on that as soon as we saw the, the extent of the, of the, the spread, the virus has a big case, a p s b. and i suppose the answer to your 1st point that obviously burton has one of the worst death rates in the world. and certainly one of the was death rates in, in western europe. when you compare it to the arguable incompetence, i presume it's incompetent not by design to your experience with drug policy. i don't know whether you mean and it's constantly referred to in this book. the need for ministers that i don't know that a bit of dominic cummings very well had arguably we were top advisory board johnson . this element of the importance of media with respect to public health policy.
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absolutely. i mean, the government has been dancing to a significant extend to the, to the media tune in this particular the read newspapers. and in the same way, as i've always done to their training relation to drug policy, they tried to appease them. when they know quite explicitly that their agenda isn't, that's the salary was best for the country. and you are convinced as the drugs are for this country, as the government official drugs are that time and time again, it was these read top newspapers and all of them are read actually. i think that's the own by oligarchs. that thing exert is a completely disproportionate influence over public health care. the most amusing thing that we do, you go into the home office for a meeting and all they be talking about. the 1st thing they do is i have a focus group amongst the stuff on what the daily mail said about the home office
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the day before it is real, but they will more actually did that. they actually did that. and of course they would be criticized the home of his in those days is actually doing both them with policing and things like immigration that's been criticized repeatedly and, and that's what they cared about. they cared about not by century appeasing, or these not getting even more on the wrong side of the data, which is because it's almost impossible to appease newspapers like that trying to. i mean, i'm sure the johnson government, despite all the allegations about track and trace and its involvement with companies and, and the new health secretary that replace the disgrace. one who has been on the payroll of a, a financial institution associated with us, private health care. they would deny corruption in your book. you an edge, a direct link between tony blair's corruption with the formula one boss, bunny, ac, austin, and alcohol policy. i don't know being the leading cause of death for men under 50
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today to rupture may be too strong. the word is not sure, i use that in the book, but i think there was a really odd thing, wasn't it? so tony blair says we're actually going to get rid of all advertising and then suddenly because formula one is important and i believe that the labor part is being supported by some of the formula. one people leaving for me, one that suddenly alcohol advertising doesn't get restricted in the way that we will know it should be they didn't explicitly say it was formula one, but i the rumor that was going around at the time that there was a lot of pressure from formula one for them to keep it all over time. and when you say the industry there, i don't know whether they're echoes now with corona virus because we are continually told about the importance of the economy. and that was despite, you're explaining to them the economic cost. all well call if you put it on a balance sheet, it doesn't make money for britain. no. but is that coming back in to thousands,
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over half of all m p 's, we're getting a reward. we can put it that way from the uk on industry. they had interest in the all going to it's a very sophisticated industry they, they managed to encourage and he didn't a very clever way. they managed by politicians and editors of newspapers. they come together in a regular meeting that are filled by the drink industry, regular, free in westminster, all that love a terrorist over the thames. the there are every fortnight. there's a party which drinks industry produce the alcohol for free, and senior newspaper editors and reporters and m. p. 's of all persuasions are they're basically drinking a great deal for free and that effectively sift suppresses all discourse in parliament. and most discourse in the media about homes, about the whole time. sure. m. p 's all whole deny that. absolutely. and i think we did have a lobbyist on the, on the program from one of the organizations people can look up that interview on
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youtube. i mean, the, the, i mean before everyone thinks it's absolutely period technical on this program, you might have to remind us about your brain receptor. alcohol substitute is it also related to the book? i mean the opposition to that as the opposition to your research on brain receptors when it came to anxiety. because you don't talk about nearly being killed in a bomb. but what is the kind of opposition to the, the alcohol substitute alco? since you have to remind is what they are quickly as well. okay, so i'll go send is a wonderful construct, which actually came out of star wars. we called us rel as kander route is to is to sweetness. you get the sweetness without the calories. when i started talking about this, i've been talking about this now and he's taking the 15 years i've been talking about replacing alcohol. initially. i think the drinks industry very, very skeptical. and we thought the, you know, they thought we were an enemy, but now the public moved, particularly young people in london and 20 to 40 roads,
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begin to move away from alcohol and they're doing it for health reasons. and that means the drinks industry is not growing at a rate. in fact, from many, apart from cobra coverage, i've been blessed to them. but before coby drink, sales were falling and people were moving away from the whole continue to drink, to alcohol free drinks. and this trend, i think is going to hopefully get the industry talking to us more and they all are already. they kind of know that it, when people read of alcohol and read them at the harness, you can't escape the factors on. it's a very harmful drug, so something that can mimic it in a way, but without or with much less of the harms. they see that this could actually be the salvation for them. and it sort of similar to the way that now most big tobacco companies are moving away from cigarettes, which we know are very, very harmful to say for alternatives. you say cigarettes harmful but in some of the
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graphs and charts in this book. and i know you have lots of prop pervis's and caveats. it's quite shocking to see how it were uncle comes in comparison to heroin cigarettes, all manner of different drugs. and we talked about foreign policy on this program. obviously the us troops, levy get this done and the poppy fields fundamentally, you believe the board for the foreseeable future drug policy is not going to be refundable. we are now waiting for this day. and carol black review part to do you think, do you think it could change? now that we have a board johnson cabinet that have confessed many of them to taking illegal narcotics when he should of course, if they had any kind of moral principles. but so when will it i don't know. actually the i think of labor had said they wanted change. it would happen because i think the tories would feel that they have to keep abreast or the family star has
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come out recently saying he doesn't believe in d. even in d criminalization a part of what he was out of the c b s, which prosecuted many, even under the 71 drugs act. okay. but so it was come out of harrison. america was a public prosecutor in, in california. and she put a lot of a lot of community black community into prison thinking that that would drive about drugs in california. she's now recounted, and they are going, i believe, to actually remove the criminal sentences which been given to so many black people in the states of cannabis possessions. she's changed. why didn't you know, i would have thought stormer should be smart enough to say that what he did was actually wrong and, and could ha, we've doubled our prison population since the 1980s. and that doubling is all due to putting people with drug problems into prison. and that is truly the most ridiculous thing to do because not only does it not help them,
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it actually makes it worse. many people start using heroin in prison. they go to prison for candidates or that they thought using heroin because it's less detectable. and it's easier to get in prison. or again, it's this response to this mysterious power of all of our newspapers in this country to the 9400000000 estimated business. here professor david dot, i'll stop you there more from david not after this break plus is i'm trying to cheat st daughter of his estimated bernice communist revolutionary young son being tortured by the means military. we go to me and just speak to her lawyer fighting charges that could see her die in prison. all the more coming up in today's going underground. ah, next financial survival guys. let's learn about fill out. let's say i'm a strike and you're great. i'm grief on face of the site. wall street broad,
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ok. welcome back. i'm still here with professor david, not the author of not good when people are thinking about tonight semi final with denmark regime, sterling will be on the bridge. it comes up in your book tonight. there will be 2 england players who have got photos of using nitrous oxide nitrox laughing us which we don't know on this program. i have to say, you know, it's a great british drug invented in 1780 in birmingham, by priestly, popularized by the president of the rough society, very, very famous humphrey davy, the man who discovered more elements than any other kenneth in history. why a footboard is using it? well, because football are, they're actually rather smart because they realize that if to get how funny the party you can use alcohol or nitrous oxide, if he's alcohol to get to a level of, of quite intense intoxication of fun. you're going to have
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a hang over the next step. if you use like oxide, you're going to be fine, 5 minutes later, but it is oxide that became, we believe not proven. it's not happy in law, but subject to the fact. because substance is that largely because newspapers took pictures of people like sterling using nitrous oxide and then vilifying the doing so and claiming it was harmful when hung hundreds of millions of women around the world have to deal with the pain of childbirth. just like luke sure. did when he had his broken leg in wow, i know it may be used for some trial for depression. again, i have to say we can do it. i mean, i want to get the book is so it seems like it's the volume. there is so much in it, i mean, and there's so many old things like when you say golden brown, got legislation through that allows the cannabis medically used. there's no medic mitigation on that. or there is for cocaine and things like that which is very
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seriously. and personally for you, people might not remember how these oligarch press attack your family and you personally as you are pursuing this evidence based career of research designed to save the lives of billions of people from anxiety for mental health. and so yeah, well i've been attacked, i have been attacked by the press. i've been attacked by love it when i was sacked to the government's terms are 1st saying that the horse riding is more dangerous in ecstasy. i mean, it really was absolutely fail day for the press for the sudden did a terrible thing. they, they dug, they got even cut it in and drilled into 3 of my 4 kids facebook sites. and i made outrageous claims about what they were doing. it completely without it, you know, no substance at all. and it was once it's, once we got into one huge paper, then it can be that it becomes news and then they can get into all the newspapers.
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it was hanging around actually on the m o male website to the left us an inquiry is only when we complained and wrote a letter to the levison saying that the mail hadn't taken down. is that raises a misrepresentation of my children eventually, the week before poor daycare went to see levison suddenly disappeared from the main website that had been up there for many years for acre boss at the, at the mail. i've better just and quickly on how this impact on class war arguably, and inequality. is there something here from the mental about inequality, time and time again, it obviously disproportionately impacts on the health outcomes for the poor. i don't know whether the rich members of the city taken go came watching this program less likely to die for some reason than those who are poor. what is that dimension to this research? the fact is, if you're rich and white, you've got to go to prison. if you're picked up with a cup, look, again,
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if you're black, you will know that this is tenfold. you're more likely to get a criminal record for drugs if you're black than if you're like one of the problems we created the brown and black creative, but they incentivize the police. one of one of the markers with police successes with kind of his convictions and the, you know, whatever you think of the police are not completely stupid. and they realize the easiest trying to solve the kind of it's going to just walk into a bargain london stuff, a black guy. but yeah, and it's funny, you know, a little bit of, of candidates, then you've got your arrest and please, we'll do that. and that then creates an underclass which because with those records, you can't get into teaching, you can't go into politics, you can't go into the police, you can't really go into any other civil service. and so what happens? well, if you haven't, if you can get other work and what do you do you deal drugs? and this is the whole rationale for the,
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the portuguese de criminalization approach. you stop people dealing drugs to get drugs and to stay alive. and you take drugs out of the black market and you put it into health and then people get treated so they don't have to be drugs to get it. and you find it drug use goes right down because it's the use of drug this field largely by drug users selling drugs to get enough money to pay for the rooms. professor david, not the book that now not good. thank you. thank you. the now as you k and us troops, we have canister the dead of night in the u. s embassy comes under drone attack in baghdad to job biden's air strikes and syria and iraq, another former imperial western colony as being debated today. the un, this after a military coup in burma, there's been mass displacement killing and wounding. and what now for anthony to g, detained for a decade and a half release than acute debating genocide. and now fighting corruption charges in
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the region critical to western oil supplies. joining me now from ne p y, i tar is unkind lawyer. you can mugs or thank you so much. you can for coming on the show. what's it like represent? again, sent to g, given your family is the historic support for the communist insurgency that liberated me and more after the father was assassinated, maybe by the orders of clement. actually, we will know about that history in britain. was it like representing such a famous politician for free? i have to tell you, remind you that my father was an all comedy to go on on to cheese for the general also because general turn was founder off the common spot in 1930 page. my father was a communist party member to the story background to a i don't go too too far back,
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but since it was a 73rd of us is 73rd anniversary, the national health service here in britain, m a that is, is loaded by the left here, just quickly who did kill your client father, the church you on the record who saw and, but there were british weapons we used. famously, i mean, you know about prison conditions in me and mom wants the condition of anger. who g in detention have you even been able to speak to her? i mean, you know about jail and hunger strike after all. yes. darn santucci is condition is much better than our condition when we way that bit as prisoners, but according to ha, stand edge. he is narrow in the very distressed condition.
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it's in fear of a life, not that much, but he doesn't have any access to the information and he cannot meet any other person. but from the lawyers, whom she asked to meet weekly for 30 minutes, a mentor, a mental torture. she doesn't claim she's be tortured. she, she doesn't blame. she's been physically tortured. not. not physically taught you. now. she's charged with the corruption. she's charged with the flouting coven restrictions, using a walkie talkie. also being against the official secrets act. what do you make of these judges? father? no. restrictions was spreading the sanction against the government and for loose charges. he is now on trial.
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but for the charges of bribery and corruption, she is not on trial. you guys do is that the charge was only investigation. a lot of people saying this is much more than just about sang su cheap. this is about geo politics. you your defending her. but, and there was an interview with you in the new york times. why do you think there isn't much news about sanks who g and the international western media any more? we have been mon ashy, who's been hired by the burmese government to lobby for them in the west. he actually came on to talk about jeffrey epstein and maxwell. but there are clearly people trying to lobby the media in the west. do you see,
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are you surprised that there is not more attention in the west of this case? that's not completely true. because on the 1st of july that i b, h i, that means in dimension or human rights institute has an issue at stake when it formed watch group of prominent lawyers to watch the keys off to our san suki and president when it because of course, in in nato countries which did support her freedom, they accuse her of facilitating genocide of the room, ringo muslims, people said she should be on trial for that. not these things. i guess it's coach in position against her on this issue.
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because i have students of different answers, one loan ship that much, i get off. and yet the book even up to now. she on concerning with the ranger. i haven't discussed about this issue with her. but and i say she and her body has stood somewhat differently than the my position flowed. is this military survive? how is it interlinked? would you say to trans national capitalism? after all, singapore is the biggest foreign investor. i mean, who, who is funding this government? that are bringing these charges against your client day mil. she government has all,
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always used up natural resources and to build that made she was a military establishment by selling that natural orders, especially do their name neighbor going to china. now, the chinese ambassador to me and my said, it's absolutely not what china wants to see the detention of your client in nato countries. a quarter of the world's oil may be passes through the straits of malacca in the south. me and ma, what it will. how will this play with the charges again, sang, sang su, cheat sheet she by looking at the tip of her guntee. yes, he took the conciliatory, conciliatory. lie stand with me. she
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mistake she had make. yeah. yeah. i mean, like what went wrong? she was accused of being too close to the military. should she somehow get closer to china, which will presumably be me and my future biggest trading butler. i don't think she had gone santucci. look at the china as the main trading, but because she didn't give it any more favor, but class c does to china other than the other other countries like this. when do you think she will be free? i cannot say for sure if she is convicted of all those charges
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and punishments are such on consecutively, all those managements amounts to at least 40 or 50 years school. if you will not be free in our lifetime, you can monitor. thank you. and that's for the show will be back on saturday to talk sports nationalism and club the head of the final of the 2020 football championship. and what would it mean the birthday of one of the 21st century is greatest political think is mark fisher until then. keep in touch with social media to try to channel on youtube and let us know when you think i'm going to cheat should be pretty. ah ah, ah, the
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the headlines this evening from moscow can be a nation, apply, decomposes marson law for 15 days off of the shop. the fascination of its president in his home, the suspected assassin are in custody. a leading scientific job on the u. k. cool rushes, putting job safe and effective with the person with lack of to be a side effect such as a legend lot was linked to other things. we hear from a german red cross member who is raising the law over a growing number of those and getting their appointment for a 2nd period of hours they would hesitancy. friend continues to spread the worldwide ah
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