tv News. Views. Hughes RT July 8, 2021 12:30pm-1:00pm EDT
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trial and this 40 your fight. and the co founder of a greenpeace joined us to talk about why he feels environmental scares. stories are being repeated in the media and fake invisible catastrophes are being used to scare the public. i'm scotty, now huge and you are watching this addition of news you views right here on our america. ah, thank you me. i how secretary is xavier of a car and notify congress on tuesday that he would be reallocating $860000000.00 from the national institute of health. this to cover the cost of pan demik related care of unaccompanied miners. now as that accountability issues at the facility housing unaccompanied migrate, children around the us are starting to rise. so let's just look at one facility in chattanooga, tennessee where police have confirmed children and teenagers have gone missing in
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the past and have just charged a woman with sexual battery by an authority figure. so to give us a $360.00 view of why did exactly going on, we bring in ed martin, president philip shape legal forum and democrat commenter. janet runner, thanks for joining me gentlemen. my pleasure. thank good afternoon. ok, so jan actually wanna start with you on this one. so hearing what we're hearing of these cases of abuse, children going missing, we've always known sex trafficking is a major issue happening at our borders was here in america right now. is america really the best place for parents in other countries to send their children unaccompanied with all this reports of sickness and abuse coming from places where american government is supposed to be taking care of them? sadly enough with respect to the sexual loose, i mean that is an anecdotal story. i don't think it's something being univers universally occurring throughout the whole system. but i mean it's, it's terrible, but i think it's just an isolated event. the country is going to deal with it if we
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don't deal with it and there's going to be a lot of backlash, but we're a great nation and a great power. and we can't afford to have these children not protected. and if they are protected that we have to meet, respond as it as a, by the ministration has done with respect to these allegations. well, i know both of your gentlemen, your good guys have good falls. i know you care for children. so i understand this is just the 1st case that we know of, i'm for sure. this happens any time. then we have large group of children under the care. it seems government, sometimes these things do happen. but i want to get you on this one and you know, the problem is nothing new, this idea of unaccompanied miners coming to the border. so what happens when these children actually age out of these care given at the facility? what happens to them then at 18 when they're just unable to be cared for anymore? yeah, look, i mean, this ought to be a humanitarian crisis of the 1st order in order tramps and any party, any political position. imagine if we said and they did that, they should do this in movies. they used to match. and this was true, but organized crime was running a city,
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say new york. and then they would pretend to say that the same guys that were running drugs and gambling rings and other things which stopped short of prostitution, it was always a lie. and so the idea that at our border, the cartels that are controlling the immigration policy of america are being nice to young women or children is outrageous. and the policy that the binding ministration has to let people come be housed in the system and then released into america. to be very honest. the trafficking problem starts with the cartels and then continues inside america. go to any city right now and ask a detective. and he'll say that illegal immigrant women are exploited in our cities in lots of ways. so i, you know, there was a last few days ago, chris, co, bach who was a old hand in the trump administration and before filed saying enforced. the last we have laws that should make this stop. we just have an administration unwilling to do it. and frankly, the republicans didn't do it to show the american people should say
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a pos on all their houses and elect people that will do it. and some of it, by the way, are states whether it's texas or florida are trying to control it. but it's very difficult in the face of the organized crime that runs american new immigration policy, which is called the mexican cartels. through that 1st political pines and trust me, i want to bring that back up and i think that it does need to be addressed. but jan, you know, he also brings up another point. this is chad nigger facility, you know, do you, we know that these, these children as well as their parents, are also being dispatched at different areas across the united states, just to help lessen the problem around the border states. but do you think americans should be concerned with this, and do you think those are the community have a right to know who is actually coming in to their community? a lot of these communities are finding themselves surprised when a bus pulls up and all this in their community is found with children. they don't know where they belong or who they belong to. well, i mean there is certainly as a racial component to it in that i seems to these communities just acting out. so
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outrages really want a bus load of less than lily white children arrived within the city. and then the response is really important that the fact of matter is that immigration across the border has been occurring for decades in this country. it has its abs, abs, and flows. and right now there's, you know, it's heavy, but the united states has to deal with it. like i said, we're the greatest power under them. what are we supposed to do? send those children back. got them down at the border. we have to house them. we have to have them humanely if they are an authorized to be in the united states, they don't qualify for some kind of admission into this country. then they have to be reunited with their parents have been sent back to mexico. but in the meantime, they need to be processed, they need to be treated humanely and they need to be taken care of. and so what, what is a great nation with a moral obligation to do to these children if they don't take care of them? well, i think that's what we all want is the obligation i have to say, i think it's all about surprise. i'm more concerned about these communities are being surprised route, but i want to move on because i have to ask it, i'm going to leave with you on this one. ask you about comments made yesterday by the president's press secretary and has a lot to do with cove. it just,
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saki had this to say, one targeted community by community door to door outreach to get remaining americans vaccinated by ensuring they have the information they need on how both safe and accessible the vaccine is. ad your reaction? well look, i mean, the lack of credibility of this administration on this question, the lack of confidence that the people in this country have. there are tens of millions of people who don't trust the people in power because they've been lied to . and you don't have to look further than the left leaning politico, where they wrote a lengthy piece this morning. and they describe african american men in one of the barber shops in a city saying, i'm not going to go get a vaccination. you think it'll kill me? i don't know people that died of cobra, but my friends got shot over the weekend. we have lawlessness in our cities. we have the border as for us, but all due respect to my colleagues, we created the greatest immorality by trapping these young people in camps and in
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trafficking situations. you can solve the problem as a moral nation by building a wall and then saying before you get to this country, you have to have a reason to be here. but look, i don't think that we're going door to door joe. but look, i was with a friend of mine who is not a conservative over the holiday weekend, and he told me there's more money in the school systems flooding the school systems . that's not being used for p. p. and coven, it's just money thrown by the government. this administration and these idiots have voted board to things like the unions and our school systems bailing out our cities . they're flushed with money now, and they're not making good decisions yet again. so i door to door is a joke if it was a saturday live skit with, with john candy or john belushi brothers. we'd be laughing about it. it's not real, it's not serious. and more importantly, there's a credibility gap that we've never seen in american history with this president and administration, not even with trump or. and then i don't want to make us about a debate about whether vaccines or not that's,
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that's for another day. but if we're going to look at any government, do you think it's a good strategy by the white house, regardless of who's in it, to encourage you know, the public. you might already have a distress. some hesitancy in the vaccine to say we're going to come knock on your door. do you see why there's some pushback on this? do you think the vitamins or should i say, you know, we're going to rethink that? we're going to let you come to us when you're ready. nobody has to answer the knock on the door if they don't. but the fact that is, this is the biggest health crisis to effect this nation. since that 1918 flu epidemic, it is killed, hundreds and thousands of people in this country millions worldwide. we have to get our arms around it and the by the ministration was committed to getting 70 percent vaccination rate. in this nation they fall in short, they've done the best, but there are probably millions and millions of people that refused to get shots. not because of anything other than former president of the united states is claiming that this whole thing is a hoax. so i would, i would just hope that more than 50 percent of this nation gets vaccinated,
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or this thing is going to resurrect its ugly head in the future. and we're going to start this whole process trotty scotty. in 10 seconds. donald trump has been for the vaccination. that's a lie. there's lots of conservatives that have been against that, but trump has been for it mostly because he's claiming credit. so don't put it on on file g and put it on some others, but not on trump. this one, he doesn't get this one. ok, well, i want to hold you to over because both here, everything your point really, really well on this. you know, i want you to watch this package because when it comes to immigration is a global issue. the u. s. isn't the only one? hundreds of a document in migrants are on hunger, strikes in brussels right now, hoping to be granted asylum. some of the events on their mouth shut to show they have no say. however, officials and says no exceptions, exceptions will be made archie surely davinsky brings us more on this illegal migrants across brussels, taking action into their own hands and resorting in some extent to extreme measures
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to demand their rights. suicide attempts and sewing up the lips just to the shocking the migrants have taken to show just how serious they are. well, we've been have 3 people who needed urgent care. some of the men and women taking part in this protest have been in the country for more than a decade. and they say that they have simply had enough of government in action. there's also criticism that brussels and even europe as a whole, have been so hesitant and imposing any kind of for their situation, leaving them no choice. i have started this and i have to continue to the end of last 15 kilos. but i am reading to lose another 15 or 20 just to be legalized some other people that live even more. my buddy carry me recently swallowed a razor blade. he had to get an emergency operation for other people. so the lips always actions have one goal to show that we really need the documents. i am the
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nipple guy, but my child is not nibbling. they don't understand polly kennedy speaking the police. and they see the does the things. so my child is, is property of belgium does give me work for me, then i can walk and i can give food my child. the belgian government says it won't change policy. it's frustrating. we're trying to help people as much as possible to get their dos is to be treated as fast as possible. but of course not every undocumented person, not every person who is here can stay in belgium. the hunger strike is not going to help issue of undocumented migrant isn't just confined here in belgium, in front of also being processed stage to call attention to the thousands who also in a similar situation here. and i thought of the part that we actually looked at what
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was going on in the world. janna would start with you. can you know, immigration policy, that's when you're specialties. you know, is there what country do you think immigration policies is? the gold standard should the u. s. and other countries try to emulate has anybody got it? right? you know, i don't think anybody's got net, right? i mean, look, the fact, the ugly fact of the matter isn't reprehensible enough. the western world over the last century, perhaps century and a half to engage in a lot of mission around the world. and the chickens and sadly enough come home to roost. there's been massive migrations across the globe through the for example, the united states interference in the middle east of the united states. indifference to central america, europe's indifference to africa, and the last century. i mean, these things have a cause and effect. so this, this is not new, these mass migrations are something that has been going on for a long time for all kinds of reasons, not the least of which is the involvement of western power. so what do we, you know, every country has these problems, the united states shouldn't be lighting people starving and wanting water,
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like some of the nations you've cited, you know, we have to act humanely and we have to project to the world that we care. and we should care, and that's as simple as that. well, and i promised i was gonna let you have that punch. you really are here it is. you might not want to give it though after i asked you, this is the campaign issue every time, especially for republicans, they say it over and over same campaign points. and yet when they have power, they don't do anything to make it better, which allows this conversation to continue. why not? what? because the republicans in this easy want, and i thank you for the slam dunk. the republicans like paul ryan, are completely corrupt and they're complicit. he slides from speaker the house to the board of fox news, where their policy has been fox news long before trump was for open borders and all the same stuff that is destroying europe. your 30 years ahead of us, but you could just look at what's happened, the invasion of europe. the problem is that people come from other places. it's that they don't come and become part of
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a nation and talk about who has the best standards right now. poland, hungary, they have the best standard. russia has a pretty good standard immigration, you can come to places and work. you can come to places and be a part of the community, but you can't stay and be a citizen of the nation. if you don't buy into it, and america right now is in a struggle that mirrors the camp of the st. jude of the famous book from the 1970, that described what would happen were facing it in europe. and we have it here. so republicans talk about it all the time and they never lead on it and they didn't under trump, except that he tried to. but i think we're seeing a coalition of republicans and democrats, voters who are demanding some change. but you're right, scotty. well, the republicans went in 2022 and do the same stuff again. maybe i think the american people's pretty sick of it though. well, my goal here is not to give you a slam dunk, but to let you speak your point and both of you do that very well. that's why i love giving our viewers at $360.00 view. thank you jan and ed for joining me on this conversation. ok, so there is legit and diligent reasons to fear the climate change and we're going
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to bring you both after the break the ah, me make no certainly no borders and the model number please. virus has emerged. we don't have a therapy. we go to the back scene, the whole world needs to take action and be ready. people are judge crisis. we can do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing each in their own way. but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenges wait for the response
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has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we need together in the media a reflection of reality in a world transformed what will make you feel safer. type relation, whole community. are you going the right way or are you being that somewhere? direct? what is true? what is faith? in the world corrupted, you need to defend the so join us in the depths
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or remain in the shallows ah, in the moon. the clinical trial for vaccine is underway in the united kingdom and researchers at the university of oxford say they have high hopes or respond natasha suite has more on the international collaborative project. university of oxford, is it ministry and h i v vaccination 213 healthy adults who do not have the virus. the trial is part of the european aids vaccine initiative. and researchers are looking to make major progress. never seen before. denila yogato alvy has enrolled in this h r v. clinical trial being conducted by the university of oxford in
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a treat. he says he's the 1st person that will be getting the possible h i v vaccine currently being developed by researchers. then on monday, i'll be posted a picture of himself after getting inoculated. he, along with 12 other participants, will receive a booster dose in 4 weeks. scientists say in h r i b vaccine has been elusive for 40 years. they say that very trial is the 1st of many to help prevent those without the virus and will also help paint the way for a cure while challenging researchers are focusing on finding common ground among a tribe variance. this means focusing on how to not only induce antibodies generated by b cells, but also uncovering how to protect the immune system, t cells from being destroyed while progress has been made in terms of prevention, a staggering amount of cases continues to surface. according to oxford, new h i. v infections failed to reach the targets sent by the united nations general assembly in 2016 of less than 500000 new infections per year in 2020, even while increasing treatment and prevention. according to researchers behind the
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study in h i v vaccine remains the best strategy for ending the aids epidemic. researchers from the university of oxford are looking to report results from this study by april of 2022. there are also plans in the works to begin similar trials in europe, africa, and the u. s. reporting for new to some how should we are to hurricane farms are definitely real. and as elsa continues its destruction moves at the coast, we are reminded just how important our environment is. however, my next guest, doctor patrick more believes, scares stories regarding the environment are being used to manipulate the public. but what purpose would that actually serve? doctor more author of a fake, invisible catastrophes and the threat of doom. thank you so much for joining me on this. very nice to be with you. scottie now. ok, so dr. moore, you know, you wrote this book, where do you think climate and the environment are being falsely used to scare the public?
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in most of the issues that are portrayed today as emergencies are crises, the polar bears are not going extinct. they've increased from about 8000 to upwards of 40000 today from 1973. when all the polar nations signed a treaty to and unrestricted hunting. no one's ever told about that. the great barrier reef has completely recovered from the bleaching events that occurred in 2016 and bleaching of coral is not the death of coral. they say it's dying, they say it's about to die. they say it's terminal. anything but dead because it isn't dead. and it won't be dead in the near future either. and the same thing, of course, is true true, but i oxide. and the fact that it is the most important food for all life on earth . and that the earth is greening. go to nasa and look at greening of the earth. you can see that for certain and forest fires have been with us since the beginning of for us. that's 300000000 years since for
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a sea volved and covered large areas of the earth is a matter of fact. they covered more areas of the earth when it was warmer than it is today. but today the polls are covered in ice. that's because we're in an ice age called the place to seen. it started 2600000 years ago. and the idea that hurricanes are getting worse has been completely be deep backed by the most, you know, solid international organization of them all. the intergovernmental panel on climate change of the united nations, which the always referred to when they say something they agree with. but the intergovernmental panel has made it clear on many occasions that there is no increase in hurricanes, tornadoes or floods. in other words, extreme weather events and that the climate actually is not really doing anything different today than it has for the last 10000 years in this interglacial period that we have been in since the lap glacial maximum occurred before that. and
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the truth is, is that this, this is a scare story about something that is invisible. that's why i called my book. bake invisible catastrophes and threats of dune, because is invisible lake. radiation is invisible and so you can make up any super you want about it. and the reason the underlying reason is just money and power, power for politicians, money for activist money, for the media, sensationalizing, and money for scientific scientists. virtually all of whom are being paid by politicians and bureaucrats to provide them with the scary movies. if you read my book, which is very accessible to anybody in high school or older, you will see that story after story after story is fake. it's certainly fake that the polar bears are going extinct. and it's certainly fake that the coral reef is dying. and it's certainly fake the carbon dioxide is going to make the life for
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life. and dr. more i get that i understand that i agree, the fact that you can always stare people with something they don't know know, and they're playing upon emotions in cases that are usually the most successful. but i have to ask you, do you think there are legitimate reasons for concern by the public concerning just what humans are doing and the environment yes, in some countries, fair amount of pollution from mainly burning fossil fuels. because they haven't adopted the technologies we have adopted in north america and europe is the truth is we have addressed most problems. the forest of europe were reduced to less than 10 percent. a few 100 years ago, people discovered the science of forestry. and today, europe has 43 percent forest cover. when i was in green piece, we went up the rivers in europe and plugged the pipes of the factories that were poisoning them. virtually every river in europe and britain were dead in the 1970
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and in to the eighty's today to ship all of them. so, a lot has been done, especially in the richer countries. where are we can afford these things when countries begin to industrialize? like much of asia still is they, they don't bother with concerns for the environment because they want a tv and a scooter. and air conditioning and other things that people want in life to be comfortable and have a good life. but as soon as they look around and see the air is dirty, they start to do something out it. and that's happening all over the world today where people are coming up from poverty into a decent standard of living. and it's already happened in the industrial countries . the only thing really missing here is if people want to reduce fuels, they must embrace nuclear energy, which is shown to be ex, totally safe, not one person in the united states that have been harmed by a nuclear plants. and there's nearly
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a 100 of them operating every day of the year providing 247 power unlike the wind and solar, which is so intermittent that california and texas are having blackouts and brown notes because they're relying too heavily on intermittent sources of electricity. well unfortunately i have a few seconds, but i've got to ask you what can individuals do? obviously we always tell you to shut off your sink when you're brush your teeth, redoing your, brushing your teeth. what is something that individuals can do the most to say this planet that you would hope they would be doing? look after that, the nature that surround, you mean we've got huge areas of parks that have been proclaimed. nearly 25 percent of the united states is preserved as natural ecosystems today. and we do have really good pollution control. and yet people are saying that we should have all electric cars when you've got to make the electricity to charge the batteries.
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the problem is people will charge their batteries at night when that isn't shining, so solar energy isn't going to be any good while we're trans, specially aircraft and dr. my cars and i think every way and i have to catch you off at the end of the show, but i tell you, i think people really do have a good heart and care for this earth. and i think that's all they want to do. dr. moore, thank you so much for joining us. and that's all the time we have for today show, like always we want to provide you the information in 360 you. you can make up your own opinion on the top issues of the day. we can get his conversation and follow me on twitter. scott again, he's, he's hash tags, human, be 8, and show him more demo. the portable dot g d f. thanks for watching. ah, ah, ah.
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control the traditional moving. but she's she's really if you see the one doing the best for me was upset for me to last with metro. okay. she yeah, she felt that i was in this in the resilience and that is what i need from the new new new which what if i do see executable football once you put up on me, i got it all set up for me. i got it up on that. got mixed up with me. the
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ah, the headlights are on our team. wrist is refusing to reveal to algeria the locations of radioactive waste 6 decades on from colonial france, conducting nuclear tests. fox news post tucker carlson claims the n s a spied on his communications and leaked private emails to journalists alleging that it's all because he tried to secure an interview with a russian president after a year of calls to defend the police. us democrats to pick up an ex police officer as their candidate for the new york city mayor job that has a new york state governor declares a gun violence and disaster emergency ah .
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