tv News RT July 10, 2021 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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the quitting a country when your opponent is strongest and parallel or draw in between the u. s . polite from under the vietnam war. the mid reports from recaptured territory. the taliban is once again imposing severe restrictions under sure. really a plea for help the haitian government us the u. s. and u. n. to send troops to protect the country key infrastructure days after the president was assassinated in his own. lunging, the eyelids mentioned to turmoil binding the drum for inclusion and equity. a senior us federal agency goes, woke, but finds itself and hot water for helping to photoshop disabled people to recover photo diversity report. ah,
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lie for moscow, this is our t. my name's unit o'neill and 30 minutes of news and views start. the telephone has been making further territorial gains in afghanistan, including out major a border crossing points with iran and turkmenistan reports their suggest. the groups imposing stricture. rio law similar to those deployed when they were lost in power 20 years ago. those restrictions including forbidding women from leaving home without a meal companion, had come south america pulls out all its troops from the country, prompting echoes of an earlier conflict in which they were involved. saskia taylor reports, it only took 20 years, 47000 civilian deaths and 2 trillion dollars for the u. s. to finally realized
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that i've got to stop has the right to determine its own fate. i will much send another generation america to war and i can stand with no reasonable expectation of achieving the different outcome. we did not go to afghanistan to nation bill and is the right and the responsibility of the afghan people alone to decide their future . and how they want to run their country, a state saving way of saying, but nothing has been achieved into decades. i'm backing out of the yes nation building promises made all the years ago. piece will be achieved by helping i've got to on train and develop its own national army and peace will be achieved through an education system for boys and girls which works to one of the many pledges that never came through. forgotten about as the u. s. army hasty packed up
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and flew out. having struck a deal with the very enemy, it invaded to annihilate and leaving no long last in peace plan. but hey, as a ton of on recap to waves of territory, at least, washington sending its best wishes to its abandoned allies in kabul, we're going to stick with you, do our best to see to and you have to and so america's, for, as a war rap stop with its enemies sergeant, back to ascendancy. it's our lives vulnerable and 1000000 still desperate for that piece. they were promised all those years ago. travel 4 and a half 1000 kilometer east. and you'll find the cause of a number of americas as a was vietnam. yes. the u. s. will then saving the people from the red terra, not the taliban, tara, but really the parallels a striking, starting with climate promise of freedom, stability, and democracy. first, the vietnamese without help and that's about all the allies,
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really making any progress. is there a ford movement? the reports, i see, make it clear that there is certainly, there is a positive movement towards constitutional government. the people want the elected responsive governments. pretty quickly that positive energy fell apart. and washington realized that the 3 was impossible ring about. i'm so just isn't gonna st on it in the deal with the enemy and stuff. how to get rid of in the 1st place, the communists in north vietnam. and after years of effort, we negotiated settlement, which made it possible for us to remove our forces with honor and bring home our prisoners. though, at least unlike president biden, today, who dodge his questions about the guilty conscience. president ford had the decency to just cross out the words with honor in his final speech. i wouldn't take off who i've canister on the u. s. pulled out soon after that speech leaving the allies
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with you guessed it, promises that wouldn't never come true. so in pledges were given to us that the united states will retaliate swiftly and vigorously to any violation of the agreements. we can sit at those pledges, the most important guarantees of the paris agreement. those pledges have now become the most crucial ones, twice, survival, 2 years later, south vietnam abandoned off the 2 decades of american presence was con, could by it's more than neighbor with the taliban, claiming to control 80 percent of africa lands by 25 percent. less than when the us invaded fears are growing that cobble won't even last 2 years. they say history is the greatest teacher. but if that's the case, why has the u. s. lot nothing. and how many of the countries will have to lie in ruins before it finally does starsky?
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tiller, well, when asked by a journalist, joe biden insisted there is no similarity between the u. s. withdrawals from vietnam and afghan. us them. the president said he believes the taliban is not strong as report suggests it's takeover of the nation as quote, not inevitable. meanwhile, a former african interpreter who asked to be identified as roughly for security reasons. told us by the persecution people like him face from the tell about since 2001, the narrative was the taliban or terrorist for against taliban. whatever was from day one. today, murder. the americans before running away released some 6000 of these terrorists. they have already struck deal that another $7000.00 of these terrorists will be released now who will be left behind to pay for the declines. the americans off committed the americans being enough to understand wasn't
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a crime. then why would you run away like that and leave interpreters and those will worked alongside you interest to another headline stories. the haitian government has asked the us to send around 500 troops to help protect some of the countries key infrastructure. the car to be a nation is also made a similar request to the united states. the move comes directly in the wake of the assassination of haiti's president, which has left the country in turmoil. ortiz kill up north and has been following. what is a dizzying array of development? while the united states is drawing down and removing its military presence from afghanistan, but it appears it will now have a new opportunity to flex its muscles much closer to home in the western hemisphere . now haiti is in a state of unrest 2 days after the president was assassinated. and we now understand that local officials are calling for the united states to send its
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forces into the country to contain the unrest and to protect the infrastructure of the country. the ports, as well as the airports and the natural gas and petroleum reserves. so at this point, it's not clear. if the united states will actually send troops in, there will be law enforcement officials dispatched to the country to help get to the bottom of who assassinated the president. the united states remains engaged and enclosed consultations with our patient and international partners to support the haitian people in the aftermath of the assassination of the president and response to the haitian governments request for security and investigative assistance, we will be sending senior s t i n t h officials to port a prince as soon as possible to assess the situation and how we may be able to assist. we are also starting to get a clearer picture of the kill squad that was sent and ultimately did take the life of the haitian leader. now it was made up of $28.00 individuals,
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2 of whom were haitian americans, the rest of whom were from columbia. and those individuals, some of them have been captured by authorities, there was a fire fight, gun fight that went on many hours into the night in which, in which several, 3 of the assassins were killed. some have been captured, these assailants killed the president. we've caught them, we've kept them there in the hands of the police, as you can see now, to american citizens of haitian descent were among the assassin crew, according to haitian officials, the us state department has not yet confirmed that russia has express concerns that external forces may be manipulating events in the country to serve their own geopolitical interests. they've also pointed to the u. s. citizenship of 2 of the suspected assassin. but at this point, the situation, the country is intensifying. the parliament is pretty much defunct. there are 2
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individuals claiming to be the rightful successor of mcquease. in addition to that, we understand the senate has sworn in joseph lambert as the new president of haiti . but unrest is escalating. the military, at this point is on the streets and has declared martial law. all are watching haiti to see what develops. just expand a little bit on what killable, speaking about among the 28 suspects are 2 american citizens of haitian descent report suggests they were working as translators for the hit squad. the operation is said to have been planned for a month and a thing was apparently not to kill the president, but bring him to the national palace on a warrant expert on the region. daniel shore believes it was a classic to, to, to the links between the drug enforcement agency, the different television services in columbia. in the us, in haiti,
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definitely coordination. nothing happens in haiti economically, politically, diplomatically, militarily paramilitary without the u. s. is being involved. this could be the justification for the next us away if you win the try factor of evil imperialism for the next invasion and occupation of haiti, where the entire economy is us sweatshops and us agribusiness. so this whole month about haiti being poor and having no geo political and economic, she's important for the united states is ridiculous. so right now, it looks like a palace school, different wings of the haitian booth was the both of which would be in touch with different parts of the state department or the pentagon or the cia, or the d. e a or the proxy forces from taiwan and what we're seeing columbia, they would be buying at his power and they would have their own rights over them. and there's a lot of egos in narcissism involved, but at the end of the day,
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this is a lot of pallets entry with what matters are the interests of the haitian people. and they said to me as i was still in transit to new york city, leaving cap haitian, the 2nd biggest city and haiti, we were hungry when we woke up on tuesday. the president in the dictated, was killed. we had the same hunger when we woke up on wednesday. the stars and stripes has been flagged as a symbol of hate. a prominent black lives matter. activists is planning anyone who flies the american flag gives themselves away as a bigot. when we see this flag, we know the person flying, it is a racist. when we see this flag, we know that the person flying it lives in different america. then we do when we see this flag requesting your intelligence. we know to avoid you. it is a symbol of hatred or miss scott isn't the only one triggered out the science of american symbols last month. hummer through or gwendolen very turned her back to
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the flag. the national anthem was play during olympic trials. that's despite, of course, trying to get on to the u. s. squad. she also covered her head in a t shirt with the slogan, activists athlete. it doesn't stop there. the latest captain, america comic house, the hero calling the u. s. a. piece of trash was a step too far for superman. doctor, dean k. i believe an individual freedom. i believe in equality of opportunity. celebrities, actors, athletes, the media, they love to bash america. well, we picked up on some of those remarks with social commentators, anthony bryan logan uncharged. with more they spoke on the writing anti americanism within the country and how the public at large is responding. i think it's getting under a lot of people's skin. i mean, we have, we have the, all to blame is the academy. we have all these horrible forces that are convincing lead to the young people that america some sort of hateful races,
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white the premises play. sure. america has its problems, but things have gotten better consistently, every generation in this country and yet instead of enjoying that and they're saying that things are getting worse and things have always been bad. well, these people love misery. they need to push the narrative. they need some sort of excuse for what they see a black failure and they make it will be hopeless. it's training now. i think people like gwin berry in many of the athletes, realize that it may not be a career in professional hammer throwing up to get done with the lympics. so what's the next best thing. okay, i can be like colin camper and a i can make a big stink about how america is races. america is terrible. i can become popular this way. see the truth. all i see from their point of view are a dollar sign that's audit is about where they want to convince others is true. maybe even the sales there somehow a problem like we're always been told, represent so many different things to so many different people. you know, it represents something completely different to immigrants who ought to come here
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for a better life than maybe it does to a native born citizen. and obviously now it means something different to the far left woke race hustlers and that's fine. they're happy to have that opinion. that's why this is a great country lag, represent those hateful people who want to air down the country. they're right to say that and they're right to believe that. and unlike that side, most people on my side support their right to believe those things. we just strongly disagree with them and wish they were better educated. everyone wants to come to america, it talk about how races we are and how we at the same time, we should let everyone in from the entire world. i don't understand how to mix in the face. why would you want anybody to come for me to such a bad and terrible place is what keep everybody to prevent over going through the show was that we go through obviously in that nature with as popularity. america as a great country and they know it, it was an attempt to display its diversity credentials,
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but it's ended up having the exact opposite effect. a recent report on inclusivity by a major u. s. federal agency included a photo on its cover, showing smiling office stuff from all walks of life. but ego, i'd, observers, students spot, it not old, was, it seems, dmitri polk, among them. how do you convince people that you actually practice what you preach? well, if you're the u. s. office of the director of national intelligence, apparently you do a bit of bad photo shopping, at least if you go by the cover of the o d and the latest report on diversity inclusion and equity. the intelligence community should reflect the diverse make up of america and demonstrate that well fostering an environment where every professional can succeed. promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion is fundamental to our democratic values and critical to meeting the isis mission, physics work every single day. it didn't take long for people to notice that the
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cover was in fact, the picture from shutter stock. literally titled portrait of multicultural office staff standing and loved. what's more, it was doctor to include a woman in a wheelchair and a blind guy with a guy dog problem is, these 2 were a photoshop in so lazy that half the internet noticed is a blame guy. you for the shop and the missouri analyst. law you glowed for the shop, the blind guy and dog in there, talk about virtual signaling because nothing says national intelligence light penalty virtual signaling with the shutter stock photo. while our enemies laugh at all, woke feckless leads. you might wonder why they didn't just actually take a picture of their actual staff if they're so diverse. but perhaps that's because the audience just isn't as diverse and inclusive a place as they would like you to think it. it just will be on the front cover.
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inside the report itself. there the figures suggest that since 2019th women have seen no change in representation whatsoever, while minorities gain just half a percent and people with disabilities even less than that, it's almost as if they're not really going all in on hiring people based on skin color and gender, perhaps it's shockingly merit and qualifications that they're actually after. but then again, even the us intelligence community has to keep up appearances, especially under this biden administration. maybe that's why the u. s. media has been kind of silence on the story. after all, can't have people thinking that the current administration isn't woke enough still to come in the program lessons to be learned. you case education, watch dog, face classes on sex and gender issues in school. helping hard to pull this up is ahead. ah oh,
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the join me every thursday and the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guests in the world. the politics sport, business. i'm show business. i'll see you then me the media a reflection of reality in a world transformed what will make you feel safer type relation or community. you going the right way? where are you being that somewhere? which direction? what is truth? what is faith? in the world corrupted. you need to defend the join us
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in the depths or remain in the shallows, use in the the, in the i 20 minutes into the program. you very welcome back. british school children are being taught to avoid sexual orientation and gender with the use of quotes, overtly political materials. that is, the very warning coming from the countries education watch talk. school staff can occasionally often inadvertently bring a virtually political materials into their curriculum. despite the statutory requirement of political neutrality, we have also seen recent examples of schools and parents been unable to see eye to
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eye on the content used to teach primary school pupils about same sex relationships . because men should be listening to parents and should be ensuring that the parents are aware, my 2 year old and i. but if my children, i would seriously considering taking them to school because of what is being taught in school. parents have got no hope of protecting their children from it, and often they don't have no idea what their children are being taught so they can't even contract it because they don't know what they're being taught. so why is it happening? well, often blame confusion in schools over the qualities active 2010. that's anti discrimination legislation, which was brought in to offer better protection for people. but the act has been widely criticized for inconsistencies, especially in the field of sexual orientation and gender reassignment. in the absence of a unified curriculum has seen some schools often make their own rules allowing
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young girls, for example, to choose male names with parental consent l g b t writes. organizations are also promoting changes in school norms including replacing the words, boys and girls with learners. they also want to cancel gender uniforms and stop pupils being separated for sports activities years dr. julie maxwell, again, member of the nonprofit family education, trust. the danger, always, it then is that you make it incorrect and you get ideas that are not real. so for example, if you had a book, a very young children that was teaching about transgender that perhaps that a boy could become ago. and there are story books with, with those kind of story lines. young children will believe. so boy, you can actually go, this is some of the story books that talk about young children transitioning. you know, they make it signed, simple. you know,
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i don't know if the children have got no understanding of the medical and surgical interventions that the child that goes down that pathway will be lacking themselves in for the so called russian strain of cobra has not caught the attention of the world health organization the variant which was 1st identified in january will not be included on its list of potentially dangerous mutations requiring closer monitoring. but as yet, there's still not enough data for the w h o to classify it as a variant of concern. during late 2020, the emergence of variance to post an increased risk to public health problems with the characterization of specific variance of interest and variance of concern in order to prioritize global monitoring and research and ultimately informed the ongoing response to the coby 19 pandemic. here in russia itself, there is a push to deal with the recent rise in cases in moscow them are stated,
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the fee situations now largely stabilize mainly because of the growing pace of vaccination. in addition, local authorities of may be an occupation process, but more accessible to foreigners by opening a vaccination center at the country's national stadium. this is russia's main sport, serene. i'm back in 2018. the fee for world cup final game took place within these very walls. now the serene at the lose nicky stadium has joined the fight against over 19 and in this fight, it has a very unique role because this is where foreigners can get a job in the russian capital that is home to plenty of work migrants for example, like taxi drivers who construction workers will delivery people. and this is far from it that there's a lot of people living and working here with a foreign passport. what they can get here is a jab with sputnik light. it's a variation of rushes, renounce put in agree, but you only need one jab. moscow authorities are leading the charge in immunizing
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the population amid the new and very deadly coded wave of russia. the single japs put in a light was chosen for a good reason. we're told it allows a maximum number of people to get vaccinated in a minimum of time long the apartment that we need to work. so needs quickly because we know the drug planes just people and to see that need to be protected, including foreign citizens with extra nature for people who is a proven job that has passed all clinical trial, 1st, glands. it doesn't seem like there are that many people get to get the job, but that impression is misleading. this place could win an award for how strictly it enforces social distancing. like most of them, we can currently vaccinate 15000 people a day and lose nicky. we have enough jobs to 15000 people every day. the part from
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its main purpose providing moscow's guests with immunity. this vaccination center has turned out to serve another unexpected purpose. it's staffed with metrics and even had doctors from several different most hospitals. what about them? we have been dealing with on the wires for a long time. we have quite a lot of experience. we have the exact same goal was to dress and me simple hospitals will have all work through this infection. everyone is willing to share the extra to she had it not being for this venue. they would have never met and never had the chunk pool, their experience or knowledge back things that panoramic image done of reporting from moscow. t no, the ruling christian democratic union of germany bills itself as a party of the people, its latest election campaign, features, posters of a part of cd. you members who work as nurses, police, and engineers. but it's not come to light that the stars of the campaign were
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uniforms. were there for all citizens? not just props for election programs. they completely underestimated how important it is nowadays to be authentic. they're not 7 marine and they are governed in germany. 10, hottest, the circle that appears here is a unifying element, but the different colors all surveyed the optimism here, which is an optimistic campaign. ah, ah, me a reminder for up to the minute developments this weekend to give our twitter page a fall, you will not be bored. life or moscow. this is rti the
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as part of the international mega science with that project. neither is being built into. it's going to allow the scientists to study matter. they believe it exists is just the big bang, good form. ah, the flu shane, and the order for the children authority, one is not one to deal with the countries. the mom 1st moment some go out and we'll just go play that nigger emotions. i hear from god that i don't watch the movies who just put that as the me. the
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news the news i'm absent. see we're going underground. turning up the volume when the stories obscured by mainstream media noise coming up on the show as the withdrawal from afghanistan by the u. s. if he has just seen that faith is the latest imperial nation to fail in the graveyard of empires. we ask our sons, former investor to china.
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