tv Redacted Tonight RT July 10, 2021 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT
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as one of the p b s frontline special was the latest vehicle in a p. r campaign to legitimize re branded syrian al qaeda. h t yes. and market. it's leader mohammed gilani as a competent american asset. that's right. the founder of all kinds of brands and very now our friend did. we say it was a bad guy. now, a bad guy. we just needed to get to know more or turn down the beheading people in the street was mere vendors day. he was actually helping them. you see they had an infection of the body in the removed it like the body. it had gone bad and so he helped them get rid of it. and that's why we like him. he's our friend, enjo talia terry regime. evil dictators bomb their own people in fried to barker
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fees. we bomb our own people. we love on our own people, the u. s. government or us police have dropped bombs on americans in the mine wars and west virginia and the early 19 hundreds, but much more recently in the move bombing and philadelphia in 1985, the police dropped bombs on our own citizens and then burn down an entire city block, killing 11 people in totalitarian regimes, a single party upholds and enforces the status quo in free democracies. true parties of hauled and enforce the status quo. so you see out there for that is rather than having donald trump perpetrating horrific human rights. abusive in our names oversee the largest prison state in the world over thing, a racist police system, supporting a health care system that exploit harms and main people who are the rich because
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they can't afford health care and furthering endless environmental destruction instead of all that. now we have joe biden doing those things, but this gives us something very important. it's called the illusion of joints. yes, we get to pretend we made a choice, and that makes everything feel so much better. it's kind of like want to, toddler is about to get a needle stuck in his arm like to draw blood or something. and the nurse let him choose between the band aid with the dinosaurs on it. and the band aid with the cars on it. you know which choice is not on the table. the choice to not have a metal pick shoved in his arm. so the kid gets to choose the color of the band aid any therefore feels like he shows that the needle stuck in his arm. it's exactly the same with our political parties. we get to choose either the dinosaur drill by
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me or the gas guzzling car, donald trump. and then we think everything our country does is our choice. but if not, because you know what option was never on the table to stop all of this. but i don't complain you chose this unto tallit karen regime. they wait brutally violent crackdowns on protesters to quash defense in free democracies. they do this also, but then the politicians neil, while we're in can take lot yes. in free democracy, do they are christ defense exempt and standing rog and get by was brave and black live matter and logging 5 and 5 for 15. and jill di kidnap, i believe, would you like to attend to project on a bite?
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they quick down on descent, constantly in every city, every year, going back to the founding of this country into a telephone regime, you know exactly who ruled over you and bring democracies, the true rulers hide behind, fake public governments. in most ways, the matter, the true rulers of the united states are the c. e. o is the big tech company. the big weapons contracted, and the big guy company, big farm, a big presence, a title, right? data, et cetera. they are the ones really calling the shots when push called the shops in totality or in regimes any election they have are rigged, and challenges are handpicked by the authoritarian rulers in free democracies, the rulers rigby elections and hand pick the candidates. and they do this to other countries as well. don't forget, the dns e own lawyers said in court that the democratic party has the right to pick their nominee in a smoke filled room behind closed doors. effectively rigging their own primary
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election. and of course, even beyond that, the system is eventually rigged by money. don't have millions of dollars, then you're not going to congress. and who do you have to reach out to in order to get that money to run the rich, the rulers of the society? if you're believe, don't fit with their beliefs, no money for you. it's like the soup nazi, but with money still not to felt. no talent carrying regimes your force to all day in free democracy. you are trained to think your obedience was your own idea. say so much freer it was my idea to get into this career. i hated the miserable office or serving appetizer the as the t d. i friday. it was my idea to stay in it because otherwise i couldn't afford health
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insurance or my kids college tuition or to take care of my elderly mom and in total it here in regimes. they improved in or kill journalists for revealing inconvenient truth about the powerful leon. j, a son j i call may a things hey, jo, talent, perry, and regimes. they and circle the planet where the military bases wage, endless wars which killed millions and worked and destroy any nation which digital bays. there are government. whoops, sorry, that's actually free democracy's. well, let's be honest, it's really just one democracy in circles, the globe the united states of america, which is a democracy in totality. jerry and
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regimes, the thinness and re, are kept impoverished while the rulers live, live, honestly with more than they could ever spend. but in free democracy, that's completely different. the rulers barely barely scraping by jo jo by men to take an amtrak train every day. it was political career just so we could on board to go visit is show companies in delaware into italy, terran regimes, bands of armed thugs, patrol the streets, to enforce obedience to authority. but here in the us at, ah, we don't, they're not. i mean, we'll, we'll have arms with arms, luggage, moving god in totality, harry and redeem the powerful determine what happens regardless of the desire of
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the people. for example, for example, a large princeton study found the no matter what the people in totalitarian states want, it only happen if you don't agree with what the rules one. anyway, the people have essentially no influence. oh, but sorry, that study was that was about the united states. my, my bad, i thought i thought that was the, it was that there was us again in totality and regimes. you are not free and you know it in free democracies, you are not free. and you don't know it very right now. you think yourself i have great. oh yeah. go outside pamphlets, drink a beer, fell on my lap, but put to go. i've put them last year and a baby pull in an empty parking spot down down to have a little hang out a little little barbecue there. see how many minutes go by before you're told to
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move along by a cop? i thought you were great when i have an a freight framing do what you want and then well, i'm free as, as long as i move along the freedom of the lawn, go into a store instead of pretend there and fail long before they call the police yeah, but dad's private property that does a cow half of a private property. now you can't go anywhere now because someone owned everything . ok then say protect public park. see how long you can do that. j k b is, is a public part. well, exactly, or not the public did it's public use for everyone. you can stay here. you got to move along. so you can only use the public space is the way precisely they want you to use them. you can use the private faces the way they want you to use of where the can i just biggest trains, human who didn't go and by some stupid role, you can only do that in your house, alone in the dark. what
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a free society as you would see, we here in the united states actually do live in a totalitarian state. in fact is what political theory, sheldon wall in terms inverted totalitarianism, which does not find its expression in a demagogue or charismatic leader. but in the faceless anonymity of the corporate state, once we get past the denial part of the equation, we can actually start to fight against it. and i feel like having the vailable, i feel it. i totally feel it doesn't even live to dc, the value to be redacted. the night the i welcome hello. i'm lee can now let's take the news from behind
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folks. good news. our military is building a new atomic bomb for us. that's right. you and i both know that the 6000 nuclear warheads we currently possess, arch killed, play, stand up our game, all right. so that we can, you know, obliterate everyone else, which we all know will also result in our own death. but still, i bet right before we follow the ground, that radioactive breeze through our air will feel so good. because we'll know we want to in order to up are again america and building a new weapon of mass destruction, a nuclear missile. the length of a bowling lane, it will be able to travel from 6000 miles, carrying a warhead more than 20 times more powerful than the atomic bomb dropped on hiroshima. it will be able to kill hundreds of thousands of people in
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a single shot. how much will the program go to create this new completely redundant, completely unnecessary, nuclear missile? not much at all. we're getting it for a bargain basement price for merchants of death. northrop grumman? which, by the way, got their name when their founder was choking on a chicken bug home. and you know, i want to call them their problem. there's selig doing the job to log there is selling $600.00 of these bob to the american people for a measly $100000000000.00. as a bulletin of atomic scientists said, a $100000000000.00 couldn't pay $1240000.00 elementary school teachers salaries for a year for the missiles could vaporize one boy, $24000000.00 teachers. so that's cool till that 100 b. these, which is
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a new line term i'm trying out for 1000000000 hope you'll come along with me, but i can see from your education that anyway that 100 b. these could also provide 2840000 and 4 year university scholarships. but the missiles could turn at 2840000 universities to dust. so that $100000000000.00 is even enough to build a massive mechanical wall to protect new york city from sea level rise. but those 600 hot new nukes may be blow up sea level rise. perhaps. when does anyone want try with the try? pointed yes, we could solve a ton of our society problems with that $100000000000.00. or we could
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create redundant nukes that if you'd would almost definitely mean the extinction of most of humanity. but one online? no, i'd be an incredible lifestyle. it would be even better than that time the gulf of mexico caught on fire and they couldn't put it out. there it is right there. no need to worry folks just the gateway to hell opening up in the middle of the ocean. but you have no, no fear. no, no, i have no fear. it's not like that happened recently. that was way back weekend last weekend. ok, if i'm honest for a moment, there's no 100000000 dollar project to build better. meaning worse, stronger meaning worse, quicker. maybe worse, nuclear weapons is terrified and we have both the trump and binding
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ministration. the thing for it, if, if the worst thing i've seen since a live twitch concert by metallica, was over dug with elevator music because the organizers didn't want to copyright strike. ah, i that was real, we didn't alter the. that was, that was a live concert people were watching. so just remember that as our leaders try to push us closer to the brink of our own disaster, nothing could be worse than that metallica. we have to go to a quick break, but you can watch redacted night anytime portable dot tv and check out the redacted i. podcast is called moment clarity on i tunes spotify and fits your i'll be right back a lot more back to rival guys. here's my goal is going to start at
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who make no certainly no borders blind number please. we don't have authority. we don't actually the whole world leads to take action and be ready. people are judge governors crisis. we can do better, we should be better. everyone is contributing each in our own way, but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. the challenge is paid for the response has been massive. so many good people are helping us. it makes us feel very proud that we are together
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in welcome back. i'm still the camp, perhaps morocco bomb, the greatest achievement. and by greatest, i mean least bad was his normalization of diplomatic relations with cuba. but now that his former vice president in the oval office will that progress be reinvigorated, or will our stance towards cuba cape being utterly idiotic and childish. divine more. we go to our intelligence failure and usually, ah, after 4 years of intransigence, casual threats of nuclear war and unabashed flirtation with foreign leaders, wives, the united states is back and ready to reassume its respected place on the global
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stage. under president biden's leadership, america can leave the world in helping poor countries recover from gulf. it just so long as those countries have governments that we like that does not include the nation of cuba, which just 5 short years ago, biden's old boss was starting to make some serious headway with. although congress still refused to lift our trade embargo, obama did remove travel restrictions. he reopened the american embassy in havana, and he took cuba off the state sponsors of terror list. this posture was long overdue at the time when not sure how i feel about the last part, considering it was cuba after all, who gave us ted cruz. but more recently, the relationship between the us and cuba hasn't been all rom, coke, mumbo and shop, which i hear is a great sandwich down there. this january, just a few weeks before leaving office, then president trump decided to double down on the trade embargo by levying new
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sanctions on cuba and putting them back on the terrorism list. that guy always needs to go out with the biggest bang possible, doesn't it? at that time he had a bunch of confused arthritic troglodytes, dribbling their way past the capital bullies to try and make them their blood april . and even that wasn't enough. no, he needed to cause people pain, which is exactly what the sanctions have done. even though trumps or borders aid biden, they should be pretty satisfied with this cube of policy so far, which has been this shame as trumps. even at the un last month when a resolution condemning america's illegal embargo on cuba came up for a vote, our ambassador didn't even abstain. like they used to wander obama. they voted know and made us the only country in the entire united nations to do so. other than israel, which is a shame for many reasons, not least of which is, it prolongs my dream of one day eating a fusion, israeli falafel, q bon, oh,
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sandwich. also, shouldn't we be worried that israel might be copying off of our papers that the you one sounds like cheating to me. now, despite all the undue pressure on cubes, economy for generations, it's government has invested heavily in the health care. he was medical system has allowed it to out perform much of the world in terms of life expectancy, infant mortality, and most recently per capita pen demik statistics. cubans response to cov, it has been so aggressive that they've even dispatched doctors and health care workers to over 40 countries in what's known as the henry re ver gade. there named after an american drummer boy for the union army. henry reeve who went off to cuba in the 1800s to help them fight for independence. yes, believe it or not, it was an american from brooklyn who did that. and he wasn't even trying to start a banana plantation or anything. unfortunately, the american government has coerced countries like bolivia in brazil into expelling
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henry re brigitte deers. really top notch timing. they're sending doctors out of your country during a pandemic. it's like if you were about to shoot a feature film, but 1st you sent home all the actors and the key grip. think of how many keys you would lose without the key rep on fed. ok, i have no idea what key groups do, but you get the point thanks to their strong command of biotech and advanced medicine. the cubans have managed develop their own vaccines without help from the u. s. or the pack of homicide leaches, we call big pharma. so far, cuba has vaccinated about 2000000 of its 11000000 people and hopes to have 70 percent of the population vaccinated by august. yet because of the 60 year us embargo, the country is facing a shortage of millions of syringes. yeah, you heard that, right. it's the syringes, they're short on, not the chemical vaccine itself that it took a year for scientists to produce know the needle and plastic tube thing that you
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push the vaccine through. how do we expect humans to get vaccinated? are they going to knock the shots back and then chase them with lime and salt? well, whatever they end up having to do really comes down to what one guy decides. and unfortunately that one guy is joe biden. his strategy on cuba so far has been to do more or less nothing. and there's not much sign of that changing until we the people who are supposed to be his collective boss. give biden wake up call. preferably a marin battelle from washington, i manders li, with redacted tonight. and now for all the news, we didn't have time to get through, but now we have time to get to it. please welcome naomi carbonic, highly. hey, how you doing you self? so as you've heard, the president of 80 was assassinated in the dead of night. by what seems, it seems like their foreign mercenaries, they were speaking english and spanish. and they posed as the d. e. a,
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in order to get through the 4 layers of security in order to get to the president. the are not in fact the d a or the d. a claims that they were not. there also would be weird that the u. s. word assessment, i'm considering he, us like he was there and there is some speculation that the us maybe behind it because he, he kind of became unreliable tor, me and but it looked like he was kind of positioning himself towards more power sharing. even though he was consolidating power in the past few years. so he was, you know, there is a possibility that us or us interest thought, well, better to just take him out and then we'll have control of the country. yeah, exactly. i mean, nobody benefit better than us when haiti is in chaos because we get to exert control over here. there are a lot of job around where we've had a lot of enemies. he had mass opposition against the moment the revolution in the streets. if you see pictures of the protests in haiti, it's just,
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it's just the streets are filled with people. and this goes back to the petro creve agreement that venezuela had with haiti. they were offer at ben as well, was offering haiti discounted oil up until 2017 when they couldn't do it because of our sanctions. yes. so we've basically said we're not going to buy discounted venezuelan oil anymore. we're going to buy american oil after pressure from the u. s. chevron exxon. and so prices when sky high weight, this would be a 1st for us to do something based on oil interest. oh yeah. yeah. okay. yeah, totally. i mean, what were we in bananas before so you said prices on sky high prices, one sky high and that's what led to this mass opposition and really be haitian people felt betrayed by marquiz because they felt solidarity with venezuela who was offering them a really good deal and offering them basically
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a fund for social programs because of they would be able to defer payments for 25 years and be able to hold onto this money which then always embezzle. so the haitian people were really pissed off. so there are many people in haiti with a reason to not want him in power. also, he was kind of clinging to power after he should have been out of office in february and he was like, why, what about the constitution was we're why, why do you want to term option anyways? but yeah, i mean, it seems to me unlikely that the us would be behind us because we've been so successful at engineering elections in haiti. you know, we got mo, e's empower. we got martelli before him, we kicked out, i received the wildly popular hidden fluid to africa. i mean, central time. we asked him fully and several times we were like, you don't get it man. thanks a lot. thank you. that's our show. but if you'd like to get all of our content in
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the free form, free podcast form, look at the pod, get a moment of clarity on any podcast, platform until next time. good night, and keep biting. oh i i use to the industry for millions of euros in the regulations. i will be all about making money. i think it's about the corporation international markets export. do you imagine the number of the diseases that are in every family today know, due to new viruses or new microbes? that's not true. so it is due to environmental not gonna take either the momentum, much hello. yes, accumulate. good on me, come in today. mostly they don't allow us,
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the food industry is successful, it will create more jobs, it will create more value added, it will create more. so i don't see why we shouldn't also fight for the interests of the industry that we have regulation. we want the regulation as the industry, and if we don't have any specialty, that's fine. mm . the, whatever the
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the people with diabetes or number raises whether it's not adequately managed or that they have some immune problem. then their risk of infections and something like the coven 19 pandemic, was very bad news. the people diabetes. and we consider it as one of the very high risk situations in terms of people being infected, ah
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ah, quitting a country when your opponent is stronger towels and rolling between the us, put out from a song and war report for recapture territory. the sullivan is once again imposing a severe restriction on the sharia law. russia, it's anyway that germany, how to devote knowledge of what would happen to an extent of alley revealed but in the field, p. c. w to send a team of poison experts on the very day, the covenant critic fell ill on board a plane inside russia. the hot topic in the u. k. as a new animal welfare bill could make it illegal. for chebyshev, the boil locks is alive. we put the issue for the base.
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