tv News RT July 13, 2021 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT
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you lose, you can shoot it to the lower the with the headlines on our claims if they test results, no checks and no mass of the euro 2020 final. the world health organization says that london sport who showed and was devastating breathless to control panel demick, and meanwhile, the battle continues is highly contagious. delta vary takes root worldwide in that account for more than 90 percent of russia. new cases, we returned to a corona virus clinic to see how health care workers, you ping and hash tag as i west q. trends on social media and us will make it back to caribbean countries. biggest protest and decades of an official was the blame. and all the neighbors for meddling in their internal affairs. ah,
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oh good. even just go 9 o'clock in moscow. you're watching arte international. might be the beautiful game, but it's not looking good for the fight against cove. it now fav sundays. here a 2020 final could cause a big spike in cases. the victorious italian team paraded that trophy through the center of rome. the enormous cries, beg a little forward to cave with regulations. and that came just a day after tens of thousands of on mos funds come together. the match in london, world health organization is described, the event is devastating. am i supposed to be enjoying watching transmission happening in front of my ice? the covered 900 pandemic is not taking a break tonight, sorry covey to delta v r, and we'll take advantage of an vaccinated people in crowded settings, unmasked screaming, shout, and singing devastating the
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$60000.00 funds to be seen, and the lack of station distancing. no check loosely claims of faith test results. so that was the scene playing at wembley stadium here. horse june, june, this derek clark, who was the game that we were joe, you didn't even need to do or feet attached because you weren't even checked for your corporate task whatsoever. and what to say that were just checking your phone for your ticket and you would want to see that you had a ticket on your phone that will just allowing you and doesn't matter if you had a negative test. if you read the faith that the test either missing more really through the the think you should have taken more seriously new checks with in police. and was just a lot of sorts of people with motor bus security measures. should have been in
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police as well. but this wasn't enough security or steers to try to get the checks for health care officials. they want the fine, we could push the u. k to a 1000000 new infections within a month. cases have already shot up to some 35 times in the day, but the prime minister is still scrapping england's restrictions next week. the government does point to a successful in occupation program with almost 35000000 getting shot and also dropped to win deaths, and also the number of people needing hospital treatment. we will stick to our plan to live legal restrictions and to lift social distancing. or derek clark again says it is hard not to fear and you spike in k v cases. the restrictions are easy and the 19th of july, of course says when i'm looking at this final restrictions easing as well. so things are getting back to normal, but very little people waiting masks and last nights,
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especially heading towards the underground station after the game allowed amount of people, but no dual monster reading. so what could be a rising, teach because of that. then as i mentioned, the new checks for corporate hey, begin to dig it out. and so that as of what that, i mean i was in the ground just about 20 minutes. there was already 3 or 4 as young guys of it's already posted and i keep, as president has pointed, the finger, squarely, washington over protested, have gripped his country thousands for the streets of the caribbean nation on sunday, over an economic crisis exacerbated by the pandemic. the anti government movement is being called the biggest in 30 years. the for the protesting cap, a sorry to keep the economy, his plunged 11 percent made worst a by americans,
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sanctions, the streets now come. but with a heavy police presence and havana wants to know just how much the u. s. and social media have manipulated the opposition. a correspondent process to channel the spanish reports now from the capital bill and has returned to normal life. for example, here in front of the national capital, which is one of the main places for anti government protest together on sunday we see absolute come now. the same is in other places across the city and across the country as well. but there's a huge police presence. monday was where president miguel gave canal and the governing team appearing on tv. they spoke about the economic situation in the country and also about the 4th generation non conventional war against the island, which has the same characteristics as what happened in venezuela or serial. and the speech by the foreign minister has also caught the attention. he responded in strong terms to us president joe, by twitter, of playing
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a fundamental role in manipulating protests in the country. let's listen to him. i called on twitter and i also call in the u. s. government to recognize or deny that political operators actively use tags, collectives or groups of robots. trolls who use a coordinated with automated means to flood the networks, etc, etc. in this operation against cuba, their own, they mean the economy was also a fundamental matter. let's remember, cuba has been in a grave economic crisis since the start of the pandemic. and even before that, due to the titans, us embargo during the pandemic, the u. s. government alone approve more than 50 measures related to that. and meanwhile, the countries paralyzed with low financial inflows and the need to tackle the pandemic. this resulted in food shortages, as well as a lack. some medicines, as most resources were sent to treat patients with coded 19 cuba is now at the peak of the pandemic. and medical personnel on high alert, we discussed the cubans,
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how they live in this situation. and their opinion almost happened. you can have on the streets, the stories of people not only about today, but also yesterday, and the days before people don't have enough resources to take care of themselves and their families. there's a lack of mattson and food. we need to talk and make proposals to achieve the well being of our people. what happens to be the way only for community intervention that city is quiet, the country is quiet. now the debate starts over the social networks. meanwhile, the government warns about the campaign calling for humanitarian intervention, which could have more dangerous consequences than even a military one. more members of the human dis, bora, across the straits of florida in miami, have rallied in solidarity demanding that washington intervenes. us. lawmakers have helped trend the hash tag to you, but with president biden joining the course of pressure. united states stands
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firmly with the people or q as they assert that personal rights. and because the government can accumulate, refrain from violence or attempts to silence the voice of the people or q. but if you go on twitter, you'll find the hash tag as so s q in the trends, and some of the most senior you, as politicians among go sending out the signal saying how much they are worried. so genuinely worried. so for the cuban regime to step down and lead democracy flourish in cuba, i hope and pray for a free cuba for morality, you know, stuff for an under is unbearable communist rule. viva cuba libra, as so as cuba and so as cuba might as well turn into cuban lives, matter, please don't blame me for trying to sound sarcastic when talking about serious hardships of an entire nation. but just think of this, it's america, that's been squeezing cuba in the clutches of its economic blockade for 6 decades
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and refused to lifted. even when the pandemic kicked in, even when $184.00, you a nation called on washington to do so. just for the sake of the people in the difficult times in havana, this hard line is being compared to genocide. but nope, the americans can't be bothered because the sanctions are a tool for democracy. and that probably works as a universal excuse. havana is blaming the u. s. for inciting protests, and backing them with cash plus, it's firmly against the hypocrisy and the voices of concern from the neighbors. bottom. we are addressing revolutionaries who may have become entangled. addressing cubans who may have some concerns, but we will not allow the opponents of the revolution. mercenaries were sold out to the u. s. government sold out to the empire receiving money from verse of agencies
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to provoke destabilization. like i said, the style, the wording the matter on the part of the u. s. elite is hardly a surprise given the history of how they've been dealing with on one to governments in latin america. the method that the u. s. prefers to use in latin america today is similar to what we saw take place in eastern europe after the collapse of the soviet union with the various color revolution. and we can point to the guardian buzz the violent protests in venezuela led by new group that now comprises the one why do lead opposition? clearly us back trained by usa id and the national endowment for democracy in these tactics than we saw in 2018 in nicaragua. the same kind of scenario play out violent protests and blockades, leaving hundreds dead. and the people who are leading it were being sponsored by the national endowment for democracy and usa id to drop all this off. listen to one
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us senator and former presidential candidate. pretty much giving instructions to the media on how to cover the tensions in cuba. give coverage to the fact that there are people in the street in cuba because they do not want to live and marxism and communism and socialism any more. they want freedom. now here's a fact for you, despite the blockade. cuba was the 1st country in the whole region to successfully develop, not one but 2 cobit vaccines, and has managed to domestically produce and vaccinate more than a quarter of the population with at least one dose while suffering a severe shortage in supplies from abroad. this probably still isn't enough to boost the public's confidence in the government and will do nothing to ease the poverty or slash food prices. what could have help though is a bit of american mercy with the sanctions. oh no, there is no way he will touch the precious tool for democracy. okay,
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well let's get the thoughts now. julio would have that. he's the editorial director of the reaction re times dot com site and also contributed to, to new smacks and the washington times. and is always very welcome. thanks for your time tonight. what are your thoughts age? you think havana has a point when they say that the economic problems in cuba, the moment of largely being caused by american sanctions and not the policy of the cuban government. well, let me tell you something. now cuba was flourishing prior to castro. was it a perfect regime under battista? no, of course it wasn't. but it was a lot better than to restrain the economy, the socialist economy, that was in cuba after the revolution there. and listen, cuba shouted so in the foot on many different occasions, you know, there's a lot of incidence that happened in history that led to the reason why, you know, the united states has been so stalwart in regards to these particular sanctions.
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now, as far as in the region, the united states is not the only trade partner there potentially can step in and help the human government here, like as far as lifting the thinking could united states to do something in regards to that. sure they could. but if the economic system that they have in place, that is really the input, if for the majority of the economic problems that they're suffering. now, in addition, you obviously have to couple the corona virus pandemic and the economic contraction that's going on globally. it's not only to the suffering economically, obviously, that we're not on for putting to be able to then have to handle, you know, an economic downturn, the compounding of the bad economic situation because of the corona virus pandemic . but to put this all on the united states of america, it's basically like a plead for some sort of a stimulus or a bail out like you're trying to shane the united states to come in and solve all their problems. but the fact of the matter is,
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the cuban government is responsible for these problems. sure. they grafted a new constitution in 2019, they're supposedly puts in per term limits in private property in the creation of a free market. but the free market is going to be run basically by the same power structure that enabled their capital to stay in power for as long as they did and the guns president. now miguel diaz canal was basically one of the main forwards of the communist party in cuba. so fair enough, but you think that the u. s. has the interest of keeping citizens at heart as it claims to be done? when you look at the sanctions it has imposed well, you know what, this is one of those things where, yeah, you know, as far as you know, joe biden right now. he had an opportunity to review this. i don't know why you have to take an action or if this is another instance of his government waiting until that there is a major problem then requires action instead of having the foresight to kind of get
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in front of this lesson for humanitarian reason, i think that we should help the cuban people right now because they need to help, they need the medicine, they need the food and why so that they can, they alive, they're having some serious issues down there. long term, there has to be a change in the power structure a few, but they need new leadership. bottom line. do you think that these rallies and protests that we are seeing will actually lead to that? no, because what we're already seeing is that the cuban government there was supposedly supposed to be a kinder and friendlier government that they promised to be when they were would they initially engage in dialogue with brock obama in late 2014 in early 2015, you know, they were supposed to make the change of their role castro, step down, they allowed for somebody new to step in as president was basically somebody who was pre selected, which was one of the leaders of the communist party previously. so, you know,
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you saw the police come in and squash they've been, they've been arresting people basically, you know, putting the clamps on this before it gets out of control. but listen in cuba, there is no, they are the, they obviously, private citizens don't have arms. they have no mechanism to really fight back against their government. so, you know, the information in the reports that we're going to get from they're going to be carefully crafted and controlled by the government. it's probably not going to lead to anything until their theory of international intervention to make serious changes in grant, prove democracy to the people of cuba. is part of the problem though, because i mean, i was listening to some paper on the streets of key b. yes. because they were saying, we know we've got problems, but we don't want any foreign interference. we'll deal with it ourselves. thanks. is it the issue that they don't trust foreigners interfering in their own affairs? well, i don't know exactly what the motivation of those individuals that you may have been communicating with was are you heard speaking were the fact of the matter is,
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you know, i know a lot of people with that that were ripping conditions that were in cuba. i know all the cuban americans that i know are firmly anti the castro government and the current power structure that is in cuba. this and these people do need help from the outside. they cannot do it themselves. otherwise, if they could of, they would have ended the suppression decades ago. ok. you let, we've got to leave it there, but good to get your thoughts tonight. that was, you know, rivera editorial director of the reaction times times dot com. thanks for coming up . thank you. so much for having me now, the us was that set to reverse its anti cuban policies. decades ago before president kennedy was assassinated, legendary director of a stone made the revelation in the latest episode of going underground, where he told ortiz ash and returned to see about his new j. f. k documentary. you can watch the interview in full from wednesday, an auto dot com. obviously we have
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a us president in the white house backing forces against the cuban government plaza shown before we head onto the evidence which, which we wouldn't have without to have a the movie in your new documentary. what is the relevance in case people are going on? he's not talking about kennedy again, the relevant to joe biden, who is bombing syria and iraq only the past few weeks. what is the relevant to the current whitehouse of this documentary? well, i, again, i think that the relevant is the main point we were trying to make in the documentary was that john kennedy was a warrior for peace in all forms. and among the many things he was doing when he was killed, was reaching out to cuba to end this embargo to make the taunt with castro. it looked good. and he was also at the same time, over making an overarching deal with khrushchev of the soviet union. they had, they signed the nuclear test ban treaty together,
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which is an amazing document. the 1st time that the soviets in the u. s. signed the treaty of this nature and the war, the cold war was, was the radically coming to an end in 1963. so you can imagine where the world would be. now instead we have this retro grade policy where the u. s. is still got an embargo on cuba 60 years later. and renews today is just another one and along concurrent crises, events that happen every few years. i don't, you know, this has been going on for, for decades. ah. and you can see that into the when full on our website from to morrow you watching are to we're going to take a quick break. we'll have more news. so in 2 minutes, the
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the. the news. ah. hello again. now the corona virus continues to evolve with the delta varying now and more than a 100 countries strain. the 1st identified in india. and it's believe to be the most contagious yet, world health organization predicting it will be the dominant, very globally within a matter of months. now, here in russia, the strain already accounts for more than 90 percent of all new infections. and this, the strain continues to spread. russia has set another daily death tell to, with 780 fatalities registered in the last 24 hours that record before and how health care workers are dealing with this challenge is anton, could self ski. he returns to the red zone in the latest installment of his
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documentary series epidemic. the luck an empty bed. an empty bed. it's an empty space out there, a small one. so tara 1347 beds. i hoped i would never come back here again. we are at a hospital again and here again, are these demps crops side. how did the hospital start to fill up? do you remember the day when said be any? and brock of announced another spike in cases that started when the city announced 9000 infections when there had previously only been 3004. so we brought that on ourselves. we were monitoring that there had been 50 patients daily, and suddenly the number went up to 100 and then 210120130 so on. but of course,
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the key point is that we were ready, well prepared. the worst thing is when you're not for him, what's the main pattern of this new strangers? you're looking for the company. firstly, it's more contagious. and 2nd, it hits way faster than the previous and now takes $1.00 to $2.00 days instead of 7 to wait with it. and i think it's also hitting younger people when i do what yeah, i'm looking at patients and i recall the moments of the 1st and the 2nd waif. they were mainly older people. and now just look, everyone is younger than me. they didn't believe it would happen. they thought the virus had gone, but he stayed. they think everything's okay. it's a simple flu and it will end soon, but it doesn't. it wasn't day off today. and how many of those in the hospital are vaccinated? well, around 10 to 21000 patients, i'll tell you from a lovely and believable all young guys. i've never seen anything like this before.
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so literally everyone is younger than me. let me, how is it going? great. how long have you been here? well, i've been here for some 2 weeks. i guess. how did you end up here? did you have a high temperature? yes. i had a temperature. i called an ambulance. they brought me here and done my condition. drastically nose dived. what do you mean? well, in 2 days, how old are you? i'm 47. so we're the same age and how badly were your lungs damaged? 75 percent? $75.00. yes, i was only released from an intensive care work today. did you get the vaccine for? no. why did you, because i'm an idiot. how is that possible? it's available to you. why is this happening? where people not vaccinating? we do look since the ninety's there was an anti vaccination campaign at that time and those mad moms said we won't be vaccinated against measles. chicken pox,
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we won't take any vaccine. someone put that idea in the head that the vaccination is bad, but in fact, it saves lives and it helps vanquish the pandemic. so when do you think it will and never will time damage tend to last from 3 to 5 years. i'm actually afraid of asking you who is vaccinating and non you raise your hands please. he's vaccinated . i know him. well, actually anyone who comes here is vaccinated. well, it's because you're a strict boss. i've been in an intensive care unit for a month and my condition is severe. maybe the outcome would be less if i had taken a job. i wanted to get facts and i did, but i didn't find time. and now i'm in a dire condition. the news,
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[000:00:00;00] the me ah, ah, ah, i mean mother are at reports to patients being infected, but to cave it strains the same time on choose an expert at a top. russian institute said that the 1st such national case had been reported. and an elderly woman as early as last year. another report came from belgium 2 days ago. they were a 9 year old woman,
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died while carrying both the alpha and beta variance of the virus. several cases have also been detected in thailand. well, i totally don't quarter it africa medic had enough stream clinic, whether existing jobs can deal with double infections. we were expecting things like that to happen and also understand that the reason why we know that these 90 year old lady has that double infection is because it did a very clear dna genomics. we have not done dna genomics on 99 percent of patients who had covered. so probably we will have a lot higher rate if we would test everybody so precisely that the older lady was unfortunately not accident. today from the information we have and from all the data that we have in the clinical curses, which are very important is that if you are vaccinated, even if you are in fact that with to the variance of the call with the virus. that the course of the disease will be still very, very mild, and certainly the date that death traits which were amazing about a year ago will be much, much lower. so i think we can
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a little bit relax yet. be very careful. and we need, obviously more data and analyze is more specific. do you think that european unions states should be rejecting people with certain jobs? i mean, one example could be, for example, the indian made astrazeneca vaccine. it's a political question and it would be a political answer what i refused to accept that. unfortunately, the european union refused the split. think from the beginning, the indian one, we don't have data to analyze that, but remember the indians have the delta barrier. so probably they have more information and more data and more availability to produce vaccines that directly against the delta barrier. that may be the question that needs still to be answered . while french health workers have been warned, they may not get paid if they refused the coven, short present microns, making the vaccine mandatory for the sector to combat the highly contagious delta
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strain. it does come to reco numbers of exhausted medical staff, a quitting in the parish region, and mid warnings of an imminent 4th wave of the pandemic. we got reaction from an us the situation is especially dramatic because people who left hospitals were forced to do it. and they were disappointed, humiliated, destroyed by this government policy, which put them lower than they deserve. let me remind you that a year ago, the same caregivers and nurses were heroes. they were hailed as those who defeated the disease. and now we're faced with another problem, which is also linked to a debate on this compulsory vaccination for staff. well, most of the countries nurses do not say that the profession no longer gives them career development prospects. the poll added say, well, most 2 and 3 things that job is thankless, more than 90 percent, to believe that the crisis shows the need for a review of their roles. eric trico again says it is hard to stay motivated.
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it's still very complicated to manage and i want to understand that around 40 percent of stuff and i want to change profession per doc sickly. these people want to leave their profession completely. really. there was a spirit of trust from the staff there. they had the motivation, but now i'm not sure that brings you up to date. that's have a nice looking so far today. here we're not able be back with more that at the top of the oh, the the large demonstrators against the socialist government can be heard from the streets of cuba on sunday, as american flags and chance of freedom were frequently spotted. amongst the protesters. we're going to bring you the latest for miami and reaction from the
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