tv News RT July 13, 2021 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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the freedom is not a state, it's an axis, and we must act and we will president biden, the keys republicans and blocking illema bill. he says, would broaden black though, just participation in elections. also this claims of faith test results, no checks and name off to the euro. 2020 final the world. how? who are going? eyes ation says london football showdown was devastating for efforts to control the pandemic. i mean, while the battle continues is kind of, it's highly contagious. delta, very take root worldwide, and now it counts for more than 90 percent of russia's new cases. we returned to a corona virus clinic to see how health care workers, the coping and u. s. lead is open the back what they call cubic protests against decades of economic suffering of an appoint. the major ro, washington has played through decades of sanctions and now allegedly social media
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manipulation. ah, i welcome good evening. you're watching international now. president biden has delivered his speech on voting rights, slashing act republicans for opposing sweeping voting rights. spill backed by the democrats, keller, morphine as the story. well, we just heard a very passionate speech from us president joe biden. the speech was concerning the very controversial rules. many republicans around the country are setting in regarding voting. many republican legislatures in states across the country are looking to to pass measures that they say are aimed to curb voter fraud. joe biden sees it rather differently and he gave a speech that is certainly the most and sleepy speech we've heard from him so far
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as president. take a listen. freedom is not a state. it's an act. freedom is not a state, it's an act. and we must act and we will lack car causes, just our business. hearts are full of people for democracy. for america itself, we must god bless, you all, may god protect guard through all those you care to watch over the market. round the country. we have republicans proposing laws, they say say are aimed at essentially preventing voter fraud. they're requiring new forms of voter identification. they're regulating the polling places. in some places, there have been laws proposed to restrict the handing out of water to those waiting in line to vote. etc, now, joe biden, and most democrats see this as basically an attempt by republicans to suppress the voter turnout specifically in constituencies that don't vote for them such as low
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income folks, african americans and others. now, in response to these proposed rules that we're seeing democrats taking some rather dramatic measures. for example, in texas, the democrat state legislators have left the state in order that there not be a quorum so that the state legislator cannot. legislature cannot take a vote on these measures. take alyssa de taxes, how democrats stand united in our decision to break quorum and refuse to that. the republican lead legislature, 4th through dangerous legislation that would trample a texans freedom to vote. when thou taken the fight all in nations capital. so these texas democrats by leaving the state and basically shutting down the state legislature are really essentially bringing state government to a halt. it's a rather dramatic gesture. take a listen. texas. democrats decision to break a cool room of the texas legislature and abandon the texas state capital inflict harm on the very texans who elected them to serve as they fly across the country on
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ca, she private planes. they leave undone issues that can help the district and of states . now essentially, we have republicans calling for punishment of these texas state legislators calling for them to be arrested, alleging that this is a vote subversion. they're trying to subvert the vote, and we heard joe biden allude to that. and his speech when he spoke against the republicans and their proposed measures to make this is simple. this is election. subversion is the most dangerous threat of voting in the integrity of free and fair elections in our history. so the country is very, very divided when it comes to these issues. and it's unlikely that this rather high emotion speech from joe biden is really going to change that. there's a pretty big gap between americans when it comes to these issues. so joe biden wants a federal law to protect voters. republicans in many local states,
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one laws restricting and making it a little more difficult to vote. so that's the situation divided country in the united states. meanwhile, keep as president has pointed the finger squarely at washington over protests that have gripped his country. thousands flooded the streets of the caribbean nation on sunday, over an economic crisis exacerbated by the pandemic. the anti government movement has been called the biggest in 30 years. the with a protesting calf, a very tough key, but the economy, his plunged 11 percent made worse by american sanctions in the streets. and i've come with a heavy police presence of anna wants to know though just time much the u. s. and it's social media, have manipulated the opposition, a correspondent for us to channel on the spanish report from the capital real and has returned to normal life. for example, here in front of the national capital,
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which is one of the main places for anti government protest together on sunday, we see absolute calm. now. the same is in other places across the city and across the country as well. but as a huge police presence, monday was the president of the canal and the governing team appearing on tv. they spoke about the economic situation in the country and also about the 4th generation non conventional war against the island, which had the same characteristics as what happened in venezuela or serial. then the speech by the foreign minister has also caught attention. he responded in strong terms to us president joe biden. the norfolk is twitter of playing a fundamental role in manipulating protests in the country. let's listen to him a quarter on twitter. and i also call on the u. s. government to recognize or deny that political operators actively use tags, collectives or groups of robots. trolls who use a coordinated with automated main to flood the networks, etc,
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etc. in this operation against cuba, they are all they mean the economy was also a fundamental matter. let's remember, cuba has been in a grave economic crisis since the start of the pandemic. and even before that, due to the titans, us embargo during the pandemic, the u. s. government to low and approve more than 50 measures related to that. meanwhile, the countries paralyzed with low financial inflows and the need to tackle the pandemic. this resulted in food shortages, as well as a lack of some medic, as most resources with them to treat patients with coded 19th. cuba is now at the peak of the pandemic and medical personnel on high alert. we discussed the cubans, how they live in this situation. and their opinion almost happened. you can, hey, on the street, the story of the people not only ball today, but also yesterday, and the days before people don't have enough resources to take care of themselves and their families. there's a lack of maps and food. we need to talk and make proposals to achieve the well
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being, all people, what happens to be the way only for community intervention that city is quiet of the country is quiet. now the debate starts over the social networks. meanwhile, the government warns about the campaign cooling for humanitarian intervention, which could have more dangerous consequences than even a military while. while members a think even the sport across the straits, florida in miami have rallied in solidarity demanding, the washington intervenes of anna. no, so the decade thrown us brocade is the key factor in its economic hardship. but president biden insist he stands with the keys and people. united states stands firmly with the people or q as they assert their universal rights. and because the government come to cuba to refrain from violence or attempt to silence the voice of the people having spent significant time in cuba during the special
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period, the harsh is period of sanctions and deprivation. i can tell you there is real suffering and there is real malays and it is brought about as a direct result of the us embargo. so it was inevitable that there would be protests like this. we can see that people have genuine grievances, but that they are also being pulled into a regime change agenda by organizations like this and see drug movement which have clear is to the united states government. the trump administration ended, the obama administration normalization with cuba. reimpose, brutal sanctions, not just on cuba, but on venezuela. blocking fuel shipments to cuba, the cuban government had to ration food starting in 2018. and now we have a pandemic where cuba has had to miraculous miraculously manufacture its own vaccine because of a needle shortage. brought on by the us blockade for humanitarian reason. i think
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that we should help the cuban people right now because they need to help, they need the medicine, they need the food and supplies so that they can stay alive. they're having some serious issues down there. but long term there has to be a change in the power structure a few. but as far as lifting the things in the united states to do something in regards to that, sure they could. but if the economic system that they have in place, that is really the input, if for the majority of the economic problems that they're suffering. now, in addition, you obviously have to couple the corona virus pandemic and the economic contraction that's going on globally. it's not only cuba that suffering economically, obviously they were not on for putting to be able to then have to handle, you know, an economic downturn, the compounding of the bad economic situation because of the corona virus pandemic . but to put this all on the united states of america, it's basically like
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a police force, some sort of a stimulus or a bail out. now the u. s. will set to reverse its anti cuban policies. decades ago before president kennedy was assassinated, that's the revelation made by director of the stone and the latest episode of going underground, where he talked about his new jazz k documentary. he can watch the interview, him full from wednesday at r t dot com. we see we have a us president in the white house backing forces against the cuban government clues shown before we head onto the evidence which, which we wouldn't have without to have to have the movie in your new documentary. what is the relevance in case people are going on? he's not talking about kennedy again, the relevant to joe biden, who is bombing syria and iraq only the past few weeks. what is the relevant to the current whitehouse of this documentary? well, i, again, i think that the relevance is the main point we were trying to make in the
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documentary was at john kennedy was a warrior for peace in all forms. and among the many things he was doing when he was killed was reaching out to cuba to and this embargo to make a detox with gas, troy look good. and he was also at the same time, over making an overarching deal with khrushchev of the soviet union. they had, they signed the nuclear test ban treaty together, which is amazing documents 1st time. and the soviets in the u. s. signed the treaty of this nature and the war, the cold war was, was the radically coming to an end in 1963. so you can imagine where the world would be. now instead we have this retrograde policy where the u. s. has still got an embargo on q 60 years later. and renews today is just another one and along concurrent crises, events that happen every few years. i don't you know,
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this has been going on for, for decades. ah, that might be the diesel game, but it's not looking good for the fight against cove it. it is now feared that sunday 02020 final could cause a big spike in cases. as the victorious italian team paraded the trophies through the center of rome, the enormous crowds day gave little thought k with regulations. and that came just a day after tens of thousands of on ma spends crammed together the match in london . the world health organization has described the event is devastated. am i supposed to be enjoying watching transmission happening in front of my ice? the cool, with 19 pandemic is not taking a break to night, sorry, covey to delta baron to will take advantage of an vaccinated people in crowded settings, unmasked, screaming, showed, and singing devastating the
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$60000.00 fence valley a mosque to be seen in a lack of social distancing no checks to you in claims of faith test results. that was the scene being played, act at wembley stadium. a sports journalist derek car, who is that the game says that controls were joke at tons. you didn't even need to do or freak attached because you weren't even checked for your cobra. what was, what could say that were just checking your phone for your tickets and you would want to see that you had a ticket on your phone that will just allowing you and doesn't matter if you had a negative test. if you read the faith that the test, i think more really to the the think we should have taken more seriously. there's no checks for call within police was just a lot of search of people with motor bus security measures. should have been in police as well,
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but there just wasn't enough security still to carry the checks what health care officials. they want the final could push the u. k. to a 1000000 new infections within a month, cases of already started to shoot up to, to some $35000.00 a day. but the prime minister is still scrapping england's restrictions next week. the government does point to a successful inoculation program with almost 35000000 getting a shot. there's also been to a drop in the number of deaths and in the number of people needing hospital treatment. we will stick to our plan to lift legal restrictions and to lift social distancing. restrictions are easy at the 19th of july, of course is when looking at this final restrictions easing as well. so things are getting back to normal, but very little people waiting masks. and last nights, especially heading towards the underground station after the lounge,
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i might have people but no dual monster waiting. so what could be a rising, teach because of that. then as i mentioned, the checks for corporate hey begin to dig it out. and so that as of what that, i mean i was in the grant just about 20 minutes. there was already 3 or 4 as young guys of it's already posted in folks to come this cyrus code with delta strain threatens to become globally dominant. within a matter of months. russia witnesses another grim rack code in daily desk. we'll look at the grueling if we take battle for lives that russian metrics facing. that's to come press the stories to just after this. ah the
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the hello again. i, the corona virus to continue to evolve with the delta vary. now when more than a 100 countries, the strain was 1st identified in india and is believe to be the most contagious yet with the world health organization predicting. it will be the dominant variance globally within a matter of months. now, here in russia, the strain already account for more than 90 percent of human factions. and as the strain continues to spread, russia has set another daily cave with death reco. it's $7800.00 fatalities registered in the last 24 hours with more on how health care workers are dealing with this challenge is anton console sky. he returns to the red zone and the latest installment of his documentary series epidemic. the luck an empty bed, an empty bed. it's an empty space out there,
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a small one. so there are 1347 beds. i hoped i would never come back here again and we're at a hospital again. and here again, are these damn scrubs. how did the hospital start to fill up? we were monitoring that there had been 50 patients daily, and suddenly the number went up to 100 and then 200120130 so warm. but of course the key point is that we were ready, well prepared. the worst thing is when you're not on album for him, what's the main pattern of this new strangers? probably will not, will compete you firstly, it's more contagious. and 2nd, it hits way faster than the previous and now takes $1.00 to $2.00 days instead of 7 to wait with that. and i think it's also hitting younger people. what do they
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didn't believe it would happen and they thought the virus had gone, but it stayed. they think everything is okay. it's a simple flu and it will end soon, but it doesn't. it wasn't day off today. and how many of those in the hospital are vaccinated? wells around 122-1000 patients from a lovely and believable young guys. i've never seen anything like this before. how did you end up here? do you have a high temperature? yes, i had a temperature, i called an ambulance. they brought me here and that my condition drastically nose dived. what do you mean? well, in 2 days, how old are you? i'm 47. so we're the same age and how badly were your lungs damaged? 75 percent. did you get the vaccine? you know, why do? because i'm an idiot. why is this happening? where people not vaccinating since the ninety's? there was an anti vaccination campaign at that time and those mad mums said we won't be vaccinated against measles, chicken pulse. we won't take any vaccine,
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someone put that idea and the heads that vaccination is bad, but in fact, it saves lives and it helps vanquish the pandemic. so when do you think it will and never can damage tend to losses from 3 to 5 years. i'm actually afraid of asking you who is vaccinating and non you raise your hands please. this is vaccinated. i know him. well, actually anyone who comes is vaccinated. well is because you're a strict boss. i've been in an intensive care unit for a month on my condition, a severe maybe the outcome would be less if i had taken a job. i wanted to get back and i did, but i didn't find time. and now i'm in a dire condition. ah ah,
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the wall there are report of patients not being infected but to koby strains at the same time on tuesday, an expert at a top, russian. and she did say that the 1st such national case had been reported in an elderly woman as early as last year. but another report did come in from belgium 3 days ago, where a 90 year old woman died while carrying both the alpha and beta variance. if the virus, several cases have also been detected in thailand, why cali don't quarter, asked a medic had an sri and clinic whether existing jobs could actually deal with double infections. we were expecting things like that to happen and also understand that the reason why we know that the 9 year old lady has that double infection is because he did a very clear dna genomics. we have not done dna genomics and 99 percent of patients
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who had called so probably we will have a lot higher rate if we would test everybody so precisely that older lady was unfortunately not baxon. today from the information we have and from all the data that we have in the clinical courses, which are very important is that if you are vaccinated, even if you are in fact that with to the variance of the cobra virus. that the course of the disease will be still very, very mild, and certainly the date that death rates, which were amazing about a year ago will be much, much lower. so i think we can a little bit relax yet. be very careful. and we need obviously more data and analyze it. more specifically, do you think that european union's state should be rejecting people with certain jobs? i mean, one example could be, for example, the indian made astrazeneca vaccine. it's a political question and it would be a political answer. what i refused to accept is that unfortunately, the european union refused the split from the beginning. the indian one,
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we don't have data to analyze that, but remember the indians have the delta barriers, so probably they have more information and more data and more availability to produce vaccines that direct against the delta barrier. that may be the question that needs to be answered not french health workers have been warned that they may not get paid if they refuse the k, which shot president microns, making the vaccine mandatory for the sector to combat the highly contagious delta strain. it does come as reco, numbers of exhausted medical staff, a quick thing in the parish regional, mid mornings of an imminent 4th wave of the pandemic. we got reaction from an us the situation is especially dramatic because people who left hospitals were forced to do it. and they were disappointed, humiliated, destroyed by this government policy, which put them lower than they deserve. let me remind you that a year ago,
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the same caregivers and nurses were heroes. they were hailed as those who defeated the disease. and now we're faced with another problem, which is also linked to a debate on this compulsory vaccination for staff. well, most of the countries nurses do not say that the profession no longer gives them career development prospects. the poll added to that almost 2 in 3. think their job is thankless and more than 90 percent do believe because the crisis shows the need for a review of their roles. trico again says it is hard to stay motivated. it's still very complicated to manage. and i want to understand that around 40 percent of stuff and i want to change profession, paradoxically, these people want to leave their profession completely. really. there was a spirit of trust from the staff there. they had the motivation, but now i'm not sure that we came mid term and congress elections looming. the white house has made a strange you turn on, it's the fund,
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the police pledge was crime rates. do saw the ruling democrats and i want to shift the blame for slashing lower enforcement budgets onto the republicans english don of explain defend the police versus back the blue. these slogans turned into war banners in america's political. in fighting between the progressives and the conservatives, there was no fence to sit on for politicians, it was pick aside to go home. so as republicans went, defend, the democrats shows the fund many obsolete suburbs, suburbs have esentially, already begun pursuing a de funding of the police in that they fund school based on housing. and they for health care more as their number one priority in many cities in america, over one 3rd of their city budget goes to police. so we have to have this conversation. what are we doing?
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we made completely, this is not so let me upload police department defendant. the police isn't radical, it's real. they pushed and pushed and pushed one by one police department. so the money flows run dry. it seemed like the dams were clear victors in this ideological clash. but then the crime figures came in and the democrats weren't eager to take the credit for their defending efforts, ensuring their specific guidance to communities across the country to ensure that they have funding to get more community police around the country. some might say that the other party was for funding the police a let other say that, but that's a piece. jump sack you ladies and gentlemen, an honorary member of the international gas lighting association. the lie was so blatant, even the washington post fact check as couldn't help awarding the white house press secretary with 3 pinocchio is to the tune, of course of republicans gloating. it's remarkable that the white house is now
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apparently employing comedians. that's like democrats saying they're the ones that want to build the wall. it's absurd. it's ridiculous. and there's a good enough reason the democrats on that proud of their achievement in the funding, the police, the year to date, moderate height, almost 17 percent across the u. s. on average in portland, which slash 27000000 from the police budget. it stands at a whopping 533 percent austin. that took away almost $150000000.00 from the police departments. has to deal with a 79 percent surge. and while correlation of course in no way means causation. but will really few of policemen on the streets actually improve the situation. so defining the police, sadly. it's a mindset that the politicians are using to leverage the angry mob that's out there and it's not going to turn out the way that they think it is. i mean,
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the police is not what people think. it's think it means, and it's actually a political tactic right now. sadly, anybody who really supports the defining the police move and they believe that the police are going to be arbitrary. i just removed off the street and that's not the case defining the police goes for programs, it goes for training, it goes for the sub is the on working within the department. and that's just going to hurt the officers that are on the street now. and there's going to prevent them from doing their jobs properly for the citizens who still need them, regardless of whether not they want them on the street. it's all political theater . if you can keep people constantly in a perpetual state of wonder, you're, it's, they're always creating a problem that they can solve. you reap what you sow, but in a dirty game of politics, nobody ever wants to own up to the lapses. and if the democrats want to keep their majority in congress, they'll need something more advanced than the republican bad formula. and that brings you up today to, for this. that's how things are looking back again at the top of the next one.
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