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tv   News  RT  July 18, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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our, the best under cutting, but what's good for food market is not good for the global economy. me the me, the the, here's the thing and then the water comes and we can open the door just in your room and you're drowning europe. who's coming to terms with the aftermath of devastating floods. parts of germany, declare a state of emergency. while neighboring countries were also hit by tolerance of water leaving at least a 180 people that are corresponding reports from the disasters on theory, in our file. in the state of rhode island to latin this one of the worst effected areas by the flooding. you can see over to my left on this building where the water
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actually reached well above my own head highway of dis, golf for. that's what it looks like down. yeah. if you carry on further down the road, the boys also shape the week here on the weekly, on our t, south africans pick up bombs to fight health looters. the week of may have a spot for the jailing of a former president school, so people have been killed as the unmarked graves of 160 more children are found in canada. the indigenous community urges the government to publish school attendance lessons to get a clear idea of the scale of the tragedy. the native people stress repression exists this day. so genocide is still happening to believe not taking reports seriously, predators know that they could target and people in general know that they could target ah,
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but with the main headlines of the week on the top stories of today, welcome to the weekly here, we're nazi international so the latest figures we have here at our tea, including 180 people are now dead and many more missing with told, expected to rise further. this is ultimately the grim bottom line of flash floods that hit parts of western germany, belgium, the netherlands, and some other nations as well. the deluge are set to be the worst if it's kind in 2 centuries at the worst effects of towns and villages or entire homes, bridges and vehicles just swept away. mm. 15 minutes are flat, are also our neighbors houses. everything was on the water. it was very quick,
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it looks as if a bomb has hit like world war me. i know the flooding is now spread to east in germany. it's the west of the country that's been hit the hardest at both in terms of the human toll and infrastructure damage. the german chancellor anglo merkel paid a visit to some of the affected areas. for a sudden german language barely has the words to describe the devastation inflicted
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. but from what i've seen, it's incredibly hardening to see how people are coming together. they are helping each other and to solid arity that exists. and under his theory and in the state of royal and politeness, this one of the worst effected areas by the fluid you can see over to my left on this building where the water actually reached well above my own head. the job for people here right now is cleaning up following this disaster. you can see just behind me as people have taken all of their belongings from their houses, putting them out on the streets. everything covered with thick brown, sludge mud. the rain waters, the flood waters brought with them when they came into people's homes. extreme, heavy downpour started on the wedding say, and sold months worth of rainfall. in a matter of hours, people in the town say it was the worst nightmare. it didn't mean to
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several people at the bridge of the destroy all the bridges in all the towns had been equipped away. people don't have anything to eat or drink. there is much and such everywhere. everything is damaged. many houses the biggest disasters ever happened here was the english stood the speed at which the waters rose caught a loss of people off guard. this, coupled with it being the middle of the night seemed to have come to be the number of people killed in listed on the electricity and mobile phone networks were shut down by the rise of water with no way of contacting the outside world. no one knew who was missing and who didn't have connections. local officials in violence said around 1300 people were missing on friday. thankfully, number is decreasing as communication networks or restore. it all happened very quickly last night and lasted about 20 minutes. first,
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the manhole covers came up and then the water level rose up windows, the windows burst and within 2 minutes the hell house was flooded with water 2 meters high. i think it will take at least 2 or 3 years to clear everything up. lena brenna and her family were asleep when water from the river, usually half a kilometer away, started to flood the lower floors of their home. i heard screaming outside and then my dad, he's screamed, i went outside downstairs and there was already like water flooding into our like downstairs. it was like so fast that we just grab stuff and tried to get out of there. i think it was like maybe 15 to 20 minutes. so the water came up to here. so if you're sleeping and then the water comes and we can open the door just in your room and you're drowning,
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i can't even describe the feeling like you see how destroyed it's going to be destroyed. this never happened before. it's like, i don't know, nobody would love it. you could even prepare for this one blessing is that no more rain has fallen in this area in recent days. well that means is that the clean up opperation can get on the way, but it's going to be a painful and odd jewish process and it will be a long time before any sense of normalcy returns to these towns. as water continues to be pumped from the lower floors of buildings in the path of the flooding. people here afloat coming to terms with a tragedy which is killed so many i left many, many more with their homes in ruins. peter, all of a t file a germany south has been seeing its worst violence in decade writing and looting erupted after the jailing of an ex president of your
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understanding not more than 200 people have been confirmed dead in the middle of the rides in the city of durban, there was a dramatic incident involving a small child who was miraculously safe. i should warn you. you might find the following images disturbing as flames and gulf to a block of flats. a desperate mother threw her daughter to a crowd of bystanders. on the street below, they were then seen cheering us. the total was caught safe and sound. the mother described to us her own or dale miller. there's doing what i can say, lee. yeah, 6 months. so shocked. cuz she always remind me of what i did to her les, when she said that moving also she was pointing to my mom, you drew me down. you drew me. it would have been you the flex spending. we only smell smoke from the 16th floor and the lady from the recession, she was going floors was telling us to come down. we read something in the 2nd
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floor. we're not sure because outside of the flint. so when they were saying that people from the 3, those standing in the same place, mister, they were trying to help us taking the lessons for us to go to the latest. so when i was there, there was the other lady said she can carry that baby for me. so i think the face, down face, outpatient, didn't give me to be me. so i can come out because the only thing i wanted with my baby to be out, she refused to said no, i'm going to go fast enough. so you're going to get accumulate a new and i'm down after she got into the sales, the cell phone and with her it was people are trying to help and now there was no any other way for us who has stopped and it was little fussy, there was a lady behind me. can you please tell me the baby's going to be getting a baby for me? so i'm going to go up and down. you can give the babies who me control the babies with me. so are you stay to go? the babies for me, the baby is crying, and no, no, never mind new crime,
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just solid to me. came flooding up the kitchen. people is gaming, so i go go and i was like, well as relieved because i can see people, they drink a lot, but i didn't even notice people, but i saw they, they willing to help us. that it made me pause and see. so we call. so low and i was waiting for them to come together then after to the baby and now escape the big when they can see ocean they know it's going to my niece was always holding my hair like the last you know, they called shading me, directed me all this say go this way, they took me down the they, they were catching me also. he and everyone i was saying you'll, you'll, brave, brave. well, meantime writers have been writing stores and warehouses. an estimated 800 shops have been destroyed and local that are cleaning up what's left. some have even form groups to help police patrol the streets and prevent further violence, a polar sleigh, a report from the region. because city in south africa way,
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the minority, one of the cons community is going out on a voluntary patrol tonight they lost faith in the country's police and so like other minority communities have taken upon themselves to defend the own street and the own houses. i think that both of them are with them on the water all over the country. they've been deployed to many different areas. that's why we assisted walker. we're going to go to college city. we had reported their communities actually locating that and protecting the shopping today. garage bombings, approximate, excuse me.
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what do you hear? people regarding the shopping scene for looters? they'll probably be in the whole not got somebody to the vehicle then i couldn't find it. and that's what they're going to be in for the not days. if i was the, the people from the, the community itself is guarding the shopping to me. these locks have been placed in the road to stop any kind of potential looters driving down this road towards the shopping center that's nearby here. and potentially trying to loosen the me in with acknowledge you like this. what we can do is we can see them in the dark and we can immediately dispatch some of our guys to go to save it. and it's actually
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happened the other night as well. i mean, what this also does is this little thing over here. so we can turn this on and it makes a very wide area like and especially the other night when they saw that they were off, they were hiding away from us. but the moment the b to dawn, they obviously got the sky and they went back to where they came from. we don't have to put our guys into into hobbs way until it's absolutely necessary for them to react. we can't another shopping center where the guys have mixed up with other volunteers. you've also been here for the last few nights, making sure that their communities are safe. we only for the same purpose, so they more experience, they've got the weapon we the knowledge. so we follow the lead, all the all countries understand so, so it's pretty sad at the moment. but you all are saying you ought to see the last front on one of the townships on the end of our button. and we preventing those coming to us. others record, so it's going to keep as much of a looting going on,
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there's a lot of positivity that has come out of the country and, and in a different aspect where we had a lot of division prior to this. but it's not that people that are low to looters, basically. so you got the blacks white in the color all sending together to prevent the same thing from happening in all our communities. it's quite culture and now it's late at the past midnight. we're going to head off the gods themselves will stay here until the early all of the morning. the situation remains tense and no one really knows what they come up when. policies are ti arbiten kind of as indigenous community as urge the government to publish school attendance lists, going by decades to further investigate crimes against them. it comes as the unmarked graves of $160.00 more children were found in the country just this week. the native community says to us, just the tip of the iceberg. i didn't even talk about the abuse in residential
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schools, to my children, many of our children who ran away during the winter and froze to death on their way home. and i am the black ropes start lying about the children. oh yeah, they're doing fine here. in the meantime they were missing and no one had searched for them. and we had to steal much of our food in order to achieve 5. and that's only part of our sure, by vote in renisha dan show schools want you to imagine you have a 6 year old daughter that's been taken away from you has to go into an environment that shows no love. no hugs, no support. nathan, but verbal, emotional, spiritual abuse. i can't speak my language today because for experienced across
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a way i've tried your screen and cry and bank and there was no, no one there to to rush you. we were draft and be we could scream and scream. your vision, no wonder to come to your help residential schools. the last of which closed in 1997 were aimed at assimilating native children removed from their families. many suffered physical and even sexual abuse. for more than a century. 150000 will put through the system more than 4000 deaths were confirmed in 2015 the truth and reconciliation commission officially recognized the policy as, quote, cultural genocide. the scandal has further grown this year, but the 1st discovery of those unmarked graves.
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me i i the discovery of the graves has led to an outrage across the country. on canada day earlier this month, the statues of queen victoria and queen elizabeth the 2nd was toppled by crowds chanting no pride in genocide. some indigenous groups calls for the annual celebration to be cancelled entirely. but most anger has been targeted to those who run the schools leading to christian church who is being attacked with several
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bound to the ground. the prime minister has said the country must learn from the mistakes of the past. it is difficult in moments like these to fully comprehend the decisions of the past that led to these tragedies and atrocities. but it is necessary to absorb them and understand them. to be able to move forward. well, adjust intruders was to some seem pretty empty, but suddenly what enough many in the community who demanded an apology from the pope, they hold the catholic church responsible for much of what happened and believe it has a case to onset. people are talking about wanting an apology from the pope. why do we have to for that, why, why hadn't gotten the report is not apologizing. i feel like the people who i get
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blog up to the polls are feeling the same way. genocide is still happening to us to the may. you know, the governments how these policies in place that don't work with us. when police do mental health checks with our people, they either die or they're thrown into the tuition where pills are thrown down. and if there's any children involved, they're automatically thrown into, into the child welfare system. so there's a lot of things we get done with the police, not taking reports seriously. and predators know that they could target. and people in general know that they could target. this is our team to national. we're about halfway through this. how's edition of the weekly the program returns? and about one minute the
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join me every thursday on the alex summon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport business. i'm show business, i'll see you then me the they cannot, they are to say that a law politician or under work. can you been there to say to people, oh we have to reduce the consumption. this is why. so far, the consumption issue did not was not taken up very seriously. so or, but it's a very serious issue. so we cannot address the climate change issue. unless the people around the word realize that we cannot continue our over consumption as we are doing now. the
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the, the, the, the, ah no, thanks for joining us here for the weekly program. now, huge wildfires have fled up in the far east in the federal district of russia. we understand aircraft tapping deployed to fight the flames of its pictures. right here are also a thousands of firefighters are on the ground. there also are 200 active sites to the burning in the region that rushes ministry of emergency situation says that on sunday, a number of 5 were extinguished across an area of some 87000 heck. as a thick smoke enveloped several cities in the region leading to the air pollution limits being breached and flights being grounded, as well ludicrous. that's how a british lawmaker has described an ad by a top beer company,
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which suggests cove vaccination is the only way to get life back to normal. although there's been a low uptake of shots by those under 30 fall additions of warned heineken commercial sends out the wrong message. the hind can really ought to consider whether discriminating is loyal customers who may be, cannot be vaccinated for medical or other reasons. there were lots of people who can't be vaccinated and it's quite wrong that they should not be able to go into a pub and have a drink, ludicrous. i'm surprised to not making recommendations and other countries given their levels of vaccine hesitancy. while the ad comes off to the british minister or fourthly, drew up plans for mandatory vaccine passports to enter pubs and restaurants from the autumn. as despite what's seen as a hugely successful inoculation program with 35000000 people fully jobs in the u. k
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. but britain is far from the only country where pro vaccine pressure is really in full swing. so that was an australian, which has certainly been criticized for employing shifts, scare tactics and ultimately for using an actor from an age group is not even eligible for the peg seen. on top of that, the paste of an occupation of the country is slow in part due to door of the dose shortages. it's something that critic say makes these big campaigns, for example, even less appropriate. so we put the issue up for debate. real worry for me about this is you're going to create a i to, to a society that will be those people who call to have a vaccine for medical reasons or maybe for their own reasons, or maybe because they younger and they haven't seen invite yet. there is therefore
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going to be a to, to, is this, this is not going to create to, to the system. that's absolute. poppycock, people who can't have it for medical reasons can have a medical exemption. but if they just choose not to have it, they are creating their own apartheid. they have a duty, particularly young people now to do their bids for the rest of society, for those who need boxes. and so you should be label law generally. all the room numbers for population have been magically advised. actually, she doesn't actually work. they don't stall transmission. i'm just touching the blog. i suggest you check the world war on very i suggest you stop spreading misinformation and face new jersey. you get behind this. there is a very big question over whether young people should have this faxing at all. and the
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reason for that is actually most young people will get cobit recover, they'll be no long term sequentially. and this is about personal choice and responsibility. i want to do all these 3 things. i could go over and have a referendum that young people have a juicy, they should give vaccination as well. no one's talking about coercion. no one's talking about monday, treat jobs. but if people have fallen out to life based coming anyway, actually we should be encouraging those people certainly have a 40 to make sure they have a vaccine. i would like younger people to have it as well. but i do believe in personal choice and liberty, we don't believe in compulsory vaccination, but what we do need to do is to get brittany back on track a perhaps not so secret service. frances main intelligence agency is giving a sneak peak behind the scenes, often launching a website to attract new talent. and it turns out most trench people want to give w 7, a good running for his money. shot duban ski now reports it's made out to be one
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of the coolest job in the world. working for the secret service is not only drinks come shaken, not stirred because the coolest gadget. and of course, you always get the bad guy that a newer to certainly work for the french with 52 percent thing that they want to be fine. with me, i kind of want to be a spy to have a big car, a beautiful life money, a lot of money. i'd love to because it would be funny. this has been a monday advice run investigations. and sometimes it's very sensational to discover the hidden truth, and i would love to, i always have the best tables in restaurants, the best cars, the most beautiful women, and totally spectacular. and they know it all because they are the people who know everything in afraid to make the pro sac black cloak and dagger the french secret
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service d g. i saw you giving me a mortal peek into its work to launch the 1st website, which snippets about top secret missions threatening of terrorism saw you were attack on foreign agents. no, not talking about me. just hold up for, for a 2nd. nobody didn't put it in the buddy young ogle. look at that. are you? where was i? me. i even as sage advice, those buzzing ages, a professional manipulator. a spy will 1st show sympathy. an interest in the
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private life and activities of the person they are targeting. they are unenlightened, strategist who will do everything in their power to track their target in an insidious spiral from which that person will not be able to extricate themselves without outside help. the i see you all, but coming by is until i think, but what model would the french take on until they want to be age and that 100? 17 double. 0701. the james bond. the seriousness of the case is to call the money james james bond fakes, because he's faxing do better 2 of them because i do a book always says 117 and james bond. but i'm in sean. so i'm a little bit more for, i want to say, oh it says 117. 0 it says it says because he's french for sure. we can move james bond because he is always the best. james james bond because he's
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charismatic, but don't get too excited. walla throes as the entry and the pay of the french secret service may now be more transparent. if you do show enough promise to be recruited, more than likely the only high life you're going to be doing is watching spine movies from your desk. she only even ski all t empower more details on that story rock. now one line at r t dot com for the meantime, you wiki returned to the top of the hour with the top stories of the week and of today the, i choose
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the me again. so when they say, why did you burn down the community? why do you know neighborhood are we don't own anything. we don't have anything. there is a social contract that we all have. but if you feel or i feel the part.


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