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tv   News  RT  July 21, 2021 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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a too dangerous for him to be doing. clearly they put him in harm's way. a rural college student does interest get shot in the head and found in a river like something else had to be happening with the the u. s. and germany strike a deal on the north stream to pipeline, but val action on russia over the alleged threat to security, opposed by the energy project. moscow. and the pipeline is purely commercial. the worst flooding in china in 1000 years. it has caused depth wiped out the transport infrastructure reached down that spark from a huge blast at an aluminum plant. and the situation is said to be getting worse. nobody suggests checked insulation on no serious
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and bite and says the highest us inflation rate in 13 years was foreseen and won't last long. but that is not bringing much comfort to those of feeling the pension in their pockets. groceries are definitely out. and also the rents are also going up. i don't buy anything. when is the what the government says now with a i, i truly, truly, ah, broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow. this is our to international. i'm showing thomas to the glad to have you with us germany and the us have reached a deal over russia's nor the stream to gas pipeline to europe. the sides agree that dependence on russian energy poses a security threat. well, this deal, it's been struck between berlin and washington, essentially means that the united states will not actively try and stop the north stream to gas pipeline from opening up. some would say the time for doing that was
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already well past. the project is almost finished in about the start running, but what this deal does mean is that there will be major investment in ukraine from both germany, the united states. germany will be acting as a mediator, or at least called on germany, to act as a mediator between russia, gas problem, and ukraine's enough, the gas in order to get a new contract. a new deal, sir, for transit rights for russian gas to pass across ukrainian territory into europe. they're looking for an extension of the deal until 2034 or so the current deal expires in 2024. so it's a 10 year extension. thereafter, at the moment, the rumblings from the russian side of beam for quite a while that they're quite keen to do that deal. so it will come down to whether jeremy can convince the ukrainian side to get on side with that. there's also set to be major investment in green technologies in ukraine by both germany and the
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united states, but wildly steal, as they say, essentially remove the chances of the u. s. trying to actively stop the pipeline. it does come with some threats towards russia. the deal saying the part, the wording of the, the joint statement following the deal, saying they should russia to try and use energy supplies to put pressure on any nation in europe while then there should be sanctions and there should be consequences. the united states and germany are steadfast, in their support for ukraine sovereignty territorial integrity, independence, and chosen european path. the united states and germany are united in their determination to hold, rush her to count for its aggression and malign activities by imposing cost of sanctions and other tools. well, a couple of weeks ago it was announced that next month the pipelines construction phase will be over then it should take around 3 months for specific cation and safety checks to be carried out,
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and gusts from the gas fields of siberia will be connected under the baltic sea directly into germany and not gas can start flowing. and it's gas that there is a big demand for here in germany. for the 1st half of 2021. we saw gas supplies from russia to germany. increased by 43.4 percent, and we can expect that to rise in the coming future as well. the united states had wanted to be the one to supply the gas that germany needs with liquefied natural gas b, l n g. the problem is, is that needs to be shipped across the atlantic, they have to be re justified in special plants. ultimately, it costs a lot more money. the u. s. has said, it won't stand in the way of this pipeline right now, but it certainly doesn't mean that they like it in washington. you told this committee that you believed to nordstrom to pipeline would have disastrous effects on u. s. national security. that it would have disastrous effects on european security
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by making them subject to economic energy blackmail from russia, and that it would enrich and in power to carry out that blackmail. do you continue to believe that i do sen? while this is clearly a political issue in the united states, as far as russia is concerned, this is all about business attempts to portray us as an aggressor and the country, carrying out malicious activities have long been a hallmark of rooster folks. threats towards russia are groundless and useless. we have repeatedly stressed that the nor swim too and other russian export pipelines are business arrangements with the countries that buy our gas. or this deal between the united states and germany does seem to mean that the north stream to gas pipeline will be up and running and sending rushes death into germany and into the rest of europe. or sometime by the end of this year,
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professor of political political economics, jack rasmussen told us that the deal between germany and the u. s. it could be a sign of biting conceding that the pipeline was already a done deal. i think you got to look at in context as a recent meetings and discussions between biden and europeans, particularly jeremy, you know, the germans, the europeans, considered us position on the global tax and not taxing us tech companies. i think this is probably a quid pro quo to some extent of biden can feeding what as everyone knows, it's already a done deal and allowing the germans to continue and get the cheaper gas. you got to understand that this whole sanctions over a gas began nordstrom to begin under trump, when the us had a lot of natural gas and prices were falling. and you know, the industry, oil industry, which trump was running interference for their solution,
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was to make the europeans force them to buy us gas. that would cause prices arise in the us as well as more volume sales in europe. but the problem was, the gas was just too much more expensive and the pin just waited is out. and then now you got to know the done deal and they got to cover it up somehow, you know, buyers coming back with his tax concessions and they position the whole thing with regard to ukraine to make it look like the u. s. is still being tough and isn't considered in russia. and these 25 people have been killed and more than 100000 evacuated to safety after devastating floods in china. on tuesday, the country has been jailers with what weather forecasters are calling the heaviest rains in a millennium. i me
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let's break down what is happening across the country. here on this map in red, you can see the worst hit region, china's central hand on province, its largest city through is located on the yellow river whose banks have burst. weather forecasters paint a grim a few days to come with more heavy rain and strong winds. the typhoon, causing all of this havoc is expected to hit the nearby coastal regions in yellow among them. shanghai was zoom in now on shingle, which has seen some of the most dramatic events. now what you can see here is a waterfall inside juice airport, coming down through the roof. things were so bad at the hub that it was unable to accept incoming flight for 26 hours. and parts of the local subway system were completely submerged. leaving terrified commuters tramped underground. the network had to be completely shut down. over ground cars were seen floating down
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flooded streets, while rescuers plucked people from raging torrent. it was water that also triggered a huge explosion at an aluminum plan. the the incident happened to after a nearby river burst its banks, its waters reacted with chemicals. at the sight, a massive plume of smoke could be seen rising high into the sky. local reporter, long men g spoke to us from the streets of ginger. i'm here at one of the area that has been flooded by the to actual way in a capital city of central time as a whole probably where the rescue was. it was due on the way that has a re for a capital role has left us only once. and the way you have the funds is right now. the weather forecasts say it will last until tomorrow. the latest from a local authority to say the rainfall in a capital city, a racist hungry,
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and let me clean up half of 3 days while it for year rainfall remains around $640.00 millimeters, which means that has witnessed ho year ring for each of the 3 days, the central theatre people's liberation army said on wednesday morning. it has sent more than 3000 men and a 2 sets of equipment to fly to the flood, to carry out the rest, your walk in a sleepy emergency response level, a flat being raised to level one. the railway operator has to have a carried out to ensure safety, such as the stopping services, lowering the operation speed at some residential area so you must have to be caught up for water supply and electricity. the providential flow control and draw to relieve headquarters reported up more than 140000 residents have been affected by 2 racial rings and who and i, since july 161-0000 happening,
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relocated to safely so far. dozens of cities are now tackling massive disruption to transport services with roads swept away and rail lines damaged extreme. rain fall is also threatening several dams and reservoirs. now the authorities have reported a 20 meter breach in a damn near the city of while young warning that it could collapse at any moment. soldiers, police and military personnel have been deployed to help with the rescue efforts. thousands of people branded in a suburb of gender. many have been waiting for luck to subside since last night. we followed the rescue team into one of the worst effect is areas where up to a 100 people have been mandate for 24 hours. rescuers have resorted to life both in areas where the water level reaches the nice michelle for a ride to help on tuesday night. his company is dedicated to dissolve the rescue.
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be your shame on me or phrase issue really with all the water can reach a depth of up to 2 meters. many are surrendered at it's going and they don't have any food. we're in a difficult situation right now. i believe has to both moves forward, the water gets deeper and cause means the merged, local resident led us when area where around 20 people waiting. we'll say yes, many cars are still under water and people in the area can get out on the 3 of us swam out to find the rescue team for help. there is no mobile signal at all due to the loss of internet and communication tools. the stranded on their own dozen people were found the traps in the lap dated building started talking about within an hour the ring water reached by next to the short well, i was submerged in the water with me and put it up, put it on me on the outside mail where i go. whoa, whoa,
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whoa, no, not yet a migrant worker in jungle now has to find a hotel to stay in with many hotels either fully flooded. no easy task. this is one of the worst effect is area of the race. all inundated the traffic lights are not working. there is no electricity, no internet, daily supply, and not available for the locals. what's worse, there will be more rainstorms in the next few days. they don't want the dtn don't go when i'm probing with inflation in the u. s. hitting a 13 year high, people are rapidly feeling it in their pockets. a new poll, so 88 percent of americans are worried about the disproportionate increase in living costs present and by the claims that it hasn't come as a surprise to him. and it is certainly having little impact on his spending plans.
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our experts believe in the data shows that most of the price increases we seen are, were expected, and expected to be temporary. nobody suggestion is unchecked inflation on the way, no serious economy. let's check that no one checked inflation claim. now if you have a car, it costs you twice as much to run it as it did last year. fuel prices have double your daily breakfast now comes with an 8 percent price. as the cost of milk, bacon and fruit have gone up. on top of that, you've got consumer prices that have hit their highest amount since 2008. now, despite the presence assurances, america's working families already being hard hit by the pandemic are starting to feel the pinch. the groceries are definitely out. and also the rants are also going up and just household items making serious progress to ensure that it works the way it's supposed to work for the good of the american people. all construction material is out of this world, somebody's making some good money,
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and i think it's because joe biden, we could help families in small business, is whether the ups and downs or as the economy recovers. i don't buy anything. what is the, what the, whatever may give it says nowadays i, i truly, truly know. look, we brought this economy back from the brink. now biden refuses to hear those voices perhaps to listen to those within his own party labor market tightness, behavior of housing markets, and asset prices all rising in a more considering way than i worried a few months ago. this raises my degree of concern overheating scenario. there are huge uncertainties, but the focus of concern now should be on overheating. and if that's not enough to change the president's mind on the economy, perhaps this comparison is the wake up call. he needs. the u. s. is in the very best position from a long term point of view. i don't see how these can and well, when we're running now, budget deficits, something like 15 percent of g d p. this is beginning to look a little bit like a lesson. can country printing and spending money like there is no tomorrow,
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as pretty clearly got people concerned? biden gave the excuse that the spending was necessary to tamp down inflation, which was ridiculous out of nothing in common. the, you can't stop the consequences of monetary printing by doing even more monetary printing, which is what it means to spend the level of money. and the fact is that biden, and all of his advisors and the political party that he represents, are big spenders. and they want to spend more money, they think that the u. s. government can go into infinite amounts of that. there's no limits whatsoever. they really believe this by mature is us. the problems are just temporary, but perhaps it's a bit like the pandemic and the economic aftermath. it's a bigger problem than was 1st thought. but it seems to be a problem that biden's apparently incapable of recognizing fail mop and artsy new york. more than one and a half 1000000 heck,
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tears of forest have been consumed by raging wildfires in russia's northeast region . some 50 towns and villages have been blanketed with choking smoke, emergency services, volunteers, and locals are all battling to bring the flames under control. around 2000 people and 300 vehicles have been deployed. our corresponding garcia has been looking at the scale with a tragedy. wild 5, they just one russian region have consumed an area that is larger than jamaica will . more than that group and forecast aren't good. it's hot, it's dry. and it's burning. ah, the, the to put a far out, you have to, you have to get to it, which is
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a problem. given the vastness of rushes force firefighters are literally parachuting into the fire zones to join the efforts. the government is sending more and more resources and manpower and vehicles and fire fighting aircraft to combat the inferno. but local activists said, still not enough that reaching out internationally for help. they've even us leonardo dicaprio for assistance. okay. i've heard you. i, in my management's, we'll look into it, then we will talk with your 30 in charge to see how we can be of help. siberia is dying now. also very hopefully help. can you post on your official page about 5 in siberia, please. okay, i'll fix a meeting with my management. thank you very much. leo. siberia loves you. the activists to publish the exchange later. the lead to that, but so far as he's all ready had the response. if we received an official offer of
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help, then of course we would be happy if he came over and provided some assistance. but to be honest, i find it's hard to imagine what he can do to extinguish the awkward fires. sit in hollywood. publicity is always good. the more noise that people raise, the more attention that these fires will get. this is a perfect fall storm historic heat level lack of rain, dry force. all came together in these files that have burned down thousands of square kilometers of ancient woodland. and killed countless wild life. this is a taste of what's to come as the climate changes. because the overwhelming prognosis is the these 5 will rage, worse and worse every sama, all over the world. come in the program, the works of william shakespeare and have been dropped at one prestigious. you can
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university as a tries to de, colonize its creative writing course on that after spring break. this is our to international ah, ah, i me ah, ah, i use
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the president joe biden invoke civil war parallels with greater frequency. this is ominous and dangerous. unfortunately, it would seem, this is how the major political parties and the media view, the state of our politics. in a war, there are casualties and defeat in the culture. wars can one side bank, we should see other the mac, this is our t international. are there has been a new victim of cancel culture, william shakespeare. a renowned creative writing course in the u. k. is to be de colonized which includes who dropping the works of the english play, right. the move was immediately ridiculed with many branding it anti academic. was comes after some students at the university of east anglia complained the course
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was dominated by privilege to white male experience. so now a new module will focus on quote, the emergence of modern english from a multilingual medieval society. and it's colonial expansion. that essentially means the bars been booted and authors born in africa, asia and south america. now top the reading list, we asked people in britain for their thoughts today, everybody must bring their own set. thanks to chase. this is imposing, want to speak with you on it and basically family. it is censorship because if you think some of the attitudes that correspond to your own absolutely short term isn't completely misguided obviously that each of them might find it offensive. well, that needs to be addressed to, you know, i've only got together, it would be
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a big mistake. the fact is that the police were written when they were in the times that they were. and i think that people, i think people are big enough to better understand what kind of time and why it wouldn't be. it wouldn't right like that today. but then i think for the dumbing down, but nobody, nobody able to process the information themselves. i don't think that's progress. the university has defended the move saying the changes make the course more diverse and inclusive. adding that students will now study literature from around the world, including publications, from its own award winning graduates. but talk radio host john got isn't having a sees anglia, similar talk, reflected in the world, did that creative writing course so they'll actually attacking their own it just seems to me to be deaf. of course, let's make sure the syllabus has writers from other ethnic backgrounds. let's make sure we show it's in its whole new clarity. but the idea is the you stop by
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counseling. shakespeare no, or that you counsel white male writers. how does that help any one? you can't just conflict and pretend to shakespeare didn't exist. i mean, they would never do this in some way, like prompts with molly. this is council culture out. it was is woke agenda and the students need to basically get to life. you can learn from the classics watson, all. no one asked necessarily by studying the merchant of venice. for example. think that every didn't in there is acceptable course you don't, you look at it in the whole and that's what needs to happen. we want our kids to get education. not indoctrination, don't we? south africa is still reeling from last week's violence and mass looting, sparked by the jailing of former president jacob zoom and white. and while the protests have already resulted in more than 200 deaths and 2000 arrest locals,
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fear things could still get worse. our policy clear has been seeing firsthand how people are coping. we here hillcrest waste of good than in south africa, where the feeling on the ground is that although the whites and looting has subsided for now, there is a 2nd phase coming. and that phase could potentially be more damaging. with me is matthew and member of the local community watch who's also been in the thick of it . matthew, why do you think things are going to get with i think we've got a situation where a lot of the leeches and the mother just took destroyed the jobs. so there's no way for them to in an income. yup, they, you bought each tv, a new quote to the bible enough. that's been decent, said you are going to be going to be wanting to come back and do more. what about police station? i mean, i've heard rumors that the police station close to be targeted next. and if so,
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why target police station there's a big potential for that because the police do have weapons. they stole with the stations and unfortunately, they're not running the positions on run as well. as that could be, you know, they're not very often not the most secure place. this is a local gun shop and the owner who has been talking to us but doesn't want to be on camera, has been saying like other gun shop owners in the area that had his shop not being protected with security. it would've been completely looted as it is, he's run out of ammunition as people have bought it all for fear of a stick and uprising. the moment they're trying to take away all right, t own firearms legally, to defend ourselves. the system is supposed to be you apply for a firearm, you get it within 30 days. legally. that doesn't happen. it's taking up to 7 months now. which obviously is incredibly difficult. if you're in
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a situation where you feel your loss in danger and you want some peaceful protection, you can't get it, which is very, very difficult to. so i think the events of the last 7 days of proven. i said we, we can't rely on. we can't rely on warn force meant the police or the army to come and go to us. we have to do it ourselves. me this is broken hill. what can hill industrial park? this is where one of the main hotspots for the leaches and the violence started. and they were up here, 4 hours, day fight apartment could really get you because i need the police to come and assist the police. didn't come this and the private security had to run because they went to court to deal with on peter's basically i'm here at a storage facility where 90 percent of the units were destroyed and burned. it took the police and emergency services more than 48 hours to reach here. this is just
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one of many incidents that happened to a similar tenuously in both durban and johannesburg. what we believe happened is that we caught the fire brigade and they needed police support, and the police were tied up with places like the malls and bigger, bigger establishment. and unfortunately, we were left without support. other than those local community who are amazing immediately. and we thank the community for the supports which we were out without support for all i would say at least 40 hours people have stood up and we've done what we needed to do while we are doing it while we are supporting the police and they're not supporting us is something is created, it's starting to create a huge anger on the ground. obviously, on the main objective is assess, got our families and just to try and keep them safe. and if it's a really bad area to get them out of this. so we've identified a couple of installations, some schools and fields and things like that. shopping centers where we could get
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families together and come to and declare and potentially get a support to get supplies in, in people out until proper help can arrive when to the situation can improve the these items back to the shop by the neighborhood. watch who accosted the looter running with him down the street and recognize the labeling and both him back. so what do you think with the fact that the close report back to you? we're very excited said thank you very much. all. thank you. not the scene. we've been seeing during the whole week, but it does show that some stories have a happy ending policy. a r t, hillcrest south africa. iran is facing its worst drought in half a century. the countries have southwestern province of whose has done has seen days of violent protests over severe water shortages to young men have been shot dead in
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the protest. and one policeman has also been killed. president thumb honey has called the drought unprecedented average rainfall down more than 50 percent compared to 2020. the professor said mohammed miranda from the university of toronto told us that water shortages may not be the only reason for the unrest for that title on it. don't mean that people are against the islam make republic, i'll be run. it means that people on the streets in different cities and with the sun, are upset about the shortage of water and the problems that the drought has caused. and those are legitimate. what happens though, is that people with guns infiltrate these gathering while it's going to be a tough time for iran. we have sanctions, americans and europeans trying as much as possible to make life as miserable as possible. ordinary iranians.


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