tv News RT July 27, 2021 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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has been influencing very deeply the medical and scientific establishment, ah, what's driving its corporate me. ah, i can useful you this hour. at least one person is being killed by a huge explosion of an industrial park housing chemical company. 16 been injured and 4 people remain missing. france approves a new law restricting travel and entry to public places the people without named covey passports, the movies, proving houston and define the businesses on the public. and under the christian preacher, reportedly converted for miss law, miss stevenson had called famous speakers corner. the navy maybe focuses on what she was wearing over cities. math doesn't even acknowledge the incident. ah
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good afternoon. thanks for joining is viewing on t international listening to some breaking news for you because one person is dead and only 16 people have been injured after an explosion at an industrial park for chemical companies. this is in the german city of labor cues at 5 other people are missing. officials of warned the public of an extreme threat, devising locals to stay inside, turn off, and the air conditioning, and to keep windows and doors closed. also main roads around the sides have been closed down drivers have been told to avoid going to the area and information hotline has been opened up to address any public concerns with all the details on the story. his pizza, oliver. well,
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the whole area around the city of labor crews and in north run, west valley or in the, the west of germany is, well, the roads, the whole area is all closed down. there are reports of sirens going off not only in the city of live accused, but also near by town. unexpectedly, i've been told the town of sali, the city is told again here people hearing sirens and being told, stay inside, get inside of building close windows and doors. while the emergency service is try to determine if there is any risk from this explosion, we seem from the pictures the huge plume of smoke, the rose up, it is covering a large area. now what we've heard from ken park, which is the body which operates this, this facility in live occasion is that it around 940 on tuesday morning and explosion took place the residence of lever cruz and are asked to go to close the roof, turn off air conditioning and as a precaution,
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keep windows and doors closed. several employees are injured in the events, at least 2 of them seriously. they are currently receiving medical treatment. 5 employees are currently missing. police of other emergency services. calling for those on the highways around the area to pull into one side of the other to create a rescue. gates, as they call here in germany, to allow more emergency services to arrive on the theme of there are tests being carried out on the air in the immediate vicinity and also in the surrounding area as well. this is germany's most populous area, or it's most it's area of dentist population as well. the area of north ryan with folly. you've got and labor crews in cologne, dusseldorf, all of those major congregations, all in a very tightly packed area. so for, for this to happened in this region, it will affect a lot of people in the road that they said going into labor cruise and completely
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closed off right now. in fact, i'll be heading off to that area. as soon as i'm done talking to you right now, we'll be getting as close, you become finding out exactly what is happening on the scene there. now the site is one of the largest chemical parks in europe with around 30000 people, working more than 5000 chemicals manufactured on site. these include nutrition, chemicals that notably used for the production of explosives. the plant also makes aerobatics and silicon chemicals while contaminated, hazardous waste is also handled at the site. well, this bring it all the particulars, a british journalist, author, and a campaigner on health and environment issues that oliver good afternoon. thanks for joining us. good afternoon. now officials of warns the public of what they called an extreme threats. i mean, i mean is obviously instill fear in the public, but it's a little bit vague. how worried you think people should be by that kind of phrasing?
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well, i think i would be at least 30 worried about this is a big enough threat. everybody's been told, shot their doors and windows and stay inside. major highways move ways running close by the people are being told not to enter the region. and at the heart of it, there is a very major chemical way students in rates and wanting to dispose of facility which is taking the chemical waste from 70 or so companies in the region, another companies reseal. this is an extremely important part of the chemical industry in germany disposing, is huge quantity of constitutes of extremely dangerous waste. and when something like this happens, of course, you don't know what it is that some that is caught far and you see that huge black
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cloud and it could be something register of the home this or it could be a whole caught live extremely dangerous contaminants. and so i, i imagine people in the region, the cd extremely easy, especially of course those down with and and for anybody who would think i'm going to leave and just get myself from my family aren't here, of course, major roads shops and they wouldn't be able to do so, so i should think a lot of people are very concerned when somebody moves to live in a location like that. and they're aware that there may be a major chemical industry side near by. there any kind of specific precautions to take and you, you would like to think that there is some kind of routine people will follow in the event. something is happening surely is always a possibility. they'll be a foreign unit in industrial park. well, yes,
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i am. so that germany being an efficient, modern country boots there on contingency plans for what to do. but then when it happens, of course, those plans put the test and they may not always be is fantastic as people thought i was just reading what the website of the chemical says and it says the so its safety control center is one of the most modern safety facilities in the entire time, a call industry, the select both cutting edge waste management technology and the waste management punk and disposed of contaminated hazardous waste space safety deficiency or service unrolling, any anywhere in europe. so that's what that's now i think that what people are seeing something a bit different happening today. yeah,
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they're basing all of that on the not being an explosion. presumably they're, they're not accounting for explosions with all of their safety mechanisms. so what you've got now we've seen the pictures black claims of smoke. lucas, terrifying. if you don't know what's in the long, you said could be absolutely anything. what about the people who live in those major cities that are very far away? just a few tens of calamities near by monday, so i'm calling to danger to them. going to how aware they are of this. well, i should think everybody in the region is high. you were at this moment in time. move what's going on, but of course, until something like this goes on, people probably tend to look the other way and think, oh, everything will be all right. it's just part of the scenery that people become accustomed to. and then something like this happens to look into the future and what might be done. well, i suppose the defendant, who reality is sites like this is a 5 square kilometer house in living rooms,
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employees, thousands of people who, much of the prosperity of the region will come from high paid in, in employment. this chemical thompson and other such products. and so i always, people, safety will be up against the front that their wages being paid. boeing, companies that form post this huge industrial contract. do you think it's possible that will be a re think of any think back to incidence like the focusing the power plants? certainly countries including germany start asking the question. ok, do we really need to go for nuclear energy? is an alternative because this is very dangerous. what we're doing. maybe they'll be these questions asked after an incident on this they didn't, maybe they thought it couldn't happen, but it was well, yes. and i think that really the full story has yet to, to be told. i mean, the comparison with nuclear is apps, but maybe not a complete match because,
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you know, when a nuclear power station explodes, you know, this. a lot of nines have extremely dangerous contamination is going to be released as was the case that we're crushing in this particular case, there is an element of law for you simply don't know what to do. this happened. you don't know what it is that has gone up in smoke and it may be something relatively homeless and everybody can breathe a deep sigh of relief and the time call it, there's nothing really bad or it might actually be extremely hazardous. coronation, chemicals, that's a highly injures to help, and as yet people simply don't know. are you, are you worried olivers understand that this, this location is pretty close to the banks of the the river wrong and maybe that's,
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that's part of that process. maybe they need that water nearby. i've absolutely no idea, but the fact is located near to the raw is not concerned in terms of pollution. it certainly does raise the possibility of contamination entering the river run. and that would depend on which way the wind blows. and also of course, the possibility that liquid waste might also being produced in this incident to make their way into the right. so i imagine that the possibility of liquid ways leaving the site and entering the brian probably has been submitted and substantially go against historic to calls be ryan is a major both way for the transporters, chemicals and goods and industrial materials and so on. and that's probably
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why the size is where it is and of course, chemical industry rules and major uses of being next to the run gives them access to so but given the bit so much of germany as well is tiny, dark in its chemical industry in the entire industrial industrial infrastructure. i can't see anybody reading, advancing announcement, this entire site should be coast done or in a single door indeed that the the incinerator shouldn't operate. i think that may also be considerable concerned this waste disposal facility, which takes in large months and places to promote the june from all of the germs. you not just the immediate reach. if this is house of action for any substantial period of time, then
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a lot of companies may find that they are having to expand waste storage facilities pending its opening again. and then it might actually makes something over bottleneck in the industrial infrastructure. and if people end up storing is companies in storing dangerous chemical waste, fin, unfeasible, condition sizes necessity then that those actually open up the possibility of further contamination and exit and wanting to disrupt to the chemical industry, which is so important. yeah, just a reminder of you as important as you mentioned yourself to note we don't know which chemicals are going up. it doesn't look attractive, but we don't know just how toxic a harmless did. they all still can be great concern to the local residents until they find out that uncertainty really appreciate your input on this. my guest
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oliver ticket, british journalist, also campaign on health and environmental issues. thank you so much. thank you. that other news? no entry without a co good health pass, that's a new law that's been approved by the french parliament. it will restrict access to crowded public areas and travel. it comes with local authorities, say the country struggling with a full wave of the pandemic. 25000 cases were registered just a few days ago. so that takes us through how the public has reacted to the controversial measures. in a few days time, if you don't have a health pass, you simply won't be able to do this. i don't want to see that was on a not regulation is already and for a cultural institutions that will not be extended to the venue to the new law also requires all health care workers to be vaccinated against koby. 9 team is a suspension without pay. president macro and says she refused to be
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a no q lated on selfish privilege. what is your freedom worth? if you say to me, i don't want to be vaccinated, but tomorrow you in fact your father, your mother, for me one in. i think seeing that he is not the only one while more than a 160000 people rose up in anger against the controversial health feeling front. it's now being approved with poll, suggesting that the majority of people actually support the idea not got given roy for people to infect others. and if you do not want to get vaccinated, it's most of us actually realize that such a thing is a med, medical science exists. and the father being pretty stupid, but it's your choice, but don't, don't fix, don't others via knowledge on vaccination and on the vaccine. paul. so i think the president is a 100 percent. right. that being said, you're looking for a job to around $6000000.00 have signed up to be knocked elated. think these plans
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are muted just to read the go to print. things are not ready to give up that you do the, however, your pool has gone exactly the government way. there was fee is opposition to the health path bill that made its way through the french parliament. echoing concerns about the region of civil liberties filled the wrong not to get vaccinated, but the health passes an aberration because either we do it for every one or we don't do it at all. and for now we do nothing projective and the law is rather directive doesn't give much choice. it forces the community to have a common sense of purpose. i don't think it's liberty right now. it's not really france that is governance things. it's not the president of the republic in europe, which is at present doing that was to see if he knew i'm vaccinated, but i'm not convinced everyone should be obligated to have this health passport.
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others have said they are prepared to fight, don't to defend their right to truth whether or not to be vaccinated. while over 6000 businesses have registered their intent, not to of people to show their health. as for me on but can they did is my choice. i'm not imposing it on anyone lecturing anyone about it. always reject any mandate that the cafe work into a police officer or health inspector. pres the macro. you're messing with elements, you won't be able to control. i refused to be a policeman. i run a beast drove even the police don't want to enforce your orders. but all 4th wave of the corona virus pandemic, many believe vaccination and controls on those who refuse one all the only way forwards kayla. more on the united states after the break with washington advancing another troop withdrawal from a decades long conflict. that story ahead ah,
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what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy foundation, let it be an arms race is on often very dramatic development. only personally, i'm going to resist. i don't. now that strategy will be successful, very critical of time, time to sit down and talk rather driven by dreamers shaped by those in
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me dares think we dare to ask me. ah ah, we'll come back. a woman believes to be a vocal critic of islam has been stopped in london. the incident occurred at hyde parks, speaker's corner. there injuries are not said to be life threatening, but you may find this video up the incident disturbing. now, here is the footage. it shows a large group of people gathered in the park and the victim is located towards the back group. man dressed in black can be seen violently striking
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while the authorities, a major, major atlas did not name the victim or give any specific details. blog is that activists identified harris, 39 year old cartoon tash, she said to have fled to turkey after she renounced on the christiane seat. and she was regularly seen preaching in hyde park. previously, the woman was escorted by police from the location of a fear that might be a tax against her. she was even banned from speakers corner following a number of threats. and i, one thing that hasn't gone unnoticed throughout this is that at the time of the attack, she was wearing a t shirt, a shirley a dough t shirt, the french circle magazine, obviously in the spotlight many times because of the caricature, the prince, one of them tried the prophet mohammed and led to series of dead leaves. mister taxed this back in 2015, but the shirt on this occasion did not depict the profit and said it showed a kiss between the cartoonist an a buzz lim preacher with the caption, love is stronger than hate. now much of the media coverage about this is other
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focus solely on the father. she was wearing a shadow shirt. all that it was a woman who was attacked in hyde park. london's man has been criticized for not even acknowledging the incidence. if a woman is stepped in hyde park, in mayor of london, sunday, con doesn't mention, it didn't even happen. so city con, i thought speakers corner was a place where debate and critique could take place freely. why haven't you condemned the atrocious stabbing in the park yesterday? a little quiet on this latest land and standing said you can hopefully cylinder the warning again, making any premature conclusions of the reason behind the stopping. i would of people not to speculate on the motive for the attack until we have established the full facts from a metropolitan police officer peter kirk and believes that nice crimes become so rampant in london that the non fatal attack on sunday fails to draw much attention let alone shock. i think this incident is something that the major would normally
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be expected to carry in some detail when some permanence. and unfortunately, the u. k. has suffers a significant increase in the number of serious stuff ins and other murders in the last few years. and so for a more serious offenses, the national, serious incidents and this and i'm coming place. and so where there are not life threatening injuries, something that's described as a minor slash range, retorted perhaps the media wouldn't normally now be able to carry that doesn't make the greatest. there's also the issue is who else is getting a bit about this? the public to no longer shop does, they will. so we've got
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a situation where the desks in, murders are increasing and so the non fatal stabbings being pushed even further off the agenda. the politicians also do not seem to be taking this seriously. and to be frank, they haven't taken it seriously right from the washington is formerly agree to and it's combat mission in iraq by the end of the year. although some forces will remain in a training and advisory role united states as our boots on the ground in the country for almost 2 decades. what is foreign from shak? spend a closer look at the history of america's involvement. so it's a top store and every network, the iraqi prime minister meets with president joe biden, to discuss the withdrawal of all us troops from iraq by the end of the year. but after 18 years and thousands of lives lost. why do we even go into rock into the 1st place? there are story starts days after $911.00, where then president george
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w bush. now with his top advisors at camp david, right outside of washington, d. c. counterterrorism specialists told the group osama bin lot and carried out the attack and the enemy is a small group of terrorists in afghanistan. but one man, deputy secretary of defense, paul wolfowitz told the president of a strategic plan that was approved by his boss donald rumsfeld. so we outlined this have of the rocks people live in the north, the kurds, and they don't like us to saddam hussein. the other half live in the south next to an american ally kuwait. the us could easily take over these 2 areas, then take over rocks, major oil fields alternately, cutting off down from his main money maker boil pretty good plan, right. good plan, except it wasn't iraq that attacked us. that of the counter terrorism center reiterated again we were attacked on september 11th, bio, solomon, lighten, and al qaeda in afghanistan. saddam hussein and iraq have nothing whatsoever to do
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with this, but the plan was so good. you just had to make sense of it. and to the narrative, saddam has weapons of mass destruction, and he's going to give them to our enemies who will carry out another $911.00 style attack. it was perfect. it's what human psychology proves to us. when you're a big believer in something, and you really have to do something, everything you see confirms what you want to believe. the big plan was bought by congress, including done senator joe biden, even by other countries like the u. k, who invaded iraq with us. but the truth, saddam had no weapons of mass destruction, there was no evidence, but there is evidence the us invaded iraq to take its oil. look, we're all of rocks, biggest oil fields are and those areas just like what woeful what said. the north and the south, the u. s. goes in bombs, baghdad in 2003 sets up military basis and look where they put them. kind of like
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that plan. they talked about a camp david, will fast forward to today, the number of bases are down, but the important ones left still by those oil fields. so what do we get after 18 years? well, here's the death toll looks like a loss more than again, and look more civilian deaths and all the other numbers, mostly military combined. the u. s. a spent over a trillion dollars in tax payer money lost thousands of lives. and while the us forces get ready to pack up and go home, or the big oil companies just getting started. well, the number of dimensions of this, the 1st one, as you rightly point out, was snatching the oil and avoiding what might have happened if saddam had been able to go in the way. and the whole region had reorganized itself in terms of the global oil trade include the role of the dollar in that trade and all the strategic questions around that. but you can call it whatever you want. this is also
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a piece of the united states and playing around with words to avoid admitting that is not going to help the situation. and i think it's an open question. what is going to happen now? which will be stabilize the region, the stabilize the oil industry. as the whole question of nationalization and using oil for the benefit of a nation rather than for a company, let alone a foreign company gets revised because it's been part of that part of the world at least 70 united states over through most back in the iran many years ago. okay, let's wrap things out with the quick little bucket breaking news store this hour coming out of western germany. one person has been killed for a missing and 16 have been injured by a huge explosion at an industrial park that houses chemical companies. local authorities have warned of extreme danger because of seems like that what you can
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see the residents have been told to stay inside, to turn off the ra, conditioning, and to keep the windows and doors closed. main road side, one of the biggest chemical barks in europe it employs around 30000 workers will bring you more updates on the story as they come to us. okay, well, i saw the top story this out. don't forget, last one. use available on a website and you can check it out by heading to auto dot com. ah, ah ah, ah.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show. when i was speaking to guests in the world, the politics sport. business. i'm show business. i'll see you then. mm . when i would show the wrong. when all just don't the rules. yes to see out. the thing becomes the aptitude and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves will depart. we choose to look for common ground in
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