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tv   News  RT  July 27, 2021 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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influencing very deeply, the medical and scientific establishment, ah, what's driving the mac, its corporate me ah. germany's rugs by a massive explosion and an industrial park housing, chemical company's environmentalists, concerned about the huge plume of black smoke. the spring created with the potential talks is released yet to be determined. france approved and you low restricting travel and entry to the public places for people without the sodium cobra passports that is proving hugely divisive among businesses and the public lender. the christy and preacher reportedly converted from islamic, stab him to hide fox famous speakers, corner media. they made me focuses on what she was wearing and all the cities doesn't even acknowledge the incident.
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ah, very good evening. thanks for joining us in on our see international exercise caution and stay at home. the warning to the people in and around the german city of lave accuse him where a massive explosion is told through an industrial park of chemical companies and fed toxins have been released into the environment. was the listening to what now. there was a huge explosion today here in level courses p a district. there are many chemical factors here. the law school is that a waste incineration plant used to dispose of toxic substances. the police told us that had happened in stories turning for solvents. solvents have burnt, including those containing chlorine, but we haven't yet made an accurate analysis in cooperation with city authorities.
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we call on local residents to exercise caution. when going outside, we ask people to pay particular attention to any abnormal fallout. we've established hotlines, which residents can cool report any site, things don't try to remove any such precipitation. stay away from it. the authorities will remove it and take it in for testing. this analysis may take a few days. we call on people to exercise patients and cautions is still looking for the missing and hence we cannot as of yet conduct any analysis at the site. it's an ongoing search and rescue operation. hence, we cannot hold any discussions regarding the cause. so now we call them people to stay at home and keep the windows and doors shops. one person has been confirmed at 16 injured authorities of war and the public that the situation poses an extreme threat. electricity's been cut off to ensure the safety of emergency workers at the science. locals have been advised to stay inside and turn off any air conditioning . it was like no squeak. the whole house shook. we were scared. i live in
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reserve 200 meters away. lane roads around the sides have been close. drivers have been told to avoid the area. the wall and information whole line is put open to address any public concerns. a local police representative describe to us what kind of measures they're taking at and around the science of the explosion. we've got a large presence of police officers and emergency services here at the site, especially in terms of traffic. we're having to regulate motor ways and roads so that emergency services, fire engines can pass, and no one else gets hurt. warnings were transmitted by the fire department through apps. this is apparently worked as there's been no influx of curious people and accident tourists. well, the whole area around the city of labor crews, and in northrop, with folly or in the, the west of germany is, well, the roads, the whole area is old, closed down, there are reports of sirens going off not only in the city of live accusing,
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but also in near buy towns anecdotally, i've been told the town of sali, the city is told again. here people hearing sirens then being told, stay inside, get inside of building close windows and doors. while the emergency services try to determine if there is any risk from this explosion, we seem from the pictures the huge plume of smoke the rose up, it is covering a large area. now what we've heard from ken park, which is the body which operates this, this facility in liver crews and is that at around $940.00 on tuesday morning and explosion took place the residence of lever cruz and are asked to go to close the roof, turn off air conditioning, and as a precaution, keep windows and doors closed. several employees are injured in the events, at least 2 of them seriously. they are currently receiving medical treatment. 5 employees are currently missing. police and other emergency services. calling for
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those on the highways around the area to pull into one side of the building to create a rescue. gates, as they call here in germany, to allow more emergency services to arrive on the theme of there are tests being carried out on the air in the immediate vicinity and also in the surrounding area as well. this is germany's most populous area or its most area of densest population as well. the area of north ryan with valley you've got labor crews in cologne, dusseldorf all those major call innovations, all in a very tightly packed area. so for, for this to have happened in this region, it will affect a lot of people, we understand the, the road that they said going into lay the cruise and completely closed off right now. in fact, i'll be heading off to that area. as soon as i'm done talking to you right now, we'll be getting as close as we can find out exactly what is happening on the scene
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. there are the sites, one of the largest chemical parks in europe with around 30000 people employed the 5000 chemicals, a manufactured, including the tracing chemicals used for the production of explosives. contaminated hazardous waste is also handled at the side who discussed the blast. we talked to sharon georgia, senior lecturer and environmental sustainability in green technology, the q university. she says it's not visible black plumes of smoke, the local should be most worried about can show it. and she said, it's not just the issue, but the contamination that you can see is not contamination. that you can't say this is this the what the black knight that you can see in particular that that is gonna travel quite a distance from the side to itself. so with, with, i think what we're concerned about is not just the immediate, the immediate range and this is why the venture so significant because it's close
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to those populated areas. so we're going to have this pollution spread in a long way. in fact, so to the dos it's going to be a gas in the other day and all of the ways when he does that. so it may then move again, if he soluble, wayne's, and then or the travel. again, the challenge here is to figure out exactly what is being disperse and then to figure out how to contain it. and as to make sure they know habits to people know entry without a coven health pass. that's the new law that's been approved by the french parliament. it'll restrict access to crowded pub carries and travel comes as local authorities say that the countries struggling the full way. the panoramic 25000 cases were registered just a few days ago. so let's do biscuit takes us through how the public has reacted to the controversial measures in a few days time. if you don't have a health pass,
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you simply won't be able to do this. i don't want to put you there. yeah. that's it was on a little, it's not regulation is already enforce at cultural institutions that will not be extended to the venue to you. the new law also requires all health care workers to be vaccinated against koby. 9 team is a suspension without pay president macro and says to refuse to be a no. okay, lated selfish privilege. what is your freedom worth? did you say to me? i don't want to be vaccinated, but tomorrow you in fact your father, your mother, for me, one in i think theme is that he is not the only one while more than a 160000 people rose up in anger against the controversial health passed. failing from it's now being approved with poll, suggesting that the majority of people actually support the idea not to got given roy for people to infect others. and if you do not want to get vaccinated,
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it's most of us actually realize that such a thing is met medical science exists and the father being pretty stupid, but it's your choice, but don't, don't and fixed on others. finally, on vaccination and on the vaccine. paul, so i think the president is 100 percent. right. they see a said you're looking for job to around $6000000.00 to have signed up to be knocked elated. think these plans were muted. just to read the go to bring to things that don't ready to give up. they do the, however, no pool has gone exactly the way there was fee is opposition to that health pass made its way through the french parliament. echoing concerns about the religion of civil liberties filled the wrong not to get back so needed. but the help passes an aberration because either we do it for everyone, or we don't do it at all. and for now we do nothing. worked on project either. the
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law is rather a directive and it doesn't give much choice. so it forces the community to have a common sense of purpose. i don't think it's liberty right now. it's not really france that is governing things. it's not the president of the republic in europe, which is at present doing that was to see if he knew i'm vaccinated, but i'm not convinced everyone should be obligated to have this health passport. others have said they are, had to fight, don't to defend their right to truth whether or not to be vaccinated was over 60000 businesses have registered their intent not to all the people to show their health. that's for me. and can they did is my choice. i'm not imposing its own anyone lecturing anyone about it. always reject any mandate that the cafe work into a police officer or health inspector. print the micro, you're messing with elements, you won't be able to control. i refuse to be a policeman. i run a b stroke. even the police,
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i want to in 4th your orders as cars. but all 4th wave of the corona virus pandemic . many believe vaccination and controls on those who refuse one all the only way forwards. in south africa, there's been a sharp spike in coven cases right in the wake of the recent ross and looting that grip onto the country systems and the huge pressure supplies. the vaccines and the number of pharmacies were destroyed in the unrest will bring you full breakdown later this hour. a woman believes to be a vocal critic of islam has been stabbed london. an incident occurred at hyde park's famous speaker's corner. her injuries are not said to be life threatening, but nonetheless, you may find this video of the attack, disturbing the shows a large group of people gathered in the park, the victim towards the baxter. a man dressed in black is seen violently striking the woman while the authorities major meter,
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alice did not name the victim or give any specific details. bloggers and activists of identified there was 39 year old hats in cash. she said to a flood turkey as to renouncing islam for christianity and was regularly seeing preaching in hyde park. previously, the woman was escorted by police from the park over fizz of attacks against the and was even banned from speakers corner following a number of threats. one thing that hasn't gone unnoticed though is that the, at the time of this attack, she was wearing a charlie the t shirts, the french typical magazine in the spot, many times recently over its caricature, one of them portrayed the prophet mohammed lead to a series of deadly is mr. tanks in 2015 on this occasion. osha didn't pick the profit. instead it showed a kiss between a cartoonist and a muslim preacher, the caption on it love is stronger than hate to the media coverage. so this focus solely on the fact she was wearing a shadow should or that it was a woman who was attacked in hyde park. london's narr has been criticized for not
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even knowledge of the incident. if a woman is stepped in hyde park and my, your funding study con doesn't mention, it didn't even happen. so city con, i thought speakers corner was a place where debate and critique could take place freely. why haven't you condemned the atrocious stabbing in the park yesterday? a little quiet on this latest london steadying said he can police in london a warning against making any premature or conclusions about the reason behind the attack. i would of people not to speculate on the motive for the attack until we have established the full effects. for metropolitan police officer, peter can believe the non crimes for him, so rampant in london. the non fatal attack on sunday fell to draw much attention, let alone shock. i think this incident is something that the media would normally be expected to carry in some data when some prominence and says
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a u. k suffers a significant increase in the number of serious stuff and i know the murders in the last few years. and so for a more serious offenses, the national, serious incidents and, and i'm calling in place and so where there are not life threatening injuries, something that's described as a minor slash story and reported the media wouldn't normally now be able to carry that doesn't make the great as if there's also the issue is who else is getting a bit about this? the public a no longer shot just we've got this situation where the desks in, murders are increasing. and so the non fatal stabbings being
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pushed even further of the agenda. the politicians also do not seem to be taking this seriously. to be frank, they haven't taken it seriously right from the stuff last week, america experience that incident of gun violence every 12 minutes. according to the latest data, $915.00 shootings reported across the country between saturday july 17th and the subsequent friday. the incidents claimed the lives of 430 people left more than a 1000. others wounded researches from the nonprofit gun violence archive said the data clearly indicates a growing problem. and many americans are worried about the situation. they no longer feel safe. i mean, they concerns me because i live in a very small law, upper west side, and i am sometimes fearful when i'm coming home. if it's late at night, you know, i know people are meeting bare necessities and you know, they may try to come attacked me. so you know,
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i just try to stay safe here with my her street so lonely. had a cousin of mine walking on madison avenue about 11 o'clock at night. the other day he mentioned, and there was nobody there. madison avenue and the, and the upper roads in the seventy's. the street was empty. they're doing whatever they can to get money. i wouldn't be out at night anymore. and i've lived here i was born here in 1943. and this is a terrible thing to be happening in this city that you're have to fear to be out after dawn. i think it is travis for where like chicago need an area like don't kill things. well, this is destiny from gun crimes. in the u. s. is set to shatter, last year's record. about 43000 people were killed by firearms in america in 2020
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the highest number 2 decades. javan discuss issue in an interview last week where he asserted that more police needed to tackle the problem. cops are having real trouble, they're not all bad guys. there's a lot of good guys. we need more policeman, not fewer policemen. we need them involved in community policing. panata said he never supported the funding, the police, although last summer, heated back redirecting some of the funding to different programs like mental health. again, the death of george floyd and police custody triggered law. she had nationwide protests which escalated goals to de fun, police aggressive lawmakers in the democratic party still. so the support idea. an issue we discussed with a retired and my p d deputy inspector. i think that the united states is approaching gun control of the wrong way. number one is the 2nd amendment directed arms. it's the constitutional right. it's not going away. so they're not going to get anything
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change with the 2nd amendment. so they've got to think outside of the box and do something different. i propose that america. if you can't legislate the guns, guns don't kill people bullies. do so start legislating the bullets the left in the right can't. they can't even come to the men or talk, we can't have all of these people shots and nobody's know anything about it. so they don't want the n r ray, which is the national rifle association, american fairly strong, big lobbies. they're not going to take the gun away. so you got a legislative component. i think that's the only thing that we have to do. we need trained offices that know how to smell it, much that you know, know when somebody's carrying a gun be involved in those communities get deep into the communities. but that's going to take them all. you need a quick fix right now. we need to start legislation and bullish. another world news, dramatic scenes from china where a son storming goes to the entire city in the north west of the country. a 100 meters tall, it turn the sky yellow and reduce visibility to just 5 me to schooling havoc on the
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road. swiss police having to read direct traffic. here while falls raging across the italian island of sardinia, had 20000 acres of forest have been consumed by flames. around 1500 people been evacuated to safety. 1000 fathers has been mobilized as well as 30 specialist planes and helicopters, the region to the state of emergency called on the government deliver immediate financial support. and there's another huge blaze raging in the u. s. it came up to 2 separate fathers, dixie and fly merged into one of california's biggest ever wildfires on saturday. it's swept through indian falls in the states destroying about 20 homes. an area of equivalent to the size. a single pool has now been destroyed by the flames. in the wake of the recent ra south, africa is now recording a peak in covey cases. despite the government pushing people to masks and to be
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vaccinated, there is still huge hesitancy in the country. leslie reports alex andre, a township in johannesburg this weekend he caught a ticking bomb by the south african human rights commission. cramped and over crowded high levels of unemployment. and at the same time, a lack of basic service delivery. add to that the fact that social distance thing is impossible because we often large families live in chapter one room and people come in washing spaces. and it's no surprise that south africa account for nearly 40 thing of corona virus related death in africa. the reason why i'm not reading much now is because i just live across the street. though it is, i want to see a boy soldier coming. i'll be running out to say, do american company. i don't really see. it's not doing anything for us and i don't know if that's been sort of either sometimes if it's difficult to be
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doing good me of god. that doesn't help me. we know the young, wild in free food is just because it becky don't social distance. so it's so small and really what a lot of people, according to the health ministry, the country just passed the peak of a food waves, which alone left more than $2000000.00 people infected. but the country is not yet out of the woods. as the reason why it's so masses of people coming together around 47500 cove at 900 vaccines were lost in the recent and raised more than a 100. private pharmacies were damaged, including $71.00 destination science. and many of those who have been arrested in connection with the unrest have tested positive for cove at 19. the government is urging those who participated in the looting please to get tested for covered. but
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chances are they won't for fear of being wasted if they say the way they bean. i'm wondering about the only people here with a mock and even though i have received p, jad, they all concern is that the common vaccination programs on the market do not work against the south african variant. hospitals are struggling and misinformation of spreading constant in the virus. it's all just another problem. the south african government has to tackle as it deals with the aftermath of the worst unrest it had faced in decades. policy a r t. alexandra marlin says, erupt into nicea to the president sacked the prime minister and suspended parliament following law street demonstrations that had been growing anger over a huge spike in cases in the government's handling of the pandemic. as well as economic troubles, president supporters greeted the move with cries of joy and his opponents accuse him of the power grab the
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me use the the president now announced a month long curfew, 100 ban on gatherings of the 3 people in public places on sunday said that they would assume executive authority and given alongside a new t n. holding the spring since they've been of the benchmark for democracy. easily return, chris, this is what's gone wrong. if there was an award for an arab spring success story denisia, despite being the neighbor of field state libya,
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would surely be on the short list of nominees. right? it's not being destroyed by civil war, again, like libya next door in 2015 for denisia and civil society groups won the nobel peace prize for, quote unquote, a decisive contribution to the building of a democracy. but 6 years on 10 years after the arab sprang, swept north africa and the middle east. there's a sense of st. byron's desert to the focal point has been the country's crumbling health care system which has contributed to one of the highest per capita coven 19th death. rate, but it's not just the corona virus that has left many feeling ill. many people who are deceived by hypocrisy, theory and robbery, of the rights of the people i wore in any who think of result into weapons and whoever shoots a that the armed forces will respond with bulus. tunisia is facing the biggest
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crisis in a decade of democracy. after president chi saeed house did the government and froze the activities of the parliament widely seen as unconstitutional because of side stay, you are a limited powers. his. those labels, the move, a cool that should be opposed, but his position remains strong thanks to the support of the armed forces. troops have prevented lawmakers from convening, which gave the parliament speaker appetite for some strong language. these decisions are not supported by the law or the constitution and we are very disgruntled by them. it's a crew against the constitution, against the revolution on a coup against the public and civil liberties. we consider the institutions to still be standing and supporters of another and the to news in people will defend the revolution and not as the moderate estimate, the ruling party which rose to power as
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a result of the our spring. but the current political crisis may see it lose most of its political gains of the past decade. putting tunisia at the crossroads, once again. the question is, has the country experience a power grab by the president or just a temporary shake up to get the nation back on track? the handling of the 19 has been got this topic which made things worse. and it was almost like the last saw for years now. i think the way can seem going on back to work. i think very, a lot of the, the, in the lease and more, you have to know that the new revolution by the young people believe in the revolution beginning. but the government, namely, more of the government has not religious to the power. and the economic has gone from bad worst with the corona virus situation,
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unlikely to be resolved in the near future. and the rival political camps giving up to energize st. support. things are more than just dangerous and uncertain. and no peace awards or arab spring track record will help when the nation has all but lost its nerve. we ever drank o r t a wrap it up for this news? our thanks for company more coming your way on until stories in 30 minutes. ah . what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy plantation, let it be an arms race is on, often very dramatic development. only personally and get into this. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very critical time time to sit down and talk when
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i would chose the wrong. why don't joe, don't the rules. yes to shape out the same because the after kid and engagement equals the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground algorithm . so neural networks have been following us every where we look online because our relationships are what matters most to us. and that's how we find meaning and how we make sense in our place in silicon valley see don't mention in their sleep presentations. however, the ghost workers who train the software human they're involved in every step of
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the process when you're using anything online. but we're sold as this miracle of automation behind your screen. it's variable workforce. the scenes algorithm is for next to nothing on a very good day. i could do $5.00 now. a really bad day. i could do 10 years worth isn't movable by design. it's about labor costs, but it's also about creating layers of lessening responsibility between those who solicit the kind of work and need it. and those who do it the the news push the wait till the gaining sales have been painting. oh,
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you thought like we'll take, we'll just take a break in that you put in on your plate and go to time to break in the right way. in 1st, take the spring. i want to play a role in helping to raise the awareness of the american people about the impact of these drugs called sugar own be mental and physical well being of our community. don't say i'm addicted. faster. william. the more and dillman coach at now in and baptist church and clinton, maryland are suing coca cola and the american beverage association. right, to do this, the war had moved to the court room. dillman coach dared to seek the law on the coca cola corp.


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