tv News RT August 1, 2021 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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the ah, in the stories that shake the week, a case of negligent homicide is launched after a huge explosion of the chemical plant in germany left 5 dead greenpeace alarm describing the possible environmental impact to us. and here the main question arises, is it's an acceptable to place this as it was how the kegs, me a large settlement. the market by coven skeptics in germany to send into may have with protested splashing with police felons by and all anti lockdown demonstrations and a full waive of infections. sporting hero, or weak willed in the face of a challenge. opinions divided over style. us gymnast who's quick to more and then
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pick finals over mental health concern. while german combat doesn't care, make a stand against sexism. we debate it was already been done. the games are becoming increasingly dominated by politics. i think is a great opportunity for many changes already and i'm not worried, but it should be confirmed because we don't want to be just the vehicle for the latest that comes along. the american whistleblower daniel hale has been sentenced to almost 4 years in prison for leaking information about us throw warfare we had from others who would also follow that conscience and shared government secrets when we kill civilians. and then put in the official report that they weren't children for example, they were goes, that is a war crime. it's really a war on truth. and i just with the government is at war with its own people. ah, i live, i'm worldwide. they sit off into national for moscow. my name is collin bright
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sunday, so we're going to take you through some of the biggest stories we've reported on here over the past 7 days. first for you. an explosion of the major chemical plans in germany on tuesday, left 5 people dead to while there's a still missing initial investigation suggest there's no risk to public al from toxins, but more detailed tests are expected in the coming days. the site is one of the largest chemical parks in europe, employing 30000 workers. more than $5000.00 chemicals were manufactured at the site, including elements for the production of explosives, greenpeace 40 states concern over the incident. the situation is very difficult for mechanical point of view. it is really possible to imagine a huge catastrophe. we haven't found for the incineration of hazardous waste. that is precisely those substances that for obvious, reasons, should not enter the environment. they're collected and burned, and it is such a plan that has no stuff, it's an explosion. it was these substances which should not be in the environment. the 3 axes, with each other, burned up and spread in these clouds of gases throughout the region. and we know
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that the inhabitants did not know what they might be exposed to after the explosion on the subsequent fire. if the incineration plan just behind me, residents were initially told to remain inside, keep that windows and doors closed. a tentative all clear was given. following tests that were carried out by the state and federal environmental protection services. those tests to be looking at the quality of the, the soil as well as looking at re, was set that fallen from cloud. so to feed in contact with the huge plume of smoke, the enemy emanated from the facility just behind me say they've reported so far, no elevated levels of pollution. but authorities have also said that they're pretty sure the talks were released into the atmosphere following the fire and explosion. now we have seen a lot of messages being given out to people in the local area, warning them not to eat anything that's being grown and about gardens in the nearby
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area. also telling people not to allow children to use playgrounds. don't sit in garden furniture or anybody that has a swimming pool in their garden, not to use that either. there's also being warnings about making sure that you take off footwear, outside of your home, if you're in one of the areas with london. now, despite these warnings being given out, activists filled out see that while a number of people still unsure what they should be doing. uncertainty to rain people, road to me asking whether they can go out in the gardens and whether we will take more samples. and this worries me, most of all the people remain the dog, and this is not only the fault of the enterprise. after all, the main problem is that no one knows what substances have reacted and what actually happened. and here the main question arises, isn't of an acceptable to place this as it were a powder keg near large settlements? life has pretty much returned to normal in labor cruise and i'm the surrounding
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area. we've had condolences being offered to the families of those that died as well as praise for emergency services and rescue as he were on the scene so quickly . but a lot of people looking towards that information we're expecting to here on friday, about long term effects. that could be that this is the most densely populated area of germany. a lot of people living in the near by surrounding not just of labor crews and but also cities like cologne in the why? the area of north run with fall. yeah. well happening now in germany, clashes of erupt it in central berlin, as coven skeptics, protest against long running restrictions imposed to spread the disease. but the day before berlin ban such demonstrations saying they could lead to arise and infections. the,
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the germany has these many restrictions in recent months, but also in place such as mandatory mosque wearing on public transport. despite the relatively low number of new daily coded cases in germany, the number is still rising. a german federal institute responsible for disease control says the 4th wave of the pandemic has already begun. that has been more drama. the tokyo limping star us gymnast immobile, says sensation. we pulled out of 2 more finals 1st. she withdrew from the gymnastics team events on tuesday. and afterwards from the all around competitions to focus on mental health, but now left to see whether or not she'll be able to participate in the coming weeks finals. while some observers say that the move is her greatest achievement, yet others claim that she's let her teammates down when they needed her the most. i say put mental health 1st because if you don't then you're not going to enjoy your
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sport and you're not going to succeed as much as you want to. so it's okay. sometimes the even set out the big competition to focus on yourself on tuesday doing the talk, your lympics individual around competition and women's gymnastics sim on bias. one of the greatest athletes to ever grace the sport a for time on the big champion, quite surprisingly for many decided to withdraw from the, from the round and eventually the russian team or r o c. if you may, 1 gold in that discipline. first, it was cited him on biles decided to withdraw to medical reasons. then it became clear as cited by the teams entourage and by bio herself that this was a mental health issue. it has created quite a whirlwind of reaction. there are those who are strongly accusing and abusing simone bias for withdrawing that i would say spearheaded by peers, morgan,
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a famous u. k. tv host, who well just fell short of accusing some on violence of being a chicken and checking out on her team. and i saw something that serial winners do a mental health issues. now the go to excuse for any poor performance in elite sport. what a joke, just admit you did badly made mistakes and was tried to do better next time. kids need strong role models, not this nonsense. obviously, that has created huge response online and even some mainstream media jumped in. and if you look at the language that some of the mainstream media like washington, both the many out of used, you would think that simone biles actually won a gold medal rather than pulling out from the competition. whenever biles pulls on her leotard, it's as though she's tighten in a cape around her neck. she's the hero tasked to save in a solid sport embodying some tried believe in american dominance, and also carry an agenda and an entire race. that's
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a heavy cape and it chokes. but it's one that exceptional black women and women of color are tall to wear because simply being great isn't good enough. for some reason, many of those media and bonded and commentators also decided to bring in her agenda her race into the story which is already creating another type of backlash because people cannot understand what is her decision to withdraw from one particular competition. something she has been preparing for for quite a while, because the lympics is quite important for any athlete in the world has to do with who she has, her skin color and things like that. so it's definitely creating a major rift, and we have to wait and see where the simone biles decides to continue in this lympics. she's it for time champion in the base already. and obviously all eyes are on her in the u. s. thinking that she could win more, she went on instagram recently just saying how much of that weight on her shoulder
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is being hard on her. and may be this rift with such reactions coming from both sides would create even more pressure for the 24 year old gymnast with a very difficult boss. i was the world waited, rory, sushi, discuss those developments with a panel of guest mental health issue of simone biles. so she withdrew. i mean, this must be a very, very difficult decision for gigi think perhaps she's set an example by doing this is a topic has had such as the years and only recent need to accept people have mental health and i think they limited to the path example why not express? i really feel that 8 especially they they they, they really try the years and years and they carry their country. shoulders is okay to be like, okay, i have mental health, i'm not gonna be all the fact that she has withdrawn has both further attention to
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her. i mean, if she's sort of quietly underperformed and perhaps explained to the media that, you know, this is just one of those events, yukon, b, i took people all the time and then quietly slipped away fine. but she really has made an announcement him put mental health health back on the map again. so the importance of mental health issue obviously shouldn't be underestimated. but perhaps putting that on to lympics as well as perhaps too much is a sporting event, should be kept as a sporting events. if one is not ready for it, when really shouldn't, shouldn't be that you could only find out sometimes that you're not ready for it. when you're there already. meantime, german gymnasts have chosen to wear food body unit tarts. instead of the more traditional bikini cut leotard, the decision was made to protest the supposed sexualization of athletes. and while some found the move and important step toward equality other sites, just another case of trying to make sport political. so what that all panel think
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about the increasing attention being paid at the games to non sporting matters. this whole issue of uniform and the sexualization of women has to go quite soon and it can be so very simply, he just say here the uniformed men and women, no different, any sport that tries to segregate male and female on the basis of uniform is really back in the 20th century, one of the biggest things about the atlantic pattern and your skills isn't actually and what you're judging are charging the uniform and what, what people don't realize this explanation of women. when they can be very self conscious. when wearing we're beating clothing, which might actually performance. so really, if we really care about the school and the reason that we should allow them to feel confident in what they are wearing, doing a bit of a problem be on the one hand, the olympics is designs extolled, abuse in the perfection of the human body. operating at peak efficiency, so it's there to be admired. while the other hand, we have contributed lympics,
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who may feel uncomfortable with that being a limb. in particular, maybe there's a case for some element of choice, but at the same time we don't want to lose the essence of what they're lympics is. are you afraid perhaps that non sport issues or political ones in particular for example, that could become main talking points in the future olympics? no, i'm not worried. i think it's a great many changes already and i'm not worried. i still feel like eventually you're kind of not 5 down, but you respect, respect it for the for now i'm happy with it to different hill and picks. that's pretty that way. it's an a everyone watching on tv and watching, you know, 68 tests and see the stadium with every seat. they can pretend i'm enjoying it as much as i do. other olympics i have to say, well, you should be confirmed because we don't want to be just a vehicle for the latest. 5 that comes along. lympics should represent social moles as they changed, but i need to prevent its own central brand needs to keep continuing to keep that.
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wow. so that we have when we see the olympics are there with their own specific procedures and, and habits and ways. and that's the beauty olympics, that's what we want to say. we don't want to make it to the temporary to try and just this waveform insane. the whistleblower in the united states has been sentenced almost 4 years in prison for leaking classified information about america's drug program. while the bag repair base in afghanistan a decade ago, and daniel hale helped identify targets for assassination when he returned home in 2013, he shared secret details about the drawing program with journalists from the intercept, revealing the true extent of civilian casualties in the middle east. and africa in march i pleaded guilty to leaking classified documents, which revealed to 90 percent of strikes of actually civilians. us began its drug program during the barbara administration. and since then launch more than 14000 strikes enough canister on pakistan you haven't. and somalia thousands have been
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killed with more than 300 children among those victims. we spoke to whistleblower and for the us intelligence officer john kerry arco earlier in the week who attended hales sentencing. hearing the mood was one of great apprehension and the court room was packed for daniel hale. it was all quite dramatic, but we were apprehensive because we really didn't have any indication of which way the judge was going to go. and then he surprised everyone by clearing the courtroom and sealing it for 2 hours. while the justice department argued in a classified venue for a sentence of 9 years to me, the fair verdict would have been to, to, for the judge to come off the bench, shake his hand, thank him for his service to the country and let him go home to his family, i didn't think he deserved any prison time at all because he revealed a crime that was being committed by the u. s. government, the crime of, of the murder of innocent civilians. these are war crimes. when,
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when we know that civilians are within the strike rage, that makes it a crime when we kill civilians and then put in the official report that they weren't children for example, they were go. that is a war crime and it became a matter of course, it became something that many drone operators and their supervisors were doing ahead of a sentencing hail wrote a letter detailing some of the things that he witnessed in his work, including the deaths of 2 children and one strike, he also slammed the claim of former president barack obama. the drone killings abroad, protected americans. the policy of drone assassination was being used to mislead the public, that it keeps the safe whenever i encounter an individual who thinks that drove warfare is justified. and reliably keeps america safe. i remember that time and ask myself how i could possibly continue to believe that i am a good person deserving of my life. and the right to pursue happiness. me strode
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circle 24 hours a day and delivering deaths from the skies. i have turned most of the muslim world against us. it's been completely counterproductive and i think hail understood that and he sought to inform the american public. but we can't have a debate. we don't know the truth and we know the truth about drones because of the courage of daniel. and it's not just about going after someone like hale, it's really kind of a death blow to the press itself because it prohibits the press from shining a light on the inner workings of ours. it's really the misuse of the espionage act which has been continued on another well known whistleblower. wait on twitter, edward snowden condemned the court decision and praised hale. we got reaction from a former restaurant operator also lifted the lead on what is working. volt random bryant says in the choice between ignoring civilian killings and making the public aware his conscience made up his mind. it's really a war on,
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through the nicest whistleblowers. we've got people that have been propagating this war over in the middle east for almost 2 decades. now the government is at war with its own people. if you can't, you're part of the machine. the car runs this machine. yet you have to bear witness for it. not just some unfeeling part of the machine you're dealing. and eventually you have to find yourself in the middle of that storm and be like, you know, this, i have to do, i have to do this because if i don't do it, who is going to, i find it strange that conscientious individuals that are inside the program that are trying to hold us accountable for the obvious blayton war crimes that we ourselves are doing are being punished. and it seems that they are punishing people in order to make them an example. and that really does disturb me, especially if america supposed to be this great country and freedom fighter amongst
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the world. how we're punishing our own people who are trying to do the for this august. the 1st picture you might find upsetting and more of our top storage from the last 7 days. police brutality in america captures on camera again the violent arrest of a colorado man has the officers involved face and charges are 2 reports on that in a few minutes i use in the old days before frank said, because the u. k. was attached to you. they could do it, other countries do, which is to take all their debts and dump it into this giant shadow banking system that covers the world's largest trading block. and you could kind of buy some time there because e, c, b is printing and buying and monetizing debt by the trillion,
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christine the garden, literally just buying trillions and trains of garbage debt. but now post bracket, they don't have that way to wash the debts into the greater he, you laundromat. and so that is going to be the 1st time post bracket. debts are going to start to cause a lot of pain. join me every thursday on the alex simon show. when i was speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport business. i'm show business. i'll see you then me the, the, me the next up on the weekly, another act of police brutality is being held on camera in the united states to
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officers in colorado have been charged over the violent arrest of unarmed ricks raced man. i'm please be aware that the next video does contain graphic violence. oh, what do i know? i do put your hands on front of you. okay. don't stop it. oh, oh, oh. will you please officers identified the suspect called vincent is being wanted by the authorities to separate offenses. now after 2 other men fled, vincent appeared to initially comply with the officers commands during the arrest that resisted while being handcuffed. he was subsequently choate forced face down on the ground and pistol whipped by an officer in simple then taking a hospital leading treatment. the officers in question have since been charged with using excessive force of the roar of police chief, a strongly condemned conduct. this is not police work. we don't train this
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not acceptable. the definition of police were tele is itself is a problem. you weren't you, you use the force necessary to effect in a rust. you keep yourself safe to keep the citizen safe and you actually keep the person that you're resting safe. the job of the police officer, the street car is not the punish. that's the job of the courts. so white edition, not a punishment for conviction. if so, if a police officer was aware, as was in the case of derek shoulder and that he was being video camera right, your body cameras recording you and they were this comfortable with their actions. there is a serious epidemic, a serious problem. and then police officers, history needs to be looked into. we need to look at how many other times that person been accused of or have they taken excessive force beyond the level of what they were lawfully around the allowed to use. because if somebody feels this comfortable to get this out of control on video camera guarantee is that the 1st time they've done this. as an incident like us defined, the police movement is not properly communicated to the public de, from the police moment is
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a political card. it's what the politicians are using to wind up bolstering your base for more voting. it really just removes programs funding for certain areas for police officers. almost 200 illegal border crossings in one single day. that's what lithuania is currently facing. with the total number of detained migrant spiking to $3000.00 this summer. and while the small baltic states been denied was for bringing and drastic measures to try to stem the flow chart, dimansky of the week found out that the year was dramatic and shifted its position of late. you appear in union state said all supposed to be equal partners. however, for some countries being in the gang seems of more benefits done. but others take the current situation in lithuania, which is going at the moment with an influx of migrant. difficult times call for difficult decisions. this will drastically change the way use immigration
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policy. it includes math, the tension of migrants, a bond on the release of those who are in detention for 6 months. they will be no right to a translator to obtain information about the asylum process. they will also curb the right to appeal decisions and to allow for deportation while lose appeals of being examined. do whatever it takes to absolutely ensure that only people who are persecuted for political reasons and have a good ground to look for a political shelter stay here. has been created specifically to deal with my goodness, coming over from neighboring batteries, lithuania, and you accuse minutes of using them as a political to as relations continue to sour. critics say the law is a step to fall. the law is a potential human rights violation and it doesn't correspond to you directives,
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it and tries the current bad situation in lithia and in detention centers in law and lives vulnerable people in and even more vulnerable situation. there we even criticism from lithuania, form a chair of the constitutional court. the proposals which are unconstitutional are based on the premise that all foreigners who cross the border are 2nd class human beings not entitled to constitutional rights conditions in the must detention centers have also been denounced with allegations. my grants are being stripped of fact telephone's, that they can only got side for one hour a day pressure that some say has led to people attempting to take that lives. everyone detained in this building is suffering psychologically. i already ran away from iraq, since it's a prison, it is the same here. meanwhile,
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lithuania is embarking on a massive project. the key would be migrant out a plan to cover almost the entirety of its food with batteries, with a raise, a wire. so what do you think? let you and use border is an external you border which is currently experiencing an unprecedented influx of migrants and asylum seekers. these people, many of them vulnerable need urgent support, such as food and shelter. the european union and other member states will not leave with you and you're alone in this difficult situation. very supportive doesn't it? except when another human hungry took a similar action, only use external border with serbia following a wave of migration in 2015. the tone from brussels couldn't be any more different. we cannot accept the basic values of the european union, a being so seriously breached as one like hungry who built fences against war, refugees, or breaches. press freedom and the independence of the justice system should be
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temporarily or permanently excluded from the you. last year's top court found hungry, guilty of breaking, assign the rules. it says it mashed up the lose or protecting vulnerable migrant by denying them the right to apply for asylum and by forcibly to putting them. meanwhile, as other states, such as greece also look to build rules only use external border to keep like went out. brussels hasn't so much as batted and eyelid leading some to feel that in the, you know, all partnerships are indeed equal. okay, that's it for the moscow news room for now. for more of our stories and award winning program, it's all t dot com and youtube channel, or if it said this weekend, i'll have your next edition of the weekly and just have a half an hour to see that the
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