tv News RT August 3, 2021 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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my duty by walk in the headlines is tuesday morning for moscow. millions of cash strapped americans risk been kicked as an eviction comes to an end. at the same time as congress which failed to extend, the coven moratorium goes off a summer holiday. i have been evicted before myself. i have had to sleep in my car myself, and so i was sitting congresswoman, there is no way that i could just allow congress to recess and go on vacation. sense the chair put in a concrete of speech, is the reaction to you to fighting scott? he's a trailer for a week for violating platforms. coven policy. you see more and more than these days. and those electric scooters. a faster way of getting around all i'm menace with business dangers. we take
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a to city test drive. this service has spread rapidly across the country where the number of users doubling since the beginning of the pandemic, the relative to run and use electricity to the perfectly invoke the colored focus on renewable energy. ah morning for moscow. you watching up international with me, kevin, that way. welcome to 30 minutes of our latest for you. this 3rd of august person. as mentioned, there are millions of americans at risk of becoming homeless as an eviction moratorium expires. congress broke up for some research, unable to agree on an extension of the bad that was supposed to help stop the spread of covert and keep people at home, including those unable to pay red after losing their jobs. because of the pandemic kellum open in new york city, scott, the latest on it. the fries on home foreclosures and evictions that for coven
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expired on july 31st. this moratorium to keep people in their homes was set in place back in september. it is not known how many people could potentially become homeless as a result of the moratorium being allowed to expire. one survey suggests the number could be 3.6 1000000. some activists gathered outside the us capital, demanding an extension. they actually found out that our property was wanting to get the property and we put up like we put up a legal fight for the longest because we didn't have any worlds to go into us on the streets. seeing the fact that many people can't afford to live in a room and they get kicked out of their homes, is the reason why i think we have to be here. i think the president has the power to sign with his pen, that the eviction moratoriums should continue. we fought for it in january,
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so i got an extended, cited for it again in, in june when it got extended and we're fighting for it again. now, just because the pandemic isn't over and you see a surge corona virus cases because of the delta. and you also are seeing that people are still not fully back to work, especially the working class are still struggling a lot. they were joined by democratic lawmakers. i know with this like i have been evicted before myself. i have had to sleep in my car myself, and so as a sitting congresswoman, there is no way that i could just allow congress to recess and go on vacation. and for me to, to go on with my life and not care about the 7000000 people. you know, i had people around me, so i feel safe, which i didn't feel safe when i was on housed. i had people, i had flu sitting here, you know, i didn't always have food. i had enough blanket to keep me warm because it didn't get to cool at night. but that's not the reality of what happens. you know,
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on many nights when you are on house, now the more a tourism was allowed to expire and then congress went into a recess. nancy pelosi has called for joe biden to extend the moratorium before congress reconvened. however, the white house says there is a problem, the supreme court said it, it could only be extended congressional authorization, that was their decision. that's how they were able to strike it down and that's what the says needed to happen. now keep in mind, the white house is very happy to unilaterally send troops. there is plenty of dramatic swift action coming from the executive branch. but not when it comes to rescuing america's working families. families across the country are now panicking and losing sleep summer, having to choose between rent and mortgage bills and food. many are now scrambling to find a job with the prospects of soon being out on the street seeming quite imminent. some were on the brink, are talking about taking matters into their own hands. honestly for me and organize
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the person that understand building power. the only thing that really transform a country and movement, especially congress. and whenever we create the conditions for millions more people to be experiencing homelessness and how the charity that the other related to that life increased risk to the delta barriers like increased risk of physical or psychological violence. and all of the things that happen, you create that organized. so i will say that the congress is the president of a bigger call. that way can happen because people are like this. and we're continuing to see our efforts to demand that our government overwhelmingly actually since are vulnerable people working people for people. yet, even with the democratic majority, we thought so hard to get here. we're still having these gaps that have all lead me . so of course i can pay my protest master action,
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and that's because of the rest of those of us work awaiting what to do and the ways that we engage them in democracy. one woman who is highlighted in u. s. press reports is 38 years old and has ongoing health problems. her landlord is refusing to take federal rent assistant. she's only got $800.00 in savings and she could soon be out on the street. us media outlets also spoke to a mother in los vegas who has lost her 2 jobs and is now behind on her $900.00 per month rent. she is terrified and what could happen to her and her 2 children. she says the job offers are coming in, but they're not coming in fast enough. some who are on the brink are now talking about taking matters into their own hands. a hash tag called occupy congress has already been created. some say that desperate times require desperate measures. let's see what happens with martin r t new york. we talked about it,
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some was real estate experts, travis sherita, new phase at the failure to extend the eviction moratorium. and i was going to almost certainly exacerbate the health crisis. why see, i see 2 different types of impact. one if, if the united states does face another lockdown or returning to working from home, that only works if you have a home, right? it's quite impossible to do locked down if you are and housed and so, you know, high numbers of addiction, potential addictions, and basically the locked down would not be would not be ideal. secondly, when you are and housed you are, you're facing so many more elements and environmental factors, not just the weather, but being in large spaces and crowded spaces. not able to pop properly, social distance. and so i fear that there could be an increased spread of the delta variance and increase cases as a result of potentially increase almost no media. john youtube continues competent, get the so called misinformation. then now the google own the video services band,
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scott, he's a trailer for 7 days for violating the platforms, covert policies, claiming it could cause real world hom, but many of friday, the move censorship, stone quarter picks up the story. it's freedom of speech under attack. that's on many australians minds after you. tube slapped a one week suspension on sky news for allegedly breaching the platforms, policies on coven misinformation. i say allegedly because you tube didn't exactly specify which videos where the problem and this has led to some crying out in terror. for what they see as a trampling of their freedoms. since the cit, the see in motion youtube sky news, this trail is suspension, is a disturbing assault and freedom of thought, sky, or an actual news agency. what happened a freedom of the press. just the beginning, whole internet will be switched no sooner when they turn it back on. they will only let us see what they want of the thing. freedom is being raised at an alarming rate
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and the sheep don't see it. of course, there was no shortage of those who thought sky news got what it deserved. murder controls up to 80 percent of us trellis prince media. the fact sky news will be suspended from youtube formation formation is only the tip of the iceberg as to how nice coff has brainwashed australians and spread valenze and hatred and fake news about china. sky news, australia, unable to identify videos that lead to youtube suspension in furnace. we do pump out a lot of set of sauce. what a damn thing, indictments on our political and media landscape that this extremist conspiratorial races, news channel, is still considered normal and acceptable skies time is up part from the suspension and some deleted videos. the news outlet is also one strike closer to a permanent ban youtube claim. some of sky news is videos denied the existence of cove at 19. and that's all we know. sky news, australia was and it's youtube channel taken down for very old post very videos
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about cobit 19. and the time is interesting because as we know, i'll show you is now one of the most severely locked down countries on earth, youtube, and working with the i'll show you government to center information and to take down news organizations that in the past and things that they find bubble magic to the current over narrative. it wasn't long before sky news published a response, inferring that actions like these were a slippery slope. dow shit's, and that the channel had fallen victim to a double standard. and on the shelf marks, i wonder when america's chief covered 19 adviser, anthony foe, she will be bend from youtube in case you forgot. that was in reference to when the top us infectious diseases. experts said that people don't need to be walking around and masks right now. people should not be what there's no reason to be walking around with the mask. the country's media watchdog doesn't seem to think the situation is black and white though since the beginning of 2020. it's received
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23 complaints about sky news as patent demick coverage. but get this. the australian communications and media authority has no authority over social media platforms. digital platforms such as youtube are not currently subject to the same co regulatory arrangements, australia's traditional broadcast media. in this case, you tube has made it decision to the spence guy news, according to its policies for its platform. it's led many to wonder why can some corporations do whatever they want, while the government has its hands tied, you only way we get which back against big tech would be if legacy media introduce me to or the organization decided to take them on. and because the politician don't seem to have any will to do so, because obviously spends more money than any other organization lobbying in washington. it's showing more and more of a big tech is actually in control. and it might be big tech during the gotten the bidding of the government now. but how soon is it going to be when the government
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is doing the bidding, a big tech, and when big tactics want some favors and government for all of this work they're doing on their behalf. it's very, very scary stuff. i'm not sure what it's going to take or how quickly that can. that can change. a former british ambassador turned bloggers hunted himself into police in scotland to 7 a month prison sentence for contempt to court. craig murray arrived with family and support his ad. also a butler champagne to book nothing to celebrate its been 70 is though, since someone in scotland was last imprisoned on a charge of content by the media scottish pan express his grave concern over the imprisonment of craig murray and calls for his release. the writer is the 1st person to be imprisoned in scotland for media contempt for over 70 years. we fear this ruling will have a chilling effect on reporting and free expression. murray was convicted of a details publish this blog during the sexual misconduct trial of the former
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scottish 1st minister alexander, and in which the identities of the women alleged to the to be the victims could potentially have been revealed for the so called jigsaw effect. or someone was acquitted, or 13 charges you may recall, but strict laws in the u. k. a low alleged sexual assault victims remain anonymous even soap journeys for craig, maurice in prison. but now since of worrying president, proposes without borders are considered the prison sentence. disproportionate and the well journalist must ensure that here the court orders with regard to witness protection improvement in connection with any journalistic activity, should only ever be a measure of absolute last resort. if it's all in another twist, some a craig murray, supporters of compared his case than the other during the summer because the wiki expand is us extradition proceeding work covered thoroughly by the diplomat. turn blog. and we talked about the story with a former justice secretary and also coordinator of the craig murray. justice campaign, they both say in their view the punishment substantially unfair. i would agree that
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this case has a chilling effect on journalism in this country. specifically in scotland. scott's law and u. k law differ quite significantly in many ways, but especially in scotland. we've seen that there in that in the last few years, that's been an increase in crackdown on democracy on transparency on what can and can't be reported. and this, this judgement is a very clear sign that there is an effort to create fear into the heart of journalists and public commentators reporting what can be reported by mainstream media. well scott, i think this is doc be for bloggers, is a dark day for the scottish traditional system. take a moment, things have gone wrong. first of all, the judges reasoning seem to be that mr. muddy should be treated differently from the mainstream media. now i think that are several arguments to be made against
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stock. firstly, the most flagrant breaches of personal liberty, of tennessee, of beaches, of contempt of court, of come from the mainstream medium. so this idea that if you are in the mainstream media, you are somehow absolutely christine in panic. but if you're a blogger, or somebody who's not in the mainstream media, then you are a danger, has no substance or credibility as things come. which time? mean time talking about, i'm a former us ambassador to moscow both on line by luxurious life. he said, ever since he turned into an active ante, russia crusader. but it's not going his way. we'll tell you what that's about and off this very quick break. ah when i went to the wrong one old fool,
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ah, hey, good morning, says 17 powers the next day, more than the popular eco friendly, those electric scooters now fast way of getting rid of cities, you see more and more of a, but it turns out as well. predictably, in the wrong hands, they might not be that safe with more or more accidents be reported. we took a test drive and through moscow, and london, far convenient and environmentally friendly ee scooters, massively growing in popularity here in the u. k. over the last few years, the relatively cheap to run and use electricity. so that perfectly invoke with the current focus on renewable energy. although russia is a relatively low lead boomer in the market of shareable electric scooter,
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this service has spread rapidly across the country where the number of users doubling. since the beginning of the pandemic, as more people are being encouraged to use individual means to transfer it. it's also become an all time favorite among all kinds of delivery companies. these good or if i available for rand, for a number of different smartphone apps and can be found pretty much on every street corner. yes, not everyone is so keen on the british government, his band excuses from public roads saying they can only be used on private land. it is not currently possible to get appropriate insurance for privately owned e scooters. meaning it is legal to use them on the road or in public spaces. it is legal to use and excuse her, on private land, with the permission of the landowner from specific companies on the road. the spart protective measures up 220-0000 accidents involving excuses are protected by the
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end of this year. there are also concerns around the impact that you're having on vulnerable people in society. especially the visually impaired leaving me to wonder exactly where london the stand and the question of a, you know, people that have actually had to go to school because of so far as the drive from i think any dangerous, it depends on what it is clued up there is nothing there quite true fall to false and there's no oversight. there's no guidance for these people. they just buy them and, and they're just allowed to get onto the road in the footway without any guidance, a few weeks back. and we just going so fast. and then i think the handle at the top just came off in the middle of the road. the guy just fell off. but luckily there wasn't another call. it could've been a fatal accident. yes. as the number of people whizzing around moscow, parks and pavements growth. so does the number of accidents involving
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e scooters count. people have died within the past 2 years. many believe that the reason is that e scooters operate in a legal gray area. and it's true, according to the current legislation, a person on an e scooter is a pedestrian. but in reality, this is a person on a fast moving object. the city council has so far responded by introducing the so called slow zones, limiting the speed for rent. it actually scooters to 15 kilometers per hour down from 30 to 40 kilometers per hour. but clearly that's not enough. yeah, i think it's good or are fun. but most go is not will future to damage from other a few places. you can write safely. there was a fish and psycho lanes and pretty narrow side walk, a diminished, i couldn't see to the east to be a mood of drones for that. and is quite dangerous if so the new people who don't
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have driving license don't lie with traffic calls, which can result. so local infrastructure is not thought through. scooted, there are no specials, but there are lots of inconsistency is okay to write on the side or should you cycling? they should be regulated. legislative level infrastructure should definitely be modified to suit the traffic lights and special things create the metropolitan police. a concerned about the use of east goose's in crimes with the forces figures saying that e scooters were involved in 574 recorded crimes in london. such as robberies or assault between the 1st of july 2020 and the 30th of april 2021. perhaps the reason why rental services such as this one require you to provide your biometric data including facial recognition in order to hire one, i think was more important is the safety rather than face recognition. i'm let people use that bank cards like they use a bar 5 to 6. take them out. i think the 1st thing they need to think about is
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safety. i personally don't think it's necessary. i mean, it's obviously like you said, that's a crime. surely that has cctv and also probation that i think you need to guide your face to use, but otherwise the screw up. why you do that with that. but maybe it's unnecessary to get a snapshot, i think will be better for public safety if the had some means of id like credit card, debit card, something like this with a place. because if you've got someone's pitch on information about that person, it would be quite easy to, to, to get the people to make minutes with regards to the schools. many believe it's the task of police to regulate and control how people use e scooters. but in fact, it's more complicated and all sides should be involved, the rental companies, the transport authorities, and the users themselves. and while it can take months to work out
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a proper legislative base for the service, the scooters will continue to zoom along the streets of our big cities. well, at least until winter, for sure. if a tester more to think of burger, the key, which about you these days now let's track the wildfires, rage and across southern europe. creation is the latest country to be affected. fire fighting planes, dumping water to try and quell spread authorities. no say they've monies to bring the situation on the control fingers crossed elsewhere along the mediterranean coast. so the aftermath of wildfires and this leaves become clear look at farmers, their voice concerns for their livelihoods. in the wake of the disaster romances intention to send special teams to assist locals will not fire over the result. but this one in the west of turkey still very much happening. flames continuing to gulf woodland in the popular tourist destination of mom, or is that already claimed the lives of 8 people and there's no sign of the meeting of either these flames. but it's now in place on entering forests and many
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a turkeys provinces. look at your posted for we are some bus to moscow who since to come, one of russia's biggest critics, has revealed that the move to info warrior is but a lucrative one of the post was posted on line though my come up full was forced to eat his words somewhat constantly rose coff reports. as soon as he quit as us envoy to russia in 2014, michael mcfaul became perhaps moscow was most poisonous hater. and the former diplomat admit it's worked out just fabulous. well for him. when queried on whether the envoy, her and the keyboard warrior could ever be allowed into the country again, after all these years of his non stop visual, he pan was quickly became a lead candidate for the most on diplomatic brag. ever. i have a job for life, the best universe in the world. i live in the giant house in paradise,
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imag close to $1000000.00 a year. i have adoring fan since even half a 1000000 follows and with 99 percent. also, my, me, i'm doing just fine without to dam visit from russia, and i am not afraid to tweet under my own name. i feel sorry for people like you are brave enough to do so. mac, twitter, you her who had mastered mcfall a trigger in him to boast about his lavish lifestyle, publish the entire exchange, noting all of that perfectly exemplifies the fact that american meritocracy is just a myth, a crime and adviser reacted to me, false his words by noting we always knew that he was fantastically stupid, but we didn't realize to what extent for ministry spokeswoman maria's harvard had previously simply described him as inapt. my pulses, 2 years in moscow were mired in gas and worth prosecutors in 2018 even announced they were, came to speak with him in connection with claims against an american, british finance or an 40000000 dollar tax evasion in russia. but instead of using,
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he suppose, russia expertise to build bridges, he used his statement like form and glory to become an american media star paddling even the most debunked russia, gate conspiracy theories. we are seeking to deter russia from what they're doing and ukraine. i think he has been the most revisionist leader in the world today. i disruptive, not paying attention to any of the kind of rules of the liberal international system, but then use tactics that he had used in russia against us here in the united states. president of the united states, despite all of that escalation, continues to have one consistent foreign policy. and that is, he wants to be friends with prudent, whether these are a genuine abuse that just happened to feed what, how, talking point, or whether he is simply caching in on anti russian rhetoric turns out even his claim to have half a 1000000 tutor followers is suspect, what's even more amusing is that nearly 40 percent of his twitter followers are
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fake glen dab, investigative journalist, gland, and greenville. also mark mc force as attempt to play the victim card. heels implied, if critic were for putin and said he would assume he was a kremlin agent unless he immediately provided his real name. but that probably goes without saying, everyone is a criminal agent to the elite conspiratorial loons. ok, right to man email then. so i know you're not about put and pace people to say stupid about me here. and despite mcfall admitting his boastful exchange was real, his still tried to blame quote, a swarm of russian trolls. i wrote that message in the private channel. i did not expect it to be published, but it was still a mistake. i apologize. it was arrogant and a de arctic swarm of russian trolls was accused me of failure. and i responded in the most unprofessional way, explanation, not excuse. still,
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stanford students who pay a small fortune to be elected by me must be delighted to know that cash is going on . what he does. he's a giant house in paradise. yes, he admit, it was mistake. he said, we describe it as an arrogant, mistaken certainly was, it was astonishingly crass and vulgar statement. what he tweeted was bad to brag about his, his luxurious lifestyle is his great job. his $1000000.00 mansion, his, his $1000000.00 a year, salary, et cetera, et cetera. it was very crass and vulgar and the only thing it shows is that is that war mongering pe, student at stanford university get a very distorted picture of russia from people like michael mcfall. to get a picture of russia, which is as a source of evil throughout the world. america is the exceptional country,
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exceptionally good, and russia is seen as the exceptional country, exceptionally bad. and both views are ridiculous. and that's what we're talking about. so for this one, if you're watching the clock actually 29 minutes past the i, what have you doing today? i hope your day is a good unprofitable one. and thank you from me, kevin, over the rest that have to check it in today. this is our t international the the in the old days before breaks it because the u. k. was attached to the you. they could do it, other countries do, which is to take all their debts and dump it into this giant shadow banking system
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that covers the world's largest trading glock. and you could kind of buy some time there because it is printing and buying and monetizing debt by their trillion. so christine the garden, literally just buying trillion, been trying to garbage debt but now post breakfast. they don't have that way to wash the debts into the greater he you laundromat. and so that is going to be the 1st time post break. the debts are going to start to cause a lot of pain. me . a new gold rush is underway, and gunner thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the goldfields, hoping to strike it. rich children are torn between gold and education. my family was very poor. i thought i was doing my best to get back to school, which still it will have the strongest appeal.
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