tv News RT August 3, 2021 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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the politics business, i'm show business. i'll see you then in the it's about see happening now. the pentagon is all locked down, offer a shooting at a bus platform on the defense department grounds. several people are reportedly injured including an officer. the view and torture replica raises the alarm as an officer help a woman to the ground triggering an urgent police probe. and censorship and an attack on freedom of speech is the reaction to youtube banning sky. you don't really have really violating the platforms, coded policies, the channel, low planes, it oh, the question. wearing masks and locked down policies. ah,
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allow live for moscow. this is our t international law calling bray with the world news for you. this our number of breaking news events to tell you about to 1st in the united states, this is the see live outside the pentagon right now. the facility currently on lock down after a shooting at its transit center on a bus platform, steps away from where the main building is. multiple gunshot said to have been fired and reports yet to be verified, claim that several people, including a police officer, have been injured. subway trains to that center have also been order to bypass the pentagon right now. government also advising people to stay out of the area, details very sketchy at the moment about what can be confirmed and law enforcement and not giving anything away at the moment. but as you can see, an intense police presence outside. the pentagon right now corresponded in new york
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is across what's happening and we'll be going live to caleb, where then this bulletin was proving to be her violent tuesday more breaking news is a major police deployment underway in the northern swedish city of christian start of reports of a mass shooting there as well. local reported loud bangs with officials saying that they're working to establish just how many people may have been injured. the authorities say that 3 people with gunshot wounds, i've already been rushed to hospital police. not clear if there are any fatalities at this point. police have cordoned off 2 areas, including one next to a busy shopping center. this particular area in the city of christine started known hotspot of crime, writings taken place there in the past. but for now, a large scale operation on the way there will bring you any updates from sweden as soon as we get them on to our other headline news now and police in berlin are looking into cases of alleged brutality by offices during sundays protest against covered restrictions demonstrate as played,
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the police used excessive force and video shows, riots, squads getting heavy handed with protest. this is our europe correspondent, peter oliver. while there's been a lot of videos doing the rounds since sunday showing violent clashes between playing some protesters through where they are demonstrating against measures put in place to stop the spread of coven 9 theme. one video in particular though, has drawn a lot of attention because it seems to show a police officer grabbing a woman by the neck and throwing her to the floor. the me this is also drawn the attention of the un wrap onto for torture. that's nills meltzer, he's put out an appeal on his social media accounts calling for anybody who witnessed this incident to come forward. he's so far not talk to anybody in the
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media concerning his potential involvement and what that would form that could potentially take in this particular incident. what he has said is that he's in touch with the german police with the german authorities. he's asking essentially for explanations from them. and then we'll see where we go. now the protests had the protest took place on sunday, had been prohibited by court orders that they said that they could, and would potentially spread coven 19. everybody who turned dope knew they weren't supposed to be there. in fact, that was made abundantly clear to absolutely everybody. what we did see was some demonstrators attacking the police themselves, but it's this video of amongst many other videos and most of police violently. some would say pushing protests back, which is drawing the attention and this particular one video of the police officer sorting the woman to the floor this, i think it's going to bear a lot more inspection in the future. meantime in poland,
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mobile covert vaccination units, as well as the local government health office was set on fire in the south east of the country. on monday night, the health minister described the options as an act of terror and an attack on the state. police released security video showing the moment a man set fire to the occupation facility make as a pledge to toughen punishment of anti backs or attacks following a series of incidents in recent weeks without the job activists harrassing staff. that's another vaccination clinic. okay, back to breaking these are brilliant, the top of the bulletin and that shooting there, the pentagon in the united states, us go live to our correspondence in new york kind of more been caleb ok. you've been across various sources. what's known at this point while the pentagon, which is the headquarters of the us armed forces, which is located near washington dc, just over the border in arlington, virginia is on lock down. the reason being that there was a shooting incident that took place at a bus stop near the pentagon,
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there were multiple injuries gunshots were fired. so as a result, the pentagon is on lock down with people inside the building personnel, not being able to leave the building until the situation is secure. now reports seem to indicate that whatever the situation was, what these multiple gunshot wounds and the gunshots that were fired, it appears to be under control. so we're waiting for the all clear, but it appears. there were gunshots near the pentagon, and the building has been placed on lockdown quite a tense situation as usual, security situation has people nervous. we're hearing now that this situation is being contained. it's no longer an active shooter situation, but it's certainly got a lot of people nervous. yes, certainly with a sensitive location like that. but of course, security services being a big cage at the moment is to the who all the why any of this has happened. you'll be across that for us. we'll be right back with you when you can tell us more. for now they're kind of open. thank you. next. so january storming of the capital
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building shook america, and the commission is now looking for answers. but there's a tragic aftermath. it's not making any headlines for officers on duty that they recently committed suicide, and their families largely blame those riots are trees driven to poke has the stories of the men who took their own lives. there are now 4 confirmed police officers who have committed suicide, who had been at the capital riots on january 6th. yesterday the metropolitan police department had announced that 2 officers had taken their lives, kyle's afraid to $26.00 of the 5 year veteran who was found dead around a month ago and gone through ha, should a 43, another police force veteran who had also killed himself in late july, leaving behind a wife and 3 children. however, these are but the latest tragic deaths of police officers who ad work the sheriff that the capital building during the riots and other 2 officers committed suicide
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shortly after the rise. first, it was howard leaving good 16 year veteran of the capital police force who took his life just 3 days after the event. and jeffrey smith, who shot himself on the way to work in mid january. he had also dedicated over 12 years to the police force and reportedly did not have any history of mental health issues. however, he did sustain a head injury during the rise, while the family of officer hospital, the latest to commit suicide has not made any direct connection between him taking his life and the events of january 6. other families have stated that the riots and their aftermath put significant mental stress on the officers who responded when my husband left for work that day. he was the jeff that i knew when he returned after experiencing the event being hit in the head. he was a completely different person. i do believe if he didn't go to work that day, he would be here. what must not be lost and all of this is that my beloved husband
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died as a result of his dedication to the us capital police. and the sacrifices he made to his well being on the 6th of january and the ensuing days. just as surely as if he had been slain on the capitol steps, recognition of the cause of his death. much like the critical examination of the right itself will remain central to how we make right. those tragedies as officers have been devastated by all this. some of the widows of these officers have even been fighting to the death of their husbands. be classified as being in the line of duty. officers. how should have family has set up a crowd funding page to help support the family and organize the officers memorial? as for the official response to these debts, several lawmakers have already expressed their condolences, including nancy pelosi, who issued a statement regarding the latest officer's death officer. she was a hero who risked his life to save our capital, the congressional community,
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and our very democracy. now just as a reminder, the january 6th riots are still under investigation. lawmakers are to this day hearing testimonies of the people who were there during the storming of the capitol building. protesters, police officers, staff members, anybody who was there during the riot, which resulted in at least 5 deaths over a 1000 hospitalizations and hundreds of injuries among both protesters and police officers. so far, the seemingly thousands of people who had stormed the building that day over $500.00 people have already been charged for the insurrection with some already admitting their guilt. but the situation is constantly changing, and the investigation goes on. youtube is continuing its crack down on misinformation, the google earth video sharing site is banned sky news, australia for 7 days for violating coven policies. planing it could cause a real world home many a branded to move
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a censorship while the channel itself claims at any question wearing masks and lockdown policies. fall quarter has the story. is freedom of speech under attack, that's on many australians minds after youtube slapped a one week suspension on sky news for allegedly breaching the platforms, policies on coven misinformation. i say allegedly because you tube didn't exactly specify which videos where the problem and this has led to some crying out in terror for what they see as a trampling of their freedoms. census of the sea in motion youtube sky news. this trail is suspension. is a disturbing assault and freedom of thought, sky, or an actual news agency. what happen to freedom of the press? of course there was no shortage of those who thought sky news got what it deserved . murder controls up to 80 percent of us trellis prince media. the fact sky news will be suspended from you to for misinformation is only the tip of the iceberg as to how nice coff has brainwashed australians and spread valenze and hatred and fake
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news about china. sky news, australia, unable to identify the videos that lead to youtube suspension. in fairness, we do pump out a lot of said a source part from the suspension and some deleted videos. the news outlet is also one strike. closer to a permanent ban youtube claim. some of sky news is videos denied the existence of cove at 19, and that's all we know. guy news, australia was at its youtube channel, taken down for very old post, a very old videos about cobit 19. and the time is interesting because as we know, i'll show you is now one of the most severely locked down countries on earth, youtube, and working with the i'll show you government to center information and to take down news organizations that in the past and things that they find bubble magic to the current over narrative. it wasn't long before sky news published a response, inferring that actions like these were a slippery slope, tao shoots,
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and that the channel had fallen victim to a double standard. among the videos deemed palatable for societal consumption would debates around where the masks were effective and what the log downs were justified . when considering the adverse health outcomes and on the issue of mosques. i wonder when america's chief covert 19 advisor anthony found she will be back from you tube in case you forgot that was in reference to when the top us infectious diseases. experts said that people don't need to be walking around and masks right now. people should not be what there's no reason to be walking around with the mask . the country's media watchdog doesn't seem to think the situation is black and white though since the beginning of 2020. it's received. 23 complaints about sky news as patent demick coverage. but get this. the australian communications and media authority has no authority over social media platforms. digital platforms, such as youtube are not currently subject to the same co regulatory arrangements,
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australia's traditional broadcast media. in this case, you tube has made a decision to the spence guy news, according to its policies for its platform. it's led many to wonder why can some corporations do whatever they want, while the government has its hands tied, you only way we get which back against big tech would be if legacy media interest show me the or the organization decided to take them on. and because the politician don't seem to have any will to do so, because obviously spends more money than any other organization lobbying in washington. it's showing more and more of a big tech is actually in control. and it might be big tech during the bidding of a government now. but how soon is it going to be when the government is doing the bidding, a big tech, and when big tactics want some favors in government for all of this work they're doing on their behalf. it's very, very scary stuff. i'm not sure what it's going to take or how quickly that can that can change. not just youtube though,
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to other social media giants are getting flack of a policing their own policies, facebook and twitter. if they're accused of failing to take action against blatantly anti semitic posts. the center of countering digital hates found that more than 80 percent of anti semitic posts were not being addressed by those platforms of a $700.00 post violating the sites own policies. but only a 100 were actually removed. what small these post was seen by. well, over 7000000 people around the globe, the major social media sites are all accused of not taking enough action against the anti semitism. but other content that's also considered to be hate speech. facebook and instagram has kept up almost all posts accused of racism from this. she is you repeat football championship final. while facebook only added a disclaimer to one of the most viral posts about denying the hollow course and twitters of fault for getting rid of just small fraction of tweet the claim, the holocaust was ok. but the social networks themselves claim that their policies
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on hate speech are robust and that they've greatly improved in recent years. they've certainly been cracking down hard on anti vaccination groups, deleting the accounts of individuals full responsible for 2 thirds of all anti vaccine information. so that's left some questioning why so little appears to be done about anti semitism. now we discuss that also with the journalist you heard from little earlier chadwick, moore, who we just spoke to. it seems suspicious that they and i send it to them, seems to be the one thing you can get away with an american society. and i'm not sure if that's just because of this, extreme israel hatred that exists on the left or, or, or what it could be. so it definitely wouldn't surprise me at that report is accurate. and you do see actually a lot of anti semitism on social media platforms. you certainly don't see a lot of floors again, you know, black people or things like that that doesn't get immediately removed. and it's another example of these arbitrary rules that raises suspicions, that there's
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a political motive here and that, and you know, some groups are more equal than others you than orwellian term. and that even when you have crimes against jewish people, hate crimes rising, you still see this content for many on social media sites. it certainly doesn't look good for them. it would be very bold if they were intentionally turning inclined to this kind of content. and also very sick and sinister off the coming up a murder pro launched after missing bella ross and nazi government tax. this is found hanged at o'clock in the ukrainian capital. it's our next news when we come back the so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy foundation, let it be an arms race is often very dramatic. development only personally,
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the low again, the head of the so called bella russian house in ukraine has been found dead in kiev. italy show of helps fellow bella russians who fled the country during the recent unrest. the so what we know so far is that the tele, she shot the head of bell russian house in ukraine and organization housing bell russians, li abroad when missing on monday and key after setting out for a daily job is friends and colleagues sounded the alarm and started the search operation along with local police, his body was found hanged in a part in the ukrainian capital. it is not clear whether this was a murder worries, suicide attempt, and an investigation has been launched, but the ukraine police has already stated that they prioritize murder as they are leading you to the version of their security camera that it's showing him leaving
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his home on monday morning, around 9 pm and police are now trying to piece together. he's movement after that adults and reported that his phone was turned off and it was impossible to tracy that way. italy shop was one of the doubters of the organization called by the russian house. and ukraine has been an opposition activist for quite a while. he reportedly moved to neighboring ukrainian 2020 during mass protests that came on the back of presidential elections and bella roost. the opposition claimed that voting that so incumbent battle, russia leader, alexander lucas. shank, when the election by landslide was rigged. something that alexander lucas shall go and he's analyzed strongly denied. as i already said. the ukrainian police have launched an investigation into the case has been reported that they consider a number of theories including that it was the murder, as i said, disguised as a suicide attempt. elsewhere around the world. wildfires continue to rage and parts
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of southern europe and them unusually hot and dry. some of croatia is the latest country to be effected. 5 fighting plains been dumping water to extinguish the flames. creation authorities are saying that they have managed to bring the situation under control elsewhere along the mediterranean coast, the aftermath of wildfires in italy become clear as far as a voice and concerns over their livelihoods in the wake of the disaster. the government though says that it intends to send special teams to assist locals and devastation of the west of turkey to flames continue to engulf woodland and the popular tourist destination of maurice, ablaze as they have already claimed the lives of 8 people. there is no sign of the situation eating off anytime soon, abandons no place on people entering forest in many of turkeys, provinces. british newspapers are availed that the case state health service had sketched a plan to deny care, to elderly people in the event of a severe pandemic. it was never implemented, but elements of it seemed to be bringing true to this day,
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at least for one campaign. and we spoke to, she told us it's unacceptable that the n h s still has to prioritize who should, and who should not receive treatment. that they failed because they basically anyone that they were made certainly retirement age seems to be not where they are being looked after. so to me it just looks like they were looking after the ones that were going to make money. and the ones that have already made the money going to cost money. we're going to be thrown aside like they have done with the can home, you know, pull families of their loved ones and care home. they sent those all like lambs to slaughter by just knowing them, he knew what was going on, or that have been a complete and utter waste of time. because a still prioritizing who should and who shows should not receive end of life is dreadful. the 2017 draft plan was to ensure the health service could cope with
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overwhelming numbers in the event of a crisis in it, care would have been prioritized for patients with a better chance of survival. it was dropped it off. the huge irregularities were found in britain's respond systems, but then a chassis stated that the plan did not form the basis of their later response to the current corona virus pandemic. the n h s was asked to produce this discussion document based on the specific and extreme hypothetical scenario to inform the governments pandemic flu preparedness program rather than for racial use . and that did not form the basis of the n h. s response to the corona virus. the covert outbreak had care homes hard with 5th 42000 of their residents in england and wales having died since the outbreak began. one form, a senior adviser to the prime ministers, openly acknowledged the government's failure in shielding those facilities. we were told categorically in march that people will be tested before they went back to terms. we only subsequently found out that that hadn't happened. now the government
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rectory was we put a shield around cameras and blah, blah, complete nonsense. put the opposite, putting his shit around the recent people. we toford back to the camps. i think the homes have always been on the on the bridge of the goldman and everything was always when, after all, i know the people that had they had home later and without the struggles we still we still are testing called the positive people from your scout hospital because this virus hasn't gone out and we still play there was still very cold. i think some of it was telling the truth, i think it was on television, that care homes were being tested, residents will be tested private home in our hospital. this was the initial
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and that's a lot of the reason why i called the care home because a lot like i said at the top of the bulletin was proving to be the past few hours, particularly violent and a number of parts of the world more breaking news for you this time in afghanistan where a powerful blast has rocked the capital cannibal. a car bomb reportedly went off near the iranian embassy that's in the neighborhood where other diplomatic missions and top national officials are also based local media that say that gun shops within heard of the scene in the immediate aftermath and some outlets to claiming that the attack was taunting the house of the african defense minister with the leg minutes armed militants allegedly forcing their way. and but as of this stage, no group has yet claimed responsibility for that attack. when we do learn more, we will of course, tell you that's just one of 3 incidents that we're across for you here at archie and to national saskia. taylor will be here in half an hour to update you. not only on that. also the shooting at christian start in sweden, again,
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multiple shootings that but we don't know any details about casualties. and there is of course, the locked down in the pentagon after reports of shooting at the transit center. a correspondence says it's now been contained, but still no answers as to who or why hopefully that will become clear in the coming hours. sussex taylor and our team across the world will be across that for you. here are the international thanks for watching the the me the new gold rushes underway, and gunner thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the goldfields, hoping to strike it. rich children are torn between gold and education. my family was very poor. i thought i was doing my best
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he had given me life out of habit kids how artist, high up nausea titled her sculpture after the explosion. she worked extensively and they were streets helping victims with that damage terms. she built her woman out of rubble and debris that she collected agent there. so they say they're not in it's much to put something out to you. this was the moment that froze many clocks in beirut.
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