tv News RT August 3, 2021 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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i me ah, the you now it's happening over 900 certificate from san marino population. fully in fact, financial group, this is what nick, the jobs the same rushing. so that is still waiting european approval. what does it concerns bob reports of an oil tanker being hijacked, the coast of the u. e. while some british retail already pointing the finger of blame at iran day is also the drone of talk on another kind costs in the region. the, the you and talk to rob raises alarm as a job and also to hold the women to the ground triggering and lead
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to more police officers on duty when the u. s. capital thrown by raw on trying to sick, have recently taken life and bring the total to for committed suicide off the solving the thought, harrowing about, ah, on the hour every hour, this is our national life from the russian capital where you're joining off from, with very job the you are welcome to our program. well, jumping right in the european commission has recognized coven health pulse is issued in san marino, where the vast majority of those vaccinated have received russia. sputnik feed. my job, however, has not been approved by the official you, regulator ortiz, donald court, to join me. are you in the studio to explain this latest development? while what it does mean basically, is that the european union has split a significant demographic of its citizens into 2 groups. those people who have been
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vaccinated with sputnik v and can travel freely. and those people who have been vaccinated with support and agree and cannot travel freely. i mean, it all comes down to these coven certificates that allow for unrestricted movement between you states. now, sam, marino certificates are valid in the e. u and that's a, that's a country that has 90 percent of its population vaccinated with sputnik v. we have had these certificates for several weeks now. europe has had them since yesterday. the signature of the commission chairman ursula fonder lion under the document is dated july 30th. thus, they recognize that the technical characteristics of our certificate correspond to european once this decision is of a technical nature. it does not imply recognition of specific v. it is about a digital signature, our green pass with a q r code is now readable in european apps. so basically, anyone who got the student, the shot in san marino is now considered vaccinated in the you while those who got it anywhere else in the world. literally are considered unvaccinated or potentially
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ill. why hits that? does that mean? is it because russia sending higher quality? sputnik v sharp to send marino or something obviously not in there, but also does up. i mean, why does that you still refuse to, to approve the russian shot? it seems like that you want to get the protection offered by the student, the vaccine where it can, while at the same time, curbing its larger acceptance throughout the continent. i mean, the european medicines agency has been dragging its feet on, like, you know, validating despotic the shot are not validating it for months now. and in the meantime, over $65.00 countries around the world have already given the russian shot the green light, including some european countries that just didn't want to wait for brussels approval. that includes hungry and slovakia, including san marino. and people for you know, hungry in slovakia now can't travel freely between e u countries while others from san marino can at the same time, it seems like there's potentially a bureaucratic problem on the horizon. i mean,
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we just also saw reports that the italian authorities are refusing these cove at 1900 certificates, 2 people from san marino who got the sputnik be shot. so it's not clear how this is going to be implemented. it seems like there's just a lot of confusion and that this is a contradiction in the law right now. terrier revolt and international relations export and form a politician under by the screen. his government has his own. if you want me, you commission's decision is not entirely favorable. see, is not meant for office. i'm afraid that mainly in brussel is a measure of politics. because you see italy, it cannot that rover. if an e n a is not a robot. but the fact that the n a use a de la paying approval for release on that, that nobody knows. maybe you know what you need to be. nobody knows why e n a is not
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a probing that this would be the people that went to san marino for gaining the sport niga already months ago. not all right now to receive the green bus. it is really ridiculous because it is a no one that supports me at least the valid as the other science at least, if not more. well, let's head to to grief. now i want to look at some dramatic scenes of 5 say to take really massive wildfires in the subs of the capital. what we're going to see now the nation has been sweltering through. it's was heat wave in 30 years. temperatures already above 40 degrees celsius with weather sobs, and full costing a high of 44 degrees. this week, the fires have cut off a major highway linking athens to northern and southern grief. people are being
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evacuated and more than 100 firefighters have reportedly been sent to battle the place the u. s. as it's deeply consigned by reports of an oil tanker being hijacked off the coast of the united arab emirates with little clarity on the case on the west. already pointing the finger to ron the islamic republic for its part denies any involvement condemning thought calculations as quote propaganda ortiz policy. it gives us the details. what we get from the u. k. maritime authority that a potential hijack has occurred on or off the coast of the united arab emirates. now they saying that the information they had suggest that between 8 to 9 people boarded the tanka, we are hearing from me, which is fine. office that they are investigating this matter, but this has not stopped which media from already pointing fingers as iran the same time. also in the same area. there are 4 other changes that have been reporting
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that they are not under command. in other words, they are not in control of themselves. they can't maneuver. now, it's not clear exactly what's happening in this incident. and it's also not clear whether the 2 are connected. all of this comes just days off and he's really managed, tanker was hit by a drone off the coast of oman. now in that particular incident, she crew men were killed and the u. k. office has been very quick to blame. you read. we have heard from the british prime minister bobby johnson saying that they will be consequences for iran because of that attack. i think that the iran should face up to the consequences of what they've done, except that the attribution that the foreign secretary has made. not your role and the united states are backing the united kingdom in blaming iran. but the thing is that nobody has any conscious of proof as to whether one office has happened. what
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we are hearing is that these countries will work together on ways to respond to, to run. we've also heard in the last few, always on these really side that tomorrow at a meeting of the united nations security general, they will be providing what they say is evident. the united nations secretary general spokesperson, however, has said that there is no conclusive evidence. and they said no definitive information in terms of who was responsible for best. iran has also said that it is not involved. it has a piece of several times. and it is also warned that if there's any kind of ways to attack, it will retaliate. so all of this searching, making the region more chance than it was just a short time ago. let's bring in now home ed mythology, who's a professor all political science at the university of terror on welcome. now the 1st thing i want to ask you, why would some british media outlets ready be suggesting that iran is behind the
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hijacking? it doesn't seem at the moment, at least not being shown twice. that there's any concrete evidence. yes, well you're on has strongly denied any involvement and we have to understand that tensions are very high right now. are so throwing accusations without any evidence might actually lead to an escalation on never of that. it's an open secret that you on in israel have been engaged in a sort of like a shadow war. in the past few years. these radios have been attacking uranium positions and syria. they have been sabotaging iranian nuclear so that he's killing uranium scientists. and lately, in the past few months, the 2 sides have been attacking each other's ships. but nevertheless, as you mentioned thus far, we still have no evidence as to who has conducted these attacks. i mean, do you think that otherwise the need is not going to wait for concrete evidence before they come out and speak strongly against iran?
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i think on a rhetorical level, the past has shown that they are very quick to denounce you on. never to that, i think also i want to situation to remain stable. we have to remember that in the last few months of the trumpet administration, attentions were very high, and there was a very real chance that these tensions might actually the, the, to a full scale war. so i don't think any sides at the moment, want war. nevertheless, i think the future will really depend on whether you're on will be able to reach a nuclear deal with the united states. well, that's what i did want to ask you. i mean, given that both israel k, blaming iran for a recent drone attack on a ship, then we've got this latest incident. this isn't one of course happening games to backdrop of you know, trying to resuscitate iran deal. do you think that somehow that has played
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a role in one of this? well, history has shown us that these re, these are actually very clever in sabotaging uranian negotiations with the americans. and they did this under the obama administration, and they did this even during the trump administration. and this is a very critical time. iran, as of today, has a new president, and negotiations will resume quite shortly. so if, if in fact these re, these are behind, these are red flag operations, then i think that will sour the situation and it might lead to a breakdown of the negotiations. now, if the negotiations actually breakdown, then i think that would really escalate the tension between iran in israel, in the region, talking about escalation. but if that was to happen, how do you think tara would respond on now? the government of racy. we have to understand that he almost or analytics expect
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him to take a much tougher position towards the americans and these rabies. and he's already mentioned that he's going to seek closer cooperation with iran neighbors, as well as russia in china. so i think the americans, in these way, these have to understand the situation won't be similar to the past 8 years any iran would actually respond if they do conduct any attacks on the country. and the final thing i do want to ask you as obviously the straight of home with what this can correct, it is a key route for transporting oil. now, if the situation that does take a town was what impact would have on oil prices globally? how would that affect the global community? that would be catastrophic, actually, because a, as you mentioned, a significant amount of the world's oil supply path through the straits of war most
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. and i think it's critical not only for the americans, but also country searches, try not in japan to have the straits open. now you wrong has always said that it is actually trying to maintain security in the straits of war most. nevertheless, i think this will also depend on what moves the americans in these rabies will conduct in the future. months and years ahead. how about massage oils that have you on the program? we appreciate your thought that was professor of political science at the university of ron home. it was a nice in berlin now look in case of elected brutality by offices during sundays. protests against covert restrictions demonstrates as claim police used. excessive force and video shows riot squads getting heavy handed with protesters. who the details are not at all your correspondence. peter. while there's been a lot of videos doing the rounds since sunday showing violent clashes between
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police and protest as to where they are demonstrating against measures put in place to stop the spread of coven 191 video. in particular though, is drawing a lot of attention because it seems to show a police officer grubbing a woman by the neck and throwing her to the floor. the well, this is also drawn the attention of the un wrap onto for torture. that's nills meltzer . he's put out an appeal on his social media accounts calling for anybody who witnessed this incident to come forward. he's so far not talk to anybody in the media concerning his potential involvement and what that would form that could potentially take in this particular incident. what he has said though, is that he's in touch with the german police with the german authorities. he's
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asking essentially for explanations from them. and then we'll see where we go. now the protests had the protest took place on sunday, had been prohibited by a court order. they said that they could and would potentially spread coven 19. everybody who turn doped new they weren't supposed to be there. in fact that was made abundantly clear to absolutely everybody. what we did see was some demonstrators attacking the police themselves, but it's this video of amongst many other videos and most of police violently. some would say pushing protests back, which is drawing the attention in this particular one video of the police officer sorting the woman to the floor this i think it's going to bear a lot more inspection in the future. well, continue, that team of people are unhappy with private restrictions, right. and poland, a mobile covert vaccination unit, as well as the local government health office. was that on fire, the southeast of the country that was on monday night. the health minister
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described the austin's as an active terror, an attack on the state police really cctv footage showing the moment and set fire to the nazi lation facility. lawmakers have pledged to toughen punishment of anti facts or attacks following a series of incidents in recent weeks with on to job activists harassing staff. i didn't know that fascination clinic, the january storming of the capital building cent shockwave thought american did the wild and a commission is now looking for answers. was a tragic off tomorrow. that's not making many headlines for police officers who defend the capital that they have committed suicide. 2 of them just in recent weeks . well, joe biden has cooled them. american heroes, family members believe they could not overcome the mental strain about hiring day on teams to me to park explain. there are now 4 confirmed police officers who have committed suicide, who had been at the capital riots on january 6th. yesterday the metropolitan police
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department had announced that 2 officers had taken their lives. kyle to free to 265 year veteran who was found dead around a month ago and gone through. ha! should a 43, another police force veteran who had also killed himself in late july, leaving behind a wife and 3 children. however, these are but the latest tragic deaths of police officers who at work the sheriff that the capital building during the riots and other 2 officers committed suicide shortly after the rise. first was howard leaving good 16 year veteran of the capital police force who took his life just 3 days after the event. and jeffrey smith, who shot himself on the way to work in mid january. he had also dedicated over 12 years to the police force. and reportedly did not have any history of mental health issues. however, he did sustain a head injury during the rise, while the family of officer hashi,
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to the latest to commit suicide has not made any direct connection between him taking his life and the event of january 6. other families have stated that the riots and their aftermath put significant mental stress on the officers who responded when my husband left for work that day. he was the jeff that i knew when she returned after experiencing the event being, he turned the head. he was a completely different person. i do believe if he didn't go to work that day, he would be here. what must not be lost and all of this is that my beloved husband died as a result of his dedication to the us capital police. and the sacrifices he made to his well being on the 6th of january and the ensuing days. just as surely as if he had been slain on the capitol steps, recognition of the cause of his death. much like the critical examination of the right itself will remain central to how we make right those tragedies and help avoid their repetition. obviously the colleagues and family of these officers have
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been devastated by all this. some of the widows of these officers have even been fighting to the death of their husbands. be classified as being in the line of duty . officers. how should have family has set up a crowd funding page to help support the family and organize the officers memorial? as for the official response to these deaths, several lawmakers have already expressed their condolences, including nancy pelosi, who issued a statement regarding the latest officer's death officer. she was a hero who risked his life to save our capital, the congressional community, and our very democracy. now just as a reminder, that january 6 riots are still under investigation. lawmakers are to this day hearing testimonies of the people who were there during the storming of the capital building. protesters, police officers, staff members, anybody who was there during the riot, which resulted in at least 5 deaths over
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a 1000 hospitalizations and hundreds of injuries among both protesters and police officers. so far of the seemingly thousands of people who had stormed the building that day over $500.00 people have already been charged for the insurrection with some already admitting their guilt. but the situation is constantly changing, and the investigation goes on. we've got a couple more stories waiting few, after the short breaks. it didn't go anywhere quite yet. the in the old days before brag said because the u. k. was attached to the you. they could do it. other countries do, which is to take all their debts and dump it into this giant shadow banking system that covers the world's largest trading block. and you could kind of buy some time
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there because the e. c, b is printing and buying and monetizing debt by the trillion. so christine the garden, literally just buying trillions and trying to garbage debt, but now post brag that they don't have that way to wash the debts into the greater he, you laundromat. and so that is going to for the 1st time post bracket, debts are going to start to cause a lot of pain. join me every thursday on the alex summon, show, and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport. business. i'm show business. i'll see you then me the ah, welcome back, no comma,
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suitable giant pfizer and madonna, a report to the taking a controversial step by hiking that prices because the vaccines in the you. while it's members struggle with the pandemic that's comes off to vaccinations, became mandatory, and several, you states will be fine on 2 times. is reporting that a short ultimate done is maxine is to go up by 2 euros and 5 by 4. 5 is also raising its on your awnings, full cost up $8000000000.00 to $33.00 and a half 1000000000. meanwhile, pfizer plans to provide 500000000 doses to the u. s. to dispense to some of the world's poorest countries. pfizer, on the you commission refrain at the moment from comments beyond the redacted contracts published by the european commission. the content remains confidential and so we won't be commenting. well that's cross live now to martin dolcy, the lawmaker in the german state of humbug for the left is the link of party. welcome, marta. now the 1st thing i think it's an elephant in the room. is it ethical for
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these companies to be raising that prices? for vaccines now, when they could be seen as really profiting from a pandemic, i think it's not ethical. ready i think in the moment rather than i guess the status like no everybody seems should be a way to go for all. ready people and all the rules now, especially when it's found out to do to the scientific research, i have access to that that i've seen or tried to be back female school degree, the most efficient last things and those with the negative negative impact. so i think there should be excess for everyone, and these companies,
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they should make money out of them. we've got the short preventing people from getting the condo nation as long way to do it. medical mentation will be another, but as far as the nation can have seen, she'll be free or pay to and they should be raised in the price. you're told that about access now finds a has said it will terminate supplies to less prosperous countries. do you think the price hike in europe is may be trying to offset those losses? i don't think that it's really the last us, i think 5 has a very, very high profit of acting. and so we kind of talk off the losses. so it only has different way to grow and that a lot of system, if you have a system that is financed by the states and other companies to the people.
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so there should be a price limit and this price shouldn't be high profit rates for those companies. who off and to produce the budget of the profit should be to the people. and so i think it would be got losses if they don't run so much money in other countries going to you. but of course, if you look worldwide, there should be the finance fusion for the poorer countries, while the richer countries all the best possibility to set the patient free and not only money at all, but given access to all the systems worldwide. i mean, the on the other side is this, there are of course, different vaccines out, for example, but it's v, i mean, the e u is being a bit rec center in approving the russian vaccine. but do you think increasing
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prices for by fire or in madonna could actually cause you to reconsider the russian job? i don't know. i think the say enough to say that the european policy, the moment is not going for the profit of the people. the majority of the people, but for you strategically, i think from beginning on, we can see that sort of hide by our tech have round about the same positive impact to prevent the pandemic. so both should be, should be legalized, should be given the possibility to be give them to the people of either your or a piece of the european union from beginning on if they change their mind, no, by the price politics of higher than madonna. i doubt it, i would like to say yes, we will do because we are looking forward to the hands of the majority of the
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people. but, you know, i can see that politics and i think condemning, i'm not to make you strategic steps like and will not be as well be, i'm not fully, scientifically, the scientific evaluated. and that's in this situation. you can say one problem. but on the other end, you can see there is a more than 95 or 99 percent is positive impact. so you use that back to me as a saying so we should use all the back teams which possible to use. but the european commission, and so now they don't do, maybe they change their mind, but that would be huge. i can see in the moment. well if anything that we've lot of the last good. so there's always space for a bit of politics, especially for big pharma that was mart dolts, lawmaker, in the job and state of humbug for the left is still in the party. many thanks.
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thanks us. we'll have a good evening. find me in war torn afghanistan, a powerful explosions erupted in the capital of couple report today from a ca bombed destiny to mid the iranian embassy. when the video, you see, you can see dennis clouds of smoke billowing from the scene. a prominent neighbourhood home to many diplomatic missions on senior officials for reported at the scene in the immediate aftermath with some report claiming armed militant targeted the residents of the country's defense minister. fighting however, is now report to tub stop. we spoke to a local john list on the situation in the captain. by behind me not very far, we could hear a series of explosions and burst of gunfire. according to multiple officials at the interior ministry, a suicide attacker detonated his car, packed with explosives outside of the home of the defense minister in the same
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street. many one parliamentarians and officials and politicians also live according to one i've on official. you know, he said that the attackers that breach of the home of the minister defense after they had attacked the home of the african parliamentary. and that comes at a time when we have seen large crowds of ones, even in cities like cobble roaring, saying a law bought in support of the african national security forces after crowds of people did the same in the city of her offsets, under, you know, massive in large scale parlor bon attacks, and we're seeing having an intense fighting alaska of the capital of hell mon province with very, very heavy strikes, bowed by the african air force, as well as by the american air force. a city of 1000000 people, children, women, and elderly stock people need food and water is no power in the middle of the heat of the summer, as well as the pandemic. at least one hospital was hit in air strikes. one official
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said that there was an issue with coordinates, so i ones of got nowhere risk have to have ones. i've gotten nowhere to fleet, especially after years of being displaced in districts, in many of these provinces, the refuge and in these provincial capitals that are now under attack. good bye for all of us here at all. tease h q. we hope to see you again soon. but if you don't have a great day, i rather driven by dreamers shaped by those in me there's things.
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