tv News RT August 4, 2021 1:00am-1:31am EDT
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you by i just why this morning for moscow, the coven pandemic drives a deadly surgeon, drug poisoning deaths, as people get hooked on legal and illegal drugs to help them get through tough times. the, you know, accept digital code 19 certificates from some marino's populations, almost for the vaccinated with the sputnik v vaccine. the very same russian java still waiting approval from the flocks. medical agency washington says it's concerned about reports of an oil tanker being hijacked off the coast of the united arab emirates. well, some british media are ready pointing the finger a run becomes days off for a deadly thrown attack on another tanker in the region. got the latest few this morning. the.
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ah . hello there. good morning for russians wednesday, 4th of august. you watching out international with me, kevin? oh, in great to be company. so 1st and charities in the u. k. a sounding the alarm of what lay claim is a public health emergency with locked and a loss of loved ones, homes and jobs, pushing people to the edge. not even turning to drugs, according to data from the office for national statistics, and the number of deaths related to narcotics in england and wales in 2020 is almost 4, said higher than in 2019. it's equivalent to a rate of over $79.00 deaths per 1000000 people. chief executive of one that you can diction center told us, sees not surprises. it's easy to get. your hands is said on some drugs. were living in a parallel pandemic, a drug alcohol,
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and mental health pandemic that is only worse and due to the virus. enough is enough. we need to come together as a society and take reelection. yes, similar situations been registered in other countries. while scotland has more drug deaths per capita than any other european country, the u. s. is dealing with 30 percent increases compared to previous years. peter, all of a 1st this morning then takes a look at how drug addictions taken whole during the pandemic. global pandemic hasn't just affected the mental health of people around the world. it's brought discussion about things like depression into the full ground, including research and how to treat such illnesses with things like l. s. d, m d n a and cattlemen, all established anti depressants need around 4 to 6 weeks to develop the full effect. even at the substance had been on the market since $960.00 many studies were not carried out until the new millennium. the antidepressant effect, in particular, was shown in a current study in 2020 and received
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a lot of attention. drug use during the pandemic hasn't all been research into trying to help people. 2020 a seen record numbers of drug death to be anointed, kingdom almost 5000 the highest since records started in 1993 over the atlantic. the situation is even worse. almost 100000 americans died from drug overdoses last year of 30 percent from pre ko of 2019. there's also big money in the research into using these type of substances to treat problems like depression, berlin based company a life sciences is said to be worth as much as $2000000000.00. they are the only ones that think the solution may live in psychedelic se in the state. what's going to mine? i was severely depressed after losing a lot of bitcoin. then my girlfriend broke up with me and i decided to try l. s. steve's my own interest for treatment and let's see, is a substance where people start to think fundamentally and maybe think what was
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actually going on here. with any drugs. there are potential risks and even those who support the use of psychedelic to treat things like depression worn, but not everyone is suitable. exclusion criteria are psychotic episode that it person has had earlier in life and borderline disorder of severe forms of borderline disorders. the side effects of suicide in our oldest ecological level. so too much suicide in can someone to become psychotic to go crazy. temporary stays, experience of confusion, of absolute confusion, of this orientation of hallucinations. it's not the 1st time that substances like l . s. d. have been looked up with potential, you know that away from the recreational on the 1900 fifties and sixties soldiers in the us and u. k. took upon an experiment without any real breakthrough mission and meant in the 1990 s m d m. a exploded into the mainstream as part of club culture. that certainly was not be recommended by physician for treatment in any way. perhaps the
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difference now is find none. she'll research into, using psychedelic, to treat mental illness, was worth a report at $3800000000.00 in 2020. and that's a market that's only expected to grow peter all over all t. berlin. other news to tell you about this morning. the european commissions recognize covert health policies issued in san marina, where the vast majority of those facts and i did receive russia sputnik v job. those not been approved by the use official regulator. he's got a call to join sky taylor to explain this latest development a bit more. while what it does mean basically, is that the european union has split a significant demographic of its citizens into 2 groups. those people who have been vaccinated with subordinate v and can travel freely, and those people who have been vaccinated with subordinate b and cannot travel freely. i mean, it all comes down to these cobit certificates that allow for unrestricted movement between you states. now, sam, marino certificates are valid in the e. u and that's
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a, that's a country that has 90 percent of its population vaccinated with student v. we have have these certificates for several weeks now. europe has had them since yesterday . the signature of the commission chairman ursula fonder lion under the document is dated july 30th. thus, they recognize that the technical characteristics of our certificate correspond to european once this decision is of a technical nature. it does not imply recognition of specific v 8 is about a digital signature. our green pass with a q r code is now readable in european apps. so basically, anyone who got the sputnik, the shot in san marino is now considered vaccinated in the u, while those who got it anywhere else in the world literally are considered unvaccinated or potentially ill. why has that? does that mean? is it because russia sending higher quality student v shots to send marino or something obviously not in there, but also does that. i mean, why does that you still refuse to, to approve the russian shot?
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it seems like the you want to get the protection offered by the student, the vaccine where it can, while at the same time, curbing its larger acceptance throughout the continent. i mean, the european medicines agency has been dragging its feet on, like, you know, validating dispute take the shot or not validating it for months now. and in the meantime, over $65.00 countries around the world have already given the russian shot the green light, including some european countries that just didn't want to wait for brussels approval. that includes hungry and slovakia, including san marino. and people for you know, hungry in slovakia now can't travel freely between e u countries while others from submarine can at the same time, it seems like there's potentially a bureaucratic problem on the horizon. i mean, we just also saw reports that the italian authorities are refusing these cove at 1900 certificates, 2 people from san marino, who got the student be shot. so it's not clear how this is going to be implemented
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. it seems like there's just a lot of confusion and that this is a contradiction. and you've all right. now there are volter and international relations expert. i'm former m p s o view on the commission's decision. nice not favorable is not a matter of offices. i'm afraid that mainly in brussel is a measure of politics because you see italy, it cannot that rover e n a is not a robot. but the fact that the m a is a de la paying approval for reason that nobody knows. maybe you know what you need to be. nobody knows why e n a is not a probing to be intelligent people that went to san marino for deigning sport niga already months ago. not all right now to receive the green bus. it is really ridiculous because it is a no and that the sport is at the least the valley,
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the as the other of assigning at least if not more curious toward a truck next for you, late stone. it, he said his deeply concerned reports of an oil tanker being hijacked off the coast to the united arab emirates with little clarity on the case thus far. some of the west already blaming a ran to run for its spot this morning denies any involvement condemning such accusations as quote, propaganda of his policy is called the latest on it. what we doing from the u. k. maritime authority that a potential hijack has a could unavailable off the coast of the united arab emirates. now they saying that the information they had suggest that between 8 to 9 people boarded the tanka, we are hearing from me, which is foreign office that they are investigating this matter. but this has not stopped which media from already pointing fingers at iran the same time.
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also in the same area. there are 4 other tanks that have been reporting that they are not under command. in other words, they are not in control of themselves. they can't maneuver now, it's not clear exactly what's happening in the incident. and it's also not clear whether the 2 are connected. all of this comes just days after and he's really managed tanka was hit by a drone off the coast of oman. now in that particular incident, she crew men were killed and the u. k. office has been very quick to blame. you read. we have heard from the british prime minister always johnson saying that they will be consequences for iran because of that attack. i think that the iran should face up to the consequences of what they've done except that the attribution that the foreign secretary has made, not israel and the united states backing the united kingdom in blaming iran. but
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the thing is that nobody has any conclusive proof as to whether one office has happened. what we are hearing is that these countries work together on ways to respond to, to run. we've also heard in the last few hours on these really side that tomorrow at a meeting of the united nations security general, they will be providing what they say is evident. the united nations secretary general spokesperson, however, has said that there is no conclusive evidence. and they said no definitive information in terms of who was responsible for best. iran has also said that it is not involved. it has a piece at this table time. and it is also warned that if it's any kind of wasted attack, it will retaliate. so all of the searching making the region more chance than it was just a short time ago. yeah, echo 2 by 100 massage, a professor of political science at the university of toronto. he told his accusations, with that evidence could lead to an escalation between iran and the west. inches
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are very high right now. so throwing accusations without any evidence might actually lead to an escalation on. nevertheless, it's an open secret that you on an israel have been engaged in a sort of like a shadow war in the past few years. and lately, in the past few months, the 2 sides have been attacking each other ships. but they don't think any sides at the moment, want that war, never of the future will really depend on whether iran will be able to each nuclear deal with the united states. history has shown us that the re, these are actually very clever in sabotaging uranian negotiations with the americans. so. busy busy if, if in fact these really are behind the red flag operation, then i think that will solve this situation and it might lead to a breakdown of the negotiations. now if the negotiations actually break down,
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did i think that would really escalate the tension between iran in israel in the region that lives this morning? this is actually 30 posts by the way morning, president biden has told me on governor andrew cuomo to resign, but not for covering up the number of covert related deaths and state nursing homes have been talking to by the year of late rather. because if renewed allegations that he sexually assaulted his colleagues back in march, he said that if the investigation confirms the allegations against governor former than he should resign standby, they said, are you now calling on him to resign? yes. and if he doesn't resign, you believe you should be impeached and removed from office? mistake went through the time he should resign. on tuesday, the new york state attorney general published evidence, the cuomo, committed assaults against 11 women in his office, including cases of touching, kissing and inappropriate comments. those actions are considered to be a violation of both state and federal laws,
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but there are currently no criminal investigations in the case. as for quote, he denies the allegations. i never touched anyone inappropriately or made inappropriate sexual advances. my attorney towards a non political former federal prosecutor has done a response to each allegation, and the facts are much different than what has been portrayed. earlier this year, the attorney general found the court mode ministration had attempted to hide the code mortality rate in nursing homes. they'd under reported thousands of deaths which led to a public outcry, but there were no legal consequences for the governor back then. major physical on this line says this time though, the evidence is overwhelming. when you have the multiplicity of witnesses and victims, but somebody who was a state trooper, not that one woman's victimization is different than another. but you have people
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who are assigned to a particular detail who know the law. now what's happening right now is, what is he going to say up to now he's been very glib with he's the tao in that he thinks he can talk his way out of it or what he's going to be saying right now with this is political. now a cup of tea, james, the attorney general, who has been there sites and everybody prop, everybody certainly has political aspirations. we also have the city, the new york city mayor, bill de blasio, who also did test scores will remember this. new york had one new governor eliot spitzer plant 9 who was involved in basically cash cash transfers with with prostitutes and brothels. now this, this is absolutely catastrophic. up till now. nobody really thought this might be the end of him. but this is it. coming out today by the way,
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so anywhere around the world of his art he looking at this one, sweden stock command, a tree mask wearing a month ago now, but the same american health agency says we should all still be very much wearing one because of data they come up with about the new delta straight and that would spread. i'll pilot experts thrush that the conflicting recommendations with coming up after the breaks they witnessed the oh, i use join me every thursday on the alex simon show. and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politics sport. business. i'm show business. i'll see you then me
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january storming of the capital buildings and shock waves throughout america and commissions. now looking for answers, but there's a tragic aftermath. it's not making many headlines for police officers who defend the capital that they've committed suicide to the money in recent weeks. well, joe biden is called them american heroes said the same time family members believes they couldn't overcome simply the mental strain of hiring event. they had to deal with to meet true, poke reports. there are now 4 confirmed police officers who have committed suicide, who had been at the capitol rides on january 6th. yesterday, the metropolitan police department had announced that 2 officers had taken their lives. kyle is afraid to 265 year veteran who was found dead around a month ago and gone through ha, should a $43.00 another police force veteran who had also killed himself in late july,
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leaving behind a wife and 3 children. however, these are but the latest tragic deaths of police officers who ad worked the sheriff that the capital building during the riots and other 2 officers committed suicide shortly after the riots. first, it was howard leaving good 16 year veteran of the capital police force who took his life just 3 days after the event. and jeffrey smith, who shot himself on the way to work in mid january. he had also dedicated over 12 years to the police force and report we did not have any history of mental health issues. however, he did sustain a head injury during the rise, while the family of officer hashi, to the latest to commit suicide has not made any direct connection between him taking his life and the event of january 6. other families have stated that the riots and their aftermath put significant mental stress on the officers who responded when my husband left for work that day. he was the jeff that i knew when
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she returned after experiencing the event being, he turned the head. he was a completely different person. i do believe if he didn't go to work that day, he would be here. what must not be lost and all of this is that my beloved husband died as a result of his dedication to the us capital police. and the sacrifices he made to his well being on the 6th of january and the ensuing days. just as surely as if he had been slain on the capitol steps, recognition of the cause of his death. much like the critical examination of the right itself will remain central to how we make right those tragedies and help avoid their repetition. obviously the colleagues and families of these officers have been devastated by all this. some of the widows of these officers have even been fighting to the death of their husbands. be classified as being in the line of duty. officers. how should have family has set up a crowd funding page to help support the family and organize the officers memorial?
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as for the official response to these deaths, several lawmakers have already expressed their condolences, including nancy pelosi, who issued a statement regarding the latest officer's death officer. she was a hero who risked his life to save our capital, the congressional community, and our very democracy. now just as a reminder, that january 6 riots are still under investigation. lawmakers are to this day hearing testimonies of the people who were there during the storming of the capital building. protesters, police officers, staff members, anybody who was there during the riot, which resulted in at least 5 deaths over a 1000 hospitalizations and hundreds of injuries among both protesters and police officers. so far of the seemingly thousands of people who had stormed the building that day over 500 people have already been char for the insurrection, with some already admitting their guilt. but the situation is constantly changing
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and the investigation goes on, retard us police officer dominic is owed says no of entering the capitol hill rides could have forced officers to take their own lives. but a go and a very, very unpopular opinion, not taking away from the tragic deaths of other men who served in their choice and take their lives. it doesn't add up. in my opinion, we didn't see a riots like we saw in can oh show ferguson. what we see in chicago were, officers are pitted against the civilians and black lives matter, an antique on the destruction they cause to being put in such a stress. the only thing, and this is what i will say, that makes the most sense of anybody who serves in law enforcement to understand when you are pressured by those who are supposed to protect your meaning, your command staff, your governments, the ones you actually go out there and do the job and you have your back when you're pressure by them and your families put at risk. that's where you going to make some unreasonable decisions. i don't see the event happening on january 6th
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meeting again, so unpopular it may gain massive and favor by police supporters. it does not make any sense that will happen on january 6 will leave these men, take their lives at all. sweden has more the last few days with the 0 new covey cases, no more than one death per day over the last 3 weeks. and while the world panics about the new, highly contagious delta strain, the countries also dropped the mandatory wearing of masks on july. the 1st sweden's chief epidemiologist arguing more data is needed before they move against new strains. it is difficult to say how contagious delta is as when it comes to chicken pox. we have been able to follow that disease for several years. the effectively of delta seems to be very uneven. in some cases, one person effects a 100 people. then we have other occasions where an effective person does not effect anyone at all. bear in mind that just last week, americas centers for disease control and prevention revealed new details about the
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delta strain revealing it's as transmissible, they say as chicken pox, they go on to vocalize to both vaccinated and unvaccinated. people can transmit the virus, which is a bit scary. so there's an urgent need for everyone to wear masks. cas debated the conflicting guidelines suite. it didn't do any mask ban dates, and there's a lot of literature out there that shows that mass don't work. so if the w h wants to let us believe in mass that i would like to see the data that shows that makes a big difference. wearing a mouth reduce the risk of transmitting by 20 percent efficient and even a one find for per unit. in fact, yes, it should overall reduce the transmission of the virus on my prevent sponsored, the other risk addiction measures that they told us get the vaccine and you get off the mass. well, we ever got vaccinated and we're still wearing a mass. so i'm not really sure with respect to that because they told us to wear
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the mask and then we won't have locked down to now we're doing locked downs, meaning no school or things like that. a lot of countries now are, you know, protesting germany had tremendous protests, australia had to protest, france and tremendous protests. so, you know, we got to bring the people on cuz it's all about public health. it's selfish not to enter a mask when you should be whatever i'm asking when there's a chance to actually infect somebody else. we need to present powerful images and 2 voices of doors. we need to thank the board, one the phone, their balls, and the message should be boxing them for others. what has happened with the buyer since it's already gone to the community? and those people who survived, which is the majority, now have antibodies and have heard immunity. it's one of the risk reduction measures. we need to several help the thank the behaviors, wash our hands, where mosque gives social decency and the overdues the percentage risk question is,
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how would we persuade people who now see mosque wearing as a political choice? the single biggest influence across all reasons for wearing a face mask abuse would be the low. my voice related pictures by this couple of days ago, but exactly one year since that devastating chemical boston bay wrote the claim, the lives of more than $200.00 explosions. please have been one of the largest non nuclear ones in history. you may find the next video distressing the ash human rights group, amnesty international condemned lebanese officials. so quote, shamelessly obstructing an investigation into the blast since and one of lebanon's oldest hospitals was devastated by the explosion. 2, you can see there one nurse died,
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but also one person was born at that very minute a year on the baby's reported to be, thankfully doing well. we spoke to a nurse on the maternity unit that she told us at the time. panic was not an option, there was simply too much to do. and then i was calling my mother about my b and the last i do remember my cleaning alone getting very bad at this moment. i did not know if i was okay to be able to go away with the baby kid and didn't have an idea about what had what has happened. so i, when i try to move my hands and i was able to, so i thought of to be hard to see what the baby had read, where are they are they are okay. and this is what i would up and went to be when they were it. and then inside, i really,
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really bad. like i had gone because i had these leaving or i could, i could not go into panic mode. i had to be able to be in the base were giving me breathing and they would that and they had to keep going and fun to be with you. i happened to babies a couple of in the day doing very well that way. and i'm in contact with the parents almost every day. they send me pictures and they send me everything they do, how they play, how they feed things. are they doing very well, and at least one nice little story there from all the misery a thank you for watching the program this morning. you'll find so much more about what we're talking about to international, but r t dot com, whatever social media you can have, you'll say too. but for now, kevin are reporting for me and the rest of the team have a super day the
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they are growing indications. donald trump will indeed make a 3rd run for the presidency in 2024. the former president remains the most favored potential primary candidate within the g o. p. but what about the republican party leadership? are they on board? and does trump have a message that would return him to 1600 pennsylvania avenue and the the the fridays offer been maybe close by they will get paid today because i'm having difficulty with my father.
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