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tv   News  RT  August 5, 2021 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT

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my name is the the, the un announces an official intervention over claims of excessive force and brutality by berlin offices against anti lockdown protesters. but a police union says the demonstrators themselves, for the fall from people. i am sure that my colleagues actually then accordance with the law. in addition, more than 60 police officers were injured. they clearly did not stumble, but started doing the process. he looked at the rise in cases of women abused in jails, the fight transgender intimate, as convex born male being sent to female prison in western countries. women's rights activists have dropped the policy around you commission for co vaccinated
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citizens of san marino to enter the block leave most stuck behind as they've received ross's but b, which is not yet approved. microstates help me to tell you that despite the job proved in africa, we have some data, some data guarantee i'll be at the cmc, we are closer to a 100 percent off a few cmc. ah, bring you use every out the day. this is our national life from russian capital, thanks to the companies that are getting started. the us special rapids on torture says they're all ground for an official intervention against berlin. police officers following numerous accusations of brutality against those recently protesting the tightening occurs at restrictions to stopping videos. how much from that demonstration last sunday? the wall to these images of an officer
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throwing an elderly woman to the ground, went viral. belinda police confirmed that a proven to suspected bodily harm had been opened on the head of the judge and told us that the criticism of pressure exhausted on the officers might be on fire. but instead of one of us talked us money, i am sure that my call exactly, then accordance with the law. in addition, more than 60 police officers were injured. they clearly did not stumble but suffered during the protests, which by the way, were fast and peaceful. because they violated public orders since they were banned, the police are the center of criticism and such deployments. that's something we're used to. society is becoming ever more polarized politics that cultivate anything but peaceful conversation have come to be to, to that. and the police on right between irreconcilable fronts that are no longer ready to engage in dialogue. i know that doesn't make up police work any easier. i don't have any other opinions about this colleague say they have been under
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pressure and these events a lot of colleagues have been injured and that doesn't make the situation easier. we'd like to see politics being used to calm people down on all sides. around 5000 people took part in protest, simple and on sunday, with more than 600 arrested officers used buttons and pepper spray, gave demonstrators a job. and lawyer told us the use of force us in the gross fleet just proposed what we've seen in this video is quite shocking, at least to me. and if you assess it from a legal perspective, you'd ask yourself if there was a threat. but from what it looked, it's just an elderly lady trying to pass by the policeman. i don't think it was an extremely tense situation with just before the police of the throwing the lady to the ground like that. if you look at the standard legal definition of a threat, it just didn't look like one of the policemen wasn't being attacked. and there was no gross disturbance of the peace and public security that lady just wanted to pass by. from a legal perspective to conduct, quote,
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disproportionate freedom of assembly, the constitutional rights can be restricted. for instance, in a pan they make like the one we're seeing there may be restrictions, but they shouldn't be a difference with the people have notified of their rally beforehand or not. they should be able together continuously to avoid that peaceful and unknown in the open . in citizens shouldn't be in fear of being subjected to this kind of treatment. when going to protest, residents of san marino are baffled by ear restrictions that's off the block announced it would allow entry for those not kelly to the gains cove in the tiny european nation. but 94 percent of his population has been job to the office. but the v. foxy not yet recognized by the e. u, it's putting v is still under review that however the you is formally accepting coven, not collation certificates issued by san marino. and vatican city, allowing free movement between those 2 non you states on the block. speaking exclusively to all t san rina's health minister explained some of the problems the restrictions are
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causing our green pass a recognize this from you, but only for the people the submarine oxygenated by pfizer. so the people and it is 94 percent of our population. that's will be seen as the problem to move into italy and the surveys are equally bar or restaurant or c m ok and the order closed space closed space. so we are now working with the italian government to, to find a solution to this problem. the russian job has proven itself in san marino, showing it at 60 rate of more than 91.6 percent. only 2 percent of those and automated have suffered severe side effects at about one percent will. over the age
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of 60, the health minister said that all those jobs with splitting concerned marino have developed antibodies. we did some strategies about the ccsp of the sporting vaccine. we have some day, some data guarantee of the, the c and c. we are closer to a 100 percent off a few c o c and so all our people develop the antibodies and which is splitting be maxine ation after one week from the start of the 2nd. those is what maybe we start to do to, to free our, our ospital and our accounts and, and now we have people in, in, in the roof because some are called while we all remember how terabyte and every
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criticized donald trump on his migration policy while now it seems that barton is gonna provide similar strategy. more immigrants are being expelled from the us under a federal law that allows deportations during a health crisis. and our coalition of groups led by the american civil liberties union has announced its resuming a law suit against the white house. so for expulsions. daniel hawkins explains. so bought and sold the public as the antidote to donald trump is migration policies. will markets it is fair and humane? a far cry from his previous s as children in case you scandal of what he wanted his barrier to look like, including spiked steel slats furiously. mister president, what is the matter with you? children's lives do literally hang in the balance. donald trump caused this crisis . he originally took credit for it, but now donald trump is running from what he did. and it did seem change was afoot, a series of trump policies renounce soon off taking office some tangible like
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reversing trumps local muslim travel by other proposals, more symbolic, like replacing alien with non citizen and immigration law, whatever their aims, those measures didn't stop a disastrous border crisis from developing just this july, more than 200000 people cross the mexican border, bringing total number since january to 1100000. that's enough to create the 10th largest city in the us. and the issue isn't getting any easier the face to this, the white house has been in no hurry to repeal some major from pier policies.
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legislation allowing border officials to deport non citizen arrivals without the late remains in place with about 70000 families, about a 3rd of those apprehended sent back immediately. and human rights groups have had enough. we gave the biden ministration more than enough time to fix any problems left behind, but the trump administration, but it has left us no choice but to return to court. fabulous law of sod, steak plus homeland security is just resume, so called expedited removals. meaning monuments can be quickly reported without even getting a court hearing or legal aid. at least unaccompanied children are no longer in cages. but even here botany phase is a growing problem. photos of mine is separated by change, expenses may be gone from media headlines, but testimonies and images of current conditions in child attention centers of course, mountain criticism, so much. in fact, the government watched the responsible. as last the review of the facilities,
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we take seriously the concerns raised by individuals regarding the quality of case management at the 4 boys emergency intake sent her, and the potentially negative impact on children's health, safety and well being. if investigators obtain information about conduct and appears to fall outside of the law or health and human services policies and regulations, we will forward those details to our office of investigations for appropriate action. from was the guy the media love to hate. a perfect pantomime bill and he made it easy. biden has been presented as the mirror image from his position was clear, if controversial and divisive biden said the right things enough to claim the election, appealing to both sides of the migration debate. but faced with a record breaking crisis, he was losing some of his biggest allies. and in future, his political support. majority of the reporters, the people in the media,
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whether that be to television or the print press, they are anti crammed because those who consider themselves to be a journalist. the majority of them, when they went to the school to the universities, to study journalism, they were all within the them or part of the democrat part of the by then is losing among the, the polls among the american people. and that's the immigration, is one of them is launching a special project, analyzing the growth in cases of transgender. convex manipulating the system. when following the rising number of stories of women abused imprisoned by trans inmates, a scheme of a horror by many ah,
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now one of the most notorious cases in recent days comes in the u. s. state of virginia, where transgender blogger was arrested for allegedly raping her 79 year old mother . despite being born male, the blogger was identified by police as female, which means she will be housed with women behind bars. so what's the story? well, christine child came out as a transgender woman around 7 years ago. she was arrested all through it actually admitting to repeatedly raping her mother who was suffering from dementia. chandra now faces up to 12 years in jail. we have requested more details on the case from us will. storage will bring you the response as soon as we receive it. but this case is just one of many that have incense the public in the wake of a controversial bill passed in california at the start of the year. the law that trans inmates request a transfer to facilities that align with that gender identity, affectively allowing male prisoners to move to female jails since the law was
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passed around 300 such requests have already been submitted as of june. this year non has been rejected by authorities. california is so far the only u. s. state to have adopted such legislation, but women's rights groups are ringing the alarm. what they fear will become a precedent for other parts of the country. the definition of transgender is dangerously inclusive and california department of corrections and rehabilitation. these are basically heterosexual man. ruin in this, a paternity for the trans community to the safe. and now they have a big pool of potential victims. we have now heard from several different people inside central california women's facility that at least one woman possibly more is now pregnant. after being housed with a male felon who was transferred to the woman's prison. we've sent a request about the matter to california is department of corrections on rehabilitation, have yet to receive a response. in the meantime though,
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i want to bring in now legal unless jennifer dem often women's right advocate and political unless rece addison always good to have a few on the program. i'm jennifer. i'll stop with you. how do you view california phil? 13, to many claim that it sets a heretic precedent for the country. do you agree? i agree, in the sense that it does, the president doesn't say this law is so actually broad and generic. you're not looking for any sort of justification or behind the transgender. right. actually come from an actual medical sort of called gender dysphoria. i've known people from, from a young age, childhood were struggled to feel like a different gender than they are. this is very important to keep with this bill the california and they're trying to be so overly inclusive. anybody that even been in the prison system as a straight thing straight male can now identify themselves whatever, where they want to not only to insult people who have had gender dysphoria in
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childhood, in full people who actually struggle with this is utilizing something that was mentioned to protect other people would actually didn't have the condition in order to potentially and unfortunately maybe commit violence, sexual violence against other people. and so that's why when you have laws that are so release date and broad like this, you can really put other people in danger while also insult the people who truly do struggle with this by using something that they really do have something that they truly do identify and have identified with a young age in order to fulfill something they're going to bring harm to others. so this is very problematic and there needs to be a neary of what these definitions and what they define terms actually are. i want to get back to that a bit later in the meantime, which i do want to ask you, do you think this bill solves or rather create more problems that it solve? absolutely. what we have here is a bill that intending to be inclusive in protective of the rights of trans gender
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people. at the same time, the state of california has sworn in order to protect the rights of women. and even, you know, by allowing people who are genetically and physically mail into the prison were a lap. and now saying that there are cases and instances of where women have reported being breaking sexually, assaulted in our saying that this is a nightmare is worst nightmare. we are putting women at risk and mind you all the application only 30 have been approved of the $300.00. there are at least 300 people who identify as women, but are physically mail that are preparing themselves to be transformed into a california women state prison. and to put in unleash these people into the population with women. and basically, you know, with no protection other going to say, oh, well, if something happens, you can get an abortion here. we have an appeal for, we have appeal for you to take. if you get an abortion or you can use a condom,
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we're acknowledging that we're putting these women at risk and it's unsafe if you're responsible in california, certainly all the women that state better and they are failing miserably right now . and they're attempting to basically play to a special live interest group where rather than the people that the democratic party said that they were basic. but the principles of the democratic party, which is to protect women issues like viola and other things, women suffer good women separate movement. the democratic party was supposed to stand on the principles of protecting women, and they are currently failing miserably. jennifer, do you think that there is a concern that heretic stories like the ones that are merging, that they can do pretty irreparable damage to an entire transgender community? absolutely, and that's what my colleague saying. i agree with this, but it is doing irreparable damage. not only to the transgender community, to,
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to people who have, have been going through their transgender, their, their changes on some of these people have actually been going through your thing, your surgery, taking estrogen of trying to match with the gender that they're feeling at. and so these people have had the thought their lives so now by pretending essentially pretending or just we need to be to, you are now deal it g, legitimize being all these people i 100 thousands of people, actual struggled with this and years and years and money surgery to go through this chain here, di legitimize them, you're actually going to start to demonize them by using them as a crush. what do you think the commit violence against women? i mean, not only irreparable damage to the transgender communities, to those who have had dealt with their entire life and damage, of course, to the women in there. but you're not, we're looking at women. these women are going to be terrified because there are men who have had no surgery, no pills, no, actually, no,
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nothing. and i've taken no steps there just decided, oh, i can just say i want to be placed with women and commit violence against them. well, now these women women aren't stupid and they're going to know that these are physical males, despite what they say, i didn't suddenly their physical males who can physically overpower them. so who are the women going to be able to go to, especially women in prison system. they don't even have some of the legal systems which are already kind of feeling some women, but they don't even have the systems in place to talk to you. so you're not only harming the real transgender community. people are kicking, you're the, you're harming women, you're harmony, everybody else, you're de la, generalizing their concerns and you're making it so they have absolutely no voice. why? i mean, really talking about, you know, harming women for very long time. women, all this, he felt on hud. they felt forgotten about. they felt use they felt vulnerable then they became empowered. and now suddenly it feels like a trend is going in the opposite direction. is that how it looks to you?
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well, we have to be very careful and realizing that in attempting to extend the rights of all and civil rights and fairness and inclusion, we are especially the democratic party, is, is reaching really, really far to make sure that they are doing in the, in the best effort possible to extend those same rights to the l g b t community and there has been a strong push to, you know, whether it's allowing children to i, the state of california has a governor new. some has john legislation that would allow 11 and 13 year olds to decide their sexual identity. if they want to begin to have surgery that a young age, there has been a drive to be the most possible inclusive in california, specifically. and here's where we're running into issues. we're not protecting women, we're not protecting those who were born women. and we have to understand that
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there is a distinction between those who identify as women and those who are genetically women. and that, that the harm can exist between those who are just attempting to present themselves as women, so that they can escape being housed with other men and been being a rooster in the hen house. and basically whether they want to escape other harm from other men or just come into the female prison and be a predator. we open the door to that, and that's problematic. and, and because we're so, you know, in the effort of being so inclusive, we're not realizing the harm on the back in that is being cause and that's, that's a huge failure on our part. so jennifer, what do you, i mean this is katie thought too complicated issue. so what's the solution here? is that single sex prisons because you know, when you read a lot, a lot of trans inmate say i didn't feel safe anyway. so how do we make sure that everyone does feel safe? you know, this is a very complicated issue. i mean, whether it's from
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a legal perspective or a human right perspective, it because for every, for, for all the, the amendment me. absolutely, and of course the line about this, why about the identified as a woman so that they can rate and harm women and women prevent. they're also actually going to be people that have gender dysphoria or trans issues who really struggle. they are not interested in women like that. they don't want to harm one and they actually do feel like a woman they have for many years. so they're going to be issued like that. we're going to feel unsafe. i've actually come across people like that. and so they're, they're going to feel and think they're going to feel like you're alive to be endangered, no matter where they are. and i mean, really, that's up to, i think, you know, you have to prison system. you have a legislature, i mean we spend what's 1000000000 showing the dollars we're going to over and be on to try to, to try to make all these things we're providing so much harm to women. it's not just from the physical violence, actual violence perspective, not the voices from athletics as well when they worked their whole life. and so we need to make sure that we are continue to hold, right. but why can't,
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if we spend billions on these other out with these other policies, what can we look into say prison system? so having, i mean, yes, we have male prison, we have enough person. that's how it's been because we know that that works better . but maybe having other facilities or individuals that i identify it's trans, making sure there is better security for some of these people. i don't know, maybe even looking into their medical records, not just taking somebody's looks good california. i'm going to said basically you can get a piece of paper and check a box and then be have the bunch of women that you can victim i. that's not ok. but there are ways that you can look into somebody's medical history, in fact, a logical record. that's what the prison system is supposed to do. if the ok, this is a verifiable a vera, a verified statement by this person, verify what they think about their, their identity or their gender. that's what we need to do. i mean, what do we met with everything else just into what somebody says, not just taking them at their word and make sure that there is some kind of
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verification for this in order to just protect people. i don't see why we're not doing this work. we're bending over backwards, but there's so many other body where we can one background checks or we can look at like a logical record that reports or medical history. that's at least one place legally at least start. well, i think this is definitely a topic that we will be seeing an awful lot of in the coming months. and i definitely hope we can get very few on again to discuss it. that was illegal on. that's trying to put them all on women's right out. good. i'm political on the receptor. many thanks for me. next week, people in france will have to show a coven help pos, to get into restaurants, cafe, even hospitals, while health walk has face mandatory vaccination by next month, front is constitutional council house rules that the government's divisive moves all legal recent weeks have feel a series of angry rallies over the pressure to vaccinate and pandemic restriction. the
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money, even before the mandatory reformation was introduced, there had been more than 10000 lay offs in french hospitals. but can the local health care system afford to lose all the complete? many people now say that they want to leave their work and not only in hospitals, if you have a closer look at what's happening now, you'll see that some specialists refused to comply with the vaccination order and say, whatever of my job, i choose to work as an independent specialist, so stop working on anti restriction protest is gathered outside the court as the decision was revealed, not europe correspond to all of our was amidst them. the constitutional counsel, which is the highest body in the land when it comes to masses of the constitution,
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has ruled that the changes to the laws that were put through by parliament last month largely comply with the letter of the french constitution. what that means is that from next week, you're going to have to show how pass if you want to go into balls, restaurants on long distance trains or even into medical centers, it will contain more than 50 people. what the hell passes are is basically a q r code that says the pc vaccinated what you've been vaccinated within the results of any covert past that have been carried out. now they're all ready in place when it comes to visiting you themes and other cultural sites. across from the extension was not supported by a large group of people who came out on the street. that was supported by a large selection of the whole population low between 55 to 63 percent of those polled that they actually wanted. however, it's the small, very vocal group like you can see just behind me on the square near to the
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constitutional council that are deeply unhappy with. it's one of the big reasons that deeply unhappy is these rules also include monetary vaccinations for health care workers. now that also includes firefighters in from, through a categorized as medicine as well that we have heard from firefighters union, today's date, you know, all parts of you know, using, as you can see, as i said, it's very small group. they are incredibly vocal. if you just heard that back to the firefighters and what the firefighters unions of said is that have gone through, they were talking about strike. as soon as monday, we're going to have to wait to see what the response to they say is now, it was talked about being largely compliant to the french constitution. there are the rules that went through water supported by the constitutional counsel with the idea that people on short term contract to refuse of vaccination, could have their contract terminated also that they could be forced into mandatory
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quarantined mandatory self isolation that was approved by the constitutional counsel, but in the main pause it has gone through that will be new rules in place. we have seen the last 3 weeks on rest across from small scale in some places, but over 200000 people out on the streets of front. last week, we're expecting even more to come out this saturday across the front here empower as well. that's already pushed back from the hospitality sector with defiant business owners saying it's not up to them to do the police walk to check bosses. but no, there was no, i don't want to ask people their identity, am a restaurateur. i'm not a police officer and it is forbidden to ask people for documents with their names on them. for me to know. in addition, i have clients who don't want to show me the pass. i did a survey customer say no, they're vaccinated, there are no problems, but they will not give me the pos, downstairs. the cinema can have 49 people without a house pass. and me,
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i must ask for one, it's acceptable. and above all, i have no stuff to put in front of the door to control the process. and he's not alone. more than 6000 restaurant and shop owners have declared that they'll refuse to offer health pulses from their customers. janik again says that there are ways to get around the new restrictions. their knowledge is a come new google normal. i'm going to do like a government does. i'm going to hijacked a law and they're going to say restaurant anymore. i will put private club and everything will be by reservation. private clubs don't need a pass. i don't know why you have to ask the government, mr. darman in his office to sir convent the law. they know how to do with all those gentlemen. they go to for star restaurant, someone greets them at the door. that's for sure. but we can't afford to do that. we are too small and find need more on those deadly wildfires around the mediterranean, on june region concerns going that thousands of tons of coal stalled out of power
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station in talk. he could ignite the facility on a nearby town, have already been evacuated, where you can see huge keys for boats. around 13000 people, one moved to safety by the coast guard, which also called on all the vessels in the vicinity to help out, the number of deaths from wildfires in recent days has reached 800 to the bodies of a turkish german couple were found in that bond town home in taya over the greek island of z are 5. how fond as many as $150.00 homes and 40 about creation of whole villages, olive groves, livestock on electricity, connections have been lost to the blazes considered to be the last in greece. in recent years. super saw. 8 strike car lionel mess the why to consider the greatest football or the century is leaving a ball alona nazi announcement from the club. he was played for since 2003 the capital and giants announced they could not resume.


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