tv News RT August 7, 2021 6:00am-6:30am EDT
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will be successful, very critical of time, time to sit down and talk on a jails. hacker who expose the abusive conditions of the prison he's being held in is denied telephone access to his lawyers, his wife from the move and active vengeance bureau presence, lawyer county, that she can only like speak to them if they have upcoming court deadline, where she's not applying that requirement to any of the other inmates. privacy activists take a bite of apple over that tech giant's controversial plans to start stunning the files of users for a child sex abuse content. we discussed the issue with a panel of expert how was we going to be able to determine what is and isn't
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appropriate effectively creates a back door to, to, up to, to apples devices. where are they going to draw a line and the parents of a brain damage 2 year old toddler, lose their fine to the european court of human rights. this stop a u. k. hospital withdrawing new life support for their child. we speak to their lawyer. ne perry would want to be in this position, keeping experience shoppers as best they can a bit. it is obviously very tricky situation. ah, one in the afternoon here in moscow this sunday. welcome to the news r and r t. i'm you know, neil to our top story we begin with are continuing in depth coverage of the story of martin goths felt. he's currently serving a prison sentence in the u. s. for
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a hugging hospital. he said he did that to draw attention to a custody battle between the facility and the parents of a child being kept there with their consent. mister golf feld recently turned to us after he was denied telephone access to his lawyers. ah, mister got stells wife said communication with his lawyer was cut off shortly after he wrote an article published on our team website. in the p. c describes cases of mistreatment of the prison he's being held in. the authorities though, say his lack of calls were simply done to changes in their corporate policy. we discussed the case with bar at brian, a journalist, an activist who was himself imprisoned in connection with a data leak. and also, dana gods felt. they read all his mail, so they had a heads up on what was coming. they shouldn't it's legal privilege mail,
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but i guess i guess they were aware. he has multiple attorneys who are trying to get in touch with him for meetings about strategic matters. he answered an appeal and they're like just and other stuff in court and they just can't reach him. they're telling him that they, catherine fear, vault is that bureau of prisons lawyer. and it's telling them that she can only let him speak to them if they have upcoming court deadlines. where she's not applying that requirement to any of the other. it's laurie himself over throughout the entire him is imprisonment, has been retaliated against for other articles. he's written or lawsuits. he has filed against the system against the visual wardens and so forth. nothing done for years and feds, myself or prison. the u. s. for my activism and having written,
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calling from prison, i've been in prisons where there was no wall over. i've been in prisons where, you know, i was, i was pulled off the phone, what she's going to interview the interview and put in the show for doing that interview and then release after investigation here, 2 weeks later, i was re arrested on the field. these orders in 2017, for getting interview advice after i got out of prison. no one has been involved in activism. should be tried in the u. s. nor gosh, where there is it. just the record of the u. s. saw it on this is a mentally vile. let's look at the details. 7 years ago, martin gulf felt huck the computer servers of boston childrens hospital. he said his actions were aimed of exposing a months long custody battle between the facility and the persons of 15 year old justina peltier. justine as mother and father had been disputing her diagnosis by the doctor should changed it from a rare blood disorder to a mental condition and forcibly separated the teenage girl from her family. justina
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was eventually reunited with her parents after a public. i'd cry. but mister golf fell, was arrested on there's no serving, attend, you're a terminal soon. in the community management unit, those units are created as part of the war on terror. now we're done by the media as little one town the most. all communications with the outside world are monitored and restricted, while typical inmates include terrorists, those linked to piracy and also mafia members. martin got felt wife claims his policemen. there is staggeringly excessive and highlighted issues. her husband had with the judge, hearing the case. i think what really set him off, was it, marty? expose his conflicts of interest in the case. judge mcdaniel gotten donate to the adoption agency that often partners and has received donations from boston childrens hospital. it's likely the agency that they would have used to get just
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adopted into another family. remember they took the custody away from justina. parents made her aware of the state. and then the next step is to get her adopted into another family. the government wanted to use the we're, we're a terrorist in the judge said, no, we did try to nathaniel gordon who hates marty. said you can't use that word. that's not what this was. but after trial, they put him in a unit for terrorists. it makes no sense even a previous prison correctional officers recognize that this is a political case. i think that's why he's in the c. m. u, we have contacted both the judge on the adoption center for comment. we also us leading rights organizations, both in the u. s. and worldwide for their a take on the case, the european court of human rights and human rights watch list. they can't comment on the issue or whatever the case has raised public concerns. of course, about the proportionality of us cyber laws are not for the 1st time,
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with more all not aspect. here's our t's, the new hawkins golf. fels, wasn't the 1st case headline. so the computer fraud and abuse act came into 4th, iron schwartz, the activist and harvard research fellow, was charged under the cna with numerous violations at 1st facing up to 35 years in jail, for downloading and releasing academic journals to make them available to all the case drove him to suicide journalists, matthew team spent 2 years in prison for providing login detail us to a news website that resulted in the crime of a headline being to go through actions also had consequences, though his intentions may have been good and the resulting damage arguably, minimal, these crime, he was jailed alongside the very worst in the penal system. among them both convicted of involvement with terrorism, piracy, and matthew membership. his unit is commonly called guantanamo north,
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which gives you some idea of life inside. the communications management unit is established to house inmates who due to their current defense of conviction, fence conduct or other verified information, require increased monitoring of communications with persons in the community to protect the safety, security, and orderly operation of bureau facilities and protect the public golf felt as complained of being placed in solitary confinement just for voice and concerns about the treatment of inmates among those failings in the hands of code cases, which have led to prison a death. he also accuses prison, staff of punitive measures blocking his communication with lawyers and media. i was a journalist in prison for, for 13 years, for many years in washington state. i was routinely retaliated against and punished for being critical of prison officials on some respect. i think that probably goes with the territory and is the norm. i think, in general,
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bureaucrats was pretty much total unchecked. power. tend to not view favorably, those who question the power and any abuses of that power. so i would say it was certainly would surprise me if he weren't needing retaliated by prison officials, gospel case will continue to draw attention and discussion. do ends justify means, should activists acting on good intentions, that altruism be treated equally with korea criminals? how many broken lives? does it take the reform obsolete laws? and how much difference can the actions of one person on a mission really make? well, let's put some of those points are corresponding was just making 2 political unless patrick heading thing, joining us live on the program to help you with this country. let me just put what the court actually said. then mr. golf felt hacked. a children's hospital seeing
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that his actions could potentially put lives at risk. is it right then that he's in prison? well, to, to get such a heavy federal sentence for putting lives at risk rather than damage that was actually done. certainly if there was a damage done or people lives were lost or, or, and so forth, one could make the argument that, that sort of heavy federal sentence might be the appropriate remedy for their crime committed. but if it's a potential threat or potential risk. so in other words, the, the, the harm should be proportionate to the sentence, not the potential harm. and increasingly, what we see, certainly in the us justice system, is this kind of trend of symbolic convictions and symbolic sentences, whereby the politicization of the justice system and the, the, the,
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what used to be due process is become increasingly clear. the sized and i think we can see that in so many different cases, especially with the area of cyber crime or hacking. it seems that, and i think maybe this just really speaks to the ability of hackers or hacked of ists to threaten the power structure which has become increasingly dependent on digital networks. we only have to look really at the julian assigned case as, as the sort of top level sort of case in this area. he is absolutely and political prisoner, and it's not so much about what he did. it's about what he represents and the ability of an organization to get around the powers of the state. as you say, there activism it is a is an issue that people are trying to get their head around. still at this stage,
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leading to the question cannot kind of law breaking activism. what it is right now ever be justify. it says, you know, there's definitely a case and it would definitely be a crime and most likely some level of punishment there. the question is the severity of the punishment or the degree of the punishment and clearly marty, god felt being made an example of in this case. and you know, if you look at his wife's testimony, a very heartfelt testimony, no reason to doubt the sincerity. deep sincerity of what you saying about her husband and the thing that struck me was he was asked, you know, does he regret what he did? he said mon, my main regret is that i didn't act sooner on behalf of the family. and the young girl who in his mind were at great risk. and actually there's form in this area. if
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you look at one of the leading causes of death in the united states, certainly in the medical theater is miss diagnosis. and if you go to a lot of consumer advocacy sites, one of them is the hospital safety grade. in the united states is medical errors anywhere between depending on how you interpret the data between 440-0000 people die annually in the united states as a result of preventable hospital errors. that's a fact and that's been flushed out in many academic papers. and it's certainly a big, big issue in the area of tort law. so i mean, he is swimming in an area. there are those the, let's say very for tile with controversy. so there's no doubt that these, these are problems. the question is, was the action that he took justifiable and if it was or wasn't, what would be the appropriate punishment or not just to get your thoughts on that other aspect. an intriguing aspect,
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the prison had replaced visits with calls patrick, because of the pandemic. they say, but it was having to restrict the number of calls, people could make due to demand on staffing levels. i put it to you. is it really that difficult for a prison to arrange such calls? it's not, it's not. and again, covering the sancha trial in the hearings in bell marsh prison. i was able to get a really good insight into that last year. i mean, there, withholding his legal documents, documents are going missing, keeping him from being able to prepare in appeal for his defense. this has been done systematically by the justice system by the prison officials even. so there's a level of coordination there that goes way beyond the actual prison warden. and again, this speaks back to the original point of the symbolism of this case. you know, once they drop the hammer on any of these people and make them, you know,
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a kind of an example of 2 others saying, you don't, don't dare engage in this type of activity. once that move is made is very difficult for the establishment historically to back to, to reconsider its position, maybe to admit that they met. they've made a huge mistake or that there's foul play involved, or preventing the person from appealing. that's always going to be a high level of political coordinator activity in, in my opinion. and in there as history has shown, appreciate your time. this sort of a political as patrick headings in life on our team. me a quarter of an orange the program moving on. huge privacy concerns, boned over apples plans to start telling us i phones for child abuse, pictures. it follows years of pressure from success of american governments demanding increased surveillance of encrypted data. additionally,
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new safety protection tools will warn children and their parents when sexually explicit photos are center receipt. apple will. busy automatically scan for child abuse related material even before it's uploaded to the cloud storage system. if cases are confirm, the users account will be deactivated. now the national center for missing and exploited children. notified whistleblower edward snowden has weighed in on the issue condemning the textual and new policy. unbelievable. apple now circulating a propaganda letter describing the internet white opposition to the decision to start checking the private files on every i phone against the secret government blacklist as the screeching voices of the minority. this has become a scandal to say that we are disappointed by apples plans is an understatement. apples compromise on end to end encryption, may p government agencies in the u. s. and broad. but as a shocking about face for users who rely on the companies,
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leadership and privacy and security, we discussed the issue and its wider ramifications with a number of guests. what kind of algorithm are they going to use? that is able to scan billions of images and then segregates something that is not, let's say, a bear skin rug photo or some form of accept. i don't know what acceptable nudity is, but something that is innocence, something that is not in any way in the fairies. how is it going to be able to determine what is and isn't appropriate? they'll be looking for a code into a scene known and already classified and sex abuse images, and which is like and that database and how those algorithms are used to search computers. this season, such like apple is refused to open the front of the back door to the encryption following cases of, of terrorism, bus murder, rapes, kid,
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not being, what happened suddenly with this particular cause. yes, it is a good causing an important cause that makes our poll, you know, just go completely the other way in. i think the answer is, is the apple is probably exploiting the subject of child exploitation in order to enroll something that it feels. this is the only way to sugar coated few think you will have some kind of privacy interest in this. if you think that this photo and your cloud belongs to you, and you can tell the company that you've contract it, either through their hardware or whatever that to, to back off and stay out of your business. i mean, are we, are we serious? do we really think this even remotely as possible for us to tell big tech to back off, leave us alone stay. i don't want affairs,
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it's already done. it's are the fact that they're even saying that they, they don't even have to tell us they're doing this. we know it. there are millions of users around the world. the vast majority have not got any child sexual abuse imagery, and so they don't need to worry about that. old damage is going to be scan. where are they going to go next? we're going to look for the trigger word. so all the things, well, the images of all the things, where are they going to draw a line in this whole is becoming a de facto agency of the government. even though they say we're going to hand over information to the police for the will. but in any event, they will be sharing the information with other government agencies. so, so then now becoming an agent of the state, still ahead and the program ceiling to a new record, the highest daily figure for illegal migrants making the journey across the english channel from mainland europe to the u. k. is set more after this
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i i is your media a reflection of reality in a world transformed what will make you feel safer? tyson lation, whole community. you going the right way? where are you being somewhere? which direction? what is truth? what is faith? in the world corrupted, you need to defend the join us in the depths will remain in the shallows. i
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join me every 1st day on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guess in the world, the politic sport business. i'm sure business. i'll see you then in the moon ah, a login, a record number of illegal migrants crossed the english channel to reach the u. k in a single day this week. taking the total number of arrivals so far this year to more than $10.00 and it comes amid reports that refugees helping to quarantine in hotels, paid for by tax payers are not solving their covert isolation enforced. while returning british holidaymakers are facing daily calls on police checks our teeth
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on the stage to my children being talking to those affected to accommodate the search. an asylum seekers to home office has spent tens of millions of pounds on fog booking. full bought o tells to be used as a temporary housing. a number of these are located in the heart of major u. k. cities, including london and manchester. many of the new arrivals have come from the country with the high levels of corona virus. british travelers still have to fork out nearly 2000 pounds for mandatory quarantine in the hotel is coming from a red list. country reports have also merged, claiming that hundreds of migrants thing and hotels have been breaching quarantine rules due to poor security enforcements of the premises. some security guards even admitted that they could not control quarantine because they do not know who is supposed to be self isolating. we decided to try and catch up with some of the migraines, whose hotel stays, are being funded by the british taxpayer. it looks like we have to call the police
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if you'd only like for private property. no luck. on our 1st attempt, we were asked to leave the premises immediately off to kingston. we moved more centrally to london. consistent district managed to speak to refugee from libya. he told me he's allowed to leave his room for a cigarette during quarantine. to go out and had a photo of the 5 to 10 minutes. most of the new come as a scattered in hotels around london. me in england. like 10 months, 10 months in summer house, in an exclusive area like this one who does, he generally don't come cheap. we ask local what they thought the people seem to me to be very well behave. and i have noticed studies are problems in the area. this is authentic idea. they can only hear, you know, that they're always, you know, thinking they are eating smoking. you know,
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the home office insist that hotel accommodation is only a temporary solution to coping with the back of people waiting for a decision on their asylum application. but with the number of daily channel crossing, setting new records, the british tax 1st bill is only going to get bigger anastasia, so much of a r t london. the parents of the brain damage 2 year old daughter, i have lost their appeal at the european court of human rights. they are trying to stop a u. k. hospital withdrawing life support treatment for the little girl. their lawyer spoke to us. they parents want to be in this position and they competed by their family, that community and they keep an experience office as best they can a bit. it is obviously a very tricky situation. her condition has been stable for 2 years. now.
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we know that taking her by a transform will not be a detriment to her. what we have piece at the hospital will agree that little to can be transferred to, to israel and to a hospital all for hi repeat to a willing to look after the parents of all to fix her who are acidic, jews say, withdrawing her life support goes against their religious faith, they want to take her either to israel or the u. s. for assessment and possible treatment. the u. k. hospitals say she has no chance of recovery. such a journey would only bring her further pay. the family's lawyer again. i lined his thoughts about the judge's ruling. when you take the case to the european court, you're affectively taking the case against the government because you are saying that the processes that we used were wrong and should have been should have been best. so they weren't properly applied. and so the position in
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a case like this is one where very often cases to the european court of human rights successful. so it was one where you're asking the court to look at processes and procedures. and it's, it's easier in a way for the european court of human rights to say, well, actually we don't, we don't try. and this is a problem here than actually getting into the minucci case. more than 150 demonstrations are set to take place throat fronts today against president microns and mandatory covert vaccination plans. numerous trade unions, including medical groupings, are rallying their members against the move or during the week people in paris, voice their anger on the streets. after francis constitutional consul rule, the governments moves legal. as are europe correspondent, peter oliver witnessed from his break for the weekend to protest to be the 4th in
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a row. the news on thursday, the french constitutional counsel ruled in favor of a change to the law that will make sure that a health path has to be shown in order to answer cafe bars. restaurants, even long distance trains. those places to the list that already included cultural sites like museums, theaters, and cinemas with more than 50 people in attendance. while over half of the population supports the youth of these health classes. there is a small but very vocal minority who vehemently opposed to them for much. i see this
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as a betrayal for french people. it's segregation and a form of apartheid with the vaccinated on one side and unvaccinated on the other. i speak on behalf of every one a little angry. it's not that we against the vaccine, but we have no one said because it is only 6 months old. it's called the fund. it's scandalous because the french don't want it. we know very well that and the constitutional council that people are close to power and will not go against power . in france, the 7 day average for new covert cases is solidly over $20000.00 per day. in germany, it's $1.00 to $2.00 and a half 1000. but wising steadily, the health minister again spawn is team to implement your restrictions before cases get to the levels seen in from a must school and negative tests should be required for essential things such as traveling on public transport. going to the town hall over the thing, a hospital, but nightclubs visiting stadiums or go into the theater places. as a more of
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a luxury, i can only imagine entry being granted to those people who have been vaccinated or tested for hope. is that by prioritizing the vaccinated when it comes to access to public spaces, serious cases of cove, it will be reduced. mr. bucks, a 3 g approach for those that are in which means vaccinated detested who are being tested, needs and who have recovered. although that could be revised down to 2 g approach should cases rise, including only the vaccinated. and those who have recovered from coven for this policy, has been roundly jumped on as draconian and overly exclusionary by politicians, including those who all rico alicia with german health minister spawn, i think it is wrong and legally invalid to exclude those who are not vaccinated from public life, no one should be excluded. instead we need to convince people berlin,
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government policies haven't gone down well with a section of the german population who are involved in crashes with police. the protest had been funded by german court and police officers, the facing investigation for a heavy handed response to the crowd. here of continue to fight, not only against the virus itself, but against the policies that are being put in place to try and stop it spread. peace roll over our thieves paris. or i do give her a twitter page some of your schooling time today, not just news to be fine. there are all kinds of stories that keep you in the know this weekend season. ah, me the news.
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